dan's funeral explained

No matter how much I can't stand it. And there was a lot of bitterness built up in my heart. I mean, I wish I had gone to the kitchen and just popped some popcorn, because I was like, "I'm going to sit here and enjoy the show." That's two votes. There was no question. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Why it went from that, to "Hey, Frank, let's meet in private." If she didn't, then Dan would win the Veto and be able to take himself off the block. And I've never eaten oatmeal ever again, just FYI. I'm borderline tears and so I go right to the Diary Room. It was Frank's idea. I think in the long run he was just playing off of her emotions to get a reaction. Frank got the first question right with "Avocado," and had to dye himself green to receive the two points. I was like, "You're not even supposed to be playing!" You can only freaking win so many competitions. This will be fine.". This whole thing is a complete hail Mary. S, Shane's crying! I still haven't watched the season in full, to be honest. All my allies were gone. The Queen passed away peacefully at Balmoral on Thursday, September 8. It's not as good as the ideal outcome, but it's better than if Dan or Danielle had won, right? JENN ARROYO: Holy s, it was great! Dan's won the game. I was pumped. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. DAN GHEESLING: I haven't thought about this really ever since it happened, but I can remember distinctly getting a weird social read off of everyone in the alliance. 100 percent honesty, I was like, it's a hail Mary. FRANK EUDY: Nobody was telling me anything at that point, but I knew that there was no way they were going to vote Danielle out. I internally smirked. There's a couple things I've said about you I'm not proud of. I really struggled with it. But at the same time, that completely goes against everything that we established and everything that we went over prior to the competition. Others pride themselves on their traditional horse-drawn carriages and excellent embalming. To hear. I was feeling like Jenn would just not use the Veto. And you know what? Sussex Police has since launched a murder investigation. She was the only other person who would say, "Well, that just makes him a really good gamer." Come on! Dan was, indeed, "the best of us" as Amenadiel said at his funeral. That was one where I thought there was not even a point of telling that one. Once the players reentered the house, Dan had just a few minutes before having to head into his 24-hour solitary confinement dance party. There's also a possibility that I was frustrated that she buzzed in and it was easy and she couldn't figure it out. We heard it, we saw it, and we made the ruling. I always wanted to leave my mark on the show, and whether it's the greatest move of all time, I think you can debate that because ultimately it didn't lead to a victory, but I'd like to believe it's one of the most memorable. We spoke to every single person at the funeral plus the producers and host Julie Chen to get a complete 360-degree view of the epic event and the aftermath that followed. I'm just mad and I feel like I blew an opportunity and I'm going home. Dan used his funeral to 'cut ties' with danielle by saying she's dead to him and making her cry. He was acting all "I'm not right. He knows the buttons to push. But I also knew that Dan was driving Danielle's game. What just happened?" It's working!" He was last seen alive a short while. It's so sad how dumb I was though. ", DAN GHEESLING: Shane fulfilled a certain role in the house. He was pissed at me and kept asking, "What the hell are you doing? SHANE MEANEY: I'm thinking my odds are pretty good. BRITNEY HAYNES: Frankly, at the end of the day, I knew Dan Gheesling was not going to win Big Brother 14. Now Frank's actually making the correct move, which is frustrating to me. The guy's not dying! And while the funeral saved Dan's life in the game, did it ultimately cost him the win at the end? But the Quack Pack was shocked when Dan who was supposed to be throwing it for Britney and Shane buzzed in and got question number two correct with "Hunger. And then, the bizarre happened. But the whole time I read it as BS because I knew that Dan was a competitor, and I knew that he wasn't just rolling over, and everybody's over there eating it up. Dan's ouster was so assured that he even staged his own funeral. DANIELLE MURPHREE: I didn't hear him say "Summer," but I heard something. There's a percentage of every damn competition that is chance or luck, so I just knew it wasn't going to happen. BRITNEY HAYNES: It was amazing. ", JENN ARROYO: I was like, what? It was incredible. To hate somebody takes a lot of energy, and it was taking a lot of unnecessary energy that I didn't want to have. What transpired around that I knew I had really little control over, but I knew Danielle would be upset by what I would say, and to me at least that could cause some diversion to the chaos. SHANE MEANEY: I really struggle with the fact that Danielle was the only one to vote for him. At this point I wasn't lying to him about any of the information in the past. He persevered through what seemed like a level of social anxiety, bless his heart, that I think a lot of people have not had to deal with. The Thomas family invite you to join them for a celebration of Dan's life as detailed below: Monday 8th of October 2018 15:30 St. Pauls Church, Walliscote Road, I didn't want to be isolated from the house for 24 hours. It was him ratting his squad out up in the HOH room and unnecessarily making promises on his cross and Bible. Look what you did to him!". And number three, how is this happening? They were just hell bent on him not getting it twice. I could have just taken Frank upstairs and talked to him, but I would have come down to a lot of questions about "Hey, what did you and Frank talk about?" This is really all me getting Spots?". I was thankful it wasn't Shane, but I was very, very upset. These were things I wasn't even worried about. However, I did what I had to do. The storytelling, the dramatics, the everything, and just the endless spin and aftermath of it all. A clear rule violation." ", DAN GHEESLING: I didn't feel well, but I definitely played it up. I want to welcome you all to my Big Brother funeral. DANIELLE MURPHREE: Oh, yeah. We don't need to get into it now, but in this game you'll never earn my trust back. No. I remember it was like 10 minutes. BRITNEY HAYNES: I think they were both deserving to win, and I think that a vote towards either of them is a good vote. NBC said goodbye to the Pearson family on Tuesday with the series finale of "This Is Us.". So I threw the kid my vote. I didn't look to him for help. It'll be perfect. I was disgusted that Ian knew Dan was going to do that and didn't tell me. Every time I saw Ian, I saw Shane. It gave me a weird enough feeling to say, "All right Dan, you're not throwing this thing, so go try and win it." I want to know how to do that if that's something you can control, but he actually looked pale. DANIELLE MURPHREE: Go re-watch the scene where he goes up to talk to Frank. None of that promising on any of that made any difference. IAN TERRY: I was like, "Oh, this is going to be the last-ditch effort." That's the one thing with Danielle that I knew is that I could read her pretty well, and that's why I trusted her. I really care about other people. It's sort of a mild statement. I did feel confident that if every piece fell into place that they would take me down. Danielle was a very smart player. Knowing that Dan's one of the best of the best, that's a huge ego boost. Traditional funerals often use non-biodegradable materials, toxic chemicals, and gases released into the ground. He just acted like he dumped Danielle in front of everybody, so he wants to come up here and be like, "Look, Frank, you're in the house by yourself. Dan's was good, but Ian did it in a better way not a cutthroat way. This is how I go out." I really started with me wanting to take a shot at Danielle because I was angry. But with their Big Brother lives on the line, would they do it and trust Shane or Britney to win and pull them off the block? It's not about compliments with Frank. Sprinkles, flowers, rainbows, unicorns, you name it. Is the Quack Pack safe?" BRITNEY HAYNES: I knew that she knew about it, 100 percent. Frank was duped a couple of times by Dan and had wanted him out, and then got got by him basically. They had to bring in a medic, because I got a rash, broken out and stuff. We can provide advice, support and resources. It was so good/bad. It was like, "Okay, I said it," so what are they deciding on right now? Dan agreed, yet then voted Shane out anyway. JENN ARROYO: I voted for Ian because I thought, "Damn, this kid is beating out a legend in the game." And then we just make the decision. That confused me and I didn't understand if they were play fighting, fake fighting, or if they had their own deal on the side that we weren't privy to, because none of that really made sense. We would have understood if he could have just told us that he wasn't going to do it. I had tried Chef Joe's slop cookies. It obviously seemed a little desperate. Presented below is Dan's entire funeral speech on day 51, broken up with explanations and reactions. So then from there I walked out of the Diary Room and right in solitary, and I'm like, "Here we go.". Maybe this is Dan's way of throwing it in some way.". DAN GHEESLING: I liked to see Ian squirm, but I do have a heart in the game and I really truly enjoyed playing with Britney. And I respected that. A lot of things didn't line up to what we discussed prior to the Power of Veto competition. I did have some bitterness. They're like, "Yes, you did.". DAN GHEESLING: I see Britney realize what's going on. FRANK EUDY: I could see in Britney's face that she saw the win. That gave me some confidence that there was a shot, but I didn't know. It was just him filling me in on what I didn't know before. We're still good to go.". Harry and the late Gwyn, Nancy and Betty, and a friend to all. He's just doing this because this is his way of trying to stay in the house. Seven years after Big Brother 14, Entertainment Weekly editor Dalton Ross conducted an interview with everyone present for Dan's funeral . And now he's saying something very similar to what Mike Boogie said the round before. So with him, I just tried to find a common ground, something that we both could agree on and enjoyed talking about with each other. But Danielle didn't really need to win, because I'm going home over her, and she's taking points away from me, and she doesn't have a shot to win this. Dearly loved husband to Janet, devoted dad to Fleur and the late Adam, good friend to Lee, a dear brother and brother- in-law to Thrse and Grard, uncle to Cline and Gisle, much loved son-in law to Margaret and the late Harry also a . Messages of condolence and support can be left for the family via the condolences button below. I'm sadly not any smarter still. I remember Dan saw my brother after and ducked inside a room, the coward. It was awesome. He's going to be alive. Let me gas up everyone else.". I was like, "I don't know, man. I've forgiven Dan. Kind of a shead move on my part, but at least it's trying to throw some discourse on the other side of the house, because it did get Ian mad at Dan. Leaving nothing to chance and with nothing else to do Dan then ran through the plan over and over again. BRITNEY HAYNES: I 100 percent think I would have gotten it had Frank not whispered it. I'm dressed in all black for a reason. She and I were fine at this point so I didn't think that she would convince Frank to put me up. I voted for Ian because he had the biggest impact on my game and me not winning. I get another chance to save myself because Frank essentially acted outside of the rules!". I didn't see a scenario where she used it, unless Frank told her to, and Frank hated Dan and wanted him out. I'm like, "Poor Dan, what a guy. Throughout 1964, his conflict with the Nation of Islam intensified, and he was repeatedly sent death threats. I see the writing on the wall and I'm like, "Man, this is how it ends. So I'm like, "I can't. We talked about it at the roundtable. I've never been one for pageantry, so he's just up there, kind of patting himself on the back for saying good things, and sing everyone else's deal along the way. I know some people took the use of religion very personally and didn't like that and that made them very anti-Dan because they thought that he manipulated religion as part of his strategy. One of the most well-known parts of the funeral service is the eulogy reading. BRITNEY HAYNES: I was around this jury and I knew for a fact Dan was not going to win. BRITNEY HAYNES: As his speech starts to roll out, that's when I start to realize, "Oh my God, this is happening." FRANK EUDY: From my perspective, any time anyone's ever brought the funeral up, I've kind of scoffed at it because I never felt like the funeral did anything to change the game. He was giving us the idea that the room had sickened him somehow, like a motion sickness type thing. While HOH, Frank opened Pandora's Box, which gave him $3,000, but also unleashed a new Golden Ball of Veto into the game, which Ian won, giving him a second Veto and making him safe for the week. Maybe he just answered quickly. Dan's funeral was not the only time Dan shocked both viewers and Danielle. Emotionally, she wore her heart on the sleeve, but I knew logically it would make sense to her. ", FRANK EUDY: I could feel like he wanted to get away because he just dropped that bomb on Danielle and I was expecting him to maybe throw somebody under the bus. That's what I was looking for. And he was. And as far as the solitary confinement goes, I kept wondering: Is he sting in a bucket in there? And sometimes they would ask, "Hey, what do you want to hear?" So I just felt like I was misled and it really broke my trust a lot. My dad respected Dan and thought Dan was going to protect me, and my dad's name is also Dan. She also could be mad because I embarrassed her in front of the whole house. I felt like I could always see it, starting with the way he always addressed me as Mrs. Chen. At Dan's funeral, Carol introduced himself to Ella and the pair seemed to hit it off really well. I'm like, "What in the hell did he think that I did? You know what you did, and in this game, you are dead to me. I have no regrets about it. It was the first competition she won. I remember him doing this thing with his eyes, like "I can't focus my eyes because they had strobe lights in there." Danielle won HOH and nominated Dan and Ian for eviction. Before Dan headed into the great beyond, he explained that he didn't want people to be sad, but to celebrate his life and everything he has achieved by vlogging his cancer journey. I couldn't have been happier with the player selections to that point. Someone once said that "In Big Brother, Dan's a great dropback quarterback, but when he scrambles, he's not very good," and that's how I feel. JENN ARROYO: People were mega-pissed at him. It was how everything happened at the end with me. People were going to be expecting that. He's throwing paint, and even after they stopped, Dan is throwing full things of paint in my mouth. If he didn't get that punishment, there is no way you would have been alone with his thoughts to really strategize and come up with that genius move. I mean, he was dead. I know moving forward with the Quack Pack we're good. He's sitting there with someone who he's been up against this whole time, and he's making all these promises to try to prove a point. I didn't realize that Frank was going to take what happened with Ian out on me. I really don't. The Royal Family traditionally wear the colour black for the entire period of mourning, which King Charles III announced will extend to a . At 6.30am on the day of the funeral, the Queen's lying in state will end, and in the morning the coffin will be taken in procession from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey for the funeral . JENN ARROYO: I was like, "What?!" Could I have done it without it? I'm not a good loser at any game for a lot of reasons. Here's this guy, he's wearing a carrot suit, taking a bath, gave up two HOHs and regardless of that he's still considering working with me? I would rather you lose to bitterness then to, "Hey, we don't want him to win twice." BRITNEY HAYNES: Yeah, he was mad at her. Because there was a close call like that earlier in the season, too, where we were doing the counting competition where they had all the candy and whatever, and we had to count. BRITNEY HAYNES: I was frustrated by it, because we had organized this plan.

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dan's funeral explained