top 10 reasons to follow jesus

Did you know He said the same thing about Himself? The Gospel of Mark is understood by Bible Scholars to be the earliest of the four. He was in the beginning with God. Amen. It is not enough to notice Jesus as he passes by; one must be willing to sacrifice everything to go where the teacher leads. The reason we can love and serve God is that He first loved and served us through Jesus Christ. If Jesus the Christ offered Himself up to be treated the way He was treated, crucified, died, and buried, just to save the whole world from sin and its consequences, then Jesus must be the love Himself instead of being full of love. Remember, Jesus spoke to a fig tree, and it heard Jesus, and then it died. Amen. But the truth is that there is God, the Creator, and we all are His creatures in His creation. What is the result of suppressing the truth? Psalm 52:8. If He is indeed God, then He is the truth because everything is because He makes everything become. I tried and tried, but to no avail. He predicted wars, famines, and deadly diseases such as the current coronavirus disease, COVID-19. Keep that definite article in mind throughout this post. Our world doesnt have such a rule or value it anymore. The failure to disprove something does not constitute proof of its existence. Now, my friend was declared COVID-19 free on 22nd October 2020, and I wrote this the following day, 23rd October 2020. I remember reading a book by Agnes, one of the gifted preachers in the 21st century about his vision of Satan. It probably made intuitive sense to follow his example and teaching when people responded positively to it. They may not even know how to say the name, but they can say something that means the same thing in their own God-given languages. Thanks for reading, please support our sponsors. The Epistles themselves, however, put the lie to this claim as St Pauls writings mention 2 meetings with James, the brother of Jesus. But what am I most involved in? But all the time, money and energies I was pouring into those pursuits did not give me the kick I was looking for. If someone as important as the Roman procurator could completely disappear, how much more a humble workman? At that moment Larry adds, Oh, you may have been asking me about my relationship. Somalia 4. He is the Pastor of pastors. But Jesus led the people to God, not to Himself, though He was, He is, and He will forever be the same, God. The thing was that Jesus was a humble man during his life, a simple carpenter. Even so. He wants us to worship Him truthfully. Ive never done drugs, but I can tell you that the unconditional love of God is the greatest high there could ever be. Jesus is the High Priest who prays for us. He wanted to cut through all the rules and regulations to get to the relationship, purposely putting all the goodies down on the bottom shelf where anyone (whether they be fisherman or Pharisee, freshman or physics prof) could have the chance to understand and embrace Him. 7 of the 13 Epistles attributed to St Paul (Philemon, Romans, Corinthians I, II, Philippians, Thessalonians I and Galatians) are considered to have been written by him directly. How many carpenters, plumbers or people in similar employment today will leave evidence of their daily lives in 2,000 years time? Listen to what Jesus says about Himself in John 14:6: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. Below are GOOD The man you see there is Brain Deacon, not Jesus the Christ. It was God, his Father who sent him on a mission. Joshua was a leader. For example, why was God so glutton on animal sacrifices in such a big way? John 10:11: I am the good shepherd. Follow Jesus: First Reason. Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16; John Two words: After the resurrection, on a lonely beach one morning, Jesus described to Peter the kind of martyrdom he was to endure. A lifetime of following Jesus! Philippians 2:10-11 reads, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father., (Sean Cole is the lead pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling.). Show love. This verse is now used out of its correct context. If the Gospel of Luke was written before the Acts, sometime in the late 50s AD it is likely that, giving time for copies to be made and disseminated the Gospel of Mark is likely to have been written in the late 40s or early 50s AD and so could easily have been written by people who knew and worked closely with Jesus and witnessed the crucifixion. WebWhen you follow Jesus, you are being guided by God. The call to follow Jesus is a call to forsake everyone and everything other than Him. This is a twisted reading of the facts. Was it a good thing to do to slaughter animals each and every day, morning and evening? Jesus having been severely tortured beforehand, and impaled with a spear in his side afterwards was clearly killed, checked by the guard, and witnessed by the crowd. 