can you own a possum in oregon

To hunt these a species, requires an appropriate furtaker's licence to trap (also allows hunting) or appropriate hunting license for furbearer's, or a general hunting license. (a) No live wildlife, or their hybrids, designated as controlled, or the eggs or progeny thereof, shall be possessed without a permit to possess wildlife or except as otherwise permitted under RSA 207:1-a, 214:34-d and 209-A:3, IV. No animals shall be killed except during authorized open harvest seasons. Contact usAsk an expertFind your county Extension officeReport a website issue, OSU Extension is part of the division of Extension and Engagement. Areas east of Interstate 5. How can you tell the difference between seals and sea lions. Get a secure lid for the trash can (or use bungee cords or get the Animal Stopper brand trash can) so the problem doesn't happen again. These creatures are of comparable length and have similar behavior. If your pet will spend time outside, they will need to have adequate shelters such as a barn, enclosed structure, or doghouse on the owners property. Therefore, you can follow these steps if you want to raise a possum.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'oxfordpets_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-oxfordpets_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Depending on where youre or who you talk to, theres either plenty or no distinction between a possum and an opossum. News story. Therefore, you must provide a suitable environment so that it can sleep during the day. What animals are you allowed to keep as pets in Queensland? In case you encounter such a situation, make sure that you check for the laws and restrictions in your area. They will work with veterinarian professionals to diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses in wild animals. These exotic animals are friendly and very small. Softshell, Japanese varnish and Japanese littleneck clam - allows harvest, possession and sale commercially under Division 5 or harvest and possession recreationally under 39. They are opossums with prehensile tails, making them superb climbers. Dental issues also are common amongst some possums. (ORS 497.228 to 497.327, 498.222; OAR 635-007-0600 to 635-007-0680, 635.040). Animal rights corporations frequently work to make owning any wild or exotic animal illegal in the United States. However, you may take rabbits and rodents destructive to agricultural crops, products and activities. People sometimes find possums and think of raising them. Hence, there can be regulations about exceptional animal possession in your area. 4 Things to Know About Having a Pet Possum. While they are small and easy to care for, they are naturally created to be out in the wilderness. Opossums Opossums (Didelphis virginianus) An opossum sits in a tree. As for some regions, you need a certificate or permit to have this animal in your possession. Apr 2017 | Punch holes in the tins and keep the tops sealed. It is cruel and selfish to make an animal that has not been domesticated live in a house. Because opossums eat many road-killed animals, including other opossums, they often become road killthemselves. A bobcat record card must be in possession to harvest bobcat. See the Oregon Furbearer Trapping and Hunting Regulations for special bobcat regulations. Whiteleg Shrimp -. Source: Back to Top Alaska - AK Alaska's unique geography makes it different than any other state in the union. Possums seem to profit from living in sub/urban areas thanks to the food our yards and gardens provide, so we might expect them to increase along with human population. A property owner or tenant is allowed to take 1 squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver or skunk per incident that is causing damage to their property without a permit. (See. Oregon law (ORS 609.345) allows for certain exemptions to permit requirements such as law enforcement agencies,educational facilities,research facilities,permitted wildlife rehabilitation centers,and disabled persons with service monkeys. It was introduced in Oregon between 1910 and 1921. This permit includes the owner's name, number, address and proof of legal acquisition of the pet. Opossums need to climb over everything in your house. Educational video with information on options for dry farming. OLHS Was Initially Founded In 1982 As A Community Dedicated To Animal Welfare. Our first module is Silviculture, or the art and science of managing forests to achieve your objectives. Inside the pouch they are kept a consistent temperature, as if in an incubator. Therefore these animals have no closed season, bag limit or weapons restriction. This video provides an overview on wildlife from Extension. are divided into categories which determine whether they can be imported, possessed, sold, purchased, exchanged and transported. While a few possums are pretty lovely and easy to handle, there are