impact of consequentialism in healthcare

Published March 3, 2014. By looking at the two ethical strands side-by-side we can quickly see that Deontology is distinctly focused on the individual, whereas Utilitarianism places importance on . According to non-consequentialism, the rightness of an action is not solely determined by its consequences. X. Her research focuses on neuroethics as well as the ethics of digital health technology and machine learning with a focus on mental health issues and special populations. The most famous form of consequentialist ethics is utilitarianism which was first proposed by Jeremy Bentham and then furthered by John Stuart Mill in the 19th century. The committee evaluates the impact of relationships on health care. Published April 25, 2018. By saying that Jim should shoot the one Indian the consequentialist fails to take into account the impact that this would have on Jims life. Perhaps it can in some way be quantified, so that if carrying out some act would damage the integrity of the individual so grievously that the maximum utility could be reached only if they failed to act, then not acting would be the right thing to do. He said, she said: Investigating the Christian Porter Case. _____ ethics looks to the nature of relationships to guide participants in making difficult decisions. The meaning of CONSEQUENTIALISM is the theory that the value and especially the moral value of an act should be judged by the value of its consequences. Consequentialism From a consequentialist position the question of whether it is wrong to breach confidentiality is determined by the consequences of the breach. Facial recognition technology (FRT) utilizes software to map a persons facial characteristics and then store the data as a face template.1 Algorithms or machine learning techniques are applied to a database to compare facial images or to find patterns in facial features for verification or authentication purposes.2 FRT is attractive for a variety of health care applications, such as diagnosing genetic disorders, monitoring patients, and providing health indicator information (related to behavior, aging, longevity, or pain experience, for example).3-5, FRT is likely to become a useful tool for diagnosing many medical and genetic conditions.6,7 Machine learning techniques, in which a computer program is trained on a large data set to recognize patterns and generates its own algorithms on the basis of learning,8 have already been used to assist in diagnosing a patient with a rare genetic disorder that had not been identified after years of clinical effort.9 Machine learning can also detect more subtle correlations between facial morphology and genetic disorders than clinicians.4 It is thought that FRT can therefore eventually be used to assist in earlier detection and treatment of genetic disorders,10,11 and computer applications (commonly known as apps) such as Face2Gene have been developed to assist clinicians in diagnosing genetic disorders.12, FRT has other potential health care applications. These can be thought of as rules or duties that we have to ourselves and to others regardless of their consequences. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. More specifically, it protects the privacy of biometric data, including full-face photographs and any comparable images, which are directly related to an individual.37 Thus, facial images used for FRT health applications would be protected by HIPAA.38 Entities covered by HIPAA, including health care organizations, clinicians, and third-party business associates, would need to comply with HIPAA regulations regarding the use and disclosure of protected health information.38 However, clinicians should advise patients that there may be limited protections for storing and sharing data when using a consumer FRT tool. Daniel Schiff, MS and Jason Borenstein, PhD, Confidentiality/Duty to protect confidential information,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8600 Rockville Pike Applying Utilitarianism in Business. When a service user is speaking to a health care professional it is important for them to listen properly, for example not looking around and yawning, instead make eye contact and ensuring body language looks engaging. 2022 Jun;22:100717. doi: 10.1016/j.jemep.2021.100717. The final result was amazing, and I highly recommend to anyone in the same mindset as me. A Consequentialist Manifesto for the Evolution of Medical Law. Deontology: sticking to your obligations and duties, so focusing on intentions rather than the outcomes of actions. The Ethical Theory. P2. Imagine you are in your local park feeding the ducks on the pond when you hear a loud splash; a child has fallen into the pond and is struggling to swim. Given the exhaustion of most, if not all, negotiation and compromise within a diplomatic and political framework, the minority have two options: 1) rebellion till death; 2) subjugation till death. In-depth content analysis of the data was undertaken via NVivo coding and thematic identification. Also, it does not matter who performs the action, only the action itself as Williams example shows. In response to criticism of the unappealing idea that by doing nothing Jim is as responsible for the deaths of the twenty Indians as the captain, the consequentialist can choose to bite the bullet by accepting the idea of negative responsibility; that is, to accept that we can be held morally responsible for not acting. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Epub 2021 May 4. According to non-consequentialism, the rightness of an action is not solely determined by its consequences. (b). Understanding different ethical theories can have a number of significant benefits, which have the potential to shape and inform the care of patients, challenge bad practice and lead staff to. In this way, consequentialism ethics provide criteria for the moral evaluation of actions, while also recommending rules or decision-making criteria for future actions. The oppressors force is relentless to crush the minority rebellion, and the repressive measures adopted in retaliation is specifically for the purpose of forcing the minority to subjugation under its iron fist and crush the rebellion to render the minority weak in the future. Aims: In: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE); May 3-6, 2015; Halifax, Canada:1199-1202. Shakya S, Sharma S, Basnet A. For instance, most people would agree that lying is wrong. (Feiser) Consequentialism says that the consequences of an action are all that matter when taking an ethical decision to act. A consequence of consequentialism, however, is that it fails to respect the integrity of the individuals involved. Nurses' professional relationships are central to nurses' contributions to the resolution of ethical dilemmas. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval was obtained from the local National Research Ethics Committee. The SlideShare family just got bigger. This was his theory of rule utilitarianism. Consequentialism Ethics Consequentialism focus on the outcome or consequence of the actions. health ethics. B. Consequentialism- main emphasis is on the outcome or consequence of the action . Indeed, no one can know the future with certainty. 1992 Fall;21(4):354-89. The Survival Lottery thought experiment highlights that there are actions which we consider morally right or wrong regardless of the amount of happiness or welfare produced. Bookshelf Knight W. Theres a big problem with AI: even its creators cant explain how it works. However, having evolved from a set of Christian values and principles, it retains certain deontological characteristics. 497 - 516. Accessibility Some machine learning systems need continuous data input to train and improve the algorithms22 in a process that could be analogized to quality improvement research, for which informed consent is not regarded as necessary.23 For example, to improve its algorithms, FRT for genetic diagnosis would need to receive new data sets of images of patients already known to have specific genetic disorders.2 To maintain trust and transparency with patients, organizations should consider involving relevant community stakeholders in implementing FRT and in decisions about establishing and improving practices of informing patients about the organizations use of FRT. Public health ethics only began to gain prominence as a distinct field within bioethics around the year 2000 and its proponents have had the task of defining it as distinct from medical ethics due to the distinct nature of public health (e.g., Childress et al., 2002, p. 170; Dawson, 2011, p. 1; Upshur, 2002, p. 101). Consequentialism is based on two principles: Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on the results of that act The more good consequences an act produces, the better or more right that act. Careers. Epub 2020 Mar 30. Researchers flag up facial recognition racial bias [news]. With this in mind, people will strive to be morally and ethically good to avoid the . The standardized definition of Utilitarianism is that actions are defined as being "right" or "correct" based on the ability it has to promote happiness. Consequentialism requires that the agent should step outside herself, as it were, and assess the consequences not in terms of prior commitments, but just on the results produced. Consequentialism Deontology (Biomedical Ethics) Charles Lohman . Virtue ethics: focusing on the moral character, or . So whilst both acts are morally abhorrent, the consequentialist will inevitably say that if these are the only options available then not only should we choose to massacre seven million, but that it would be right to do so. Finally, Mill also claims that happiness is the only thing that is desirable in itself as an end. By asking us to maximise benefit for the largest number of people (or, for Peter Singer and other preference utilitarians, creatures who have preferences), we set aside our personal biases and self-interest to benefit others. 1828 Words8 Pages. How could we have speeding laws, for example, if it would sometimes be ethical to break the speed limit? When deciding on questions of what is ethically right or wrong utilitarians want to maximise the overall amount of happiness or welfare. An example of consequentialism is utilitarianism. consequentialism, In ethics, the doctrine that actions should be judged right or wrong on the basis of their consequences. New technology may provide the answer. The author(s) had no conflicts of interest to disclose. The theory is also impartial. Cachn-Prez JM, Gonzalez-Villanueva P, Rodriguez-Garcia M, Oliva-Fernandez O, Garcia-Garcia E, Fernandez-Gonzalo JC. The use of FRT in health care suggests the importance of informed consent, data input and analysis quality, effective communication about incidental findings, and potential influence on patient-clinician relationships. Samples. Abbasinia M, Norouzadeh R, Adib-Hajbaghery M, Nasiri MA, Sharifipour E, Koohpaei A, Eskandari N, Aghaie B. Particularly in Italy, where the death toll and strain on hospitals has reached a critical point, there is a policy now to prioritise treating younger patients and healthcare workers. Answer (1 of 4): The term 'consequentialism' was coined by the philosopher G E M Anscombe in her 1958 paper, 'Modern Moral Philosophy' (Philosophy 33, No. Disclaimer. Equality is certainly one of the key principles behind Utilitarian philosophy. To do so, lets look at a current example of limited resources, such as ventilators, in hospitals during the Covid-19 outbreak and how we may decide which patients should be allocated these resources. First, as it is the general performance of all people that is collectively coordinated to promote the overall good, rule-consequentialism may distribute a fair share of the burden to all participants in society (Mulgan 2001, p. 54). Cloud-assisted speech and face recognition framework for health monitoring. Facial recognition software success rates for the identification of 3D surface reconstructed facial images: implications for patient privacy and security. The more good consequences an act produces, the better or more right that act. For a summary of consequentialist ethics check out the videos below: Our next stop in our tour of the ethical lay of the land is utilitarianism. Employers might also be interested in using FRT tools to predict mood or behavior as well as to predict longevity, particularly for use in wellness programs to lower employers health care costs. There are several varieties of utilitarianism. What matters in this example is saving the highest number of lives, and how this is attained is unimportant. According to consequentialism, the right act is that act which has the best consequences. Some consequentialists even argue that alienation is necessary for social progress. The other way of thinking about the relationship is the focus of this paper. The question that concerns me, is, to what extent is a normative theory, consequentialism in particular, constrained by requirements that stem from A person should do whatever leads to the best consequence. According to consequentialism, you should always strive to bring about good consequences, rather than simply obeying an arbitrary set of ethical rules. Rather