bible verses for religious exemption

The vaccine effort has been plagued by falsehoods of all kinds. A religious nonprofit could claim it doesnt have to pay its workers a minimum wage, because the states minimum-wage law has an exemption for contract work. These are what defile a person." (Matthew 15:11, 19-20) Your personal religious convictions do not sit under the judgment of others. If you are part of the Christian Science Church (which, despite its name, is most certainly not a part of historic Christian orthodoxy), you do not. Read Paul warns the Corinthians not to deceive themselves, but to have true wisdom (1 Corinthians3:18). If claims like the latter were adequate for religious exemptions, people could excuse themselves from nearly any rulesomething no one thinks is sustainable. Subject: Religious Exemption To Whom It May Concern: I, Yesenia Fuentes, as the parent of David Santos and Daniel Fuentes am exercising my right under the . Essentially we are hoping they have an impact and the side effects are not too bad, because in general CNS drugs dont have great side effects. Photo by Jay Yoo, Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. , The percentage of white evangelicals who say they have been vaccinated or plan to get the shot as soon as possible was 56% in June, up from 45% in March (WSJ More, Matthew Arbo has a Ph.D. in ethics from the University of Edinburgh, currently serves as a research fellow in Christian Ethics at the ERLC, and has taught at Southeastern, Midwestern, and Southern Seminary in Christian Ethics and Public Theology. The logic is that receiving one of the COVID vaccines renders a person complicit in abortion because each of the vaccines was developed using fetal cell lines that might possibly be traced back to an aborted human life. Christians dont receive exemptions just because they cite Bible verses for moral values everyone embraces, like a commitment to avoid harming ones body. The temple of God objection is not a matter of conscience, itscowardice. The government policing people's religion raises a number of thorny issues. Displaying all articles. It is worth considering the implications of Pauls words if they did mean what those seeking exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine take them to mean. NBC 7 Investigates obtained a copy of the religious-exemption letter that Awaken is offering to its members. Some of us definitely are making a calculation as to risk/reward. So chemically we know that it impacts these levels in a lab. I am pro-drugs, and worked in the pharma industry for nearly 20 years. I can't even think about it.". On the body as a temple argument, Tyler has missed the point of 1 Cor 6:19. In still rarer cases (it seems like) there is a risk/reward calculation that causes them to skipit. Were proud to publish real news 365 days of the year, completely free of charge to our readers. But producing high-quality, independent work is not cost-free , If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting, To donate by check, phone, bitcoin, or other method, see our, Bernie Sanders Reintroduces PRO Act as Labor Activity Is on the Rise, Nebraska Democrat Vows to Filibuster All Bills Until Anti-Trans Bill Is Defeated, Immigrants Win Unprecedented Settlement Over Violent ICE Workplace Raid, The Nuclear War in Ukraine May Not Be the One We Expect, Truthout Center for Grassroots Journalism. In other words, the justices had elevated religion above just about every other right, including free speech and racial equality, according to a report out today by Columbia Law Schools Law, Rights and Religion Project. Just last month, Bishop Robert McElory issued a letter to San Diego priests asking them to decline any requests for religious exemptions to vaccines. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. But we must stop government intrusion now, some will say. People misuse Gods name for all sorts of sins. "A religious, moral or other exemption of conscience should be ascertained not by documents, but by a simple conversation seeking only to establish that the individual has a sincerely held, reasonable belief that . The New York Times, Sept. 11, 2021. The New York Times related thefollowing: Threatened with a formal reprimand if she skipped work in protest, Ms. Holmes woke up in the middle of the night with a Bible verse from the book of 2 Timothy in her mind: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.[7], The Liberty Counsel also rallied to the cause by declaring Christians have a religious exemption because they have a reliance upon Gods protection consistent with Psalm 91.[8]. Advice on asking for exemptions is easy to find online. What has your faith community said? Likewise, putting out a fire on ones body is obviously helpful to ones temple. Injecting something into your body that you dont fully understand is a different case. But often these are the same people eating Big Macs and chugging soda. After all, the Christian witness has always been grounded, first and foremost, not in individual political liberty, but in self-sacrifice for the well-being of others. If faced with such a mandate, some Christians will likely consider objecting to vaccination requirements on religious grounds. I would never sign off on someones religiousconvictions. As Jesus explains, "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth." He goes on to explain that "out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. But, he must also treat it with respect and care forit. We just hope the behavior improvements are better than the side effects that practically everyonefaces. we have no idea what is in them that makes them work. This isnt just a matter of my blindly accepting every form of medical intervention except for the Covid vaccine. There are legitimate religious exemptions. All that remained was for the spoils from the culture war, among them tax exemption for churches, to be divvied among the victors, who would decide whether to be magnanimous or punitive to the. But did God really saythat? As Christians with religious objections to vaccines, we share the goals of promoting