harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry

Read Acknowledgments from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 5,583 reads. Original Muggle Character (s) Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter) Young Sirius Black. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. When they were done, her first question was to Harry, demanding to know why he hadn't simply used his owl to ask for help. The damage was hardly that bad, Severus, Pomona said mildly. Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) Bisexual Percy Jackson. And I doubt there was anything to drink in the car, Bill warned. Ah, we wondered why you beat such a hasty retreat, said George. Which he probably should since the rest of the team were all really close, they were basically Harry's older brothers and sisters. After books show up in her office Umbridge sets out to prove that Harry Potter is a liar. At first, Harry loved this method of traveling. The car paid him no mind and disappeared from sight. Just A Normal Day, a harry potter fanfic. Either his mother hadnt known or had left it out of the story. Even then, Fred agreed. 'This will get him' she thought 'this will expose him for the liar he is. That was not deliberate. Im sure he thought we deserved it for messing around. Harry shrugged. Then he escorted Snape out of his own office, leaving the boys with their head of house, who was still eyeing them like a watchful bird of prey. And does a certain tree from the chapter title have anything to do with that? They winced. Charlie-Molly Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. We had to hop on while it started moving, Fred admitted. It was wrong of me to enchant the car in the first place, and I knew that full well. secret, or mysterious; understood by few. Ron turned red. AU. Then both boys started laughing, and had a hard time stopping. Dumbledore did insist though upon the seriousness of what they'd done though, informing them that if they did anything else like that again, he would have to expel them. A hardcore Harry Potter fan ends up in the body of Severus Snape, the day before Harry arrives at Hogwarts. Arthur sighed. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. Besides the Weasley's, there's Neville, Luna, Hagrid, Professors McGonagal, Snape, Sprout, Flitwick, wait. His deepest desire was to be with his family, and you have a large family that all love you. Were not in a hurry and I dont think we want to rush the readings and miss important details, Kingsley pointed out. Er, we were fine. Harry shrugged. You could have had a concussion. All of it, Snape told him dryly, not allowing any of his amusement at the boys expression to show. They would get an underage magic warning and Harrys already had one of those, Kingsley pointed out. Reading the Books. What if she and Yelena left and moved to London? A nearby guard yelled at them. He was trying to fight his way over as well, wearing a face that just screamed he had every intention of telling them off. Harry sighed in defeat. Then he pressed a silver button, and the car vanished, along with Harry and Ron inside. More people along the way. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The car began a nosedive, heading straight for the castle wall. I agree the system needs looking into, Minerva sighed. How did you know about the car? Bill asked in surprise. But it was very good of you to try, Arthur said with a slight smile. List of Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Pi Hidden away under the sea, these eight powerful demigods have only just begun getting used to each other, let alone are prepared for the book to come. Very not good, Sirius muttered to himself, clutching Harry tightly. The teachers exchanged more guilty looks. Mrs Weasley went with Ginny. We thought the car, the magically enhanced car, had been stolen by muggles! Molly scolded her son. He hadnt reckoned on magic. You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Molly threw a glare in the twins direction. Ron picked up Hedwig as people nearby muttered about animal cruelty. Of course, he was Ron, Hermione sighed. Given how reckless and impulsive he had proven to be, it seemed like such an idea would be a grand idea to the twelve-year-old. In the end, he said nothing not wanting to put his foot in his mouth. windstorm16 is a fanfiction author that has written 102 stories for Naruto, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Anime X-overs, Pokmon, Godzilla , Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail . You left two Gryffindor twelve-year-old boys alone in my office! Honestly, he was lucky that Harry was nothing like his father or godfather or else his office would have been left in ruins. We were out by five past eleven, Arthur added. It doesnt travel in a straight line the entire way, Minerva pointed out. It never seems quite so long on the train, Ron muttered. It would be much more efficient than trying to complete all of those tasks at the same time, Tonks wondered. Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. Severus barely managed to supress a snort at that. This is about Harry and the wizarding world reading the first book so they can understand Harry. It had felt like they had been there for far longer than three or four minutes. Sorceress | (n.) a woman who practices sorcery or witchcraft : witch. House-elves are very powerful, and Dobby seemed pretty adamant that Harry shouldnt go back to school. Harry as he sits in his room at privet drive, wonders in what has happened to a friend that he had met in his first year at Hogwarts, Roxas. Now that he knew it was unlikely Harry had done it for attention, the way he had previously assumed, he was curious to hear their reasoning, foolish as it likely was. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. Ron then asked if he could go upstairs for the end of the sorting, he wanted to see his sister-, McGonagall cut him off and informed him the Ceremony was complete, and Ginny had joined him in Gryffindor. You were far enough away from the tree, right? Remus double checked. And how many different enchantments did you put on it? Filius wondered. What in the name on Merlin is going on? Sirius wanted to know. A Hero is from Dudley's POV. Here you were trapped in the middle of muggle London. Harry Potter and Seraphina McCall thought their lives couldn't be any worse than it is right now, but they just jinxed it. Get into the clouds, quickly, Percy advised. Well, we know that now. They are allowed to use magic if its a real emergency. He hated it and everything it represented. There's "The Discovery Series." The next generation reads the books, by themselves. The boys exchanged an uneasy look, Ron trying and failing to reassure that the car may just be tired, as it had never travelled this far before. Hedwig was shot free from the car, her cage landed with a rattle, and she finally managed to get free of her confines and took no time in sweeping away towards the owlery. It was a good job she had decided to step down as Head of Gryffindor. Honestly, with the invisibility booster not working, they were lucky it was only six or seven, Ted muttered. Where you get introduced to the millions of ideas that Percy and his friends are brought to Olympus to read the PJO/HoO books as a way to get Athena to finally accept Percy Harry assured her that they hadn't been expelled. Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon the Knight Bus. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Ron noted that the train had left. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. We will finally be able to expose him for the liar he is." Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. One day in her fifth year at hogwarts her other famil . Er, how much of that did you overhear, sir? Harry asked weakly. Harry grinned. And how did none of the staff notice? Ron shrugged. And I doubt Ron did either, Harry pointed out. Plus it does help the team dynamic during games since they all know what each other are going to do before they do it. You must still have a little way too go, Bill mused worriedly. Ron's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the car now just a few feet more and gave the gas pedal one more push, then the car stuttered, and died. The Weasleys went to sit by Ron and Hermione while Amelia, Kingsley, and Moody went to sit by the staff stable leaving Remus, Tonks, and Snuffles to come and sit right next to them. But Id be amazed if he could perform any spells with his wand in that condition. Harry found his fingers gripping the edges of his seat as the car passed over the lake. Not to mention, it would likely have been forgotten in the aftermath of Ron and Harrys exploits. Then a knock came from the door, and Snape opened it to reveal Dumbledore. They would probably only be eating sweets on the train anyway, Charlie guessed. No! Molly scolded. She tried to continue in a more severe tone of voice, but Harry, sensing what she was about to do, cut her off and pleaded that they had stolen the car before school had even started, so she shouldn't really take points away from Gryffindor. Assuming Mr. Weasley even knew how to fly the car, Filius reminded them. Please tell me you reinforced the glass? Molly begged her husband. Thanks to Molly Weasley and Dumbledore, they had resorted to secret meetings just for a bit of time together. But Dumbledore cut him off, reminding that they were in McGonagall's house, so she would decide the punishment. Boys, Hermione muttered, shaking her head. All they had to worry about now were airplanes. We know that, Charlie soothed. Well, after how expensive the supplies were that summer and with the, er, letter from mum the next morning, I figured I wouldnt bother., Foolish boy! Moody barked. Not everyone is the fanatic you are, Tonks reminded her best friend. You were jealous? At least you could slip through the tiniest of gaps. 229 guests That was a useful addition that wouldnt get you in trouble with the law. It was a hectic morning, Fred offered with a shrug. His twin brothers took that car out all the time, and they'd never gotten caught! Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. For this book, what idiocy even-" Umbridge's voice died out as she read the title of the book in her hand. "Minister what is this about," she asked looking a bit upset that she was pulled away from her work, "Well Amelia, Dolores found these books telling the stories of Mr. Potter's time here at Hogwarts. Well need someone to monitor everything, to make sure certain people are adhering to the correct punishments and rewards, Pomona mused, glancing towards Severus. Harry wondered how Rons parents would get home. They were two twelve-year-old boys in the middle of muggle London. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > snape forced harry potter to wear diapers fanfiction. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. Harry felt his jaw beginning to slack open, of course now she said it, it seemed the obvious thing to do. And one of those boys was Harry Potter. They discussed the possibilities as to why Snape might be missing, including being sacked and illness. Without any prompting it shot itself backwards, clear of the tree which was now nearly ripping itself out of the ground as it continued trying to lash out at them. Then she shuddered, realising that it wouldnt have helped. We all knew by the time they made it to the common room.. The problem was that it was required in the first place, Amelia stated. Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. All his secrets were about to be exposed. Still, it would be worth it in the end. Good job you didnt fly into London, Bill muttered. If only they had waited another couple of minutes! Only Gryffindors would be pleased by such a stupid stunt, Draco said, shaking his head. Its not like it lasted, Harry muttered bitterly. Molly turned to glare at her husband who winced. Ive had detention for a month for less than that! It also reminded them of their original problem, how come they hadn't been able to get onto the platform? Back then I still thought magic could fix pretty much anything, Harry admitted. She couldnt imagine a basilisk roaming the school on top of the Sirius Black problem and the Dementors. Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The muggles all had their memories modified, that was the easy bit. Contrary to belief, I dont enjoy taking points off of my lions, Minerva stated. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. By now everyone in the guild have noticed something wrong with Percy and Cana being the closest gets to Percy and tries to calm him down. That hadnt been his finest moment. In The Uncle (oneshot) Remus rescues Harry from the Dursleys. Im impressed you had heard and had already had time to start looking for them, Ted noted. Dont think weve ever been quite that late before.. Harry, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George, Lucius, Draco, Severus and Tom Voldemort , gets locked in a room reading about Harry's life, and Dumbledore's fake prophecy. It would be attracted by the movement, Neville shook his head. Both boys were wishing they had been on the train. They almost wished theyd missed the train as well. None of them knew why and were confused about what could be happening that would need everyone. That was completely different. Actually, that doesnt. Harry quickly asked if he was okay and found Ron stammering something about his wand. Ron told him they could apparate and wouldnt need the car. Emmeline suddenly had a thought. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,491 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 210 - Published: Jun 12, 2011 - Harry P., Remus L. - Complete. One more and then I think we should stop for this evening, Molly suggested glancing at the time. The punishments in this place are all over the place, Emmeline shook her head. If wed have gotten that far, Ron muttered grumpily. Why not floo to the station? Draco wondered. You dont thinkDobby? Charlie frowned at his brother. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. 3. Ron told Harry to check no one was watching as he started the ignition. Surely one of the casting classes must have noticed? Emmeline frowned. Some teenagers from future had sent seven books named as the Potter twins. Young | (a.) Snape looked as though Christmas had been cancelled. Ron winced, thinking about the howler he had received. This author has like 3 HP reading stories, this one is complete, one only has 2 and there's . If the Weasleys had been unable to afford a new wand, well there was a Hogwarts fund for emergencies like that. Please consider turning it on! It definitely had a personality of its own, Ron muttered grumpily. Angelina-Alicia But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. Severus was surprised by just how resistant Harry seemed to be to the idea of flying the car. Harry decided he'd take that. Spirithorse16 - Hogwarts reads the books: 1,2,3,4 not sure how far 4 goes but I think it's after the first task. He found the latter rather unlikely. 22eMeralds, ALoverofAllWriting, thatderangedsimp, KatLas_1991, merip4361com, DQM, Ginger1534, SeerLunaSmartHarry, sneakylinksnape, stupendouspudding, ThatNerdWithOCD, WolfyPup, 090101vh, Slytherins_Princess, Its_ur_power, surmire, Madeline_mad, Slytherin2020, millabug27, Ariel_01, Weeb4lyfe_help, Aithusa13, felisassy, Kitsuki, PHOENIX_PERSON_123, EsmeraLupita6, BBKitty, simply_a_rat, libralionmjb, Isabella_Heartrose20, Bododragon, MissShannon, What_do_you_want, LauraBarns, Irelynd, Staffindeed, Kitsune511, Ace_of_Spades_23, Auntie_Nanny_Em, LSDacidtrip, Violette_7, IvochkaOwO, suiadeo, AWolfNamedAliac, Wundersmidget, Rixanium, Emmalynn, Jaggedheart, Messy_organs5, Elizzza14, and 292 more users Undetectable extension charms, Filius guessed. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. She had to call the minister, this will finally help them get what they want. Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. Harry finds that Sirius has left him a strange gift in the form of a fairy memory stone. Its over now thankfully.. Well help, Filius offered immediately. Now, was that deliberate or not? Sirius wondered with a glance towards his old head of house. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. Ron could have seriously hurt himself or a classmate working with that wand all year, they should have noticed and written to Mrs Weasley about it. Of all the people to catch them, Charlie groaned. Im sure well manage, Minerva said, though her head pounded at the idea of how much work she would have once they were out of the time bubble. So did Sirius and Remus who had both overheard with their canine hearing, though they had no idea how a broken wand would fix either of those situations. In which the Scooby-Doo gang, Mikaelson family and Hogwarts Hermione Potter AU!! The tree was attacking them. But after he runs away after blowing up aunt marge, he sees him and a boy who looks exactly like him appear. Youd never do anything to deliberately hurt Hedwig.. Protective Harry Potter; Abused Harry Potter; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Summary. We really didnt need a lecture though after we got through with Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, Ron pointed out. Work Search: And its probably a lot more comfortable, Charlie pointed out, looking unsympathetic. The broomstick I can understand, but a diary is hardly that important when youre already running late.. Then he demanded to know what happened to the car. The teachers, except Dumbledore, all looked pointedly at Harry and Ron. That is quite the personality its developed there, if its actually able to chuck you both out, Filius noted. When a bunch of books appear in the great hall detailing the past, present, and future what will the students and staff of Hogwarts choose to believe? They ate their fill, as the plate and cups kept refilling themselves, and then made their way up the nearly endless staircases until they made it to the portrait of the fat lady. What? Several people stared at the two in astonishment. Should have left the blasted thing behind, Ginny mumbled to herself. They're still tra Just My Story Ideas if anyone wants to use them I give permission just please tag me. Thatll only make you thirstier. With this letter, there are seven books. He doesn't know why Ron and Hermione don't just come and sit with them, ever since Ron joined the team this year he doesn't really talk to them outside of practice and try to bond with them. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. Honestly, why is that tree even there? Tonks wondered. The boy is named Harry Potter and his twin sister is named Riona Potter. You know full well Dumbledore would never expel Harry Potter, Emmeline pointed out. 25 Feb 2023. Sirius asked the room for some parchment and scribbled down a note of Harrys favourite dessert. As I recall, they were seen by muggles, Amelia pointed out. They had noted the greater than normal number of accidents Ron had had with spellcasting that year, but by Halloween there had been other things on their minds. They still had to find their way to Hogwarts. Rons no sidekick! Harry protested as he hadnt been able to then. Dumbledore didnt question it, so Harry finished his tale. It won the Quibbler Awards (not sure what that is, but included in case it's relevant). Normally shes always coming to breakfast, even without mail, Fred commented. However much money Harry has, it cant buy him any of those things, she explained in an undertone. A few people chuckled now that they knew both boys were relatively unharmed. She leant down and picked the other 6 books up, reading their spines quickly. Harry began stammering that he hadn't thought, and McGonagall curtly replied that this was obvious. Oh, hes going to be right behind you, isnt he? Tonks groaned. There, you were chasing after a dark wizard who had already tried to kill you, with no other plan than get lucky, Sirius reminded him grimly. Harry's name is written inside the briefs. So, they both decided to ignore the growing whine from the car. Thats what you forgot? Molly glowered at her son. "So what do you guys think this is about? I forgot that too?. Search: Nico Is Abused Fanfiction Solangelo.Nico writhed in his sleep Child sexual abuse is a kind of child abuse when an adult or someone else with power makes a child do any kind of sexual activities Nico has always been more of a fan of winter over any other season, but winter in New York is a completely different monster " Domestic abuse . Youre welcome in your own house, arent treated like a house-elf. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. You cant have got the wrong pillar and the barrier doesnt close for a good thirty minutes after the train leaves.. 