how to opt out of the american community survey

So that could scare you away from doing the census. You can also contact your local Regional Office. I didn't hear from them for about two weeks. Browse our collection of stories and more. Yeah, I've got concerns, and no, I'm not going to answer their questions. My 89 year old mother was scared out of her wits after answering some questions, thinking she gave too much information and didn't even know who they were. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. Nobody is listening -- another reason not to send in the ACS. Also, someone please answer this question: How can the census determine how many illegals are in the US, when they don't pay taxes, use our social security numbers, etc.? what the hell??? Unfortunately, the guy probably already knew the answers to some of the questions. This is a bunch of crap. You will not be fined. I have a right to not be harassed in my home. I told her it would be easier for all of us if she did so. This page links you to information about our surveys, frequently asked questions, and the people to contact if you need help. Any illegal can purchase your number for any amount of money. If this money is government funding for schools, street or seating representatives then why are so many teachers being laid off, why are the streets so damaged and incomplete. Get on with your life and answer the census. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year. We are still Americans and do not need to share personal information against our will. Choose the types of emails you'd like to receive or unsubscribe from. What I want to know for sure is: Can they make, force, and punish you for not filling out this thing? A location-based community survey is restricted to a particular geographical location like a neighborhood or a single zip code. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Why has my household or business been contacted to participate in a survey? Respondents like to know their voice is being heard, so it's important to follow up with them. One dear government lady actually said she did not have time for prank phone calls. Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? I did some research over the summer after I found out about the ACS from reading a WSJ article. Census worker says "I am with the census.". While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. By 2020, more than 40% of all data analytics projects will relate to an aspect of customer experience. Act drunk and make like you're going to be sick on them or pretend to pass out. this is a new one. I see no reason to comply. I'm so glad I'm not alone. She stated that the woman was no longer employed and asked if I could please give her the info. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. and they are the ones who should be paying extra taxes for that. I now have multiple visits to my home every day, followed up by threatening calls with an hour of each. The assertion by census workers that there is a simple fine of $5,000.00 for not providing the info is total crap! I am glad I am not the only one who tossed the thing in the garbage. (The car had to pass my house to get to the neighbors.) For this census at least and I assume for the 2010 Census the initial person that will come to your house, if you did not fill out the form, is just a normal citizen with a temporary job as an "enumerator". Everyone tells me to throw it in the trash! Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. Let's see if she comes back for her shower. There's no excuse for making a living out of trying to intimidate American citizens and using lies about the law to create a threatening and harassing atmosphere on one's own private property. Twice, a person showed up at our door. Go Tea Party! We did not return the census, and received continuous letters and threats. But I will not tell you when I leave for work and about the medical condition of my relatives. But seriously, It's not about conspiracy theories. It began with a pilot study that included a self-administered needs assessment survey taken by 302 members of 13 churches between November 2021 and February 2022. Even in police states, they don't ask these questions asked by the Census Bureau for the ACS. Those of you who are posting "what's the big deal" need to start doing some research on your government and the shady things that go on at the taxpayers' cost. --JAS. That didn't stop the harassment, visits leaving notes while I was at work, or conversations asking my neighbors questions about me like I was some criminal or something. Originally, I sent in the census form for the property stating zero occupants, then was called by a Census worker. She finally walked away but now I am sleepless as a result of this because I am not certain as to what will happen next. I felt like cursing this lady out! the government was never constitutionally mandated to provide funds. The U.S. Census Bureau randomly selected your household or business through a process of scientific sampling. He called and left a message to call him to make an appointment to fill out the form. The end-to-end conversion process has to work on mobile devices. Just sit there and think a minute on what we have in this country and you should feel very ashamed for getting so upset about such petty things. That and the census has been used in the past to identify people of Japanese, German, and Italian descent. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. A final note to those of you who are, or consider yourself Republicans: ACS after initial testing, "went national" in 2004. There, I think I got my point across. They have also threatened to fine or jail me. I am not saying that the US government would or could ever go to this extreme but, for the purposes of garnering ever more political power and authority over the citizenry, I have no illusions about how far this government will go. this is the letter I sent the census bureau. The last thing the execs at the Census Bureau want to see is a video of one of their "enumerators" on YouTube, the Six O'clock News, or in Congress or a courtroom harassing and threatening a citizen/voter with a big fine or jail time if that person refuses to give out the personal details of his life to a perfect stranger. Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find the contact information for . I was told if I didn't answer then his supervisor would come out and if I didn't respond to his supervisor, they would return with a Larimer County Sheriff and then I would have to answer or else! I repeatedly told her that I gave the legal information I am required by law and that is how many people live here. I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. In addition to conducting the decennial census count, the Census Bureau conducts various surveys that study households, businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. The latest thing they are doing is having the postal carrier come to my door and have me sign a delivery confirmation. And it is supposed to be maintained private otherwise the census worker can go to prison or be fined or both. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! The worker harassed him and told him he had to answer the question or he would be in trouble with the police. My husband and I now know what we will do when a rep shows up at our door. I replied I would answer no questions. The options are predetermined according to the specific survey. I took his form and tossed it into the wood stove. The reason she looked at you in shock is because her husband didn't know she was there - she'd be fired on the spot and fined if she told her husband that. They do snoop around. the census is just a way of allocating seats for elected officials and that's all. You can't actually expect all of the decisions to be made accurately and take into account the needs at the consumer level based on a head county every 10 years. I then yelled at him to "beat it" - (since he could see me and it was obvious that I knew he was there.). Um, no they don't have the right to fine you. In order to do that people response is required. Firm, clear refusal. As long as there are enough people who didn't fill out the census? And the big 2010 census is coming and they can't have ANY negative publicity. Somehow big brother got out phone number (it's unlisted) and started calling, and we blocked him. Some citizens believe that city planning should be carried out through the collection of anonymous, aggregate information. We got our second ACS in the mail along with a follow up postcard. Wrong. Non parlo inglese!" Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after you send your message. True Nazism at its finest. Call your local U.S. congress member. My 15 year old son was home at the time of the census worker stopping by. I said yes for about the third time and hung up. 1. I was just contacted by a representative for the Census Bureau at my home and asked to answer his questions. What the hell was someone on Obama's team thinking about? He argued that he had been singled out for prosecution because he participated in a public protest of the census. I don't feel they need to know all the crap they are asking. For household surveys, the Census Bureau uses two contact centers, one in Jeffersonville, Indiana and the other in Tucson, Arizona. We do not have to be subjected to this mistreatment, Ladies and Gentlemen!! Perhaps act so insanely crazy they will be glad to leave. A third "live" call, and I told the caller again that I'd sent it (the Census) in and that I would report this call as harassment. It doesn't do any good to argue with the census taker. Alternatively, you can always "nut up" when they call. Are You in a Survey? Not to mention that this information in the wrong hands can cause identity theft. Maybe that is why only one out of every 480 people receive it. I've heard rumors that they will send their people to relentlessly pound on my door for answers, and then start canvassing the neighborhood to find the answers to the questions that were on my form, about me. Any thoughts? Now there was the random insanely long, for one out of four, which I think is totally unfair. I am appalled at this whole thing and believe me when that survey taker arrives at my door again, she is going to get an ear full. I ignored all of this due to what I had been through. I simply put, 'None of your business". (Same woman who was no longer employed with the census). Correction, now it's been a total of seven times. Data from the American Community Survey is available but only the information regarding current marital status is included in the data files. Send it out to the target audience. Did not need the closing statement. How can a census do any good for schools when these people are never turned away from schools and hospitals and welfare lines? Follow Up with Respondents. And, further, we cannot wire tap calls coming into this country from suspected terrorists, but we can create bogus laws to try to make us fill out the ACS which provides more personal information than any wire tap could on american citizens. It is a violation of Federal law and they can fine you up to $5000 for refusing to answer questions. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. That's exactly the number printed on the lower right had corner of my ACS form. Anytime you give out information, you can bet it gets compromised. Our government is abusive, tyrannical and murderous. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. If you would like to broadcast your personal information, go for it. Don't fill it out. My husband and daughter fielded a few of them and honestly told the workers they didn't have the information or the form so they'd have to try to catch me. Any links included in a Census Bureau email will direct you to an official federal government website ending in .gov. Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. Proud to be American but wondering where we will be as a nation in ten years? We are all empowered, so we need to get together to sue! "Popcorn? I was willing to answer the survey at first - thinking it would just be a headcount but then I saw the rest of the questions. Let freedom ring! of Commerce rep, and called on my cell phone. I will not be giving some 18 year old pimple face unemployed moron my personal information. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. These surveys are most useful for small businesses that need to . Our town boasts 90,000 citizens, but we know there are at least an additional 10,000 illegals here (yes, here in Mexifornia). Look it up. She left, but will I be hearing from her again? The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses. He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. I don't bother to answer my phone unless I know who it is. It sure the hell is. Let this letter be the third request that you respect my privacy and my requests. The calls started today. If, as you say, all of this info can be found online already, then get it online, without my help. I thought the purpose of census was for representation purposes. On 22 September 2006, the American Broadcast Company (ABC) reported that, since 2003, the Census Bureau lost or reported stolen over 200 laptops and numerous handheld and portable data devices used by survey collectors. Click Update Preferences to ensure the changes are applied. Well, as the creators of the slide at Fort Carson explained, neither are . so i would be prepared. This questionnaire asked how we got the funds to open the business, and how much money we spent to start up operation! I demanded who he was for the third time and he said us census. These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. If I have 1, 2 or even 3 people in my house, that is all I need to give. Or are they? Section (d) authorizes every 10 years starting 1985. Test the survey internally or on a focus group. Do as you see fit. If you are thinking about filling this out, don't! I ordered him to leave and he said he would have to go get the sheriff and return. Location-based Community Surveys. Thank goodness for this web site. What time do the male members of your household go to work? This is Government out of control. We will ask the rep to make it clear what will happen if we don't answer the survey, then verbally accept the consequences. So I received two ACS forms in the mail and they are not going to be filled out. The next day I saw this guy talking to my neighbor and figured he was submitting him to the same harassment I had received. I needed to read this! You wonder why people are reluctant to give out information. If you had a wife who had been sexually assaulted, would you want the time you left for and came home from work circulated? Keep liberty free and stand up for your countries constitutional rights. I did not ask for this; this is not an application for credit. If there was no response by the time we finished our list, we were to call again. My husband sent him away as we were eating. Look up the original data at Pew Research. We've tossed two surveys in the recycle bin. Others have reminded me that this information about me is posted out in the paper world, cyber world, etc., somewhere. It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. The second time I got a call, I followed the recommendation of a fellow patriot. I again said no. I told her I wasn't calling anybody. The rule embodies two principles - notice and opt out. The states collect the tax and turn the money over to the federal government. One week later, we got two more phone calls in one night because I hung up on the caller and he called back 20 minutes later. I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. I worked as an enumerator for the 2000 Census. I told her I wasn't interested. An 'Opt-Out' Democracy By Terri Ann Lowenthal In March 2000, with the nation's crown jewel of civic activities in full swing, a certain candidate for president who would later call 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home, famously told a reporter that he wasn't sure he would fill out the census "long form" if he received one. But please do not chastise me for maintaining my personal and family privacy and refusing to respond to an unconstitutional intrusion into my personal affairs. I set it aside. I assumed I did it wrong, so I filled out the second one and sent that in. Some hypothesize that the Census Bureau will not take legal action against, or pursue fines for, noncompliance with the ACS because doing so would likely attract much negative media attention. Anyone else with other info/advice is politely requested to add their two cents. Sad, but I simply do not trust the government anymore. To Opt-out (unsubscribe) from an email communication: Click the unsubscribe or Manage your subscription preferences link present in the email as shown in the following image. I will not comply. I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. The Census Bureau will not ask you to provide your personal information via email. Shame on you! The Supreme Court in June rejected an attempt by the Trump administration to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, a much more sweeping and comprehensive count of the American population. I asked her if she had gotten a statement from my mortgage company-a release- and she found it and sent the refund. So, basically, he screwed the taxpayers because he keeps a log of minutes and gets paid for the time. Just open the door, answer their questions, and they will forget about you and your insignificant existence for another 10 years. So go ahead and fill it out 235. He told me that my info was not received and that he would be sending it back out in the mail. Not more that 10 minutes ago, a person came to the door unannounced, said she was from the ACS, and did I have a few minutes to fill out the survey. I finally left a voice mail for the person who kept calling me that if I got one more call or personal visit, I was contacting my state senator and tell him I was being harassed. Thanks, people, for your informative and oftentimes humorous posts here. In the case of direct taxes (a direct tax is a tax on property based on ownership), this provision requires Congress to apportion the tax among the individual States based on population. this person got in the building somehow! Why would anyone want to "help the government function" (interfere in our private lives)? But not allthat other information. Last census I was harassed for a while because I refused to answer the long winded privacy invading Community Survey. He said he'd pass