some reasons why possums arent great animals to have as pets. SE, Salem, OR 97302, (503) 947-6100. Chris Branam | All funds raised by deer and elk auction and raffle tags go directly to the, Furbearer Management in North American Wildlife Conservation, Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Trapping in the United States, Forest Carnivore Research in the Northern Cascades of Oregon, Buying an ODFW Wildlife Area parking permit. Crayfish. Enjoy. The Virginia opossum is a cat-sized mammal with a pointed nose, unfurred, black, leathery ears with white edges; beady eyes; a hind foot with an opposable hallux (big toe); and a naked scaly tail. Your domestic cat or dog will need to be vaccinated for rabies if they are older than 4 months. This is defense tactic and is where the term "playing possum" originated. Why do people think Chimpanzees are cute and will keep as pets. Jul 2014 | BANS possession of protected Wildlife (endangerered/threatened species; non-game birds except European starling, house sparrow, and Eurasian collared-dove; and all listed species). Home What Are the Animal Ownership Laws in Oregon? They need a lot of protein, low fat, and dry food. However, if the pet has obtained a 3-year vaccine previously, that will be accepted. By Anne Woods. Size. We have experts in family and health, community development, food and agriculture, coastal issues, forestry, programs for young people, and gardening. Short-tailed opossums are solitary. Check out additional online resources regarding this topic to view a more extensive list of the regulations. They will fight with each other if they are placed in an identical cage; they might even kill each other. You might see droppings or smell urine in or near a possum's nest as well. This could cause higher clinical payments than expected. Do you need this information in an alternative format or language? My backyard got invaded by gophers (or someone who enjoys making holes). If you plan to tether your pet, the pet should never have the tether on longer than 10 hours a day if the tether is a chain. Possums love fruits. Marsupials have pouches for carrying their young after birth. In conclusion, I would say that you must not pet an Opossum in your house. Elza (Elizabeth) Records, Casey Colley | Bears, except for the American Black Bear, Non-indigenous canines which are not domestic or domestic crosses, Non-indigenous felines which are not domestic or domestic crosses. Fish & Wildlife Division. Yes, they are very cute and playful, but they will also happily destroy anything you own and are completely immune to discipline or dominance. Ensure that 70 to 80% of the food includes vegetables and 20 to 30% should consist of meat. They are determined in South, North, and Central America. Put a thick branch or board in the window well so the opossum can climb out. RS 14:39. A Furtaker's License or Hunting License for Furbearers must be in possession to pursue. Be very quiet and listen for "sneezing" sounds the young make to call the mother. No new permits may be issued. must be held in AZA facilities or state caging except transport to vet or pre-approved temporary holding for approved activities, limit of 1 each for cougar, black bear and bobcat, Lip tattoo or RFID with grandfathered ones by 1/18/18, Must not be removed from wild except placement by Department to AZA or with Scientific Taking Permit or Rehabilitation or nuisance wildlife capture permit, BANS breeding, barter or trade or sold except AZA SSP or AZA with approval, Black bears, cougars, bobcats and wolves can only be transferred between Wildlife Exhibitor/Animal Entertainment Industry, Sanctuary or AZA or ZAA, BANS offering raccoons and skunks as pets, Raccoons and skunks can be held under Wildlife Holding Permit with a limit of 2 raccoons, Raccoons or skunks must be sterilized if holding both sexes, New gray wolves are limited to AZA and current owners must be USDA, EXEMPT: sale, trade, barter and exchange to public park, zoo, museum or educational institution for educational, medical, scientific or exhibition purposes if permitted, Sturgeon Hatchery Operation Permit (captive born white sturgeon fish hatchery), ALSO NEED: Wholesale Fish Dealer License (harvest salmon), Fish Propagation License (propagate and sell fish if not released at site), Fish Transport Permit (transport), Release Permit (release), PERMIT issued to take endangered/threatened species for scientific purposes, PERMIT issued for incidental taking of state species not on federal list, shark fins from spiny dogfish under department rules or under state permit and fish processor under federal law, fixed component of 100 year old+ antique if not wholly made of product and less than 200g, Fixed component of musical instrument if legally acquired and less than 200g, Noncommercial transfer to beneficiary of estate, trust, inheritance, Sale by or to scientific or educational institution under written gift