is second dose of suprep easier

Hi Janet, Sorry Sam we are just now seeing your comment but hope that all was clear on your colonoscopy! Great job! of Gatorade or Powerade (CANNOT BE RED IN COLOR OR CONTAIN RED DYE). Is the second dose of suprep necessary? My other daughter has no stomach and just a little bit of her colon. But, it took me 2.5 hours to drink the first dose. I will not be sleeping until my procedure. It is not uncommon for patients to feel nauseous and even vomit while taking Suprep or other bowel cleansing preparations including Coloprep. She said they automatically just give the gallon prep stuff because it is cheap for insurance ($5) and they know all insurances will pay for that one. Use is contraindicated in the following conditions . I had expected it to taste awful, but it basically tasted like tangy Gatorade that was a bit saltier than usual. Then we head to Stans diner for some French toast and bacon. Once you get it down, the prep starts working pretty quickly. Right now, for me the worst part, is sitting on the toilet for hours, not knowing if my body is done expelling everything, and my bottom being raw and burning. Am concerned, because they removed several polyps last time, and one was pre-cancerous and embedded in colon wall. I have my scope scheduled for this Friday (06/24). By the time people see signs and symptoms, typically, theres already a problem. How did this prep work for you? Getting ready for a colonoscopy can occupy an entire day of dietary restrictions, powerful laxatives, and diarrhea. The instructions say to start at 6pm (should end the first solution by 7:30pm). It also fizzled a bit. They gave me the option of a no-sedation procedure and after a conversation, I decided to give it a go. Not much but enough to notice. Love reading this and have the same concerns! The taste was ok. A little salty but also a little sweet. That was perfect for me because I really didnt think Id be able to handle the taste of the liquid prep! Loved hearing about your smooth, uneventful prep! Last updated on Dec 15, 2022. Once I was finished, it took about 15 minutes to start working. I suspect it also made the flushing process last a bit longer because I drank more liquids in total, but the nurse told me my prep had looked great after the colonoscopy. It is not recommended by the medical profession. The second dose this morning at 3:30am was a bit harder to swallow, but a gulp of gatorade between swallows helped the taste. Had a polyp as big as a grapefruit in my stomach at 27 . I bought crystal light to add, but didn't need to use it. Doing it at 6pm just to repet it at 3AM is ridiculous as you would never make the trip to the hospital without depends! Thank you so much for your comment. When we start talking about colored jello being prohibited, Im done. Way to go getting your colonoscopy scheduled and completed! I took 4 mirolax at noon then mixed the ducolox (sp?) Just one persons opinion. I stayed close to the potty but there was never a sense of uncontrolled urgency. Thanks for the tips! Definitely glad I brought baby wipes! But they can also become somewhat desensitized to procedures (such as colonoscopy) that they routinely perform. I had a gastric bypass many years ago and my poor tummy isnt feeling too good right now I also had one polyp years ago so know how important it is. I had nothing like that. Also OMG am I ever going to get any kind of sleep, or just sit on the toilet till the morning?? "Things have changed a lot in the past 10 years," says Dr. Catherine Cheney, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Clear Liquids Before Colonoscopy Really Necessary? Can barely type this. Forget my mistakes but, I hope you can see that my dog was involved instead it was my doc and the baby reference in the beginning was supposed to be my I think. Despite what the packaging or instructions on your colonoscopy prep product may say, always check with your doctors office and know what time they advise you to stop drinking liquids. Some colonoscopy preps are taken in one evening, others may be a split-dose and taken between an evening and the following morning. I don't know how anyone could just down it. The prep is HORRIBLE and brutal beyond words for anyone with digestive problems like IBS. Have a history of colon cancer in my family so my PCP suggested I get one asap. In my experience, the split dose colonoscopy prep makes the diarrhea slightly easier to tolerate. Ive just now had a good experience. Sign up now and get a FREE copy of theBest Diets for Cognitive Fitness. Mixing it with your favorite sports drink will make it easier, IMO. Nearly nothing solid was expelled, just a rainbow of brown and yellow water. Hi Jody I am literally in the middle of my third prep in a year and a half. I would recommend getting a plain flavour instead of lemon. Attaching a photo . Heres what they said: Eating smaller portions and low-fiber foods a few days before you plan to do colonoscopy prep can help the evening go smoothly. I don't know how anyone could just down it. The doc who did my colonoscopy remarked that Cologuard "is not there yet. . Best tips for prep I found are wet wipes, diaper cream, stay on the loo with a book, panty liners. Saturday night, as instructed, I took four more doses of Miralax, which did create some action (none from the prior 3 doses). Good Luck everyone.Read More Read Less. You should avoid red meat, "heavy" foods, fried foods, fiber-filled foods and anything that is red. (This should be 4, 8 oz