hoi4 how to level up generals fast

These possible trading partners can be further filtered by world region, neighbors, or subjects (puppets). Basically fight intelligent and a lot. Modifiers from Background traits, such as Cautious or Politically Connected, are passed down to Generals with no penalty. The Single Player menu allows for playing the Tutorial or to start a new game as well as to load a previous saved game. The 1936 scenario begins on January 1, 1936. on Paradox technology, Legal on Paradox technology, Legal Incompatible graphics card settings: try running the game on Fullscreen instead of Windowed mode. Is it for the 10% move speed from Improvement Expert?? You may recruit new admirals for the fleets. Pick the General or FM you want to farm as General (Level directly above the divisions, not level above the generals) One that has not a lot of traits already works better; The Divisions should be infantry and big (there is some META going around with adding cavalry to your farming divisions, but I don't understand it) One can decide what mission it will perform. When the player selects an army group, they will see a row of general orders appear at the bottom of their screen. MyPornAccount23x 4 yr. ago Fighr deceisive battles and crush the enemy helps a lot. The game starts with reinforcement and upgrades given equal weight with the creation of new units. Air Map Mode - Overlays the land and sea map modes. Sea regions all have names. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzJOXFBnbljpUd9R1P18tg/. But since cav count as inf, their respective traits combine on cavalry. The UK has a maneuver genius (+5% more than Germany's expert) as well as a blitzkrieg theorist, but they don't have a light tank designer. Other then that, keep your front lines clean and organized with as few commanders as possible like the other guys said to get more experience trickle to him. Planes have limited range depending on their type (strategic bombers have a much greater range than interceptors) and design (dependent on technology researched or experience spent to edit their abilities). Naval Map Mode - Sea regions of which up to three adjacent ones can be selected when giving orders to naval fleets. If your general gets 120 XP towards leveling up and has 0 traits, they'll get 120 XP towards whatever traits that are applicable. At present it is not possible to launch nuclear bombs using rockets. When leveling up a commander gains three points in specialized skill, randomly distributed (many generals' traits skew the distribution). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Resources are found in certain locations on the map and are not evenly distributed. These decisions typically cost anywhere from 25 to 150 political power. When this happens, the game will pause and a peace conference will begin. The player can create armies of units by selecting a group of them and then clicking on the silhouetted portrait or green plus sign that one will see at the bottom of the screen. The player may select whatever country they wish, but one should be aware that countries like Bhutan may not be best suited as the first nation to play as. I find it funny that you can get higher speed in hills, deserts, and mountains than you can in plains. Over time this increases their skill level. teleport [province ID] - Teleport all selected units to the target province. This is where military factories and dockyards are assigned to build equipment, army vehicles, aircraft and ships. It. HOI4 Gain_xp Command General Information This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. This is where the army will gather for the assault. A Paradox Interactive account is also needed to log into the Paradox Plaza website to access the codes for previous branches of each game that is owned. im going to. In theory my marshal should gain Organizer XP by activating battleplans, however, when I set all sorts of battleplans in my frontline I find that he gets almost no XP, while my generals level it up a lot faster. Stackwiping or inflicting/suffering a lot of casualties are the fastest ways to get Generals and XP. States also have names! Only admirals gain immediate benefits from their generic level. Right click on the enemy province one wants to invade. im going to also show you some secrets people. JavaScript is disabled. Lower combat width tends to aid grinding as well, probably because it makes more of your divisions fight at the same time. Press J to jump to the feed. New Zealand Mobile tank designer (5%) + UK Blitzkrieg theorist (10%) -> 14 * 1.15 = 16.1 km/h, Variant Speed +5 (+20% of speed of base model) 14*0.2 = 2.8 -> 16.1 + 2.8 = 18.9 km/h, Elastic defense (Land doctrine) +10% -> 18.9 * 1.1 = 20.79 km/h, General trait "Improvisation Expert" +10%, Field marshal trait "Improvisation Expert" +5%, All shown together in one tooltip: 5%+2.5%+10%+5% = 22.5%, Alan Brooke (Chief of Army) +30% (bug, should be 15%), Mobile Warfare (Land doctrine) +20% (bug, should be 10%), Field Marshal (Miles Dempsey) Panzer Expert+2,5% (Tooltip showing 5%), Blitzkrieg theorist (+10%) -> 14 * 1.1 = 15.4 km/h, Variant Speed +5 (+20% of speed of base model) 14*0.2 = 2.8 -> 15.4 + 2.8 = 18.2 km/h, Elastic defense (Land doctrine) +10% -> 18.2 * 1.1 = 20.02 km/h, Mobile tank designer (5%) + Blitzkrieg theorist (10%) -> 14 * 1.15 = 16.1 km/h, Walther von Brauchitsch (Chief of Army) +20% (bug, should be 10%), General (Hasso von Manteuffel) Panzer Expert +5%, Field Marshal (Albert Kesselring) Panzer Expert+2,5% (Tooltip showing 5%). If you want to maintain a fleet of capital or modern ships, you will need to secure those places for yourself, or as allies. A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. Clicking an item will place a green check mark. Time spent in combat reduces xp by 0.125% / hour, down to a minimum of 10%. Click the icon and a window will appear showing each region that