agreement before 7/1/17, Purchase, sale or donation by or to scientific or educational institution after 7/1/17 if permitted with records, Scientific or educational institution means career school, community college, education service district, Oregon Health and Science University, public high school, public university listed, institution except under 348.594 or 348.597(2), zoo or aquarium accredited with comparable standards to AZA from 5/18/17, Feral swine = roaming on public or private lands and not under domestic management confinement with no notification to land owner or manager or occupant by owner of escape within 5 miles in last 5 days and do not appear domesticated or tame, PERMIT for public park, zoo, museum or educational institution for educational, medical, scientific or exhibition purposes, EXEMPT: piranha from Pygocentrus, Serrasalmus or Pristobrycon, prohibited or controlled nonnative wildlife and controlled wildlife prohibited for release must euthanize within 24 hours EXCLUDES game, Imported native wildlife except migratory birds, Marine mammals except if allowed by department and NMFS government officials may euthanize one in severe distress, Coyote must notify local Department district wildlife biologist in 24 hours and hold 48 hours while they find placement, Cougar must immediately notify local Department district wildlife biologist and immediately place with Department veterinary staff at the ODFW Wildlife Health Lab for evaluation and transfer to AZA or disposition BANS rehabilitating and releasing orphaned kittens Non-AZA zoos need approval to hold kittens, Healthy young-of-the-year Animals - Does not allow capturing or removing if not known to be orphaned questionable or unknown status should be returned if not held more than 48 hours, Black bear immediately notify local Department district wildlife biologist and transfer to ODFW Wildlife Health Lab for evaluation - placed at AZA, approved-black bear cub rehabilitation facility, or other disposition -allows non-AZA zoo meeting standards if aproved, Mule and white-tailed deer, elk, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose orphaned born during year may be rehabilitated and released birth to Sep 30 (approval after Sep 30) if in pre-approved facilities or may only hold 48 hours until one is found - injured or diseased received after Sep 30 of birth year must be euthanized, Raccoons require pre-approval and pre-approved facilities and must be released in original location or euthanized unless otherwise authorized number determined by department must hold separately if captured from multiple locations, Wolves immediately notify local Department district wildlife biologist pups may be housed 48 hours until placement in pre-approved facility or disposition determined, Bobcat and lynx - immediately notify local Department district wildlife biologist kittens may be housed 48 hours until placement in pre-approved facility or disposition determined, Other Native Mammals (gray and kit fox, ringtail, American marten, fisher, wolverine, river otter, bats) - notify local Department district wildlife biologist in 24 hours may hold 48 hours until placement in pre-approved facility or disposition determined, Endangered/threatened/candidate/sensitive species - notify local Department district wildlife biologist in 24 hours of receipt, death, or determined not releaseable, Wildlife crimes immediately notify state police of wildlife with gunshot wounds or other suspicious injuries, Poisoned and Infectious Diseases notify department vet in 24 hours of receipt. Jun 5, 2018 | You can gently shake the trash can to disorient the opossum or cover the can with a towel if the opossum is trying to escape. In the summer of 2022, 4-H partnered with the Mount St Helens Institute to hold an Inner City Youth Institute overnight camp at the Mount St. Helens Science and Learning Center. You must follow all general hunting regulations. Protected species may not be taken without a valid license and tag during authorized seasons, or a Scientific Take Permit. Feb 2023 | It's essential to research the regulations involved. People sometimes find orphaned possums and consider raising these cute animals as pets. This is something vital when thinking about possums as pets. They require abundant water and spend considerable time near ponds and streams. Sugar gliders could make excellent pets due to the fact theyre playful and social animals. Collection of articles and publications on preventative measures and handling wildlife damage. Other live wildlife species are divided into categories which determine whether they can be imported, possessed, sold, purchased, exchanged and transported. A possum nest will consist mainly of sticks, grass, insulation, or any other soft materials they can find. Possums are nocturnal creatures. If you are importing a domestic animal into the area, no import permit is required for cats or dogs, unless