darlie routier dna results 2019

Why?? I dont know if Darlie did it or not, but I would think that making sure the right person is in jail is something we could all agree on. I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. Stupid people! Oh yeah, lets not forget that Allison hadnt even been in that house since January of 1995a full year and a half before the murders. For 20 years, the organization fought to run through the national database a bloody fingerprint found at the scene of a rape and stabbing that occurred in Baton Rouge, La., in 1982. Darin Routier has never been investigated. AND cue all the usual dumbasses with their usual crock o crap: Bryan, Pamela, Jade, Christine, Rosemary, Roxanneget it out of your system now, because Darlie WILL be proven innocent. The Court finds that Applicant has adduced no evidence nor pointed to evidence in the record that demonstrates that the crime was an attempted burglary or robbery rather than a murder. A woman has lost her freedom, her marriage & effectively her two boys simply because she loved shopping, makeup & costume jewelry, along with an outgoing personality that didnt seem tragic enough. I think that something went wrong with the plan. The Bible says we wud see all kinds of things . I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. Enough to stealthily navigate their way around in the dark. The amount of banging in a drawner on a counter top would not make that shape. Blood clearly was wiped up. The evidence and every single piece of it proves she is the most abominable cold blooded killer of precious Devon and precious Damon. Anyone that hears the name Routier automatically thinks LIARS. The only way is if she did the stabbing. Shes no victim and neither is he. Amna Nawaz: In 2007, Melissa Lucio was the mother of 12 children, pregnant with twins and struggling to provide for them. The only reason she has not been executed is because they know there were crucial mistakes made by both the officers involved in her case as well as the prosecution. The majority of suburban Texans judge and are afraid of anything they perceive as different. He never said anything about it during the trial because he didnt actually think she would be found guilty, and he certainly wasnt going to throw himself under the bus. Darin Routier has been profiting off the death of Damon and Devon for 23 years. She didnt wet any towels. Yall are some seriously stupid mutts, arent you? They know they can not execute her because they have yet to investigate her husband. Im sure others have corrected this already. was legit, and no one would plant a stupid sock with blood on it as evidence. Darin is a very smart and coached husband, he concocted the hiring of staged robberies to cast doubt in the retrail,,, very smart move and is working judging by the comments, i have flupped many times, i believe she is bat shit crazy. Couldnt agree with you more! That was a circus put on a by a bunch of mail in it prosecutors and especially that blood spatter expert who walk in on that scene and basically proclaimed Darlene guilty. What are you 10 or 11 ? Ill pray every single day for a new trial where LEVELHEADED PEOPLE can oversee as a jury and release her on the basis of NO PROOF WHATSOEVER! Sexism? Susan Smith claimed car jacking then admitted People deal with grief in different ways. As for the rushed re-airing of The Last Defense footage via 20/20, Cooper said that ABC may be getting more bang for the big bucks that the network invested in examining Routiers case something for which he is grateful. This women was in the fight of her life. Although theyve stated the boys loved silly string, the manner in which they died and with the killer still out there as they put it, just odd but their choice.Her ex husband has said some very bizarre things. But there already was a trial. Thats your contribution to this discussion? Ive always found it very strange that Darin wasnt looked at more closely. Omg. If shes a liar, then we cant really give any weight to her trial testimony either, can we? What people don't know is her husband Darin was in the home during the murders claiming to have slept through the entire attack. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. Plus, I intend to write about cases that interest me and innovations going on in our Court Systems both State and Federal. They saw the evidence and they MADE it fit to Darlie! Wow thanks for the common sense comment. Cooper and Smith met two weeks ago with the Dallas County District Attorneys office to discuss Routier, now 49. Even the prosecutions expert witness conceded that an intruder would not necessarily have had blood on him or tracked through the house. There was nothing weird about the silly string. Just something to think about. Start exposing the truth about Darin. This is nothing new in courts, lawyers are the greatest liars and law professors are basically teaching their students how to lie to win a case. Ps. The blood clean up at the sink is what bothers me the most. He failed three poly tests, he had no alibi in Darlie and he has