zybooks is bad

It has made learning some of the topics considerably easier than just the normal text book lessons. Everything is explained and defined in detail even when you miss the question on the assignments. first i think that zybook is one of the best way for learning computer science since it gives you explanations when you did some questions wrong. I think it helps me to understand the class materials because it has very good examples. I think Zybooks is really great. zyBooks are designed to work in HTML5-compatible browsers. I thought it was an extremely helpful learning tool. They do not have clear instructions or teach what to do clearly. I think it is a very interesting and helpful tool. Sometimes I have to rush through the activities without really paying attention just to get them done before the deadline (and because sometimes it just feels like busywork), but it's organized in a way that it is easy to go back and find topics when I need to reference them later. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. Some of the Challenge questions are very repetitive and boring. I really enjoyed the fact that the zyBooks had the option to get the answers correct by attempting multiple times until I get it right. The best online book and homework service. The participation activities make sure that you fully understod the concept. I'm enrolled in a Data Science class that was just offered for the first time this semester. Sometimes the coding "do it yourself" problems were very difficult even after reading the context. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. There was very little help and the instructions made little to none sense. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. It was helpful for making sure I understood conceps, could be harder to just bs putting in effort. I liked that it was interactive and had a lot of useful material to help me learn. It definitely helped me understand the material better. I love the interaction while I learn. I appreciate zybooks for allowing me to run my code before I submit. However, I do believe that some of the feedback messages could have been more descriptive/helpful when writing the practice codes. Very in-depth and thorough explanations. The textbook overall could have used more detail for the contents. The interactive exercises helped alot. Easy and convenient way to learn how to program. It was also very helpful to reference later as I progressed in the course. I relied on using the textbook to learn rather than the lectures. I like the idea of the labs. I enjoyed it because it helps to learn more about the topics. A good site to practice the material thats assigned, zyBooks was really good for learning C++ because of the interactive examples and animations. Overall the quality of the service was high. Here is the link to it. What we were doing on here wasn't aligned to what we were doing in class, but thats not zybooks fault. Well done. Having the participation challenge and labs helps me to remember and connect with what i just read. This was my first time using zybooks and I was very pleased with how the platform worked. The labs are good. We show 1000 responses dont try to read them all (thats too many), but rather we encourage you to jump around. ZyBooks helped me learn about coding since I struggled a lot in the lecture class. Often times could replace a whole class. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. Zybooks is very accessible and I like that all of my material is in one place. Good learning tool, but the multipart videos are tedious. Change your testing methods. Honestly pretty good for consolidating and reinforcing retainment of material, I found it to be a pretty engaging and low-stakes way to read a textbook, its a great and interactive way to learn course material. Zybooks has been very helpful in learning the material with many clear examples. First online course material I have used my whole life that has done well keeping attention, explaining info easily and showing how to use it. The concept is great but answers are stupid. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Worked decently - for the big stuff I mostly copy and pasted from my own editor though. The interactive reading makes learning new topics just that much easier! The information was direct and to the point, but I would like to have seen some examples other than what was in the solution to the homework assignments. Ctrl+Shift+C. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. It was helpful for learning Java. Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. One of the outputs was not right if you plug it into a formula. The overall construction of the grading rubrics for code is awful. This is my first time using zyBooks, but so far everything has been intuitive and easy to use. Having a relatively inexpensive (relative to other textbooks) text that is online was pretty nice and the interactive examples and problems made content easier to understand. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. It is easy to use. Most of my professors major projects revolved around zyBooks, meaning we had to change certain things so they would work in zyBooks. Then, the follow up questions were fair and relevant. I found myself being constantly stuck when doing the acoompanying questions and applications on each section. Broke really daunting subjects down into easier-to-understand problems. vrbo trip board comments; sysco teamsters contract; dr john gemma net worth. easy to use and helpful with instant feedback. I like the setup. Zybooks has several positive and negative aspects. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I appreciate the interactive nature of zyBooks. They help me understand things better. I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. The sections are also broken up into easily digestible parts. Very helpful with good readings, I enjoy how when I get an example wrong it explains how to do the problem. I understand that is more of a personal problem rather than zy book but my point being is that zyBooks wasnt as helpful to me as it would've been if in person classes had continued. I thought it made the content more enjoyable and harder to lose focus while reading. It is a lot easier to follow than a regular textbook. So, this would be great to use on the side, but wouldn't be helpful for the assignments. I like it. Very straight forward, not challenging while remaining useful. One of the challenge activities gave wrong answers for the questions, and chapter 7 had the sections out of order. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. I love zyBooks but it can be hit or miss with some courses. I think this is a wonderfully effective tool and am very excited to have been introduced to it. The reading introduces the concept and the practice teaches it. Comedy is great, I love comedy and there's so many great ways to include comedy in education and that's just not one of them. The best execution of an online textbook that I've seen. It was confusing at first when I needed to buy my textbooks at the beginning of the year since the ISBN wasn't recognized, but this tool is pretty helpful and engaging. They helped me understand concepts on a deeper level through examples. Interesting learning tool, can seem dense at times but very useful. It is a really great platform, I love how hands on it is. It was a great way to practice C++ programing skills. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I wish the whole entire zybooks sections were graded. ZyBooks interactive features like animations to help visualize key concepts, learning questions which are presented in different formats, and the many tools with minimal text are very beneficial to build skill and intuition. Text could be broken up better. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. However resources in the book including interactive opportunities to compile C++ helped me pick up skills quickly but were at time frustrating to use due to adding whitespace out of habit that would mark answers wrong. Very nice design, very easy to navigate and operate, A good way to learn the information by having many participation and challenge activities. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. Meaning IF I had a bust week I hadddd to finish it rushed and couldn't;t take my time to learn. This is my second course through zybooks both of which were for programming and it has helped me learn very well for both classes. I thought it was helpful, the labs and challenge activities did not provide any problems in functionality. The interactive parts help me understand the material the most. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). It provided an intuitive system for extended education beyond the traditional in-class lectures. I find zyBooks easy to use and a fun interactive platform to learn. There some issues on the CS courses when solving for problems. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. I like it. Easy to learn with visuals but not so much with a lot of text. Zylabs deprives the student of that experience. Over the past almost 2 years, we have collected data on on more than 35 outages that affected ZyBooks users. It was very helpful in my learning process, especially because the 2019-2020 school year was moved online. In this course it feels extremely disconnected from the subjects we are learning and putting into practice in homeworks. I am not just learning it because I need to for my class, but I am actually WANTING to learn it. It was decent for the majority of the time. I did enjoy how I could search zybooks content. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. I hope have instructors use zybooks more in the future. Showed material in great depth with a step-by-step guide to walk you through difficult material. Had this been new to me I also believe the layout of zyBooks would make it quite easy to learn. I think it's a helpful tool that is good for supplementing learning, but needs outside sources to make the material interesting. It also provides enough practice with the in-text questions and challenge questions at the end. Zybooks is a great source for practicing and testing your skills. One thing I'd improve would be saving the work done on some of the examples upon completing. The animations and mid text quizzes seriously help reinforce and sometimes clear up readings and help cement the readings in my head. I personally favored zybooks of all the shitty homework softwares I had to use lol. It was much better than all other textbooks I've used so far. Ready to see zyBooks in action? zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. In spite of this, I have enjoyed the experience of learning through zybooks. These hands-on segments made it easier to grasp the content and helped me to become a stronger coder. They provide a short, but in-depth explanation. Pretty good interactive content. I love the idea of an interactive textbook, and all of the participation activities and challenge activities help me understand material so much better. Get a demo today. Many of my friends just clicked through the program randomly until they got a correct answer then moved along. I think I learned a lottt! zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. Get a demo today. The course material is not organized properly with some courses and the required participation activities are sometimes a hassle to complete. Zybook has been a handy tool and has helped me understand the concepts thoroughly. A person like me who passes interviews for companies every day, this was not interesting. zyBooks is a good supplemental learning tool. The animated examples are easy to understand and help a lot. The lessons were interactive and easily accessible . The step-by-step visuals where you had to press play over and over felt more tedious than useful since they often didn't demonstrate concepts difficult enough to need such detailed explanations. Fascinating and shows all steps slowly love it!! Overall it was fine, just a little boring to read at times. The videos were helpful since it helped to visually watch the material make sense. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. I am more of a text book kind of learner. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. Very useful in a supplement to lectures. Summed up: Zybooks is very bad for interaction and understanding, but the actual content and definitions are fine. I think they are good but for my class they are bad. The step by step examples are super helpful. Some chapters there was no code with functions similar to what the challenge questions were asking. With that said, a smartphone is quite small for the learning experience that zyBooks target. Thanks for listening to me then and now! but instead of giving us assignments on them, he would just check that we had done these in-book assignment things that we could just click through, so I never gave a shit about the readings. The lessons were also super engaging because there were interactive parts dispersed throughout each reading. I really like the way zybooks is laid out and some of the activities are helpful, but I find the lessons don't prepare me enough for the big challenge questions at the end. It was very unhelpful when it came to the written portion because if you wrote the wrong answer there was no help on what the right answer was so you pretty much just had to continue to guess until you got it right or just not do them. I learn things through interactive demos and zybooks fulfilled that requirement. zyBooks ZyBooksreplaces theoretical content and walls of information with a richer, more immediate learning experience through simulation environments, animations, and embedded tools, all proven to better prepare students and save instructors time. In one case - I had completed a program as specified by our teacher, and when I put it through the tests it failed 0/9. ZyBooks is a coding platform for learners It has quizzes, coding challenges and other ways to help learners learn. After all, completion of these assignments is for credit and on a timeline.). ZyBooks has helped me in more ways than any instructor could. Especially since we transitioned online. I found it overall a great platform to use, especially for a CS class, i feel it is very coveient and modern vs toting a book around with you and selling them back to the bookstore for near to nothing. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. I find interactive activities to be very useful, It helps me a bit in understanding new concepts. Has been a very helpful learning tool this semester, really helps break things down. I think zyBooks is really helpful, I used it for this and a previous class and I learned a lot from it. It implies a certain steps which make it more difficult to understand why a step has taken place. I wish there was some more help with labs but overall a great service. It takes advantage of the fact that it is an online material and uses that advantage to help students learn. I've enjoyed Zybooks because it tests your knowledge and retention immediately to ensure you are grasping key concepts. Anyone else experience this with zybooks? Though it was useful the challenges were very hard to read through and complete. I liked examples of code and found them very useful. If you are talking about string streams or vector::sort, then talk about internal implementation as well. I like zyBooks a lot because I can always go back and study material that I haven't fully grasped yet. Definitions are clear and there is no additional information that might distract students. During studying computer architecture, I always crave to know the exact flow of the computer(with animation or sth). It is easier to use than the previous websites I've used, but the only issue I see is that I can just click until I have the right answer. I also plan on recommend zyBooks to any one wishing to learn coding or other lessons that are available. I really appreciate the interactive style of learning through zyBooks it has really helped me learn with a more hands-on approach. Many students dont pay for textbooks: In a survey we conducted in classes using a regular textbook, 30% admitted to illegally downloading pdf, and another 20% to not acquiring the book at all. By that I mean that you are doing activities while you read as opposed to reading the chapter first, then doing exercises. Pretty good, liked how it really showed the steps and you had to work through it. I find the check-in questions to be extremely helpful for my understanding of the different concepts. I think it's really good for studying and practice. It is so much easier to go through a chapter with interactive examples and questions to reinforce the concepts. I'd like to talk about the material in the books, but I never had access to them, so this is only especulation based on the level of understanding of SNHU's students: It seems to me that the material tries to simplify things, but what it actually happens is that it doesn't cover concepts well, and students feel that the material is doing big leaps from one concept to another. I like the combination of the participation activities along with the challenge questions. The first textbook I've actually used in my college career. Otherwise, I liked it. However, you can't talk to them 24/7. It works well paired with in classroom teaching etc. zyBooks is a lot better than other online textbooks I have used. Also I love that if there is a question that I don't fully understand I can show the answer and Work backwards if I need to. It's fine but better than the lecture in terms of learning. Organized, repetitive, instills learning. My students say the interactive exercises help them visualize program execution. However it is no substitute for someone teaching you about abstract concepts. I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. I do not have much of an opinion on this. I had to retake CSIS 1400 because the first time I didn't really learn as much as I hoped. Australia. Give me a project, and help me work to a solution. doing assignments on zybooks are interesting. However, What I like about zybooks is that there is no correct or incorrect answers for the practice problems, in the sense that we can keep trying until we get it right. Very engaging. This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. I wish more classes would use it. I was already very familiar with this material so the zyBooks format allowed me to very easily get through the course. I definitely prefer using zyBooks over a traditional book. I dont love the format. I have enjoyed using zyBooks. If it were just the zyBook, my opinion may be changed. I find the Participation Activities to be a great way to reinforce my learning as I read. Usually, I generally am okay with zyBooks for the few classes I take it with. With the unfortunate events of COVID-19, it provided a reliable source of learning. The activities allow me to visualize how it works. Input is very confusing. Outside of lab sections, I really enjoyed it! We actually would have had no textbook for this class originally, had the zyBook not been offered, so I also appreciate the hand-curated course content that would otherwise have been unavailable. I like that there are extra problem available to practice below with pencil and paper. I think zybooks is an incredible tool that allows the students to take assignments or understand course works that they learned during their class time. It's a helpful interactive textbook for online schooling but with in-person teaching it becomes even more effective. I thought it was very useful because a big part of learning computer science is by doing, and through zybooks I was able to practice my skills as I learned the concepts. I love the search tool. It was a great experience and I wish that all of my courses implemented it. Very helpful videos and illustrations when learning complicated Data Structures programs. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. It was helpful as a second source for different algorithms I couldn't quite get the hang of in class. It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. Zybooks is a great interactive textbook. The materials are very easy to understand. Very thorough and interactive with its material. By far my favorite online textbook platform, love the interactive modules and progress tracker! Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. It was the first online textbook I enjoyed more than physical textbooks. The participation and challenges are very nice. zyBooks is way more interactive and engaging then a normal book, specially in topics such as computer science. zyBooks provides organization and clarity for your assignments, due dates, and other activities that you have to do. The practice sections were very beneficial. But students want more, and we get it. The mix of participation and challenge questions really help with learning material. I like the exercises are interactive and worked into the material. It's honestly a very useful tool. The questions at the end were also very useful as It made sure I was prepared for my class's tests and quizzes. All of this without a clue as to WHAT would be considered passing Long story short - help out the instructors for the long game. I believe that zyBooks is very essential to learning within a remote setting. ZyBook is very useful but for some material the Professor was able to clarify some issues I was having. It's pretty simple and intuitive, however on some fill-in the blank answers, there were a couple times where it was extremely and unnecessary tedious and frustrating to use. We did do the following: The survey was available to students across all zyBooks subjects, which includes various CS subjects like programming, discrete math, computer organization, digital design, etc., as well as some math, engineering, and more. Very easy to interact with, great material. The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. Overall a great resource I relied heavily on. First half was good and then it accelerated a bit fast for me.

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zybooks is bad