immigrant ships from bremen, germany

Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Diana 21 November See Germany Newspapers for more information. Everhard 30 December Bremen started her South America cruise on 11 February 1939, and was the first ship of this size to traverse the Panama Canal. Edward 24 July Passports became important in Germany during the 19th century as a control measure. This is a list of ships which sailed from Bremen, Germany to New York City in 1866. SS Aller 01 December ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Probate Records of Relatives Who Stayed. Ship North Star 25 August Rebecca 9 September Elise 1 January This list was derived from National Archives records, then compared with Germans to America, and in some cases, microfilm of the passenger lists. Trenton 16 December Isabella 28 August The "Ordinance Concerning the Emigration Traveling on Domestic or Foreign Ships" of 1832 in Bremen was the first state law to protect emigrants. Emma 7 October [4], Emigration to the United States from Europe for Selected Years Between 1870 and 1907. To receive the privilege of becoming a citizen (usually not full-status) in Hamburg required consent through the city council. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven / German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, Europe's largest and most modern theme museum on the topic of emigration and winner of the prestigious award, FamilySearch - Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 Louise 17 June Bark E.J. Mercur 24 August Ship Olbers 21 January This page has been viewed 197,393 times (0 via redirect). Luise 3 June We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Edwina 30 June Bark Mississippi 10 June Sir Isaac Newton 30 October SS Berlin 5 December, 1872 SS Berlin 11 April, 1882 Westphalia 31 December [1][2], 1832 - lists of passengers begin The struggle was terminated in 1886, when the Hapag and the Union companies combined their schedules. Diamant 17 October Intends to provide a searchable database of all European emigrants who emigrated to North America from German ports between 1820 and 1939. B. Bohlen 11 June Isabella 28 August Ship Hermine 17 January Minerva 18 September Elise 8 September From the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild and Die Maus Genealogical Society of Bremen Germany. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Rainbow 26 August Brig Jon. Then, in 1874, the authorities (the "Nachweisungsbureau"), citing a lack of space, destroyed all Bremen passenger records except for those of the current year and the two previous years. Schutzverwandtschaft (17th century-1811,1837-1864), U.S. and German Passenger Lists and Indexes, "Emigration from the Port of Hamburg, Germany. 1833 Ship Caledonia 18 December, 1839 Bark Adonis 22 May Bark Laura 25 November Luntine 23 June Marianne 20 July Barque Salem 25 November Telumah 12 November Louise 9 September Timoleon 22 November Lucilla 3rd Quarter Bark Josephine 10 November Mary Phillips 9 September Since then the Hapag has been the prime mover in many of the combinations that go to make up the complicated system of agreements, pools, defensive and offensive alliances, and fusions that prevail in ocean shipping today. Philadelphia 4 January Now it circumnavigates Africa, alternating between the east and the west circuit, and has a branch across from the east coast to Bombay. Knickerbocker 9 September Emma 7 October The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Rainbow 26 August Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Mercur 24 August If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to link to your email address or home page, please submit a short paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc., with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to the . Eliza Thornton 30 October Astracan 23 December Bark Freihandel 1 June Louise 24 October Heretofore all trade between the United States and the west coast has been carried by way of Hamburg and Liverpool. The Canary Islands will be the first port of the service. Mandatory passports were required only in times of crises, when there were epidemics and political or military conflicts. United States 12 November Margaretha 1 September Philadelphia 10 October Luise 22 May Bark Ella 26 November, 1852 Elizabeth Hall of Dighton 1 September Johannes 7 November Howard 6 September Vesper 13 September In 1904, when conditions had changed and there was no longer fear of Russian or Italian competition, the line was withdrawn; New York goods for the Levant were again brought to Hamburg and transshipped there to the steamers of the German Levant Line.[8]. SS Baltimore 10 October Friedrich Jacob 16 June Brig Anna Louisa 31 July Bark Adonis 1 June Includes "Ship Lists of Passengers Leaving France for Louisiana" (1718-1724) originally published in the Louisiana Historical Society Quarterly Website: New Orleans Passenger Arrival Lists 1813 These records are written in German. Constitution 7 April An agreement of July 1999 between the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Society for Genealogical Investigation, DIE MAUS ("The Mouse"), provides the basis for digitizing the passenger lists by members of DIE MAUS (i.e. Trenton 16 December For a comprehensive understanding of emigration and immigration records, study the article Germany Emigration and Immigration. [1] It is a convenient abbreviation to employ, just as the Lloyd is a convenient abbreviation for the great Bremen company, the North German Lloyd. Josephine 8 November Henry 15 October United States 12 November Virginia 29 July Washington 25 February Olbers 4 January Amelia 4 August Albert 12 August Stephani 30 December Sarah Ann 6 October Emigrants could have remained in Hamburg for a while. Henry 15 October Philadelphia 12 July Everhard 25 May Republic 13 June Stephani 12 July Herschel 15 August Charlemagne 15 July It will cost a shipper $250 to bring an elephant to New York; $200 for a giraffe; $100 for a lion, tiger or leopard, and $25 for an ostrich. To the uninitiate, the fare for giraffes seems particularly reasonable. In order to do this, the companys capital was increased from sixteen and one half to twenty-two and one half million marks; it had to be scaled down to fifteen million in 1877. FREE. Bremen 21 November These have been transcribed and put online here. Emigration and immigration sources list the names of people leaving (emigrating) or arriving (immigrating) in Germany. Howard 1 May Kammonham Roy 18 August Remember that there may be more than one person in the records with the same name as an ancestor and that the ancestor may have used nicknames or different names at different times, Keep in mind that there may be more than one person in the records with the same name, Standard spelling of names typically did not exist during the periods our ancestors lived in. Ship H. von Gagern 12 October Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. General Veazie 5 November Brig Apollo 13 August Diana 5 August This was true not only for German nationals, but also millions of inhabitants in Austria, Hungary, and other Central European nations seeking opportunities or refuge in the New World. Westphalia 31 December Brig Bremen 18 July As passenger traffic increased, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Danish ports were used. Philadelphia 10 October The Hapag has no connection with the Hamburg-Australian ; there was long, apparently, an understanding between the Hapag and the Lloyd that Australia should be left to the Lloyd, in return for which the latter kept her hands off Africa. Constitution 7 April Rajah 28 October ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) Diana 21 November Herschel 15 August Trenton 16 December Josephine 8 November Stephani 30 December In the early 1830s, Bremen was doing well in its trade with America, while Hamburg trade was mostly with the West Indies and Latin America. These saved lists had been stowed away in a salt mine at Bernburg an der Saale in 1942 together with other archives for the purpose of protection, and were transferred into the custody of Moscow Archives at the end of WWII. Brig Bremen 18 July Edwina 30 June Eutaw 15 September Key words are Brgerbcher, Brgerprotokolle (1596-1902) as well as Heimatscheinprotokolle (1826-1872). Copernicus 18 December Telumah 12 November Paoli 9 August In 1851 the Bremen Chamber of Commerce established the "Nachweisungsbureau fr Auswanderer" (Information Office for Emigrants), to which the ship captains had to deliver their lists. However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. Republic 13 June In 1888 the Carr steamers were purchased; the 1886 agreement with Sloman ran on until 1907, when his steamers also were bought. . F H Adami 25 October Olbers 13 June Sarah Ann 6 October are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. These records are discussed further in Germany Population Records. Vesper 13 September Bremen, along with Hamburg and Luebeck, was of of the three major trans-shipping centers from northern Germany. Diana 5 August Ship Rebecca 4 November Friederich Jacob 9 December Ann 1 September Isabella 5 July Active 23 July By 1867 the last of the sailers was sold. Moreover, Hamburg was learning from Bremen how to and attract emigrants. Clarissa Perkins 11 July Since 1907 the Hapag has also shared this service. Marianne 20 September Caspar 22 September Rajah 28 October Isobella 27 April Republic 13 June Philadelphia 10 October Edwina 30 June Louise 17 June Weser was an ocean liner built in 1867 for North German Lloyd. Elise 8 September The American merchant marine had been destroyed and foreign carriers came into its heritage. Neptune 4 August GGA Image ID # 1413ed7f7c. Rajah 28 October Many emigrants from Germany, Austria and Central Europe headed for the German port of Hamburg. The index was created to facilitate access to the information in the Bremen passenger lists. Inez 2 December . Isabella 28 August from 1920-1939. At first it ran through the Suez Canal and down the east coast as far as Delagoa Bay. Louise 21 May Tap or click on a vessel to view images. Philadelphia 22 August Charlotte 20 September Grace Brown 17 July [1], Read all about emigrating through Hamburg by clicking on Germany Emigration and Immigration, A very important tool in tracing German immigrants can be the Hamburg Passenger Lists, which cover the years 1850-1934. In 1907 they entered into a community of interest (Interessengemeinschaft) with the Hapag and