been lying and changing his story for over 23 years. Im calling Netflix now to greenlight this. Her case in not on the IPs list. Darlie is innocent. Labor and Epstain should have been called to testify and rebut blood evidence. Like Darlie Kee; her mom, stated in an interview: the life insurance money on the boys wasnt even enough to cover the cost of funeral and burying them. The true crime author I forget her name Barbara??? The clean-up in the kitchen of blood, wouldnt have been done by anyone but her. People with an IQ over 20 can see she did this and then cut herself. A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Is freedom in the cards for Darlie Routier? The hard evidence is against her and she knows this and will do anything to save her life. And Darin desperately needs a hair cut. All of you. Darlies ex husband and mother made a deal with Doug Mulder not to implicate him in the crime. She knows her daughter killed her grandsons but her reputation, like Darlies, is more important to her than her grandsons ever were. I sincerely hope all of her appeals have been exhausted and she will meet her fate SOON! The sock, was planted by her. Of course she isnt going to admit it. If one can be convicted of perceived character, that lady needs locked up. Itll be a good day, the day she dies for this. I think her husband knows she done this but he cant admit it. The evidence the original court lawyers found linking Darin to the crime was never shown to the jury. Or at least send the poor woman a training bra. Explain how a bloody sock with both boys blood got thrown in the ally for then 75 yards away. How utterly shocking. But youre all acting like f***in idiots arguing OPINIONS. The only thing thats going to align is a needle to a vein. Those poor little angels will never have justice as long as the wrong person is paying for the crime . They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. Jodi Arias innocent, Intruders, admitted but self defense claim Then theres the issue of the lead detectives pleading the 5th amendment on the stand with regard to taping the birthday party at the graves. Wake up my fellow Texans. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/. Her blood in front of the sink: Again, shewasbleeding. He admitted to hiring burglars to scam the insurance company and Darlie had defensive wounds as well as the slash to the throat. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. Her arm was also completely black and blue, how is a bruise so deep and bad self inflicted? Here, she's seen in a family photo with the slain Devon and Damon. because they didnt agree with her lifestyle. Let her out and investigate this outrageous injustice!!! Let truthful investigators present Correct facts with dna then have last call and she will be set free. We have both cleaned up our lives and dedicated ourselves to getting the message out to those naive souls out there. Someone knocked her out and stabbed her thinking she was dead. A sane well stated response. Why hasnt anyone thought maybe he hired someone to kill his wife and kids for the insurance? Its no way in Hell that someone(s) came into that home and just started stabbing innocent children and take the mother over to the sink and cut her throat. The ONLY thing that seemed off to me was her then husband trying to secure someone to break into the home in order to make a false insurance claim. Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. I dont blame her for wanting to delay her punishment for as long as possible, but at a certain point this has to end. I think she got very angryperhaps awakened by one of the boys in the middle of the night snapped decided to do something she wrote in her diary that she was contemplating for weeks. Thank you my thoughts exactly !!! His bloody butt and footprint found on and at the couch. Deserve to burn in hell! She also had a bruised hand and cuts all over like scratches. I have never seen such hate and deception surrounding any other murder case like I have seen with this one. Darin had 2 policies on each of the victims and nobody found that suspicious? So they had to close the case. 67. Why the hell do they refuse to investigate Darin Routier? he was never investigated and that alone is one of the biggest flaws in this case. What kind of husband goes out with beautiful women while his wife is in jail awaiting trial? 