than taking into account our own attitudes towards an action, by taking an objective standpoint we are able to remove ourselves from our usual social groups and ideologies which affect the way in which we act and look at a situation, and instead we should act without bias. Consequentialism entails that we can be held morally responsible for a lack of action, and whilst the case of the drowning child shows that it is possible to be indirectly responsible by not acting, in cases like Jims it involves going further than can be reasonably expected. Nurses' tension-based ethical decision making in rural acute care settings. So, if Oliver had a wide network of adoring cat lovers because of his friendly, playful nature, unlike Benjy who prefers a life of peaceful solitude I should save Oliver as this would cause the least pain and produce the most pleasure for the people that know him. Consequentialism claims that whether an action is right or wrong depends on the consequences that it brings about. Nurses use these in contributing to the resolution of these dilemmas. Four major themes emerged: 'best for the patient', 'accountability', 'collaboration and conflict' and 'concern for others'. We will discuss three common ethical theories and how it handle the case of truth telling in medical practice as an example. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008, for example, does not apply to FRT for genetic diagnosis, as FRT does not fit GINAs definition of genetic testing or genetic information.39 The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which protects people with disabilities from discrimination in public life (eg, schools or employment),40 would also likely not apply to FRT used for diagnostic purposes if the conditions diagnosed are currently unexpressed. If this is demanded of all moral agents, then general unhappiness is likely to ensue rather than the opposite. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Aggregative Consequentialism = which consequences are best is some function of the values of parts of those consequences (as opposed to rankings of whole worlds or sets of consequences). No one desires the strife of war in life, but it is sometimes necessary and morally justified to engage in war. Background: Complex and expensive treatment options have increased the frequency and emphasis of ethical decision-making in healthcare. . The ethics of clinical innovation in psychopharmacology: challenging traditional bioethics. In contemporary moral philosophy, deontology is one of those kinds of normative theories regarding which choices are morally required, forbidden, or . It gives us this guidance when faced with a moral dilemma: A person should choose the action that maximises good consequences. Managing ongoing swallow safety through information-sharing: An ethnography of speech and language therapists and nurses at work on stroke units. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. Tied up against the wall are a row of twenty Indians, most terrified, a few defiant, in front of them several armed men in uniform. The consequentialism theory supports the decision because it has more benefits than harm. Even if nobody would be hurt, our speeding laws mean less people are harmed overall. Conseque. It provides criteria and rules for moral evaluation and decision making. October 6, 2017. government site. The consequence of consequentialism is that by taking an impersonal standpoint we alienate ourselves and whilst the consequentialist can argue that this should be a virtue, the expected result of unhappiness shows its inadequacy for this is a high price to pay for a view that values happiness. One doctor speaking to the Business Insider claimed: "If you had, let's say, an ICU that was overwhelmed, you're probably going to try and give some extra attention to healthcare workers because you need them to deliver care," he said. Consequentialism Deontology (Biomedical Ethics) Charles Lohman. According to non-consequentialism, the rightness of an action is not solely determined by its consequences. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Never kill an innocent person or never lie are examples of such rules. Counselling and bespoke consulting programs to help you make better decisions and navigate complexity. Before JONAS Healthc Law Ethics Regul. Submit a manuscript for peer review consideration. Robert M. Taylor, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2013 Deontology. This is a worldview without tragedy or realism. Indeed, society as a whole is more important than any one person in the eyes of a Utilitarian. Information. Many utilitarians take a hedonistic approach, saying that utility equates to happiness, so we should act to produce the greatest happiness, and to minimize pain and unhappiness. Putting ethics at the centre of everyday life. In broad terms, a hedonist is someone who tries to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. Some statutes that protect health information might not apply to FRT. In practice this a very difficult thing to do to step outside of the values we have been brought up with and the state of being alienated itself often causes unhappiness within the individual. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. March 21, 2017. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This chapter discusses consequentialism. September 6, 2017. Nurses' experiences of providing ethical care to the patients with COVID-19: A phenomenological study. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies 2017;8:1883. J Adv Nurs. Type. In this example: A hospital has limited capacity to deal with Covid-19 patients and is having to decide between admitting a 20 year old patient, who is fit and well, and a 75 year old patient, who has a history of heart disease, to their last available ventilator. May 17, 2017. Through alienating ourselves Railton shows that adopting ones exclusive ultimate end in life in the pursuit of maximum happiness may well prevent one from having experiences or engaging in certain sorts of commitments that are among the greatest sources of happiness (Alienation, Consequentialism and the Demands of Morality, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1984). AWB. Therefore, the absolutist claim that war is wholly a bad thing, or that it cannot be for a good cause despite its undesirability, is reasonably refuted. Julian Savulescu and Dominic Wilkinson 2019. An action that brings about more benefit than harm is good, while an action that causes more harm than benefit is not.

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impact of consequentialism in healthcare