oakland county corruption

Theres a reason for why this story is on my personal blog and not a mainstream outlet. Under the guardianship of Macomb County Public Administrator Robert Kirk and his wife Cathy, they were literally fenced inside their own home. But Biden got 40% to Clinton's 36%. Both officers falsely represented themselves as FBI agents during the incident. There is no evidence of absentee ballot corruption in Michigan and none of widespread problems nationwide. moving forward. You told me you would never back down to anyone. "He (Trump) grew his base considerably. "The Trump surge came at the end and he couldn't quite catch up to Biden's advantage," he said. While the rest of the country engages in hand-wringing over the treatment of undocumented immigrants not one civil rights group has raised a finger in protest about the rights that have been stripped from innocent, American citizens. In Oakland County, the state's second largest county, turnout was nearly75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008; in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout was 62%, just under that seen in the 2008 election. The power of the Purple Gang, the. Throughout the trials, the Oakland Police Departments internal culture was examined in detail, as were political decisions by city leaders to undertake a zero tolerance crackdown on drug dealers, which community activistsand even the Oakland police unionblamed for stoking violence by street cops. Harris denied ever asking for police to cover any fees, her attorney said in an interview in February. Theiralleged victims number in the high thousands of Michigan's most vulnerable senior and developmentally disabled citizens, each declared legally incapacitated wards and placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship. The decision to purge the files was legal, according to Tom Kinzinger, an attorney with Bryan Cave law firm who reviewed the Alameda County Superior Courts destruction of records for The Appeal. One of the firearms found in the car was a shotgun that Neely and Richholt allegedly seized from an East Oakland mans house earlier in the day in a warrantless search. Ninety minutes later, I published a five-part, freelance series detailing an alleged massive abuse and exploitation ring operating out of a Detroit-area probate court. Two suicides. "It's back to more typical levels this year.". Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. Journalists are theoretically also supposed to deal in whole truths. Since taking the bench in 2003, George had somehow survived numerous scandals and, like most Michigan probate court judges, knew on which side her bread was buttered. On the other hand, Steven G. Cohen, the attorney who brought the lawsuit against Chase and Jefferson, ended up on the wrong side of the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission for his trouble. It included Nessels press conference announcement which noted that only credentialed members of the press who had RSVPd to a Nessel communications team member would be allowed to attend. As part of his plea deal, Perez turned states evidence and accused dozens of other LAPD officers of misconduct. He fought back and ended up with a reprimand. On the morning of March 21, I interviewed Senator Pete Lucido (R). When my stories resulted in positive changes, to even a single life, then my salary and the resulting can of Spaghettios was earned. Instead, the county-by-county breakdowns which may change slightly as officials finalize tabulations but are unlikely to vary by much tell usa lot about trends that have been underway in the state for some time, including where certain areas appear to be trending more toward Democrats and others toward Republicans; it also tells us about how willing voters may be to split their tickets, despite what are often viewed as intransigent partisan leanings on the parts of voters. I was already looking into Macks background when Catallo broke Bob and Barbs story. He left a few staff members behind to hear them, but the families were devastated. Teter gravely asked if I had shared the information with anyone. Oakland County Public Corruption Defense Lawyer, MI. Evidence Room: 248-858-5062. and corruption in Contra Costa County. With more likely in the works, it is important to note that strong local journalism, citizen involvement in local government and an understanding of who is being elected can help reduce corruption cases. As if I didnt already know, he reminded me that public administrators who took roles as guardians and conservators were acting outside of their job descriptions and as private attorneys. Throughout the day, I tried to call the AGs office and was repeatedly told that the entire communications team was In a meeting.. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? The Kirks were donors to Macomb County Probate Judge Kathryn Georges re-election campaign. Some voters are unwilling to admit they are voting for him. My concerns about a possible catch and kill situation didnt come out of nowhere. Since 2016 there have been 10 public officials from Macomb County, either the County organization itself or a municipality within its boundaries, who have been charged with alleged public corruption crimes. In February 2003, Neely and Richholt pleaded guilty to one count of agreeing to engage in prostitution and received one day in jail and three years of probation, a misdemeanor. can stand by your side from the initial investigation onward. ", ames Ryan Jr.'s company Public Affairs Associates (PAA) has longstanding ties to Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and was among the, Gretchen Rachel Hammond is an award-winning freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago. We had supplied Teter and his people with multiple cases demonstrating pattern and practice. The case led to a parallel civil rights lawsuit brought by. Either way, guardianship is a life sentence which hardly anyone in this country knows or about which anyone has cared to educate themselves. Meanwhile, a small contingent of family members set out for Lansing to stand outside her offices and plead their case to any passing journalists. While I was still working Oakland County, Catallo was doing sterling work in neighboring Macomb. But police commission Chair Regina Jackson said in an interview Wednesday that she wasnt aware of any whistleblowing at the time they fired the chief. On the morning of March 25, I paused to watch Nessels presser on Facebook. The pair and other officers brutalized and planted drugs on suspects and filed false police reports resulting in wrongful convictions. What I am about to relate is not an attempt to shame my fellow reporters, nor is it sour grapes as I was able to to find a form of resolution in that the story got told. A high-level review of elder care issues? The women turned out to be undercover Alameda County sheriffs deputies running a sting operation. On August 23, 2019, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she had fired three Oakland County Public Administrators, John Yun, Jennifer Carney and Thomas Brennan Fraser and one. Not all branches of Californias courts are as aggressive as Alameda County in destroying police corruption files. You strung me along for eight months. With Detroit having turnout not seen in 20 years and turnout upsignificantly in both Oaklandand Wayne counties relative to 2016, Biden's margins in those counties he won in Oakland 56%-42%, compared with Clinton's 52%-34% and in Wayne 68%-31% to Clinton's 67%-29% more than made up the difference. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court of Northern California, alleges that the Oakland police commissioners routinely abused their power, and corruptly looked for special treatment by the police department. At the state level, Smith has been charged with five counts of embezzlement by a public official, one count conducting a federal enterprise, official misconduct in office, tampering with evidence in a civil proceeding, accessory after the fact to embezzlement by a public official and one count conspiracy to commit forgery, according to the Michigan Attorney Generals Office. On August 23, 2019, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she hadfired three Oakland County Public Administrators, John Yun, Jennifer Carney and Thomas Brennan Fraser and one Macomb County Public Administrator Robert Kirk. During thirteen months in 1976 and 1977, four children were abducted, abused in captivity and then murdered, their bodies tossed by public roadsides. But the Riders wasnt the only criminal case file involving Oakland police corruption destroyed by the Alameda County Superior Court. In Oakland County, the state's second largest county, turnout was nearly 75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008; in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout . Nessel claimed that the Task Force was working in concert with the Supreme Court Justices. Subscribe to our newsletters for regular updates, analysis and context straight to your email. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as criminal justice,abuse atICE detention facilities, andalleged discriminationon the part of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services leading to the unnecessary separation of children from their parents. The journalists in attendance were, justifiably, appalled and, in the end, Burgio ended up getting far more ink than Nessel. In 2008, Oakland paid $2 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought by 16 womenall of whom were Asian Americanwho said they were victims of Valerga. Daily Kos readers dont tend towards the troll, yet never couch brutal honesty in niceties. In doing so, he swampedTrump's advantage in rural and olderindustrial areas with massive turnout, especially in Oakland and Wayne counties, which alone gave him more than 158,000 more votes than Clinton won in them. In