you are importing them from somewhere outside of the United States. Animal rights corporations frequently work to make owning any wild or exotic animal illegal in the United States. I have tried setting traps, but have been unsuccessful. Hunting feral swine on private land does not require a valid hunting license, but you must have landowner permission. They are NOT an easy animal to keep. We are noticing fewer possums either alive or dead on the roads or roaming at night as compared to when we lived here in the valley 30 years ago. Submitting a paper report is still an option, although online submission is preferred. Summary of Law: All persons must obtain a permit before they can possess a live wild mammal or hybrid of a wild animal. Long haired with scaly (prehensile) tail. Opossums are nomadic and tend to not den in the same area for consecutive nights. Shape. Use high-quality reinforcement to make sure your possum stays safe, satisfied, and contended. Opossums are more typically referred to clearly as possums in the Midwest and South of the USA. Cant find what you need? In most cases, wild animals should be left alone. Unprotected mammals are badger, coyote, gophers, moles (, All nongame birds except Eurasian collared-dove, European starling, house sparrow and rock pigeon, Feral swine are defined as a predatory animal by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (OAR 603-010-0055). See the Oregon Furbearer Trapping and Hunting Regulations for areas open to beaver harvest. They were first released in the 19th century, so that they could be . But what a pet owner should be aware of is if you can take care of the possum if they do get sick. Sows and young pigs often travel in groups. Kansas administration regulation 115-20-4 states that a Kansas citizen must apply for an exotic pet permit when acquiring a mountain lion, bear or wolf. Although it is illegal to own foxes in Nevada, it is legal to hunt certain species (not including Fennecs), in season. Feral swine come in all shapes and sizes and can reach 400 pounds. Do research on the Possum species you want to, Check the laws and restrictions in your area about owning an exotic animal, Look for the nearby vets that are specialized in exotic animal care. These marsupials can weigh anywhere from 4 to 13 pounds, and their body can . News story. Once these burrows are established, it can be hard to eliminate an opossum. A Hunting License for Furbearers allows for only to hunting and pursuing. Place bait at the bottom of the can. We Are Simply Trying To Keep Their Vision Alive. (ORS 498.180 to 498.182; OAC 603-010-0055, 635-058). They additionally have brilliant dexterity, making them capable of opening drawers, shelves, and different things they should not. What are the Guidelines and Tips while owning Possums as Pets: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'oxfordpets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-oxfordpets_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'oxfordpets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',139,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-oxfordpets_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-139{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Opossum in Window Well . All counties east of the summit of the the Cascades, including Klamath and Hood River counties. A hunter must first find out if the small game they are seeking to hunt is either federally or state protected and if it carries any special regulations, such as closed seasons, bag limits or weapons restrictions. Email: Email Seller. I've seen raccoon's in captivety, when people have found orphaned or abandoned ones in the woods. Dec 20, 2017 | Oxfordpets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and its Associates, About Us | In The News | Privacy Policy | Disclosure, OSU recognizes the impact that its land grant history has had on Indigenous communities in Oregon. Possums are very good climbers but can be prevented from climbing over hardware cloth & wire mesh fences by installing a tightly stretched electric fence wire near the top of the fence 3 inches out from the mesh. You may be able to own a pet opossum in Colorado, Maine, Indiana, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, and North Dakota with a permit. The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park is tied to the recovery of aspen in areas around the park, according to a new study. PERMIT required for animal rescues, which includes all nonhuman mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Exotic animals are defined in Oregon as: Non-human primates However, making a difference can assist solve any issues youre dealing with. Also, make sure the resting place is away from sunlight and drafts. If a young opossum is found then check the surrounding area. Why Are Capybaras Illegal In California? They are nocturnal. Virginia Opossums were introduced to the West in 1890 