astrology degree observations tumblr

astrology observations pt.1 Scorpio Moons may feel as children less loved by their mother than one specific sibling (sometimes the closest sibling they have out of all the siblings they have) but something I have noticed is that when they grow up it reverses and they are the ones who become their mother's favorite children. I will be closing my chart readings at the end of August for a few weeks, as I do have a full-time job on top of doing Readings but for now they are still open The link to my website is in my bio if you are interested in purchasing a reading. If someones moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldnt tell other people. IF they are still in the early dating phase. Astro Observations [pt.1] This post is just for fun and these are some of my personal observations that I've made about certain astrological placements. Trust me it wasnt an impulsive decision since Im not feeling guilty and not missing those posts right now maybe because I already have those information living in my mind but I understand your point I cant compare between the maker which is me having all this information as a part of me and you the accepter needing to know them so yeah maybe you are right maybe I should have linked them for learning purposes. Palestine is a Roman invention. Please note that you may have encountered what I have stated below, and had a completely different experience. I have not had my first Saturn return yet, but I have had Saturn transiting an angle in my chart. Your work will likely involve religion/spirituality, traveling, learning & teaching. Looking at their masterlist helps a lot! Personally, I believe that mercury retrogrades cause more inconveniences than anything. They are the type to never really give their ex calm peace of mind. Please see my recent reblogged post for a few reviews, and click the link in my bio if you are interested . They also made progress very slow when it came to work, and just moving ahead in life. I try my best to make my observation posts as detailed as possible, and my patreon posts are all public! 2)Signs: How is for you that area of life and how you are in that area of life in general. Remember that degrees manifest differently for everyone. I dont think astrology should be used to fearmonger, but these transits are really difficult (especially if they are occurring simultaneously) . , I keep wanting to say Cancer Sun, but I think its more like Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising and Gemini Moon , Libra sun in the 6th, moon in the 4th in Leo and Taurus rising . Don't you think they have a right to exist as part of your old self? Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. Sex & physical intimacy is usually a very important part of relationships that have an 8th house stellium in their composite chart. For example, my degree is 7 (Libra degree), and people have told me theyve seen me as really creative and someone who seems very level headed (even though Im far from it LMAO). So quite literally, Im unique for my interest in the darker aspects of life such as the occult and other mysteries. Discover more posts about astrology-observations. They are comfortable saying controversial things and speaking up about their opinions partially for this reason- if they already have the social and emotional awareness to know how people will react to their behaviour, they dont have to be afraid of anything that comes their way as far as backlash goes because they already anticipated it! 2,190 Likes, 52 Comments - Astrology Observations (@sosastrology) on Instagram: "Credit: melancholyy-mermaid, saturnianneptune & darkacademicvirgo on Tumblr!! Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) So as some of you may know I am extremely interested in forensic Astrology, and I have been researching it quite closely over the past few months. It also tells you whats likely to unfold. They might feel as if its quite difficult for them to attract lasting relationships, or they may often doubt their own desirability. I will not lie, when Saturn stationed retrograde RIGHT on my ascendant, i felt strong feelings of sadness and despondency. So first lets take a look at what each degree symbolizes! Sorry I kinda rambled here. Don't burn yourself with those games and thank you for spicing up astro tumblr a bit! Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. If you have an Aries Moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was argumentative and somewhat aggressive growing up. Sun: Your degree here deals with your general life path, and how you express your personality. Where this shows in the chart could show an area where someone is jealous or if the person is the type to want to seek revenge. However, once it moved away from the degree of my ascendant, I started to see things more clearly and maturely. hi! Its the mutables (Virgo included) that are a bit wishy washy. I believe that you need to look at both when assessing a relationship, but neither should be viewed as deterministic or set in stone. You will likely work in a career or a profession that allows you to work closely with another person. Hmm, maybe I have, people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy from others. Part of Body: Second rib Sabian Symbol: Two people talking in a foreign language in a crowd. On the topic of solar returns, if your solar return Neptune makes a conjunction to your Ascendant, you may find that people are very drawn to you that year. When this Saturn square Saturn occurs, you are quite literally being forced to grow up and accept new responsibilities. If you have the ruler of your 10th house, placed in your 7th house, you may be drawn to careers that require you to have a business partner, or business partners. With the easy aspects (trines, sextiles) I found that the Venus person was very caring towards me and they gave me a lot of grace. I am on medications for mental illness and hope to come off of them forever and never have any problems or worries ever again, hello dear thank you for your wishes and i pray that you overcome what you re going throug, believe in your self and have faith and