gabapentin ruined my life

Well now I know too. How's your mind?? Next I took 100 off am dose to = 200mg in am and 300 at night. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Idiot drug.Wall Street owns our current medical model. Side notes on days I felt really bad. This is just a terrible process.. It has a short half life. Never stuck, just slowly recovering. Take care and think you'll soon be free. Fortunately, my family doctor agrees with me coming off it. They put me on 1800mg a day for alcohol withdrawl. Good luck to you and we'll keep in touch through this once-in-a-lifetime journey! Well Im praying for all of you guys to get off of this junk and feel human again. Gabapentin is primarily used to prevent, reduce, or stop seizures. I keep things as simple as possible, sleep when I need it. How Topamax ruined my life - Read what other people said on this. I sent a message to your inbox here. Also inform your doctor if youre taking any other medication. In cases in which gabapentin was determined to be a cause of death, the blood concentrations ranged from 1.1 to 134.0 mg/L. Long-term effects of Gabapentin include memory loss when abused and lack of cognitive movements. Symptoms or side effects of gabapentin withdrawal are known to be severe, and I will soon be listing these side effects. I did not think my problems were that terrible before I went off the drug. I was so scared, at times I really believed I was dying and surly would have if I had no faith in anything greater than man could offer me. i'm about 135 lbs 5'7. ive been stagering with 300 mg every 35 minutes while drinking something with caffeine (mt.dew/bang) and eating a banana or peanut butter sandwich for the absorbing effects until i get a buzz usually around 900mg (the third dose) and if i feel i'm not high enough i'll go up to 1200 mg . Started burning all over body in July and knew it was this garbage. Some people have been on it for years! Maybe but my brain and body has not healed yet! is reader-supported. To me its very alike. I have been off Gabapentin cold turkey for about a month. Sweating, confusion, not able to sleep, shaking, nausea, heart palpitations, pain, etc. I know it scared the hell out of me! The drug not only caused severe pain in my bones, but it ate away my muscle strength. For postherpetic neuralgia, it seems to prevent the increase in sensitivity to pain that occurs. It's hard, but rather than trying to titrate even lower, just go through the misery once. Gabapentin is a gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog. This medicine cannot cure epilepsy and will only work to control seizures for as long as you continue to take it. Swelling or tenderness in different parts of the body. Eventually I took 100mg every other day, then stopped completely. You can also take Valerian Root for anxiety and nerves. Some people have been on it for years! Then 3 weeks and midday was eliminated. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I did have another problem though, intrusive OCD . One such condition is called the Restless leg Syndrome. The rule of thumb advised by the Ashton Manual is no more than a 10% drop every 2 weeks or more. I just spotted this and wanted to explain why I have been absent after starting this topic almost a year ago. I asked my husband to come home to be with me because I was afraid of the thoughts I was having. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! This virus remains inactivated, but becomes active either because of compromised immunity or excess stress. I wish everyone luck and hope they feel better very soon. All in all, the pain or the hyper-excited state is neutralized. Just curious! Sometimes my head would roll back and forth, so until Id get to homeostasis I never rushed my dose. My quality of life has gone from not so good to horrible !., A gabapentin user identified Sim wrote I have fibromyalgia, severe muscle pain from a twisted spine/congenitally deformed vertebrae. I force myself to get out and walk around the lake in this beautiful town I live in, I force myself to do my Pilates, I force myself to see my trauma therapist. Altered mental status, drowsiness, and renal dysfunction are also some effects that retain if Gabapentin is not taken off. Most doctors have avoided giving me an MRI review. It can make you agitated, irritable, or even hostile at times, but that does my label you as crazy. I just created a schedule to get off of this which I will show to my Dr. as well as give him a copy of the schedule. What about vitamin D? I only took it for about 3 weeks, then tapered myself off for about 2 weeks. Then all knew to fallow and be in charge of giving me my schedualed dosenot leaving it up to ER staff and that help me relax knowing I wouldnt be treated and tested for everything except gabapentin withdrawl. I was tired of the doctor appointments and the drug testing and all the red tape. constipation . after going to the ER and getting an EKG and full work up i was told it was just an intense panic attack. Chiari Malformation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments, It Hurts to Eat After Endoscopy? When I quit that cold turkey I suffered horrible withdrawals: Diarrhea, vomiting and chills for a week and a little down the next week as well. There's also water-titration, where you dissolve the capsules in water, then decrease the amount you take