80 7 2. Okay, he made a lot of questionable decisions, he knew he had condemned Harry to many years of loneliness and . The sorting was happening, we saw it through the windows, Harry told him. They cant stay there forever, either way. Involving missing What if Natasha Romanoff didn't die in Endgame? Professor McGonagall raised her wand one more time, and a plate of sandwiches and drinks appeared. Sirius glared at him. Original Character (s) Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. Ron tried to get out and make a run for it, but a branch snapped forward and kept the door closed. They were learning so much about the school and its inner workings. Classes will be cancelled while we read this book. "Welcome everybody, today we will start reading a series of books that are spelled to tell the absolute truth. This is a overdone plot but it has twist Harry Potter has a twin. Its a long enough journey on the train with plenty of space and refreshments, Ted agreed. Or even to the Burrow, Remus stated. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. A few notice-me-not and muggle repelling charms would have done the trick, Arthur said quietly. Harry and Ron exchanged grins. 49. r/HPfanfiction. Ron said they should hurry so they could follow the Hogwarts Express. Joined by Remus and Tonks, they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows together. Sorry, Perc. Work Search: You thought she wouldnt notice? Remus raised an eyebrow. All three adults remained silent for some time, and Ron was the first to speak up in a miserable tone as he said they'd go and get their stuff. left kudos on this work! Then he once again asked why they hadn't been able to get through the barrier. Neville-Ginny This is a book where I will post my upcoming fics, drafts and Ideas (: "Who is that pig anyway?" ErI watched the twins when we went to get Harry? Ron offered weakly. Reading Harry's life some are the fem-harry and AU that is strong in abuse and other. "I would say it has to do something with the toad" Harry responded looking around, she was the only one missing. 224 3 1. abusedharrypotter. I assume the car runs off of magic and needs a boost at the very least. Not really, Tonks said. Mum favours a stinging hex when shes really mad, Ron stated. Aren't you going to come to sit with us down at the other side". At least they are on school grounds now. It was pretty interesting in the beginning, Ron admitted. Probably thought it would encourage the children, Sirius muttered to Remus who fought to hide a smile. Honestly, they might well be safer inside. Could have caused a lot of damage, running about with a broken wand, let alone using it! He turned to Dumbledore. Technically, wouldnt this be a parental matter rather than a school matter? Which would fall to her as deputy headmistress. It was for astudent project, Minerva lied with only a slight hesitation. Where was this attitude when we went after the stone? Harry wanted to know. Let me guess, well see? Remus said dryly. Thats what summer holidays are supposed to feel like, Tonks said fondly. Even right after a feast? Pomona raised an eyebrow. They were saved though by someone coming up behind them, Hermione. Nobody would believe that, Draco snorted. Ill take a turn, Percy offered. Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. All of the windows were charmed to be unbreakable.. Harry could feel a bump forming on his forehead from where he'd smacked against the dashboard. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he started freaking out "relax Harry as long as he stays in his animagus form no one will know"Angelina whispered into his ear. She was fine. The first thing she said was to Ron, pointing out that he had a cut on his forehead, and should go up to the hospital wing to get it checked out. And it also happens to be from the future? Flitwick did as asked and the book opened, ready to begin. If you wanted them to listen you really shouldnt have given them the password until youd finished, Bill told her. Cutting it a bit fine, Charlie winced. 5. Young Remus Lupin. But I thought with the car completely lost, dad would actually be angry and you know thats scarier, Ron reminded him. Im sure SnivSnape couldnt wait to offer to find them once he knew who was missing, Sirius snarled. Secrets will be revealed and so will the truth about some people. I was worried about how much trouble father would get into and I wanted to check they were ok for myself, Percy defended himself. Ron shrugged. Mr. Weasley tried to convince his wife to let him fly the car, but she refused. At least the steering still worked, Bill heaved a sigh of relief. When they got there he started walking with the team to the end of the table when he felt someone grab his arm, he looked behind him and saw that it was Ron, "Where are you going to mate? Oh, not good. After all of those things, she explained in an undertone were lucky it was only six or seven Ted! And picked the other 6 books up, reading their spines quickly picked the other 6 up. Evening, Molly suggested glancing at the very least her office Umbridge out... Hermione Potter AU! will get him ' she thought 'this harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry get him ' thought! Straight for the liar he is. Whomping Willow thought magic could fix pretty much anything Harry! 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harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry