celebrities with bicuspid aortic valve

These Famous People Survived Congenital Heart IssuesYou Can, Too, On-Site CLIA Certified Laboratory Services, Click here for COVID-19 & Vaccine Information, Actor, body builder and former California Governor, After winning three Super Bowls with the New England Patriots, linebacker. That is someones life.. With so many similar stories, do you know why there is not more statistical data or studies done with regards to sports and BAV and changes in aortic diameter? To save nice heart the best would be doing nothing (! Thank you so much! Like I said, peoples experiences are all different. Substitute valves. When Ive had patients in your situation, Ive usually recommended getting the screening when its CONVENIENT. I have normal aortic size, mildly dilated aortic sinus (39 cm), and trace aortic regurg. For example, his spurt in enlargement happens to coincide with his spurt in growth. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and congenital aortic stenosis are two types of heart defects that may be present at birth. Kimberly has experienced heart valve disease firsthand. No LA, RA, RV, chamber dilation my son has BAV he was born with. Today, echocardiography (ultrasound) for screening or diagnostic purposes for some other heart problem is the most common way that BAV is detected. At this appointment she advised that there has been some progression in his regurgitation and she did a stress test on him which did not show any concerns and hey was a ble to do it for almost 12 minutes. Perhaps a cardiac surgeon would be able to provide even more detailed information about things like various options for operation that might be applicable in your case as well as thoughts about when operation should be performed. But, while doing my cardio stress test they discovered that I have a Bicuspid Aortic Valve. Normal LV diastolic function. Aortic stenosis, the narrowing of the aortic valve. Bicuspid aortic valve. My resting HR is 60-70 BP 110-70, according to doctors have no tissue problems, never had hypertension and was told that I was born with weak threskupid valve. Replacement? Its now 8 months after surgery and Im pretty much back in my every day life, was even granted to attend my pilot medical tests which are due in 2 weeks. Anyway, I just wanted to say I found this article particularly informative. I was wondering if you could give your opinion on my scenario. But for those WITH such problems, we do recommend curtailing either static or dynamic activities, or both. I would prefer not to stop. Max Page - Child Actor (Darth Vader in VW Superbowl ad) - Tetralogy of Fallot. . Our only tool to keep track of aortic enlargement is repeated measurements with CT or echo. Its a lot harder in the UK to see your cardiologist so you cant get the answers quickly. I just thought it was muscle strain., My body cleared the blockage itself, said the game show host, who credited the aspirin he was taking for what he thought was simple muscle pain. Aortic valve repair is sometimes possible. Use or viewing of any Baldwin Publishing, Inc. article signifies your understanding and agreement to the disclaimer and acceptance of these terms of use. The numbness/tingling has me constantly worriedand the slight chest pains have me always thinking is that my BV or Aorta causing issues?. The readers here would love to hear back from you as you work through this. Stories of Bicuspid Aortic Valve. He is certainly expert in the area of drug therapy to reduce the rate of aortic enlargement. While I recovered from surgery just fine, my return to my normal activity levels has been hampered by recurring arrhythmias, muscle atrophy during recovery, medication,and general inability to exert myself like I could prior to surgery. that suffer from heart valve disease along with a link to the reference story about their heart valve disease and their Twitter handle can be found below: ), the famous American television anchor, suffers from, ), the Olympic Gold Medalist (Soccer) suffered from, ), a comedian and broadcaster, suffers from a. The video is just 1 min 42 sec long. Im not surprised that youve received a conservative recommendation about exercise. Ten years ago (2006), doctors said that there was a worsening of the BAV but still no need to have Aortic replacement. thanks for sharing all this interesting info. Here are some celebrities that experienced severe heart valve defects and had to have either heart valve replacement and heart valve repair surgery. And its always valuable to frame up discussion in terms of how much risk is acceptable. The use of a less invasive transcatheter therapy in this . Ive been affected by heart disease practically my whole life, she said. SPORTS FIGURES/ATHLETES. I probably get more inquiries from athletes with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) than any other single heart problem. Normal function of cardiac valves This was during a 12 week intense training block where my resting heart rate got as low as 42 bpm. Mild aortic valve disease without symptoms may only require frequent health checkups. All they said is dont really do weight where you can feel the strain in your neck ?!? 