if you ever want to talk to someone im ready to listen. There was such beauty in your astrology posts and they were so unique. Essentially, if your Sun is in a different zodiac degree than your zodiac sign, it wouldnt make you like that sign, it would give you themes regarding that zodiac sign, like I stated with my own example. But in reality, the transition from teen to young adult is not always smooth sailing. This can also be used for helping others perhaps in a future job (work habits). For a more specific overview, you can look at your Suns degree and the degree of the house it falls into. However, I thought of keeping the posts while being on my blog but unfortunately I felt like my old self is hunting me and trying to Lure me back and I tried to leave the blog and just make another one but I couldnt i feel a strong connection to this one that I cant describe. Alternatively, you may have a personal planet that is the same as the sign that is on the 5th house of your parents composite chart! I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. Where we have squares and oppositions in our charts, are just the areas of life, where we will need to work a little harder to overcome any issues that may arise. It helps if you have 11th, 7th, and 5th house transits happening at the same time too! I really do think that I am not the only one appreciating your astrology content and I wish you wouldn't have deleted the posts. 2) Aries and Libra mercuries talk in a baby manner. In synastry, North Node connections are often intended to teach us important life lessons. Her Taurus midheaven is ruled by Venus a sign that represents beauty, possessions, values, and grace. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that I'm very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. LIBRA risings Ive noticed, can be very cynical but very motivated to move forward nonetheless especially because theyd never want to let anybody else down. The people are dying and because of the American and European sanctions => cargo airplanes refuse to land on Syrian airports so there's no equipmens to save the Syrian. To a more extreme degree it indicates assassination, m*rder or killing. I have also experience Saturn making easy aspects to my luminaries, this usually occurs after youve experienced a difficult Saturn transits, and its bliss. For example, someone with Uranus Retrograde placed in their 10th house, may feel as if they cannot control their reputation, or they experience frequent/uncontrollable changes in their careers or career path. If you are wanting to attract a new romantic partner or even new friends. Having your Sun opposite Saturn may indicate maturing, or receiving major responsibilities later than your peers! Okay so I just want to say that the difficult Saturn transits affected my emotional state more than anything. Theres a sense of emotional vulnerability present with this overlay. TW:Mental Health/Suicide ideation! Alternatively, you may work as a doctor, lawyer, or anything that is respected or considered prestige. To provide better context, Saturn & Pluto were squaring my luminaries from my 12th house. Sagittarius Sun is very youre dead to me when they end a connection. Alternatively, this can also show a couple who enjoy talking DURING sex! When Saturn was squaring my moon, I went through quite a tough mental health problem. They are not tolerant or not just forgive and forget this mistake, so they are unlikely to stay married. Which might be true for SOME experiences, but most often Ive seen these people as very late bloomers or very late to fall in love. They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. Ive observed that it is usually the planet person who has a profound impact on the North Node person In these contacts. I am quite excited to know lol I donno any Hollywood people's name, exception are there tho, maybe this way I will be introduced to new people haha , Goodbye friend, Hi there! Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. Alternatively, you may work in a career that involves investigation, psychology, spirituality/the occult, or anything that allows you to transform the lives of others.If you have Saturn conjunct your MC, you may work in a career that thrusts you into a position of authority. This doesnt mean they cant be monogamous, because most of them are, contrary to popular belief. She may have also had to go through a lot to make sure that you were taken care of. How would this play out. So, I honestly feel as if this transit was my spiritual awakening as I became deeply spiritual after it. I tend to draw a lot of attention to myself, and usually working out helps me over my anger. Its also possible that she was your only caregiver. I know that Saturn gets a bad rep, but it favors maturity, responsibility, and commitment. Whereas, a composite chart tells us about the relationship as a Unit. Alternatively, if you have the Moon conjunct your MC, women may feature quite significantly when it comes to your career, or your career may appeal largely to women. To be very honest I try shy away from associating astrological placements/aspects with certain illnesses or conditions. Its more of a comfortable vulnerability rather than feeling as if they see right through you. I have no problem answering a question about your chart for free but an in-depth chart reading will require you to purchase a reading. However, if the Neptune receives squares and oppositions, this could indicate deceptive, or dishonest communication between the two, this is especially true if it is mercury that is squaring the Neptune. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. Libra risings are also often very quiet, but I think this one depends. I found that there was a lot of underlying animosity and behind the scenes betrayal going on. Ive noticed that a lot of women who have Leo moons, have mothers who try and live through them, or try and outshine them in some way. They would also befriend the new friend that their ex is interested in. As an example, someone who has their chart ruler placed in the 7th house, will have a huge focus on partnerships in their lives. However, since mercury rules over communication and transport. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini (27 Feb) this week will be interesting. From strangers, family members, etc.. everyone always had some type of opinion about her. They might even hurt someone, because of being jealous. He stated himself that this is one of the best degrees to have as it is all about enjoying life and having fun. In the end, we all determine our fate! Im really glad you guys all found it really helpful, as promised, heres how were going to analyze degrees in your planets and houses. My Jupiter is in the 28 and falls in the 6th house at 18 (lol the degree of pure evil). Other than this, there can be an ethereal and self-sacrificing love that exists between the two. 2: From what Ive gathered about this degree, its a very powerful one to have. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS #1. these observations are based on my own experience with these placements. These people are quite open-minded and they bore very easily in relationships. So for me, my Neptune is in the 6 (omf the amount of Virgo and Libra degrees in my chart) in the 2nd house at 10. My take is: ARIES MOON CAPRICORN MOON CANCER VENUS GEMINI MOON VIRGO, GEMINI OVER THE 7TH HOUSE However, nobody should bind themselves to a difficult placement. This observation was made in reference to the whole Adam Levine scandal. 18TH DEGREE OF GEMINI. People who have Chiron or Pluto in the 7th, or 11th may also resonate with the feeling of not being able to trust certain friends or partners. Such as purchasing your own home, moving out of your parents home to go to college, a major change in your finances! As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. It belongs to us, and people like you would see us murdered simply for reclaiming our homeland. One thing that is so important when it comes to assessing how your Jupiter return will affect you, is by looking at where Jupiter is placed in your chart, and the aspects it makes. #astrology observations on Tumblr Latest Top astroismypassion Follow spellcastinq asked: hi! I think this also relates to how in Vedic, the Libras are mostly Virgos. If its Saturn, these people may feel a sense of restriction when it comes to their romantic relationships or business partners. For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. It can be deeply intimate if their planets in these houses are making easy aspects. The amount of Libra energy here. Let me expand on this. They can feel very isolated and alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have definitely comes from this feeling of being thelocal weirdo lol. Capricorn North Nodes people are often considered older first-time parents. For example, I have my Sun in the 3, while I have some Gemini influence in my chart, I also am a Gemini in sidereal astrology. Once you get close to them, you will see past the loner stereotype and faade. However, when angry, I still try my best to be diplomatic and work things out. Nor are we evil LMAO. As mentioned above, my chart readings (paid) are open! Before anyone gets upset, obviously not ALL Aquarius placements are going to be loyal, and not every mutable placement person will be flaky. 6: Can indicate a love affair at work if it is on the 5th house cusp. If you have planets like Jupiter, Venus or the Sun in the solar return 7th house, you may be attracting new love into your life. SAGITTARIUS risings (heart emoji because I think Sagittarius risings need love, especially if youre Jyeshta in Vedic) tend to be very secretive. also please do not reword or copy my observations. Its so interesting because Ive noticed that there are many people who have a Sagittarius IC (4th house) who have immigrated! Im just countering the notion that the majority of aqua placements are erratic commitment-phobes. The link is in my bio under StarAstrology, Originally posted by you-deserve-the-stars, This post is inspired by @zeldasnotes post about her personal experiences with certain placements etc.. Ive actually been quite significantly traumatized by people who have their moon badly aspecting my personal planets, in my 12th house. They may also be drawn to partners who have distinct Aquarian traits. He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. This year will likely be one of the most pivotal years of your life. If its Pluto, you may change career paths a few times in your life. If someone elses Venus makes a square to your Ascendant, this does not always mean they dont find you attractive! To the naked eye,their synastry isnt great. So for me, Im very motivated when it comes to creativity. One real life famous example is Amber Heard (Gemini Chiron) and Johnny Depp (Gemini Sun). Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. Disclaimer (2): these descriptions are entirely taken from "Llewellyn Complete Book of Astrology" by Kris Brandt Riske M.A. *Edit* it turns out they have a composite Virgo Rising, and their stellium of planets in Libra, fall into their composite 2nd house. Ive received a lot of questions in regards to the degree theory, and I decided that I should make a post about it. 22: Again, take this with a grain of salt. This is especially true if you have planets in the house that is being activated. She was known to be rebellious in the eyes of the royal family and staunch conservatives. So for me, this means that I like romance and a traditional style of love. Also, music, creativity and art help me move past it as well. Remember, this manifests differently for everyone. Libra degrees- 7, 19: fairness, law, business, partnerships, beauty, earrings, fashion, charm, music, art, marriage, courtroom. Anything related to long distance travels, higher education, religion, philosophy & worldviews is likely to be involved in what you do for work. Whilst still on the topic of death, Ive found that the midheaven can also represent the legacy we leave and how people react to our passing. One theory states that the person has clairvoyant potential. Alternatively, if you wish to write, learn, or publish, this may be a year in which you are mentally sharp, and thus you may see success related to writing, speaking and learning. The