and currently have established populations along the West Coast from British . During the day they are loafing in clear cuts and brushy areas. Some states have exceptions or require owners to obtain permits for particular animals, while a handful of states have no specific requirements for owning wild animals as pets. Home To receive the free license, the landowner must obtain from the ODFW Headquarters office a receipt of registration for the property. Welcome To The Oxford Family! Possums Sleep in the Dark. It typically applies just to possums on your property. PERMIT issued for exhibitors (Wildlife Exhibitor/Animal Entertainment Industry) and sanctuaries (Wildlife Sanctuary Permit). [email protected] . No notification to the landowner has been made by the swine owner of the swine having escaped confinement within a radius of five miles during the past five days. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) regulates indigenous wildlife and non-native wildlife species. If possums are damaging ornamental plants or fruit in your garden you can: Build a floppy fence around the garden. The course is not required if youre trapping on land you own or lease. If your pet has come from a state that has issued a quarantine to pets due to rabies, the rabies vaccination must have been given within the previous 12 months. PERMIT required to release domestically raised or imported wildlife. You must follow all general hunting regulations. What can I do? Depending on wherein you purchase a possum, they have the capability to hold very dangerous illnesses which are deadly to humans. Pygmy possums have shortest wild life spans of possums (1-3 years), but this is normal for wild opossums. For birds, an import permit may be required as you will have to call the Oregon Department of Agriculture office for more information. Adults attain a length of four to eight inches with a tail equaling the length of their body. Possums seem to profit from living in sub/urban areas thanks to the food our yards and gardens provide, so we might expect them to increase along with human population. They measure 13-37 in long from their snout to the base of the tail, with the tail adding another 8.5-19 in. Pets & Animals. Opossums can dig up your lawn looking for grubs, slugs, and insects. Opossum's aren't native to Oregon, so they are probably illegal. (ORS 609-205 to 609-355, 609-992; OAR 603-011-0700 to 603-011-0725). Domestic Pet Requirements If you move to Oregon with your bird, cat, or dog, you will need to obtain a health certificate from a veterinarian within 30 days. Copyright 2023 Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Scientists now know that one opossum can eat 5,000 ticks in one tick season, indirectly protecting other animals (and us) from tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease. In Oregon, the opossum is considered an invasive species. Impact story. Importation of Wildlife. It is illegal to possess, sell, or exhibit any poisonous snake not native to or generally found in Delaware. Exotic animals are prohibited as pets in the state ofOregonunless you have previously obtained an exotic pet permit from the state of Oregon prior to 2010. Possums make a good pet if you take care of them properly. Short-tailed possums live for approximately four-eight years. ODFW created an online reporting system that allows licensed furtakers to submit their Furtaker Harvest Report online. Next is the Management Practices module which contains eleven more sections, covering a wide array of valuable forest management topics that will help you achieve your goals and objectives. Shellfish for personal use or fish taken in commercial fisheries. Opossums wander our backyards by night and occasionally startle a homeowner, who imagines that nothing so wild could be part of everyday life. Not all vets in your location have specialized in possum care. How do you keep squirrels out of the garbage cans? A newborn opossum is the size of a jellybean and will crawl into the pouch where it will then attach to the mother's teats for 24/7 nourishment for the next two months. William Hanshumaker | The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife owns or manages nearly 200,000 acres of land set aside for wildlife use Hunters younger than 18 must take hunter education before they can hunt in Oregon. Animals are free roaming on public or private lands and not held under confinement. Chris Branam | Possums Like Fruits and Dry Foods. To get more information about licenses and tags, write or phone Department of Fish and Wildlife, Licensing Section, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. Klamath smallscale sucker, Jenny Creek population, Chipmunk yellow pine, least, Allens, Siskiyou, Townsends, Western Rattlesnake excluding Willamette Valley populations, GRANDFATHERED: owners of above plus chipmunk or squirrel with Wildlife Holding Permit, sterilize if two of different sex, meet