can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor

I am wondering, in your opinion, should I even bother applying for a Global Entry pass? Thank you for taking the time to answer my question here. I had possession of cocaine residue in an old device flying into Canada in February 2016. I got a notification saying my status was approved later that day. I believe my school has not updated my information correctly. Could Global Entry or Sentri be denied if this is on my record? Im in California. Is there a chance they would approve a Sentri / Nexus Pass?, I was denied and they kept giving me excuses so I went to court and got my records for 13 years ago disposition for 2 misdemeanor and even then with a copy from the court I had to go back and get the head clerk to write a letter it was amazing an official court document and still gave me a hard time. You may receive an initial denial as the program can reject for any criminal incidents. You probably should examine your case transcripts or minutes to be sure this was a felony conviction and that it had not later been changed to a misdemeanor. You would need a separate NEXUS membership to do so. Im thinking maybe I typed in something incorrect. I have a petty theft from when I was 18, I am now 31. I did. If you think you might be mistaken on this, feel free to contact or call me directly. If you were living together, the program could deny you as being closely associated with someone who is a risk factor. Back in 2008I was detained by CBP for driving a vehicle with an ilegal alien. Since than I have gotten approved for a gun license after thier background check and got accepted into career positions after background checks with no issues. Hi, I was charged with a violation of NYC administrative code (littering) over 10 years ago. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request could provide details on this incident. I had an arrest Keeping Gambling Place in 2010 in GA and then the charges were dismissed and it was expunged.I applied for the GE, the application is pending.What would be the next steps ?Will they approve/deny or they take more time for Background check as my family got the conditional approval in 48 hours? I currently have tsa pre check,and a clean record not even a misdemeanor. I am still on probation, Is there any chance I could be approved for Global Entry? Hello I had a 2011 misdemeanor conviction for DUI. The agent was not aware of using any other form of written records to report criminal history. You would have had to declare it. This has only happened once in my long international travel history. You could re-apply or choose to apply for reinstatement with the Ombudsman. In summary, an applicant with one very minor violation and a solid ten years of rehabilitation should be able to qualify for the Trusted Traveler Program. This guide outlines the difference between Global Entry and SENTRI so you can choose which program is right for you. I travel internationally a couple times a year, always without incident. I would submit that at the SENTRI interview. *apologies for the double post, the first post was accidentally a reply to someone elses comment which is buried way up. I dont remember this from the 2016 application or I would have filled it in. I cannot speculate on what the Ombudsmans office will decide. Hi, Apparently i was eligible when they give me conditional approval and again after my interview. I had a Reckless driving conviction in 2014 that was later expunged from my record. She has almost 3 years of military service with security clearance (90% active duty). Most jurisdictions view disorderly conduct as a criminal offense. I got a sentri lane violation ticket for accidentally going in the wrong lane and I was fined $5,000. Should I even appeal ? My husband got approved global entry yesterday and a few hours later the status went from approved to revoked. After ten years, they should clear it from your record. Marijuana use is not allowed on a federal basis, although it is legal in some states. I would ask to speak to a supervisor for SENTRI, if the option is available to you. Do you think I would be wasting my time and money by applying for a Global Entry application? I received no fine. The expungement cannot hurt however and is a good idea. And if so should I send any documents supporting this misdemeanor? Is the 10 year rule from when the conviction was or when the probation was completed? I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the dispositions for this incident. Thank you. If I do need to report it, is it going to disqualify me from Global Entry? I received the Case Action Summary stating youthful offender granted for a Minor in Possession and giving a false name. 25 Feb/23. TSA PreCheck seems to have its own standards. CBP will use its discretion with a one-time old violation. I am applying for a GE card, on the question about been arrested do I need to disclose this and answer yes? I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I will repost if/when I hear back from the Ombudsman. We already tried to get it reinstated in 2020 but she was denied again. Some children are charged as adults, depending on the incident. Both charges were dismissed, so I have no convictions. My GE application has been conditionally approved. I was denied 2 times already before they overturn the charges and dismissed the cases. Thoughts on ever getting it TT back? It is the possibility to qualify for this process.? Is by any chance apply for second reconsideration? He was a resident alien and was deported. You might have a good argument for possible reinstatement with the Ombudsman, as long as that is the only negative incident. How long a wait is anyones guess. CBP can and does deny due to old convictions, no matter how old. Should I reapply? This was a single arrest producing multiple charges: Possession of Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E drugs, Larceny over $100, and Receiving Stolen Goods. If that is a criminal misdemeanor, then it could happen. I Just applied for GE. I would expect they would deny you. Whey to I do now? Is this true? After a 38 year period, is there any scenario that you can see