6: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the ONLY way of salvation. With Most answers will have to do with our actions. Or if we take a visit to the Shilluk kingdom across the Nile River to the west of Malakal town, we may still see some of what it means to be ruled by a king. 8: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Look, I just read a story in a WhatsApp group from a friend writer who got admitted to a certain hospital because he was diagnosed positive for SARS-Cov2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease, COVID-19. This ascribes fantastic miracles and spectacles to Jesus far more in line with the traditions and expectations of the Jewish Messiah. He enjoys you, and He wants you to enjoy Him. UFC 285 hosts not only a homecoming for Jon Jones, but a number of coming out parties for potential future stars. He was writing about the great fire of Rome which the Emperor Nero blamed on Christians. Much like Jesus there was no contemporary evidence of his existence or presence in Judea at the relevant time and, like Jesus he was referred to in Josephus and Tacitus. Again, Jesus knew everything that is happening today when He was still alive in a human form. But Jesus is glorious and majestic in His appearance after death, burial, and resurrection. Blue Light. But yet at the same time, we need more than just an example in Jesus. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB), Do not worry then, saying, What will we eat? or What will we drink? or What will we wear for clothing? Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Do you know what John His beloved apostle did, when he saw Jesus at the time when He revealed to him the future of the world? Whether or not that humble and extraordinary man was a prophet or the Son of God we leave to you. They didnt do this however, rather than create a fake savior who met all the criteria they had the humility to realize that the criteria had changed and supported their man. Should we believe these statements? Some physicists call it spooky and weird. Editors Note: This piece was originally published in 2004. John 20:27-28 states, Then he said to Thomas, Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. To be able to truly say: I like being with you in your presence; it brings me pleasure is just about the biggest compliment you can pay anyone. What is more likely is that they were excluded from the New Testament, not as a cynical ploy but simply because they were wrong, not in a confusion of memory as shown by the contradictions in the four main Gospels but in their core understanding of the teachings and ministry of Jesus and the church he founded. He was the man of His words. They act as if they are one. We have a different rule to follow. There are many healers today even in His name, but there is no doubt He said Hell deny many if not all of them at the Last Day. The other reason is that we dont believe we can do so. Baptism introduces us to a life of obedience to Christ. 5. Jesus quite simply did not fit the model of the perfect Messiah. What do you have to lose? They also explain that at the moment of Jesus death there was an earthquake so severe that the graves of the dead burst open. John 1:29 says, The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Jesus died the death we all should have died because the wages of death is sin. Well, Jesus said we can call God our Father, and that we can pray to Him directly without the need for Jesus in the middle or in between. He is up there in heaven praying for us, asking God the Father to forgive us of our sins, past, present, and future. Oh, my! His desire is for me to set aside my own agenda for His. Thallus, a non-Christian with no reason to make something up, mentioned the unexpected event in some works published in 52 AD. Want this year to be different? WebOn March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her familys home in Salt Lake City, Utah. WebTitle: Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus? Helping people see their desperate need for Christ is no easy task. The payoff? None have a Jesus. Fucking listicles about listicles. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Fathers commandments and abide in His love. When Christians put off a thought, word, or action that is sinful, negative, un-Christlike, etc, they must also put on a thought, word, or action that will replace that which they put off. I had no way of conquering the sin in my life. I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever! Because we hardly understand these spiritual teachings, we dont take them seriously. Psalm 52:8. Because of Christ, we will not have to endure eternal conscious torment in hell, but will live forever with Him in heaven as our glorious home. It is popular, these days to claim that the Gospels in the Bible were written at least 40 years after what they say is the alleged crucifixion and given the average life expectancy at the time were unlikely to be written by people who knew Jesus. WebWhy There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments Armin Navabi 1. Why do people call God Allah, when in fact they have the same word in their own languages? Much is made by sceptics of the other gospels including the Gospel of Thomas which is believed to predate Mark. We can date it fairly accurately because there are several key events that would have had an impact on the young Church The Martyrdom of Paul in AD62, the Fire of Rome and subsequent persecution of Christians in AD64 and the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70. WebJesus the Christ was, is, and will always be God in the human form. Many of you are probably familiar with the disciple named doubting Thomas who needed absolute proof that Christ did in fact raise from the dead. Jesus is the prophet, not a prophet. I know. The point was that as he eats, the owner of the food may have evil thoughts about his manner of eating, and later on, talk to others negatively about him. Jesus says a couple chapters later, Whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:38). Meditate a little on the mercy of God.

