osha conveyor safety 1910

5. Cup wheels (Types 6 and 11) shall be protected by: (i) Safety guards as specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (10) of this section; (ii) Band type guards as specified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section; and. b. b. Shaft couplings shall be so constructed as to present no hazard from bolts, nuts, setscrews, or revolving surfaces. (42) Liftout means the mechanism also known as knockout. 1910.144 Safety color code for marking physical hazards. If made of pipe, the post shall be one and one-fourth (114) inches inside diameter, or larger. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal air supply and use of the tripping mechanism(s). (pounds per square inch) or greater. Displaying title 29, up to date as of 3/02/2023. here. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on grinders known as automatic snagging machines shall not exceed 180 and the top half of the wheel shall be enclosed at all times. The sides of the trough shall come within at least six (6) inches of the underside of table, or if shafting is located near floor within six (6) inches of floor. (ii) A pad with a nonslip contact area shall be firmly attached to the pedal. It is recommended that old installations be changed to conform to this rule. (5) Flywheels include flywheels, balance wheels, and flywheel pulleys mounted and revolving on crankshaft of engine or other shafting. As an alternative, supplemental presence sensing devices used only in the safeguard mode may be provided. . 1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents. Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding. 1910.151 Medical services and first aid. The use in the formula of twice the stopping time increase, Tm, allowed by the brake monitor for brake wear allows for greater increases in the downstroke stopping time than occur in normal stopping time at the top of the stroke. (a) 24-inch diameter wheel, 1,000 revolutions per minute. of this appendix or may request that the original application be submitted to the Assistant Secretary with a statement of reasons supplied by the applicant as to why the application should be approved. If made of wood, the posts shall be two by four (2 4) inches or larger. (3) Vibration of 45G for one millisecond per stroke when the item is to be mounted on the press frame. 1910.1012 Ethyleneimine. A PSDI safety system which has received installation certification/validation shall undergo recertification/revalidation the earlier of: a. (ii) Be installed on a press such that it indicates when the performance of the braking system has deteriorated to the extent described in paragraph (b)(14)(i) of this section; and. (9) Flanges means collars, discs or plates between which wheels are mounted and are referred to as adaptor, sleeve, or back up type. All auxiliary equipment such as mill divider, support bars, spray pipes, feed conveyors, strip knives, etc., shall be located in such a manner as to avoid interference with access to and operation of safety devices. (iii) Toeboards shall be four (4) inches or more in height, of wood, metal, or of metal grill not exceeding one (1) inch mesh. Surface Feet per minute .262 12 1,000 = 3,144 s.f.p.m. (i) Overhead horizontal belts, with lower parts seven (7) feet or less from the floor or platform, shall be guarded on sides and bottom in accordance with paragraph (o)(3) of this section. (i) Machines using full revolution clutches shall incorporate a single-stroke mechanism. Belts which of necessity must be shifted by hand and belts within seven (7) feet of the floor or working platform which are not guarded in accordance with this section shall not be fastened with metal in any case, nor with any other fastening which by construction or wear will constitute an accident hazard. (ii) Brake systems on presses used in the PSDI mode shall have sufficient torque so that each average value of stopping times (Ts) for stops initiated at approximately 45 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees, respectively, of crankshaft angular position, shall not be more than 125 percent of the average value of the stopping time at the top crankshaft position. (iii) Training personnel for the proper inspection and maintenance of forging machinery and equipment. (viii) Supplemental safeguarding shall be used to protect all areas of access to the point of operation which are unprotected by the PSDI presence sensing device. (5) Modified types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) mean some type 6 and 11 cup wheels used in the terrazzo trade having tapered K dimensions to match a special tapered flange furnished by the machine builder. This exposure shall begin at a point not more than 65 above the horizontal plane of the wheel spindle. If made of metal shapes or bars, their section shall be equal in strength to that of one and one-half (112) by one and one-half (112) by three-sixteenths (316) inch angle iron. Friction brakes provided for stopping or holding a slide movement shall be inherently self-engaging by requiring power or force from an external source to cause disengagement. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. Flywheels. (i) Guardrail shall be forty-two (42) inches in height, with midrail between top rail and floor. (3) Bench and floor stands. Stopping distances shall be expressed in inches of surface travel of the roll from the instant the emergency stopping device is actuated. This monitor shall stop slide motion and prevent successive press strokes if decoupling occurs, or if the monitor itself fails. (vi) Type of feeding (manual with hands in dies or with hands out of dies, semiautomatic, automatic, or other). 2. Spacers shall be equal in diameter to the mounting flanges and have equal bearing surfaces. The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under (b) If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. Overhead rope drive and block and roller-chain-drive guards shall be not less than six (6) inches wider than the drive on each side. 1910.94 Ventilation. (3) Belt pole (sometimes called a belt shipper or shipper pole,) means a device used in shifting belts on and off fixed pulleys on line or countershaft where there are no loose pulleys. (viii) Those clutch/brake control systems which contain both single and continuous functions shall be designed so that completion of continuous circuits may be supervised by the employer. Results of all tests which serve as the basis for the certification. Appendix C to Subpart T of Part 1910Alternative Conditions Under 1910.401(a)(3) for Recreational Diving Instructors and Diving Guides (Mandatory). Mechanical and electrical equipment and auxiliaries shall be installed in accordance with this section and subpart S of this part. (v) All clutch/brake control electrical circuits shall be protected against the possibility of an accidental ground in the control circuit causing false operation of the press. Types of Tests Acceptable for Certification/Validation. (12) Safety guard means an enclosure designed to restrain the pieces of the grinding wheel and furnish all possible protection in the event that the wheel is broken in operation. (13) Revolving double arbor saws shall be fully guarded in accordance with all the requirements for circular crosscut saws or with all the requirements for circular ripsaws, according to the kind of saws mounted on the arbors. In deriving the safety distance required in paragraph (h)(9)(v), all stopping time measurements should be made with clutch/brake air pressure regulated to the press manufacturer's recommended value for full clutch torque capability. (xii) The clutch/brake control shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued activation of the Single Stroke or Continuous functions unless the press drive motor is energized and in the forward direction. 