famous preachers of the 20th century

Grahams work did draw hundreds of thousands to the true teachings of Christ. He brought the light of biblical understanding to the lives of many as God directed him. Known for his preaching skills, he preaches live every weekend. Let the history of the Church be for a witness that power has visited the Church in such preaching, and that power has ebbed when the Cross has been forgotten. You probably know Kent Hovind because hes the man behind the curtain of Creation Science Evangelism and Dinosaur Adventure Land. He was considered not to have the dramatic sort of voice that generated pulpit electricity. Georges life path is quite amazing. He started his teaching career at the Union Theological Seminary. Arthur has been walking to share his testimony of faith in Jesus for over 44 years. His more doctrinal sermons can perhaps be likened to the hymnody of Charles Wesley, about which it has been said that whatever earthly topic they begin with, they end in heaven. Oral Roberts faith and success are well documented. Many famous evangelists have changed the world with their preaching through the years. He was born in San Jose, California, on January 28, 1954. His poignant love of communication and his devotion to Biblical truth, was his gift to preaching in the 20th century. George Whitefield was the greatest evangelical preacher to the masses. His preached reflected a love for people, an urgency about their salvation, and a commitment to Christ and to Gods Word. (Calvin Miller, Professor of Preaching, Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, AL). 16. Peter Marshall Top Ten Greatest Preachers of 20th Century Michael Duduit, Editor, Preaching 1) James S. Stewart (1896-1990) 2) Billy Graham (1918- ) 3) George Buttrick (1892-1980) ADVERTISEMENT 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) 5) Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) 6) Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) 7) William Edwin Sangster (1900-1960) King was recognized as a recipient of the Noble Peace Prize due to his prophetic words and actions. To such questions Lloyd-Jones would admonish us to take ourselves in hand and assess our faithfulness to the Scriptures and the high calling to be stewards of the mysteries of God. Raphael G. Warnock. He has been a pastor and associate pastor, has served a number of churches as interim pastor, and speaks regularly for churches, colleges and conferences. His books such as Heralds of God (the published version of his Warrack Lectures at Edinburgh) and A Faith to Proclaim (the published version of his Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale) have inspired tens of thousands of preachers to strive for greater effectiveness in their proclamation of Gods Word. Hayden Christensen: Actor, Age, Wife, Net Worth. Harry taught the gospel in a clear and understandable manner that many who listened to him were willing to come again and again. That was back in the days when chapel was required of students. He was well known to be a preacher who focused more on the salvation brought by the teachings in the New Testament. He is an inspirational speaker and writer, organizational manager for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and an author of books on faith. Such was the influence of bachelor preacher, Clarence Edward Macartney. Stewart was committed to expository preaching, and preached with an earnestness and energy that was warmly received by his listeners. The first was how he was rejected for formal ministry because his preaching showed so little potential. Riley and the Modernist George Foster, 1858-1918, Walter Rauschenbusch, 1861-1918. Through all the accolades he has presented a strong Christianity with a big God, a loving Savior, a hot hell, and a glorious heaven. One of the most influential preachers of the century, Fosdicks ministry coincided with the growth of radio, contributing to his national prominence. (William L. Self, Pastor, Johns Creek Baptist Church, Alpharetta, GA). From the 100 most important events of the century to the 50 best entertainers to the 25 best athletes, it seems that there is a list for every interest. Campbell died four years before I was born. Most of his popular courses were centered around the outlining of sermons. It has been crowned with different heads, and these heads have been working hard to spread the Christian word, literally. He has walked over 3,000 miles from Davids Tomb In Jerusalem to Mt. I am Shopia, a movie enthusiastic and I read lot of books, mostly of science fiction, thrillers and biography. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'besttoppers_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',148,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-besttoppers_com-banner-1-0');Billy Sunday (1862-1935), one of the most famous American preachers raised in poverty, became a professional baseball player. Thousands of people have shown us their journey to believe in God through videos on television, books, and even live speaking. They demonstrated a mighty love for God and the spread of the gospel. Among the outstanding preachers who were nominated were names like F.W. Despite Camerons participation in the acting industry, he is better known as an outspoken and devout follower of Evangelical Christianity. Paisley became recognized for his fiery sermons and constantly preached and protested next Roman Catholicism, ecumenism, and homosexuality. I've heard some very notable sermons, and some not-so-notable sermons too. With the release of his book, The Purpose-Driven Life (2000), Warren gained international acclaim and a spot among the nation's most influential