glasses). This is my second colonoscopy (I had polyps). If you experience severe pain or vomiting with the preparation, please call 845-471-9410. . My diarrhea stopped the evening before at about 9pm and i slept all night until I had to wake up and drink the other half of my solution. It taste nasty. Each persons body is different for some, it works right away, and for others, it takes several hours. Didnt feel any more urges and so within 30 minutes, I decided to take another pill of Ducolax. I dont have an issue with the cleanse as Ill actually like having to do it. As awful as my last experience was, I at least somewhat know shat to expect this time and do at least can mentally prepare. I ate one and was about to eat the second before it dawned they have seeds in it. No waking at night except to get rid of all that water I had to drink. Im not nervous about the colonoscopy itself, its just all this prep that has me spinning. But I got i. t down both times within about 20-25 minutes. Ive had POTS symptoms and issues for 15 years. Yes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Part 1 at 6 PM on the evening before your colonoscopy: Pour ONE 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container. Thank you TONY C. It was easy peasey! I have AFIB, so having the concerns regarding anesthesia removed will definitely help me feel more relaxed! Ive been told to drink a 10oz bottle of clear magnesium citrate tonight (Wednesday) but that I can eat a light breakfast tomorrow morning (Thursday) before 9am. We recommend taking the second . Double check your doctors instructions for when to begin your prep and bump it up a few hours earlier, if possible. You wont regret it! And we disagree that colonoscopies are treated as go to. We know so many people who were not given the option of a colonoscopy because they were too young. By the time they were able to get a colonoscopy, they were diagnosed at a late stage. So far, the prep and bathroom visits were quite bearable. First time never having candy on Halloween! Then grab the prep drink in one hand, take a deep breath, hold your nose with the other hand and then chug the drink. I also used sugar free Gatorade and did the 15 minute intervals. It was anticlimactic to say the least. Then prepare for a nice long potty break. Some survivors have also found electrolyte drinks, such as Pedialyte, can provide important hydration prior to the procedure. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. DAY OF PROCEDURE Take your . The one question I didnt see was how long you continue to have bowel movements after taking prep drinks. They had mentioned that pretty much all of their office workers did it without sedation, and that everyone who tried it tolerated it well. I am not a weak, fragile female. Wishing you ease in your prep and a clean screen! We recommend you speak with your provider for medical advice. Dr. asked if I ever had a colonoscopy. First dose went well. Its Halloween night and just finished my prep. We encourage everyone to stay within close range of a bathroom after beginning to drink the preparation because the second dose of Suprep can sometimes trigger a more intense laxative effect in some people. While you can start it 1-2 hours early or late, starting it late will keep you up later at night. I didn't mix it with water, I tried Sprite, huge mistake! About 4 more small runs to the washroom (all yellow and rushes out like pee), some water, Gatorade and beef broth (to compensate for giving up on the Peglyte) and in bed by 10pm a slight bit of heartburn made it difficult to sleep at first but I got there. then Miralix in Gatorade at 6 and 4:30 am..It worked, I was not happy getting up at night to go potty, but I was totally cleaned out by the procedure..I got good new, an all clean, she removed on small polyp and I was completely knocked out. Now that Im 45 Im getting the have to ones now. After seeing accounts of the horrid taste, I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for the information. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Sarah. I got a little full by the end but not bad. By the time I went to bed at 10:30, I was not passing anything. An hour later, I drank another 16 oz. Used apple juice as a chaser with each sip. I did that for every 8 oz and then drank the prep with a straw. If I did not cleanse out so well he would have never seen it. They want you to do the 2nd dose of the prep 4-5 hrs before the procedure. The newer preps are often lower in volume and divided into two doses, the first taken the night before and the second six hours prior to your procedure. The last time I took the prep which was 12 years ago I was so sick I just vomited my guts out for hours. I took my last dose around 730am and hoping Im cleaned out in time for my noon appt. I saw what mom went through with chemo and radiation for breast cancer (stage 2) and would rather deal with a few days of annoyance over that any day of the week. NEVER AGAIN! Youll be fine. !?!?! He has the nausea pills and he did take one. 1st day Monday- light breakfast then 2 entire bottles of magnesium citrate at separate times, liquid diet until colonoscopy on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 pm. Im going in for my first colonoscopy in 2 days and Ive been very anxious. I had chemo and radiation for anal cancer 8 years ago. then running to the bathroom for the next 3 hours. Any Moms out there compared to childbirth this is a walk in the park. Having said that, Suprep contains both Sucralose