did vikings have dreadlocks

While modern pop culture depictions of Vikings would have you believe they were unkempt and rather rough around the edges in appearance, the evidence supports the use of combs and a preference for well-groomed beards and hair. Consequently, having short hair was a sign of disgrace, as it identified you as an enslaved person with fewer rights and freedoms than the average community member. The origin of dreadlocks within the Rastafari tradition is a topic of much debate. Theres also the matter of the impressions various hairstyles made. [38], In the NBA there has been controversy over the Brooklyn Nets guard Jeremy Lin, an Asian-American who garnered mild controversy over his choice of dreadlocks. The stereotypical image of a Viking, thanks in part to depictions of them in popular culture, is that they had white or light-colored skin and blonde, or sometimes brown, hair. Did Vikings have dreads? Did dreadlocks come from Vikings? The Vikings would often braid these dreads together to form thick plaits, though they could pull them into tight buns or knots. The cultivation of dreadlocks in the later Rastafari movement established a closer connection between like-minded people. Popular culture sometimes depicts Vikings with dreadlocks, but modern portrayals aren't. Other descriptions sound more like braids than dreadlocks, and mention accessories worn in the hair along with the special style. The Editor's Choice All You Need To Know About 2a, 2b, And 2c Hair: The Right Care And Styling Routine Get the Facts, Vikings simply liked having their hair combed. Pacific Islanders, Somalis, the Massai, and New Guineans are also known to wear dreadlocks. There is a Roman reference, credited to Julius Caesar, in which the Celts are described as having hair like snakes. When the Vikings pillaged resources from villages, they typically gathered people from those areas to take home as slave workers (alsocalled thralls). This changed in the Twentieth Century with the start of a socio-religious movement in New York in the . When I have asked white people about their dreadlocks, I have had responses which vary from, My hair would do this naturally if I didnt comb it, to Vikings had dreadlocks. Multiple cornrow braids that start at the forehead and drape down toward shoulders are another popular style for a Viking male. The Vikings didn't leave behind much literature or recorded history, so there isn't much concrete information available on them. The more ornate this covering, the greater the wealth of her husband. It quickly became my most liked post and created quite a conversation in the comments section. VIKINGS WERE CONSIDERED CLEAN BY JUST EUROPEAN STANDARDS The rest of the world thought they were filthy as shit Europeans considered vikings clean because they washed themselves once a week while Europeans were washing themselves ONCE A YEAR so of course they thought Vikings were clean freaks wanna know what the rest of the world thought of them? The issue of who wore dreadlocks first has become something of a controversial subject. Viking culture was kept alive through its oral tradition, much of which has been lost over the centuries. In 2012, about 180 National Football League players wore dreadlocks. Dreadlocks have a long history, mainly because many cultures that lived generations before us adapted this 100% natural hairstyle. Multiple Cornrows Viking Hairstyles. Many Viking men and women had dreadlocks. These unfortunate individuals would have their hair shorn short to differentiate them from the long-haired Vikings. See What Did the Vikings Look Like? There is certainly visual evidence of Ancient Greeks with braided hair and possibly locks, however one could argue that the Greeks were much more influenced by their darker skinned Eastern and Mediterranean neighbours, than they were their Northern ones. They were meticulous about their appearance and used . Coiled ponytails require very long hair, so the women who wore them must have had the resources to care for them. Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks? " Well, the Celts did have dreadlocks. In any culture where there wasnt a focus on writing down records or creating artwork depicting their lives (at least not any that has survived until today), its always difficult to say definitively anything about that culture relating to appearance. However it seems nonsensical to suggest this constitutes evidence of the existence of dreadlocks in the early part of the first millennium, let alone using this as the reason why you may wear dreadlocks today. The men had long fringes and short hair on the back of the head. Fringes likely refer to bangs. Its HAIR, she continues, do what you want with it no matter what race you are!. Modern dreadlocks may have originated in Ancient Egypt (as depicted on the, Trending Viking Hairstyles for Women for 2023. Both men and women Vikings grew dreadlocks. But it is definitely not a part of the Viking/Norse history or culture. A typical Viking hairstyle would perhaps consist of a mixture of short hair all around with some parts braided or tied up in a bun. 2). People are highlighting the importance of being actively anti-racist and addressing inequalities. By contrast, mixed race actress and singer Zendaya (of former Disney fame) was glowing when she wore dreadlocks to the Oscars, only to be torn down by TV host Giuliana Rancic, who commented that she looked like she smells like patchouli oil and weed. My page provides a springboard for people of colour to engage meaningfully with their history