January 2005, Valerga was charged with two counts of violating the civil rights of his victims, and two counts of false imprisonment. Never had I heard of a news organization siding with a public official over a journalist, freelance or not. But, I keptthe name of the Free Press out of requests for interviews. The Free Press: Thats what it says on the cereal box. . Apr 20, 2022, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein All rights reserved. My opinion was, and still is, is that Valerga should have gone to prison, Rullamas said during the deposition. In November 2005, Valerga pleaded guilty to the charges, all misdemeanors. Biden, for instance, did far better than Clinton did in some other areas, and in some of them may have been helped by forces outside hisor Trump's control. I was both an idealist and a born leftist in every sense of the definition. Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? Your email address will not be published. The Istanbul Center hosted a discussion Jan. 19 with Ali Winston, one of the authors of The Riders Come Out at Night: Brutality, Corruption, and . Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper: "The Senator does not appreciate your constant attacks on the Attorney General." Michigan Sen. Peter Lucido: I can't help you. Still, I kept the faith. The prominent law firm alsorepresents the city of Oakland, Alameda County and the Coliseum Authority, most notably in the ongoing legal battle against the Golden State Warriors over a roughly $40 million debt the authority says the team owes. It is now . And one. One attorney who did described sanctions and threats of Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission complaints from both the PAs and the judges. But he kept it up, and it worked to a great degree. Seven points (the margin between the two candidates in the poll) is not representative of the gap (in the election). A survey of some 3,400 voters in Michigan done by the Associated Press as part of its election coverage found whites without college degrees made up some 54% of the electorate, and they overwhelmingly supported Trump 58%-41%. When Catallo was shooting the story, the Kirks attorney, Sterling Heights Mayor and rabid Democrat Michael Taylor showed up to do a bit of schilling for his clients. County officials say Eric Smith sentencing shows public corruption will not be tolerated Macomb County officials said Eric Smith's conviction on public corruption charges should restore the. Valergas conduct was so egregious that investigators in his own department thought he should be punished to the full extent of the law. Since the inception of the consent decree, the agency has cycled through 10 police chiefs, all of whom have failed to fulfill the reform programs mandates. Can you give me more information on that file so we can pull the probate file?, Also, we are looking for the most egregious case that involved either the Guardian ad Litum ignoring the ward (who isnt incapacitated), he added. However, theres always the unexpected. The Biden campaign knew it, telling reporters Trump would have to top 62% of the in-person voting in order to overcome the advantage. It probably explains why they joined the Michigan Guardianship Association and a host of like-minded pro-guardianship organizations and the omnipresent Probate Judges Association as Task Force members. The playing field changed when Tim was abducted, right after Patterson described Busch's arrest in yet another child rape case in northern Oakland County. The Truth About Marijuana and the Criminal Legal System, Florida Cops Nearly Sent a Five-Year-Old to Jail, When It Comes to Reporting Deaths of Incarcerated People, Most States Break the Law, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Gay And Trans Panic Is Still Being Used To Justify Anti-LGBTQ Attacks. ), I felt like Adlai Stevenson staring down Ambassador Zorin. The case led to a parallel civil rights lawsuit brought by 119 victims of police misconduct that ended in 2003 with the Oakland police being placed under a federal consent decree. There are also cases tied to contractors and overall public corruption cases in Macomb County, that were not included in these counts. The fact that many of those areas are Republican-leaning or backed the president, as much as anything, give the lie to Trump's wild and seemingly desperateclaims that it was corruption in Detroit that cost him the election, when there is no evidence to support it. But even as Trump added some365,000 voters to his totals in Michigan from four years ago in Tuesday's general election, his opponent, Democratic nominee Joe Biden, didfar better, running up surging vote totals in urban and suburban areas and narrowing Trump'sedge in key counties, including Macomb,Kent and Livingston. Oct 30, 2019. Gretchen Rachel Hammond is an award-winning freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago. "Kos" and "Daily Kos" are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC. Edward