good health for children and families, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. In some instances, plaintiffs have cited specific Bible verses to support their opposition to the vaccine, such as I Corinthians 6:19, Psalm 139:13 and Isaiah 49:1. What were doing (using we loosely here) is increasing our rapidly secularizing societys aversion to Christianity even as we win court battles here and there. If claims like the latter were adequate for religious exemptions, people could excuse themselves from nearly any rulesomething no one thinks is sustainable. Here is a sample of a Religious Exemption letter. Help! Why not? The likelihood of the cell line coming from an elective (immoral) abortion is extremely low, because elective abortions were illegal in The Netherlands at that time and it would have been almost impossible for the scientists who developed the HEK293 cell line to have acquired them from an elective abortion. For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians6:19-20) Here, Paul is repeating a refrain from earlier in this same letter: Do you not know that you are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit dwells in you? (3:16). They, by nature and theology, belong to the individual. But religious freedom is distorted and in the long run can be imperiled when it is stretched to cover claims of individual liberty that do not have a religious basis. People with religious exemptions are not just looking for excuses, people get these exemptions because . In fact, the 22% refusal rate was among the highest of any demographic group the foundation measured. Those statements were made by people (Jesus, Paul) who spoke and/or wrote under infallible and inerrant direction and filling of the Spirit. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me. Photo courtesy of Erin Kirschner, Dr. William Tseng from Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. Im educated, and I read a lot (much away from the internet), but I understand that not having worked in your field means I dont understand medicines the way those that have worked with them do. Vaccines to me are unclean. "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father." 1 Timothy 5:1. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. One little-noticed Supreme Court ruling upended decades of precedent. There is absolutely no way to measure the impact of the drug has on dopamine and seratonin in the brain. They make this argument for a variety of reasons. In our experience, the reasons appealed to by some evangelicals for refusing vaccinations are not, strictly speaking, religious, but personal, philosophical, or political. Supposedly thats actually a known side effect but who knows. Its a shortsighted strategy that will end up fueling government overreach, not curtailing it. More importantly, stop blaming God for your moronicdecisions. Second, a misunderstanding of religious liberty and religious conscience exemptions. Until we understand better the origins of this virus, every way it may have been modified, and what it can do, Im not convinced that even those studying it full-time have a complete handle on it. These requirements dictate that all employees, whatever their personal reservations might be, must be vaccinated by a specified date or else face repercussions ranging from required masking, testing, and isolation to different assignments to formal termination. In Tandon, a Bible study group in California said it should be exempt from a rule barring in-home gatherings of more than three households. Requests for religious exemptions from workplace policies were . If youre using God as a free pass to escape a vaccine mandate, then youre violating the ThirdCommandment. That content has meaning that can be known and understood in community with the brotherhood of faith in your local congregation, and in consultation with the Great Tradition of brothers and sisters who have gonebefore. He is a supervisor in Theology and Religious Studies in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty, and he teaches courses for Ridley Hall and the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Far from suggesting that the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in a body that is physically contaminated by illness, microchips, medicines, or other substances, Paul is urging them to keep themselves free from sin. A vaccine cannot go against Pauls exhortation, because it is not what goes into us that defiles us, but the sin that emerges from our hearts. Like Bert, Im not ever going to be the first on my block to run out and get something. We dont possess ourselves but are ourselves possessed by him (1 Cor 6:20). Vaccines violate our ability to follow the teachings of the Bible. I want to ask you to re-ask that same question againdoes this distant abortion connection really outrage you, or is it just a get out of jail free card youre willing to use? God bless you all. Larry, youve mentioned this in several threads, and I have responded to this in several threads. Austin Stevenson is a PhD Candidate in Theology at the University of Cambridge. Get the news you want, delivered to your inbox every day. No one else has to agree. 3 in 5 white evangelicals believe that the election was stolen, despite absolutely no proof of it. a. But attributing it to cowardice is misguided and unhelpful, and in some cases not even true. I still can't bring myself to think that there is a religious reason you wouldn't get vaccinated or even consider the possibility of getting vaccinated," Kirschner said. When employees state abortion complicity objections to the COVID vaccines but have no qualms about using Tylenol, Claritin, or their favorite anti-aging skin cream, their employers are justified in withholding exemptions. If you dont want to get the vaccine, thats your choice. God didnt just order us to subdue the earth. But others will not, and their prudential judgement still follows the religious teaching of the Catholic Faith. It's a much more complicated and complex phase and debate over religious exemptions. There are also those who are highly educated who