and flavoring agents, so it may not taste as bad as has been suggested. Highly recommend this approach. If you take washed ginger root, grate an inch or two of it into a pot of water, bring it to a boil, and then strain it through cloth to take all the solids out, it makes a ginger tea you can use it to help relieve nausea. I feel like an expert on the prep. You all can do this! This involved taking 12 pills in the late afternoon with water. liquid and a lemon flavored drink mix for glass two of the next 16 oz drink . My doctor this time is giving me Suprep. Charge your phone and get a good book to read you will be in the bathroom a lot!. Its a dual dose solution that you drink the night before and the morning of your colonoscopy (timing of the dose depends if your scheduled for morning of afternoon). Is there any other way for someone like myself to clear out my : colon? I do not know why the magnesium citrate continues to be ordered. Its one day out of your life so bite the bullet, do the prep and it will over before you know it! *NOTE: Be sure to dilute SUPREP with water before you drink it Step #3 Drink all of the liquid in the container Step #4 Chew 2 Simethicone / Gas-X tablets Step #1 Pour (1) 6-oz. My appt. I HATE needles with a passion. However, over all its not the worst thing Ive ever had to do and I will make it through it and I KNOW I will be glad I did it, just as I was glad the first time. This will help me to finally make sense of the diagnosis and move forward. I just sat on the toilet shivering and unable to get up do to the lack of control. Do not drink anything red or purple. Honestly, I was terrified of the prep, but it wasnt nearly as bad as what I had imagined. This page was a lifesaver. Drink 32 ounces of water over the next hour. why wouldnt they tell you to start earlier in the day so you can relax and sleep after the big unwind/out pour is over? An hour later movement. Here are some tips that worked for me but they might not work for everyone. Results and pics reviewed with doctor (1 benign polyp removed), wheeled to my waiting ride, and absolutely no discomfort, nausea, dizziness, gas, bloating, or bleeding. So i took 4 litres, 2 the night before and 2 the morning of the procedure. Having colonoscopy on Friday. Im having an ECD and Colonoscopy the same day. Thank you for the tips! It was hard to get down the putrid tasting liquid for dose 2! Colonoscopy Prep: 9 Expert Tips for the Night Before, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). every 15 minutes. I was given the Su-prep Bowel two dose laxative. This doesnt mean it will work for you and you should talk to your GI doc. I had no discomforts of any sort such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, etc. NEVER AGAIN! You need to wait those 20 min. They didnt agree with me. Surgery removed it. It really helped me avoid feeling nauseated. Worst colonoscopy prep Ive ever had. Its important to get your colonoscopy completed, which you already know because its scheduled and youre getting ready to have it done! Im 41 / male. Was done in no time. Im a 47 year old woman and just had my first colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Im 37 so not in that age range either but I had some things going on that my GI doctor said if I wanted it done she would find a way for it to be approved. I see lots of people complaining about the taste and I want to remind you of an old childhood trick that works great. She found that eating a light, lower residue meal the night before prep day and taking two dulcolax tablets that same night at 10PM was a good start of the prep. I had no family history. It is also the worst. Its still brown . He told me to tell my sons (41 and 23) that now theyre high risk and to get their first scope at 40! Did he have any suggestions? I was very nervous about the prep because my hemorrhoidal tissue is easily irritated and often I deal with external hemorrhoids, including thrombosed ones. Am having my second colonoscopy this pm. I couldnt stand up. It is now 12:30am and I am to start my second dose at 2pm. I have my first in 4 days at 12:15. Finally, we agree with you 100%: It can feel stressful preparing for a colonoscopy, but it is definitely less daunting than worrying if you have colon cancer for years to come. She drank half the laxative ending around 6pm. Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight lossfrom exercises to build a stronger core to advice on treating cataracts. Continuous diarrhea every 15 . He or she will prescribe another prep that is more likely to be successful. I have had two colonoscopies prior to this with a different prep (I believe it was Moviprep), and while the prep wasn't my favorite thing to do, I always described it as "not bad." I guess next time Ill have to take the time QC my work! I knew if I wasnt clean they couldnt do the procedure so I didnt do 2nd dose and called to cancel. After two hours I vomited it all up. People need to read the directions and prep correctly. Pour one 6 oz. Stay very close to bathroom, no cramping. There was no cramping or sweating like you have with regular diarrhea; my doctor prescribed childrens anti-gas to supplement the water so that might have helped. However, some people will begin to have multiple urgent bowel movements within 30 minutes of drinking the solution and others may not have a bowel movement for 3-4 hours. Read the reviews and was completely freaked out. Its easy to get down and the finish time is early enough to get a good nights rest before the colonoscopy. Ive got most of the health issues you described plus a few others, and I have many of the concerns you shared. You want to talk about wiping out intestinal flora & fauna? I thought this prep was the worst. Once things got moving, I tried to keep in mind that my body was cleansing itself, and I could use this as a reset. Ill just drink water and get it over with. I lost a cousin to colon cancer at 36, leaving behind 2 toddlers and seeing that well I decided to go at 51 years old. Keep in mind, the doctors having colonoscopies have the same prep we do. Best advantage of Suprep is lack of cramping like I've had in the past with Fleet enema prep. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. the last one i kept dosing on and off. A few examples are listed below. I will let her do these tests this one time but when they come back clean she is not to ask again in 10 years. Mor. Read More Read Less, After reading so many reviews regarding this prep, I made two calls practically begging my doctor to order something else. I have to take the second dose in the morning but I don't expect any problems. One hour later, drink 2 cups of water. When it's your time for a colonoscopy, demand a different prep! Im afraid that so many solutions will cause the anal fissure to start bleeding again. Thank you!! The next morning, the procedure was repeated with 12 more pills and the intervals of water. To the point where I would stand up thinking it was over and have to sit back down. I will request Suprep when I have my next Colonoscopy. I am a 41 year old female and this was my first colonoscopy and endoscopy. They said to come back in 10 years to do it again. Keeping hydrated not only clears your colon but also maintains your electrolyte balance. *Please do NOT mix your solution more than 24 hours before you are going to start drinking it. Add cool water to the 16 oz. There isnt a point to this story, its just the ramblings of a nervous 42 year old who really doesnt want to go thru this but knows what could be if he doesnt. To clarify I have completed all the prep juice as it were so Im not slacking. The cleanse I used 9 months ago did not completely clean me out. I didnt realize it had grape flavor in it (which when I mentioned it to my doctor, she assured me that it didnt! Pretty uneventful, they prepped me, took me to where the procedure was to be done, said ok were going to give you the good stuff now, next I knew I was in the recovery room, where they said the found and removed one small polyp. My brain didnt track I had to go to the bathroom and 3 times the cleanup wasnt pleasant. We cannot give healthcare advice. This also worked well though for me I have a rough time drinking that much liquid of any kind, much less in a limited amount of time. Read some, watched a movie, finished my prep, and occasionally had a squirt of water. But the Suprep tasted like Gatorade loaded with salt. Thank you again for sharing your experience. I am looking forward to have all this behind me. No problem. The prep is not that bad, just different. The days of downing a gallon of laxative in one dose are gone. It is also not that minor a procedure. Fast forward post procedure they told me the took off 8 polyps and one was precancerous. I wish I could offer some helpful advice but the one time I did suprep it went disastrously bad and I heaved the second dose up within moments after downing it. I have found these tricks for successful preps. Accidentally Took Mucinex DM While Pregnant, I Accidentally Took 2 Claritin In 24 Hours, All Allergenic Extracts for Diagnosis of Food Allergy: FDA Safety Communication -FDA Requires Warning about Anaphylaxis Following False Negative Food Allergen Skin Test Results in the Prescribing Information, Pharmedica USA LLC Issues Voluntary Worldwide Recall of Purely Soothing 15% MSM Drops Due to Non-Sterility, Apotex Corp. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Brimonidine Tartrate Ophthalmic Solution, 0.15% Due to Cracks that Have Developed in Some of the Units Caps of the Bottles, Getinge/Maquet Cardiohelp System: Potential Insufficient Packaging Sterility with HLS Set Advanced - Letter to Health Care Providers. I would recommend an adult diaper for the trip to the hospital for your appointment, it will save you going to a hospital bathroom every 5 seconds just in case. Wondering about the FMS patient. Clear broth, chicken or beef is very satisfying. I didnt eat the day before (OK- woke up and ate four cherries then forced myself to stop). Im litterly scared this is my first colonoscopy Im about to be 50 in March I hear the prep is horroable but there are stuff to sooth u help me here I need all the advice I can get but keep in mind I have several health conditions to take in I dont need to get nauseadded I get nausea on the regular so what u guys got to tell me an my birthday is March 3rd an I just decided to get this crap over with didn want to wait till bday my colonoscopy is dec14. Take 12 tablets with 24 ounces of clear liquid 3 to 5 hours before your colonoscopy. Started morning with black coffee and mixed 2nd half of prep at 7:30 for an arrival at Gast. Should I request what one person did, with a mild sedation where youre still conscious some? I have a routine colonoscopy scheduled for Monday but I have something I have to do on Sunday night, I cant get out of, and which might leave me with inconsistent bathroom access.

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is second dose of suprep easier