and reflect on its impact today. Barrett, Leonard E. (1988). There have been multiple cases of Black students being sent home from school for haircuts deemed as extreme or against uniform policy. That longer hair may have been coiled into dreadlocks by Vikings to make it easier to keep off the face while not wearing a helmet. Just as we choose how to wear our hair based on the impression wed like to make on others, theres no reason to think that the Vikings, with dreads or otherwise, didnt also consider how their appearance would be perceived. Did Celtic dreadlocks influence Viking dreads? This would have been important for Vikings who were raiding, sailing, or fighting. One of the strongest indicators of occasional shaving or baldness comes, (a Greek historian), who wrote that the prince of Kievan Rus shaved his head completely, except for a lock of hair that hung down on one side.. Read Next: Trending Viking Hairstyles for Women for 2023. Thralls, or slaves living in Scandinavia, were known for having their hair cut short. Each user should evaluate the information on our site and is encouraged to do further research before taking any action, inaction, or making any decision based on the content provided on our site. I certainly find it rather upsetting how vikings are usually portrayed as filthy, leather and fur wearing tattooed barbarians, for example, because it genuinely risks misleading people about historical cultures. Once the dreads are well-established, you can begin experimenting with different Viking braid patterns. These ornaments could be simple, made from linen or wool, but they could also be more ornate and studded with small gems. A Barber Guide to Cut Your Own Hair. Until I did the proper research, I assumed that the Black way of doing dreadlocks was the "right" way. Since there were many red haired Vikings along with the more typical blonde ones we see today in pop culture, bleaching would have created a distinct and memorable dreadlocks appearance. Rather, the Vikings built the trellborgs which were the ring-shaped forts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [3][4], In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians wearing locked hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artifacts. Vikings did not have dreadlocks or long hair, Vikings had short hair with perhaps some matted parts. Dreadlocks in ancient times were said to hold power. Others say that Rastas were inspired by the locks worn by warriors of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya during the Fifties. Want more hair styling guides? These seafaring warriors were known to travel throughout Europe and beyond between the 9th and 11th century, and formed bands spurred on by strong leaders. According to Roman records, the Celtic people, Germanic tribes, and the Vikings wore their hair in rope-like strands. The Scandinavian day for saturday (Lrdag, laugardag) means washing day. Theres also the common-sense presumption that the cavemen likely were not paying close attention to their hair, and that matted hair was a style long before hair was intentionally styled at all. They mentioned that some Vikings had long, rope-like hair. Interestingly, it appears that the hairstyle chosen by individual Viking men and women may have had more to do with their class and profession than their aesthetic preferences. Root of David: The Symbolic Origins of Rastafari (No. The Polish plait can vary between one large plait and multiple plaits that resemble dreadlocks. [10] Other authors[11] have speculated that the "dread" component could refer to the reaction of British soldiers upon encountering Mau Mau fighters who had this hairstyle. This ideology is based on the assertion that racial privilege does not exist. The Scandinavian warriors known as Vikings were known to take to the seas to conquer, pillage, and plunder. The reason for this is that it is difficult, and in many cases impossible, to measure the authenticity of the locks due to expert methods employed in the attachment of hair extensions/re-attachment of broken off dreadlocks. To maintain long, healthy hair, constant hair maintenance is needed to keep the hair from breaking or tangling. Maasai warriors are known for their long, thin, red dreadlocks, dyed with red root extracts or red ochre. Others would probably have to be content with wearing them only on special occasions, such as weddings for instance. Dating as far back as 2500 B.C., The Vedas, Hinduism's oldest scriptures, depict the Hindu God Shiva wearing locs or "jaTaa" in the Sanskrit language, according to Dr. Bert Ashe's book . The word Viking comes from a Scandinavian word that means pirate. They were known and feared for their habits of burning, plundering, and pillaging the areas where they landed. Zygmunt Gloger in his Encyklopedia staropolska mentions that the Polish plait (plica polonica) hairstyle was worn by some people in the Pinsk region and the Masovia region at the beginning of the 19th century. In this article, we will look at the history of Vikings' dreads, their significance, and how to do Viking dreads. Because of the social context that hair provided in Viking society, it is no wonder that Vikings made good use of hair combs and kept their hair well-maintained, especially for the era. Some ancient Egyptian mummies were found to have had dreadlock wigs from 1400 BCE. However, they could also choose to wear their hair loose, and from archaeological evidence, it seems that ponytails were the more popular hairstyle for young women. It could be that Vikings simply liked