that along. BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. I am wondering is a night time visit legal? Don't be afraid. How do I know my information is safe? In summary: All banks must develop initial and annual privacy notices. its no joke. I am only a man, a man who believes in his liberties and will stand against this government crap! This is to help the community -- like heck. (This is about 10:02 a.m. which is very early in my world since I work from noon till 9 p.m. As a descendant of both victims and survivors of the Auschwitz death camps, I have a keen sense of the length and breadth of what government intrusion in the lives of private citizens can result in. There should be a law against this. Way too much info requested (stuff I wouldn't tell my friends, let alone the government!!) I will not yield. Ultimately, you might just need to either answer the census to get them to stop coming or, as an alternative, make up answers to protect your privacy. There are different questions and answer options included in modern surveys. Government entities do illegal things. how much to start our businesses etc. Why doesn't the gov just sell us some cyanide instead of slowly picking away at our bones? Whats next from our GOVERNMENT; the police saying your papers please? And if I choose to comply, the only information they will get from me would be the number of people living in my house. That resulted in a letter from the director assuring me of privacy, etc. Whom do I contact if I have additional questions, recommendations, or issues? We received the form last spring. Its purpose is to keep people informed of what is going on in their local, state, or federal governments. Get your head out of the clouds and step into reality. He has trouble with all these things. Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find the contact information for our employees. This crap has been going on for almost a month now! We filled in very basic info and did put in the drive times. Here are some ways you can verify an individual is a Census Bureau employee: For Census Bureau surveys, Census Bureau field representatives report to one of six Regional Offices across the country. What they dont tell you is that the information is available to a long list of private corporation, research agencies and think tanks, who use the information to justify and pursue their own agendas. The next day I got an e-mail saying that the "government guy" was OK with it and that I should return the form. The only thing is, I lied my butt off! This is way too intrusive. This is a violation of our privacy and a malevolent use of government power. And I say that is the point -- I do not want my state or city dependent on big government this is socialism and pork barrel out of control government spending. The census man came to my house eight times, two of which he sat in my driveway for a total of 50 minutes. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). Asking for federal money or federal representation is a huge mistake. No one from the Census has ever asked for your social security number - perhaps someone *posing* as a Census Field Rep. did, but not an employee of the Census. I made the mistake of answering some questions, thinking it was a one time thing. ), so did my 80 year old mother in another state. mandatory. I am proud to be an American, but not very proud of our government. I am in the middle of this ACS thing now and refusing to answer. At this point, according to the Census Bureau, a non-respondent has a 21% chance of being personally visited by a survey taker. They are not going to like the possibility that they might end up on YouTube and be linked to all the sites discussing the ACS. Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. My family has found past census information to be very valuable in genealogical research. I have had them endlessly harass me on the phone after I filled the form out two times and talked to someone they sent to my door. 7) Get the left wing indoctrination crew out of our education systems. The Census Bureau will call, and then after the calls then they visit your home. Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. Remember, they work for you, not the other way around. i am not in their rat race, and i do not answer to their color coded political designations. I will give the information to those who really need it to improve my neighborhood, city, county, etc. She returned the following day. 3) If by some chance they go for it, ask them the most embarrassing, asinine, or silly questions you can think of. Back in 2003 or so we also received a very long census questionnaire, with information I did not want to publish. We are getting a camera for the outside of our home this week, so we will be ready. I just don't answer the door. Just had our 10th home visit from census people! Unreal! I got a call last night from the Census folks, wanting to know our birthdays. Other articles have slanted this to be a case of "men marrying into money. The Census Bureau has legal, procedural, technological, and statistical safeguards to ensure your information will not be disclosed to anyone. How much do I make per year? Here are the facts I discovered: Some of the questions asked in this questionnaire are so intrusive that I would not even give this information to my best friends or relatives. She left me with a notice of visit with her name and I suppose her personal phone number. 2. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. He asked me about a census employee who visited my home the prior week. I'm sorry you feel the need to spread such fear and lies. I told that I had already fulfilled my Constitutional duties as a citizen with my mailed-in short form, and then told her the ACS and her harassment of me in my home is unconstitutional. Still standing on my porch, I watched her drive back by my house when she left. After you send your message you are thinking about filling this out, do n't have negative... Guy probably already knew the answers to some of the posters how to opt out of the american community survey their experiences offering. 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how to opt out of the american community survey