Christians. With such accomplishments, we can only class him as one of the famous preachers of the 20th century. In 2006, he became the first U.S. evangelical pastor to fall from grace due to a sex scandal. Content writing is just my profession but my passion too. From there he moved to the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, which was to be his most prominent pulpit. Buttrick is one of the famous preachers of the 20th century who taught the gospel with determination and passion. In fact, he said of himself that he had an "odd sandy voice, the voice of an old nurse" (Alphabet of Grace, 1970, p. 44). Over a ministry about to enter its seventh decade, God has blessed Graham's preaching and has used his faithfulness and integrity to draw hundreds of thousands to respond to the call of Christ. Marcella Season 4: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, And Everything You Dont Want To Miss. There are yet great saints in the First Presbyterian family of Pittsburgh who sat under his preaching. Thank God for Billy Graham. (Jim Shaddix, Professor of Preaching, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary). Pastor George Buttrick succeeded Henry Sloane Coffin whom we also consider as one of the famous preachers of the 20th century. A converted shoe salesman, Moody had a passion for seeing souls converted to Christ. Who can argue that the Apostle Paul was not the most effective preacher of the Word. Though I never had the privilege of hearing Stewart preach in person, I have listened, spell-bound, to some taped sermons, and have underlined many a memorable statement in those I have read in my library. W.A. His preaching was thoroughly biblical, passionate, rational, and theological. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'besttoppers_com-box-3','ezslot_1',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-besttoppers_com-box-3-0');If you want to know more about the evangelists, read on through the following paragraphs. A favorite preacher among evangelicals around the globe, John Stott is Rector Emeritus of All Souls Church in London and Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. Thank God for a simple preacher. He was tragically assassinated in 1968. Some of the most popular evangelists in common Christianity believed that Christianity was the only true religion and the entire world would end soon. Often preaching in sermon series (many of which are still in print), he was committed to preaching without notes. He ministered through many technological shifts, including radio, television, and film. However, while he could greatly amuse a select group of friends in private, it was his passion and devotion that caught the international spotlight. Called by many the prince of expositors, G. Campbell Morgan helped influence the shape of evangelical preaching on both sides of the Atlantic. Through all the accolades he has presented a strong Christianity with a big God, a loving Savior, a hot hell, and a glorious heaven. His love of literature and the arts informed his clean, simple sermon outlines that intersected all of life. He served at All Souls Church as assistant curate (1945-50), as Rector (1950-75), and as Rector Emeritus since 1975. He is the author of over 40 books, including Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ. Based on those nominations, a list of 27 names was prepared and sent to Preaching's Board of Contributing Editors. He is the famous American preacher of his time. He wrote many books and articles, and twice delivered the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale. Many dedicated their whole lives to serving God and men. Sangsters preaching was orthodox, grounded in Scripture but not necessarily expository, and called listeners to action as well as reflection. His was a special theological mind which could take the doctrine of justification by faith and successfully employ it as the solution for the deepest melancholy. It echoes around the world in a variety of forms. A total of 341 seminary professors and editors of religious periodicals responded to the second mail-out survey, and they nominated 1,548 preachers as the most effective preachers. (Robert Smith, Professor of Preaching, Beeson Divinity School Birmingham, AL). All Rights Reserved. ", "John Ashcroft, hero of religious right, quits administration", "How born-again George became a man on a mission", "Jimmy Carter and the Evangelical Divide", "Pawlenty releases video on his faith as he seeks Iowa evangelical vote", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_evangelical_Christians&oldid=1139439696, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 04:06. He has preached in person to more people than any human being who has ever lived. Lloyd-Jones was trained in medicine rather than theology, but abandoned his medical practice in response to his sense of Gods call. He was well known to be a preacher who focused more on the salvation brought by the teachings in the New Testament. But he commented to me that it was unusual to hear that sermon coming from that preacher because the preacher had spent a great deal of his ministery fighting modernism. Then he went on to tell me the other reason the sermon was so unusual; it was one of Harry Emerson Fosdicks sermons, and Fosdick was the leading modernist of the time. It is followed by billions of people across the globe. Morgans love of the Bible shone through his sermons, which were carefully prepared and then presented with an anointed intensity. In addition to this, he was more of the faith practicing type. John Smyth was the first pastor of the first Baptist church of English exiles in Amsterdam Thomas Helwys planted first Baptist church in England and author of A Short Declaration of the Mystery of Inquity which was one of the first arguments for religious freedom John Bunyan Baptist preacher and author of Pilgrim's Progress Each time that he stepped out to preach, his message was directed to winning more souls for Jesus Christ. A historical rarity such as the event we are about to face on December 31 offers a prime opportunity to look back and consider those persons who have made such a difference in our lives and in our world. He saw no incompatibility between biblical preaching and preaching on relevant social issues. The result was hundreds of nominations of preachers who have made an impact beyond the lives of their own churches. I never heard him preach. He believed that a sermon's architecture should render the sermon pleasing, beautiful, orderly and useful. He was a minister to the Rockefellers and other prominent civic and business leaders. Based on those nominations, a list of 27 names was prepared and sent to Preachings Board of Contributing Editors. Revolutionary War-era pastor Lemuel Haynes is remembered as the first black man ordained as a preacher in the United States, where he led mostly white congregations in New England during his. I saw in Fosdick, not a source of sermons but a dimension of preaching that had been withheld from me in my early development. Two years later, their daughter, Mollie Jean, was born, and in a year, Kirks twin sons Nathan and Caleb were born. He is a well-known American televangelist, pastor, and author. Billy Graham was one of the greatest American Evangelists of the last century. Coming up with the full list of famous preachers of the 20th century is quite challenging if not impossible. Of the many career opportunities King could have pursued, he chose to take a full time pastorate. Simplicity truly characterizes his message. He published many Christian books and was a great teacher holding many conferences. He began preaching at revivals he called "crusades" in the years following WWII. For example, while several persons commented that they would not be supportive of many of his theological positions, they could not deny the powerful influence Harry Emerson Fosdick exerted on the character of preaching in the modern era. His name was later mentioned in the investigation regarding allegations against Dont Ask, Dont Tell regarding sexual assault on his male staff. Billy Sunday was a colorful and powerful preacher who preached to hundreds of thousands at the turn of the 20th century. An evangelist himself, hes also very interested in the atheist sphere. Justin Rhodes: Age, Height, Wife, Kids, YouTuber, Permaculturalist and Net Worth ! He concluded his ministry as head of the home mission department of the Methodist Church, before his deterioration and death because of progressive muscular atrophy. A famous evangelist today is T. D. Jakes. A Spirit can thus redeem our poor preaching of the Cross. His primary message is that Jesus Christ has come again to be with his people. His church services are aired on his via webcasts. He influenced people all over the world. Although a few found in him things worth criticizing, he was generally loved by the majority of his listeners. Evangelists are the people who speak publicly to people about their Christian faith. His sermons and teachings are telecast live on The Potters House, a Christian network from New York. The church elders asked that he preach it each year thereafter, which he did. His email newsletter, PreachingNow, is read each week by more than 40,000 pastors and church leaders in the U.S. and around the world. Michelle Williams: Actress, Age, Husband, Relationships, Net Worth ! He is the perfect example of how a Christian man should be. In the mid-fifties he began his teaching career, first at Union Theological Seminary and later Harvard. Recently my friend told me how Lloyd-Jones God-centered biblical preaching encouraged him in the midst of hard times. T.D Jakes is a U.S.-based pastor belonging to evangelical protestant churches. He believed that the architecture of a sermon is worth your effort and perfection. He is an author of several books and articles which are all centered around Christ and the holy gospel. Thus it is with preaching. He exploited this long life in Gods service and went further to building a Christ-centered organization. The Bible, first and foremost, gives authority to what we proclaim. ", "Unbelievable? In addition to this, James S. Stewart also served as a moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Only God knows the number of lives which will have been influenced for Christ because of the faithful ministry of John Stott. (Michael Duduit, Editor, Preaching). His teachings greatly influenced all sorts of noble listeners. Harriet Livermore, a celebrated female preacher, had been invited to preach to Congress. In addition, he also contributed much to the world in terms of extending the gospel. John Dillinger: Gangster, Age, Height, Wife, Death, Last Words, Net Worth! Nonetheless he was forceful in the pulpit and became a master at sermon construction and orderly, powerful discourse. We dont know how many times weve seen some anti-Christian poke fun at Hovind, even though if you were to take all the evangelists in a room and compare them to Kent, youd see that he is an evangelical Christian. His face was naturally open and genuine with a childlike simplicity about it that captivated the people. Few figures in the history of evangelical Christianity prominently as George Whitefield, and few preached with such dramatic effect. Francis of Assisi. We cannot overlook Paul just because He was the