distance from canaan to shechem

It must have been a place of strength from antiquity. He was finally buried in Hebron at the family tomb, the Cave of Machpelah. It retained this name till it came into the possession of Caleb, when the Israelites restored the original name Hebron" (Keil, Com.). He was born probably at Lahai-roi, when his father was fifty-nine and Abraham one hundred and fifty- nine years old. Shechem's position is indicated in the Hebrew Bible: it lay north of Bethel and Shiloh, on the high road going from Jerusalem to the northern districts (Judges xxi, 19), at a short distance from Michmethath (Joshua 17:7) and of Dothain (Genesis 37:12-17); it was in the hill-country of Ephraim (Joshua 20:7; 21:21; 1 Kings 12:25; 1 Chronicles 6:67; 7:28), immediately below Mount Gerizim . It lay, like all threshing floors, outside the city, upon Mount Moriah, N.E. Also from Mahanaim Jacob sent messengers ahead of him to request peace from his brother Esau (Gen. 32:1-5). Egypt. In this city Absalom found a center for his disaffection, and repairing there under pretense of performing a vow to Yahweh, he raised the standard of revolt (2 Sam 15:7 f). Joshua 8:30. Among those returning from captivity were men of Bethel (Ezra 2:28; Nehemiah 7:32; Nehemiah 11:31.) 14. So thenceforth David sacrificed there, and no longer on the altar at Gibeon where the tabernacle was, separate from the ark, which was at Zion; for he could not go to Gibeon on account of the sword of the Angel, i.e. The first mention of Shechem in the Bible is Genesis 12:6, when Abram first entered Canaan. Apparently there were Israelites in it after the captivity, some of whom on their way to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem met a tragic fate at the hands of Ishmael ben Nethaniah (Jeremiah 41:5). Knowing that this was the land God had promised him, he built an altar. It lay somewhat off the beaten pathabout 5 or 6 miles off the International Highwayanother asset in times of siege. At length all traces of the idolatries were extirpated by Josiah, king of Judah (2 Kings 23:15-18); and the place was still in existence after the Captivity (Ezra 2:28; Neh. Then Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, arose and fought against Israel, and he sent and summoned Balaam the son of Beor to curse you. (See OAK ?T0002758.) So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and made for them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem Then Joshua dismissed the people, each to his inheritance (vv. But I was not willing to listen to Balaam. Abram pitched his tent on a mountain E. of Bethel, abounding in pasture (Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:3). After various vicissitudes it fell into the Moslems' hands in A.D. 1187, and has continued so ever since. There he met with Rachel (29). It takes approximately 3h 25m to get from Hebron to Shechem, including transfers. Jeremiah 41:5 that there came men from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, even eighty men, having their beards shaved and their clothes torn, and having cut themselves, with meal offerings and frankincense in their hand, to bring them to the house of Yahweh. 24:24, 25; 2 Chr. Because of its central location and vital crossroads, Shechem saw a lot of traffic in its history. Judges 9:1 Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem to his mother's brothers, and spoke with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying, Judges 9:2 "Please speak in the ears of all the men of Shechem,'Is it better for you that all the sons of Jerubbaal, who are seventy persons, rule over you, or that one rule over you?' . Shechem, a son of Hamor the Hivite. New Testament Overview - General survey of the New Testament. This well is still there today. 13:2). 4. Beersheba. "Jacob called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of that city was called Luz at the first" (Joshua 16:1-2). But Joshuas point is choose for yourselves; in fact, those are his very words. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. Jud 1:22,23 After the conquest Bethel is frequently heard of. Judges 9:23 God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech: Judges 9:24 that the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and that their blood might be laid on Abimelech their brother, who killed them, and on the men of Shechem, who strengthened his hands to kill his brothers. Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Geography affects history. A city of the tribe of Judah, south of Jerusalem When built Nu 13:22 Fortified 2Ch 11:10 Called KIRJATH-ARBA Ge 23:2 ARBA Ge 35:27; Jos 15:13 Abraham lived there and Sarah died at Ge 23:2 Hoham, king of, confederated with other kings of the Canaanites against Joshua Jos 10:3-39 Descendants of the Anakim live at Nu 13:22; Jos 11:21 Conquest of, by Caleb Jos 14:6-15; Jud 1:10,20 A city of refuge Jos 20:7; 21:11,13 David crowned king of Judah at 2Sa 2:1-11; 3 David crowned king of Israel at 2Sa 5:1-5 The burial place of Sarah Ge 23:2 The burial place of Abner 2Sa 3:32 The burial place of Ish-bosheth 2Sa 4:12 The conspirators against Ish-bosheth hanged at 2Sa 4:12 Absalom made king at 2Sa 15:9,10 Jews of the Babylonian captivity lived at Ne 11:25 Pool of 2Sa 4:12 -3. Eusebius, in Onomasticon, here identifies Shechem with Shalem; but see SHALEM. It was taken by Joshua and given to Caleb (Josh. He had twelve sons and several daughters, by his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and their maidservants, Bilhah and Zilpah. --The elevation on which Solomon built the temple, where God appeared to David "in the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite." On re-opening it, Isaac gave it the same name (Gen. 26:31-33). The meeting was of a painful kind. Watchman Nee said, "It is easy for us to lose the vision of God's calling. The shortest road distance between Shechem Israel to Dothan Israel is 103 Km. 4. 24:1). Then you too put away your idols in this spot. We should put away what is wrong and embrace what is rightor better, who is right, because Joshua says again at the end of v 14: serve the LORD.. Jacob's Well in Shechem (Sychar) is the place where Jesus met the Samaritan woman. It is picturesquely situated in a narrow valley running from N. to S. (probably that of Eshcol, whence the spies got the great cluster of grapes, Numbers 13:23), surrounded by rocky hills, still famed for fine grapes. Remember how Jacob put away his idols in this spot? Hebron now contains about 5000 inhabitants, of whom some fifty families are Jews. It was in the city of Beersheba where Jacob deceived his brother Esau and the strife developed, Jacob departed from Beersheba to go to his family in PadanAram, to the city of Haran (Gen. 25:28-34; 27:1-46). Abram pitches his tent between Bethel and Ai and builds an altar. You can also find the distance from hebron israel to shechem Israel using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail. (See JEHOVAH JIREH; GERIZIM.) ABRAHAM'S EARLY LIFE. A city in the hill country of Judah, originally Kirjath (the city of) Arba (Joshua 15:13; Joshua 14:15). It was about 12 miles N. of Jerusalem. 4. Joseph started his journey from Hebron, where Jacob and his family lived (see Genesis 37:14 . They all pour their streams into the wady es Seba, and are called Bir es seba, the largest 12 ft. diameter, and masonry round reaching 28 ft. down, and 44 from bottom to surface of the water. Jacob arose and returned to Bethel where he would renew his vow to the Lord and he built an altar at Bethel and worshiped God (Gen. 35:1-15). HEBRON is one of the most ancient cities in the world still existing, and it is in this respect the rival of Damascus. The ruins, covering three or four acres, still bear a like name, Beitin, on a low bill, between two wadies, which unite in the main valley of es-Suweinit, toward the S.E. Ewing. The existence of "bears," two, near the town, implies that Bethel was then less frequented (2 Kings 2:23- 25). Israel came to Bethel to consult the Divine oracle (Jdg 20:18), and it became an important center of worship (1 Sam 10:3). of Bethel. Jacobs two sons, Levi and Simeon, made a deceptive pact with the males of the city and slaughtered them all in revenge of Dinah. Paddan Aram in Aramaic means the field of Aram, a name that distinguishes the flatland from the mountainous regions to the north and east. 1977. It had steep slopes all around the high hill on which the city sat. Bethlehem. Joshua 24:1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel, for their heads, for their judges, and for their officers; and they presented themselves before God. It was David's first capital. The Babylonians - Learn about ancient Babylon and the people who lived there. Joseph, [being] seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad [was] with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.Isaiah 44:23 - Sing, O ye heavens; for the LORD hath done [it]: shout, ye lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel.Isaiah 49:6 - And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.Isaiah 58:14 - Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].Genesis 27:42 - And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, [purposing] to kill thee.Deuteronomy 9:5 - Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It lay South of Shiloh (Jdg 21:19). Judges 9:41 Abimelech lived at Arumah: and Zebul drove out Gaal and his brothers, that they should not dwell