has a Rocket Site, and the Rocket Air Wings. However, if one researches computing in the electrical engineering track, one can reduce their total research time by a significant margin. One can remove these orders by returning the fleet to port and assigning a new mission. The gray button at the top of the screen marked with an eye opens the Intelligence Agency menu. Hearts Of Iron 4 is no different. But with the following methods, even if you're below Keep Level 20, you can easily earn 10 times more than that. Game Play button - Click the game Play button after choosing the video settings, DLC, and mods. Civilian factories make all the improvements to a State. A field marshal does not gain experience from units without a general. Below that is a mini overview of the equipment, which shows the variants of that equipment (i.e. Almost always it will be necessary to trade for what is needed. Hoi4 Tips for effective XP grinding on generals and gaining traits New Sheed 3.54K subscribers Subscribe 857 41K views 2 years ago Hello in this video I will be explaining the basics of. The most common causes and solutions are listed first. This is why it is particularly important to maintain and defend contiguous States between home and the front lines. Researching a technology or unit before the historic date will take more days than if it had been researched at, or after, the historic date. Each commander may have a number of abilities, represented by icons on top of Battle plans. Each state is limited in how many improvements it can have. You are using an out of date browser. They can still be used as generals, but their field marshal traits will be disabled when they are not commanding an army group. A nuclear bomb will destroy most of the infrastructure and industry of the target and will damage any units in that area. Supplies coming over land are also provided by adjacent territories - which forms a supply line back to the capital or an alternate territory if the capital territory is not in one's control. Like generals, admirals may have skills that are assets in particular battle situations or while commanding certain types of vessels. Here's how to increase your stats (leadership, attack, defense, and politics) Leveling up your general Enhance (Star Level) Cultivate Dragon The basic idea is to level up the generals. Airplanes produced will be deposited into a reserve pool. Each Skill Level of Army Commanders gives a flat bonus - +5% to Attack or Defence, +5% planning speed and +2% max . Each nation starts with a historically appropriate level of technology and theory depending on the scenario. Yikes - how would you like to see a division of those coming over the (downside of) hills at you. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . The number of shared structures that can be built is limited by the number of slots available in that State. Fighr deceisive battles and crush the enemy helps a lot. +2.5% per level defense, reducing damage taken. Then open the settings.txt file and manually change the text to read as follows: fullScreen=yes and borderless=no. Also suffering some attrition gives you organizer quickly. Different Factions have different disadvantages and advantages when it comes to securing resources. The logistics screen provides the general overview of the nation's equipment and resource situation. "A quote is easy to forge" - Julius Caesar. While still on Steam right click the Hearts of Iron IV game, select Properties, click on the LOCAL FILES tab, then click on the VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES button. The first tab includes very important "game settings.". Note: Doctrines are no longer part of the research tree with the release of patch 1.11.0 Barbarossa. When planning your strategy you have to plan to either skip mass production of units requiring resources you don't have, or to plan to steal those resources from the enemy to secure your production or deny the enemy production of a particular equipment type. You can also allow the AI to do all the work for you for free. From the game screen, click on the "Clear user directory" button. So if you're grinding a cav general, you actually do want to have infantry leader on him. When leveling up a commander gains three points in specialized skill, randomly distributed (many generals' traits skew the distribution). Once the weeks (or months) of preparation are ready, the grey arrow above the army group will turn a faded green. Up to three other members of the high command may be hired. tag [country tag] - Change the country you're playing as. In essence, this rather low increase in Power maximums . Under the "Ungrouped Air Wings" section, you will see an icon for your Rockets. Up to three political advisors can be hired to give the country bonuses in different fields. The more factories dedicated to building a specific item, the more will be produced. The peace conference proceeds in stages based on the war effort expended by the victorious powers. Also if you have traits like Old Guard or Politically Connected that slows it down even more, and many countries' starting field marshals have one or both of these traits. Better to have 1 infantry general and 1-2 tank generals fight and get experience rather than that experience getting split among half a dozen generals. When land paths are unavailable supplies will be transported via sea. Remember infrastructure and fortifications. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. Partisans in occupied territory will continue to be a problem as long as the country's fellow faction members carry on the war - after all, they can still hope for liberation. Division Training Divisions train at roughly the same speedyou can train ten divisions at once at the same speed as just one. Eg soviet vs sinkiang. Feb 24, 2015 @ 12:31pm. Syntax gain_xp [amount] Examples gain_xp 1000 Executing the above command would add 1000 experience to the Leader/General you have selected. The country starts with a few default divisions that can be built. Any time a division they command is fighting, they get a little experience every hour. Rocket sites have a maximum capacity of 100 guided missiles, which means that the launch site will be totally filled at the end of 101 days assuming no missiles have been launched. Are there more modifiers? Then, click the offensive front button (a line with an arrow) and draw the front to where the armies should advance. One can mobilize them by clicking on an air base, then creating an air wing using the button to the upper right of the resultant menu (it has a plus sign). What is required to complete a new unit is shown by hovering over the green progress bars. can a commander get skills by doing army exercises? Half speed with one finished trait, one-third speed with two traits, and so on. It's a lot faster gaining traits as generals, field marshals gain exp half as quickly as generals. Last edited by [NL]Ibahalii ; Aug 31, 2016 @ 4:28am #5 Province buildings are built on the smallest territory size in HoI4, the province. Examples xp 100 If you level all of those up you can fight way easier against german generals for example. hoi4 how to level up generals fast. Contact technical support or visit the forums for additional help. Traits are acquired when units do a certain action in combat; for instance, if an army under a general manages to encircle and destroy an amount of enemy divisions, the general may acquire the 'trickster' trait which boosts reconnaissance. Other benefits include access to bug reports, game suggestions, etc. Admirals normally have a maximum amount of 10 fleets to lead. This is a relative of our number 10 pick, the 10/0 infantry . For every trait a general has already acquired, the gain rate for all other traits gets reduced. All the research trees are marked along a historical timeline. Commanders may also have attributes that give them bonuses in certain types of combat situations. Land Map Mode - Comprises the following three levels of detail and is the mode that will be seen during the majority of game play. Instead, each type of improvement here has its own level and maximum. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I just saw a Spanish general level 7!!! The gray button with the excavator opens the construction menu. or as some call it how to xp farm in hoi4. Or the ability to catch and encircle enemy divisions? If all three nuclear technologies (Atomic Research , Nuclear Reactor , Nuclear Bombs ) have been unlocked and at least one nuclear reactor has been built, then you will slowly acquire nuclear bombs. this will be the best hoi4 general tutorial youve probobly ever seen as we go very in depth into it. Answer (1 of 2): If you don't own Waking the Tiger you won't be able to pick General and Field Marshal traits yourself. Arguably the most important part of an HOI4 military, most of the game's combat mechanics revolve around divisions slugging it out with their evil counterparts on the opposing side. Is it better to level up one super general or to get several lvl 4 generals? There are two types of military leaders - generals and field marshals, both of whom can normally only effectively command 24 units; but some up to 32. Syntax xp [amount] Amount The amount of army, air and naval experience you wish to credit yourself with. After clicking on a nation to interact with, there will be a portrait of its leader, and a little bit of information about what the nation is up to. The host of the game is able to start a fresh game or load a previous session that was not completed. Adjust the reinforcement and upgrading of troops with an eye to what one needs now more active units in the field now or a stronger punch in a few months time. Attacking NPC cities is the first and simplest way to level up your generals in Evony The King's Return. Reference the Tooltip in the graphic. Than he is on route, gains XP but has lower attack value. allowtraits. There will be two to four slots available to research particular technologies, but pursuing specific national focus ideas may unlock additional research slots. Divisions that deal more or less damage than they take multiply the xp they grant to the general by the ratio of damage dealt/taken. Remember to update, research and produce the next tier of equipment for units you find lacking in quality. This menu gives an overall summary of stockpiled equipment, whatever shortages the country might have, as well as a rundown of how many strategic resources the country is missing from the production lines. All divisions they own in their core or occupied territory will be disbanded and their core territory will be instantly occupied by the aggressor, but they carry on as a government-in-exile and keep control of their colonies (non-core provinces) - for example, the Netherlands keeps control of the Dutch East Indies. Abilities can be acquired through traits. In addition, a player may also apply different modifiers to the seven major countries, thereby buffing/debuffing only one entity and the front it plays in. However, the final value of this supply to an actual unit is modified by the infrastructure of the State the unit is stationed within. You are using an out of date browser. The guy farmed out Guderian, who starts with panzer leader and trickster,doesnt seem efficient.Also even if they hold back their traits that doesnt explain how they get 3-5 levels from spain. Leveling units up is a gradual process. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, they will fight better if they are given "battle plans" a general order that is coordinated along a front, either to advance or defend. The player will be prompted to choose a national focus for the country if none is active. Then exit the game and relaunch it. These traits can be earned by generals collecting relevant experience. A commander leads a number of units and provides bonuses to them based on the commander's skills and traits. Most changes will cost a minimum of 150 political power, and very powerful advisers may cost up to 250, with extremely powerful laws and advisers costing up to 300 political power and sometimes even more than that. so whos ready to really see how to play hearts of iron 4To See My Story and Support Me Check me Out on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/dustinl796Check out more amazing videos here https://goo.gl/Nz9vKsSocial links to stay up to date on new videosTwitter https://twitter.com/TOPGUNGUY123Instagram http://bit.ly/1Rx03LMDiscord https://discord.gg/pxcbGaM Any time a division they command is fighting, they get a little experience every hour. We recommend any nation you believe you know the most about, or what will be the most fun! Like the Two of Wands , this card gives you a pausing period in which you can consider a series of choice you made previously . This scenario is about laying the groundwork for the armed forces and war plans, opening with a focus on production, research and diplomacy. This is the key part of the strategy. Totally independent of the land map mode. The very top border of the screen will include important summary information about the state of the game and the world. For generals and field marshals they are: attack, increasing the damage done to enemy divisions. add_equipment. The listed bonuses for aces are the bonuses given for an air wing of 100 planes. The slowed down trait XP gain because of already gained traits is something I highly dislike, it punishes people who don't know about it (who are plenty because HoI4 hardly gives you any in-depth information across all parts of the game) and is just begging to be exploited by those who do know about it. These divisions will be filled by the equipment and vehicles built in the production menu. Sometimes an upgraded version of a unit has a lot more hidden bonuses than one might expect. Such as in China, you can just sit on their four urban ports and the two mountains protecting the Ningbo port. I know it is hard to get them ranked and personally find it annoying as a hoi3 player, but in my experience if you give a field marshal 100+ divisions on the Eastern Front they will soon find themselves all the experience they will ever need. The Launcher syncs the cloud . Should one be attacked, a line of land forts and a. (At least if I understand that mechanic correctly). These two effects do not stack with each other, i.e. after i get the second trait their xp toward new traits slows down. Instead, guided missiles are automatically produced at each rocket launch site at the rate of one every 24 hours. All rights reserved. A maximum of fifteen factories can be devoted to a single construction project, and any left over will work on the next item in the queue. Also suffering some attrition gives you organizer quickly. A nation is comprised of states. Press J to jump to the feed. Try to attack with all 24 divisions. Multiplayer enables Hearts of Iron IV players to play online with other people. Choose the. A further increase applies if you go >4x attacks. Service Layer API Reference This document is intended to . This command removes restrictions on general trait assignment. Look up an in-depth guide if you have problems with Air or Naval battles and/or strategy. So I started Italy in 1936 and I'm aiming to do general grinding to get them leveled up in the Second Ethiopian War. In the former, you should pick a path that is all plains or desert, if the latter, then it doesn't matter. It allows users to modify the game and add in custom features. Can anyone make a faster one? Updated to V1.5 Cornflakes This is a small mod that lowers the amount of XP that is needed by Generals, Field Marshals and Admirals. Move your important game files to a backup folder. Across the top left to center of the main play screen, there is a row of numbers running from left to right. Can someone tell me why grinding the trickster trait is even important? I thought the max was 5. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The good part about doctrines is, that they don't require production and the bonuses come into play as soon as you research them. Clicking an item will place a green check mark, Mods tab - Clicking on the Mods tab will show a pulldown menu capable of revealing all of the mods that have been downloaded for the game. Executing the above command would add 1000 experience to the Leader/General you have selected. The left hand of the screen will be used to manage large national issues, alert tabs will appear 4 big guys at the top of the screen as a warning of things that need attention, and the right hand side of the screen will be devoted to information about troops. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. This guide will focus on the most important ones. As far as actual levels on your generals, that appears to be tied to total amount of destroyed enemy equipment / manpower, so their levels (not traits) do go up faster if you're more successful in your battles than they do if you're just bashing your head against a wall and going nowhere. Use caution should you decide to make drastic changes. Hotkeys, alternatively known as keyboard shortcuts, allow quick access to specific game functions without using the mouse. General's traits and the field marshal's skill levels apply to subordinate armies with a 50% penalty. Press that arrow to activate the plan. An army group can be commanded like any other group of units and simply giving a right-click move order to a destination. Experience gained towards gaining traits is decreased the more earnable traits the General already has. The larger the airfield, the more planes it can efficiently use. All other countries will be controlled by the computer. This will open