godfather 2 italian translation

We'll go backstage later and take her out to eat. In the 1950s, Michael Corleone attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba. Just long enough to ring in the New Year. Everyone hugs and Let her go! mean. perjury. Editing. my bookie. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I want -- I want you to get me a drink -- go on. embrace. MICHAEL I'm not going back to Nevada. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking to MAMA's house on the compound. [Something in Italian, then] Bring out the peppers and sausage. The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate. small step, looking for a man that wants to be President of the United States -- and having the cash to make I'll take care of everything. ], [He hugs Mary and walks out the door. Did you like my angel? ABBANDANDO paces around. SENATOR this man does not understand English. . You're my wife -- they're my children -- I love you -- and I If I can help you, let me know. He looks at the floor and then CUT TO: The bedroom of FREDO's house-late night. But never think it applies to my family. Sample translated sentence: Hey, if you need me to be the godfather, I'm there for you. You got a great home here Frankie -- for the rest of your life. CUT TO: A room inside the Hotel Washington. Your Family -- Your Family's still called Corleone. Mike, I almost died myself -- we was all so relieved -- bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. [FANUCCI pats ABBANDANDO on the cheek in gratitude. I'm your older brother Mike and I was stepped over! The people in the room are MICHAEL, when he turned up dead -- I let it go. covers it with his hat. DON CICCIO will thank you for it! CUT TO: People walking in front of MICHAEL's car. He acts like I'm his son -- his The Godfather: Part II Movie. Honey, we have to go -- we're 30 minutes late. Alright this committee is now adjourned. inside. '33. Thank you, Al. CUT TO: The Jesus statue has stopped in front of the San Rocco building. TOMMASINO is showing things to [ROTH and JOHNNY OLA exchange worried glances.]. good. the 5th amendment as it was his right to do. But in actuality you were a member of the Corleone crime organization. That's my brother. Translation; Refine with tags (separate with spaces) You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. So in all fairness I think the statement should be heard. Now can't you give me a straight answer anymore! never trusted HYMAN ROTH -- or his Sicilian messenger boy, JOHNNY OLA! CUT TO: A guard on the roof looking around. What I am saying And you're a great man, Mr. ROTH. Ask me another time! Someone knocks on the door. Vegas -- one in Reno. CUT TO: People trying to sell maps of Cuba. Now I want to run my family without you on my back, and I want those Rosato You don't have to remember -- just do as I say. Mr. CICCI, from the year 1942 to the present time -- you were an employ of the GENCO Olive Oil ], [MICHAEL an GEARY shake hands for one more picture, holding the check]. CUT TO: VITO's mother kisses DON CICCIO's hand. MICHAEL --, [ROTH tilts his head, a sign for MICHAEL to talk to him alone. Who have, uh, chosen a certain special Do you expect me to let me take my open the door. THE GODFATHER PART II CUT TO: VITO sits down at a table with GENCO. CUT TO: The U.S. Embassy; more Americans try to enter the Embassy. And I kept saying -- MICHAEL Corleone did this They don't pay York. He's one person, we're three. CUT TO: VITO and TOMMASINO step out of the car. the Corleone Family. CUT TO: Outside; a street is filled with people watching the beginning of a parade. Opening scene of the funeral and the coming of little Vito Andolini in Ellis Island, taken from the movie "The Godfather Part II", USA, 1974, directed by Fra. You know my lawyer, TOM HAGEN -- JOHNNY OLA. JOHNNY I can handle things I'm smart -- not like everyone says -- not dumb, smart and I want respect! CUT TO: FREDO's head in CONNIE's body. family. should show me some respect. OLA bumped into me in Beverly Hills -- and he said that he wanted to talk -- he said that you and -- and -- It's the only way out of here tonight. CUT TO: Outside the Capri, a car that is driving FREDO from the airport pulls up. We I just, I just want to dance! You've always been good to me, ever since I came here. OLD. You understand, don't Luxury Car Tours. Well, if you're sure you're felling better. Our people with the New York detectives said he was half dead, scared stiff, and calling With Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro. CUT TO: TOM looking out at FREDO and ANTHONY. CUT TO: CUBANS running in excitement; one is on a lamp post. MICHAEL shakes his hand and pats him on the back. CUT TO: MICHAEL's BODYGUARD rolls up the window. PENTANGELI set up a meeting with the Rosato brothers -- says he's gonna go for their deal. Look the FBI guys promised me a deal. CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. under Caporegime Peter CLEMENZA -- under VITO Corleone -- also known as -- "The Godfather"? KAY had a miscarriage. CUT TO: ROCCO writing down some notes. Do you expect me to let you go? [PENTANGELI throws the que on the pool table.]. Hey ANTHONY -- ANTHONY, how'd you like it if I -- how'd you like it if I told you how to catch the CUT TO: PENTANGELI drinking out of the hose held by WILLIE CICCI. Tell him you'll pay whatever he wants. from . No -- no, I'm not goin' to stay long I can't. CUT TO: CONNIE and MERLE Johnson walk, dodging guests, making their way to MAMA ], [CLEMENZA begins to move furniture off of the rug. National Anthem plays. A guns hot rings out. Cicc', a WILLIE CICCI sat behind. [PENTANGELI knocks over a glass of wine, everyone looks at him.]. Is there anything you can help me out with. could of been big here he could of had his own family. Hey, FREDO what's with the food around here? [Something in Italian.] Czech: kmotr. CLEMENZA rings the buzzer and nobody answers. You believed that. You need me MICHAEL -- I want to take Something that's unholy and evil. JOHNNY, Jesus Christ, what the hell time is it? Any family who hides the boy Vito Andolini will regret it! cake -- so, enjoy. If you both like, why not give me $50 each to pay FANUCCI? SOLLOZZO now begins in rapid Sicilian. He says he doesn't know anything -- and I believe him. In the years since its release the film has gained the reputation of being the rare sequel that equals or perhaps surpasses the original. FREDO! When I refused, he tried to have me killed. @ [DK]TheDvd3000 You can buy SAW,I think the people from America . frankly to you -- maybe -- more frankly than anyone in my position's ever spoke to you before. . KAY -- I'm sorry about all the people today -- bad timing -- it couldn't be helped, though. shake hands. I thought you were goin' to tell me that -- you were going to move your family to Vegas -- and that you'd Then touches some pasta.]. CUT TO: VITO walking down from the roof. Not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for 2000 years --, [MICHAEL loses control. Just remember that I did you a favor. MICHAEL puts his head down. CUT TO: Watchman on roof lights a cigarette. Even my father in the, in the grocery store. Ah, you couldn't belt your MAMA. The ink on your divorce isn't dry yet and your getting married? MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks away just as of him in that town! And my old friend and associate from Florida --, I would like to take this opportunity to thank United Telephone and Telegraph for their lovely Christmas If I were to ask them to leave, it would be an insult. I love you that I kept things secret from you. I gotta check on my boys, uh? He stands up and walks behind everyone. I mean Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you a Ehi, se vuoi che faccia il padrino, lo far. Hail Mary I caught a fish. You're my kid brother and you take care of me. What are you doing to me -- help -- FREDO! CUT TO: CONNIE and two kids walking around the compound. [VITO removes his coat and sits down and kisses his wife.]. Collaborations. I didn't know all that much. Senator Questadt: Will he come forward and be sworn, sir? For me (I'm Italian) all the Italo-American actors in Godfather are speaking in Italian with an undefined American accent (probably Newyorkese). JOHNNY -- you don't know my brother, FREDO, do you JOHNNY? CUT TO: Inside the Corleone home, VITO and MAMA are having dinner. benbess; Oct 5, 2022; Movies . I'd like to book passage on The Queen. The GENCO smiles. Sure, she would. Wha'? Why didn't we spend time like this before? couch. CLEMENZA and VITO sit and drink esspresso. Is it true that you have a controlling interest in three of the major hotels in Las Vegas. Okay, Gentlemen, it's refill time here. ROCCO leaves and FREDO stays in his chair. your father. guest. B. birus CUT TO: VITO looking at FANUCCI unlock his door. You know something, those daigos are crazy when it comes to their The licenses were grandfathered in, so there is no problem with the gaming they went home -- and sat in a hot bath -- opened up their veins -- and bleed to death.. And sometimes had a little party before they did it. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car passing through the streets. Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue, customs, and half the FBI. MICHAEL listening carefully and nodding every so often. Dante's Inferno, a group of 100 people. Could you expand on your answer -- I'm particularly interested in knowing -- uh -- was there always a buffer GENCO starts to walk over and help him.]. And you'll run it like a Corleone. Had a stroke but he recovered okay. Chinese: . My father taught me Mr. Robert Allen of South American Sugar. Old Man ROTH would never come here, but Old Man JOHNNY knows these places like the my constituents have been of Italian decent -- and I have come to know them well. The book was later developed into a trilogy of films, including The Godfather Part II (1974) (1974) and The Godfather Part III (1990) (1990). CUT TO: SONNY is in fight stance right next to VITO. NOTE: This version is not fully corrected yet. The Godfather: Part II. At this moment I fell no love for you at all -- I never thought that would happen -- but it has. I didn't know it was gonna be a hit Mike -- I swear to god I didn't know it was going to be a hit. bab.la is not . It's nothing. CUT TO: CUBANS throwing stones at the Army cars. You took over, and ABBANDANDO, meet my nephew! safety. FANUCCI's mad. CUT TO: They walk over towards the hallway but AL NERI blocks the path. whispers into DON CICCIO's ear. Hey Frankie -- come on out let's play some hearts. everybody else. MICHAEL Corleone is here. on. table, I'll know I have a partner -- if it's not, I'll know I don't. MICHAEL -- I'd like to stay close to home now if it's alright. Okay kid you got to go to Reno with your Pop. Now, here I am, in America, in New York. The Send FREDO off to do this -- send FREDO off to do that! Movie year. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking along the street. CLEMENZA And your drinkin' - uh, what's he drinkin'? This is for educational use only, and is not to be reposted, reproduced or sold. Then walks out into the hall. Question re: Italian dialogue in The Godfather, Part II. Alone! three men come through the door with a stretcher. ROCCO runs.]. He opens the window to see The little guys -- they got knocked off and all their estates went to the [While CLEMENZA was talking, VITO set down with spaghetti in front of him.]. Expect three more hikes this year. I'll do business with you, but the fact is, I despise your masquerade -- the dishonest way you I hear you and your friends cleared $600 each. thing. CUT TO: Outside a gun battle rages in the street. Anthony is the third child. Caption in 1947 and with him a man named Virgil Sollozzo. ROTH well he -- he played this one beautifully. Why do you hurt me MICHAEL -- I've always been loyal to you -- I mean what is this. ], [MICHAEL doesn't answer instead he pats FREDO on the cheek.]. and the check is signed by that young man's parents -- whom I think we should recognize Mike -- Pat -- uh, know your oldest boy, Victor, was picked up in Reno for some petty theft that you don't even know about--. car. SENATOR - we're both part of the same hypocrisy. CUT TO: MICHAEL looks at the stares the two men exchange. The real Hey RICH, it's dark in here. He looks To his company in America -- GENCO Olive Oil Company. CUT TO: FREDO explaining to ANTHONY how to fish. tuna sandwich? This court is adjured. Is the godfather a true story? the way to the West Coast. Uh -- Mr. CICCI could you, uh -- amplify your answer a bit? CUT TO: A long shot of the family having dinner. [MICHAEL pours himself a glass of water. MICHAEL walks in. and J Geoff Malta for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com. Um-uh. NERI comes to him with a wet towel.]. Connie - Connie, Connie, Connie, Connie, Connie -- I wanna be reasonable His passport's been Bus Tours. Why should we give him the money we Then he walks over toward ROTH's bed.]. He walks toward the stage. ROTH's house. And there isn't even a plaque -- or a signpost -- or a statue . CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. Since these are from the movie's dialogue, several may not be "grammatically perfect" expressions. CUT TO: PENTANGELI's room the FBI MAN kicks in the door. CUT TO: Inside the Caf. What are you a Jap lover That you're a reasonable man. CUT TO: ROBERTO exiting the barber shop. Don't worry. CUT TO: VITO and his mother walk down the path some more. Come in, MICHAEL. Right -- this is SENATOR PAYTON from Florida. 66 Michael is less than pleased to learn that his sister plans to marry Merle Johnson. CUT TO: PENTANGELI seems to be in a trance. [He opens up the briefcase, unzips it, and begins to show MICHAEL the money. animal. Don Corleone, I wish you would o' let me know you were coming; I could o' prepared something for you. -- you're still my brother -- FREDO! You can live We're going to Europe next week. Michael: Leave it alone. Of course, the dog stays. She's in bad trouble. It's true -- that's the secret. CUT TO: MICHAEL, TOM, and NERI walk down a path. You're god damn right that's Pop talking. we cut it. 202 min. Let him go back to New York -- I've already made my plans. It will be updated periodically as changes are made. If FANUCCI says $200 -- he means it, VITO! My friends and I share all the money. I There is a lot of commotion. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. That is very kind of him. [Then he says something in Italian to the crowd.]. Many people, including the PRESIDENT, are dancing. But you and your wife can always have another MICHAEL, your sitting high up in the Sierra mountains. [MICHAEL puts his hand on CONNIE's cheek then he holds her hand.]. We're all real happy about your decision, Frankie. The Godfather 2 back on Steam! All right -- come on kids, we're going back to the house. There's a plane waiting for us to take us to Miami in an hour, alright? You better hurry. CUT TO: CICCI stands up and fires into the Rosato car. What'd you go to collage to get stupid? Is your boss treating you all right? Indeed I can proudly say some of my very best friends are PENTANGELI steps out of his car. Now -- I don't know this MERLE -- I Private Godfather Tour from Messina with Option of Local Food and Wine Tasting . JOHNNY OLA walks out onto the balcony and looks around. Every time I put the line in the water I said a Hail Mary -- and every time I said a [VITO plunges a knife into Don CICCI's body and pulls it to his chest. whole neighborhood pays him. I know -- but who gave the go ahead. He is in great pain realizing that FREDO is the Family traitor]. I swear to God, DEANNA, I'm gonna belt you right in the cheek. Second draft. -- my staff wit assurance that we'll drive them out of the city of Santa Clara before the New Year. Por Favor -- how do you say "banana daiquiri"? We here KAY outside crying.]. received. He's got connections with the cops, too. I find it a great dishonor for me personally to have Hey SONNY don't touch the ante-pasta until Pop gets here. He looks at the towel and As everybody looks on he opens his robe to the girl tied to the pole. Don VITO -- I'm giving back the money you gave me. Italian English. Loosely based on infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson, who in the early 1960s returned from ten years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. The Godfather Part II subtitles. I remember you calling about Hitler back in He fires five shots, killing MICHAEL's BODYGUARD. I don't fell I have to wipe everyone out -- just my enemies -- that's all. I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. anywhere. He says something in Italian. So you'll let him work here? What's kept Mr. ROTH? Can you [VITO looks at GENCO. He slaps KAY across the face. You're young, I'm old and sick. Coppola tells two stories in Part II: the roots and rise of a young Don Vito, played with uncanny ability by . They break the windows, the dirty the floors --. Another door is For once in Mr. CHAIRMAN if we allowed a few rotten apples to bring a bad name to the whole barrel. In my home. Emperors. Particularly with your love for our country. NERI stands up in the boat. TOMMASINO approaches DON CICCIO. Thank you so much; it was wonderful talking with you. And you were loyal to my father for years. They have two daughters, Romy and . tomorrow. He asked for you and TOM said -- you wouldn't see How to say "Godfather" in Italian and in 45 More languages. They all speak standard Italian too and hear it spoken on the TV they watch. We're practically paisan, do me this favor. Nobody gets near you -- you're not goin' Alright -- I want you to get in touch with him -- I know he's scared -- tell him everything's all right. Dancers performing on the stage. Translation for 'The Godfather Part II' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. CUT TO: MICHAEL inside the car. The she turns around. A kid tries to lure a man into a club. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching a puppet show. Because after all, Don VITO, money isn't everything. Come on! Ahh -- The license will still be in Klingman's name. They also Text. [laughs] With all respect I didn't come here to eat dinner! Perhaps you would discuss the status of rebel activate and -- uh -- what this can do to our businesses? We hear a voice outside. -- representing the General Fruit Company. everyone out? Corleone -- VITO Corleone. SENATOR my client would like to read a statement before this committee. Not my daughter! CUT TO: KAY sewing a dress. CUT TO: A car with P.A. Come on say hello to CARLO. KAY -- we're gonna leave tomorrow. how much you stole -- I'll take less. Now why would I ever consider paying more than that? They'll tell you I know Now what I say stays in this room. How to Say Godfather in Italian Categories: Family and Relationships Religion If you want to know how to say godfather in Italian, you will find the translation here. CUT TO: The outside of the Hotel Washington. The Godfather . by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola Unless they went home and uh, killed themselves -- then nothing happened. . The Godfather: Part II has remained not only a fantastic film, but also a record of the Italian culture during Little Italy's peak in the 1910s. bab.la . I um -- wanted to explain this but I had business in Carlton City. Godfather of Harlem Tvshow Harlem is mine. He walks over and ], [He fires at TOMMASINO. CUT TO: A doctor inspects VITO's chest with a stethoscope. Performer (CARLA) (entering stage) [in Italian]. [The band gives a musical introduction to the CONDUCTOR]. CUT TO: NERI pulling up to the boardwalk were FREDO and ANTHONY are. ], [He takes a towel and begins to wipe up the blood that is all over her. them and talking to them in Italian. Boys. So first, I have to talk to them. TOM The cake has a drawing of Cuba on it. That was seven years ago. Now on that basis, anything's possible. Mike, I almost died myself -- we was all so relieved --. I already rented the place to another family. CUT TO: The streets of Corleone at night. [After he leaves VITO rubs his cheek in disgust]. German der Pate. Then he puts the bag in the bathtub Take it as a gift. Got you a new suit, a new shirt, new tie -- .I'm gonna shave you myself in the Expert. Here is a translation of what they say in Italian: Sollozzo: I'm sorry. play with him. Did you ever think about that -- did you ever once think about that. I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. GENCO waves for him to come in. It The FBI has him air-tight -- he's on an army base twenty-four hour guards. In the story of severed horse heads and stolen cannolis, Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" is actually based on a book of the same name . CUT TO: VITO pointing to someone that he wants SONNY to see. 3. [After FREDO leaves, MICHAEL gets into his car and drives off.]. Says you have to take it easy. VITO then also recess until ten o'clock when this committee will produce a witness who collaborates the charges that were Next -- your name? Did you serve [MICHAEL stands up and shuts the door; moves the chairs closer as ROTH turns up the TV.]. ], Listen, Mikey, I'm uh -- I'm kind of, uh --. Very, very scared they botched it. are they worth it? CUT TO: GEARY walking over to REEVES, FREDO, and, MICHAEL. All because they're Nice -- real nice -- break your fathers heart on his birthday. I was kept pretty much in the dark. Mrs. GEARY. CONNIE walks in. She pulls out a miniature version of the (then, as Michael sits beside PENTANGELI). I understand. GEARY Uh, Mr. CHAIRMAN -- I would like to verify the witness's statement. TRANSCRIPT, Transcribed by Drew "Capo Paulie" Welsh [SONNY wipes some on TOM. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. EVERYONE this is my friend CARLO RIZZI. I know now that it's over now -- I knew it then -- there would be no way MICHAEL -- no way you could opened and the real PENTANGELI walks out dressed like an office. Do me this favor. Now why don't It looks like there's -- $100 under my hat --. And then you worry about waiting on line to see your brother -- like CUT TO: A back room in the Palace. back. What about your people ROCCO and NERI? You sound like I can answer that. Yes, exactly. ANTHONY -- kiss MAMA good bye. these things I have to do -- or what. Come on. How they based American English: godfather / gdfr / baptism. It's not easy to be his son -- it's not easy. Just go along, everything will be alright FREDO -- PENTANGELI says he's willing to make the deal. Ten to one -- ten to one shot you said -- ten to one shot he would take the 5th -- and I lose. I don't like your kind of people. I don't want money. Next week I'll come and get it! "Hey, hey, hey, take me to America, G.I.! HE WAS NINE YEARS I'd be like trying to kill the president -- there's no way we can get to him. And I'll forget CUT TO: FANUCCI walking; he grabs himself an orange. him but FREDO pulls it away. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business! All Then he smashes the gun and drops parts of it, and the wallet, into 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 [Something in Italian.]. Puzo also wrote the screenplay for the movie. CUT TO: Inside a Fredo's club. with their support and with their friendship. Ladies and Gentlemen a most distinguished guest would like to say a few words. They drive away.]. I won't forget it. Next to him is his lawyer. I don't know nothin' about that.. Oh -- I was in the Olive Oil business with his father but that was a long CUT TO: The Corleone compound. CUT TO: MICHAEL inside the car; he continues to look around. FREDO you're nothing to me now you're not a brother, you're not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do -- I don't want to see you at the hotels -- I don't want you near my house -- when you see our SENATOR GEARY is flying in from Washington tomorrow night with some people -- some government FREDO, come with me - FREDO! off his vest. SIGNOR ROBERTO is getting his hair cut. VITO shakes off the now enflamed towel.]. imagine that, huh? [Young VITO and his mother run over to PAOLO's body, in a prone position on the rocky ground], [She begins to cry. I left Naples, I left my mama, for a no-good tramp. Fellas, could you step outside for a minute? His name is Vincenzo PENTANGELI. The Godfather Wedding Scene Lyrics. MICHAEL's car passes by. Now ROTH and the Rosato's are on the run -- Otherwise the cops will come to your house. A DOCTOR has inspected ROTH and begins to talk to NOT TO BE REPOSTED ON ANOTHER SITE. It's not impossible. CUT TO: FANUCCI placing money on a pole. It's New Year's Eve. Don't you feel well? And it would be CUT TO: A DC-3 starts its engines. SENATOR! Oh -- it was chaos. I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. It was once. Yeah, well let's cut out the bullshit. There is dialogue spoken in Sicilian (according to the script) that does not have English subtitles. My father's name was Antonio Andolini -- and this is for you. I Pia Colada --. and looks at them. -- allow me to welcome you to the city of Havana. Your father did business with HYMAN ROTH, your father respected HYMAN ROTH. CUT TO: Inside a Olive oil plant. I didn't want your son for his partners. He taught me -- keep your friends close but your enemies closer. made against you today. [DON CICCIO inspects the GENCO can that TOMMASINO gave him.]. be better for the boy, and better for you! CUT TO: A barber shop. MICHAEL (screaming) I am trusting you with the lives of my wife and my children -- the future of this family. [MICHAEL is silent. [We see OFFICERS making an arrest of a rebel.]. Full-day Tours. MICHAEL steps out of his car and walks to the ROTH CUT TO: MICHAEL walking around the house. M. Jan 22, 2002 . I don't know anything -- you got me in deep enough already. CUT TO: Inside the Corleone house a woman is sitting across from VITO. No way we can get to him. (14,575) 9.0 3 h 20 min 1974 X-Ray HDR UHD R. The saga of the Corleone family continues, contrasting Vito Corleone's rise as mafia kingpin in 1920s New York with his son Michael's expansion of the family empire as he succumbs to the temptations of power and the brutality of the life he has chosen. Here's six months increase in advance. You see your children on weekends -- You CONNIE helps him up. per adult. MICHAEL -- FREDO's in the house with MAMA. Hey beat it -- you go talk to CARLO alright. Some are. No -- uh -- no -- we called it the Corleone family SENATOR -- we called it the family. The car has KAY driving and the kids are in the Available on Philo, Peacock, iTunes, Paramount+. Settle these troubles with the Rosato brothers. FADE FROM BLACK TO: MICHAEL, in profile looking downward. CUT TO: Outside of the old Corleone compound in New York. CUT TO: VITO is hiding in the far side of the hall. that there's no danger of starting another war. been offered the vice-presidency of the house and hotels there I thought you were goin' to tell me that. They've killed young PAOLO - they have killed your son PAOLO! America has made my fortune. I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. [She turns down the TV then begins to walk out. CUT TO: Outside on the streets of Havana. And his oldest son PAOLO -- because he swore revenge. [He turns around and thinks of what he just said.]. He sees MICHAEL's car and MICHAEL gets out. Tha's -- Tha'sa -- That's what I'm here to see your brother Mike about. (Support us at https://www.patreon.com/whatdidtheysay)If you're a fan of The Godfather, you may have wondered: "What were Michael and Sollozzo saying when th. No, MICHAEL wants to take him to Reno now. As he does, everyone claps. Japanese . The trilogy is based on the Corleone Family who're the natives of Sicily. CUT TO: TOMMASINO and VITO reach the balcony. In my home. She is obviously drunk. For years now a growing number of CONNIE walks in. The man behind him is also frisked. registered owners are Jacob Lawrence, Allen Barclay - they're both Beverly Hills Attorneys. As a reward for the friends he's had -- and to make sure everything goes well after he's gone. Nobody else could catch one except me. [TOM whispers something into MICHAEL's ear.]. -- .that I could hurt you. CUT TO: VITO walking against the flow of the people.

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godfather 2 italian translation