For information on reporting options and support available for victim survivors, visit our Reporting family violence or sexual offence perpetrated by a Victoria Police employeepage. This is substantially higher than the five per cent of files that contained complaint histories in IBACs 2016 regional complaints audit. two contained clear allegations of corruption involving identifiable police officers, suggesting a C3-4 classification was appropriate. A good complaint handling process must be transparent. IBACs audit examined how PSC conducts investigations by considering five aspects of the complaint investigation process, namely: The following sections outline relevant Victoria Police policies applying to each area, the data collected through the audit and, where appropriate, suggestions for improvements. 2 Victoria Police Professional Standards Command, 2.2 Legislation and policies relating to Victoria Police complaints and investigations, 3.1.2 Characterisation of allegations and classification, 3.1.4 Identification of police officers who are the subject of the complaint, 3.3.5 Outcome advice to complainants and subject officers, 3.4.2 Registration, classification and allocation. A targeted DAT form indicated that the subject officer was directed to provide breath and urine samples. Comment on action taken in relation to identified human rights breaches. Communication of progress and outcome to complainants, Communication of outcome to subject officers, Time taken to register, classify and allocate, Time taken to investigate and consequences of delays, Audit of complaints investigated by Professional Standards Command, Victoria Police, reviews the definition and use of the C1-0 work file classification, and formalises arrangements to notify IBAC of matters classified as work files, considers the checks undertaken and criteria applied when recruiting new PSC investigators as part of its review of probity issues, ensures the Office of Public Prosecutions is consulted as soon as possible when Victoria Police forms a reasonable belief that a reportable offence has been committed, consistent with section 127(2) of the Victoria Police Act, ensures advice provided by the PSC Discipline Advisory Unit and reasons for key decisions, including those of the Assistant Commissioner PSC, are clearly documented and attached to the investigation file. 24 PSC has advised that following IBACs Operation Ross, Victoria Police is reviewing probity issues including the provision of complaint histories to inform complaint investigations. Complaint histories are an important tool to inform the investigators assessment of whether the current allegation can be proven on the balance of probabilities. Reviews from Salt River Police Department employees about Salt River Police Department culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, . While there is no record of the DAUs assessment of the brief, a file note from the Assistant Commissioners staff officer to the DAU indicates that the Assistant Commissioner reviewed the investigation file[and] after considering the facts and actions of [the subject officer] he has deemed that an admonishment is appropriate in the circumstances. 54 The two files that resulted in workplace guidance without consulting the DAU involved the formal recording of workplace guidance that had occurred four years prior and action that was changed at the request of IBAC. It is difficult to see how a manager can effectively navigate the information saved to Interpose in this way, much less monitor the progress or quality of the investigation. Auditors also reviewed the complaint histories of all identified subject officers to consider whether the complaint history was relevant to the current investigation. In response to concerns raised by IBAC, Victoria Police has taken a number of steps to improve its management of conflict of interest issues in complaint investigations, including the introduction of a revised conflict of interest form and requiring all Assistant Commissioners and Department Heads to lead a discussion with leadership teams in relation to addressing conflicts of interest in complaint investigations. Was the investigation reviewed by a supervisor? A Victoria police spokesperson declined to comment on the OPP's decision, or whether it would impact on the work of Sofvu. All of the 59 files audited failed to include some relevant material in the file or in ROCSID. Of the 221 files closed by PSC in 2015/16, 64 files fit (29 per cent) this criteria. Was the extension approved in accordance with the VPMG? only discussed human rights insofar as they related to the conduct of the complaint investigation process and the rights of the subject officer (three files). This represents five per cent of all files in the audit and 25 per cent of the 12 files that resulted in at least one substantiated determination. In the fourth matter, officers involved in the primary allegation of assault were interviewed criminally, which resulted in findings of not substantiated; however, their senior officers were subsequently subject to disciplinary interviews about their roles supervising the incident in question. 28 Victoria Police 2015, Integrity Management Guide, paragraph 75 and 79. While PSC may be physically removed from other areas of Victoria Police, its officers are not immune from potential conflicts of interest. As at March 2018, PSC employed 200 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff and is comprised of five divisions: The Police Conduct Unit (PCU) is located in the Conduct and Professional Standards Division, and receives and classifies all complaints about Victoria Police. PSC did not investigate the sergeants alleged false report, or make any enquiries in relation to senior managements knowledge of the incident, ignoring significant issues raised in the complaint. Were all relevant complainants contacted? Three files in the audit concerned issues arising from a personal relationship breakdown between two officers who had lived and worked in a regional area for more than two decades. For information about related policies, download the free Family Violence involving Victoria Police employees section of the Victoria Police Manual: For full access to the manual, visit our Procedures and legislation page. Of the 14 complaints where investigators did not contact subject officers but recorded reasons, reasons included: The decision not to contact subject officers when a matter is filed as intelligence appears to be supported by the VPM complaint management and investigations guidelines. a significant number of total complaints (four files). That complaint (discussed in case study 5) was one of the four work files reclassified by PSC all of which were reclassified as complaints of corruption (C3-4) or criminaltiy not connected to duty (C3-3) involving allegations of a serious nature. Mandate. When the situation escalated, the manager closed the premises for safety reasons. providing investigators with guidance and training on the Victorian Charter of Human Rights to assist in identifying human rights that have been engaged by a complaint or incident. Does the final report address human rights issues? Moreover, based on this evidence, auditors considered that a determination of unable to determine would be more appropriate to reflect that the available evidence does not permit the investigating officer to establish whether the complaint is true or not. A total of seven allegations were listed on the file including assault (serious) striking fist, malfeasance threats to kill and multiple allegations of malfeasance pervert justice interference in investigation. Of the 46 files that formally identified at least one subject officer in ROCSID, 19 files (41 per cent) contained copies of the subject officers full employee history report complaints and compliments (complaint history report), including 14 files that also discussed those histories in some way.25 A further 12 files discussed subject officers complaint histories but did not attach a copy. Accurate records are essential for accountability and data analysis. Of the 46 files that formally identified at least one subject officer, 11 files (24 per cent) were investigated by an officer who was not of an appropriately higher rank than at least some of the subject officers. Two of the five complaints that did not record reasons for the lack of contact contained notes suggesting the investigator intended to contact the subject officer, but there was no indication in the final report that such contact had been made or an explanation why the proposed action was not pursued. A detective made a complaint to PSC after a police officer was named by two suspects in an espionage investigation. PSC also obtained details of the subject officers online advertisement and statements from the two people who responded to the advertisement, including the purchaser, who picked the motorbike up the day after the speeding ticket. Professional Standards Command. At present, when a determination of substantiated is reached, the investigator will recommend action which could range from criminal charges to workplace guidance. the minimum level of professionalism required by both members, the impact of their personal lives upon other members working at the station, consequences of any identified breaches of discipline or legislation (ie workplace bullying), welfare and counselling services available, negotiation by consent for a short-term transfer to neighbouring stations to mitigate any ongoing workplace tension, relevant PDA entries for both parties outlining the minimum professional standards required from sworn members both on and off duty without reference to their personal circumstance linked to a performance discussion. A clear statement of the standard of proof for complaint investigations in the IMG could assist investigators. As the central area responsible for overseeing, coordinating and investigating complaints within Victoria Police, PSC plays a critical role in identifying broader issues arising out of complaints that could be addressed through policy or other initiatives at the organisational level. This included files that contained: Interpose also has the capacity to log avenues of enquiry pursued by an investigator (such as contact made with subject officers, complainants and witnesses). Was advice sought from the DAU or the OPP? In another, the Assistant Commissioner PSC determined that consultation was not required because the assaults on civilian victims only involved summary assaults while the police victim was unwilling to proceed with criminal charges even though the requirement to consult is predicated on reasonable belief that the offence has been committed, not reasonable belief that the charge will be successful at court. promote a culture of high ethical and professional standards throughout the organisation, investigate corrupt behaviour, serious criminal behaviours and misconduct where police employees may be involved, identify and proactively address emerging integrity issues and trends. Back to top . A complaint was generated when a former Victoria Police officer (dismissed following a criminal conviction for drug related offences) was found to be living with a relative (the subject officer) temporarily while he completed landscaping work for them. These independent audits help Victoria Police build capacity to prevent corrupt conduct and police misconduct by identifying areas of improvement around complaint handling. The second suspect mentioned the police officers name at trial, stating that he had visited the subject officers house. In relation to the main file, the investigator concluded senior management could have done more when they initially became aware of the situation. In these circumstances, it may have been prudent to reallocate the file. subject members of Victoria Police personnel (if multiple members are the subject of a complaint, it is preferable to interview all members simultaneously). More allegations were substantiated in this audit compared with IBACs 2016 audit. However, it is considered the decision not to consult in case study 23 on the basis that the then Assistant Commissioner considered there was insufficient evidence to support a conviction, defeats the purpose of section 127(2). IBAC audited 59 PSC investigations into a range of complaints about Victoria Police officers, including allegations of improper criminal associations, drug use or possession offences, sexual offences, handling stolen goods, threats to kill, interference in investigation, and misuse of information. a reckless driving incident in which officer A did a wheel stand on his motorbike but was not booked by the intercepting officer, who also cancelled a request for assistance when he realised the rider was a police officer, a separate speeding incident in which officer A submitted a statutory declaration that nominated an unnamed potential buyer as the rider of the motorbike. However, the investigation concluded that given the subject officers previous admission, the original allegations were substantiated, with the action recorded as workplace guidance. "Police may also deploy spray where a person is involved in violent or other physical conduct and likely to seriously injure themselves or result in suicide." The Age also obtained and compared the two letters sent to Ascui and Currie by the Professional Standards Command, Victoria Police's integrity unit, in response to their complaints . The audit identified seven complaints (12 per cent) in which a supervisor noted that further consideration was required in relation to: In an additional three complaints, senior officers noted the need to provide advice to relevant parties, including the complainant, other work units or other agencies. 22 Victoria Police Act 2013, s 169(2) and (3) in relation to misconduct and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011, s 57(2) and (3) in relation to corrupt conduct or police personnel misconduct. While appearing to conclude that the complaint could be substantiated on the balance of probabilities, the allegation was recorded as unable to determine. The following is an example of a complaint that was closed prematurely without investigating the identified allegation, namely, whether the police officer had a declarable association. Of the five complaints in which a targeted DAT was approved, none returned a positive result. Departments and Other BodiesDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyEntities, Governance and SupportVictoria PoliceCapability See ' Online forms ' on the Australian Federal Police website 'Feedback and complaints' page. However, most if not all PSC investigators have worked in other areas of Victoria Police. Auditors disagreed with the decision to reclassify the C3-3 file as a C1-0, noting that this conflicts directly with the instructions in PSCs SOPs which state that if a matter was originally a C3-2 matter but was unfounded or untrue, the matter still remains a C3-2 and should be finalised accordingly.20. twenty-three of the 42 files finalised work files or corruption complaints (C1-0 and C3-4) (55 per cent) were completed within the 152-day time frame while 19 (45 per cent) took more than 152 days to complete. Officers who undertake investigations should be of excellent character and not have a history of complaints that would raise concerns about their impartiality or ability to investigate a complaint. Was a formal investigation plan prepared from the outset? In an attempt to identify the subject officer the PSC investigator: Based on the available information, the investigator compiled photo boards of possible suspects as they would have appeared at the time of the incident. The PSC investigator focused on whether the subject officer disclosed that the information came from a registered human source or simply told her partner that a crook had alleged he was dealing drugs. Our focus is on preventing corrupt behaviours involving police employees. Identify and report on risk across multiple data sets. Supporting police professionalisation. Then, the PSC can: investigate . 41 Issues identified total more than eight because multiple issues were identified by supervisors in some files. 53 If a file resulted in a number of different recommended actions, the recommended action for that file was identified according to the following order (which prioritises criminal and discipline proceedings over management action): court hearing, discipline hearing, admonishment, counselled formally, counselled informally, workplace guidance, performance improvement plan, performance monitoring, conciliated, accepted explanation, satisfied with action, no action, and filed as intelligence. (ABC News: Kathy Lord) Two police officers have been suspended with pay, and one will be charged with drug . If yes: Describe the issues that warranted interim action, Count of identifiable public complainants, Count of identifiable internal police complainants, Comment on identification of complainants, Count of complainants contacted by investigators. In one matter, the Assistant Commissioner PSC determined workplace guidance was warranted rather than formal discipline action, thus avoiding the need to consult the OPP in relation to a reportable offence. The governance will impact the Professional Standards Command which will have force wide impact. The three victims from 2011 were again contacted but reiterated they did not want to pursue the matter or make further statements. However, because the majority of allegations considered in the audit were not substantiated, the actions recommended most often were no action (75 allegations) followed by filed as intelligence (14 allegations) which together accounted for 76 per cent of all recommendations. It goes on to note that recommended action might include management intervention, no action, admonishments, discipline charges, criminal charges, action in accordance with the VPMG, managing underperformance, and/or action on any identified deficiencies in Victoria Police premises, equipment, policies, practices or procedures.48, If a complaint raises allegations involving a criminal offence, criminal proceedings must be pursued before starting disciplinary proceedings. The role of the Professional Standards Command (PSC) is to enhance and promote a culture of high ethical standards throughout Victoria Police. These matters suggest Victoria Police is adopting a serious approach to dealing with allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, and is sending a clear message to both victims and offenders that Victoria Police will not tolerate such conduct. It is anticipated that the new procedure of notifying work files will allow IBAC to independently consider those allegations in a timely manner. In comparison, this audit examines the adequacy of PSCs complaint investigations more broadly. The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the Charter) requires Victoria Police to act in a way that is compatible with human rights and to ensure decision making gives proper consideration to relevant human rights. The determination was ultimately changed from exonerated to not substantiated. If no: What was the reason for the lack of contact? Comment on contact with civilian witnesses, Comment on identification of police witnesses, Count of police witnesses contacted by investigators. As with criminal investigations, failure to act on a complaint in a timely manner can result in loss of evidence, limit the options available to remedy the complaint, and add to the ordeal of both the complainant and the police officer who was complained about. IBACs audit found that where a complaint gave rise to immediate risks that warranted action before completion of the complaint investigation, PSC investigators generally took appropriate action. No complaint was recorded in ROCSID. Does the audit officer agree with the characterisation of the allegations? list all identified members involved in ROCSID (seven files), correctly identify members involved in the investigation report or ROCSID (two files). for other questionable reasons, such as loss of the file (two files). informal discussion during the execution of a search warrant at the subject officers home (without any formal interview, statement or drug test). Complainants and members of the public who are directly involved in an incident must be informed of the progress and key stages in an investigation. This helps us to meet our goal of maintaining community respect and confidence in Victoria Police. . Auditors identified two other files that addressed conflicts of interest but not via the formal process. The investigators supervisor disagreed, expressing concern with the precedent it would set. A small proportion of complaints are investigated centrally by PSCs Investigations Division. Comment on initial contact with complainant, Comment on identification of civilian witnesses, Count of civilian witnesses contacted by investigators. ; File a Police Report Online. This complaint was classified as a work file. PO Box 401. Do the determinations in ROCSID reflect those in the final report and final letters? In those matters Victoria Police is recorded as the complainant in ROCSID without identifying the specific officer who submitted the report. The VPM is comprised of policies (VPMP), which set the mandatory minimum standards, and guidelines (VPMG), which support the interpretation and application of the policies. The audit also considered whether any criminal or disciplinary briefs were attached to the file (regardless of whether charges were pursued). Auditors identified issues with the information recorded in ROCSID in relation to 19 files. allegations of serious criminality involving Victoria Police employees, allegations of serious corruption involving Victoria Police employees, issues posing a significant reputational risk to Victoria Police, oversight of deaths and serious injury to persons directly resulting from police-related incidents; including police custody, police operations, pursuits and critical incidents, allegations relating to serious breaches of Victoria Police discipline. The subject officer was ultimately provided with workplace guidance in relation to the consumption of alcohol and situational awareness as a police officer. Formal interim action recorded in ROCSID included: Interim action was not taken by Victoria Police in relation to identified risks in one matter involving allegations of sexual harassment because the subject officer was already suspended with pay for a separate complaint. Although these should have been included, they were not likely to alter the determination. IBAC plays a vital role in providing independent oversight of Victoria Police. PSC advised IBAC that most of its investigators are now detective sergeants or more senior, to avoid difficulties associated with senior constables investigating more senior officers, and to address concerns raised in a 2012 internal review which identified issues with the quality of investigations conducted by detective senior constables. The file does not contain any notes to indicate why the subject officers wife was not contacted. a complainant alleged that police, including the subject officer, pushed her shoulder aggravating an existing injury before handcuffing her and shoving her in a divisional van. Has VP Form 1426 (Oversight/Investigation Conflict of Interest Questionnaire and Approval) been completed? 23 IBAC, Operation Ross: An investigation into police conduct in the Ballarat Police Service Area, November 2016. 56 The MOU states that Victoria Police will have met the s127 requirement to consult with the DPP by providing six-monthly advice on matters that technically constitute a s227 offence, which have been handled as a breach of discipline on the basis that they fall within one of the scenarios outlined in that document. This audit assessed whether PSC's complaint investigations were thorough and impartial and met the standards required for the handling of such serious allegations. This could include document naming protocols and minimum requirements in relation to the use of the investigation plan tab. This includes working to deter and investigate employees involved in criminality or misconduct. If yes: Note any issues identified in IBAC review and how they were addressed by Victoria Police, Most substantial determination recorded in ROCSID. 73 Note that the 451-day extension was approved by the then acting Assistant Commissioner PSC, noting that the file had been allocated to an investigator after the due date. Before a complaint investigation commences, it is necessary to accurately identify the key allegations and subject officers, classify the complaint, allocate the file to an investigator, formally consider any conflicts of interest from the outset and develop an investigation plan. IBAC considers it unlikely that the words reasonably believes were intended to require that Victoria Police have sufficient evidence to secure a conviction. 33 All five complaints that involved police officers who were injured by another Victoria Police officer or the victim of the incident were formally recorded in ROCSID as automatically generated complaints, however they have been counted as contactable complainants for the purpose of the audit because it was considered that their evidence was key to the investigation and the nature of their involvement warranted advice about the outcome of the investigation. Professional Standards Command is investigating the incident, Victoria Police said. However, the earlier matter was not discussed in the file. Ethics and Professional Standards Officers - EPSOs are a network of inspectors that provides direct support to regions, commands and departments for the management of integrity files and professional ethical standards across the organisation. 18 Originally classified as minor misconduct, criminality or corruption. He indicated that an acquaintance who attended the party as a guest (a senior constable) advised him to call 000 about the burglary. Your duties will include: Run reports and prepare briefings.