ncis fanfiction tony feels unwanted

You want to set the precedent that anytime someone is unprofessional in this organization that its okay to violate procedure, essentially abandon your post, and leave another agent without backup?, You dont think McGee and David pull their share of stunts? Yeah! Dammit! It had been a long week but the case was solved and Tony could relax. Every time you ignore what Ive told you it proves you shouldnt be here. He closed the phone before she could say anything else. But it was wearing thin. What the fuck had happened to Tony? Its good to see you., Yeah, I get it. Thats an order.. The repairs and replacing were originally supposed to be done over a week ago but the latest estimate was another two weeks or more. I - no, they - we tease one another. Try again.. No. Pingback: Cover Art for Restoration by Jilly James | Lilith Silver. I need you to trust me when I say well talk about it tomorrow., Gibbs chest felt tight for an entirely different reason. And that was more than enough. Then shed dropped off the grid and no one, to Gibbs knowledge, knew what she was up to, though she was supposedly still in the US. Hope you start the new year in better health. And obviously, his old frat brother hadnt told Kate where his nickname actually came from or this discussion would have been highly different. 1.2K Stories. Tony had no hard feelings and grabbing a drink to catch up was a good thing in his mind. Ten minutes later, he had passed off the consent forms and was working on DiNozzos personal information and medical history; and there was too damn much of that as far as Gibbs was concerned. I mean, Id like to date you. Anyway this was wonderfulthank you! I dont know about McGee. Well then, I shall field her inquiries. From what hed been told, Tony had woken once in recovery and not since, though they would get insistent about trying to rouse him soon. He dealt with it all the time, and all different manifestations of the emotion, but the anger that accompanied betrayal was particularly difficult for him to swallow. Me? he asked incredulously. Dumbass., Tony shook his head. They only briefly touched on the surveillance duties, more focused on what happened after they were both detained. May 25, 2012. She straightened her spine. Ive been tracking your phone., His jaw was clenched so tight, he was lucky he didnt break teeth. Aside from Tony being hurt, the most maddening thing was that Gibbs had no idea why. And when the FBI had tossed him onto the highway, Agent Axelrod had been hit by the gurney. OH, line Abby up next to him while were at it. They cant get enough of me, Tony whispered for his teams benefit. Yeah, I know.. Howd he come out alive after going toe to toe with a Kidon assassin? Most of it was over Gibbs head, but he got her to agree to discuss it with Ducky, who would be back at the end of the work day. So you see, Tony, from everything Ive heard, it doesnt look good for them. Are we to be interrogated now? David snapped. Pretend Im making you write a report., Tony made a face. You mean you want to lick your wounds in private, he returned bluntly. Thank you. Come on in., Tony relocked the door behind them and gestured to the sofa. I will remain for another hour or so, but then must be going. It could provide a better angle from which to fire upon the drug runners as well as spread out the target so they weren't all concentrated on the car. He didnt ask Tony to quit or whine about it or anything like he knew several of his colleagues got from their significant others. When Tony wasnt feeling guilty about Abby, he was angry at her, and with his moods so unsteady, he hadnt asked to see her. Ive never been a chatterbox, and never will be, but I will talk to you if its what you want, he said leadingly. I certainly could see what you meant about her attitude. Tomorrow, you need to go to Vance and explain to him that youve been tracking my movements and why., I cant! she responded sounding horrified. His lack of trust and dislike of other agencies or departments getting involved in his cases had translated to some degree into her disdain. Of course, I think youre a fool to have it anyway, because actions should speak louder than paper, but since youre stuck on his qualifications, lets talk about them; Tony only plays at being useless with technology. And yes, eventually, when youre comfortable that Im not just after your ass, sex., And what about the career you chose over me? He would be brought back to this room where hed stay for at least another day or two before being transferred to a regular ward. Allowing himself to touch Tony wasnt really a good idea, but he needed the reassurance; perhaps they both did. She mentioned the father/daughter bond she believed they shared, which had enraged him so badly he nearly threw his phone. Just stand there and sneer? Anyway, Im not going to talk more about this canon point because I have feelings about it lol And how is Ziva David tied into all this? Did you think of something else? he called out. You cant fire them, Gibbs, Vance immediately replied. Thank you for sharing! She was exactly the kind of person who would feel perfectly justified ruining his life and career by showing that fake to people. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 92.6K 4.1K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Stunning story. They each have a lengthy list of unprofessional acts. He looked up in the dim light of the highway and recognized his rescuer. DiNozzo was doing the notifications and explanations to the family. Where has everyone been, and whats with everyone being out of contact? Why?, So McGee would have a place on the team. The attacker yanked at his shoulder and rolled him forcefully into his back. Hows Abby taking it?, Duckys expression shifted to something Gibbs couldnt quite read before it was gone. Everybody in character and believable. Just because the locals arent going to follow up on the issue doesnt mean NCIS is going to let it slide. He leaned forward and braced his elbows on the table. He was fully aware that Tony didnt share that side of himself with many people, and Gibbs enjoyed that Tony shared it with him so readily. It was the obviousness of it that threw him so far off, because it was so out of character. Youll stay with Tony?, Of course. So, elaborate., John chuckled in what came off as a bitter manner. But everyone knew the gays didnt understand what being faithful was. Yeah, Im sure. No, Leon, I dont particularly want anything.. I loved you. Well, I think Ive rambled enough. They werent listening. He also didnt want to risk the op he was working. Gibbs kissed Tonys head, right where hed had the skull fracture, and felt immense gratitude. Love how you write tony. It just felt like it was. They both should be worried. I have to say that with each story I fall more and more in love with your writing. Worse than they already have? he asked wryly. How I met your father is my take, except, that would be very short, maybe, incredibly angsty, definitely, and very after school special assuredly. And since youre standing here yapping, those reports had better be finished., Mines done, Boss, McGee offered, getting to his feet. Petey. Conversely, Tony is considered good, but he still lashes out when hes hurt. Being gay and being in the Air Force is still a big no-no, DADT is very much a thing, unless you know something I dont John. Faber continued to try to keep Tony talking, but it was harder and harder to get even the most minimal responses out of him. Mom said it was poison?, Tony shook his head. Gibbs snorted. Flesh wound, he thinks, and keeps going, and is surprised when his feet don't quite finish the turn and slam his shoulder into the opposite wall. Youve got a nasty mind, Lunsford. Yes, Boss, McGee responded immediately. I really have no control over him whatsoever. "You're supposed to be the best undercover in the business. Have you got a problem with my orders, Probationary Agent David?, It took a second, but she finally backed down. Tony tried to sit up and with the help of Padraig, finished unzipping his prison. For the purposes of that investigation, what happens from here is up to you. How is he, Duck?, Not well. Theres more than ninety minutes of Tony doing his job and getting those voiceprints before the part you heard. Gibbs felt the pang of loss that their number was so reduced. Hed get past all the physical issues in time. Theres your shit. Damn. Vance looked shocked and leaned back in his chair. Lunsfords brother-in-law placed their next rounds on the table and followed Lunsfords gaze. I wish you were still on AO3, since its easier for me to track things there and I really do love your work (I couldnt find the article you wrote on why, but I respect you must have a reason). He was awake briefly, though understandably confused. Gibbs had said no. You have to believe that. The local LEOs had the manpower and response time that NCIS couldnt match. That man had no business pointing his weapon at me. I heard them talking, they think youre gay. He found his way to Tonys nipple; teasing one, then the other as Tony twisted and moaned underneath him. They wouldnt do that., They did do that, Gibbs snapped. Wonderfully written, so very powerful, and very much appreciated. Are you alright?, The older man nodded. I may not often trust other LEOs to work my cases, and I sure as hell dont like sharing jurisdiction, but I dont disdain them, Probationary Agent David. The head of the DEA had brought the subject up to SECNAV, who didnt care for being embarrassed in front of another agency head. Sometimes he really wished she never transferred from the FBI but she was a good agent. The bag came to a stop and after a few minutes of struggle, the bag began to unzip, though not through Tonys actions. Want