why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?

HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. In the meantime, accusations of witchcraft began to spread amongst the ordinary people, as a way of settling grudges or seizing property and cats began to be used as proof of satanic association. Sometimes it appears unduly large, and sometimes equivalent to a goose or a duck, and sometimes it even assumes the size of an oven. Dogs are sweet but they dont really have that self respect that cats do. Cat burning became a favorite medieval pastime in France, where cats were suspended over fires in cages or doused and set alight- even chased on fire through the streets by cat chasers. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. But still, cultural images of cats being a marker of femininity didnt sprout fromVogue,any more than the idea that cats are plain evil stem fromSports Illustrated. While the fact is pretty obscure on whether the papal bull is directly influenced by Konrad, he is known as a zeal that is set on to burn every last heretic. He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. The Vox in Rama encouraged Conrad of Marburg to overreach himself and that same year he accused Henry II, Count of Sayn of taking part in satanic orgies. One example is the idea that Catholic fear drove people, including Pope Gregory, to wipe out cats, which resulted in a population explosion among plague-infected rodents, thus leading to the Black Death. The truth is a little messy. After Pope Gregory IX associated cats with devil worship, cats throughout Europe were exterminated in droves. In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX, pope from 1227-1241, believed that cats actually carried the spirit of Satan himself within them. Guess what? Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/Black-Death, Georgievska, Marija. And each time it hit Europe again, it appears to have come from Asia. Forgive us! says the master, and the one next to him repeats this, a third responding, We know, master! A fourth says And we must obey. 4, So whats up with this? It was one of the most deadly pandemics in history. Public Domain. The few versions of this story that bother to give anything like some substantiation claim that cats were declared servants of evil by Pope Gregory IX in 1232 or even that he declared that they should all be killed. Ravens Hold Grudges Against Cheaters. Cats just arent dogs, and I respect and love them specifically for that reason. This seems to add up for the modern reader. Queen Elizabeth I celebrated her coronation with the burning of a cat-stuffed effigy. (To be fair, the cat is only one of more than 300 figures the Nazca created almost half which have been discovered in the last five years). As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. Retrieved from https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_ct_plague%20, Quora. It wouldnt be the first time Catholicism has decided an animal once worshipped by pagans needed to be rebranded as Satanic (see: goats). What Im seeing here is a well-researched fact piece angering someone who kinda half-remembers something she thinks she read somewhere this one time. Denmark's Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. I live in a city, so I have plenty of experience with both cats and mice. The plague spread so easily that everyone back in the medieval age believes that the plague transfer via smell and air. as a dvm (research quickly with phd, now DO, but still love animals) I agree about cat fanatics but this loser has all wrong about the need for cats to kill the Y Pestis flea vector rats; also, that species of flea does not infest on cats or dogs- their anticoagulant is perfect match for RATTUS NORweigica, and humans; not even mice suit them; his map of plague is laughingly inaccurate. The nauseating details of the cult initiation process plunge Europe into a manhunt of felines a cathunt. And thats because its body is invested with the spirit of the Morning Star himself. The Obscene Kiss, Wood engraving from the 1608 edition of the Compendium Maleficarum. But, despite all the people who make their livings as cat psychologists, cats will just be cats. Not only were they a source of companionship they were also a status symbol and source of worship., Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. If you survived, you lost many people you loved. They both carry fleas, only the mice never jump in my lap and bunt their head-glands all over my jeans. This demonization led to the widespread, violent persecution of black cats in particular. Yeah you have a good point there! However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. For example I am here because of a PBS documentary on cats that I saw recently. This timeline stretched from 1346 to 1353, a little more than a century after Gregory. So, cats went from being the targets of pagan worship to Catholic contempt for these perceived similarities to the devil. Not sure I am convinced either way, but people (especially those who prefer dogs) do like to hate on cats, so it is not a stretch to believe that they have been killed en masse in any era. At length, when the novice has come forward, [he] is met by a man of wondrous pallor who has black eyes and is so emaciated [and] thin that since his flesh has been wasted, seems to have remaining only skin drawn over bone. If the Nazca thought enough of cats to etch a 37-meter geoglyph of one into the mountain that persists 2,000 years later, they must have thought highly of them. Without them, pests would run wild, and not just rats. (2010, February 4). For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. The account began by describing the initiation of novices to the coven. If these furry creatures association with fictitious international criminals isnt enough, cats also have been linked to witchcraft: In the Middle Ages, women who owned black cats came under suspicion as did the cats, who were assumed to bewitches in disguise and were burned at the stake. But today, the association between cats and Halloween persist, perhaps ironically because spurious associations between cats and Satan worshiping that the Catholic Church pushed, some 800 years ago. Cats and the Black Plague. And the Black Death didnt just travel to Europeit did its thing in Egypt, too, where it may have done more damage than it did in England.7. Gregorys response was to issue the Vox in Rama. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. So a thing about the inquisition was that they would torture people to get confessions and such because that's a good way to make people say what you want to hear. Im not saying it was a great time to be alive, but it was a more complex time than people give it credit for. Plague. I soon realized thatpublic affairs combined the best of both worlds of journalism and television talk shows I get to learn interesting and unusual things about people who worked with me, I then get to tell their story. I SAY GOOD FOR ALL THOSE SENSELESS HUMANOIDS. The Nazcacat geoglyphwas only discovered last October. Is the Vox in Rama authentic? The Bubonic plague was carried not by rats themselves but their fleas; fleas which could just as easily transfer to dogs- and cats. (2017, June 6). Poor cats though. Many of these rodents had fleas that carried diseases including the Black Plague. Pope Gregory IX (1147-1241). Pope Gregory IV (Latin: Gregorius IV; died 25 January 844) was the bishop of Rome and ruler of the Papal States from October 827 to his death. While ancient Egyptians would have rathersurrenderto invading army than harm a hand on a cat, the belief by others that cats cannot be trained to be loyal and obedient like a dog, was a source ofanxietyover cats during medieval times. 10 Things To Know About Stephen Hawking, The World's Coolest Scientist, Mary Somerville: The Woman For Whom The Word "Scientist" Was Made, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, six really weird pets that you could actually own. By rough estimates, as many as 200 million people died. Potential infected flea hosts include: rodents, humans, dogs, and cats. Enter the ancestors of Garfield the Cat. The same evil popes who say God created all creatures of the earth, yet they, wantonly murdered these defenseless creatures of the earth that God created. Check out France, rats on the street, brave-pigeons without flight reflex, but no cats. People living during this time lived in constant fear of death. This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. We know there was a massive reduction in cat populations at the time because of this, so its plausible to make the connection. It mentioned Pope Gregorys hate on for cats. There is little real evidence for this. The reforms were based on the suggestions of the Italian scientist Luigi Lilio, with some modifications by the Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Christopher Clavius. As I understand it, people used small dogs for rat hunting. As people began to get sick and the Black Plague began spreading, more and more cats were killed. Even those among us who love cats (not me, I like dogs) freely admit that they are mercurial and probably evil animals that deal death for fun and would eat our eyes if they got the chance. The bull began by bewailing the various woes that afflicted the church- the most recent being the satanic cult identified by Conrad of Marburg as flourishing in Northern Germany. As hysteria increased, the rat population boomed and the Black Plague began to spread out of control. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/ehr/article-abstract/CXXII/498/1075/457108/The-Black-Death-in-Egypt-and-England-A-Comparative?redirectedFrom=fulltext, Kattenstoet. The Vox described the depraved rituals of the cult in detail, portraying the devil worshipped by the witches as a shadowy half cat and half man figure. Even today, the police department of Salem, Massachusetts, where witch trials executed 20 women for witchcraft, uses the image of a witch on a broomstick on theirpolice cruisers. This persecution was so savage that some scholars believe that by the 1300s, Europes cat numbers were sufficiently depleted to prevent them efficiently killing rats and mice- thus allowing the bubonic plague to spread. They not only killed rodents, hence less infected animals but they themselves are more likely to get bit for you, with their sweet tasting blood. There were probably several strains of plague spreading through Europe. Theres a little bit about a cat in the third paragraph but what Gregory is really talking about here is a ritual carried out by a Satanic sect, as reported by an overzealous inquisitor named Conrad von Marburg. Cat burning became a favorite medieval pastime in France, where cats were suspended over fires in cages or doused and set alight- even chased on fire through the streets by cat chasers. Then, when the rats came bearing the Plague, there were no mousers left to keep the disease in check.3. Did Pope Gregorys comfort with the law cause him tooverstephis station as the pope? Keep in mind that Chairman Meow iz not targeting religion, ceiling cat forbid ,but shedding light on human nature to digest and follow institutional dogma. After food, clothing and medicine, the fourth item is cosmetics and the fifth is pets, he said, referring to a study on where most peoples income goes. Your writing is comical! The black plague ravaged countless European cities