1910.1050 Methylenedianiline. A validation organization may be considered independent even if it has ties with manufacturers, employers or employee representatives if these ties are with at least two of these three groups; it has a board of directors (or equivalent leadership responsible for the certification/validation activities) which includes representatives of the three groups; and it has a binding commitment of funding for a period of three years or more. 1910.262 Textiles. The upper rail shall be two by four (2 x 4) inches, or two one by four (1 x 4) strips, one at the top and one at the side of posts. In all other industries, wood guards shall not be used. After receipt of an application, OSHA may request additional information if it believes information relevant to the requirements for recognition have been omitted. (14) No saw, cutter head, or tool collar shall be placed or mounted on a machine arbor unless the tool has been accurately machined to size and shape to fit the arbor. Navigate by entering citations or phrases Higher pressures may be permitted, however, to increase clutch torque to free jammed dies, provided positive measures are provided to prevent the higher pressure at other times. (14) Brake system monitoring. 4. (iv) For flywheels with smooth rims five (5) feet or less in diameter, where the preceding methods cannot be applied, the following may be used: A disk attached to the flywheel in such manner as to cover the spokes of the wheel on the exposed side and present a smooth surface and edge, at the same time providing means for periodic inspection. If the conveyor runs overhead, precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from materials that may fall from above. These safety training PowerPoints cover the items specified by OSHA standards. The spreader shall be slightly thinner than the saw kerf and slightly thicker than the saw disk. (e) Trip and emergency switches. (12) Pressure vessels. If they sound cracked (dead), they shall not be used. If used, these devices shall be located so as to detect all operator locations and positions not detected by the PSDI sensing field, and shall prevent stroking or stop a stroke in process when any supplemental sensing field(s) are interrupted. The validation organization shall assign overall responsibility for the validation of PSDI certification to an Administrative Director. (a) As used in 1910.213 and 1910.214 unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following woodworking machinery terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. Fast and consistent stopping times are important to safety for the PSDI mode of operation. Preliminary disapproval. c. The applicant shall provide information demonstrating that it and any validating laboratory utilized meet the program requirements set forth in section III of this appendix. The table throat opening shall be not more than 212 inches when tables are set or aligned with each other for zero cut. (i) Limitation: Cutting off wheels are recommended only for use on specially designed and fully guarded machines and are subject to the following maximum thickness and hole size limitations. They shall be designed to provide adequate holding power for all the thicknesses of material being cut. The provisions of paragraph (h) of this section shall apply to boltheading. (3) Upon issuance of the decision, any party to the hearing may file exceptions within 20 days pursuant to subpart C. If exceptions are filed, the administrative law judge shall forward the decision, exceptions and record to the Assistant Secretary for the final decision on the application. 1910.1025 Lead. (10) It is recommended that each power-driven woodworking machine be provided with a disconnect switch that can be locked in the off position. The provision of a spreader in connection with grooving, dadoing, or rabbeting is not required. The employer shall evaluate and test the PSDI safety system installation, shall submit to the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the necessary supporting documentation, and shall recertify that the requirements of 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix are being met. Posts shall be not more than eight (8) feet apart; they are to be permanent and substantial, smooth, and free from protruding nails, bolts, and splinters. Antirepeat is also called single stroke reset or reset circuit. (i) Point of operation devices shall protect the operator by: (a) Preventing and/or stopping normal stroking of the press if the operator's hands are inadvertently placed in the point of operation; or, (b) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation, or withdrawing his hands if they are inadvertently located in the point of operation, as the dies close; or, (c) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation at all times; or, (e) Requiring application of both of the operator's hands to machine operating controls and locating such controls at such a safety distance from the point of operation that the slide completes the downward travel or stops before the operator can reach into the point of operation with his hands; or, (f) Enclosing the point of operation before a press stroke can be initiated, and maintaining this closed condition until the motion of the slide had ceased; or. Usage experience should also include failure data supporting adequacy of the design. The validating laboratory, if a separate organization from the validation organization, shall assign technical responsibility for the validation of PSDI certification to a Technical Director. If no exceptions are filed, this is the final decision of the Department of Labor. Presses whose designs incorporate flywheels running on journals on the crankshaft or back shaft, or bull gears running on journals mounted on the crankshaft, shall be inspected, lubricated, and maintained as provided in paragraph (h)(10) of this section to reduce the possibility of unintended and uncontrolled press strokes caused by bearing seizure. 2 For wheels under 114 inch thick F dimension shall not exceed 40 percent of wheel thickness. Preliminary approval. Wall thickness at the back is normally greater than at the grinding face (W). 5. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. (ii) The employer shall certify that employees have been trained by preparing a certification record which includes the identity of the person trained, the signature of the employer or the person who conducted the training, and the date the training was completed.

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osha conveyor safety 1910