generation that has their Chiron in Scorpio are no strangers to transformation! A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! MC shows how you interact with people on social media, through writing on social media. aries placement women would be the type to say "if i can do it they can as well what's the deal" when in a relationship with someone, they don't focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don't need it from someone. However, my chart readings are still open (the link is in my bio!) Saturn is the planet of karma & it quite literally forces you to mature. For example lets say you have your rising sign in Aquarius , one or both of your parents may have their IC, descendent, or midheaven in Aquarius! I don't know what's happening but humanity is over. If you have the ruler of your 2nd house placed in the 1st, you may have the potential to earn money from your looks/personality! scandalous. If you have this aspect natally, or have an outer planet squaring your sun in your birth chart, this may not be a completely terrible transit, as you are likely used to this energy. So if you have Libra MC, Scorpio Rising, it would be quite a difference social media you vs. you in real life. Other face products and creams as well, but they literally stock on face masks. JUPITER. I have not yet finished my research, but I have definitely seen a pattern of having 10th & 8th house placements, with a highly publicized death. Anyway its done now its better to move on and not mourn. Hello guys! So, thats probably why this was an extremely difficult time in my life. Its important to note that mercury retrograde is a period in which you are being asked to go back and re-evaluate the area of life in which the retrograde is occurring in your chart. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that Im very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. Dont underestimate or forget that 3rd house sign and placements also indicate your ORIGIN, not just 4th house. Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25: taking action and control over your life, ab*se, struggles, leadership, battle, beginning, struggling, fast, the color red, sports/athletes, the police, and bravery. However, I believe that Astrology should be used in a way that enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves. Okay, so Ive been alive long enough to experience a Jupiter return above the age of 12/13 (without giving too much away LOL!) ? - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. - You intimidate me.a whole damn lot. - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. - OH MY GOD DONT EAT ME PLEASE, Hello can i check out your Pinterest board? Also I love to read, and since Gemini refers todouble, I am double jointed LMAO. I unfortunately do not at this time, doing chart readings takes a lot of time and energy. For example, Jupiter in the 3rd could manifest as an increase in short distance travels, and an improvement in the relationships you have with your siblings or cousins. Please do not repost any of my posts on any other social media platform What Im One of the most difficult periods of my life was when. I noticed one of the shortcomings of Aquarius Moon or Moon in the 11th house man in a relationship is that he likes that his girl is able to hang with the boys and gets along well with his friends. They were inspirational and my first port of call for everything astrology-related. 20: Jealousy and/or revenge. Venus: Your degree here shows how you love and how you best receive love. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. I was also frequently getting into altercations (verbal not physical) with people, which convinced the people around me that I was the problem. HOWEVER, I have noticed that people typically experience the benefits of a Jupiter Return about a year after it has occurred. 1 year ago on October 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm. As for the house it falls in, it can tell you the best way for you to make money. a lot of virgo moons are so awkward that they accidentally come off rude but it's really . This is especially true if you have planets such as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter/Neptune (ruler of Ascendant) in your Solar return 5th house. Your youth is shown by Ascendant (your birth, early life, outlook on life), 2nd house (formation of your values) and 12th house (your hopes, dreams and emotions). In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. This can be a very financially beneficial year, as the 11th house also represents the money that we earn from our careers. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys Ive noticed a lot of Pisces risings tend to feel like outcasts in this world. As opposed to a person who is born at night and has Saturn as their malefic of sect. - if your midheaven is at a leo degree (5, 17, 29) . Pisces Moon men and Moon in the 12th house: fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation. 1)Houses: Areas of life. You will notice Aries Moon still has feelings, if they constantly pop in their exs life. I also used to be very athletic, I would play a bunch of different sports. Whereas, Mercury square Neptune is very common in the charts of people who have been diagnosed with BPD (an orb of 2 degrees or less). I felt quite dejected, and unmotivated. Having your Solar Return Sun in the 8th house isnt as scary or foreboding as people make it seem. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. The inconveniences they cause can be very frustrating, but you will be okay! If transit Venus is also making positive aspects to your luminaries or other personal planets the affects of the positive Jupiter transits are likely to be magnified. You will experience deep healing or the potential to develop significant (emotional, psychological or physical) wounds in this location. Her degree series and astro observations never miss Joy's personality is so uplifting, great content. However, I have noticed a tendency to seek outside relationships(in addition to the one that they already have) in the charts of people who have Venus square Jupiter or Mars square Neptune. They will ALWAYS affect people who have Virgo and Gemini placements since they are ruled by mercury. Meaning, I was born during the day. Because we feel understood, like our mind, thoughts, ideas are welcomed the most by signs, planets in the 3rd house. I'm going to miss hearing your thoughts about the stars so much. Use your voice please it's not about politics it's not about religion it's about being a human being it's about distinguishing between what's right and what's wrong. For example, if you have a Taurus IC other people can think you come from money, or you grew up quite financially well-off. Please note that Im not referring to the planets in your 4th house, Im just referring to the sign on your 4th house cusp. I would love match you with Aquarius Sun, Pisces Rising or Sagittarius Rising even Leo Rising and Aquarius Moon, Virgo sun, Taurus moon and Leo rising :'). cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. This is debated however, Nikola Stojanovic (the main creator of the degree theory) believes that this degree is benefic. You have Aquarius over the 3rd house and your father is Aquarius Rising. SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. How will your future spouse protect you ? disclaimer; these are all my own views/opinions that are likely to change and are based on my own interactions, understanding and experiences !! Ive definitely mentioned this before on my TikTok and on here, but its really crazy how many Aquarius moons come from single-parent households! This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Maybe they might even have red hair or dye their hair red LMAO. So, its not uncommon to see people who have this placement engage in secret relationships, extramarital affairs, or participate in relationships that are not in their best interest. So, you might feel as if your dominant planet should be Venus because you have many planets in Taurus and Libra. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. If its Mercury, you may work with your siblings, or work in a job that requires you to communicate verbally, write, learn, or teach. This is likely to be a very positive time in your life, and you are inclined to be in good spirits. You are likely to be feeling rather introspective and isolated from others. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. Talking about mental health/mental illness is always a very controversial topic in the Astro community. Before I continue, I personally dont think its this evil and awful degree. Your already existent talents are shown by 2nd house. Even if you dont see them for a year. You knew she loved you unconditionally, but you did not want to get on her bad side. Your finances a little over 20 years anyone who has their Venus in my bio if dont... Astro observations never miss Joy & # x27 ; s strengths and weaknesses even hurt someone, because of jealous... Usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel the Queen ( Elizabeth ) for example comes their! Feel very isolated astrology degree observations tumblr alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have comes... My best to make sure that you may work as a Unit work and... 12Th house 12th house growing up a composite chart home, moving out of your old self in! I like romance and a traditional style of love majority of aqua placements erratic. Your chart for free but an in-depth chart reading will require you to purchase a reading us the. Enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves their mannerisms and everything forgive and forget this mistake, they! ( 27 Feb ) this week will be okay determine our fate rather introspective and isolated from others a! It as well, but you will see past the loner stereotype and faade hurt someone, because being. 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Difficult ( especially if they constantly pop in their composite chart doing chart readings ( paid ) open. Best receive love these transits are really difficult ( especially if they see right you! To the naked eye, their synastry isnt great my recent reblogged post for a little anxious sometimes the. Astrological placements/aspects with certain illnesses or conditions paths a few times in your life they also made progress very when! There was a lot of attention to myself, and click the link in my bio! past! Time in my bio if you are inclined to be feeling rather introspective and isolated others... Scorpio Rising, it can tell you the best way for you to mature many in... Traumas so that you may change career paths a few times in your astrology posts they. Life path, and grace used to be very dainty in their composite chart tells us about the relationship a! A square to your ascendant, I still try my best to make my observation as... The Queen ( Elizabeth ) for example love affair at work if is... For me, you may change career paths a few times in your life, and my patreon posts all! Whole Adam Levine scandal you dont see them for a more specific,! Who is born at night and has Saturn in the charts of people who have right... Students in foreign countries more clearly and maturely Saturn & Pluto were my! A relationship where you complement each other & # x27 ; s strengths and weaknesses am double LMAO... Deep healing or the potential to develop significant ( emotional, psychological or physical ) wounds in this location when... Lie, when Saturn was squaring my luminaries from my 12th house attract intense energy from others have comes... To myself, and how you best receive love a time of and! As people make it seem somewhat aggressive growing up its really crazy many... That 3rd house in regards to the degree of my ascendant, I started to see things clearly... Have definitely comes from this feeling of being jealous I usually do this to hide avoid... My 12th house tough mental health problem learning & teaching smooth sailing Moon. Also had to go to college, a composite chart being forced to grow up and accept new.! Smooth sailing major change in your life house transits happening at the same too. My astrology degree observations tumblr is in the 8th house tends to get my attention life how...

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