where I dont qualify? His application for sentri was already done when he got the dui. I had a DUI conviction in November 2012. I put on the paperwork when I filled it out that I had a felony. Am I likely to be accepted for GE? I had a customs violation about 15 years ago. Since Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck perks, we recommend getting Global Entry. Will this disqualify me from global entry? Hi there! CBP apparently expects applicants to figure out the reasons for the denial on their own. TSA uses its own standards. I went through customs and was near the exit when a beagle made the mad dash. In addition to the detention only letter from the police, I would go to the records department of the applicable courthouse. Using Your SENTRI Card. I checked my app printout and I marked No to customs violation. You should obtain certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I cant get pass the first filter, have never been able to get to an actual appointment. I believe a felony conviction would automatically disqualify you, even if it was later reduced to a misdemeanor and/or expunged. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) should reduce the number of children who age out of green card eligibility. But it seems that she blocked my Global entry. I received a reckless driving ticket (Virginia Uniform Summons) in VA (speeding 83 in 70 mph zone) which is a class 1 misdemeanor charge in VA. Received fine. If it takes a long time to qualify, its not that big of a deal. You could consider filing DHS Trip for the secondary inspections issues. The website is new and will likely not recognize the old profiles. How to correct that is anyones guess. How would he be able to appeal this ? Both have been taken care of. My global entry is expiring this year so I submitted a renewal application and received both a denial and revocation notice due to a customs violation. My understanding of SENTRI is that only people with the pass can cross in the lane. Her story is that they found a positive result of marijuana in a test they took and revoked her sentri on the spot. Me and my two children had sentri for 10 years this year and they revoked it when my dad applied because 12 years ago or more he was sent to secondary inspection because he was traveling with a person that had a fake permit amnesty I think it was the name of those papers. I live in Mexico and if I need to get my records, Id likely have to go in person and thats not going to happen. Its my only offense ive had in over 10 years(traffic wise). Tuve un delito menor clasificacin C Both charges are expunged from my record, and my understanding is that a dismissed court case is not considered a conviction and not considered guilty. Do I have a chance at getting Global Entry? All rights reserved, Global Entry, Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, Trusted Traveler, You can find the official CBP policy for the Trusted Traveler program, I recently saw a reference to this policy in writing. While SENTRI cards can be used when entering the United States after traveling in Canada, the program is geared towards those who frequently travel between Mexico and the United States. After completion of the program they dismissed the case. How to correct that is anyones guess. Is an arrest for minor possession of alcohol in 2021 that resulted in a dismissal a basis for denial or must the arrest result in a conviction? I got deniend because I over stayed my vis 7 years ago before I got my Green card. I immediately entered and successfully completed the offered diversion program that was 12 months long. We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. This is sometimes called an expungement, but it doesn't really expunge anything or seal your record. Am I likely to be denied for Global Entry if I apply 7 years later? She ordered a fake ID before going to college and it was confiscated by Customs while being shipped and her GE was revoked in 2020. Do you think I will be approved for global entry? The owner used to rent the MAILBOX to x and y persons 1 of those ladies thought that it was easy to borrow the address to her son, that son was caught by cbp and is in jail now. Its been 10 years since the DUI. HI, I got a DUI in 2011 applied for global entry in 2020 and was denied at my interview. I had declared a gift but they said it was the wrong price. Your original charge is not particularly relevant. My nexus is still valid as it got extended. If you do not receive a conviction, take in certified copies of court records. Consider putting in a reinstatement request. I have never heard of anyone getting approved who had a felony conviction. Most likely, CBP will deny the application. I just reapplied. They send me to secondary inspection every time I cross the US-Mexico land border. I recently (03/06/21) did GE enrollment on entry in Bermuda prior to returning to the states. You just have to keep in mind that the program has been in a dark place the past year with zero customer service and questionable input from the Ombudsmans office. Will I ever be able to use my Global Entry? You have been convicted and/or arrested for a criminal offense Nothing was ever said to me in the in person interview, I didnt know to ask the officer anything. In 2017 I received a ticket for a city ordinance violation (no arrest/misdemeanor just paid a fine to have it removed from my record). To obtain a SENTRI pass complete the following steps as listed on CBP's: Log onto the CBP website at Sounds like you old people in your 60s learning what its like for people in the modern age with ANY charge even if it wasnt a conviction. Hi I got a dui in 2018 reduced to reckless driving and I got my my sentri taken away. When my stepson was arrested sentri revoked my card and my family as well. Would I be denied? Our opinions are our own. Would such an incident be problematic? I have a few questions Id appreciate your thoughts on: 1. I read most of the comments, but I havent found similarity to my case. You should look at and obtain the certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. However, we left the country in the beginning of January and a couple days after I got an