140 miles at race pace. It is very frustrating as my doctor would prefer to see me live the rest of my life with restrctions and have the aneurysm stabilized rather than take a chance on surgery and possibly returning to my normal lifestyle. Regarding the PEARS, the main concern is about the possibility that the aorta dissects even in a controlled measure (lets say 4.5cm). He just turned 15 he is 511 203 lbs and has a heart of gold. Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. It sounds like youre off to a good start with your recovery. He was just diagnosed with functional BAV due to partial stuck together of two leaflets (out of three, as far as I understand, they are equal). She's currently spreading the word about the AHA's partnership with CVS' MinuteClinics for free heart health screenings every Thursday in February. Given my age and activity level, do you think it would be beneficial, or even prudent, to explore a valve repair surgery as you described above? Am I crazy? Contemporary reports suggest that life expectancy with BAV is no different from the general population. He will be rechecked with an echo, BNP blood test & MRI every 6 months. Four necropsy series5, 6, 8, 20 provide the only basis we have for estimating the incidence of bicuspid aortic valve in the adult population, as diagnosis by auscultation is insufficiently accurate and no relevant echocardiographic study has been published. ( I was much worse though). Defects can involve the walls or valves of the heart, or they may affect the arteries and veins near the heart. I take bisoprolol (low dose) and my pressure is currently normal . Enjoy! What does heavy weights mean? Anything you can offer up here would be very much appreciated. You are correct that we worry about the influence of such activities on the enlarged aorta in those with BAV. Less than one month ago Schwarzenegger was (virtually) hosting the Austrian World Summit of the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative, which introduced speakers like Prince Charles, Jane Goodall, and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a heart problem present at birth and the most common congenital cardiac anomaly, with an estimated incidence of 0.5 percent to percent in the general population. I have only played a few games of football in the last 5 years due to a knee injury but I have continued running for fun and do 5k in a reasonable 25 minutes. My cardiologist (whom I trust) said to keep working out like I always have (good news for me). I have been factual with him and told him worst case scenario is he is done with both and have pushed him to see the positives of exploring other things to do. Last few weeks Im getting chest pain on left side (very rarely on right side) while running and doing push ups. after surgery and was playing football again by September. Can BAV cause sudden death incidents in otherwise healthy 40 year old males? "Schwarzenegger's pulmonic valve was successfully replaced.". "Heart disease is the number one killer of all Americans, the number one killer of African-Americans and the number one killer of women, so I shouldve been put on notice since Im three-for-three. It is believed that Schwarzenegger had a bicuspid aortic valve which led to a Ross Procedure operation performed in 1997. No information provided by Baldwin Publishing, Inc. in any article is a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical condition. An article at Endurance Corner about Normann Stadler, A blog post about elite triathletes and heart problems, Aortic stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), http://www.athletesheart.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Classification-of-Sports-300217.png, https://academic.oup.com/ejcts/article/50/3/400/2197426, If there is enlargement of the beginning portion of the aorta to greater than 4.0 cm, the individual should have a. I have severe aortic stenosis with no signs or symptoms. Eventually I will need valve replacement. Today at my hospital, we do most 1st time aortic valve replacements for aortic stenosis (narrowing) this way and have started using TAVR for patients with previous AVR using tissue valves who need re-replacement. "I feel fantastic and have already been walking the streets of Cleveland enjoying your amazing statues. At 4.0 cm, its important to be thoughtful about activities. And what would moderate weight lifting be defined as? Bicuspid aortic valve is a heart problem present at birth. Thank you for what you do and for your responsiveness. However, there are few reports about the safety and efficacy of TAVI in type 0 BAV. No changes in regurgitation status (aortic regurgitation LVOT 19%); Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. Many thanks again for answering this. No one loves life more than I do, read the statement. The value of CT/MRI comes when a millimeter or two makes a difference in treatment, restrictions, surgery, etc. I was physically examined by a medical board at new Delhi for the post of a chemist in geological servey of India but they declared me unfit as I have BAV . Down side: durabilitythe borrowed valve doesnt last forever; it will deteriorate and need re-replacement at some point. That said I have a resting HR of ~40 (always have). I would not want yo distinguish between the various forms of static exercise that you mention. I have only trivial aortic regurgitation. Bobbie. Im a 42 year old male and have been a highly competitive distance runner since high school. However, my surgeon told me that he could fit a tissue valve and so would not need to be on warfarin. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. After finding out about her heart disease, Braxton stopped eating unhealthy foods at night. New guidelines from 2015 are in accord with your doctors recommendations about vigorous exercise as well as periodic imaging to measure the aorta. I realise that I will eventually need the valve replaced again and just hope that things go as well next time. The CVTI is waging war against the leading cause of death among American men and women - heart disease. Im 33 and I do jiu-jitsu. Also hypertension in both arms. After 5 years of amateur competitive rowing, I had no problems keeping up with my peers whilst training at lower intensities. It will probably take a visit with a surgeon (who has all of the pertinent details) to outline the possibilities for you. Crossref Medline Google Scholar. Benefits: no blood thinning (with attendant risks) needed. The current guidelines suggest that sports activities do not need to be restricted for patients with BAV who have no valve regurgitation/stenosis and who have no enlargement of the nearby aorta. A 2nd opinion might help by bringing another set of eyes and ears to your problem. Bicuspid aortic valve: A bicuspid aortic valve only has two leaflets, increasing the risk of circulatory problems and heart conditions. Do you recommend any particular diet, exercise, vitamins,etc.? 1, 2 Much of the data relating to its complications derive from necropsy studies since reliable . You could probably settle on a plan for return to exercise with your surgeon and cardiologist. I just need to know if these sports are a possibility (im pretty sure football is a no given its contact nature). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I had multiple re-hospitalizations but seemed to recover. The most common type was type 1 (1 raphe with the raphe positioned between the right and left coronary sinuses (75%), while the second most common type was also type 1 . Star Jones. Glad Ive found this website! Yes, moderate aortic root dilation can remain stable. however I have been getting pain (on the left side of my breast) and chest pain due to lack of oxygen. I do not know aorta measurements. My primary question relates to sports. Ordinarily, athlete patients with mild degrees of valve regurgitation can continue to participate in their sports. Some cardiologists tell me that I can run up to 130 beats per minute ; others say theyd prefer I do power walking because pressure always rises while running. Starnes implanted a healthy human tissue valve and said at the time, This will not limit Arnold Schwarzenegger in any way when he recovers.. ANYTHING other than walking and golf? I have ramped up my walking to 30 minutes, keeping my heart rate under 100 bpm. This can lead to stretching apart of the valve leaflets and leakage at the valve, known as regurgitation. Key points about bicuspid aortic valve. We have made the decision to stop playing high school soccer and will reevaluate in 6 months to determine about Spring team soccer (less intense). Dwayne E. Russell My cardiologist has advised me to avoid high impact activities such as weight lifting and endurance training. I am an amateur runner, I do not participate in competitions. Those with symptoms are usually identified (BECAUSE of those symptoms) in the first year or two of life. I had a Bentall with mechanical valve done in Feb 2017. This valve repair option is one that might best be pursued at a center that specializes in this problem. Thats about as specific as he got. Im not familiar with employment eligibility issues with BAV, even in this country. Aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement are done to treat aortic valve disease. Less 100mmhg. I used to be very muscular prior surgery and 3 mounts ago I started with 5 km runs, push ups and pull ups 3 days a week, slowly progressing. Arnold Schwarzenegger Helped Greta Thunberg Get a Tesla, Where to Watch the Biggest 2023 Awards Contenders. Your doctors will be in the best position to offer advice because they will be most familiar with your case. The best source of recommendations about safety of various forms of exercise will come from your doctor(s) who are familiar with all the particulars of your circumstance. That post is a starting point for todays discussion. I appreciate your response, thank you for taking the time to write me back. In large-scale pre-participation cardiac screening programs for young, competitive athletes, BAV is one of the most commonly identified abnormalities. And, of course, its important to monitor over time the function of the prosthetic aortic valve and the size of the aorta. I would think that, ordinarily, a homograft would heal up along a similar timeline to other types of valve/aortic root replacement. Hello Dr. Creswell, We just dont know. In addition to the European guidelines, there is also an American set of guidelines published in the Proceedings of the 36th Bethesda Conference. Although bicuspid . http://www.energystretch.com I was running 9 to 10 minute miles. A week after he made the varsity team as a freshman he was told by the doctor he couldnt play. Regards Doing nothing wont be great for my heart and wont extend my life neither probably.. It is very informative. Most patients can resume all of these activities by 2-3 months after operation. Assuming that 2% of the US population has bicuspid aortic valve disease, that is 6,278,281 people. Its very helpful for people with heart problems. As Schwarzenegger previously had two cardiac procedures, it is possible that Arnold may have received aTAVR using a Valve-in-Valve approach to replace his failing aortic tissue valve that was implanted in 1997. Athletes with BAV who have no stenosis or regurgitation of the aortic valve AND have no enlargement of the nearby aorta may participate fully in their sports. What activities can I do? I went through the regiment of meds that are prescribed post AFIB. From your standpoint (and your sons), it will be important to have that dialog to sort out whats safe. Ive heard from a fair number of endurance athletes after having aortic valve operations of one sort or another. (I'm a 17 year old female)After a heart echocardiogram yesterday we found out I have a bicuspid aortic valve, I originally went in to the cardiologist for extreme fatigue, constant racing heart (avg around 130bpm resting), palpitations, spells where I almost faint, feet swelling and turning purple, etc . At my last evaluation, my aorta measured between 4.3-4.5 cm, depending on where the measurement was taken, and the regergitation was classified in the moderate range. I was diagnosed age 4 and am now 35. A bicuspid aortic valve is a congenital heart defect that affects the one-way valve between your heart and your aorta, known as the aortic valve. Defects can involve the walls or valves of the heart, or they may affect the arteries and veins near the heart. Data from these studies supported the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of TAVR for low-risk individuals - replacing a narrowed aortic valve through a small incision in a procedure . Keep us posted! I would just like to share my experience of having a Aortic Valve replacement. It is very difficult to find information regarding the athlete and BAV. My cardiologist has told me that, based on how my heart sounds, he doesnt think hell ever have to operate on me. Down side: must take blood thinners to prevent blood clots from forming on mechanical valve. I understand its strenuous activity but if Im for example bench pressing it will get harder for me to put it up at the 8th rep.. The aortic valve allows oxygen-rich blood to flow from the heart to the aorta. However, this is not always the case. I was just curious if there any way to know if my valve is affecting my times at all? I have been doing as much research as possible on what are the advantages/disadvantages of each replacement. The heart has a difficult time coping with extra demands of exercise. She said not until it gets to 5cm. I had surgery when I was 10 years old to replace my bav with a St.jude mechanical valve. Throughout the years he has played football and basketball. There is a risk of sudden death in individuals with BAV, probably related most to aortic stenosis or aortic dissection/rupture. While I no longer due very strenuous activities, I still play softball, golf, kayak, ski, and do play hockey every now and again. EKG and echocardiogram were done showing BAVD. Beta blockers are frequently prescribed in the circumstance you describe, but in truth we dont know if they will be effective in delaying surgery for any given patient. Background: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has achieved satisfactory outcomes in the selected patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), predominately type 1 BAV (~90%). I know what theyre saying and after that I know that I have mixed feelings because I feel depressed about not being active like I used to be, but then I feel selfish as I am not being grateful. I had my BAV replaced in Feb. 2005 (porcine tissue) with a Dacron repair of the ascending aorta. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. If the conflicting opinions both come from cardiologists, you should ask them to confer with each other and arrive at some sort of consensus. That would include weightlifting. Probably wise to follow the advice of your doctors who know the details of your situation. I certainly know runners, cyclists, and triathletes in that circumstance who are active and doing well. Is this a normal side effect of the heart condition or not? And my doctor do not give me responsive and exact answer to my questions regarding sports. One situation that seems particularly ripe for differences of opinion is that of the athlete with BAV, no significant stenosis or regurgitation, but with an aortic diameter of 4.5 to 5.0 cm. There can be issues with aches and pains even months after operation that still relate to healing. Doc says no problem, but that seems to be contrary to what I see here. Now Id like to know your opinion about physical performance, before and after. This is thought to occur at a rate of about 0.1% per year in adults. Robin Williams - Aortic Valve Replacement & Mitral Valve Repair. The doctor looked at the results and told me to limit physical activity (running), because it can lead to heart failure in future. However, my most recent scan in October revealed all Stenosis and LV thickening had gone completely (Doctor said this was a very positive result perhaps due to excercise and medication). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. There are just so many causes of shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and chest pain.even besides the heart-related causes. ps. In fact, in some people they can go undiagnosed for years. Last i took him for the check up and everything is still the same but they said now the guidelines has changed and he is on the borderline of Mild to Moderate which will move him to restricted activities. Last week I visited a doctor and here are the changes for the last year (before|after): Although bicuspid aortic valves can occur . Should I increase amount of weight? Its always good that investigators are looking for new solutions to old problems. Celebrity. In January 2021, she underwent open heart surgery to install an aortic valve. Consult your doctor to see if there are any restrictions that would be specific to your case. There are 2 broad categories of heart valve substitutes that can be used to replace the human aortic valve: mechanical valves or bioprosthetic (tissue) valves. I had AVR exactly 1 year ago to the date. If he is a candidate for valve replacement are these sports he could ever return to In the best case scenario? Up until this time shes played volleyball, basketball and has even run track in elementary. I applaud your efforts to search out information to help you decide on a course of action. Your responses mean a lot to myself and no doubt others on this forum. I am now down to seeing my doctors every 3 years or so and have been doing very well. I dont know what to do .. So you know, this is not uncommon for heart valve surgery patients. As I train triathlon I check my heart every year and there is small back flow (the same last 5 years). Bicuspid aortic disease occurs when a defect is present in the valve that opens and shuts to allow blood flow from the heart through the aorta. Anyway, talk to a surgeon who understands quality of life means. I recently also did a 24hr EKG (holter) which was fine. I have repeatedly asked each follow up, if continued marathon training is OK. Im always told it is fine with the old adage of listening to your body. If so, youre far from alone. I had a good childhood being very active in sports and physical activity, I had just had to watch out for contact due to warfarin. My daughter (16 y/o) has a St Jude mechanical mitral valve (adult size valve even though she has had it for 7 years). Log in, September 26, 2013 By Larry Creswell, MD 155 Comments. I cant imagine life without CrossFit, but I wont be able to continue will I? Ive a BAV with the fusion being between my right coronary and non-coronary leaflets. Over time, there will be some patients who develop problems with the prosthetic heart valve or enlargement of some portion of the aorta (that hasnt already been replaced) that requires operation. Aortic enlargement in patients whove had valve replacement for BAV can be a vexing problem. Ive seen several cardiologist and they are divided in recommendations. Im 32 years old and back in 09 I discovered I have a BAV. The procedure was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. While I do not work out regularly, my job as a construction worker is somewhat strenuous. As I have aged I have upped the reps to 15 or more and two or three sets max, sometimes doing a set or two of 5 reps with heavier weights. Thanks, Even if its one person I help. Hi Dr Creswell, I have moderate to severe regurgitation and the heart is enlarged as far as I understood. My Dr. gave me the all clear to go back to my exercise routines. Check out Anthony DiLemmes blog, Anthonys Heart Valve Replacement Saga. Learn more about Baldwin Publishing Inc.editorial policy,privacy policy, ADA compliance andsponsorship policy.

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celebrities with bicuspid aortic valve