public broadcasting in the united states quizlet

Because digital radio technology allows a radio station to transmit simultaneously in both analog and digital, listeners can use their current radios to receive the analog signals of radio stations that transmit both analog and digital signals. Before we can renew a stations license, we must first determine whether, during the preceding license term, the licensee has served the public interest, has not committed any serious violations of the Communications Act or the FCCs rules, and has not committed other violations which, taken together, would constitute a pattern of abuse. As with renewal applications, you can also file an informal objection to these types of applications, or any other application, at any time before we either grant or deny the application. Once the application is received, the FCC will issue a Public Notice and begin a 30-day period during which petitions to deny the application can be filed. The FCC has five Commissioners, each of whom is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Which of the following is an example of a public broadcasting organization? Music stations are probably best known for playing classical music, although other formats are offered, including the time-honored "eclectic" music format that is rather freeform in nature common among college radio stations. In contrast, NCE stations generally meet their operating expenses with contributions received from listeners and viewers, and also may receive government funding. They developed educational tv CPB funding source who established Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 1962 First federal funding 1967 Carnegie Commission Report on ETV findings led to Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 PBA of 1967 All Class A television stations began operating digitally in 2015. Material Relating to an FCC Investigation or Complaint How to Resolve Blanketing Interference ProblemsOther Interference IssuesThe Local Public Inspection File These devices must include a simple and easy to use mechanism for accessing closed captioning. American public broadcasting is not a unified structure, but an ad hoc assemblage of stations united both by the fluctuating patronage of the institutions that . If an NCE asks for carriage, then a copy of the request must be kept in the public file for the duration of time the request covers. For devices, the Commission adopted functional display standards to specify how covered apparatus must implement closed captioning, and it required apparatus to render or pass through closed captioning on each video output. The public can access a stations public inspection file at The term public opinion is used to describe. The First Amendment, as well as Section 326 of the Communications Act, prohibits the Commission from censoring broadcast material and from interfering with freedom of expression in broadcasting. The applicant must demonstrate that it is qualified to construct and operate the station as specified in its application and that its proposed facility will not cause objectionable interference to any other station. Commercial and Noncommercial Educational Stations In the United States, for most of the history of broadcasting, there were only three or four major commercial national terrestrial networks. During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton received ________ amount of media coverage as Donald Trump Much of the national news that is published in local newspapers is provided by ________. Before its expiration, each station licensee must broadcast a series of announcements stating when its license expires, the filing date for the renewal application, the date by which formal petitions against the renewal must be filed, and how to obtain a copy of the application. Some of the larger operations split off these formats into separate stations or networks. Equal Opportunities Which of the following news sources reaches the MOST Americans? Which media content is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission FCC )? Instead, we usually defer to the parties, courts, or other agencies to resolve these disputes. In 2020, 927 stations were airing programming from PRX, roughly the same as in 2019. Finally, a prospective station licensee expecting to employ five or more full-time employees must file an FCC Form 396-A Broadcast Model Program Report with its new station or assignment or transfer application. Federal law prohibits the airing of advertising for cigarettes, little cigars, smokeless tobacco, and chewing tobacco on radio, TV, or any other medium of electronic communication under the FCC's jurisdiction. Educational and Informational. Rules. The media are sometimes referred to as the "fourth branch of government" because, they provide a check on the power of government and political leaders. About _______ percent of southern white families owned slaves in 1840.,, for television,,,,, Purpose of the File. The local stations then contract with program distributors and also provide some programming themselves. The FCC was vested with broader regulatory authority that included all radiotelephone activity, including the newly developing broadcast media FM radio and television, and added interstate telegraph and telephone communication (which had previously been under the control of the Interstate Commerce Commission) and wire and wireless common carrier Engage in general outreach activities every two years, such as job fairs, internships, and other community events. Material terms, include those factors that define the operation of the contest and affect participation, such as entry deadlines, the prizes that can be won, and how winners will be selected. Commercial and Noncommercial Educational Stations. We urge you to make use of the resources contained on this site, which may outline more recent developments in the law not discussed in the current version of this Manual. A. Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description. Display of Internet Website Addresses Under Category B of the processing guidelines, television licensees are eligible for routine staff-level approval of the children's television programming portion of their renewal applications if they air 156 hours of Core Programming annually, including at least 26 hours per quarter of regularly scheduled weekly programming of at least 30 minutes in length. This fact sheet was compiled by Senior Researcher Michael Barthel and Research Assistant Kirsten Worden. All the major broadcast networks and most of the major cable networks encode their programming with this ratings information to work with the V-Chip. Time Brokerage Agreements When filing these types of applications, the applicant is required to publish a series of notices, generally in a local newspaper, containing information similar to that noted above regarding renewal applications. The financial picture for news outlets in public broadcasting appeared strong both locally and nationally. As discussed further in this Manual, broadcast licensees must periodically make available detailed information about the programming they air to meet the needs and problems of their communities, which can be found in each stations public file. (Most AM radio stations are licensed as commercial facilities.) The number of member organizations flagship educational and community organizations that operate at least one station stood at 254, down 4% from the previous year. LPTV and LPFM stations do not have a public inspection file but are required to maintain a political file. False or Misleading Advertising. Hoaxes If a station airs a disclaimer before the broadcast that clearly characterizes the program as fiction and the disclaimer is presented in a reasonable manner under the circumstances, the program is presumed not to pose foreseeable public harm. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 attempted to. Support for an affirmative action policy that considers an applicant's race in university admissions is an example of a political ________, while a belief in equality of opportunity is an example of a political _______. Please be aware that we can only act on allegations that a station has violated a provision of the Communications Act or the FCC's rules or policies. The FCC has stated that rigging or slanting the news is a most heinous act against the public interest. The Commission will investigate a station for news distortion if it receives documented evidence of rigging or slanting, such as testimony or other documentation, from individuals with direct personal knowledge that a licensee or its management engaged in the intentional falsification of the news. Program-by-program funding creates the potential for conflict-of-interest situations, which must be weighed program by program under standards such as the guidelines established by PBS. Accessible User InterfacesBusiness Practices and Advertising How to File an Obscenity, Indecency, or Profanity Complaint From the beginning, the network has refused corporate funding of any kind, and has relied mainly on listener support. public broadcasting in the united states quizlet. These devices must include a simple and easy to use mechanism for accessing closed captioning and video description. Through its review of television broadcast license renewal applications, the Commission must consider whether television licensees have served the educational and informational needs of children through the licensees overall programming, including programming specifically designed to serve such needs.. Some program guides may use the symbol (D) to indicate that the program is audio described. In addition to adopting rules, we establish broadcast regulatory policies through the individual cases that we decide, such as those involving license renewals, station sales, and complaints about violations of Commission rules. The U.S. public broadcasting system differs from such systems in other countries, in that the principal public television and radio broadcasters the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR), respectively operate as technically separate entities. The First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech similarly protects programming that stereotypes or may otherwise offend people with regard to their religion, race, national background, gender, or other characteristics. Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and. For example, casino gambling is generally considered to be a lottery subject to the terms of the advertising restriction although, as discussed below, the prohibition is not applied to truthful advertisements for lawful casino gambling. the system of racial segregation in the South after Reconstruction. C. Mispriced securities are common in efficient markets. Many types of contests, depending on their particulars, also are covered under this definition. Except for certain classes of political advertisements, station licensees have full discretion to accept or reject any advertising. We also do not review anyones qualifications to gather, edit, announce, or comment on the news. On the radio side, organizations such as NPR and Public Radio Exchange (PRX) produce and distribute programming, reaching audiences through local stations as well as digital channels. Stations must air identification announcements when they sign on and off for the day. Digital Television Please include your name and address if you would like information on the final disposition of your complaint; you may request confidentiality. Audio description is audio-narrated descriptions of a television programs key visual elements. (All FCC Public Notices are included in the Commissions Daily Digest and are posted at At the request of 39 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the FCC conducted a proceeding asking the publics comment on violent programming. Digital Radio. We at the FCC want you to become involved, if you have any concerns about a local station including its general operation, programming or other matters by making your opinion known to the licensee and, if necessary, by advising us of those concerns so that we can take appropriate action. At the local public radio level, an analysis of the public filings provided by 123 of the largest news-oriented licensees (organizations that operate local public radio stations) shows that in 2019 the last year for which reliable data is available total revenue for this group was $989.7 million. Submission of an audio or video tape, CD, DVD or other recording or transcript of the complained-of material is not required but is helpful, as is the specific name of the program, the on-air personality, song, or film, and the city and state in which the complainant saw or heard the broadcast. About 26.1 million average weekly listeners tuned in to NPR programming during the year, down from 28.0 million in 2019, according to internal data provided by the organization. Facts of the case. it is at least 30 minutes in duration, except that a licensee may air a limited amount of short-form programming, including public service announcements and interstitials, and have that programming count as Core Programming, as described in the Core Programming processing guidelines. Public broadcasting is defined as a meeting place where all citizens are welcome and considered equals. The Montgomery bus boycott began after ______ refused to give up her seat for a white man. Contest descriptions may not be false, misleading, or deceptive with respect to any material term. Of particular concern would be evidence of the direction to employees from station management to falsify the news. B. Our procedural rules can be found in Title 47 CFR, Part 1. Every three years, commercial TV stations must decide whether their relationship with each local cable system and satellite carrier that offers local service will be governed by must-carry or by retransmission consent agreements. It or its owners have, or have had, any interest in a broadcast application in an FCC proceeding in which character issues were resolved adversely to the applicant or were left unresolved, or were raised in connection with a pending application; Its ownership is consistent with the Communications Acts restrictions on licensees; Interests are held by foreign governments, foreign corporations, and non-U.S. citizens; There has been an adverse finding or adverse final action against it or its owners by a court or administrative body in a civil or criminal proceeding involving a felony, mass media-related antitrust or unfair competition law, the making of fraudulent statements to a governmental unit, or discrimination; There were any adjudicated violations of the Communications Act or the Commissions rules during the current license term; The licensee or its owners have been denied federal benefit due to drug law violations; Its station operation complies with the Commissions radiofrequency (RF) radio exposure standards; It has placed and maintained certain specified materials in its public inspection file in a timely manner; It has discontinued station operations for more than 12 consecutive months during the preceding license term and is currently broadcasting programming; It has adhered to its minimum operating schedule; Its advertising sales agreements discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity and whether all such agreements held by the licensee contain nondiscrimination clauses; It has filed Form 396, Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Report; and.

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public broadcasting in the united states quizlet