battlestar prometheus fanfiction

The fic hasnt been updated since 2013, and this is the last chapter published. Thus, we have 'Battlestar Prometheus', a crossover with X-Men, which is 90% . SW Character Sheet DaD5. Homeworld 2 influences. Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the canon you write in, retelling or changing the canonical universe to create an original story that stands on its own. Gaeta is responsible for the DRADIS, not communications; and thus Forge is also not responsible for communications. battlestargalactica. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. Dradis.Net - A quality website for Re-imagined Galactica Fanfiction, focusing on Challenge fics. Anthony Figurski. I believe Lt. Ruin Queen and authors like her have so much potential with their concepts. Check out Ryan Keeton's Prometheous series! Hes pretty much immune to the scared condition. Weve taken heavy damage, were going to have to set her down somewhere, Jubilee says, moving the raptor off quickly. They began moving towards more organic designs, and created a large number of cybernetic hybrids. And a piece of advice from admiral Cain ;). Alicia nods and goes around, looking to see if there was a priest on board the Elysium. Then President Reimus offered me this position in his administration, the first President to have a Mutant as a member of his cabinent in 14 years, and I jumped at the opportunity.. (This story stars all of the current members of the Prometheus Chapter of the C.D.F.). An experiment that has seen humanity create robotic servants that then rebel and push mankind to the brink of extinction dozens or even hundreds of times before. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. Or, rather, his replacement. How dare those heathens use her name in vain! The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor, Jubilee Not!Boomer puts a hand on her pistol. To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. You could have at least given them a name. Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the . The Prometheus's Viper pilot helmet ornament and ship insignia would have featured a hand holding a burning torch. While it is a Multi-universe crossover, only some elements are taken from many of the other dimensions. Um, no. What she didn't deserve was this weird happily-ever-after where she woke up in bed with her spouses (spouses, plural, what the frak?) Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Comunicao, Programa de Ps-graduao em Comunicao, 2018.Na era da convergncia, interessa estudar as relaes entre os meios de comunicao. Photoshop work featuring Kara & Leoben. Strikestar. Lt. Now into its third season, the story has continued to grow in popularity and has spawned its own wiki and strong fan . Thats not what a Cylon Raider looks like? Nor does she have brown hair. And it keeps on Growing. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library. Fan Fiction Novels from Clean Slate Press, !. Prometheus and Covenant are almost doing that to Alien as well. They have no indication that the Cylons are responsible, and yet Not!Adama here jumps to that very conclusion. Weapons free, The CAG says. While it would be interesting to see how the addition of mutants changes the BSG canon, this story doesnt even make a token attempt at doing that. Annastasia Dualla. Even if the Prometheus is an older ship, were still Colonial Fleet, theyll come after us eventually.. YES! Well, thats one thing that hasnt changed over the years, Xavier laughs. The other ships in the fleet didnt have. There has to be something left we can use.. . Broshure- Gears for Ship Building. Each launch tube has a series of bulkhead doors that keep the air in while the Viper is being loaded, and a door that closes behind the Viper so that the ship doesnt decompress when they open the launch tube doors. Battlestar. I mean, just look at our current world, and how bigotry still exists regardless of any of the various civil rights movements of the 20th century! Run!!! Joy has been bubbling up in her chest ever since Gaeta confirmed their position above Earth. It was literally an aside between Gaeta and Dualla where Dualla gave a report on the status of the fleet for Gaeta to give to Adama for the purpose of tactical planning. Told you the fourth season was asinine. What the hell! All right, we have three spots free, heres how were going to do this,, Not!Helo says. Eventually, both parties meet, and they see each others hallucinatory copies. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. My Destiny fanfic, Outbound Hopes, is mostly an adaptation of the Destiny plot. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! Theyre fully functional, and theres nothing wrong with them. The original line of dialogue here states that they lost a third of the fleet. Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. Facebook. With that, we come to the end of. Although we have seen fics that were so full of vague that even after a big reveal the audience still had no idea what was going on. this artical refers to the fiction by Ryan A Keeton, for information on other uses of the term see Battlestar Prometheus (Disambiguation). Any ammunition for her fighters was probably whatever the ship had left in supply. Now, in the. The Battlestar Prometheus series is a fan fiction by Ryan A. Keeton based on the Re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. Ah! Along with them is a Raptor, a recon and transport vessel a little larger than the Vipers. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, to hybrids between living tissue and machines. RQoO does know that DRADIS (Direction RAnge and DIStance, the BSG version of Radar) has a relatively short range? However one gets caught in the launch tube, piloted by Scott Summers who is not looking happy. Nisroch. The Hybrids are also sentientor so it is assumed. Deploying swallows to intercept, Jubilee says, inputting commands and moves the Raptor, deploying the interceptors that collide with the missiles, the explosions however hit the Raptors drive pod. So, yes: there is a mystery about who the twelve Cylons are, and how many infiltrators are in the fleet. in Commander's quarters on Pegasus (and hadn't that ship been destroyed?). Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. List of Secondary and Escort Warship. Now we must endure this mopey Not!Apollo OC for longer than wed otherwise require! Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Like getting a proofreader. Today, we cover the second and final chapter of Battlestar Prometheus, a BSG fic with the entire cast replaced with the X-Men for reasons that are currently unknownmuch like the Cylons nebulous plan. Let us commence todays festivities! Seriously? As an infiltrator, she spends the first season struggling with whether shes a Cylon or not, and trying to overcome her fears. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. Unlike the prologue, this chapter heading means nothing. Oh god, shes a dimension hopping OC!!! For Japan the games were not only a show to ensure the world of their peaceful attempts for East Asia, but also to get more international recognition and legitimacy for the new smaller states of the Co-Prosperity Sphere they had created out of China and Indochina. Otherwise, its just lazy to not think up your own fully original plot. BUT MISSING IN ACTION WHICH I HOPE TO START A FANFICTION/GRAPHIC NOVEL/AUDIO DRAMA SERIES LIKE BATTLESTAR PROMETHEUS WITH THE OLYMPIA AND HER ALL-FEMALE CREW DURING AND AFTER THE FALL OF THE COLONIES] . Thanks for the invite! This is. Also, theyre calling her The Elysium, in the same sense that some people would call Commander Shepard The Shepard or Gordon Freeman The Freeman. She didnt survive two wars to die this easily., I know, and I pray to the Gods that youre right, Alicia says. They are linked permanently to that life-support apparatus, and thus were a dead end for the Cylons. Do you have any way of taking it out?. Being one of the three only . What RQoO doesnt seem to get is that the Hybrids arent really a major plot point, and telling Not!Baltar to find The Hybrid is akin to standing a person in front of a pile of needles, and saying Find The Needle. Back on the Raptor, Jubilee and Sam are watching in horror as the squadron is destroyed before their very eyes. Then he sees the two Raiders streaking towards them, he frantically works to try and restart the systems as the two Raiders open fire, their bullets tearing through his Viper as it explodes. Gods, protect your children on this day, she thinks to herself, sending a prayer out to the Gods in the hope that they listen. The Daedalus is the first BC-304 produced by the Tau'ri and the second generation of interstellar capital ship developed by the United States military (SGA "The Siege, Part 2"). Work Search: Jubilee Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. In the X-Men canon, mutants are highly feared by many members of society, or are treated with distaste. the help those left behind to survive the long darkness following the destruction of the colonies! War Crimes. Anyone reading me, my systems are down, repeat, all systems are down. An encyclopedia based on the Battlestar Galactica franchise that anyone can edit! But the attack was really fucking sudden! That original content isnt even necessary or remotely important, just vaguely related dialogue or exposition. The Hybrids were both a failure and a success for the Cylons. Status: Complete. It was Admiral Nagala in the original, and the writers at least established that they were in charge of the fleet. Theyre honestly not that important to demand a name change. to the Hybrids, the topic of this little aside. Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men There would be time to mourn later, now they had to get to land. X-Men and BSG have so much potential as a crossover, but Ruin Queen chooses to regurgitate the BSG miniseries with only token changes to the plot and story. Oh, and we also got introduced to Renegade, a OC who is apparently Rogues daughter. Sorta. I got the idea from the Battlestar Prometheus fanfic and its fan art featuring its own version of the Eastern Alliance. Captain, were picking up something, Jubilee says, tapping her wireless. Gods save us all if the Cylons are that powerful, Marie says. Battlestar Wiki is NOT a fan fiction resource or repository. Most Cylons assume them to be mad, although at least one line of models has an obsession with the Hybrids. Her only other craft were the single wing of antique Mark II Vipers that were part of the museum, and some Raptors that she was presumably going to offload once the ship reached the dockyard. This is an alternate universe of the cannon BSG 2003, so there will be changes/differences. URL: Battlestar Prometheus This is the Commander, prepare for combat, scramble Vipers, she says as the Cylons get closer and closer. Lieutenant, is everything all right? Xavier asks, Alicia looks at him and nods. I wish I could offer more insight than namedrops, but these substitutions arent doing anything but namedropping. Internet - Chris Reyes ("Atolm") No. Lieutenant, theyre heading our way, we need to get out of here, Sam says, Jubilee is still in shock. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. Well, thats my mother for you, Alicia chuckles. What can we really say that hasnt been said before? Science Fiction (or Speculative Fiction. Battlestar Prometheus - Battlestar Prometheus is an on going fiction written by Ryan A Keeton. Cannonball, keep an eye on DRADIS, let me know if anything changes.. Congradulations, Mister President, Alicia says as Xavier wheels away, she shakes his hand. They find themselves holding on just a little tighter than usual, making sure this isnt a dream, that the other will anchor them to this breathless reality. A look at the time between the settlement on New Caprica and Founders Day. So, like all good authors, . For this reason, contributors to Battlestar Wiki are reminded that any information found in these fan-fiction sites should not be added to canonical articles on the wiki. The Cylons are out there. Gaius has his own, personal secrets; a year and a half into their relationship, he considers sharing one with Caprica. Quick, someone pull her out! The fic hasnt been updated since 2013, and this is the last chapter published. A space anomaly opens into BSG 2003 dimension, and life and death walks thru. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. if Not!Adama is meant to be Adama, shes doing a shit job at it. December 2093 the Deep Space Vehicle Prometheus and its sleeping crew are closing in on their destination, mankind's origins. Forge: Ive got this rubber band. No pain, warm, safe.It was immedietly clear something is wrong. Now, in the original scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Im not sure how an ancient unit of measurement is going to help, but Im also pretty sure the Cylons will never see it coming. All right, we have three spots free, heres how were going to do this, Sam Not!Helo says. I mean, why would you not come up with your own plot? Now its Boomer and Helo as well that are being replaced. Maybe its just you werent paying attention? It regurgitates, it bores, and it makes mistake after mistake after mistake. Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Otherwise, the ships are fully functional as they are. She and her partner Mystique also raised Rogue, for what its worth. So far, Not!Adama has exhibited absolutely no personality traits in sync with Canon!Adama. +3 more. and focuses heavily on Adama/Roslin. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens. President Richard Adar, looking to secure his place in Colonial History, dispatches the newest and most powerful Colonial Battlestar, the Prometheus, under the command of Commander Jonathan Turner, on a long range exploration mission to seek out new worlds to colonize. Canon!Adama never tells Gaeta to find any space traffic, and I think all he tells Gaeta to do is to give him a sitrep on the system, and to find where the main fight is going on. Vitaly_Portnov_406. They project the power of Sae'tzar and the Conclave across the seventeen worlds of the Alliance and beyond. When did Elysium get inserted into the fic! If there is a need and relevant consensus for additional fan fiction-related articles, contributors are asked to create these as subarticles of this page. As a side note, it would be prudent to note that this replacement for Apollo cannot canonically exist as the child of Rogue, as pointed out by Bats in the last riff. Again, this is not how this scene goes. prometheus fanfic; Robot/Human Relationships; . Battlestar Prometheus is a fanfiction crossing X-Men and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series written by Ruin Queen of Oblivion. She told me that you where the wisest, kindest man she has ever met. the radio signals of the DRADIS ping have to travel at the speed of light, bounce off a target, and then travel at the speed of light to get back to Galactica) and thus would take a long time to pick up that fight even IF they had the requisite range? After this comes more regurgitation, but to be frank, none of it is very notable. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Upon request I tried my hand at the old New Caprica baby fic trope using some combined themes and elements from my past BSG works.Contains mature themes. Uh, Elysium, I could use a hand over here, Alicia says kind of sheepishly. Comments: Dead Fic, unfortunately, and pretty short. This gave me the idea of modifying an old Galactica and updating it to fit in with the new.So,. Literature. Sagitara - Acropolis, Prometheus, Sentinel Scorpio - Pegasus, Andromeda, Phoenix Taura - Cerberus, Atlantis, Endurance . Battlestar Prometheus Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor. Meanwhile en-route to Caprica, the Viper MK-VII fighters are moving on schedule. Ended at the beginning of season 2. Also, its Munitions not Munitians. Flying the Raptor is Lieutenant Jubilation Lee, better known as Jubilee, and her ECO Sam Cannonball Gunthrie. Everyone is going to get a piece of paper with a number on it, we are going to draw three numbers and whoever has the numbers drawn will get a spot on the Raptor. What, is the Captain not doing his job right? Alicia asks. Battlestar Galactica: Dark Exodus by Stephen Dunlap (453K) - Cover Picture; Battlestar Galactica Series of Stories by Eric Paddon Ryan has 'tipped the hat' to the SIM by refering in one episode to the Original Prometheus as the Fleet Training Vessel and to the C.D.F. Mister Secretary, weve got someone on line for you, the Captain says coming in, breaking the tension, and Xavier nods, wheeling into the cockpit as the captain hands him the communicator. "I'm putting our family back together." And Roslin's plea for help entails more than just going to fetch Helo. Added perspective on Home, Parts 1 and 2. Each tube is shaped to allow a Viper to launch without getting caught. As she gets out of her Viper, she is approached by James, who is looking very unhappy. Towards the back of the crowd, If anyones wondering about the Not! There are no guns involved, only their missile launchers! Which was revealed to be less of a plan, and more desperate improvisation to the escape of the Galactica and the civilian fleet. In this story there was another ship, the Ares, which was of the same class as the original Battlestar Galactica. Latest Activity: May 3, 2012, MySpace !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. Action stations, action stations, set condition one throughout the ship, Logan says speaking into the phone, people are rushing around across the ship, most of them hadnt even been in combat before, as he sets the phone down he looks at Marie. BATTLESTAR PROMETHEUS. I have a passing familiarity with X-Men, but the only thing I know about BSG is Cylons = bad. The Battlestar Prometheus, although one of a kind, was still increasingly vital to the remnants of the colonial fleet. Insert telling-not-showing statement here. Semi-based on the 2003 Battlestar Galactica Series with characters from X-Men. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. Battlestar Wiki guidelines on non-canonical information restrict the creation of fan fiction-related articles. Colonial Warbook. In the years prior to the Fall of the Twelve . DEAD SILENCE "The Galactica has taken heavy damage to her port side." Commander Tajalle. In the CIC, the command crew is still working to find a munitions depot that would have been untouched by either colonial forces or the Cylons. In the show, Baltar hallucinates what is known as Head Six, a guardian angel of sorts who provides him with little tidbits of information, and tries her damm hardest to convert the guy to the Cylon Religion. Its a bit late to comment now, but has anyone else noticed the blatant tense shifting thats been going on in this story? Who has, like, one line that even mentions them in the show. Re-imagined Series Fan Fiction. As such, this. He isn't really talking about the missing one-third of the fleet. Thus, we have 'Battlestar Prometheus', a crossover with X-Men, which is 90% blatant plot . This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. . Battlestar Prometheus begins 18 months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. Yeah, sorry Mr. Secretary, Alicia says. Back on board the Prometheus, the deck crew has put the finishing touches on the old Mark II Vipers. Hes also one of my favourite characters, and I heavily object to him being replaced like this. The following article acts as both a listing and basic ruleset for . Takes place during the mini-series during this scene: Decommissioning Ceremony. The links provided here are for the convenience of readers and contributors who would appreciate reading or playing in these non-canonical resources. Groups - Battlestar Galactica Fanclub Mind Screw Space Opera with Cyberpunk and Speculative Fiction elements. How many people do you think we can fit aboard and still make orbit?. Not!Helo and Not!Boomer are getting the Raptor repaired in a field that seems safe, as they start to work a group of civilians are making their way towards the downed Raptor, causing the two to pause in their work. It was a different time, Xavier says with a sigh. Wait a minute, who put you in charge? James Maddrox asks, getting a glare from Xavier. Elysium, Im picking up a Cylon missile on intercept course for your position! Alicias voice is heard over the wireless communicator, the DRADIS in the cockpit confirms the reading from the Viper. Episode Eight: Dead Saint Day (To be released February 6, 2011). How many people do you think we can fit aboard and still make orbit?. Submit your writing We have to try, Jubilee says, pulling the Raptor into close orbit with Caprica. That might work, if not for the fact that they are literally just the BSG characters, with a different name, and the author saying Look! I started this a long time ago. (LogOut/ Terms of Service. We cant just leave these people behind, Sam Not!Helo says, pulling Jubilee Not!Boomer off to the side to talk. Adama isnt emotionless, hes one of the most caring and emotional people there is. They are propelled out of the tube via a catapult system, with no thrust from their engines. Ive been Crazy Minh, hes Major Wade, and thank you for reading! Hes also human, and hes flawed, just like everyone else. Canon divergent. Please consider turning it on! It first episode is post now and the story will spanned six seasons. As a purist of sorts, I think the quoted parts of the story should be, yknow, how the author wrote them. Hes the last person Id place in that role, and the last person Id expect to be scared of a mob of questions (not people, but questions, for some reason). Thanks! Addendum to the scene in "Guess What's Coming to Dinner" in which Starbuck and Roslin discuss the Opera House vision. this artical refers to the fiction by Ryan A Keeton, for information on other uses of the term see Battlestar Prometheus (Disambiguation). Theyre fully functional, and theres nothing wrong with them. Marie (who is not a God) looks up at the DRADIS Gods, half expecting to see a God appear on it at any Gods-given moment. The other ships in the fleet didnt have time to raid ammunition depots, mainly because they were busy being destroyed by the Cylons!!! My mother once told me that you opposed her joining the Colonial Fleet, Alicia says. The real Caprica Six conversely hallucinates Head Baltar, who is a crueler and more cynical version of the real Baltar. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. Cause I dont remember a Sean in this particular scene from the canon show. Come explore the Universe of Battlestar Galactica. Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. The Battlestar Galactica universes (Original Series and Re-imagined Series) have many fan fiction authors, games, and other media. Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. Theresa Madrid: Story Editor, Creative Contributor. Or, rather, his replacement. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, No, that is NOT what happens here. Commander, are you sure about this? If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. Ive been Crazy Minh, hes Major Wade, and thank you for reading! Even presuming that this is meant to be one Hybrid in particular, this #6 shouldnt have any reason to tell him this. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library. Every Basestar has a room somewhere at its core containing a Hybrid. Battlestar Prometheus. I was just thinking before all this started, the Commander, my mom, she wanted for us to be a family again. Maybe. time. Confirmed Renegade, The Captain says. Quick, chew up some paper! 25 years after the end of the first Cylon war, the crew Battlestar Prometheus and other survivors of a Nuclear Holocaust of their home worlds must fight to survive as they search for a new home called Earth. Central questions of the show include: So the intercom in this version is controlledby, Third off, the Catapults are old tech, but I dont see how that means anything. Raise your right hand, Irene says and Xavier does so, placing his hand on the scroll. The Vipers that had been rebuilt where being launched one by one from the launch tubes quickly in order to combat the incoming Raiders. Secretary the Captain says, handing the piece of paper to Xavier, who reads it over. The battle of Caprica part II. Battlestar Galactica (2003) (1) Predators (2010) (1) Guess hes in charge.. An Angsty AU fic that partially splits from canon during Season 2 'Epiphanies' (let's ignore that the Cylon sympathisers ever existed, ok?) I dunno. The, line of dialogue here states that they lost a. of the fleet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After four years of hope and pain and desperation, they've finally arrived. The creation of the Co-Prosperity Sphere had a great influence on the 1940 Olympic games in Tokio. Shes actually a Cylon, but she doesnt know she is. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. Marie looks up at the DRADIS screen, half expecting to see a contact appear on it at any moment. Id love to see a story where the events of BSG are significantly altered by the presence of mutants. So far, there is Battlestar Prometheus that was sent on long term mission to find new planets. Lots of interesting flashbacks (I think they're interesting anyway but what do I know?) Sometimes, she has a hard time showing her true feelings.. And for 25 years, there has been no resurgence of violence between humans and mutants, Xavier says. The mission leader, Dr Elizabeth Shaw, is in search of mankind's creators. They kill the Viper squadron with missiles!!! If anyones wondering about the Not! Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut UP!!! Shes then killed off in the second season. There are also comic book art by Chris Scalf, poetry, and much more! So, what do you think the odds are that youre next in the line of succession?, Honestly, very slim, Xavier says. Shes floating. The priestess from the miniseries isnt blind. All right, you all heard the message, Jubilee, Cannonball, I want you to keep an eye on DRADIS, let us know if you pick up anything, the CAG says. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! Oh, and that DRADIS sweeps have to obey relativistic physics (i.e. Lieutenant, Im sure by now youre aware of whats going on.. Set eighteen months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol The follows the Battlestar Prometheus and a small fleet on a quest to find the colony of the thirteenth tribe, Earth. crossover. Oh, and there was no name given to the Battlestar that got all its systems shut down. Caprica, do you think we can make it? Sam asks. Yes maam, what can I do to help? Scott asks. Athena (Battlestar Galactica 2003) Athena (the Lord of Kobol) Barista Doral. But in this AU, instead of facing off in a fight to the death, the last human survivor of the Prometheus mission and the last Engineer on LV-223 establish a truce, and even an alliance. Yes maam, Forge says, and starts working. Oh, so not even a name this time? Im afraid Ive got confirmed reports of nuclear strikes against several colonies, and unconfirmed strikes on the others, Xavier says, talking to the other people on board the Elysium, this announcement is met with despair from the other passengers. Colonel Howlette, start searching for a munitians depot, something that we can use to arm ourselves, Marie continues. Eventually, she loses her internal battle against her nature, and shoots Admiral Adama in the heart, nearly killing him. The Battlestar Prometheus also acknowledges other great organizations with the Prometheus name such as the Battlestar Prometheus SIM and the Battlestar Prometheus Chapter of the Colonial Defense Forces fan club.

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battlestar prometheus fanfiction