around a century after the demise of Pope Gregory IX. The flea that bit humans was specific to the black rat anyway. They were pure evil seeking nothing but power & control of the population. The truth is that cats could not have prevented the black death. The Black Plague did happen. I suppose its possible that Vox in Rama simply set the stage for a cat-killing trend that would, generations later, result in the Black Death. Thus, purported heretics, such as the Cathars and Waldensians, were accused of worshipping cats, according toMedievalists.net. Either way, his account cant be true. A quick Google search shows that a felinefemme fatalecat mask is conveniently available on Amazon for only $25.22. Pope Gregory IX initiated the feline holocaust in Europe which was to continue . In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. Public Domain. He tended to treat all those accused as guilty until proven innocent and threatened all those who would not confess with the flames. Much like modern-day Chicago, Egypt had a rat problem. Evil cradles in the Austin Powers franchise. some particularly superstitious believers seized on the idea that the black cats were servants of Satan. Tomb of Ancient Viking High King Discovered, The Most Bizarre Relics From The Ancient Funeral Rite. They fly in the face of the Christian idea of God putting the natural world and its creatures here for humanitys benefit. Another belief is that the plague wasairborne. (Accessed June 1, 2018). Pope Gregory IX (Source: les.tresors.de.lys.free.fr) Do you believe that cats are invested with the spirit of Mr. Morningstar. No cats appear the police cruisers, but I can almost imagine a cat sitting alongside the witches on their broomsticks. Writing is my first love. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, Sheldon, Natasha. And though its unlikely that historys most pro-natural environment pope will encourage cat bonfires, he does suggest we take a step away from the dog ice cream and cat outfits in the pet aisle. Indeed, there is evidence of animals dying from the Plague. The most likely targets were often older cat-owning peasant women (The Crazy Cat Ladies of their time) who were labeled witches and often burned alive at the stake. A pandemic so severe that it kills more than 50 million people in Europe in a couple of years, and killed more than 200 million people worldwide. His papacy started when hereticism run rampant in Europe, and yet, by the end of his term, he saw the completion of one of the most important canon law in the Catholic Church known as the Decretales Gregorii IX, excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, and (allegedly) founded the earliest incarnation of the papal inquisition. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Im definitely tracking the cat worship concept. That misguided stereotype is why witches are still depicted with black cats to this day. February 8, 2013. (along with other predators including snakes, which had long since carried the label of being evil). You know, small-town sh*t.9. But cats? Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. Ugolino chooses the name Gregory IX, as he assumed the office at the monastery of St. Gregory ad Septem Solia and fully embracing the papal supremacy policy following the footsteps of Gregory VII and Innocent III. While the papal bull was sent to several rulers such as Emperor Frederick II and King Henry of Germany, the central prominent figure that assumes that task very seriously is one Konrad von Marburg. *Coupons: Check out our coupons for stores like Checks Unlimited and CheapOair! The Remains of Dead US Presidents Will Be Sent Into Space, The Man Who Surgically Brought Back Unicorns. His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but it's definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, and the proliferation of rat populations. But this time, Pope Francis is focusing on all pets saying that people spend way too much money on furry friends. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Museum Hack leads small group, VIP museum tours that are fun, fast-paced and surprisingly cool. My mum always said the best way to get rid of a flea infestation was to let a cat walk through your house. Over many centuries, Egyptians found that a cat was the one creature that could make the world safe, according to Purina. Like most diseases, were hard pressed to find thebad guy. Following years brought the great plaque of insects! Tying the cat to satanic worship was a natural progression- and one that would have dire consequences. The Black Death or Black Plague was the original zombie apocalypse. I get why we have dogs. The story youre most likely to find in popular history articles goes something like this: Cats were brought to Europe from Egypt by the Romans and enjoyed a decent reputation for a long timeprobably because they were such a boon to agricultural societies. Now this seems like a story of immense fiction but as it happened so recently in this modern time we have documented proof this is true so why is it so hard to believe the Pope and cat story? Amazon for only $ 25.22 to 1353, a little more than century. King Discovered, the Man who Surgically Brought back Unicorns Elizabeth I celebrated her with. The Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition hating have survived the centuries.... After Gregory you lost many people you loved burning of a PBS documentary on cats that I saw.. Their broomsticks the widespread, violent persecution of black cats to this day cats!, which had long since carried the label of being evil ) I can almost imagine a cat the! 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why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?