Woermann. Amelia 4 August Constitution 15 November German Departures - 1840s German Departures 1840s Elise Louise Friedericke Alexander Humphrey Anna Olbers Charlotte Gustav Europe Elise F H Adami Johann Georg Ferdinand Sophie Copernicus Louis Stern Charlotte Ernst and Gustav Everhard Pilot Neptune President President Johannes Active Alexander Humphrey Clementine Edward Virginia Lucilla The fact that emigrants can be counted on as return freight has had a great influence on the inducements that the German companies could offer in freight rates from the United States to the continent. Constitution 23 June Mads Weil 1 October Diana 21 November The Deutschland, the Hapags only express steamer, paid for with the proceeds of the sale to Spain of obsolete Hapag liners, at the time of the Spanish-American war. Galliot Themis 24 July Stephanie 26 July N W Stevens 23 October Olbers 13 June Apollo 7 July Alfred 30 October General Veazie 8 November Profit and loss are distributed according to the tonnage of steamers which each company supplies. Isabella 28 August General Veazie 5 November Ship Hermine 27 August, 1857 Caspar 22 September Margaretha 1 September Mercur 24 August Favorite 18 June Mary Phillips 9 September 1844 This page has been viewed 37,687 times (3,809 via redirect). Diana 3 June [2] Fitger: Die wirtschaftliche und technische Entwicklung der Seeschiffahrt, 1903, page 19. Eliza Thornton 30 October 1843 Steamer New York 13 May Washington 29 September Devonshire 18 November "Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939". Virginia 26 June Friedrich Jacob 16 June The records are found in the State Archive Hamburg. Olbers 4 April Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Clementine 22 June Friederich Jacob 9 December To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. A directory of ship passenger lists & records on the Internet to help find your immigrant ancestors. Post 23 June Paoli 20 December Ann 1 September Copernicus 18 December Hours. In 1856 the companys first steamer, the Borussia, was put into service, though the struggle for supremacy between sailing and steam vessels was by no means decided. Diamant 17 October Bark Gauss 5 December Emma 12 March Gustav 23 October Plato 30 October Alfred 30 October SS Elbe 9 July Condor 9 August SS Leipzig 30 August Pauline 9 October Bark Inca 12 August SS Berlin 21 October Clementine 18 January Stephani 3 June Johannes 7 June After a years fighting, the German East African Line, which had suffered heavily during the year, entered the community. Thus all German lines to Africa are united. Ship Johannes 3 November Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and used as a supply ship during the German invasion of Norway. Johann Georg 5 June Bark Edmund 3 November Ernst and Gustav 4 November ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device The New Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild logo was designed by Patty MacFarlane. Bark Johanna 16 May Bark Geestemunde 9 June the "e-migration mice"). Friederich Jacob 9 December Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. America 12 July Some of these records are available through the FamilySearch Catalog under Place Search (Hamburg), Naturalization and citizenship (Heimatbcher 1826-1864), Population (Meldeprotokolle fr Fremde 1868-1889) and Immigration (Reisepassprotokolle 1851-1929). Edward 24 July Olbers 8 December I Can't Find the Person I'm Looking For, What Now? Post 23 June Favorite 12 November Marianne 20 September Pioneer 21 September Paoli 20 December Stephani 8 February reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by SS Ohio 21 July After ten years of service, she had almost 190 transatlantic voyages completed. F H Adami 25 October Louise 21 May Kammonham Roy 18 August N W Stevens 23 October In the case of emigrants to the U.S., that next best source is the U.S. Customs Passenger Lists. Many records consist of applications and accompanying documents that were collected by district offices. Includes index cards for Jewish emigrants. Vesper 17 September Mary Phillips 9 September Ann 1 September to retrieve any portion of the site. This article describes a collection of records at Most emigrants left Germany during the following periods: The earliest German emigrants went down the Rhine River and left Europe from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Howard 1 May The ships will have special provision for wild animals, whose food, supplied by the shippers, will be carried free. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Elise 19 July Brarens 18 January Apollo 7 July Josephine 8 November Marianne 20 September Howard 22 October Schooner Leo 25 June Caspar 22 September Kammonham Roy 18 August Knickerbocker 9 September Astracan 23 December 1844 SS Berlin 23 August Republic 13 June Ship Elise and Mathilde 9 June Newspaper Announcements. Records of German Emigrants in Their Destination Nations, One option is to look for records about the ancestor in the, Online German Emigration Records, Lists and Indexes, Emigrants to and from Germany from the 18th to the 20th century, Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank (German Emigrants Database), Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany, Register of German military men who remained in Canada after the American Revolution, Le Havre - some passengers found in the crew lists 1750-1775, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924, Bremen, Germany, Passenger Lists Index, 1907-1939, United States Immigration Online Genealogy Records, UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport (USHMM), Palestine, Illegal Immigration from German-Occupied Europe, 1938-1945 (USHMM), Index of Jewish Displaced Person and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959, Free Access: Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971, Auswandererkartei mit Familienangehrigen, 1750-1943, Auswandererkartei der Deutschen nach Ungarn und Ruland, 1750-1805 (Emigration index of Germans in, Kartei der Auswanderer nach Ungarn, 1750-1945 (Index of emigrants to, Auswanderungsakten, 1806-1920, Stuttgart (Wrttemberg), Registres des migrs, 1817-1866, (Alsace emigration index), Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach China und Nordamerika: 1870-1945, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1929-1930, Kartei von Deutschen Experten im Ausland, 1935-1945, Auswanderung aus Sdwestdeutschland, (Emigrants of, Ancestor Search, Palatine German Ship Passenger Lists to PA, Swiss and German Mennonite immigrants from the Palatinate, 1704-1717, Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov. Telumah 12 November arriving on 27 May 1887 with 485 passengers from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, Austria, England, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, France, Poland, Belgium and Brazil. Northern and eastern Germans tended to leave through Hamburg. Agnes 29 December Bachus 12 September Diana 3 June General Washington 24 November, 1843 SS Leipzig 24 February Josephine 8 November Diana 11 November Ship Emigrant 3 September Bark Clara 23 December, 1873 The port of Bremen, Germany was a major point of embarkation for emigrations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Apollo 7 July Sju Brder 22 November Clarissa Perkins 11 July Charlemagne 15 July Inez 2 December Bark Theodor Korner 9 June Stern 9 July The Hapag and Woermann are now financially interested in the line. Latrobe 2 August Ann 1 September SS Baltimore 21 March Favorite 18 June Europe 29 May Astracan 23 December The year 1871, when the Empire was formed, saw the Hamburg lines multiply. I Found the Person I Was Looking For, What Now? Everhard 30 December She started her maiden voyage on 5 June 1897, traveling from Bremen to New York with a stopover at Southampton.In addition to the transatlantic run she also sailed from Bremen to Australia via the Suez Canal.. On 30 June 1900, she was badly damaged in a dockside fire at the NDL pier in Hoboken, New Jersey. In addition to clean housing, medical exams and disinfections were conducted to ensure that only healthy individuals left the port. Local newspapers often told of residents in their area moving to other lands. Bark Stella 15 October, 1869 It contains the following: a list of immigrant vessels that arrived between the years of 1865 and 1896 arrival and departure data passenger list availability (citations included) transcribed passenger lists taken from newspaper accounts and souvenir passenger lists (alternative sources) an index of surnames listed on the passenger lists available from alternative sources. Agnes 29 December Leo 31 August Margaretha 1 September Louisa 23 May [5] 1907 Report of the United States Commissioner of Navigation, pages 146-7. Current database may be searched at the museum in Bremerhaven or by mail for a fee. Louise 10 October From the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven. Johann Friedrich 19 June At the close of the Franco-Prussian war, French chauvinists had insulted German emigrants in Havre and permanently diverted to Hamburg and Bremen the stream that had flowed to the French port. Mary Phillips 9 September Bark Clara 17 December, 1868 However, about 3000 lists survived for the period from 1920-1939. Depending on the time period, either German Civil Registration records or German Church records may be more useful, While searching, it is helpful to know such information as the ancestors given name and surname, some identifying information such as residence and age, and family relationships. Martha 1 September Rajah 28 October Johann Friedrich 19 June Howard 22 October Louise 17 May Meta 4 January . Hamburg became the most important emigration port in Germany by 1900. Its subsidy amounts to 1,350,000 marks per year and a considerable part of its service is performed by the Hapag. Timoleon 22 November Brig Josephine 8 November, 1846 Sju Brder 22 November SS Ohio 29 December, 1874 Bark Neptune 6 November Kepler 17 December These usually focus on the emigrants from one town, principality, or state. SS Trave 17 December Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. Albert 19 August Ship Jason 7 December, 1853 Sometimes these notes include the year of emigration and names of those who went with the person. Westphalia 17 February The information in these records may include the emigrants' names, ages, occupations, destinations, and places of origin or birth places.

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immigrant ships from bremen, germany