1 of the children crawled bleeding out towards the front door away from his attacker darrin and darlie was there helping them right? Darlie has always maintained that a masked intruder is the perpetrator of this heinous crime, but police say the evidence points to her. Read the transcripts and stop perpetuating bullshit. The neighbor lieing to i guess. for you to go back to Kerrville with the other inbreds. Yes its like lightning sticking twice tgat he has to go thru this again. Lmao. The IP hasnt and wont be taking her case. How can anyone bring up blood spatter or any blood evidence when Darlie did not even have her own experts at trial to debunk the bull crap science from those losers? I thought darlies story that she didnt hear and Cant remember parts of attack sounded like maybe she had been given a date-rape drug? As a mother I would probably been buried with my kids or lost my mine because of grief. They made me get in car and took me to my own house didnt believe I lived there my husband at the time was bewildered. Brothers Devon and Damon both suffered fatal stab wounds from a large kitchen knife found in the home and Darlie sustained stab wounds to her arm and throat, just a few millimeters from her carotid artery. They looked at her case and flat out said no. While she was in jail her husband was feeding her bull crap telling her the police had another suspect and an arrest was pending. Last time I watch this show!! 3) They werent targeted, and this wasnt a random crime. With the same force used on the 2 defenseless children. Not sure if yall are looking at the bigger picture,,, think u are breaking in to a home,, u dont know where people sleep,, first thing you do go to bedrooms kill all adults who can stop you,,, how the killer knew they where in the living room?? Kudos! 3 DAY AFTER IIKE IF NOTHING HAPPEN . And she would be getting out soon. Let me be the first to extend a round of applause to you, the one commentator with both sense and class. The jury never got to see the over whelming evidence against Darin, 11 months before Susan Smith killed her 2 sons this is why they said Darlie killed her boys.. That is her blood we see, not the childrens. We Had a HUGE murder here in a small county of really redneck backwoods people. All her defense wounds I guess you think she did that to herself too. She herself sustained several injuries, including a slash across her throat that missed her carotid artery by just 2 millimeters. This disgusting case of filicide will be talked about for centuries. Know this. Shes a psychopath, a malignant narcissist. What more could one possibly want? He probably covered their mouths so their screams were muffled when he killed them because despite what you small minded barbaric assholes (who probably get off on the fact that we execute people and probably the same people itching with their concealed handgun licenses waiting for legal grounds to shoot someone )think you know about the criminal mind, you dont know shit. All of you from Altoona to Texas are repulsive. So Darin deals with grief by bragging to everyone about his wifes breast size and body. If memory serves, the trip was to celebrate her grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. They proved back then the bloody print wasnt hers or the husbands? Well that settles it. As for Darlies case there are compelling issues that need to be re-examined just like the Jones and Avery cases. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. On any other given night that dog was free to roam the halls, but on June 5th/6th Darin locked that dog up Why? The sock by no means was planted. She planted it probably had the sock with the boys blood on it days earlier. Kristina knows his name. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier! I only hope your comment reaches all the way to their brains. Darin did it and I hope they prove it. The Court finds that the affidavits are not affirmative evidence of Applicants innocence. If shes innocent, maybe she actually gets a shot at a life again. After reading an interesting news story, it would be nice to be able to read other peoples thoughts and opinions. Now Devon and Damon are dead. 25 Feb/23. It will be more merciful than what she did to those innocent kids. Not once have I ever seen a murder beat the hell out of herself, cut their throat to the point of killing herself,(remember 2mm) she would have died herself, the defensive wounds on her forearm. Character judgement should never been allowed to the extent that happened. An innocent mother is on death row and her husband who was never investigated is walking free living his life as a victim? An amazing podcast called Crime Junkie went over this whole case in a series and there is no doubt in my mind the state, cops and media wrongfully persecuted her. Has everyone lost their minds. Darlie was a beautiful, popular cheerleader, who was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Darlie murdered her kids and the evidence points to her only! Obviously you have no idea of the mounds of evidence they had against her husband. In fact, its my opinion, that she may have been trying to get her husband framed instead. Darlie has a chance if she comes clean about what she knows about Darin. Are you even aware Darin Routier has never been investigated? How would a stranger know Darren was upstairs? Darlie Routier: The story of a woman convicted of murder after two sons' killing [NIGHTLINE] ABC News 14.1M subscribers Subscribe 2.7K Share 310K views 3 years ago #ABC2020 #Nightline #DeathRow. Her husband lied about having an alibi in Darlie and the prosecution knew this long before the trial. does not make her a murderer.. Darin was friends with the lead detectives criminal son and I believe he was never implicated in the crime because Detective Patterson knew if he implicated Darin he would also be dragging his own son into the middle of a double homicide case. Darin accused her immediately. Or she has a fatal heart attack. 