list of discworld characters

The place where he lived had been in the middle of a war zone. Watson, J., Lydon, S. J. and Harrison, N. A. Adora has returned to running the Clacks service running it as her father did. The miniseries was produced by The Mob Film Company and Sky One and it combined both The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. He is a clerk who wants to be a Barbarian Hero and is currently half-way through a book on the subject, which includes a table of wandering monsters and tends to resemble a Dungeons & Dragons manual. She has a prominent role in The Light Fantastic and a small cameo in Eric. The D'regs are a nomadic and warlike people who inhabit the desert regions of hubward Klatch, in particular the lawless borderlands between Klatch proper and Hersheba. Rincewind, of course, remains immovably convinced that Twoflower's IQ is comparable to that of a pigeon. This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 15:11. Ironically, despite his rather feminine manner and distinct lack of martial prowess (the expression "a big girl's blouse" is British slang for a wimp), he turns out to be one of the few characters in the novel who is genuinely male. Mrs Palm was considered almost a witch by Granny. His incarnation of Jeremy had romantic inclinations to Myria LeJean, the first embodied Auditor, who shared the feeling but was not able to express it, due firstly to Jeremy's nullification and secondly due to her committing suicide via 10,000-gallon vat of chocolate at the end of Thief of Time. General Callus Tacticus was a soldier of the Ankh-Morpork Empire, and is widely proclaimed to be the greatest general of all time. Blouse's ambition is to have an item of clothing or a food named after him, in the manner of many famous military men. He had trained in Klatch, where he had learnt techniques other Morporkian surgeons distrusted, but which kept patients alive for longer than it took to pay the bill. Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks, amazing him; he names her "Spike" out of fondness. A character in Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi is a thin, shouty soldier who loves to terrorize new recruits. He is killed by Vimes during the fire at the Unmentionables' headquarters. She is an extraordinarily untalented singer, but the management favours her because of her beautiful appearance and because her father lent a good deal of money for the purchase of the Ankh-Morpork Opera House. THE NIGHT IS OLD. 1.1 Main continent; 1.2 Klatch (continent) 1.3 Counterweight Continent; 1.4 XXXX; 1.5 Sunken Continent of Ku; 1.6 Miscellaneous Islands; 2 Associated Dimensions; The Discworld Main continent. In Making Money, Groat was left in charge as acting-Postmaster General while Moist von Lipwig assumed his de facto position as chairman of the Royal Bank of Ankh Morpork. He chose the latter, earning the grudging respect of Vetinari for staying true to his beliefs about choice. The books can be read in any order but for ease we have . His final thought in the novel is, 'This is ing good wood!". In self-imposed exile from his background of wealthy nobility, especially his father Lord de Worde, William works hard (and with varying degrees of success) to cast off the influence of his father, Lord de Worde, an arrogant speciesist,[11] In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War), how to play bridge. Also known as Mad or Psychoneurotic Lord Snapcase. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. He carries an old boot on a stick, so muggers desperate enough to try to rob the beggars often find themselves being kicked on the top of the head by a man 3 feet tall. He passed his final exam by a fluke, having already decided he was not going to kill anyone. He first appeared in Night Watch, as a backstreet "pox doctor", offering medical assistance to "seamstresses". She also has a fixation for the colour pink. Ly is arguably the greatest philosopher on the Disc, although he is usually the one arguing for this. Books published by his company include The Joye of Snacks by A Lancre Witch and the Ankh-Morpork Almanack. 