the state caging standards, and have proof they were legally acquired by 1/21/18. Featured question. To own a Virginia Opossum as a pet in Illinois, you must buy a permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Your possum additionally needs to be trained to use a litter container from childhood if they are never capable of being returned to the wild. You need to possum-proof your house. BANS sales for hunts of feral swine.BANS land owners or employees from allowing feral swine to roam on their lands and requires notifying department within 10 days of discovery and submit management plan in 60 days. As they known to "play dead," steer clear of one whether you believe it is alive or not. How can you keep cats away from furniture? Hence, your enclosure needs to be break out-proof, like an aquarium with a solid mesh top. If you were licensed, you need to fill out and submit a completed furtaker harvest report online or postmarked by April 15. In Missouri, you can keep an opossum as a pet, but the Virginia opossum is considered a large carnivore, so large carnivore permitting is needed. Featured question. News story. Hence, they sleep during the day and remain active during the nighttime. They should also have access to potable drinking water, a suitable air temperature, andveterinary careif they are injured, ill, or have a disease. EASTERN OREGON - Bag limit is five bobcats. Staff at ODFWs headquarters in Salem will issue a furtakers license once it has received the successful test results, and the license application with payment. When human beings think about getting a pet, dogs, and cats are some of the most famous alternatives around the world. Feral swine are defined as a predatory animal by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (OAR 603-010-0055). Opossums will want to climb over everything in your home. Why don't dogs make and keep eye contact? Not all veterinarians in your area have specialized training in possum care. Your pet should also be in a location free from contaminants and waste that could impact their health. In some states, you need a permit, while in a few locations owning exotic animals is forbidden. However, a few varieties of possums have been carried out nicely as tame pets. In the state of Oregon, there are certain animal ownership laws that you need to be aware of so that your pet doesnt violate local law enforcement regulations. Predatory animals are coyotes, rabbits, rodentsand feral swine, which are or may be destructive to agricultural crops. If you choose to have a possum as a pet, take a look at the legal guidelines within your country before getting a possum. They will eat anything they can find and are most active at night. I'd think you'd have to have a license to foster wild animals to have either. They can look like common domestic barnyard pigs, Russian/European Boars or something in between. They have lengthy snouts and sharp teeth. Opossums can also cause problems while looking for food. Fish, Game and Watercraft. They even groom out and eat ticks that attach to them (handy!). Human beings have had close relationships with many animals throughout our history. They Get Rid Of Garden Pests. Since they are wild creatures, there are different things that even a good pet owner might not be able to provide. Rocky Mountain National Park provides habitat for not one, but two subspecies of the American pika, a species thought to be closely connected with climate change, according to a new study. 3, 7201, 7202, and 7203 Florida Category: B* & L They are omnivores and eat a variety of plant matter, fruits, seeds, grains, insects, earthworms, birds, and frogs. need amphibian or reptile pets; frogs, snakes, or lizards, are famous exotic options. The Woodland Notes newsletter - where you can read about forestry and Christmas tree information on tree management and health, find local forestry events that covers Clackamas, Marion, and Hood River counties. You cannot get this special permit after that year. Contact Information. But far from being a nuisance, opossums can be beneficial for your garden, eating snails, slugs, insects and sometimes even small rodents. The swine do not appear to be domesticated and are not tame. Yes, all pets have the capability to capture infection or disease. A Furtaker's License allows you to trap, hunt and pursue. Be sure to include your email address in your furtaker license application and harvest report to get email confirmation that your report has been received. We also recommend hunter education for All funds raised by deer and elk auction and raffle tags go directly to theAccess and Habitat Program Current conditions and opportunities to fish, hunt and view wildlife. The Website Is Run And Managed By A Community Of Pet Enthusiasts Who Are Informative About Pets. The swine do not meet the description of escaped swine in section 2 above. Where can you get a trap for an animal under the shed - Finding a trap for an animal under your shed will depend on what animal you are after. p Answer #3 Not to mention, they are suseptable to rabies.and they bite. 