to tell me which one has you in knots and well get it over with?. Finally, Tony said, Should I be trying to help them?. Im so glad to see a new story from you, and for a scenario that I always love to see The rest of the team getting their comeuppance for doing that to Tony (even with a bit of Tony!whump to make it even more serious). Blew out my knee senior year, went to the police academy after I graduated and healed up. Though hearing Tonys rapid decline was painful. To him, the house seemed like the holidays had exploded all over it, but he realized that, for most people, the decorations were fairly restrained and tasteful. Yeah. Youve never read Tonys file, have you?, Vance frowned. Crumpling up his coffee cup, Gibbs threw it into the trash with rather more force than was necessary. Good morning, my boy. You have a great sense of character balance. Tell you and Ill have to kill you, or someone will, or put you in a dark hole somewhere. John waved his hand like pushing the babbling words away. Ive got your six.. It made him more wary of relationships lasting but at heart Tony was a romantic and always hoped to meet his true love. Abby had been suspended for a week for her inappropriate use of agency resources, and so far had not been allowed to see Tony again, though she passed on messages through Ducky and Palmer at every opportunity. What are you doing here? But Loki is damaged and the last thing he wants is a high-maintenance mortal, and Gibbs does not care anymore. Tony was seriously considering moving on once again. He had a stack of personnel files for him and Tony to go through to build the new team, and had been surprised at the number of people who wanted to work on the MCRT when it was reformed. Oh, thats Professor Tanner. Now, stop it., Tony sighed, but didnt really look convinced. Tony put up a good front of being okay, but whenever he was caught in an unguarded moment, the devastation he was feeling was only too obvious. I know you do, Tony, he replied gently. Dr. Lim used a marker on the x-ray to show what they wanted to do. Hows Tony? he immediately asked. Sorry. After a very crazy introduction to wormholes and alien cities and ascended beings, I took the job. Thank you so much for sharing. Summary: Tony feels the bullet tearing through his arm as the only point of heat in the cold and damp around him. Abby whipped around with a, Hey! Then she smiled. Thank you! Really top secret. Shall we find somewhere private to discuss the matter?. The lab was no longer Abbys sole domain and she had lots of new rules to live by. Oh my god. She stared for several seconds, then asked. I will add the link to the art when I get it. Faber had insisted hed meet him at the hospital with an explanation. They dont know about what happened to DiNozzo. But he had an image to maintain. Nothing to indicate that he wont be able to move downstairs today. Sweet, isnt she?. -OR-Chim was just trying to make sure Eddie had something to help him out with Buckand he had experience dating a Buckley, so why should he have to suffer the mutual pining when he could do something about it? Im not saying that, Gibbs! Thank you again for this great fix-it for Dead Air. A day or two of rest will do wonders, and then you can be alert without the agony you are no doubt experiencing., Gibbs stepped close, edging Ducky over a bit, and leaned down. And Ducky had been very attentive this past week. So bad fucking luck., Basically, but you did good, Tony. If you have an emergency, youve compromised your ability to get to help. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Of course, I shall return if you have need of me, and Mr. Palmer will be by in the morning with a few things for Anthony., Yes, he has keys to Anthonys apartment and will retrieve some essentials. But Tony was determined, and Gibbs knew hed get past it eventually. Do not call me unless you personally are in danger, and then you better have called 911 first. Octavia and Clarke are sent down to Earth without Bellamy. Excuse. Hes keeping this all quiet for the moment, but hes worried. Nate Adams was Balboas SFA. You know I love you, Buckbut how long is it going to take you to admit your feelings for a certain firefighter? So the title of our little epic here becomes very long and silly but then, so am I. Hes tough hell be okay., Gibbs brows shot up. A part of him acknowledged that keeping an eye on Tony was never a hardship. He expected better of her, and it was throwing him in a way he couldnt deal with at the moment. And so you assigned your existing case to Balboas team?, Ive got no one to work it, what did you expect me to do?, Im not arguing, just clarifying. Vance drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. It always has been. He didnt explicitly remember you were a cop or your name, but you set off warning alarms in his head and he asked the homeowner to call you back because he was suspicious. The wound of his betrayal would not easily heal for any of them. He was stuck running down an AWOL sailor, his sixth in a row. Why do you insist on reminding me of my probationary status today? she asked with a frown. Yeah. He had no plans to be anywhere else. This is a favorite NCIS fic of mine, for lots of reasons, not least because of the grown up way you deal with the Dead Air clusterfuck and the real world consequences you apply to the actions of Tim and Ziva. I dont know where, but I know you, and I dont believe youre lookin for a house., Look, buddy, you dont know me. He was embarrassing the whole agency with the other Federal agencies. When the case that left Tony in the field without backup got wrapped up, Antony Sheppard Paddington knew that there were going to have to be consequences. Tonys legs wrapped tight around his waist again. Given a lift, problem on the Beltway at night. All his wounds were healing as expected, though his headaches were still the worst part as far as Tony was concerned. Lunsford was at his desk and watched DiNozzo get off the elevator, over an hour late. When youre ready, well talk about it, okay? Forcing me to stay with you when I just want to go home!, Hands clenched on the steering wheel, Gibbs forced himself to be calm when he replied, I checked the maintenance log on your elevator, Tony; it averages being out of service one day out of four. It was his own Kindle. [Tony DiNozzo] 907 pages Completed January 16, 2018 Emconn He hesitated at the secretarys desk, who looked astonished. As I discovered myself after high school I found that I didnt really care about the gender of my partner but being at a military school and then a college jock in a frat and then the police academy followed by several different police precincts and finally dragged to NCIS by Leroy Jethro Gibbs, well suffice it to say I was quite deep in the closet in public, at work. Over time that mentor relationship had shifted to something more carnal, though Shane refused to label it or even discuss anything about it. The one she faked, which looked really real, which he didnt think she had the skill to do, was a posed BDSM inspired shot. Gibbs nearly snarled. Gibbs nearly snarled, Youre going to keep them after that?, I didnt say that, Vance snapped. Tony gave a little moan and his lips parted. It wont gel in my brain. Thank you for making my days brighter. Panama City this year. Im capable of seeing both sides, Gibbs. And these guys keep me around to make sure people like you dont get too curious. You made me like Gibbs/tony!!! Agent Gibbs, a voice said softly, jolting him out of the half asleep state hed been in. The more time passed, the more Tony let go of any guilt he felt over the loss of the team, but shedding that guilt opened the door for the justified anger. Tony stood up and winced. I really enjoy your work. Sounds great. The older of the two nurses nodded, but replied, Just about literally a minute. They switched him from morphine to Dilaudid.. Frankly, its a mark of shitty observation skills that people think Tony is inept with computers yet he manages to pull his weight on the standard investigative tasks like searches and background checks, plus does all his SFA paperwork and frankly half of my paperwork on his own time, and yet barely puts in more hours than either of the other two., Chewing a new toothpick, Vance scowled. You must really want something if you waited to enter, Vance mused, seemingly relaxed back in his chair. 594K 15.8K 35. I dont have a clue whats going on here and I dont care. Timothy McGee is kidnapped and Ellie Bishop is targeted to be killed all for somebody wanting to make Tony DiNozzo suffer as an enemy from their past is out for revenge. Really? Weird transition to federal agent.. Hed made some subtle corrections, but hed mostly been content to let competition bring out the best in his people. He was damn close to calling Vance and having him contact the Alexandria PD to get some answers. Tony sighed, it had been a long case and Vivian was being particularly acerbic these days. Right, kill me or deep dark hole time. Thoroughly enjoyed this fic, thank you so much for sharing your talent. Are you out of your mind? After dressing and changing the sheets, Gibbs finally made his way downstairs, happy to hear the chatter between Tony and his dad. It was a really nice surprise to find the notification for this in my inbox, As always you write Gibbs and Tony with such panache and love. Thank you for sharing this. The other guy was gay? He had done good work when working solo until I came along, not so good with others. Hard. How could Ziva and McGee not tell me that?. The face that met his eye shocked him. You fucking fag! Gibbs wasnt sure how that could equate to doing well. They planned to reduce his pain medication to what he needed for the other injuries and try some other combination of drugs for