james wilcott jfk assassination

There is a very large spider guarding this web of secrecy. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. CIA might handled any projects involving Oswald and for what purpose they might have used Oswald? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, not that I can recall. Mr. WILCOTT - We had -- in Utica there was a group called the Vietnam Educational Council, which was informed people, formed to inform people as to what was going on in Vietnam, and we didn't feel that there was coverage enough in the media as to what was going on, and the purpose of the Vietnam Educational Council was to inform people as to what was going on. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have any personal knowledge that any records at CIA Headquarters were ever destroyed? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And how did that come to your attention: Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were there any other times during your stay with the CIA at XXXXXXXXXX Station that you came across information that Oswald had been a CIA agent? When Doug Kellner answered the phone, I described to him the contents of the letter. Near the two freight elevators were Shelley and co-worker Billy Lovelady. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY He also claimed he had disbursed cash funds for Oswald or The Oswald Project. After his interview and testimony he was claims he was harassed by the federal government and put under surveillance. One man had blonde or light-brown hair, wore a white shirt, and was armed with a rifle. Also at this location were the office suites of eight schoolbook publishing companies, including Scott Foresman, Southwestern, Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill. Occupation of the building during the summer of 1963 could be a first step in a planning stage. Mr. GOLDSMITH - To your knowledge, would any records at CIA Headquarters document that Oswald was a CIA agent? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to check those particular files? Mr. CORNWELL - The cryptonym -- did you write it down at any point? ", and they might look it over and retype the accounting for funds for their project and, you know, make changes that they might think were in their interest to do. Mr. SAWYER - Could you tell us what those things consisted of? She said that there is a whole lot more to tell about the TSBD than what has been publishedthat the whole building should be suspected as more or less of a safe base to operate from that day in November 1963.[9]. Ms. Berning. Their whereabouts are completely unknown. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. The mayor, Mr. Sawyer, was Dominic Casaro. Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. This was making payments and keeping pay records. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you check any of the earlier books? Mr. DODD - Talking about hours afterwards or a day afterwards? These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. His information was that he had been unwitt. Mr. DODD - When you were told all of this? Since the CIA has the capability of engineering car crashes to look like accidents, Harriss name should be added to the list of mysterious deaths, along with Warren Commission witness Lee Bowers, who died when his car ran off the road and ran into a freeway abutment. Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, no. Mr. GOLDSMITH - You testified that your records were only kept for thirty days, is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - That was late '68 or perhaps early 1969. The Zapruder Film: An Investigative Report, Project Northwoods, Operation Mockingbird And The Assassination Of JFK MLK And RFK: An Investigative Report, JFK ASSASSINATION AND THE DAVID FERRIE FILES: - An Investigative Report With New And Related 2017/2018 JFK Document Releases, Wall Of Secrecy - Inside The JFK Assassination: - How James Angleton & William Harvey Set Up An Assassination Team Inside The CIA, Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Update your device or payment method, cancel individual pre-orders or your subscription at. Reminder warnings were given on an individual or a small group basis. His first day on the job was October 29, 1945. Please try again. Mr. DODD - When you decided to release that information? Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct. the day we would list all of the advances that were made in an advance book. Needless to say, she never did wear that dress. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, sir, I think of an agent as an actual employee of the Agency; we called them indigenous agents XX XXXXXX who were agents that were on a regular salary by the case officer who was running an agent, and then there were a lot of one-time informers or maybe one- or two- or three-time informers that were paid like maybe $50 or so to attend a meeting of a political party or something of that nature. Jerry Fox, SR Branch, Soviet Russia Branch -- In my letter to him, I praised him for his courage and expressed the hope that someday he might fill in the gaps of his story for the sake of history. Mr. GOLDSMITH - When was that? Mr. CORNWELL - However, I take it from the fact that, as you describe it, it wasn't always applied, that occasionally you did learn something about the identities of the persons or projects that the cryptonyms referred to; is that correct? Mr. DODD - You liked him? Mr. WILCOTT - Well, it has been difficult because people don't want to get involved, and people were scared. During this same time, I also met and spoke with relevant employees who later worked for Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor after the assassination of President Kennedy. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I was on security duty, and on security duty, agents were coming in and out of the station, and I pulled a lot of security duty, three and four nights right in a row, and pulled as much as 24 hours on weekends, and an agent would come back from meeting with somebody and he would be waiting for his wife to pick him up or would be waiting for a call from one of the indigenous agents that he was running and a lot of times conversations would be talked. (2009), James W. Douglass explains this in detail, including the James Wilcott story. The shot killed Dr. King. [5] Examination of city directories and phone books in the Dallas Public Library shows that the book depository and the publishing companies did not have the 411 Elm Street address until 1963. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And, Mr. Wilcott, is it true that you are a former employee with the CIA and that you are here today testifying voluntarily without a subpoena? Mr. DODD - I have just a couple of questions. heard it, that was not the first occasion on which you had seen it or heard it? Mr. CORNWELL - It was not normally part of your duties or the scope of the knowledge that you routinely acquired on your job, as I understand it, for you to know what the cryptonyms meant; is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. PREYER - And dozens of others talked to you in a general, speculative manner? Mr. CORNWELL - You had signed a secrecy oath while you were employed with the Agency? New York, 1989) p. 319. Please excuse this messy letter. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I never really looked. Mr. WILCOTT - I was afraid quite frankly. [15] Shelley testimony, Volume 6 of the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits on page 327, hereafter to be cited as 6H327. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. I made my call and left. Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct, sir. Mr. SAWYER - I noticed in somne of the information we are provided you say that following your leaving the CIA in 1967 or thereabouts, for a period of some three years or so, you were harassed by the CIA and the FBI and sabotaged, as I recollect it. He was still there when Garner retired in 1986. Afterwards, Joe visited him in his office and could hardly believe the change that came over him. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes; it is my belief that he was a regular agent and this was a regular project of the Agency to send Oswald to the Soviet Union. Mr. DODD - Am I to presume that you told your wife of the conversation you had with this case officer at the time it occurred? If you should need to contact me, you may do so in care of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal newspaper in Lubbock, Tx. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So basically, you checked only one of the advance books, is that correct? Did you cover this ground? He was sickly looking, and, like his father, had lost weight. All visits to the building must be strictly business-related. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Mr. SAWYER - Do you distinguish between an agent and a paid informant or do you use those terms interchangeably? [16] At the same time, the president of the company, Jack Cason, spent five days a week, Monday through Friday, in uniform at Fort Wolters at Mineral Wells (80 miles west of Dallas). James Earl Ray fired one shot at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Those generations who were there in 1963 are grateful that people like you are continuing the pursuit and taking another look at events which may have been too shocking for the rest of us to ever fully comprehend. Mr. WILCOTT - I am sorry, sir; I lost the thread of your question. Considering the noise of gun blasts and the uproar going on outside, it is odd that Oswald continued to be unconcerned. Mr. CORNWELL - I have no further questions. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, George Breen, again, after we came back from XXXXXXXX, for instance, XXXXXXXX was a person that I knew before I had gone to XXXXXX Station, and I met with him, and I had dinner at his house with his wife and my wife. He also sent a copy of the letter from Blakey as well as a 1978 article from the Dallas Morning News concerning the aforementioned Carolyn Arnold, who states she definitely saw Oswald in the second-floor lunchroom at 12:25 pm. She told a reporter that the FBI falsified her statement to read that she thought she caught a fleeting glimpse of Oswald on the first floor at 12:15.. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. Joe died on August 29, 2001 at the age of 55. In November 1963, on the Friday before Thanksgiving, President Kennedy was riding in a Lincoln convertible rolling through the streets of Dallas. I remember hearing about some CIA people who had somehow helped the right-wing Minute Men in Texas to get arms, originally intended for the invasion. Among the Dallas individuals and companies engaged in supplying arms to Cuban exiles and the Minute Men might have been the ones occupying the building at 411 Elm Street. Mr. PREYER - The committee will resume. There were, as I recall, three men there, all I think in shirt sleeves. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I think we had better go over that one more time. Mr. GOLDSMITH - With whom? I must admit that my own fear of getting involved in the investigation has prevented me from writing you earlier. Earlier that year, he graduated from Crozier Technical School in Dallas. Currently he has been studying the Zodiac Killer case and writes for a website called zodiackilleridentified.com. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Conditions at home and at work put a severe strain on Joes parents. Mr. CORNWELL - On any other occasions? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. [10] Larry Ray Harris at the age of 44 died in an automobile accident on October 5, 1996. Mr. WILCOTT - The first time I heard about Oswald being connected in any way with CIA was the day after the Kennedy assassination. [17] Gladys Cason, One Life, self-published book, 2004, pp. Mr. WILCOTT - That is right. But their manner was very relaxed. How long were the XXXXXXXXX cash disbursement files or records retained? Mr. DODD - How long had you been married by the way? about it & possibly do a story on it. Mr. WILCOTT - My current one that I had on my counter. Mr. GOLDSMITH - At the time you went to look at the book, Oswald was already dead is that correct? Mr. DODD - After the assassination actually occurred? This was all cash payments and record keeping for the station. Like Frazier, who was eating lunch in the basement, Oswald went to the first-floor lunchroom to eat his lunch. Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Mr. WILCOTT - No, I didn't. My actions were less courageous than they were the result of being nave. In 1947, the year when the CIA was formed, the Dallas city directory lists William Shelley as a clerk for the Hugh Perry Book Depository (the old name for the Texas School Book Depository), and that he had a room at 515 Martinique Avenue. Other people who worked at the book depository suffered as well. Mr. CORNWELL - Perhaps I can rephrase the question and get more pointedly what I need without running into the problem that you see. Dr. King was killed by one rifle shot fired from in front of him. Why this information would.come out to a CIA station XXXXXXX rather than some other part of the world is, I assume, because Oswald was trained in Japan, according to your belief. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is that explanation? files -- my internal files, prior to the end of the month. Mr. WILCOTT - It was right at my window, my disbursing cage window. 2 AM, Nov. 23. Mr. CORNWELL - Do you have any knowledge, based upon your tenure XXXXXXX as to who would have trained Oswald in the Russian language if that occurred? Mr. PREYER - And you did mention the case officer who came in and told you that the money he had drawn out a few weeks earlier was drawn out for Oswald? When I got to the phone, two of the lines were lit up. Mr. CORNWELL - Did you -- at the time you made the decision to discuss outside of the Agency this matter, did you focus on the secrecy oath problem? Mr. CORNWELL - What, if any, investigation did the Agency do with respect to that? (SIG) in CIA Counterintelligence held a 201 file on Oswald in the three years prior to JFK's assassination. All that I knowand the attending dead endswere passed along to a researcher and author in Dallas a few years ago. Mr. PREYER - And Miami, was that comparable in size? Mr. WILCOTT - All of the people that we mentioned in the case. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Well, in other words, if you got the information three months after the assassination, Oswald had already been dead for three months, is that right? From about January of 1960 to about June of 1960, I was transferred to Finance Field Payroll, also, in this same building, on the Potomac. Years later, I found out that he moved to Austin, Texas, where he began working for the Austin American Statesman in 1979. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have anything to add in response to that question? As Rose points out, this is a bit odd also, since most of the building witnesses were taken to the sheriffs office, which was much closer to the TSBD than police headquarters. Mr. WILCOTT - Anything they had there would have -- sometimes they used as many as two or three different cryptonyms and they would have -- it all depended on how far they wanted to isolate it from the original source, from the original source as to where the project was run. Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, sat in front of them. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY . Shelleys claim that he was an intelligence officer would make sense if, as an ROTC lieutenant, he received intelligence training and perhaps even given some assignments in counterespionage. Mr. WILCOTT - I really didn't think that the Warren Commission was out to really get at the facts, and I am not, saying that they purposely did anything, because I don't know, and maybe they did or maybe they didn't, but certainly, they didn't impress me as really trying to scrutinize the evidence that there was. In April of 1966, I resigned from the CIA. Wilcott worked in the accounting department and was in charge of disbursement of cash funds. There is a very large spider guarding this web of secrecy. That was the SR branch which had all of the projects having anything to do with the Soviet Union. Mr. DODD - And she was aware of it from 1964 up until 1968 -- Mr. CORNWELL - Last November? Mr. WILCOTT - Certainly with George Breen, XXXXXXXXXXX the circle of social friends that we had. Mr. CORNWELL - What group was it? On many occasions he had conversations with CIA personnel concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's employment as a CIA agent. Common to both the 1977 and 1989 letters are the strange men asking strange questions. She & her husband left Dallas shortly afterward. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. [28] A roll call of warehouse employees seemed to indicate that Oswald was indeed absent. At the end of the hallway to his right was another door. Butler said that the 411 Elm Street building was vacant for at least a year after his company moved out. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, did I ask you to prepare a list of CIA Case Officers working at XXXXXXXXX Station in 1963? Mr. WILCOTT - No. Mr. WILCOTT - I believe that Oswald was a double agent, was sent over to the Soviet Union to do intelligence work, that the defection was phoney and it was set up and that I believe that Marina Oswald was an agent that had been recruited sometime before and was waiting their in Tokyo for Lee Harvey Oswald. Unknown adversaries tormented Cason so much at his home on Druid Lane, that he was forced to relocate to another part of the city. It doesn't have every one. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. I am afraid we are going to have to leave to make this vote right now. He said there were two musicians who had been with the band since the beginning and he would speak to them. They appear to be members of the security staff described by Joe Bergin, Jr. Glazes letters add a further detail that they were members of the FBI. Mr. CORNWELL - Do you recall whether or not you used that in the process of looking through the 30-day book you described? We are operating under House Resolution 222, which mandates the Committee to conduct a full and complete investigation and study of the circumstances surrounding the assassination and death of President John F. Kennedy, including determining whether the existing laws of the United States concerning the protection of the President and the investigatory jurisdiction and capability of agencies and departments are adequate in their provisions and enforcement; and whether there was full disclosure of evidence and information among agencies and department of the United States Government and whether any evidence or information not in the possession of an agency of department would have been of assistance in investigating the assassination and why such information was not provided or collected by that agency or department, and to make recommendations to the House if the Select Committee deems it appropriate for the amendment of existing legislation or the enactment of new legislation. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, it is your testimony that, once you left the XXXXXXXX station, people, both at headquarters, in Langley, and at the Miami Station, made references to Oswald being an agent, is that correct? Since a cubic foot of books is about 25 to 30 pounds, a box such as this, when loaded with books, would have weighed around 375 to 450 poundstoo heavy to manage with a handcart. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Mr. CORNWELL - When this cryptonym was given to you by the officer, did any part of it ring any familiar note with you? Mr. DODD - Did anyone else at the Agency know of your views at the Agency and did you communicate with other people about your dissatisfaction? Mr. PREYER - Thank you. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And you have had access to the cash disbursement files at XXXXXXXXXXXXX Station? Was there something more to this move than meets the eye? He followed environmental concerns and space exploration, and he enjoyed playing and watching sports. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. Fritz was on the sixth floor examining the scene when Truly told him of this. It has been directed to the Deputy Chief Counsel in charge of the investigation for his review. It was about XXX I think, was our actual roster was. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And when you testified earlier that you learned Oswald's cryptonym, by that do you mean that you learned both Oswald's personal cryptonym and his project cryptonym, or was it one of the two? TESTIMONY OF JAMES B. WILCOTT, A FORMER EMPLOYEE OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: Mr. GOLDSMITH - For the record, would you please state your name and address and occupation? It achieved commercial success in 1970 with a hit song called "Mr. Bojangles. In 1992, the band was still active, touring the country and recording albums. He learned this after the fact through various sources within the Agency, who all recognized what had happened after the assassination and the association of Oswalds name with the crime. Mr. WILCOTT - Destroyed or changed. He passed away on November 15, 2019, after a fall causing brain injury. There is an interesting paradox about this issue. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you bring that list with you today? From June of 1964 to about December of 1964, I was at Roseland. (Whereupon, a brief recess was taken.) EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. WILCOTT - Gordon Finch. . December 30, 2005 in JFK Assassination Debate Share Followers 0 Posted December 30, 2005 I started to read through the HSCA testimony of James Wilcott on the History Matters website, and ran across this line on page 1: "Approximately April-June, 1963, Cryptonym for Oswald Project approx. Mr. WILCOTT - No. And during that period, I had been promoted, GS-7 and also gained a career status. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And who made these references to Oswald being an agent of the CIA? This we concluded from putting various pieces of information together. There was a person, Dave, who was a Deputy Chief. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why would anyone have shared this particular information with you? We had accountings, or we had audits about every two years, and then then files that I kept the requests for advances, the details of the accountings that were done usually on a monthly basis by the XXXXX Station Branches, would be destroyed and then they would be -- and, in fact, I helped destroy them. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. His mother was a strong, confident woman before the assassination, but afterwards she suffered a complete breakdown in her health and had to be hospitalized. We think our readers would be interested in reading his evidence./p>, (Click here to open the document in another page.). Did you contact any CIA officer or employee with respect to the secrecy oath and discuss with them whether or not you should be permitted to discuss these matters outside of the Agency? He kept his pocket calendars from his years of employment, and he noted when the grocery company moved out of the building to a new facility in another part of Dallas. 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james wilcott jfk assassination