strange object found in egypt january 2020

Here is another strange, anomalous object photographed on the surface of Mars by the Curiosity rover. LISTEN BUCKO, PETERSON IS CONTROLLED OP ANSWER COMMENTS & GOING IN TO MORE DETAIL, ROSEANNE BARR ROASTS THE VACCINATED, SAYS HER WHOLE LIBTARD FAMILY HAS CLOTS AND WILL DIE FROM JAB, I Cant Stay Quiet Anymore | This Needs To Be Said | JC Kay. It is believed that they could have . The story goes that workmen near the town of Aiud, Romania, uncovered a clump of three mysterious objects thirty feet below the surface on the banks of the River Mure. objects were found in . Scientists are excited because it contains micro-mineral compounds not found elsewhere in our region of space or on meteorites and comets. Researchers have revealed details of mysterious cone-shaped headgear discovered at the ancient Egyptian city of Amarna. His burial chamber was located in Tanis, a city on the Nile Delta. "Interstellar dust is also found in comets and meteorites that have not been heated up for a prolonged period in their history.". Thanks to modern facial reconstruction techniques, it is possible to look upon the face of a woman who died 2,600 years ago. Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a collection of mummified cats that are thought to be 4000 years old. Another important factor that has raised more questions regarding aliens in ancient Egypt is the alleged finding of Egyptian hieroglyphs on both the Roswell UFO and the one witnessed at Rendlesham Forest. Mysterious Stone Found in Egypt Contains Exotic Alien Compounds egypt origin of universe rocks solar system history universe origin A pebble found in a field of Libyan desert glass in southwest Egypt has proven to be quite a mystery, and may even shake up our very understanding of the history of our solar system. Siebenbrgische Spezialitten Erzeugnisse aus der Heimat nach original Rezepten. CAIRO - 5 January 2020: Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a new artifact at the tomb of Tutankhamen, as they were transporting some of the king's treasures from the tomb in Luxor to the Grand Egyptian Museum. In one of the tombs, ancient tomb builders had blocked an entrance as a means of deterring intruders. Its 26,000 light years from Earth, but its the closest black hole we can see, even if its largely obscured by dust. March 6, 2022 LUFOS 2 A pilot finds out hes sharing the skies when he spots a strange cubed shaped UFO. The discovery comes from the cemeteries of Amarna, an ancient Egyptian city whose temples were erected by Akhenaten, a pharaoh thought to be King Tutankhamuns father. It's chemical makeup means it's different from other space rocks that usually pass Earth. AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL stone uncovered decades ago in Egypt may be evidence of an ancient stellar explosion, according to a new study. Scientists just confirmed a 30-foot void first detected inside the monument years ago. As we started cleaning that room, we discovered a large well and started digging it until we found a new chamber under it; now we have a well dug into the stone at the Statue Room floor. In June 2020, a German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters says he has evidence Madeleine is dead but he gives no details. It sure matches the functions described in our data sets. When other villagers arrived and dug it out, they found that the sphere seemed to be hollow, except for what seemed to be a bit of liquid swishing about within. The figure was found with its arms outstretched and rope tied around its knees and the team is still investigating why and how this person died. Furthermore, if it came from our solar system, it would challenge our entire understanding of how our solar system formed. Posted on October 27, 2012 by MOTW Admin ALIEN MUMMY FOUND IN EGYPT . Professor Mark Morris, a co-author of the study, added:. In a landscape so steeped in history, from ancient Native American cultures to Charles Goodnights JA Ranch and the Civilian Conservation Corps, this number was obviously too low. CAIRO - 5 January 2020: Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a new artifact at the tomb of Tutankhamen, as they were transporting some of the king's treasures from the tomb in Luxor to the Grand Egyptian Museum. Their empire extended from the Black Sea to Damascus, and more than 1000 km (620 miles) east to west across Anatolia, now a part UFO sighting from volcano Etna in Italy, 2022. A mans world? January 8, 2016; Weird New Year Traditions January . The Fourth block contains three rows of scenes representing King Ptolemy in front of Osiris, who sits on the throne, and behind Osiris stands a goddess. Hopefully well soon learn what Sagittarius A* is actually up to watch this space, If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [emailprotected], Topics:News, Black Hole, galaxy, Milky Way, Science, Space, 'Strange objects' found near Milky Way supermassive black hole, Strange objects found near the Milky Way's supermassive black hole,, Anna Ciurlo/Tuan Do/UCLA Galactic Centre Group, Over $30 million of Funko Pops are being thrown away, Saturn's rings are disappearing much faster than anticipated, Melle Mel says the only reason Eminem is considered as a top five rapper is because he's white, Netflix viewers 'sick to their stomach' while watching terrifying new movie Fall, Porn star Riley Reid says she was made to feel 'disgusting' by ex-boyfriend because of her job, Chris Rock says only reason he watched Will Smith's movie Emancipation was to watch him get whipped, Scientists stumped after black hole 'burps' up star years after 'eating' it, Scientists simulated a black hole in a lab to test Stephen Hawking's theory and it started to glow, Mysterious black hole has been found pointing directly at Earth blasting light at us, 'Hairy' Black Holes Finally Explain Hawking Paradox, Scientists Say. The pebble appears unremarkable on the surface, measuring just a few centimeters across and dark grey in color. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. It was obviously very, very different, not something wed seen in any burials before, Stevens says. According to the study, it's believed the rock may even be older thanour solar system itself. And that is where we will start the January 2020 round-up. In the very early days of Egyptology, the work was very rushed, a bit haphazard, she says. Why wetlands are so critical for life on Earth, Rest in compost? Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. This ancient tri-lobed bowl its shape reminiscent of Saabs Three-Spoke wheels :) In fact, this schist wheel appeared in Tomb of Prince Sabu, along with other strange copper objects, practically the only metal that the Egyptians then knew. "If it were possible to grind up the entire planet Earth to dust in a huge mortar and pestle, we would get dust with on average a similar chemical composition as chondritic meteorites," Kramers says in apress release, referring to chondrites, non-metallic meteorites that account for about 86% of all meteorites. Required fields are marked *. Pretty impressive for a pebble. Way old ALTA reports had data about 2 guys who left govt service with some devices that govt wanted back & chased them around planet. Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered almost 30 sarcophagi believed to have been buried for around 2,500 years, according to the country's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Photography tips for the Pyramids of Giza: Get here for an opening time in the morning or even earlier to get in line. Minya is set to be put on Egypts tourists map for its distinguished archaeological sites, El-Enany said., An Egyptian archaeological mission affiliated with the Supreme Council of Antiquities announced on Wednesday the discovery of 83 graves during archaeological excavations in the Om El-Khelgan region in Egypts Daqahliya governorate in the Nile Delta. Where did the Hypatia stone come from? The pebble is known as the Hypatia Stone, named after 4th century Greek philosopher and mathematician Hypatia who is remembered as being one of the first notable female mathematicians. They report that they have identified a previously unknown corridor-like space a few metres from the burial chamber (see Chamber of secrets). "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This type of explosion is referred to as a fast blue optical transient. That could explain why these people were buried with the cones, Harrington suggests, despite their basic burials.. The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa al-Waziry explained that the cave was located in a difficult region called al-Zaranij. According to the countrys Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the coffins were found in a burial shaft 11 metres (36 feet) below the ground, stacked on top of each other. She was the fabled queen of ancient Egypt, immortalised over thousands of years as a beautiful seductress. Sign up to receive our monthly email newsletter for an Egypt News Digest and summaries of our latest posts! Over the last four months, archaeologists have found at least 210 sarcophagi beneath Saqqara, an ancient Egyptian city of the dead. These embedded grains contain phosphorus and metallic elements such as aluminum and iron, but not in ratios or configurations you would expect. The stone itself is also broken into smaller sections of about one centimetre (0.4 inches) in size or smaller. KLAUS SCHWAB AND HIS HAND, MANY OF HE BEST NASA FAILS IN ONE COMPILATION, BREAKING! View our online Press Pack. Now, this seems to be quite the find coming from an unexplored part of an ancient pyramid; a mummified alien! 02:23 (CNN) Archaeologists working near the pyramids of Giza have discovered an ancient Egyptian burial ground dating back to around 2500 BCE and hosting the tombs of high-ranking officials. This incredible underwater city, trapped in time, is 1341 years old. Psychopathic Moron Prat Hancock Ordered Aides to Debunk the Fucking Sweden Argument, THE MOST SECRET TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD AND YOU ARE BORN WITH IT, A MESSAGE TO THE JABBED DR VERNON COLEMAN 3 MAR 2023, VIRUSES, INCLUDING LAB LEAK SCENARIOS DO NOT EXIST ITS ALL MADE UP. It was discovered in the Egyptian desert in 1996. The Amarna tombs have less artwork than other burial sites, but a handful of images show people wearing the cones as they prepare for burials and make offerings. Experts say the alien object may have formed at a time when the universe was still forming and may be older than the sun and its surrounding planets. 60.000 45.000 BCE). One of Earth's loneliest volcanoes holds an extraordinary secret. They found that many compounds in the stone seem to have formed prior to the sun and planets. The mummy - a woman named Shep-en-Isis who died in Egypt during the 7th Century BC - was discovered at the Deir el-Bahari mortuary complex all the way back in 1819. The object was found on August 14, 2019, as it merged with a black hole of 23 solar masses, generating a splash of gravitational waves detected back on Earth by LIGO and Virgo. The Hypatia stone is only a few centimeters across and has fragmentedinto even smaller rocks, but it may very well be the most interesting mineral in the world. During her clean-up of a beach in Perdido Bay, in November 2020, a woman identified only as Kathleen found more than trash or debris. How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. Scientists at the University of Johannesburgin South Africa have been stunned by its unique components and believeit may have been brought to Earth millions of years ago. A newstudyled by geologists at the University of Johannesburg found that compounds in the Hypatia stone are distinct from anything discovered in the solar system. 70-year-old photographic plates in 'alien' anomalies mystery. Email us [email protected] call 0207 782 4368 . But for now, the Hypatia stone is one of a kind, a unique type of meteorite that has compounds scientists have never found anywhere else in the solar system. Clearly there is something on the other side of the north wall of the burial chamber.. While its been a decade since the excavations, Anna Stevens, an archaeologist at Monash University who is assistant director of the Amarna Project and co-director of ongoing research at the citys non-elite cemeteries, remembers the day the first cone was found. Another adult burial, which couldnt be identified as male or female, turned up an additional head cone. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? COULD THE COVID VACCINES CAUSE DEMONICPOSSESSION? I do not know what these ar. Archaeologists have found 27 Egyptian tombs that are said to have been buried more than 2,500 years ago. Pyramids of Giza opening times: October March 8 am with last entry at 4 pm. The shrine, found in an undisturbed context, is a rare discovery.

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strange object found in egypt january 2020