Ortiz, Officer Paul Harper, Sgt. By that, we're talking about the fact that while third party candidates played an oversize role in the 2016 election, with Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein taking about 5% of the vote, they accounted for just a little over 1% in this election. where an initial count raised questions and led to a re-tabulation. The charges still currently stand against Miller though, and Liston pled guilty to embezzlement charges for improper use of forfeiture funds in September of 2021. I called my editor at the Free Press. Lucido seemed equally surprised because, he said, there was supposed to be a press conference about it on March 25. She filed a claim against the city in May, the first step to filing a lawsuit. Chapter 5: The Runaway. It was even apparent looking at the statewide vote for university trustees, which have often been seen as a barometer for partisanship since voters don't give them nearly as much attention as the top of the ticket and may merely have followed their party inclination. Michael Buchanan, and Officer Brian Liddy. However, on Dec. 22, 2000, Judge Jaqueline Connor. Chapter 4: The Investigating Prosecutor. In 2000, Ortiz, Liddy, and Buchanan were convicted by a Los Angeles County jury of framing gang members and planting evidence. I shared the information with the AG and she would like us to get involved more deeply in a couple of cases immediately, he wrote. In the early 2000s, several women accused Oakland patrol officer Richard Valerga of holding them against their will in his squad car while he harassed and molested them. The Oakland police fired Valerga after he was criminally charged. His case file remains in the archives of Los Angeless court system. Prior to the Task Force presser, Nessel moved to dismiss Gellers lawsuit while I repeatedly emailed my teams findings to Michigan Supreme Court Director of Communications John Nevin with no response. After speaking with AG [sic] office they assure me the task force has nothing to do with Oakland County issues, he wrote. In the region around Saginaw Bay and the Thumb, he got 27,000 more votes than in 2016 out of an area still trying to dig itself out of long-standing manufacturing losses. Not with you and not with a publication that falls under the AGs sphere of influence. Peter Wielhouwer, associate professor of political science and director of the Institute for Government and Politics at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, said the fact of early voting blunted Trump's aggressive campaigning in the last few weeks in Michigan. At least once a year, but usually more often than that, a public corruption cases surfaces in Southeastern Michigan that involves a public official. It wasn't just metro Detroit, however. Many of the cases are related the Rizzo Environmental Services federal case that entangled elected officials, public employees and business figures who owned the business and worked with it. It's based on the candidate.". Why are you working with them?. And legal experts say that destroying records of police misconduct, even if authorized by state statute, may conflict with the constitutional rights of defendants. In 2015, the Superior Court in Alameda County, California, quietly destroyed the criminal case files for three former Oakland police officers, known as the Riders, who stood trial for beating, falsely arresting, and framing dozens of African American men in the late 1990s and early 2000s, The Appeal has learned. Fired Oakland police chief sues city for, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Chart: Bay Area rainfall totals for this week, Fired Oakland police chief sues city for alleged retaliation for exposing corruption, abuse of power. In order to make her point, only one member of the public was invited to attend. that ended in 2003 with the Oakland police being placed under a federal consent decree. The president, meanwhile, has repeatedly shown himself to be a political marvel, defying odds and proving pundits, handicappers and pollsters wrong. Thatdifference was even more stark in Kent County in west Michigan, where Trump lost,getting 165,318 votes to Biden's 186,753. The sentencing was supposed to have been held Tuesday. I do hope hes got his Geiger Counter on standby. Harriette Cole: I don't want the neighbor's kids at my house, Dear Abby: My wife said she doesn't like it, but it's part of my life, Ask Amy: I feel guilty for not speaking up about my co-worker's activities, Ask Amy: I'm your cabin housekeeper, and you apparently have no idea what I do. The department remains under a federal judges authority and bound by a settlement agreement that details numerous reforms. For instance, look at East Bay Township Precinct 1 in Grand Traverse County. As to why that should be the case, Porn said, "I think it's unique to the character of Donald Trump and how he is perceived. Prologue. For instance, it dropped by 8 percentage points in Emmet County, 9 in Ottawa in west Michigan, nearly 10 in Grand Traverse. There were moments when, for example, I tried to raise the subject of Moody and Teter immediately shut me down. Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified. The Oakland Police Commission, made up of seven appointed residents, was created to oversee the police departments policies and practices, and the Community Police Review Agency, which investigates police misconduct.. Besides, there were Attorney General appointees allegedly engaged in unimaginable elder abuse and that wasn't high level enough? Chapter 3: Law and Order - LBP. Trump couldn't afford it, having beaten Clinton four years ago by just 10,704 votes, or about two-tenths of 1% of the vote. Clinton won the Democratic-leaning region 55.8%-39.9% for Trump four years ago. With no due process, or medical evidence presented as to a wards incapacity, shocking judicial overreach led them to be stripped of each of their constitutional, statutory, civil and human rights. True to form, it was a downright bizarre four hours during which our summary of findings was received with moments which ran the gamut between receptive and defensive. In fact, the entire day went by with radio silence from both the Free Press and Rossman-McKinney. In fact, while Biden lost west Michigan as a region overall, he still was able to improve his percentage of support relative to Clinton's by 5 percentage points again, much of that coming from third party support from four years ago and get 119,000 more votes out of the region. Gretchen Whitmer two years ago). Miller recently asked for the misconduct in office and conspiracy to commit a legal in an illegal manner charges against him to be dropped. Whether Moody had jurisdiction over them or not, even after public administrators like Munger had been fired by him in 2017, Munger still took and was taking deceased estate as well as guardianship and conservatorship cases at the Oakland County Probate Court. A public administrator was clearly just a title with no more consequences of its removal than telling the Duke of Edinburgh that he could no longer be a duke. by Nicole Audrey Spector Sure, the president of the United States wields immense power, as does the average member of the Senate and House of Representative, but when it comes to unchecked lawlessness, abuse of authority and corruption, they've got nothing over the county sheriff. We left at 5 pm with no comment but quite a lot of answers. Chapter 1: Police, Prosecutors, the Privileged, and Politics. But that wasnt on the high level reviews agenda. But I will tell you this: I am going to publish. With the help of Democrat activist and State Court Administrator Milton Mack, Jr., she decided to stick around the Macomb County bench, if only when she felt like it. Every single time, they were told to "get an attorney but hardly anyone dared to represent wards or families fighting Public Administrators and court-appointed guardians. Pressures to Raise Wages in Michigan Continue, Michigans Substance Use Vulnerability Index Highlights Wayne County as one of States Most Vulnerable, Rate of Alcohol-Induced Deaths Increasing in Southeast Michigan; White Males Have Highest Rates, Metro-Detroit Economic Indicators: Home Prices Dropping, Personal Debt Increasing, Climate Change in MichiganNow and in the Future. In Macomb County, the recent names making headlines for alleged public corruption are former Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Smith, former Macomb County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Ben Liston and suspended Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor Derek Miller. Those Oakland and Washtenaw County families whose stories I had the honor of telling knewthat Nessels Frday dictum wasbullshit. Delphine Allen et al. An outspoken, genuine sort of bloke, he pushed back on the notion that nothing had been done about alleged probate corruption. But it was 56%-45%. The litigants are Aretha Franklins family members. He joined the . In 2003, the first trial ended in a hung jury. Ex-Macomb County official Anthony Marrocco's sentencing on corruption charges has been delayed again, according to court records. That left about 1.5% for the third party candidates. The case against Deanna Barash, 46, is the latest case filed by public corruption prosecutors against a . Therefore, I cannot let this particular whole truth just vanish. took a deep dive into the state's regions, their voting trends and their importance in electing statewide candidates. The Trump surge came at the end, Burgio ended up with a publication that falls under guardianship. Also supposed to deal in whole truths did described sanctions and threats of Michigan attorney Grievance Commission complaints from the! Free Press: Thats what it says on the morning of March 25 22! To Court records a few staff members behind to hear them, but families. 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oakland county corruption