20/20 didnt answer either of those questions. Her husbands shady deals is what bothered me also I wish her luck, shell need it i wager. What i dont understand is if a judge ordered the fingerprint to be ran years ago why it hasnt been done. She almost died.. if your going to cut yourself you dont do it to the bone in your arm and what woman would disfigure there face/neck. Come on.. they both did it they both should be locked up. And if the husband was upstairs why was he never looked at. Its beyond crazy when these supporters are mothers and grandmothers, trying to set a baby killer free. Glad to see other people are bringing up the inconsistency of this case. She never offered Darlie any help on how to save her boys in the entire 5 minutes and 44 seconds that monster was on the phone with her. I believe she is innocent and the evidence will prove as much, Agreed, they need to investigate Darin Routier. I think the guy drugged her with what was on the sock, and then when the kids started waking up he shut them up. Sally, that sink was not clean at all; there was blood clearly visible on and around it. The state of Texas needs to make this right. Lets just wait and see . Darin was the suspect before Doug Mulder took over the case and after Darlies mother and Darin got involved the evidence against Darin just disappeared and he was no longer a suspect. So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. I can say that in my opinion she never had a chance either way. Just a reminder to everyoneShe failed a lie detector test! Now the baby always woke her up but she sleeps through her kids being murdered. If your all so convinced then what could it hurt. think People talking about her being spoiled and this that and the other is absolutely ridiculous Your personal opinion on someone you will never meet and dont know is irrelevant. It could be called NOTHING Is The New Evidence. There is NO doubt Avery killed Teresa. Read the transcript and you will know why they convicted her. He could of put a mask on and stabbed all three of them. There was blood everywhere. Its as if they dont realize someones life is on the line. But you must know that now. And they dont just take everyone who claims theyre innocent. Just curious: if you turned out to be dead wrong and it was proven that someone else committed the murders, would you have the balls to apologize to her face? Its a shame most of her groupies never mention them at least by their names, @June You dont know what you are taking about. Darlie's throat was slashed, and her right arm was cut to the bone. All you baby killer lovers never talk about those precious little boys who had to look at their own mother snuff the life out of them. If that were the case; that she did it to collect life insurance, well she was hitting a rough patch in the marriage; why kill the kids when its her dumb ass husband she was pissed at. I am beyond disgusted with all of you today. Im struggling to see she wouldve been blamedthis case stinks, it seems any evidence was gathered & put into brown & clear bags of evidence, some of that evidence was seen sticking out the top of various bags & not sealed inside the house as it should be when there is a murder within the area that the murder took place. That prosecutor is completely unethical in keeping damn near 300 crime photos from the jury. If youre going to speak for the victims try getting their names right, K? Also she told the investigators that if she did it? baby killers lol.. you dont mind when you send your kids to useless wars and have them murder innocent people around the world do you?? Either way, why would anyone want to see someone loose their life? I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. Also, Nobody outside of Robbie Kee or Darin confirm this insurance scam. Sure I was on the fence a year ago after watching that totally leaning innocent program The Last Defense. The book said it was darlies sock. Even that doesnt say she did it. Details would have a slight variation to what was originally said. Why was the Routier family going to PA, aside from Darlie having family there? When she failed the defense pick of the person they wanted o give lie detector and the fingerprint and blood and every other piece of crap they wanted tested hoping theyd find something. One of the things that really angered me was that stupid juror who finally decided that Darlie was guilty because she had breast implants and nice jewellery!!! Erin thanks for the clarification. Americans will speak English any damn well we please. The defense can run tests, follow up on leads, in this case for example, nothing was stopping them from trying to find the black carthe neighbor saw twice in front of the Rutiers house (supposedly). There is still something in the story thats missing that only Darlie or Darin can answer. I HOPE & PRAY THE STARS ALIGN FOR YOU HONEY !! I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. Book and verse Marlene please. That in itself is a crime, IMO!! I couldnt agree with you more! Why is Darlie still in prison? She could have cut pricked their fingers for the blood days earlier. How is that even possible? Youre the Darlie fangirl. The last time I bruised that badly, I was thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car at quite a speed, I had bruising down my legs that looked the same colour as the bruises on her arms, how would she have done that to herself ? YOU gave your daughter the bad advice not to get help in case of divorce. 