the headaches. He didnt want it known because Tony relies on being underestimated. He heard a voice, it was fading in and out of his hearing, he couldnt focus, he made out bits and pieces of the tirade of his attacker. She never asked about Tony. It was already turning into a fight and they both needed to cool off. This site contains fan works, all recognizable canon characters, settings, plot, etcetera, are the property of their respective owners. The address on the card is where you can get your people when youre ready. I find myself thinking the characters are very real simply because they arent good or bad- just a mixmatch of experiences and personality traits. (I was never so angry to have that nonsense of her saving Tony piled upon the crap of the writers trying to force the whole coms things as a joke!)!!! The more powerless Anthony feels, the harder he fights to retreat to safe ground, which, for him, means being alone. He pinned Gibbs with a look. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. Then Id suggest you not violate procedure in the future. Ironically, and fittingly, over the last three weeks five of the tangos they had been chasing who had gotten away were found dead of apparent poisonings. Yeah, I can see him losing it. What the hell is your problem with him, Leon?, Hes a relic, Gibbs. Theyre my responsibility., I hear you, Tony. This website is intended for entertainment purposes for those who are over the age of 18. He was nearly done with the paper when Duckys voice caught his attention. However, he didnt want to be gone when Tony was finally with it enough to talk about what happened. Go back to sleep. This isnt as bad as it looks, McGee began. Thats one way to put it. Not somewhat, Duck. He bluntly laid the situation out for the ME and waited for the subsequent stupefaction to pass. I dont know if I should have or not, Tony said in a rush, but I didnt want you to feel you had to keep them put away. And Gibbs and Ducky had both dismissed the idea of him staying in their extra rooms. And Lunsfords FBI friends were slow chasing the suspect since DiNozzo was out in front but the perp couldnt even manage to kill the cocksucker. fic glossing over the coms incident while trying to make it all romantic how Ziva saved Tony from the bomb! Lunsford yelled in pain and swung the tire iron he held in his other hand. David was probationary; I cant see how theyll keep her on. Thats all., Tony nodded. Tony braved himself knowing help wasnt going to come in time. Unable to stop himself, he reached out and gently touched the part of Tonys head not covered with a bandage. Hes not a hacker by any stretch, but who do you think did all the computer work when we were a two-man team?, Vance opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. Good enough?. They were in the car reading, Gibbs said bitingly. I was never home and she wanted me to quit the Air Force or take a desk jockey position in the US. Long minutes later, he reluctantly rolled off his lover, pulling him close and relishing the way the long limbs wrapped around him. Still a dumbass, too. Shane entered the apartment and Tony closed and locked the door. Shed never asked about or tried to see Tony. I loved the last seen. The entire building needed to be redone, not just the patch jobs that Padraig's company had performed until now. Tonys body going rigid and his ass tightening around Gibbs cock was always a moment of complete perfection. It was one he hadnt seen in well over a decade but it had once been well beloved. So Ill table that then. But the case, McGee began from the backseat. He quickly assessed what needed to be done; first, he had to hand the Military at Home case off to another team, and then deal with the wreckage of his own team and all that entailed. "Well right now the director wants us in MTAC stat so you can continue worrying later." Gibbs said before exiting . One was the homeowner, the other an entrepreneur from New York., Obviously thinking through that, and clearly not at his usual speed, Tony eventually sighed. Even if, by some miracle, Vance decided to keep these two at NCIS, they sure as hell wouldnt be on his team. Sayin Im not pretty? Tony rasped, eyes squinting at the light even as they sought out Gibbs. The man, also a Marine, had been on special assignment and had only discovered his brothers death a few hours before. And Tonys eyes widened when Lunsford pulled out his service weapon. Gibbs sat and let the silence reign for several long moments. They immediately gave him pain medication and he was quickly back to sleep. Everything Ive heard, it doesnt look good for them would not easily heal for any of.. Mean you want to risk the op he was lucky he didnt want to tell that. Me around to make sure people like you dont get too curious this with us or getting... 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ncis fanfiction tony feels unwanted