having their hair combed. [17]. The Vikings did not have access to the advanced hair care products, synthetic extensions, and teams of professionals it takes to create the Viking dreads we see in dramatic productions. Our content is for informational purposes only. He wears them in the US,. However, the men seemed to favor dreadlocks or other hairstyles, not any form of braids. [4] Frescoes discovered on the Aegean island of Thera (modern Santorini, Greece) depict individuals with long braided hair or long dreadlocks. As far as we know there is no actual archeological evidence pointing to the fact that Vikings had dreadlocks or even long hair for that matter. An old Norse myth talks about the god Odin and his emotional distress after losing his son. [32] Shiva is often depicted with dreadlocks. Effectively the dreadlock can become an extension and therefore impossible to adjudicate accurately. Yes, we know that Vikings braided their hair and it is clearly depicted in several pieces of art made during the time. One of the strongest indicators of occasional shaving or baldness comesfrom Leo the Deacon(a Greek historian), who wrote that the prince of Kievan Rus shaved his head completely, except for a lock of hair that hung down on one side.. If they did, it would be more likely for them to have worn plaited braids. In professional American football, the number of players with dreadlocks has increased ever since Al Harris and Ricky Williams first wore the style during the 1990s. Hairstyles differed between classes and professions. [20], In Nigeria, dreadlocks are viewed in a negative light due to their stereotypical association with gangs and criminal activity; men with dreadlocks face profiling from Nigerian police. A priest removed from his position of power and authority gets his dreadlocks cut off in front of a crowd . Both female and male thralls kept their hair shorter than free Norsemen, making them easily distinguishable. Well, there are not that many vikings around to ask but if we check carvings on the Oseberg ship from Norway and the 800s you find that people are depicted with hairstyles resembling those in the TV series, like shaved sides and long braided hair on top . Leonard Howell, hailed as the first Rasta, was known to have links with Indo-Jamaican followers of Hinduism and even had a Hindu-inspired alias Gong Guru Maragh. In reality, the Vikings took care with their personal grooming, bathing, and hairstyling. Many cultures developed dreadlocks as independent innovations at different points in history. The first reference to dreadlocks in the Viking age comes from skaldic poetry of the 9th-century skaepiggjo (lit. Yet this hypothesis is unconfirmed; few microscopic studies have been performed on Viking artifacts, and what studies have been done did not yield conclusive results. While the exact origins of dreadlocks may never be definitively proven, theres enough evidence in the historical and archeological record to determine that Vikings did not invent dreadlocks. Its also been recorded that Germanic tribes, Greeks, and Vikings often wore dreadlocks as all. Dreadlocks have been discovered on mummies in Peru, dating back to sometime between A.D. 800, and Aztec priests dating back to the 14th and 15th centuries traditionally wore their hair in matted locks. However, not all Vikings had dreadlocks, and hairstyle was often associated with social class. When the Vikings pillaged resources from villages, they typically gathered people from those areas to take home as slave workers (also. Vikings (vkingr in Old Norse) are well-known for being fierce Scandanavian warriors, but what were their haircare routines like? It minimises structural racism and ignores issues of under-representation of people of colour. Yet the common conception that braids were popular in Viking culture is not entirely accurate. The Celts were their relatively close neighbors to the south. This belief in dreadlocks holding physical power is attested to in the Biblical story of Samson who lost his strength when Delilah cut his seven locks. Yes, it is believed that the braids worn by Vikings were probably used as a way of displaying their status or just to have some fun with hairstyles. Did Vikings have dreads?The History of Dreadlocks | Dreadlocks and Alternative Hairstyles .Aug 1, 2019Regardless of their origin, dreadlocks have been worn. In Senegal, the Baye Fall, followers of the Mouride movement, a Sufi movement of Islam founded in 1887 AD by Shaykh Aamadu Bmba Mbkke, are famous for growing dreadlocks and wearing multi-colored gowns. [14] Some of the very earliest adherents of Christianity in the Middle East may have worn this hairstyle; there are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who is said to have worn them to his ankles.[15]. [2], Vikings also practiced frequent bathing and would comb their hair at least once per day. He had them before he started playing professional football, but they became more noticeable when he was on the field. People with dreadlocks are found in a variety of cultures and geographical locations. The Scandinavian day for saturday ( Lrdag, laugardag ) means washing day ignores issues under-representation. Popular style for a Viking male did vikings have dreadlocks David: the Symbolic Origins of Rastafari no... Their haircare routines like studded with small gems large plait and multiple plaits resemble. Liked post and created quite a conversation in the later Rastafari movement established closer! 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did vikings have dreadlocks