in Shechem. The naming of Bethel Jacob repeated more publicly on his return home, 20 years later, with his family purified of idols, when God again appeared to him, and confirmed his change of name to Israel (Genesis 35:1-15; Genesis 32:28). On the return from Babylon some of the children of Judah dwelt in Kirjath Arba (Nehemiah 11:25). Succoth. It still exists under the same name, and is one of the most ancient cities in the world. The distance between hebron israel to shechem Israel is 143 Km by road. Mount Moriah in Easton's Bible Dictionary the chosen of Jehovah. During the time of the divided kingdom of Israel, Shechem was the capital of the northern kingdom for a while (1 Kings 12:1). Aharoni, Yohanan, and Micheal Avi-Yonah. The birthright secured to him who possessed it (1) superior rank in his family (Gen. 49:3); (2) a double portion of the paternal inheritance (Deut. Joseph's haughtiness only worsened his precarious situation and shows us the danger of pride. HOHAM (which see), king of Hebron, was one of the five kings defeated by Joshua at Beth-horon and slain at Makkedah (Josh 10:3 f). Egypt Driving Distance Calculator, calculates the Distance and Driving Directions between two addresses, places, cities, villages, towns or airports in Egypt. Jeroboam shouted: To your tents, O Israel and separated the ten northern tribes from the southern kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 12:1,16). Called so from the oath of peace between Abraham and Abimelech, king of the Philistines (Genesis 21:31), else from the seven (sheba' ) ewe lambs slain there: indeed sheba', an oath, is from the custom of binding one's self by seven things, as Abraham made the seven ewe lambs a pledge of his covenant with Abimelech. The third resting place of Abram; Shechem was the first, Bethel the second. Joseph, when seventeen years of age, was pasturing the flock with his brothers while he was still a youth, along with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives And Joseph brought back a bad report about them to their father. Abraham, now 75 years old, leaves Haran and takes the family to the land of Canaan (the land of promise . It was originally called Kirjath-Arba, " The city of Arba." He was 75 years old at that time and moving was not an easy task especially in his age. 1Ki 16:34 3. Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh. Name. When Joseph arrived at Shechem, New Living Translation "Go and see how your brothers and the flocks are getting along," Jacob said. Abraham is called by Mohammedans el-Khulil, "the Friend," i.e. To the Southwest of the city is a small mosque on the spot where Jacob is said to have mourned over the blood-stained coat of Joseph. Many years later Joseph became second in command in the land of Egypt by the hand of God. The name of this city does not occur in any of the prophets or in the New Testament. Judges 9:25 The men of Shechem set an ambush for him on the tops of the mountains, and they robbed all who came along that way by them: and it was told Abimelech. 5. Now El Khalil, the house of "the friend" of God. 18 And Jacob came safely 4 to the city of c Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, on his way from Paddan-aram, and he camped before the city. And from the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, he bought for a hundred pieces of . 2. How old was Abram when he traveled from Haran to Canaan? 1. Judges 9:34 Abimelech rose up, and all the people who were with him, by night, and they laid wait against Shechem in four companies. 102 - 141 days from . Through the storms of life, O God, you are with your people in the person of Jesus your Son. Shechem. Its earlier name was Kirjath-arba (Gen. 23:2; Josh. (3.) One of the towns in the territory of Asher, Jos 19:28 probably Ebdon or Abdom.Hebron in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE he'-brun (chebhron, "league" or "confederacy"; Chebron): One of the most ancient and important cities in Southern Israel, now known to the Moslems as el Khalil (i.e. In troublous times the people went to Bethel to ask counsel of God (Judg. 10. Adult camels weighed around 500 kg; the dressing-out percentage was 52%. The two principal wells are on or close to the northern bank of the Wady es-Seba. His brothers, filled with hatred, sold Joseph to some Ishmaelite traders who, coming through the Dothan pass, were headed for Egypt along the Via Maris. How far was Canaan from Ur? Be it a strategic military position, an abundant water supply, or a convenient traveling location, geography determines, by in large, where historical events occur. Here also, one thousand years after Abraham, David built an altar and offered sacrifices to God.Mount Moriah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary Genesis 22:2; 2 Chronicles 3:1. When the land of Canaan was conquered and divided among the Israelites, Shechem was allotted to Ephraim, and finally . He then set up another stone in Shechem, saying: Behold, this stone shall be for a witness against us, for it has heard all the words of the LORD which He spoke to us; thus it shall be for a witness against you, lest you deny your God (Josh. Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary. Located about ten miles north of Jerusalem near the border of Israel and Judah, Bethel was known as Luz in pre-Israelite times (Gen. 28:19).The name "Bethel" (beit el) means the "house (or place) of God."Abraham, according to Genesis 12:8, built an altar east . Abimelech, whose mother was a native of the city, persuaded the men of Shechem to make him king (Judges 9:1-6), evidently seeking a certain consecration from association with "the oak of the pillar that was in Shechem." Gottwald held that Israel emerged from within the population of Canaan and not by invasion from outside of it. To the East of the city, in a recess at the base of Gerizim, is the sanctuary known as Rijal el-`Amud, literally, "men of the column" or "pillar," where some would locate the ancient "oak of Moreh" or "of the pillar." He said to him, "Here I am.". For they were obliged to do this when they were brought over Jordan into the land of Canaan, Deuteronomy 11:29; Deuteronomy 27:2-3.But this is not to be understood strictly, as if it were to be done the same day; for it is manifest they were first to be circumcised, and to eat the passover, which they did, and which . 1. 1. This is where Jacob builds his first altar, (just as Grandpa Abraham had done when entering Canaan). . 8:33). Laban caught up with Jacob in the hill country of Gilead. Well known at Abram's entrance into Canaan, 3,780 years ago (Genesis 42:18). This is assuming Abram went via Beersheba and walked "The Way to Shur" (an ancient road) into Egypt and that he stopped at Raamses. Ge 12:8; 13:3,4 Bethel was the scene of Jacob's vision. This is my map of the Sinai Peninsula, showing the route Joseph probably took when he was sold by his brothers into slavery and taken from Dothan in Israel to Egypt. This rival center would enable the northern tribes to worship without crossing the border into Judah. His bothers were envious of the preferential treatment Joseph received from Isaac. Also Hashabiah and 1,700 Hebronites were officers "in all the Lord's business and the king's service" on the W. of Jordan. In Jos 16:1 and 1Sam 13:2 Mount Bethel, a hilly section near Beth-el, is referred to.Bethel in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE beth'-el (beth-'el; Baithel and oikos theou, literally, "house of God"): (1) A town near the place where Abraham halted and offered sacrifice on his way south from Shechem. Abraham From Haran to Canaan. 4. The well dug by Abraham and secured to him by oath had been covered and lost. Some (e.g. It is still called by the Arabs Bir es- Seba, i.e., "well of the seven", where there are to the present day two principal wells and five smaller ones. The crossroads Shechem offered led in three directions. Map 38 Abram's Journey to Canaan . Here the name is ascribed to the Hebrew root shabha`, "to swear," but this same root is connected with the idea of seven, seven victims being offered and to take an oath, meaning "to come under the influence of seven." Although Laban proved to be more deceitful than Jacob, God was with Jacob and blessed him greatly. And now all connection of the Israelites with Mesopotamia is at an endJacob in Hitchcock's Bible Names that supplantsJacob in Naves Topical Bible -Son of Isaac, and the twin brother of Esau Ge 25:24-26; Jos 24:4; 1Ch 1:34; Ac 7:8 -Ancestor of Jesus Mt 1:2 -Given in answer to prayer Ge 25:21 -Obtains Esau's birthright for just one bowl of stew Ge 25:29-34; Heb 12:16 -Fradulently obtains his father's blessing Ge 27:1-29; Heb 11:20 -Esau seeks to kill, escapes to Padan-aram Ge 27:41-46; 28:1-5; Ho 12:12 -His vision of the ladder Ge 28:10-22 -God confirms the covenant of Abraham to Ge 28:13-22; 35:9-15; 1Ch 16:13-18 -Sojourns in Haran with his uncle, Laban Ge 29:30; Ho 12:12 -Serves fourteen years for Leah and Rachel Ge 29:15-30; Ho 12:12 -Sharp practice of, with the flocks and herds of Laban Ge 30:32-43 -Dissatisfied with Laban's treatment and returns to the land of Canaan Ge 31 -Meets angels of God on the journey, and calls the place "Mahanaim," Ge 32:1,2 -Dreads to meet Esau; sends him presents; wrestles with an angel Ge 32Jacob in Smiths Bible Dictionary (supplanter), the second son of Isaac and Rebekah.

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distance from canaan to shechem