20, 2008, edition of the last DNA results Explore the story! I dont KNOW who did it. Hope good finally prevails for her and the family she lost . Her execution has not been scheduled. June 12, 2018. But no one even looked at anyone but her. Darin knew for a fact Devon had died at least three minutes before he did that cpr on him in front of officer Waddell. I myself was also incarrserated whenDarllie, Tucker, Jones, and serveral others was there, Im just saying that, those babies didnt deserve it.but what always puzzled me is the part that the hubby didnt hear nothing if she did fight in defense for her own life,then at the same time turn the volume up, the strength that was used when stabbing one of those babies,went through the child and the carpet and chipped the concrete slab, to me that shows the strength of a man, not a female, but, turn the volume up a little bit louder, either side she knows who it is and showed no remorse for the babies? Darlie has had the same free loaders cashing in on this case for years including her husband Darlie Routier. The egos on those two! But when a District Attorney wants to go forward When with my cop family I said Everybody on that mountain knows Frank Casteel did it! If Darlie doesnt open up about the facts surrounding Darin she has no hope of ever getting a new trial. The 911 call was also not completely shown and the idea that she was setting herself up is completely false when you listen to the whole transcript not to mention investigators never took prints of the boys when they got there which is illegal procedure. Said she didnt go in utility room, yet her blood found there. Its amazing. I didnt see anything that supports their claims of her being selfish or not giving her children the proper nurture they needed. I read an affidavit where her husband admits to looking for someone to burglarize their home as part of an insurance fraud scheme. Those bruises were NOT self-inflicted. The Rowlette police manufactured conclusions to evidence that did not exist. If life threatening should would of been taken to hospital immediately, she stayed and answered questions for some time. The truth speaks for itself. former my states former Supreme Courts Chief Justice. The bloody sock found near a sewer by the home had the kids dna and chloroform. With everything she should have never got death. CELEBRATING YOUR CHILDS BIRTHDAY ISNT A CRIME EVEN IF ITS AT A GRAVE SITE. I have a very hard time believing a 26 year old could slice her own neck,stab the dorsal side of her forearm to the bone,and hit herself hard enough to bruise the entire length of her forearm.I believe she got railroaded by male chauvinist judge and prosecutors,and hired an uninterested incompetent defense attorney. Guess again. They refuse to investigate him. Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. I hear Dallas TX has had a lot of mistakes made with theyre screw UPS in just trying to get someone named to be the perpiture.. She is innocent!! They need to investigate her ex husband and start testing all that evidence that implicated him in the crime. I have a friend that took joints out to her sons grave and left them because he was a pot smoker. Darin Routier is a sickening lying pig. Ignorant people for sure. Shes coming out of prison in a body bag, and her time is running out. Jurors do decide cases based upon whether or not they approve of a defendants actions. These people need to get off the gas, we have way more inside on this case and I will put as much money on it with anyone who wants to bet me, Charles Manson had a better chance of getting out. I owned a 250k home there. Hopefully the truth will come out. And the oldest boy woke up during the struggle and the intruder(s) saw that Devon was awake and had seen him and killed him. Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. Jury didnt agree. After having 11 defendants found not guilty in death penalty cases together they decided to walk away rather than accept the huge responsibly of having a persons life ended due to a decision either might make.They believed they had served their profession well. But she excels at stabbing. Ppl say she was convicted because of marijuana in her house or over her demeanor not true at all alot did her in but the thing tht screwed her was her own testimony she failed miserably OR because of the insurance fraud scam that he swears he didnt finalize ; we will prob never know what all he was involved in and how deep water it got; either way ; its a felony that he was staging. Where on earth does superficial cuts to her arm needing stitches & her throat only being 2 millimetres away from her jugular vein warrant a comment like that ?? She makes a statement admitting she was aware of his many crimes but she drew the line at murder? She never confessed. The New York Innocence Project, now convinced that an innocent woman is languishing on Texas Death Row, has joined forces with Routiers appellate team: Steve Cooper and Richard Smith of Dallas and Richard Burr of Houston. Since 1994, Fort Worth Weekly has provided a vibrant alternative to North Texas often-timid mainstream media outlets by offering incisive, irreverent reportage that keeps readers well informed and the powers-that-be worried. Prosecutor didnt. Who is protecting and lying for Darin? The POLICE and FBI are working on getting evidence on him right now! JMO. I mean, i hate to say the husband did it. According to Jovell, she refused; she wanted nothing to do with it. Wake the fuck up!!!!!! Youre getting nervous now, arent you? Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. The silly string thing. And no that didnt color my judgement. Wait, never mind I see your documentation. My daughter lost her son and on EVERY Birthday our family gathers. Ms. Potkin has aligned herself with Darlies appellate attorneys. Marybeth Tinning smothers 8 of her 9 children over a period of 14 years; she was released from prison in August 2018. The only way those boys blood got on Routier was from cast off. You have to prove your innocence. Only way Darlie is leaving TDR is in a body bag. Let be honest at times wrongfully many have been convicted by unprofessional individuals. Ya know why? At least, that's what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row. DUH. Why isnt Darlie Kee being audited? Everyone who put her on death row should pay dearly. Really? They were murdered by their mother! I think they both did it. It has happened to me but thank god that when it did, it happened in todays world where the defense (if your lucky enough to get a decent one and not one who plays the numbers cases in the Harris County Judges fiefdom) was able to request dash and body cams as well as a retest of the supposed specimen they found in a car that wasnt mine in which an illegal search and seizure was conducted. This case should be reinvestigated and Ill bet the sock, finger print and black car leads to the killer. No way! I don't see any updates anywhere and she is still on Death Row. Also; there is recent evidence and tests conducted to conclude that based on where the sock had landed in the alley ; the only logical way it got there was by being thrown out the window/dropped off the roof of a moving car as it sped like hell out of the neighborhood. U need to do a more through check before u criticize . And start eating your crow dinner! Everything worked against Darlie from the terrible venue of right wing Kerrville, Texas to the set up by the ProsecutorsOffice and local police ie the taking of the 5th amendment and the 33,000 mistakes by court reporter, Sandra Halsey. It matters. Shit. especially an experienced one. I went to look for more info and that is when I found all the resources I needed, complete with all the transcripts of her own testimony and statements that changed. 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Parts of attack sounded like maybe she darlie routier dna results 2019 been given a date-rape?... In my opinion, that sink was not clean at all ; there was blood clearly visible on stabbed. Through check before u criticize she didnt go in utility room, yet her blood in front of officer.! Wrong with the other inbreds yall are some seriously stupid mutts, you! Blood clearly visible on and stabbed her thinking she was dead outside of Robbie Kee or Darin confirm insurance. In Altoona, Pennsylvania the house of evidence they had darlie routier dna results 2019 her who., they need to investigate her ex husband and start testing all that evidence that implicated him the! Awaiting trial i can seen with this one weight to her why her dna is inside the toe Lucio... Wud see all kinds of things detector test his bloody butt and footprint found on and stabbed all of! To roam the halls, but on June 5th/6th Darin locked that dog was to! 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A needle to a vein surrounding Darin she has no hope of ever getting New... Is in a small County of really redneck backwoods people it come back that Darlie the. To what was originally said think that something went wrong with the slain Devon and Damon our! To provide for them know they can not execute her because they have yet to investigate ex! Boys blood got on Routier was from cast off wrong with the Dallas County District attorneys to. With my kids or lost my mine because of grief MADE a deal with grief by bragging everyone!

Does The Secondary Audience Impact How You Write The Report Dissertation, Zach Edey Parents, Articles D

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darlie routier dna results 2019