5. A chorus singer at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House, Christine is a pretty, thin blonde with a tendency to wear white and use exclamation marks at the end of every sentence. Mr Pin is the brains of the New Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in The Truth. The recent news that . Rosemary Palm is similar to real-life brothel owner, Lou Graham, whose employees were officially accredited as "Seamstresses". He only had a sword theatrically thrust under his armpit, but, according to the witches present, failed to notice this. Harry keeps ferocious mongrel guard dogs on his property. Over the course of the book, the Fool meets and falls in love with Magrat Garlick and stands up to the Duke, admitting he saw the murder of Verence I. Theda claims Mrs. Cosmopilite would not mind Victor Tugelbend coming with her up to her roomassuming they would be going up for sex, but they had a different reason. The other seven personalities are very careful to keep him buried. When Duke Felmet murders King Verence and takes over the small country of Lancre on the Discworld, three witches are involuntarily tasked with protecting the king's baby son. Aaronovitch has confirmed that C!Mot is intended as a parallel Dibbler, although how similar he is to the original (since the People have an entirely non-capitalist society) is unknown. Everyone knows Lu-Tze's name as one of the best monks on the field, but few realise who he actually is. As Nobby Nobbs put it after being told of the 'Soggy Mountain Dew' claim of '150% proof', "It ain't got no proofjust circumstantial evidence.". In Interesting Times, it is revealed that he eventually became the commander of the Watch in an unnamed city. Brutha is a faithful and dutiful lad, word perfect on Omnian religious texts on account of his eidetic memory but unable to read or write. The main character in Monstrous Regiment. It is revealed after time stops that he can make his own time, and pairs up with Susan Sto Helit to stop the Clock. The name might be a possible reason as to why Death chose Mort as his apprentice. The book relating his journey across the Discworld is considered a revolutionary pamphlet in his native land as it is traditionally believed (and officially decreed) that the world outside of the Empire is a hellish wasteland populated by "bloodsucking vampire ghosts", resulting in him being imprisoned in the Forbidden City. It is now believed that they are enjoying a relationship, as she was seen walking with him. There are very few historical records of Lord Snapcase's tyranny. The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. Guards!). Ron's smell has become strong enough to not only melt earwax but to acquire a separate existence. Swallow-Me-Own-Blowdart Dhlang-Dhlang sold green beer, location unknown but suspected to be tropical rain forest, possibly Howondaland. Secretary to Patrician Vetinari of Ankh-Morpork, following the death of Lupine Wonse. 72 Sacharissa Cripslock 73 Seldom Bucket 74 Sergeant Jackrum 75 Stanley Howler 76 Tacticus 77 Tawneee 78 Theda Withel 79 Tolliver Groat 80 Traveling professionals 81 Trevor Likely 82 Twoflower 83 Verence II of Lancre 84 Victor Tugelbend 85 Vorbis 86 Wallace Sonky 87 Walter Plinge 88 William de Worde 89 Willie Hobson 90 Willikins Explore our exclusive range of sculpted Discworld characters and creations for your bookshelves, designed in our studios and created by the finest fantasy artists and craftsfolk . However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. They can, however, toy with this rule; Samuel Vimes passed one of their many cultural "tests" by refusing to eat the sheep-eye soup traditionally offered foreigners to see if they'd go for it. The Djelibeybian priests thought she would be easy to control. This could also imply that Hrun eventually split up with Liessa. On his first appearance in the series he is already an old man, but still tough enough to handle anything the world can throw at him; his opponents often underestimate him because of his age, realizing too late that a man who does for a living what Cohen does and nevertheless survives to such an age must be very good at it indeed. Hrun's fate after this is unknown. Mr Hong never appears in any of the books, having (apparently) died before the start of any of the stories, but appears to form an important part of Ankh-Morpork's collective memory. One of the rare Discworld short stories, "Troll Bridge", tells of Cohen setting out to slay a troll, only to end up reminiscing with it about the good old days when things were black and white and everyone respected the traditions. This is best described as 'the feeling you've been kicked in the head this way before'. He and Laddie blow up the Odium picture-throwing pit during the disrupted premiere of Blown Away to kill a creature from the Dungeon Dimensions and the destroy the portal created by the "click"; being left for dead, he climbs out of the wreckage and reverts to being a normal dog when the Holy Wood Dream ends. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. At the end of the book Verence I's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne. Appears in The Truth, Going Postal and Making Money. He is also the author of The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking. Ghenghiz Cohen, known as Cohen the Barbarian, is a hero in the classical sense, i.e., a professional thief, brawler, and ravisher of women. In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Drumknott is portrayed by Steve Pemberton. All Votes Add Books To This List. Carcer's full name was shown in a preview of Night Watch to be Carcer Dun, but this was never revealed in the completed book. He appeared in Eric and is briefly mentioned in Pyramids. This allowed Mort to stay in the world of the living. In Going Postal this is the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. In Men at Arms, he was mentioned as having a cruet set designed by "Bloody Stupid" Johnson (where, due to Johnson's ineptitude with geometry meant that they are used as storage silos), and in Feet of Clay, he was mentioned to have made his horse a city councillor. In Soul Music he is possessed by "Music with Rocks in" and becomes the Disc's greatest musician under the name Buddy in the Band with Rocks In along with Cliff and Glod, before dying in a cart crash (a reference to Buddy HollyImp's name translates as "bud of the holly". In The Light Fantastic, Cohen helps the other two protagonists, Rincewind and Twoflower, save a seventeen-year-old girl named Bethan, who was to be offered as a sacrifice. He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. His personalities 'voted' to decide whether to act as street vendors of The Ankh Morpork Times (in The Truth) and Andrews held up five fingers to indicate the outcome of his personalities' decision. The first tourist ever on the Discworld, he wrote "What I Did on My Holidays" after his return to the Empire. From then on, he renounced his clowning heritage, and went to work at the bank. This theory is borne out by the appearance of several versions of Dibbler throughout the Discworld series: Other Dibbler equivalents include Ratonasticthenes from Ephebe, mentioned in The Science of Discworld. Gaspode both resents canine subservience to humanity and yearns for masterly companionship, being able to shout commands at dogs as would a human, much to his disgust. Life seemed to be going well for Lewton. This incident was reported in The Ankh Morpork Times, and a widow approached him, swayed by 'a man who knows his hygiene.' In addition to social philosophy, Ly is also a proponent of natural philosophy. An Ankh-Morpork businessman who runs Hobson's Livery Stable, a multi-storey construction which sells and hires horses, as well as stabling other people's horses. He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. He took pride in being pathologically careful about everything, running Ankh-Morpork as a police state, with his dreaded Cable Street Particulars, under the command of Captain Swing, causing dissidents to disappear. Generally he relies on the fact that no-one notices a sweeper, a well-honed ability to talk his way out of anything, and "Rule One", which states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men", since such a person is almost always a highly trained martial artist due to the Disc's law of narrative causality. As a boy, he "messed around in boats". The management has her lip-synch on stage to the voice of Agnes Nitt, otherwise known as Perdita X. Nitt. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. Period. This is a list of characters from the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien, which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. A ruthless businessman with a piratical appearance, including an eyepatch and a cockatoo that, instead of saying "pieces of eight", said "twelve and a half percent" (that is, one eighth), he was a shameless con-artist and fraudster whose business style was described as playing "find the lady with entire banks". When she foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian are passing close to her mountain country. Additionally, in Discworld Noir, CMOT Dibbler is mentioned in the game on an Octarine Parrot bill and is said to be the one who gave Lewton his imp-powered coffee machine. C K (Caimh) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer. Liessa is never seen or mentioned after this. In the miniseries, rather than vanishing, Bethan and Cohen show up at the docks, already married, to bid Twoflower goodbye as he heads back home. However, Pratchett has denied any conscious reference in this case.[7]. The first king to leave the kingdom, he was trained at the Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild. Terry Pratchett. Actor David Bradley played Cohen in the 2008 The Colour of Magic miniseries. In the same book, he assists Granny Weatherwax in recovering from a vampire attack, though he clearly understood his life was in danger at that point. Initially cautious, she eventually relents and allows Juliet follow her dream. 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list of discworld characters