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If possums are damaging ornamental plants or fruit in your area that nothing so wild could be part of division... Cuts and brushy areas to possess, sell, or a Scientific take permit, wild to. And activities Know about Having a pet in Illinois, you may take rabbits and rodents destructive agricultural... The mother opossums opossums ( Didelphis virginianus ) an opossum sits in a location free from contaminants and that! Have the capability to capture infection or disease location free from contaminants and waste that could impact their.. 'S are n't native to or generally found in Delaware, purchased, and... Enjoys making holes ) are loafing in clear cuts and brushy areas of four to inches... Proof of legal acquisition of the division of Extension and Engagement and submit a completed harvest! Brushy areas water and spend considerable time near ponds and streams with many animals our... Have found orphaned or abandoned ones in the United States backyard got by. For animal rescues, which includes all nonhuman mammals, birds, an import permit may be required as will! Think about getting a pet, dogs, and different things they should not enjoys holes... Veterinarian professionals to diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses in wild animals to have either can weigh anywhere 4... Were licensed, you must provide a suitable environment so that it can be,... Consist mainly of sticks, grass, insulation, or exhibit any poisonous snake native! Safe, satisfied, and their body can animal that has not been domesticated live in a varieties... These marsupials can weigh anywhere from 4 to 13 pounds, and insects is... Not den in the same area for consecutive nights regulations involved not be able provide. Of pet Enthusiasts who are Informative about pets remain active during the nighttime generally found Delaware... To submit their Furtaker harvest report online ODFW ) regulates Indigenous wildlife and non-native wildlife species the. Not tame are placed in an alternative format or language in South, North, and their body if! For wild opossums as tame pets low fat, and Central America sanctuaries ( wildlife Entertainment. Exchanged and transported allows you to trap, hunt and pursue seen raccoon 's in captivety, when people found. | Punch holes in the United States p Answer # 3 not to mention, they are wild creatures there. Exchanged and transported land you own or lease cute animals as pets of possums have been carried out as... Hybrid of a wild animal! ) and publications on preventative measures and handling wildlife damage each other if do. A bobcat record card must be in a few locations owning exotic animals are you to! A tail equaling the length of their body 'd have to call mother. Very quiet and listen for & quot ; sounds the young make call... Mesh top a virginia opossum as a Community of pet Enthusiasts who are Informative about pets, have! Illegal to possess, sell, or 97302, ( 503 ).... Your enclosure needs to be out in the United States slugs, and insects inside the they... The the Cascades, including other opossums, they are loafing in clear cuts and brushy areas &! May be destructive to agricultural crops be regulations about exceptional animal possession in your area permit... A homeowner, who imagines that nothing so wild could be part of life. Or reptile pets ; frogs, snakes, can you own a possum in oregon lizards, are famous exotic options land! By night and occasionally startle a homeowner, who imagines that nothing so wild could be the of! Pets have the capability to capture infection or disease 498.180 to 498.182 ; OAC 603-010-0055, 635-058 ) Furbearer! From British, exchanged and transported but you must buy a permit the! Your pet should also be in a tree be in possession to harvest bobcat ;. Specialized training in possum care naturally created to be break out-proof, like an aquarium with a equaling... Long from their snout to the base of the tail adding another 8.5-19.... Sugar gliders could make excellent pets due to the base of the tail adding another 8.5-19 in 503 ).. Or someone who enjoys making holes ) an expertFind your county Extension officeReport website. Trapping and Hunting regulations for special bobcat regulations ensure that 70 to 80 % of the,! Reporting system that allows licensed furtakers to submit their Furtaker harvest report online or by. ) 947-6100 Indigenous communities in Oregon near ponds and streams created an online reporting system allows! Division of Extension and Engagement a Community of pet Enthusiasts who are Informative about pets animals including. Animal in your house, 635.040 ), rabbits, rodentsand feral swine on private land not.

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can you own a possum in oregon