refuse to get vaccinated. He was a very intelligent man who nevertheless was poorly educated. The Christian argument for religious exemptions follows two tracks typically: first, that the vaccine shots at some point in their production used aborted fetal cell lines. Sure he learned about religious practices and, because border was not clear for We Must Scream It Down. Fair enoughwell get there. Logically, a Christian does not have solid ground upon which to stand to claim the non-J&J vaccines are tied to an immoral abortion. As iron sharpens iron, This includes objections that invoke religious beliefs in general terms, but upon further scrutiny, appeal to other factors. Your information is being handled in accordance with the, How conspiracy theories undermine the common good. But What Counts as Religious? New York Times, 11 September 2021, This argument is a non-starter. The author provides no justification about why the vaccine violates his conscience. Yet asserting flimsy demands for religious vaccine exemptions will have the opposite effect. Now we come to religious exemptions for vaccines. Some people argue getting injected with a foreign substance such as a vaccine would defile their bodies, which they say is sinful. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Jackie Gale has never had a single vaccination because she believes that the Bible . Why pregnancy care centers must answer the telehealth trend of abortion providers, Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine, the decline of global democracy, and the Ahmaud Arbery federal murder trial, The SBC sexual abuse assessment moves forward, a likely Russian invasion, and the pandemic slowing, War in Ukraine, Ministry Check website, and more Executive Committee news. If you have elderly friends or family. But, it is true for too many Christians. This objection has no interpretivemerit. In most cases, meds are not new to the user as the vaccines are. According to research by Vanderbilt University, the Dutch Reformed, the Christian Scientists and a few lesser-known faith-healing groups are the only churches operating in the United States that have . Jesus and Paul were actually muchharsher. There are also a lot of Bible verses exhorting believers to "do not fear," "do not be afraid." That's been a really common theme in objections to a lot of the pandemic restrictions. Christianity is not a subjective religion with scripture that shape-shifts according to taste, like an Etch-a-Sketch. Phone: (615) 244-2495 Thats the case here: Pauls admonition to the Corinthians is being invoked to put a religious spin on a ubiquitous concern for personal health. Im only arguing Christians shouldnt demand religious exemptions if they choose not to be vaccinated. I think the comment here is innocent and innocuous. Is mandatory COVID-19 vaccination ethical? Many people are using Bible verses to justify their stance against vaccines. But since you brought it up, I have a friend who refuses to take a certain BP med since his friend starting showing signs of dementia shortly after starting it. Its in thebible! Paul says that the Corinthian church as a whole is Gods temple, and those who cause division among them are threatening to destroy it. Lets begin with Pauls first letter to the Corinthians itself. As has been already mentioned, we ingest all sorts of unhealthy foods and beverages without blinking an eye. There is nothing distinctly religious about the fear of bodily harm involved in vaccine hesitancy. Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4, and Matthew 19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned children as blessings from God that are valued and loved by him, their Creator, in . A seatbelt and a life preserver are worn on the outside of the body and are visible. God hasnt mandated seatbelts, either. At the end of the 20 century you had this Lancet article published by Andrew . The Court had, in effect, ruled that if a government made any exception to a rule like allowing people to grocery shop in a pandemic it had to make an exception for religious activities. -Joseph Grigg (1720-1768). This class of drugs impact dopamine and seratonin. I think that there needs to be room given to those who are just plain ignorant about vaccines. In 6:19-20, however, it is clear that the individual bodies of believers is in view. Many Christians are justifiably concerned about government overreach. Claiming a religious exemption to the covid vaccine is not only asinine but it also weakens true religious exemption claims over legit issues forbelievers. If a man cheats on his wife, can he cite 2 Timothy 1:12 (I am not ashamed ) and declare he has nothing to apologize for? This should give Christians pause. A sign of common grace? Thats one reason why I go out of my way to keep the amount of any kind of medicine I take to an absolutely minimum. In some cases its deception but, in many cases, its a lack of education. Look anywhere, and you'll find professing Christians using God as justification for their unholy ways. The service members argue that both the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the First Amendment require the federal government to allow exemptions for their sincerely held religious beliefs, especially since they are willing to take other precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in lieu of vaccination and the Navy is . Your statement that they are not well-understood makes me even more suspicious than I would be of drugs that have only a physical rather than mentaleffect. Get your FREE eBook about deconstruction: 'Before You Lose Your Faith'. On a Friday evening in April, the Supreme Court quietly issued a short decision that opened the floodgates for religious entities to claim an exemption from just about any law. Will not, and worked in the pharma industry for nearly 20.. Worked in the pharma industry for nearly 20 years and get something in at. Run out and get something austin Stevenson is a sample of a religious exemption claims over legit forbelievers. 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bible verses for religious exemption