do libras hide their sadness

They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. Libra. They try to show that nothing is wrong. I, love helping people and animals and LOVE them. Aries tends to go all out when it comes to feeling sad. They want tranquil homes decorated artistically. Overall she's just manipulative and controlling, and I doubt all libras are like her. He did work hard to improvise that space for me. etc etc. So I think it's a useful observation, but in no way it should put other Libras down. I was so offended. Its that I still struggle loving myself and getttin my wants and needs. Don't ignore a Leo or disrespect us for too long! (Sun and moon are in 8th house) but he and i are good people. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. That's my fuel. she has never ever apologized to me and never will. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. Tell me, what can make you cr Those born in the first week of October are prone to depression (saturn decan) due to their repressed emotions and hide it so well. has no answer. Then the bag tells me I was telling & she needed to go. But charming when she wants info from us. i dnt care. I won't let anyone treat her badly. And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. I am a Libra, and I am artistic, love to play "wordsmith games", unfortunately my quirky sense of humor precludes anyone appreciating my "wit" most of the time. she physically, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually abused me as far back as i can remember. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? I am a Libra. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. 2.) This is spot on. controlling. In love, these people are loyal, as long as you are useful and fit the perfect image they have of how a life with a perfect partner should be. Thank you. Libra shies away from conflict everywhereexcept within the family. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I am worried that the very same relationship that i have with my parents is what I will have with my wife and kids. Pinning any unoleasantness you are experiencing from people on Libras, flies in the face of Spirituality, as we understand it. I know a few Libras. I'm a Capricorn who's been getting to know this Libra male. Libras are more stable than most. She wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt her, did didn't fly with me I'm grown and 3yrs older. A lawyer once made a circle of names with a dot in the center. Then found out he had suffered a bad injury. Lets not forget Vladimir putin ffs! I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . Cancerians are the mommas of the friend group, regardless of gender. My step mom was a Libra very selfish insecure woman who made sure my life was a living hell growing up. I have my absolutely awful moments when I break someone's trust, when I hurt someone's feelings, and try to control everything and act like it's not my fault. Exalted in saturn bring a virgo sagittarius or leo even aquarius to venus,I'm ashamed a libra represents venus,it's not love what you bring it's dirt and lies. Break out of your shell and be the life of the party. I am a only child also raised by a Libra mother. But when with him, its a real fight not to let myself go to that dark, vindictive, ruthless place. The man Libra is loyal and faithful when it comes to love relationships. I eventually had enough of Libra guy. Im a gemini. They have this bubbly, sweet and openminded personality and claim to only want peace; until you realize how much they crave dramas with all their badmouhthing against the people they claim to be "friends". I ignore my family my friends and my work. I do whatever makes my lover happy just to keep the harmony and passion between us. That said, they can still become wound up like they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown, meaning their emotions are much bigger than what you see on the surface. Diplomatic, graceful, charming and even witty! Met my wife in early 2000. Another TV judge who had an attitude is Simon Cowell (Oct. 7). But this just my super bad experiences with them. So, the best step is to find the bravery to show him what a great partner you could be. This can be dangerous for Libra when it comes to relationships, as they tend to put the needs of their partner above their own, especially Libra men. Most Emotionally Strong Zodiac Signs. Despite the fact that men are generally known to hide their feelings when in love, it's not often the case that they are not in . When she feels that she is doubtful or uncertain about her decisions and her future, she may decide that the best course of action is to avoid people and conversations. But hard for the Librans who try their absolute best so show that they are genuine, and actually try to be even and open minded. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. How to Start a Conversation With an Aquarius Man, How to Have a Healthy Relationship With a Sagittarius Woman. Because of this, she may start spending time with new people or strengthen relationships with other friends. The first Libra guy became interested in me from a far by noticing me on Facebook when I commented on a mutual college friend's photo (which included Mr. Libra) and I said (you guys look like a GQ magazine cover). Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. I have yet to find a Libra female who is willing to be a real friend instead of being jealous and gossipy. They are popular works as well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other. and yes you probably deserved it! We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). BUT dont forget the good as long as you stay on their good side theyll spoil you be your shoulder to cry on and alot more. Librans, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. she would rage out. The stereotype that portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading. Libra men are so controlling and a manipulative person Im a Scorpio so that didnt last long with me. Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Today he's converted into spiritualist religion, and I hope he's changed now although a few years back he let slip something about one of his sons who he said "he is very serious" and that "he is different from the younger one". (Of course I'm born in October hahaI happen to be controlling indeed toward those who get closer to me; in the work-social arenaa combination of practicality- choosing your battles- and impracticality - picking battles you can't win, just to make a point, I do that too. Grow up wife. The negative side of Libra is hard to bear. Libra Is Meant To Be In A Couple! Really a Pisces dreamworld is the realest compared to it. She should be recognized for this and given her Propers. Is your love language what you give or receive? Libras have a reputation for being able to hide their emotions well. How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology, your negative and positive characteristics, The Saddest Zodiac Signs That Are Most Likely To Be Depressed, can start being more impulsive, blind with rage, become hostile, isolated, and have violent mood swings, The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology, 3 Zodiac Signs With Challenging Horoscopes During Moon Square Venus On March 1, 2023, The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Luckiest Love Horoscopes In March 2023, The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 1, 2023, The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign, Aquarius can sometimes hide their emotions, What An Aquarius Really Thinks About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! That mood starts in the morning and finishes at night. Sometimes I forget to get that information. One day, a Libran aquaintance (the now ex fiance of my partner's friend) tried to contact my partner one Christmas with a flurry of dramatic txts and voicemail as her fiance had dumped her. As a Libra male, i agree with most of this. I avoid confrontations and drama if at all possible. However, it is possible that they do not feel that her behaviors are purposefully harmful. But the best thing I sickening Libra is that they always find a patsy to do their dirty work, who come out worst in their name but unconsciously. I have negative experiences with them, well the females not the males. But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. Muahahahaha ;)~. Everything in this article rings true. i have never told her. This is likely a defense mechanism, as she may feel that any criticism of her behaviors is a rejection of herself. Not be the only reason Im happy. im living with a libra female and i am done with her trying to control my life.. wanting to have things go well with her guys. I think that is just right when etiquette is concern. I dont owe you a damn thing!!!!! She did nothing. No one believes he's got so many dark secrets in his life but only the very close ones to him, like his ex-wife who I learned, only once they got divorced, that he was very aggressive to her indoors. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. I have good traits, and some of those bad traits, am I happy with them?! Trust me, I am a Libra I know what kind of demon we can be. My experience with libras is dark. The other two Libras were two different guys at my college who literally went 20 miles out of their way to pursue me (and later stalked) me after I rejected them, ended communications. If they're a brilliant Libran, I will definitely listen. It is possible that her downcast feelings will develop into anger or rage. I am leaving him in God's hands because I know one day he will pay for all these sick acts he's committed. She may make the decision that she needs to make changes in regard to her social relationships. Since Aries is known for being very blunt, they may say something that cuts Libra deep. And I don't want to become a mother after all I read here , It's a big responsibility that I can't handle I'm very fragile and need someone to constantly take care of me. Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! If you can't relate to all the negative sides, why feel attacked in a certain way? Hehe. He will yell that all he wants is some peace. However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. I was 9 y/o and he was 16. If this occurs, then attempt to nourish your relationship as soon as possible. Because of your interest in an Aquarius woman in your , The relationship that you maintain with an Aquarius man must , It is likely that you will find that the behaviors , If you want to show your guy just how much , Regardless of the nature of your relationship, it is certain , what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman. Most Libras are quick to put a wall up to protect themselves from insecure, jealous, judgemental, negative, condescending people who attack them. A Libran I worked with began the day by removing her coat and airing her daily 20-minute complaint. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Copyright 2023 Astrology Cosmos on the Foodie Pro Theme. I have a stellium in libra sun moon mercury venus and they are all in the 12th house. I apologize and we move on. What's hard is, is that a lot of this does happen. Absolutely, every sign except for that poison scorp. The reason they hide their feelings is because they don't want to burden the other person with their emotions. I dont like drama. Think i am not fake person. Her friends, family members, or partner may begin to feel that she chooses to undermine their relationships. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on September 06, 2016: The constellation Libra contains stars that belonged to Scorpio until astronomers (not astrologers!) It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). I was overwhelmed and tearful as it was my dad who gave me it in advance, and it was the first time he told me he loved me - I am telling her the story, she wasn't interested and tried to turn it all back to her new Prey, a new man. Librans are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. but when i read this i was like wow. i hope she can just control herself from now on and never treat my daughter the way she treated us. She told me she loved me and carried on, even said I was her world, her confidante, her saving grace (Calipreston), then when I started thinking OK maybe there is something here she carried on for weeks, then bam. Bye bitch see ya never. According to the CDC, "more than two in five adults experienced symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder in their lifetime." Libras strive for balance when hurt, making it hard to tell when something is wrong. We are extremely patient.but not always is best not to cross a Libra..unless you want your soul torn to the corners of the universe. The men. I am a libra my self and the main thing about being a libra is emotions libras value there emotions so much it is everything to them.when libras are sad it is so hard to get there trust.when a fight happens with there friends they will get so emotional that they become a monster they never want to even think about being but they dont realise. what a joke!!! All those who commented and appear to be a Libra and can't handle criticism, you just proved the whole author's point. I feel like a pawn on a chess board to her. I am taurus with a highly aries dominance,and i just want to puke thinking about libras utterly shameful fakeness. I can't with him I just like his attractiveness. Or the inability to care about circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as I thought of her like a sister. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). me, me, me..lie. o que associo a cada signo aries: personalidade touro: inflexvel gmeos: ingenuidade cncer: terapia (precisam mt) leo: ignorncia virgem: sociopatia libra: inconvenincia escorpio: intimidade sagitrio: hide sadness behind beautiful smile aquario: metidos peixes: sonsos I'm 28 years old , born on September 27 and I wish I can hear stories of girls who share the same birthday with me as I need some answers. Ive had so many ppl misuse me and take advantage of me but soon as I react Im the crazy one, I am a Libra and I can tell u when u make a Libra mad they get quit and when that happens the best thing to do is leave cause they are about to snap, Aries women here I have a Libra soon to b ex friend and a brother and these are very giving ppl and they are charming but they do have a dark side especially when you get close to them my friend known her for 7 yrs God mother to my kids I loved this friend and I really praised her and always was there for her I would take a bullet for her cuz when an Aries love sooo deep and we r sensitive but she used to put me down in a sarcastic way n I felt she wanted to hurt me when she said it but I use to brush it off cuz she's done so much for me n me for her and recently her roommate told me she was speaking of my husband wanted to screw her n she use to say so many mean things about me so as an Aries I confronted the situation with my husband and her roommate and her all together and I was so hurt that she had this hatred against me it broke my heart she couldn't say anything and wanted to leave the room and I that moment I found out who she really was I wish her the best but not in my life and my brother I've tried to b there for him emotionally physically and still didn't work definitely got stabbed in the back so just b careful if u feel too deeply and love deeply u might end up being their prey I know they might not all be like that I hope but I had enough of Libra I connect with them but will never ever be devoted to one again that's my experience n boy I'm still healing from the hurt but life moves on, This article makes me regret being a Libra :') What a pity my mother didn't postpone my birth. Libras are all about relationships and balance and will go at any lengths to acheive this whether its making people feel sorry for them, misusing others for their own gain, exhibiting superficial emotions to have codependent relationships. Some of you seem quite bitter and let your insecurities show by bashing Libras. But when i was over it. This ability to read people allows them to avoid conflict by hiding their true feelings. RELATED: What To Do When A Cancer Ignores You. And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". Personally, I've been single for my whole life except for a year when I was in a relationship with another Libra, what is the worst combination on the whole planet earth, especially if the both Libras haven't had a chance to learn and stabilise themselves. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! Libra These folks are really the sweetest! She finally left us alone and we did not see the kids until they became adults, many years later. Having to explain why you're feeling blue, especially when it feels like it's all piling up on you, can end up making you feel worse. Because, my inability to cope with my emotions and disability to be alone should never weight others down. Do Libras Hide Their Emotions? You want to see fire, you'll get the air ripped from your sales! This will likely cause her career or relationships to suffer, as she may express herself in a manner that undermines her message. When they do good they want that pat on the back. He hated that i was of value at job, he hated the fact i was tech savvy, he hated all of my achievements, and gumption. They can also become unresponsive in conversations, making it almost impossible to get through to them when they're depressed. I know that sounds brash, and probably just as bad as how Librans have been painted on here, but there is a very specific driving force as to why I acted the way that I did, and it's because of how how she treated my children. My older bro is a libra, a paedophile. Libras are level headed and tend to think through all things rationally, but when their heart is broken, things can change. I loved him at a distance because I was already attached and knew that being fully invested would break me even more. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. 4.) Sag herewe like the truth pure and simple and wont accept anything less. Yes, alot of these opinions are true but thats why they call them opinions, everyone has one. I use to be a joyful person and chose to spread that joy until i actually got out of dreamland and saw reality and i just lost all hope in humanity so if reading this comment and this article amuses you or disgust you and youd rather have bitter, souless people in your life like ive become then ruin someones accidental innocent hope of life and the world. His protectiveness will not be shown in an offensive manner, since that is not how he operates. So don't take the (general) layout of the Libra to heart, it's only one sliver of what variations there can be about the Libra. I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. He can't see or type his sister's name in his FB IM? Obviously, each sign deals with sadness differently, which might be why you feel a deeper connection between you and certain people more than with others; when you get into your lowest lows, these people just get what you're feeling, even without words. You can't be weak around these majestic women. I eventually had to reject him, "block" him and go "No Contact" with Mr. Libra 2. They are freaking insecure. Mind & heart got twisted in and out 24/7 till I broke down entirely. If a libras dark side showing youve had to provoke them in some way. Lol, so true. If you piss off or let a Libran down, do not both trying to: because they know what you did and your ability to do it again. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. Something darker? The alarm bells were ringing, I was no longer denying the gut and i made sure I got her whole astrology chart (on the pretense of performing a compatibility report for her new Prey). I think it's true that Libras like things balanced and harmonious. trying to be frends with my friends cos she doesnt have any.. she wud sit in the room with her guys.. when they leave she comes and sits in the room where im relaxing with my frends. I, can win a fight really easily because i can play with my words and their double meanings. Libra's feel and intuit the world can be vastly overwhelming for those Libra's that don't have an earth sign to anchor them in this world. You should have gone to the shrink when he asked you to! One of them that you should really fear about my dark side are my games that I put you in (you are my pawn and will always be until I get my revenge or I hear an apology if not you'll never be out of my loop until you're gone or I am). Boy was I so wrong and regretted holding on for so long. Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. Extroverted, cosy, and some of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what your... 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do libras hide their sadness