most prolific of writers in the New Testament or that he planted churches throughout the Roman . He paid attention to the architecture of his sermons and carefully prepared them to be pleasant and informative. For each of them, their faith played a major role in their outlook . It was not like so many sermons I had endured in which the preacher had laboriously beaten us over the head with unexamined propositions, but rather it was focused directly upon our needs, took us by the hand and led us in to the scriptures as the answer to the needs the pastor was discussing. He was instrumental in promoting the idea of "faith missions." Dollar, Jr. is best known as one of America's leading evangelists and famous preachers of the 20th century. He also served as chaplain to the queen in Scotland. Born in 1893, the son of a popular Bible teacher in the YMCA movement, James Stewart was an acclaimed preacher both in his native Scotland and also in America. Stewart was committed to expository preaching, and preached with an earnestness and energy that was warmly received by his listeners. His books entitled A faith to proclaim and Heralds of God have brought a plus to the lives of tens of thousands of preachers. Unfortunately, this great man of God was tragically assassinated in 1968. The Rev. The product of a working-class family, Sangster was educated in London and Birmingham, and served in the army during World War I. Yet one thing cannot be denied: every person on the list below has made a significant impact on countless lives, on the church, and on their fellow preachers. The nineteenth century was a golden age for herald preaching. He did this through his amazing sermons and writings. In his own preaching he did not hesitate to call men and women to personal faith in Christ, and he challenged his students and others to do the work of the evangelist. ' (Gregory Alan Thornbury, Instructor in Christian Studies, Union University, Jackson, TN), Clarence Macartney was a lifelong bachelor, avid student of scripture, and champion of theological orthodoxy who stood in opposition to Fosdicks liberalizing influence. Michael Duduit is the founding publisher and editor of Preaching magazine. Macartneys ministry took him successively to pastorates of three downtown churches, culminating in the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. His preaching was topical in style, often biographical. Today, Joel Osteen Evangelists have grown into one of the most influential churches around the globe. George exerted an intense influence on a generation of preachers in America. King has helped ministers to recover the relevance of preaching for our day, to motivate Christians to blend their theology with their ethics, and to translate their faith in God in the social, economic and political struggle, while not being afraid to use philosophy and formal reasoning. From that distinguished pulpit Buttrick began a teaching career at Union Theological Seminary, then as Preacher to the University at Harvard. 12. On one particular Wednesday morning, I was arrested out of my boredom during chapel by a particularly stimulating sermon brought to us by one of the leading Fundamentalists in our area. In his book Preaching and Preachers, Lloyd-Jones defined preaching as logic on fire. That definition accurately describes his own approach. He acted as a motivator and comforter to many who were about to abandon their faith. Howie Long: Sports Analyst, Height, Wife, Sons, Net Worth! Clarence dedicated his life to Gods service and did not compromise his decision until the last day he had on Earth. Over 100 million people have listened to his sermons. and "You must be born again" that have riveted themselves into our hearts and minds. And each sermon is focused intently on a single purpose: to draw men and women to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Such preaching was an unusual and controversial form of inductive preaching, and its most famous preacher was Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). Ray Comfort is one of Americas most prominent and famous evangelists. Might be weve over-limited ourselves by referring to only Christians. His teaching influenced all sorts of notable pulpiteers, including Frederick Buechner. It is without a doubt that the famous preachers of the twentieth century were greatly moved by the mighty hand of God. False Teachers List & False Prophets Exposed / Problematic Preachers | List of False Teachers of the Prosperity Gospel & NAR: Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Rob Bell, Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Here are 30 well-known pastors of today that speak the truth of God and who believe every single word in the Bible. Through his preaching, he became a national chaplain for Americans and world citizens at large. His delivery has been even more simple, characterized by crispness and clarity that even the youngest of listeners is able to grasp. George Buttrick was an English-born congregational preacher who consecrated his life to serving God and men. It is said that Joel Osteen has taken those original words and spliced them together to create his doctrines which he proclaims from his megachurch in Houston, Texas, as well as through his weekly sermons, which makes him the top evangelist in the world. He was a Unionist politician who founded the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and became the First Minister of Northern Ireland from 2008-18 and served as Member of Parliament (M.P.) Kirk Cameron is the son of actor and famous Evangelist Bob Cameron. He belongs to the Afro-American community, spread from Ethiopia in Africa to Brazil on the South American continent. 11. Yet he never forgot the humble County Down roots of his heritage. But (says the story) in that despair an angel came while he slept and made the crucifix true both to the eye of the craftsman and the eye of the worshipper. 14. He was very vocal, and he was sure to have a strong influence on everyone. Hes also got an awesome list of nicknames for atheists. Here's the history: The earliest black female preacher was a Methodist woman simply known as Elizabeth. The name of this great evangelist is perhaps better known than that of any of his fellow-labourers a hundred years ago. His discipline and talent came in time to be ranked alongside Harry Emerson Fosdick and Paul Scherer. James made an intense commitment to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a widely popular preacher who has been an influential figure in the life of many people. It is God's great promise and demand to every preacher of the Word. Yet, both men lived very different lives on their road to fame, and not much is known about the early part of Dwight L. Moodys life. These great men and women of God were spread all over the world. Records hold that he brought back life to those parts of the church which were neglected and almost dead. Born in England, raised in Wales, Morgan lacked formal education but his absolute confidence in scripture made him an avid student and interpreter of the Word. Though his theological training was provided in a context of theological liberalism, as Kings ministry progressed as pastor of Montgomerys Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, then Atlantas Ebenezer Baptist Church his preaching grew increasingly more evangelical and biblical. As a way to celebrate the end of a century and the start of a new millennium and to celebrate the committed Christian preachers who have so influenced our calling and our faith communities Preaching magazine undertook an effort to identify the great preachers of our century and of the past thousand years. Being an evangelist means that Aimee Semple McPherson had a message worth sharing. Thats why we hereby class him among the famous preachers of the 20th century. John Mark Ministries web site was a huge help in my searches: www.jmm.org. The gifted Scottish preacher taught New Testament at the University of Edinburgh, was Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland, and served in 1963-64 as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Perhaps the greatest gift willed to King from the African-American church was that of an indomitable faith in God which reverberated through his sermons and speeches. In his own preaching he did not hesitate to call men and women to personal faith in Christ, and he challenged his students and others to do the work of the evangelist. History recounts that pastor George delivered twice the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures on preaching at Yale. He is one of the most renowned evangelical heads in the world. 19. She probably wasnt afraid to stand up for what was right, especially if it meant sharing her faith. He is currently the senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Patrick Morley's mission is to help men grow as disciples and disciple makers--starting at home. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'besttoppers_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-besttoppers_com-medrectangle-4-0');Arthur Blessitt, another famous tv Evangelist on our list, is a speaker and author. He was born in 1949. Second, when his studies in theology and science led to doubts about the truth of the Scriptures, Campbell put away all his books except The Book. He wrote many books and articles, and twice delivered the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale. To such preaching we must pledge ourselves. They are cause for self-reflection and examination for those of us in ministry at the dawn of a new century. From evangelical preacher to disgraced sinner, Teds fall from grace was swift and dramatic. Reviewer: angeantwik - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - March 1, 2023 Subject: permission to use Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century Please grant me the permission to use these speeches for my youtube channel. Lewis Capaldi: Singer, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Net Worth ! The Evangelist, Kirk Cameron, is perhaps best known for his love of all things 80s, e.g., his filmography (the most notable being a role alongside Michael Landon in the beloved television sitcom Charles in Charge). He was an Evangelist who played an important role in the 20th century worldwide evangelical movement. The gifted Scottish preacher taught New Testament at the University of Edinburgh, was Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland, and served in 1963-1964 as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Thats why we cant simply forget them. Raised on a North Carolina dairy farm, Grahams pious parents were old-fashioned enough to believe in corporal punishment, mandatory daily Bible readings, and regular lectures on clean living. He had a topical preaching style which was mostly biographical. At a stage of life and a stature in which he could do whatever he wishes, Dr. Stott is today dedicating his life to helping train and encourage Christian preachers in the Third World. Worth noting is that he served in the army during World War I. . 2021 Preaching.com. As we previously reported : "The list from the '90s was a game-changer for a lot of honorees, often paving the way for speaking gigs and raising the . 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famous preachers of the 20th century