that way. My pcp told me oh the gaba has to be out of your system! As far as how long this will last, I'm sorry to say, we don't know. They say 300-200 , then 200-100 is miserable and this way you're only miserable once! I could not continue to use it because it did absolutely nothing and I could not stop using it because of the terrible withdrawal symptoms.. He is on board with me NOT going on the lyrica. It hurt to wear socks. Shortly after, my thoughts were everywhere and I had trouble concentrating. Press Esc to cancel. Gabapentin may cause other long-term effects, including memory loss, weakened muscles, and respiratory failure. Also, I joined a gab group on Facebook that has an incredible about of info on it. Google it. 1100mg instead of 1200mg). UGH Never going to another neurologist again! Yet, the doctors know very little about it and just keep prescribing it. Was at 300mg/3x per day total of 1800mg/day. Now, how has Gabapentin ruined my life, or how can it ruin yours? Needless to say, I didnt take any more gabapentin. Your doctor can adjust dosing if youre having problems. 8 years I have been on at least 600 and then 600 more about a year or two years. I felt like I was being stabbed in my stomach when I was on gaba. My doctors prescribed me a variety of new and modified versions of newly available anticonvulsants. We are also going to discuss why this medication is prescribed and what is the safety and efficacy of the drug. I don't know what doctors think or care or even know about the side effects. I hope it's not permanent that would be terrible. hi , I realize your post is from a while ago but I'm going thru withdrawls after taking gaba 300, 3 times a day for 7 mo ths. The dose can be raised to a maximum of 3600 mg a day. but they will decrease, then you know it's time to drop again. I've been tapering VERY slowing, 100 mg/month and I even skip a taper, like at Christmas or vacation, when I don't want to deal with the side effects. Doctors often prescribe gabapentin to prevent epilepsy-related seizures and nerve pain. I started my ween I 10-17. I don't even know how to explain but reading your post about your mind not functioning right..feeling off in the head like brain damage.. Since gabapentin withdrawal I can feel a rain or snow storm two days before it rolls in to my area. From my personal experience being on both drugs; withdrawal is particularly brutal because these drugs numb nerve pain & overactive nerves (I'm far from a doctor or a writer so this is the best language I can use). While these are uncommon, people should be aware of them and seek medical attention if needed. The pain or the anxiety issues will reduce but if the other side effects are ignored, there are slim chances of permanent brain damage. So fed up of the brain fog,forgetting names/where i was in a sentence. Hope that helps. I received no validation or support from the medical community but rather implied Gabapentin abuse. Im glad we have more online sites to find Patient reviews. I wrote in large black market on paper, and posted above my television "It's not you, it's just the gaba leaving your body" it's my mantra now. I wish I had known of how difficult this drug was to discontinue before I had ever taken the first pill. AMEN! It is not recommended to start or stop using any medication, especially while youre being on any medication that can affect your brain, with your doctors approval. Gabapentin Withdrawl Support Group - Facebook Group. Some days do get the best of me. Gabapentin will never be in my life again! Now, daily i have headaches, dizzy, lightheaded, confusion, forgetfulness, vision issues. Slower tapers may allow for safer discontinuation of the drug. Your 1800 (600, 600,600) could be reduced to 500, 600, 500 or 500, 600, 600. increased acid level in your blood. Along with a course of gabapentin, Restless Leg Syndrome can be treated or managed with other therapeutic methods, like: Neurontin or gabapentin groups of medicines work fine with antidepressants as it induces sleep and has a calming effect. I wish I would have found this site before I stopped taking it. I have always said I hated gabapentin even before I knew it was so evil. Michel51: Sorry i was reading your story and i too can relate to everything all of u are going through, i also tried to break up the gaba by taking 1/2 in the am and 1/2 at night,,,this made it worse,,,i was in a complete fog,,,i only was taking 300 mg at night ( i thank my God that i wasnt able to handle it 3x daily as prescribed),,,i had multiple back surgeries and was left with nerve damage,,,i was and am on oxycodone at the same time,,,as i lowered pain med a little at a time i kept waking with severe wd,,,i figured i needed to level out,,,i cit myself slack but after 4 weeks i was still having terrible wd every morning,,,i prayed for God to reveal what is going on? For me my body and emotions/mind would dictate the pace. I have contemplated trying pot but haven't done it yet, but reading that it helps so many people maybe it's worth it. Dont get me wrong. I'm not so sure about me and I'm not so sure all these effects are from the Gabapentin I want to say they are because I'll be down in a week then up because I'll be down in a week then up maybe a week or two and then I'm back down to being dizzy and to not being able to do much because I can't stand up for long periods of time. A few years back I was on 60-100 mg oxycontin a day for half a year after a car accident. However the side effecs are ruining my life, I'm intensely angry, like rage at times. thanks for the advice i really appreciate it, ok thanks yeah my next drop will be less for sure going to get some 100 mg tabs from dr ill pay attention to my body n decrease when i feel good. The rule of thumb on most gabapentin sites is no more than a 10% drop every two weeks or more. It's awful. Have you been taking gabapentin and thought about stopping? I'm so grateful that I stumbled across good info so I went slowly 100 mg/month. I found for me, I needed at least 8 weeks between drops, some are fine with 3 or 4 weeks. Gabapentin is also used to reduce the intensity of neuropathic pain by inhibiting nociceptors (pain receptors). This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had really shaky hands and was dropping and spilling things all over, precision movement was difficult, and I couldnt even write properly. I forgot to mention that my body would lock up so hard and my movements were Parkinson-like oh and It was a challenge for me to breathe. No wonder it has recently been changed to being a controlled substance. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers! Gabapentin is also used to manage a condition called postherpetic neuralgia, which is pain that occurs after shingles. It was THAT BAD! Can Gabapentin ruin your life? I'm not a doctor and can only share what I've learned during this last three years. Build A Successful Homecare Business With These Tips. Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; September 21, 2022 Dubai is a famous tourist destination in the middle east. I need all of this to be GONE, even if it does take 2 1/2 years. If you put your mind to it, you are serious, determined, and unwavering, as well as resourceful, then trust me, you are on your way to recovery because there are various therapies and treatments already available. If you experience seizures, shortness of breath, or other serious symptoms, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. Inform your doctor if youre pregnant or trying to conceive. It all began with subtle chills down my spine to full-blown tremors and anxiety attacks. I was also on a lot of different drugs in my life and this is the worst I have ever gone through getting off a drug in my life. Some meds can cross placenta and are capable of causing unwanted side effects in the growing fetus. We will also give various authentic experiences of people who claimed that Gabapentin ruined their lives. Gabapentin has been the savior or curse to many. If you are interested in contributing an article to Healthsoothe, please reach out to our editorial team at contact [at] to request a media kit. It comes in the following forms: It is used for epilepsy treatment to prevent partial seizures. 14Nevertheless, you have done well tosharewith mein my affliction. She said it was for pain! I pray we all get through this mess! The . From reading, it sounds like they had me on a pretty high dosage right out the gate, but 5 weeks is not a long time. My face and arms burn. However, this WILL get better in time. We will also give various authentic experiences of people who claimed that Gabapentin ruined their lives. My upper body jerking is a lot worse since I can still stand up without assistance. Neurotransmitters are chemicals used by your body's nerve cells. Similar reaction to Lyrica four years ago.. The symptoms he had were because of tapering too quickly. It improves sleep and relaxes the leg muscles, giving it a more calming effect. I hate taking meds to begin with, but this one really has be freaked. Some people get severely affected and develop some of the serious, rare and disturbing side effects that can linger around for much longer even after the discontinuation of your treatment. I was on Gabapentin for 7 months overall. At first, it dulled the pain and made me feel lightheaded, and I had memory problems. It caused terrible insomnia, and I already dont sleep much due to pain as it is. I would put my next dose on the legal pad and only document as taken if the capsules were goneunbelievable my mind became that low functioning. Like the person in the article, I started and tried to stop this drug more than once. A doctor can offer advice on managing side effects and provide medical supervision to allow a person to start or stop taking the medication safely. I pray to God it's only a few months, and not the year plus that others have described. Offer dietary and lifestyle advice, particularly if. The other day my friends referred to me as the 'Fun Pat'. I never could build up a tolerance for taking it in the daytime. The day I took my last dose my pain skyrocketed, but the pain has changed from low back to toes pain, to pain mostly to my anterior legs below my knees. I took epsom salt baths and also took magesium tablets (though the impure stuff can cause diarrhea). I want my mind back more than anything! How Gabapentin Saved My Life. It's like a hot flush, my heart rate increases, but i don't break out in a sweat and it is continuous until I either get back to sleep or I force myself to get up. Anxiety, nervousness, or tension makes us shake our feet involuntarily. Though her work was mainly with benzodiazepine users, her methods have been found to be the safest for all psych drugs. Gabapentin is only available with a prescription. Gabapentin may be capable of passing into the breastmilk and may cause side effects in newborns. Since I have been on gabapentin myself, and I am off it now, I wonder if I am the only one for gabapentin to ruin my life. I have been back on 600 gabapentin, 300 in the am and 300 at bedtime now for 5 months and I am still having the horrible withdrawal symptoms. Anxiety is getting worse not better. Id slow/stop and stay at that dose until I felt it level out and then down again and make myself do things being very careful not toget overstimulated because Id get sever anxiety. is one of the best health sites out there that genuinely cares for you. Im reading comeing off gabapentin is just as bad!,so I guess im going to go through another round, Im horrified!!! how are you doing now? I had one Neurologist who did not push pharmaceuticals at me. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. I say it is harder by 100 to discontinue than any opioid, but that figure is far too conservative. Do not stop gabapentin abruptly. 49% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience. It helps to cure shingles, epilepsy, anxiety, etc. So if you have overdosed or someone close to you has overdosed, consult your healthcare provider immediately. Take care, and yes now that I FINALLY found this section instead of just shingles and PHN, I'll be here. If it doesn't show up, I'll re-post it. Though not technically addictive, dependency can happen very quickly. i thought about take two 600 mg for two weeks then 300mg for one week 150 one week 75 mg one week what do u think just trying to wean off of it with less side effects. I had horrible dizziness and nausea and owed just so many things and I was like eight symptoms I could barely walk I could get up to walk along the furniture to get into the bathroom and back I wasn't eating. Gabapentin is FDA-approved for a variety of conditions, including seizures, nerve pain, and restless legs syndrome. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication. I went to treatment to help my addiction, and now i have different issues! Let me know what your dr says if you dont mind! I know that almost everyone I know has had either ridiculously terrible side effects (one of my closest friends says she is still not the same) or amazing. Its best to take them apart for at least 2 hours. Are you still fighting this? And always remember that Healthsoothe is one of the best health sites out there that genuinely cares for you. If you go too quickly and don't allow the body time to heal between drops, there's nothing you can do, but take much longer and wait for the body to heal. I got from 2700mg to being off it in a few weeks I think I'd sooner suffer the pelvic pain rather than taking gaberpentin. My plan was to write about my extremely painful and unexpected withdrawal experience after I felt better, but it has been FIFTEEN months. Symptoms can include: Changes in behavior and thinking, especially in children ages 3 to 12 years. I want to go down another 300 but I'm afraid to I don't think I could handle all that again. Experts recommend gradually smaller doses of gabapentin to safely and comfortably wean a person off the medication. I'm in a group which follows other guidelines from benzo support, and they recommend 10% or less drops of the drug over 4 weeks or longer. Hi Jackie. My doctor was ill during this time and I stopped taking the drug on my own and now the pain level has decreased some but the swelling in my feet has NOT gone way and is quite DISABLING!!!. So I am still on 900 mg I figured at least I should have 300 mg out of my system name for surgery. It is advised to not stop this medication abruptly. Why would a neurologist tell me to go off suddenly and give me no warning? I had horrible dizziness and nausea and owed just so many things and I was like eight symptoms I could barely walk I could get up to walk along the furniture to get into the bathroom and back I wasn't eating. Gabapentin, also known by its brand name Neurontin, is a prescription medication primarily used for the treatment of epilepsy to control seizures. so prayers and blessings to you please be careful. 3) I became depressed & anxiousI feel like I lost weeks of my life I will never get back. I kept eating all the fatty and high sugar foods and I just did not stop., This not only made me gain a tremendous amount of weight, but it also caused insulin resistance in my body and later I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. However, the withdrawal symptoms have been a series of horror for most other people. Am ok now. I'd reduced down to two 50 mg (12 hours apart) and all the weird physical side effects have gone.Because I've done it so slowly,I've had no withdrawal problems.Today,the doc prescribed me 2 x 25 mg capsules,so I can reduce further and space them out. I have been off of gabapentin for 17 days now.. for a few days I felt things in my head were getting better. This month the withdrawal, or Discontinuation Syndrome as the manufacturer prefers to call it, has been easier. Malformation: Causes, symptoms, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately 200-100 is miserable and way! I should have 300 mg out of me grateful that I FINALLY this! 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gabapentin ruined my life