email saying my GE had been revoked. IHG Rewards Premier Business Credit Card. But my case apparently is delayed at the DA, and I never received a court date no conviction. Clean record since. I would rather apply for GE. Is there any chance of a reversal? Is GE completely out of question or are there options? Am I going to be able to renew it? See My husband who is retired military and has had very high security clearances for his entire career and after as a government contractor was denied a few years ago because of a DUI reduced to reckless driving in 2011. The first time i got lost do to the gps. Hello. I got a DUI 22 years ago. all the info said do not meet eligibility requirements. Im not sure if I need to notify them now or just push it through next renewal. Is that correct? I had a Drug Paraphernalia misdemeanor that I plead Guilty- Withheld Judgement for 10 years ago and I was denied. Ive NEVER had any other kind of conviction. I have never heard of anyone getting approved who has had more than one misdemeanor conviction. The problem is that CBP knows nothing about basic customer service. I have had noting else since my 2004 incidents but my renewal was denied. If you were charged as a minor, ie. Do I have a chance to obtain global entry with that history? I just did a blog for Think Immigration where I discussed this issue. But, you would have to prove to them you did not have any convictions. But I was not aware I had a violation nor have any issues I can recall! Travelers must be preapproved for the SENTRI program, undergo a background check and attend an in-person interview as part of the application process. My sentri was revoked in September 2020 and I was given no reason. What that amount of time is a facts and circumstances decision by CBP. It could be a good reinstatement case. Was convicted of reckless driving and had it expunged. I currently hold a Secret Clearance(Im sure this doesnt matter). My mom who is a US citizen is 79 with poor health and she doesnt have sentri. I had declared the misdemeanor from 2003 in my initial GE application 5 years ago. I had It vacated in 2011. I am appealing my revocation, but wonder if its possible that an 8 year old arrest record would really be the cause for revocation after a clean 3 year membership. Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck perks. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. Can she apply for TSA Precheck alone if she is unlikely to be renewed for Global Entry? Will they deny me? I disclosed all this on my application. Since then it appears the application requirements have been tightened to include no criminal ARRESTS either. Hello! I have not had any other incidents since thenand just to confirm if I had missed anything else I ran a DOJ background check through my state and did a FBI fingerprint background check as well. They also expunged the cases as well for the state side. The details of the convictions will matter. Consider re-applying. I went to the interview was not asked any specific questions but was denied after that meeting. [], The New York Times has published a horrifying investigation into the exploitation of children who migrated to the United States as unaccompanied minors. You may be able to get the Global Entry fee reimbursed with a credit card you already have in your wallet even some with annual fees under $100. In addition, most states consider infractions to be criminal misdemeanors. Have you heard of someone being denied after successfully appealing to Ombudsman? I got denied for GE. In 1996 the case dismissed and expunged. I have a question regarding GE renewals. Someone apparently did something bad, I assume? I had been to the UK twice that year, so they suspected I was working, although they never actually made that accusation. OR at the time of renewal does the questionnaire about crime etc. Is that an automatic denial for me? I went into the office and the customs officer and I went through the bag and there at the bottom was the black stem of the banana. CBP has always taken a strong position against cannabis and its industry. Should I ask for a review or reinstaement and supply the docs to the Ombudsman? If this was the only negative incident, you probably have a good argument for reinstatement. Hi, my sentri got taken by customs this morning. Misdemeanors are criminal violations. Is this something that you can help with. [], Written by Steven Hubbard, Senior Data Scientist and Robin Lundh, Research Manager Black immigrants make up a vital part of Americas rich cultural life. I would not think 3 years is long enough. Im sure my girls would pass, but what would be your thoughts on the chance I will be approved too? I was given felony deferred adjudication probation around 1996. Pre-qualified offers are not binding. What are my chances? Basically, Im wondering if a civil domestic violence case on my record would be a disqualifier for this program. The program would likely deny you. My wife had sentri for a long time and was revoked in 2017. Wet and reckless is a criminal conviction and that could result in a denial. My wife has lived in the U.S. for 20 years and was approved a Unlawful Presence Waiver in 2018. I recently saw a reference to this policy in writing. You should declare any adult offense. If they never approve then why give me an appointment? They noted to get the official court record and present it at my next interview in person. I knew that when I got to the airport that I would be charged $20, which I was. CBP is a law enforcement organization that has gotten into the travel perks business. So a first offense wet reckless within the last year is simply to new and will not get approved? My husband is British and we are hoping he can apply for global entry. I also contacted Superior Court and they indicated to me that they had no record of my past court appearance. A few months passed after that incident and my sentri was revoked. Ive been clean since. The best way is to issue spot the problem yourself. Unfortunately, agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever.

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can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor