proof vatican owns corporate united states

It is composed of legal fiction entities, including but not limited to C corps, S corps, LLCs, non-profits, foundations, and trusts. The United States, Inc. is committing crime against humanity by unlawfully going to war with other countries in the name of freedom and democracy. What it is actually doing is spreading its franchise throughout the world, similar to Walmart and McDonalds. "The United States of America Corporation." We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims . Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a faade to deceive and placate the masses. That event was known as 9/11. It is bigger than Walmart, Target, and McDonalds combined! Because of these things, United States Citizens are bound to the international Jurisdiction of the Sea. However, what can be documented is that for 240 years, a large portion of our tax dollars and countless American lives have gone to line the pockets of the multi-national military industrial complex. United States Citizens are statutory citizens and therefore they are artificial persons (corporations) that have no rights, only privileges. They also control the US Military, and the London Financial District - all three of which are independent city/states. As has reported, correspondent and investigator Juan Lankamp, whose specialty is crimes of the Elite,[1] sets out an overview of evidence of interconnected MKULTRA, pedophile, ritual child sacrifice, human hunting parties, and abuse networks, and child trafficking networks that are interlinked with the Vatican, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency); the CIA, Wackenhut, and the Bilderbergers in parliaments, Churches, governments, courts, schools, child welfare institutions and the media. A corporation is a fictitious entity that has no rights. . In commerce, when you see a name written in all capital letters, it is a corporate name or a legal name, which is a corporation. Given that there is a small group of Global Elite who control all the world's finances, military, and ecclesiastical resources, this would not be too difficult to believe. In fact, only employees of the federal government, residents of the District of Columbia, residents of naval bases, residents of forts, US citizens of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, territories and possessions were lawfully required to file and pay the Victory Tax. It regards you as its numbered and catalogued property. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Please help restore the Republic for the United States of America and freedom throughout the world by re-posting this article on the internet or sharing it to as many people as possible. Leading founders considered this new government a literal chartered corporation of the People. The Vatican City States territorial independence was reestablished in the Lateran Treaty signed by Italy and the Holy See in 1929. Since his inauguration, Pope Francis has acted as a global advocate for human dignity and justice, placing particular emphasis on the moral imperative of caring for the poor and marginalized. It had debt and interest attached. When you really think about this process, you should know that the process of turning you into capital money or liquidated capital is their way of saying that you have a bounty on your head. Your birth certificate is the bond with your all caps legal name written on it, and therefore it is the financial document that has the value of the bounty on your head. Title 22, Sec. My second seminar also exposes the secrets of the legal system and shows you how to defend your rights. After the United States was formed, the entire states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Ohio were all later created from the territory encompassed earlier by the Colony of Virginia. No one realized this. Although concealed, according to US Code 31, Chapter 3, the Internal Revenue Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are all one organization. 551(1)(C). The name Israel or Is-Ra-El represents the ancient gods Isis, Ra, and El. You should really read the contents at The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. This article contains proof that the United States is a criminal corporation, and exposes the fraud of the court system. The idea that we have choices when it comes to electing presidential candidates is an illusion. Tatum recalls being Jeb Bush Tasked by V.P. No IRS or BATF agent or representative can provide any law, rule or regulation that gives them authority to audit anyone but themselves. The United Nations is a very powerful organization of the NWO and has more authority than the United States. This conversation focused on Barry Seals increasingly notorious activities. Then this Federal court turned around and threatened attorneys that raised the illegal ratification issue with court fines if any daredraise the issue again as if some cabal-stooge in a Secretary of State position can substitute his signature for the proper and legal ratification of an entire State what gall! The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. Click here for the proof. This is what happens to a nation when its people become ignorant, take freedom for granted, ignore the actions of politicians, and do not study their history. In 1954, the US and Guam became partners under the Mutual Security Act. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown Catholic Church. The money then flows to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and is deposited into the Quad Zero account, which is the account from which the IRS distributes refunds (per 22 U.S.C. The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws. It is called liquidated capitalbecause you, the person who has been securitized, were born in the womb of your mother, which was mostly made of water (liquid). The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, You Know Something Is Wrong When An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, The main hidden agenda of the United Nations, to be a United States citizen means that you are a legal person, also known as a corporation, The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America, Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud, The 57 Federal States are inhabited by United States Citizens and all the people born in Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, plus military employees, federal civilian, African Americans, political asylum seekers, and welfare recipients. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Remember, there are 66 miles of shelving in that vault locked away underground beneath the Vatican. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). So the Federal power-seekers sought to overrule our forefathers and to empower the Federal Government, (that is, our US Federal Corporation, hereinafter, The FEDS) with the power to tax individuals through the 16th Amendment. Benjamin Franklin said, Conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity had ended and a depression set in to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with the unemployed! Bank money was like our FED money. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you write or print your name on a line marked taxpayer, you become the taxpayer. The Code of Federal Regulations of the USA, Title 26 Internal Revenue, Chapter I, references for the first time terms such as income, credits, withholding, assessment and collection and failure to file a return. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. The Corporate United States (UNITED STATES, INC.) is composed of 185,000 corporations and roughly 390 million corporate U.S. CITIZENS. Under corporate law, every corporation is required to have a president and a vice president. If you do not live in the USA, you should still read this article for the reason that the same legal system that has enslaved Americans is the same legal system that has enslaved most people of the world. American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence. On 18 November 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal Bull called "Unum Sanctum.". POTUS is the Chief Executive (President) of the Corporation of THE UNITED STATES operating as the CEO of the corporation. Hamilton Was Married Into The Rothschild Family. Draco-US Govt.-MKULTRA-Transhumanist-ritual child sacrifice/pedophile complex. They will take everything, unless we wake up, join forces, stand and fight them to the death. If a Person is a Legal Entity, What is Your Identity? When people are educated with the right knowledge, it increases their awareness and expands their consciousness. Be aware that this is not only limited to West Virginia. All churches in the USA are incorporated and therefore they belong to the U.S. federal government. William Cooper: We have been betrayed by those we trusted. 286 and 31 CFR 11, Sec. Outwitting Deep State Freemasons: Follow The Constitution! The United States has no significant trade or investment with the Holy See. However, because the President has the authority to appoint IRS Chief Counsel, he/she can appoint a delegate to appear in federal court on behalf of the IRS and IRS employees. Please note: This articleoriginally appeared on here on 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. I recommend watching the whole video. Proof that the USA is Controlled by Corporations The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. To compound this fraud, the Federal Register published that a person was replaced by a thing: the term Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced with the term Internal Revenue Service.. Paul W. Kincaid published a comprehensive article, excerpted below, on the constitutional fraud of the 1871 2nd constitution [PRESS Core Corruption, Latest news, World news Thursday, August 21st, 2014]. This criminal corporation is committing crime against humanity in the name of religion.. The First Bank of theUnited Stateswas created in 1791 and chartered for 20 years but was not renewed due to public outrage over policy. The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1984. So what is funding our federal government? This is why your legal name on your drivers license, social security card, and birth certificate is written in all caps. Hamilton Established The First Central Bank With Rothschild Inside The United States. Asked whether Belgium was the pedophile capital of the world, Juan Lankamp responded, Belgium and the Netherlands, which used to be one country, are an important pedophile center.. It is no different than what the agents of the British Empire did to the American people back in the 1700s. It was created to regulate trade with foreign countries and to impose custom duties and excise taxes. My goal is to make a difference in the world by uniting people through the power of thought, love and unity. 2 & 3): There shall be established a Bureau of Internal Revenue, the chief officer of which Bureau shall be known as the Collector of Internal Revenue. The Transhumanist Agenda can be defined as: A complex cooperative entity originating in the Draco reptilians and CIA/U.S. Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. These include Pope John Paul II, who according to an ex-Jesuit Jose Luciano, participated in a ritual child sacrifice in an underground bunker 40 meters from the Vatican. And Whereas: Congress adopted the text of the federal constitution as the constitution or charter of this municipal corporation. The IRS Code of 1939, aka IRS Code of 1954, pertains solely to tobacco and firearms taxes, administered by the IRS alias BIR, alias Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue, alias Director ATF Division, alias IRS. The IRS is not an agency of the Federal Government. On the uniforms of US troops, in Federal buildings, criminal courts, and even when the US President is giving a speech, the US national flag always displays a gold fringe. It is evident the FEDs has perpetually kept our country at war and conflict. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It is a maxim of the common-law that when an act of parliament is made for the public good, the advancement of religion and Justice, and to prevent injury and wrong, the king shall be bound by such an act, though not named; but when a statute is General, and any prerogative rights, titles or interests would be divested or taken from the king (or The fact is that democracy in the United States is now largely a secretive and privately-run affair conducted out of the public eye with little oversight. They have done this by keeping Americans feeling under eternal threat, both at home and worldwide, thereby justifying taxes for what is made to appear as desperately-needed protection. We have been robbed of our money and property. It is foreign to you and the United States of America. 4. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Usurped Powers By Repetition Unconstitutional The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks. Barack Obama, as others before him, is POTUS operating as vassal king taking orders once again from The Crown through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). Even if the 16th Amendment had been legally passed, it did not change the constitutional limitations which forbid any direct taxation of individuals. (U.S. Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Rail Road Co. 240 U.S. 1 (1916).) In1773, the United States ratified a contract in which loans were owed to theBritish Crown. Business Hours are "24/7". Sec. Hamilton Was Shot By Burr Who Served Under General Washington. * Invasion of Dominican Republic 1965-1966, * War in Bolivia (Execution of Che Guevara) 1966-1967, * Operation Ernest Will (Iran-Iraq War) 1977-1978, * Iraq No-Fly Zones (Iraq-Kurdish Conflict) 1991-2003, * Operation Restore Hope (Somali Civil War) 1992-1994, * Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti) 1994-1995, * Operation Infinite Reach (al-Qaeda) 1998, * War in Afghanistan (War on Terror) 2001-2011 (ongoing), * Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (War on Terror) 2002-present, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Horn of Africa (War on Terror) 2002-present, * War in Northwest Pakistan (War on Terror) 2004-present, * War in Somalia (War on Terror and Somali Civil War) 2006-2009, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Trans-Sahara (War on Terror) 2007-present, * Al-Qaeda Insurgency in Yemen (War on Terror) 2010-present, * Lords Resistance Army Insurgency (Africa) 2011-present. Proof vatican owns corporate united states. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In the millions it is estimated. One Federal court has passed on some of the fraudulent ratification issues (but no Federal court has passed on all of these fraudulent issues), and it has declared that it is enough for a Secretary of a State to fraudulently report a ratification that in fact never occurred! Hide it under our nose, and we won't even see it. However, Walker then cancelled out the order by declaring: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division and Commissioner of Internal Revenue wherever used in regulations, rules, and instructions, and forms, issued or adopted for the administration and enforcement of the laws specified in paragraph 2 hereof, which are in effect or in use on the effective date of this Order, shall be held to mean the Director., Walker created the BATF from Humphreys Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The chain of commandstarts with Congress, then flows to the President, then to IRS Chief Counsel not to the Department of Justice. The content in block quotation below will explain this process further. Those born within the borders of these states are American State Citizens by birthright, having all the guarantees of The Constitution, and all their Natural Rights intact. They are also known as American Nationals. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original Constitution for the United States for America was changed to the THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Furthermore, it teaches you how to help free humanity from its influence. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. A simple way to educate people about the NWO and the legal system is to share this article to as many people as possible. Another JPMorgan Banker Murder-Suicide Added To The List Of 71 Dead NWO Bankers By Un-Natural Causes! Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, We the People, now have relative rights or privileges. is BATF, and states in Subpart B, Definitions, 250.11, Meaning of terms: United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms office Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms office in Puerto Rico. Every person we find who is being prosecuted by the alleged Internal Revenue Service has a code on their IMF [Individual Master File] which puts them in tax class 6, which designates that they have violated a law relating to alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, in Puerto Rico. William Cooper, 1995. The BIR became the IRS, and the IRS then gave birth to the BATF. The ratification of the 16th Amendment is dubious. While no explicit evidence has emerged of Jeb Bush participating in ritual sacrifice, it is reasonable to expect that Jeb Bush was aware of such Bush activities and may have participated. In accordance with the international agreement that created the International Monetary Fund, the Secretary of Treasury is the U.S. The good 'ol USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Crown and a full-blown Corporation. America in Fee Simple. The banks in the City of London is headed by the Bank of England, which is controlled by theHouse of Rothschild, an elite Illuminati banking family. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, History of U.S. Relations With the Holy See. 5. Pope . IRAQ MUST STAY DIVIDED & ISOLATED FROM ITS REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT ~ ISRAELI MINISTER OF INTERNAL SECURITY SHIN BET AKA; ISIS. The IRS is Puerto Rican Trusts operated by the Secretary of the Treasury, as the Trustee. After a few years of bank money, the prosperity of Colonial Scrip was gone. The 1986 Delegation Order #115 states that only the IRS and BATF can conduct audits, but only audits of themselves for $750 or less. The gold fringe stands for British Maritime Law, Military Law and Martial Law. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born. The right to vote in the United States of America is a FRAUD, because your vote does not really matter and the voting system is rigged, just like a casino. Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything, Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds). TPP: $700 MILLION TO BE CUT FROM MEDICARE, HURTING SENIORS WHO NEED ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE MAY 2015, 21 Governors Have Outlawed Obamacare: Obamacare Will BeRepealed. The Holy See maintains an Apostolic Nunciature, the equivalent of an embassy, in the United States at 3339 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008, tel.

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proof vatican owns corporate united states