caltrans lane closure charts

Systems affecting traffic only in one directionStart with the first device that the drivers will see as they enter the work zone (usually a Road Work Ahead sign). Before opening a roadway to unrestricted public traffic, the final delineation must be in place on the roadway either by using long-term or short-term temporary delineation or channelizing devices. Verify staking of railing according to sheet T3B of the Standard Plans. Review the specification requirements and sheet T4 of the Standard Plans. Updated information available at # caltrans8 TMC ALERT Verify that construction area signs are placed outside the traveled way, do not block or protrude more than 4 inches into bicycle and pedestrian routes, and comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Mn/DOT allowable lane closure chart example (9)16 Figure 11. If automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) bid item is not shown on the bid item list, providing AFAD is change order work. When conditions prevent starting the temporary surfacing at a square joint on the existing pavement, a treatment such as a light sand seal can establish the continuity of the traveled lane. Verify that one type of crash cushion module is used for a single grouping or array. For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments. Verify that the contractor is prepared to comply with TMPs related to work performance. Do not allow the use of sandbags. Withhold some payment from progress pay estimates to cover the cost of removing temporary crash cushion modules. The objective of traffic control is to provide for worker protection and the safe passage of public trafficincluding bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestriansthrough and around the work zone with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. Verify that the contractor installs, relocates, covers, and removes signs as required. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING P.O. Directing the contractor to move the portable flashing beacon after initial placement is change order work. When the work has safely progressed beyond the supplemental taper, remove the upstream taper and tangent. The resident engineer must email service requests, daily reports, cancellation forms, and tracking spreadsheets to the COZEEP coordinator on a monthly basis. Live Traffic Cameras View live traffic conditions by regions and areas. Major lane closuresthose expected to result in significant traffic effects despite the implementation of TMPs. Do not allow the application of temporary pavement delineation over existing pavement delineation. Verify the contractor completely installs the traffic control system before commencing work. ALT ALT When severe congestion is forecast because of capacity reductions, include plans for using the media to notify the public, Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP) services, alternate route development, metering by upstream ramp closures, changeable message signs, radar feedback speed signs, highway advisory radios, and monitoring the end of the traffic queue. The closure requests are stored with a SAVED status. The following guidelines apply to the color and texture of pavement surfacing materials: The following guidelines apply to speed zones: Frequently, special provisions restrict work on the existing traveled way to a specified period at night. When it is not possible to maintain a width of 60 inches, provide a 60-by-60inch passing space at least every 200 feet to allow individuals in wheelchairs to pass. Require the contractor to keep signs clean and clearly visible, and repair them if damaged. Achieving this transition is worthwhile, even though it may extend the traffic control system farther than the minimum necessary to clear the work zone. the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign shall be placed at the end of lane closure during hours of darkness. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. Camino, CA 95709 The resident engineer has the responsibility and authority for administering the traffic control plan and all other aspects of safety on construction projects. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. Restore all signs and signals to normal operation. The resident engineer may accept use of contractor-proposed devices on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. For the use of amber flashing lights and for driving and parking in a closed lane at night, refer to the, Verify all equipment is visible to traffic as required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8 (8 CCR), Industrial Relations., Review closure layouts for visibility and effectiveness. Do not use tape, rope, or plastic chain strung between devices as controls for pedestrian movements. Temporary pavement markers will not adhere to a cold in-place recycling surface. 2170. Unstable snow conditions have prompted closure of Highway 32 between Humboldt Rd in the Lomo area of Butte County and the Highway 36 junction in Tehama. Follow the districts instructions for distributing news releases. It is an enhancement tool for construction zones and is not intended as a replacement for other temporary traffic control measures. Portable flashing beacons are measured and paid for at contract item price by the unit except when they are part of a traffic control system. Channelizers are paid for by the unit. Under the agreement, Caltrans pays the CHP for furnishing officers and cars for construction zones. Be aware that reductions in the width or number of lanes affect the capacity and flow of traffic. Verify portable radar speed feedback sign systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.37 Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems of the Standard Specifications. A contractors failure to perform is cause to suspend work. Lack of escape options increases the likelihood of motorist-involved accidents that will disrupt traffic flow. Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary flashing beacon system. If the portable signal system is out of operation, the contractor must provide flaggers to control the traffic until the traffic signals are in operation. Direct the contractor to remove any temporary pavement delineation that conflicts with the permanent pavement delineation. For continuous construction work zone speed limit reduction, verify that advisory warning signs are posted to alert motorist of the roadway condition as specified and as shown on the standard plans. Verify the signs are properly aimed at approaching traffic. The special provisions provide detail for railroad requirements including contractors responsibilities with the railroads to move materials or equipment within the limits of the railroad property. They are absolute. Extend the straight section, known as the tangent portion of the closure, to better position the taper. Travel Alert California Winter Weather Wind, rain and snow -- heavy at times -- are forecast through early March Winter Driving Tips : be prepared, pack your patience and travel safely Know before you go: National Weather Service - Caltrans Social Media - Road Information or call 1-800-427-7623 Options Zoom to. Request the guidelines from Construction headquarters. Frequently, the only exception to an otherwise clean roadside is a localized situation such as a partially completed drainage structure or a pile of rubble. Pay special attention to locations where vertical or horizontal curvature restricts the sight distance. If advanced flaggers or additional flaggers are not shown or specified, then Caltrans pays 100 percent by change order. Users include motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians within the highway, including persons with disabilities, defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 12: Temporary Traffic Control. The resident engineer must track COZEEP hours used and estimate expenditures each month. The following practices are recommended if opposing operations are undertaken: Conduct intermittent day and night inspections to verify compliance with visibility and legibility requirements for: While specific levels of quality control for temporary traffic control are not included in Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications, the contractor is responsible for providing quality control under Sections 5-1.01, General, and 6-2.02, Quality Control, of the Standard Specifications. Make sure that portable transverse rumble strips are placed before closing the lane to traffic. Dansher Rd. Capital projectsif insufficient funds are available in both supplemental work funds and contingency funds, propose a fund request. Notify the district transportation management center when unforeseen traffic delays result from planned work. The cost estimate used in the plans, specifications, and estimate is based on the expected number of events needing COZEEP identified during project development. After placing components of stationary closures, the contractor may place the impact attenuator vehicle in advance of the work area to protect workers and traffic. Speed management is desirable at locations such as rural freeways and expressways where traffic has been flowing in a high-speed, free-flow way for a significant period before encountering the work zone. Verify that the impact attenuator vehicle complies with all specification requirements. The LCS will generate email notifications to the resident engineer and the district traffic manager when the contractor cancels a closure. Verify the contractor uses an impact attenuator vehicle as a shadow vehicle in moving closures and during placement and removal of components in stationary closures. Verify the traveled way is free of obstructions and residue before opening the area to traffic. Obtain required submittals for the systems in accordance with Section 87-14 Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, of the Standard Specifications. Refer to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the. Confirm that AFAD are placed in accordance with the plans and where clearly visible to the AFAD operator and to approaching traffic. Other closures determined on a project-specific basis. Then remove the devices and signs in the reverse order of placement. Figures 6H-28 and 6H-29, Sidewalk Detour or Diversion, and Crosswalk Closures and Pedestrian Detours of the California MUTCD are examples for accommodating the needs and control of pedestrians. In accordance with the agreement, cancellations received less than 24 hours before work is to begin will be charged a cancellation fee of $50. Signs and other devices mounted lower than 7 feet above the temporary pedestrian pathway should not project more than 4 inches into accessible pedestrian facilities. COZEEP is not a baseline measurean important fact when resources are limited and CHP personnel may not be available when requested. Create a physical facility that will encourage motorists to appropriately guide their vehicles on the intended path of travel and make it possible for the vehicle to perform as intended. Select a District or Statewide to start. An inevitable degree of mismatch between the old and new surfaces creates a slight discontinuity that may cause a car to lurch or swerve. Refer to Section 2-214D, Construction Contingency Plan, of this manual. Review Sections 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and 84-2, Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings, of the Standard Specifications for temporary pavement delineation requirements. This requirement may mean closing an extra lane. The CHP sorts and subtotals the COZEEP service summary by project, including cost information. The project engineer should include adequate COZEEP funds in the project estimate. Inspect crash cushion modules to confirm they comply with the specification and manufacturer requirements. 124000 and that a designed temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) is part of the contract plans or that the TPAR Standard Plans are appropriate for the pedestrian route affected by the work activities. Do not allow the use of commercial pallets that exceed the maximum height. Emerald Grove Ave from Riverview Av to End of County Maintained Road. Sep 21 2022 05:56 PM. Confirm the contractor places portable flashing beacons according to the plans and removes them from the traveled way at the end of each nights work. Document why an item does not comply with the ADA checklist in Category 46, Assistant Resident Engineers Daily Reports, of the project records. Determine the methods and equipment the contractor will use for closing lanes, ramps, and roadways, and for flagging and controlling one-way traffic. ODOT permitted lane closure chart example . Obtain a copy of the manufacturers instructions for the portable transverse rumble strips. Instead, the district coordinator should contact the statewide contract manager to verify the correct billing rates. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Visit [email protected] for latest road info. DA: 11 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 60. At the preconstruction conference, discuss the traffic control plan with the contractor. Reviews the contractors contingency plan. Refer to Section 12-4.02C(10), End of Queue Monitoring and Warning With Truck Mounted Changeable Message Sign, of the revised, Multiple closures and inter-project coordinationAvoid multiple closures with overlapping sign patterns. Use of 180-day temporary pavement markers on an open-graded surface is not advised; when removed, the marker glue can peel up the open grade. Verify that crash cushion module arrays are installed according to the manufacturers instructions. This layer is updated from information provided by Caltrans Headquarters Communication Center in support of state emergency response efforts for 2022 incidents. If you exit without completing the training, you will have to start over. Construction situations frequently require a lateral shifting of traffic in relation to the normal path of travel and may involve dropping a lane. Some reviews should take place at night, particularly when a major traffic change has taken place. Establish reduced regulatory speed limits in accordance with procedures in the. Unknown time of reopening. Obliterated traffic stripes and markings should not be visible to drivers as pavement delineation during the day, at night, and under all weather conditions. Compensation for flaggers used for all movements of workers, construction vehicles, and equipment on or across lanes open to traffic will be included in the bid item of work involved. Also, verify that flagging stations are laid out correctly, are visible to approaching traffic, are illuminated during nighttime, and have correct advance warning signs. If an impasse occurs, the district COZEEP coordinator and the designated CHP division office contact should act as the second level of review. The contractor compliance report forms are available at: Verify the flashing arrow sign trailer can be leveled and plumbed. Weekend Closure of Seacliff Ramps on Highway 101. Count the plastic traffic drums for payment as they are placed in the locations shown on the plans. For example, anchor guardrail ends and install crash cushions. Document the reasons for COZEEP use. Maintain railings and walkways in good condition. If the contractors activities interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, contact the contractor and request correction of the deficiency. Allow the use of paint only if the temporary traffic stripe is not required to be removed. To provide extra maneuvering room, provide wider lanes or additional surfaced shoulder width in transitions and critical alignment. Anticipated cooling times needed for asphalt concrete pavements before opening a lane, shoulder, or ramp to public traffic. Basic instructions usually apply more to the planning and design phase of a project, but they also help provide construction personnel with basic concepts for safe and efficient traffic flow through a highway construction project. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. All drums should use the same type and brand of retroreflective sheeting. Verify the contractor notifies and cooperates with local authorities wherever the local authorities regulate traffic. Submit the CHP notification to the person who issued the daily report. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. The California MUTCD Sign Charts contain commonly used signs in California, and is not meant to be used as a comprehensive or stand-alone design tool. The project has sufficient funds available to pay for the CHP support. Refer to Part 6, Chapter 6D, "Pedestrian and Worker Safety," of the California MUTCD. 8 CCR 1599, Flaggers, requires illuminating flagger stations during the hours of darkness and lighting should be in compliance with 8 CCR 1523, Illumination, for nighttime highway construction. If a revision is required, the contractor should not close any lanes until the resident engineer has reviewed the contingency plan. Confirm that the minimum lane widths in the standard special provisions and those shown on the Traffic Handling Plans match. caltrans. Maintain written records of orders given and actions taken. Obtain from the contractor, the completed Form CEM-2311, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Compliance Report, within 2 business days after construction of a temporary pedestrian access route. Verify temporary pavement markers comply with Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications, except for the waiting period before placing pavement markers on new asphalt concrete. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. The contract item price also includes the costs of work necessary to restore channelizers damaged by public traffic. Read More. Verify that pedestrian facilities comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. How the contractor will meet the projected rates for material delivery to the job site. Initiate and obtain CHP sign-off of Form CEM-2101, COZEEP Daily Report. At the end of each day, report to the district COZEEP coordinator the COZEEP services used during that week. Traffic Control Plans (TCP) and/or Detour Plans are reviewed and managed by the Right of Way Management Section and are required for all construction work within the road right of way which modifies vehicular, bicycle and/or pedestrian traffic patterns and are necessary to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic through construction Caltrans TMP for the Bay Bridge Full Closure. The following elements affect the drivers ability to navigate the intended path: Pavement surface condition, texture, and color. Use the following criteria and risk factors to determine when COZEEP is needed on a project. Whenever possible, allow traffic to have continued full use of the existing facilities. Check that the attenuator meets the test level requirement for the posted speed limit. Caltrans requires TMPs for all planned activities on the State Highway System. Verify the contractor protects Type K temporary railing blunt- ends within 15 feet of the edge of the traveled way with temporary crash cushions. 4-1202C (1a) Lane Closure System 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities 4-1202D Temporary Pavement Delineation 4-1202D (1) Temporary Pavement Markers 4-1203 During the Course of Work 4-1203A Flagging 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices 4-1203B (1) Traffic Cones EL DORADO, Calif. (KTXL) - A rockslide closed off both directions of Highway 50 near Echo Summit for hours Friday. The design phase of a project considers accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. PCMS are working equipment when actively displaying a message, otherwise they are nonoperating. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers operating instructions. If a change order is processed that requires COZEEP support, and it is estimated that existing state-furnished materials funding for COZEEP is not sufficient, include additional funding for COZEEP as part of the change order. TPAR requirements described in the specifications. Alert Caltrans Traffic Map Chain Control Map Route Conditions State Route Closures CHP Incidents TMC ALERT Interstate 10 (I-10) is closed between Route 86 and Route 177 due to storm damage. Verify the contractor installs Type P or Type R markers when required. BOX 942874, MS-32 SACRAMENTO, CA 94274 PHONE (916) 653-0548 Making Conservation TTY 711 a California Way of Life. Otherwise, Federal (MUTCD) codes are shown. Reported closures to include freeway mainline, local roads, and interchange ramps. To establish the geometry, markings, devices, and signs that existed during the project, maintain in sufficient detail a record of the placement into service, the changes, and the discontinuance of roadways and detours. Shift traffic to one side or the other, but do not split it into two traffic streams. Verify portable flashing beacons operate according to the specifications. Do not use the contract item for temporary crash cushion modules to pay for temporary crash cushion modules that are placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. Take special care to consider areas in schools or senior citizen center locations. Retroreflective bands on portable delineators. Scheduled Dates: 06/13/2022 to 01/16/2023. Check Current Highway Conditions Enter Highway Number(s) You can also call 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. Call (805) 781-5252 | Caltrans Road Information | Open LIST in New Tab | Open MAP in New Tab PLEASE REMEMBER TO SLOW DOWN WHEN DRIVING THROUGH WORK ZONES AND ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME WHEN TRAVELING THROUGH THE AFFECTED AREA List of Road Closures - Open List in New Tab Automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) can be used in place of flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. If a temporary pedestrian facility is needed, it should follow the ADA checklist in the. Do not allow the contractor to mix different types of temporary traffic control devices on the same alignment. Verify that the weight of the attenuator and the weight of the support truck are within the specified limits as shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Include these considerations for conditions requiring minor changes in the field: The following guidelines apply to crossover transitions: For temporary modifications of existing ramps, review acceleration and deceleration lanes. Consider additional signage and temporary lighting for crossovers. Obtain the information of trained contractor representatives, including whether they will be requesting or providing a status of closures, or both. The request has been submitted in a timely manner. Check the contractors layout work. Include the district TMP manager, the DTM, and the public information officer as appropriate in preconstruction or work planning meetings. Evaluate the COZEEP use criteria for lane closures on freeway-to-freeway connectors and for night closures of exit and entrance ramps. When estimating COZEEP hours, take the following CHP operating policies into account: The detail estimate will show the initial funding level provided for COZEEP as supplemental funds for state-furnished materials and services. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 630, Subpart J, Work Zone Safety and Mobility, (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) requires Caltrans to adopt a policy that implements TMPs on all federally funded highway projects. Extend exit ramp tapers back through the closure as an extension of the ramps shoulder line. It is important to plan which personnel, signage, and equipment will be required to implement the traffic control system.

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caltrans lane closure charts