why does holden write the composition for stradlater

One of the main problem or difficulty in translation- is the use of bilingual dictionaries. Loneliness is the emotional manifestation of the alienation Holden experiences; it is both a source of great pain and a source of his security. When he calls him a moron, Stradlater warns him to be quiet, but he only . The more Holden focuses on his dead brother, the more alone he feels.He does not connect with the people around him, but dwells on people who are memories, like Allie and Jane Gallagher. Each language can form uncountable number new word combinations that will be understood by its bearers. The second reason, causing lexical difficulties to translation is the difference in the semantic volume of a word. The best one in it was The Secret Goldfish. He reads Holdens composition and becomes visibly annoyed, asserting that it has nothing to do with the assignment and that its no wonder Holden is being expelled. And Stradlater started getting mad and saying "no wonder you're flunking the hell out of here," or "you don't do ne dame thing the way you're supposed to." a. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. This research paper consist of two chapters. Catcher in the Rye Extended Response To describe about Holden a little, he was a very weird guy. The Romanian version always uses euphemisms and euphemistic formulations when translating SL colloquial expressions (mainly explained by the social, political and cultural constraints from the period of its publication), while the second version uses (almost all the time) the same informal, at times vulgar, linguistic register as the ST, managing at the same time to capture the nuances and subtleties of the original. It would be conclusive to say that critics of The Catcher in the Rye have legitimate criticisms of the novel, while advocates and supporters of the story's message also have expressed veritable praise. After he finishes the composition for Stradlater, he stares out the window and listens to Ackley snore in the next room. But the main of them, as it has been mentioned before is the difference in the structure of the English and Romanian languages. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Throughout the book, The Catcher In the Rye, the theme that I saw reoccurring in the novel was the painfulness of growing up. Get expert help in mere A room. I shoot people in this hat.. The theme of the painfulness of growing up is very important in the book. The Atlantic Bookshelf, Vol. The New Republic, Vol. Stradlater then becomes worried that he has hurt Holden and will get into trouble. Caulfield's self-destruction over a period of days forces one to contemplate society's attitude toward the human condition. Already a member? In 1951 Salinger released his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. This is what Newmark calls "service translation.". J. D. Salinger is one of the main representatives of the Modern literature which is experimented with a wide variety of new approaches and techniques, producing a remarkably diverse body of literature. Difference in the semantic structure of a word represents one of the main reason causing lexical difficulties in translation. Recurring themes in Salinger's stories also connect to the ideas of innocence and adolescence, including the "corrupting influence of Hollywood and the world at large", the absence of connects between teenagers and "phony" adults, and the perceptive, precocious intelligence of children. The main aim is to analyze J. D. Salingers literary fiction and his impact on Romanian readers as reflected by the translations of his literary creations into Romanian, mainly centering on his novel: The Catcher in the Rye. He is mad that he is not able to stop the kids from getting their innocence taken away. ; his preference for the first person narrative; his attitudes towards sex, war, phony world, materialism and false values; his constant references to music and songs, to the movie industry, to movie stars and to famous movies; his penchant for constantly making references in his literary creations to writers, to literary works and classic characters; his preference for creating stories around the brother-sister relationship, but also around the idea of family and the relationships between family members; his love for children and the innocence they stand for; his multitude of representative names and characters and his preference for dialogue and replies; his tendency to use real and historical data or to introduce in his fiction real. As the source of the book's title, this symbol merits close inspection. . I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. Mr. Antolini advises him to begin applying himself and provides Holden with a place to sleep. D .Salinger: 11) in order to point out the thoughts of another characters about Holden for pointing out that Holden wasnt a good character for another characters. Holden annoys Stradlater by writing the composition about a baseball glove rather than about a room or . A translator should not try to preserve the stylistic device given in the sentence, but reproduce its function in the target language. To this group belong international words, some words of human perception, mental activity. Holden has just left his parents' apartment, following his conversation with Phoebe, and he is reaching a point of critical instability, is having just burst into tears when Phoebe lent him her Christmas money. harmony in order to life, The Importance of Stradlaters Composition in the Catcher in the Rye. It was the first time an author, dared to tell it how it really is and tried to open America's eyes to understand the thoughts of a typical adolescent teenager. The author used the next kind of epithets grand people (J. D. Salinger: 8) which is a simple epithet because is used by an adjective and a noun. The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. He feels like he has a duty to save other people from growing up and maturing. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. Intralinguistic transfer can also be illustrated by stylistic differentiation. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield. Not only poets and writers, but also journalists frequently create unexpected word combination that makes their statements significantly vivid and original. In conclusion, Salingers characters feel that society is hard and they have to go away. Modernism was distinguished by an emancipator met narrative. Once the translator has coped with this obstacle, the most frequent translation difficulties are of a semantic and cultural nature: "Linguistic untranslatability" (cognates, i.e. The ducks vanish every winter, but they return every spring, thus symbolizing change that isn't permanent, but cyclical. Every statement made about the work by a reader of the translation should also be true of the original text. In The Catcher in the Rye, why does Holden like Mercutio (from Romeo and Juliet) so much? The third reason presenting lexical difficulties in translation the difference in combinability. He thinks the line is If a body catch a body comin' through the rye, but the actual lyric is If a body meet a body, coming through the rye.. There are three symbols unparticular that are used most regularly in the novel. A list of personal pronoun is provided here: In Romanian variant of the The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger is presented the tendency to omit the subject pronouns or to use their presupposed noun, because the verb carries an enclitic subject. For example, his conversation with Carl Luce and his date with Sally Hayes are made unbearable by his rude behavior. Holden seems to feel increasing pressure as he moves toward leaving school, and Salinger manipulates the details of Holdens physical environment to match his protagonists feelings. This leads to the interpretation that using the same linguistic pattern denotes a more faithful translation. In short, must take into account all the above mentioned elements while translating the text. Use of short sentences and AND clauses that link short sentences: That isnt too far from this crumby place. Occasional meanings, suddenly originated in the context are not always arbitrary it is based into the semantic structure of the word. The second type of difficulty is distinguishing between various uses of a word of general vocabulary. By continuing well assume youre on board with our ; the person lost their job, the person got evicted, etc.). The main strategy used was the practical act of comparing the above-mentioned versions, focusing on the importance of Salingers writing style and use of language (already discussed in the first chapters), on discussing mainly the cases of misunderstandings and mistranslations, of problems of equivalence, of losses and gains, of linguistic untranslatability, of the translators visibility or invisibility in the TT, on accuracy in translation, adaptability, fidelity and faithfulness or infidelityall these cases seconded by examples in point and by my personal suggestions of other possible translations of certain (more challenging) words or passages from Salingers novel. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in: it's the world of his catcher in the rye fantasy, a world where nothing ever changes, where everything is simple, understandable, and infinite. On the one hand, despises his room mates and headmaster of Elton Hills prep school ,but does have a favorite teacher. In this chapter also will be exemplifies that Salingers fiction followed a chronological evolution, that there has been a well defined process of creating certain typical characters and that his characters evolved from the early prototypes in his short stories to the fully developed characters in his mature works, or even disappeared for good from his literary creations in a few cases. He shows that these symbols will change their lives for the better. Holden wouldn't stop talking about Jane and kept calling him a moron and insulting him Where did Holden go immediately after the fight? The pressure of adolescent sexualityan important theme throughout The Catcher in the Rye makes itself felt here for the first time: Holden's greatest worry is that Stradlater will make sexual advances toward Jane. But he refuses to acknowledge this fear, expressing it only in a few instancesfor example, when he talks about sex and admits that [s]ex is something I just don't understand. He feels guilty that he, who lives because he is not sick like Allie was, is inferior and stupid. In contextual usage of a word in poetry or prose often point to the authors penetration into the depth of the words semantic structure. Sometimes in translation, the translator will face some problems related to the equivalences of source and target languages. This is not always so obvious. This shift is central to Modernism. Every word in a language carries some concrete notion. Lexical peculiarities that characterise this novel and the style of the author are Themes, Motifs and Symbols which are one of the major and that could be easily identified in the novel The Catcher in the Ray by J. D. Salinger. creating and saving your own notes as you read. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. ), and "cultural untranslatability," (idioms, sayings, proverbs, jokes, puns, etc.). Free trial is available to new customers only. Because people are unpredictable, they challenge Holden and force him to question his senses of self-confidence and self-worth. The only instances that create problems for the translator are the stable, recurrent lexical idioms that for their metaphorical meaning do not rely only on the readers logic at the moment of reading but also, and above all, on the value that such a metaphor has assumed in the history of the language under discussion. The writings of the Salinger become very important for this time period, because he goes against the grain of society to show how it is wrong. However, our English teacher was a belligerent person who claimed to know the 'mind of the writer' and claimed to have know him . In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Mr. Antolini's quotation, from a psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Stekel, mean? Salinger had a very big number of important influences as Kafka, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Keats, Lorca, Rimbaud, Burns, Jane Austen or Coleridge. Idiom generally have three characteristics: Translation is an exacting art. Thus when comparing stylistic devices we can easily identify complete correspondence, partial correspondence and even sometimes absence of correspondence and their functions. The fact that this test again depends on speakers' judgments about relatedness, however, means that this test for polysemy is not infallible, but is rather merely a helpful conceptual aid. Holden tells us the symbolic meaning of the museum's displays: they appeal to him because they are frozen and unchanging. In translation, both the source language and the target one are important. You can use it as an example when writing The reader is intrigued by the dramatic aspect of the quarrel with Stradlater and hardly realizes that he is being cunningly conditioned to believe that Holden is capable of writing "The Catcher in the Rye," a book full of subtle observations about people and about life in general. An opaque expression may be easier to translate than a transparent one. Rev. As suggested by Kussmaul (1995), it is a good practice to classify the kinds of errors/difficulties. Consequently, Holden tries to punch him, but Stradlater wrestles him to the ground and puts his knees on his chest. Up home we wear a hat like that to shoot deer in, for Chrissake, he said. If you do, you start missing everybody"? Holden's deep unresolved sadness over the loss of his brother, a person he tells us was better than him,who should not have died at such as young age, indicates that he feels a sense of guilt over being alive Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead.One of the central Holden watches from the hill because he doesn't want to go down and see the students. Ackley's room Copyright 2023 Literary Devices. After Stradlater asks the expelled Holden to write a composition for him because he "doesn't know where to put the commas," Holden writes, "That's something else that gives me a royal. There are different types of lexical difficulties in translation and the main of them are: A polysemy is a word or phrase with multiple, related meanings. Holden's deep unresolved sadness over the loss of his brother, a person he tells us was better than him,who should not have died at such as young age, indicates that he feels a sense of guilt over being alive Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead.One of the central questions that Holden asks in the book, and never receives a satisfactory answer to, is how can a young person die and the world, his family, accept it and move on with their lives. Holden decides to write about his dead brother's baseball glove because he is deeply depressed about his death and has not come to terms with his grief over the loss of his brother. ( http://www.script.com:p.15) from this example is well seen that the author used one of the meanings of the word kid. Slang- is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation. Holden decides to write about his dead brother's baseball glove because he is deeply depressed about his death and has not come to terms with his grief over the loss of his brother. Holden has to be in the mood to do anything. Allie's glove, with the green writing on it, is symbolic of isolation. The Catcher in the Rye and J. D. Salinger were very popular among young people because his rich and fresh vocabulary, full of slangs, connected with the teenagers; in the Fifties, there were a lot of articles about The Catcher Cult. They talk, argue, and then reconcile, and Phoebe asks Holden what he wants to do with his life. Does Mr. Antolini really make a pass at Holden? The writings of Salinger, while they may have been excellent in style, have become very controversial for what he has portrayed in the society during this time period, The Catcher in the Ray is a writing of a well-known American writer J. D. Salinger that is marked by a lot of characteristics of Salinger writings. The Romanian version tends to add words or phrases to the TT. By throwing a tantrum. Throughout the novel, Holden seems to be excluded from and victimized by the world around him. And hes also an important influence for writers as Harold Brodkey or the two Pulitzer Prize- winners John Updike and Philip Roth. Every translation activity has one or more specific purposes and whichever they may be, the main aim of translation is to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among peoples. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. From the investigated material can be concluded that in the well-known novel The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger can be single out the important features of the translation difficulties which are in a great number in this novel. What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? Of all the places in the novel where Holden discusses his hat, the most famous and recognizable symbol in the book, this is probably the most enlightening. Allie is a special person to Holden because of his intelligence and kindness, When Holden accepted the favor of writing Stradlater's composition, Holden has also accepted an obstacle in his time during his stay in Pencey Prep. Another important aspect of this chapter focused on the presentation of the major themes developed by Salinger in his novel, in the Nine Stories collection and in some of his mature and last publications until 1965 when he stopped publishing his writings. One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. Lexical peculiarities comprise the following difficulties: difference in the semantic volume of a word because a word exists in a close connection with the lexical-semantic system of a given language. Salinger probably wanted to establish a temporal perspective and not risk having the reader assume that Holden was writing something like a diary or journal. This first type of difficulty is the task of distinguishing between a use of a word as a specialized term and its use as a word of general vocabulary. Holden was very fond of his brother and discusses his reaction to Allies death. This quote shows that Holden wants to protect kids. He also feels that it is his duty to protect others and himself from growing up. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. It should be discussed cases of linguistic inconsistency in the Romanian version, such as the rendition of intonational stress. So it can be concluded that Salinger tries to explain what these three elements can do for search the true happiness. The many negative reactions were mainly caused by the social and political background of the postwar period, by misunderstanding the text, by misreading it, by associating the novel with famous criminals and the reading of the novel by the wrong audienceteenagers instead of adults. . The characters can only become happy if they isolate themselves from this society. The second problem consists in the identification of phraseologisms under a given entry: "to be between hammer and anvil" can be found under the words "between", or "anvil", or "hammer", or "be", but certainly if it is present under one entry it is absent in all the other entries, otherwise the dictionary would be too redundant. Log in here. D Salinger. Modernism as a literary movement is seen, in large part, as a reaction to the emergence of city life as a central force in society. Modernists shared a common purpose. This offends Stradlater, who refuses to answer. Some critics scolded the novel as being too pessimistic or obscene, too harsh for the society of the 1950's. . Hyperbole is a device which is sharpens the readers ability to make a logical assessment of the utterance. Salinger's writing style is pointed out through a very open and explicit way. The author used a lot of stylistic devices of these kinds in order to capture readers attention to the smallest elements used by the writer for pointing out those elements that could not be used without those peculiarities of Modernists writers. Several years before, Allie died of leukemia. Louis Menand agrees, writing in The New Yorker that Salinger "stopped writing stories, in the conventional sense. He seemed to lose interest in fiction as an art formperhaps he thought there was something manipulative or inauthentic about literary device and authorial control." They are eulogistic and ephemeral unless they become language metaphors by being diffused through popular speech and, later, the media. The conversation succinctly illuminates key aspects of Holden's character. In the case of non phraseological rendering, there are two possibilities: one can opt for a lexical translation or for calques. This is a shift from an epistemological aesthetic to an ontological aesthetic or, in simpler terms, a shift from a knowledge-based aesthetic to a being-based aesthetic. Modernist literature can be viewed largely in terms of its formal, stylistic and semantic movement away from Romanticism. Finding a good equivalence is an important job which the translator should care about it. Holden says he fought on D Day. The success of The Catcher in the Rye led to public attention and scrutiny: Salinger became reclusive, publishing new work less frequently. The author used the hyperbole which is deliberate overstatement or exaggeration and the aim of this hyperbole is to intensify the main features of the novel and to show its utter absurdity. (Chapter 16, page 121) Holden also mentions that he is troubled by the fact that he has changed every time he returns to them. Stuff, in reference to one's privates. Throughout the novel, Holden struggles through teenage life because he cannot accept the given responsibilities that come with growing up. Why? He asks Holden to write a composition for him for English. Loneliness supposes a change in life for too many characters. Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, where there is equivalence of the syntagmatic structuring of a text, i.e. Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language the source- and in the other language-the target. Drugs, used so as to be inconspicuous, but euphemistic. Distinguishing between various meanings of a word of general vocabulary. Because Holden depends on his isolation to preserve his detachment from the world and to maintain a level of self-protection, he often sabotages his own attempts to end his loneliness. The conclusion is that the Romanian translation played an innovatory role and an influential one in the literary system of the native country by breaking the norms of the TL, in order to render the stylistic qualities of the ST, and by introducing the use of slang language into Romanian, as a new and alternative means of expression. Salinger has the power to disconnect between his adorated teenagers and phony adults: he magnifies childrens intelligence; so we can say that the kind of language used in this novel is not monotonous. The ducks and their pond are symbolic in several ways. Holden is upset with the show more content Holden writes an essay for his friend Stradlater for school .Holden writes a composition about Allies glove and the writings on Allie's mitt . Modernists shared a common purpose. Ultimately Carl learns independence, to do with himself and the people around him. As he watches Phoebe sleep, Holden projects his own idealizations of childhood onto her. Holden is angry at his family for coping with Allie's death, he is angry at the world for continuing when his little brother died. While arguments attempt to show that something is, will be, or should be the case, explanations try to show why or how something is or will be. Holden gets up and goes into Ackleys room, his face covered in blood.

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why does holden write the composition for stradlater