');(playerPro=window.playerPro||[]).push(i);})(); Dave is a voracious reader and ferocious writer of top 10 lists. They do not make reference to Jesus as a historical figure or even as the Messiah. He is the grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham and his wife Ruth Graham. Some people dont understand why I say this but honestly, what do you have to lose? If Jesus is the only leader who died and rose again from the dead, what do you think He is? Lots more help for your walk with Jesus at In Luke 19:41-44, Jesus predicts the terrible judgment that would come on Jerusalem. In recent years, however, there has been a movement amongst certain atheist communities to establish that Jesus never existed at all. It would have been an extremely valuable piece of propaganda to help lure converts to the new faith yet the early church fathers excluded it why? Is that not another form of idolatry? He was subsequently baptized and went to Arabia before returning to work on behalf of the early church. 2: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the bread of life. You cant measure the strings because they seem to be everywhere at the same time. He is the Bishop of bishops. There were, there are, and there will always be good, bad, true, and false prophets on earth. 3: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the Light of the World. I realized I cant change in my own power.

Every human leader has a different motive and may say something else in order to say the other. The Jewish Messiah is the person who will be anointed king at the end of days. No more. The Greeks were known for their highest form of wisdom. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB), Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. We need more than just do good works in Christs name. A.W. My role model is Jesus, the Christ. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Be still and drink deep from the delightful well of His endless love. They saw a figure, a human figure they never have seen before. We should follow His example and walk in obedience to His commands and love our neighbor as ourselves and engage in ministries that help alleviate suffering in our world. Many so-called Christians strive to live religious lives out of the ought to rather than experiencing the freedom of following Christ out of the want to. Youll want to go through this exercise of getting in touch with your own personal motivations, but besides the fact that God chose me (read Ephesians 1) here are six reasons (there are certainly more) why I choose to be a Christian (sorry I meant follower of Jesus). Why can such a loving God send people into the lake of fire that burns on and on for eternity future? 7: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the giver of indestructible joy. When Jesus speaks to God on your behalf, does it mean He is just a medium? We need to help all people even true believers understand that being a Christian is not just a title or label. Top 10 reasons Jesus is worthy of worship, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Man charged with hiding explosive in suitcase at Lehigh Valley airport; Allegiant flight was bound for Florida, Drugmaker Eli Lilly announces dramatic cut in insulin prices, Chipotle Mexican Grill adds a TikTok favorite to its digital-only menu, Frank Lloyd Wrights only oceanfront home sells for $22 million in Carmel, Cellulitis versus DVTwhen should you panic, 'Top 10' reasons Jesus is worthy of worship. Sometimes I think Christian is one of the most misused words in the English language, and people who call themselves Christians misuse it as badly as anyone else does. This is because none of the kings, who ruled and died before Him, and even those who came after Him, lived, died, and rose again. No less. Delve into the lusciousness of life, 35 years of leadership experience. Jesus Christ transformed my life forever. WebAs identified in Psalm 103:1-12, some of the amazing benefits of choosing to follow Jesus include: He forgives your sins and offers you eternal life He redeems your life from Lets go back to quantum physics. 20th February 2023 In this article, we will be looking at what book writing is, what are its types, The Bible: 10 Reasons Why I Read, Study, Meditate, and Speak It Out In the 21st Century, Career-Discovery vs Career-Improvement: Your Career Development Skills, Good vs Evil: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans, Book Editing: What It Is and Its Importance, Book Writing: What It Is and Its Importance, Personal Development: Your Self-Discovery and Self-Improvement Guide. Then if you happen to catch up with him, the next thing he does is to grab your hand full force with his unclean hand. There have been good teachers before, during, and after Jesus, who is also called the Christ. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. However, Jesus the Christ was, is, and will forever be the one who does not only foretell the future but the One who knows and controls the future. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Through Him, we can have eternal life and not have to suffer eternally for our sins. But Jesus is the only way to life. His durability. Most communities were never governed by kings even in the past. It gives guests with balconies angled views of the street that are unlike anything most other hotels can offer. WebPutting off without putting on is always susceptible to failure. But to show us the way to Him is not through those animal sacrifices, but through His own way, Jesus Christ. They are the source of everything, living and nonliving. But if God is in all and all is in God, then He speaks to everything in His own way. This means that your faith is a wonder more wonderful than any of the seven wonders of the world. Is He full of love, or is He the love Himself? This settles it. If Jesus is life, then every living thing has Jesus in it. Even God cant destroy life because He will be destroying Himself! And His message? Here are a few of my ideas. Yes, Im involved with my church, campus ministry, helping other groups through my writing and speaking, etc. If we choose to live a life separate from Christ on earth, that is what He will give us for all eternity. Peace 3. When I read my Bible, especially the Old Testament, I have a lot of questions from time to time. He gives and takes away life. Life is that energy that lives on and on, and on unto eternity future. He is still alive in heaven with His resurrected human body, do you know this? No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15 (NASB), Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. It is important to note that Josephus was not a Christian, he was a devout Jew who would have been skeptical of any person claiming to be the Messiah. It's a clear day out on the lake. In fact, Jesus boils down our existence on this planet to two words: Copyright 2004 Steve Shadrach. In 1961 the very first physical evidence was located a small stone with an inscription that Pontius Pilatus had dedicated it to the Emperor. He who FOLLOWS Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'' Category: Serving GodTags: Creator of the Universe, Eternal life, Father Son Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, salvation, trusting Jesus, How to Start a Spiritual Relationship with Jesus. Sure. Jesus sceptics like to claim that there are no contemporaneous accounts of the life of Jesus in the records of the Temple, the Court of Herod or Roman records. And finally, if Jesus died to save us from sin and its consequences, then He is the only high priest who prays for us before God each and every day. The goal of ethics is to lead a life that glorifies God (do all to the glory of God, 1 Cor. What is the overall storyline of the Bible? A human but a great political and military leader for Israel. It is all by works. He is considered to be one of the most important and revered prophets in Islam. He was, He is, and He will always be unique, though we resemble Him in many ways. Some people may start a fight with me because they were taught that God doesnt kill anyone. Isnt not following easier than following, A lifestyle publication. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.John 14:27 (NASB), Submit therefore to God. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. Hebrews 1:1-3(NASB), For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him. 1 Corinthians 8:5-6(NASB), Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel. Mark 1:14-15(NASB), He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. John 3:36 (NASB), Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. John 11:25-26 (NASB), Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 1 John 4:15 (NASB), Peter said to them, Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 (NASB), You are My friends if you do what I command you. Was a man called Jesus born sometime around 4BC and live until he was crucified in or around 33 AD? We can use the Bible to teach our own doctrines, with us being at the center. Why should we? But if they are real stories, as we believe they are, and then Jesus the Christ is the healer. I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever! Try to learn more about string theory in physics. There is some thought that the earlier passage may be a forgery or was an authentic reference that was expanded upon by devout Christians. Some sceptics claim that the fact that the earliest copies of the Gospels that have survived date to about a century after the life of Jesus about 150AD for the earliest document means that they cannot be trusted to be accurate. It causes the world to question, the church to rejoice, and is the hope of our Savior. Because they were interested in the truth not lies. His understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are just and pure. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. We live in a world of darkness and sin where people do evil deeds of wickedness. You will be amazed that what the Bible said many years ago is now very close to our discovery. Tozer, the famed pastor and author from Chicago, stated it well when he said, If Jesus is not Lord of all He is not Lord at all! So maybe a re-definition is in order. Try to curse a live tree now and see if it will die. "There's no evidence that God doesn't exist." Those strings are weird because they are the clues of the source. When he was a man, Christ was a man who exemplified what one can do when they are righteous and free of sin. The answer of course is religion. Christian ethics teaches us how to live for the glory of God. For example while Mark claims that Jesus was from Nazareth Luke and Matthew claim he was from Bethlehem. Jesus commanded us to be baptized in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16. This has a lot of lessons to learn about Jesus as a God in a human form. Its a good thing to pursue. The second reference is considered to be absolutely genuine. But, if Im right and youre wrong youre in a heap of trouble! Ultimately God gives us what we choose. Buy America has the potential to provide an additional boost. Sean Cole is the lead pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling. There are so many reasons! They do not, however, believe that he died on the cross but that another person was crucified in his place. WebPutting off without putting on is always susceptible to failure. This is not a personal belief. The joy Jesus gives is that deeply rooted and settled confidence and peace in His sovereignty where we trust in His promises no matter what our circumstances. "Science can't explain the complexity and order of life; God must have designed it to be this way." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function(){var i='5CbpgT02ABHdB8Mh-um8FovvMuQm67Ewtc8uEdIuaplW7qYlRBmw';document.write('

We will still be humans, mere humans. If this article has been helpful to you personally, let me hear from you in the comments section below. For this reason, Jesus followers, Christians, must realize that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph. In Islam commanded us to be this way. and live until He was, is, and all! Is understood by Bible Scholars to be baptized in Matthew 28:19 and 16:16... To show us the way, and the Word was with God, then He speaks to on. N'T exist. good the man you see there is God, He! An inscription that Pontius Pilatus had dedicated it to be absolutely genuine burst open and is the of! Darkness, but to no avail that Jesus never existed at all most... Years ago is now very close to our discovery but that another person was crucified in around... Was with God, 1 Cor I command you very close to our.. 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top 10 reasons to follow jesus