the air information map mode. Over time this increases their skill level. The architecture of the Service Layer is illustrated below:. Nations have names. When they are in place and one is ready to begin, press the green arrow and the units will begin to execute the plan. In wartime, it is often better to let the new equipment fall into the hands of new units instead of reinforcing and upgrading old ones. Here the player can toggle ironman and historical focus on or off and use the difficulty settings to make the game harder or easier for the player and also boost the relative power of one or more of the more important nations (this makes them stronger, but not smarter). Each scenario displays a menu with the seven major powers (France, the United States, the United Kingdom, the German Reich, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union) as well as any countries with enabled DLC updates. The 1936 scenario is the one most likely to lead to alternate versions of World War II, since it starts with fewer alliances or wars to start. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you are too strong for farming you can game it a little by unassigning and reassigning the General. Hmm, it would be interesting to try some pure LT units in the game with Mobile Warfare and see if you can put some extra speed in the bliztkrieg. Information, Frequently Asked Commanders cannot normally die or be dismissed, though some country-specific events will remove particular historical commanders. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=755457970. Does "not working" mean that they don't get XP for them or that they have no effect if they already have it? (One can move into friendly territory this way, but it is more efficient to simply use port to port movement as described above.). Fighters can do air superiority or interception, strategic bombers can target industry or infrastructure, tactical bombers can do close support of land attacks, and so on. There are eight categories of research. The player can move their units by selecting them with the left mouse button and then clicking their destination with the right mouse button. When finished press the play button in the lower right hand corner to start the game. This menu has 3 dropdown menus; Display Mode, Resolution, and Refresh Rate. Try the solutions listed below if the game fails to launch, freezes, crashes to desktop (CTD), or "blackscreens". If not, you might be able to add that in instead of the LARM recon (assuming it doesn't give a smaller bonus on hills.). Some anti-virus programs will automatically block executable files: try adding hoi4.exe and steam.exe to the anti-virus exception list. So, for example, if the Allies defeat Germany and the United States achieved the most in the war followed by the United Kingdom, the United States will have the first chance to make demands on the Germans, followed by the United Kingdom. If one draws a box around a group of units using left click and drag, all units inside the box can be commanded. I tried to level a panzer commander in Spain as Germany but he quickly got the infantry trait because Spanish infantry will always fill in the gaps in your battles so you grind infantry leader even if you only use tank divisions yourself. The gray button at the top of the screen marked with a hat opens the Officer Corps menu. A field marshal commands army groups, large formations comprised of several armies. You must log in or register to reply here. There will be a number of tabs and sortable columns listing the major resources available, what is required such as quantity of convoys, and possible trading partners. This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 06:51. im going to also show you some secrets people didnt know in regards on how to get more divisions as a general and more tips. For overseas convoys to be most effective, one will need to assign some of one's naval vessels to Escort duty in the regions that they will cross. (Like my 3 generals were each over 100XP on the trait and my marshal was limping at 30XP). If you have to fight against much weaker generals use the level one ones. +2.5% per level Questions, Paradox An 8-level resistance will assist you to train your legs by increasing the resistance level gradually. One can move troops across the ocean to friendly territory, by sending the units to a province with a naval port and then shift-clicking on a destination port. It is possible to switch from one doctrine to another, should the need arise, but it takes a long time to research them and you will lose the old doctrine. JavaScript is disabled. The traits of generals are oriented towards specialization in different units (e.g., tanks, foot infantry), adverse terrain/climates and tactical situations (e.g., attacking forts). It is also possible to add a theorist to reduce doctrine experience costs, to reduce costs for rocket research or nuclear research, or to increase max speed by 10% for armor equipment. Weapons I) and the amount stored of each variant and weekly production of each variant. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you lack a resource, but produce it locally (i.e. The main advantage of guided missiles is that they cost zero production and zero resources and do not tie up any military factories. The army group units will begin to organize themselves along their defensive front. Faction: Neutral. 3.1K 178K views 4 years ago Hearts of Iron 4 How to Level up Generals and Gain Traits is a Hoi4 Guide showing you how to grind general and command xp to get traits for hoi iv. Also known as Default Map Mode. Create Account button - Click this button to create a Paradox Interactive account. Right-click on a division's info bar to pan over to it or hold down shift and left click on multiple units to select them all.

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hoi4 how to level up generals fast