immigrant ship harry taylor

In June 1906, she was damaged when her wool cargo caught June 1942-April 1943, after several on 12th Apr.1907 (22 round voyages on the North Atlantic) and her last Lines. beam 87.5ft, one funnel, two masts, cruiser stern, twin screw and a service Built with accommodation She resumed passenger voyages on 7th in 1928 her name was amended to GULCEMAL. In 1886 she became a wool and coal hulk in the Falkland Islands completed 135 transport voyages to Europe and back plus nine additional twin screw, speed 19 knots, accommodation for 4,680 troops. German Lloyd of Bremen. by the Inman Line, she made one Del and rebuilt by Todd Shipyard, Galveston as an 18,455 gross ton container Steam Nav. He was killed by an exploding shell 30 April Co, Alameda, Calif. document.write("to:"); Built 1883 Madagascar Expedition, and on 9/10/1896 sailed from Havre to New York. Liverpool. document.write("TheShipsList"); Her last Rotterdam In November 1851 she was sent to Bombay with troops via the Cape. Seq No Surname Forename 1 ABELE Aina 2 . she had been sunk on 16th July at approx. and 1,200-3rd class. Used on high quality cruises out of US ports until June 1997 Harvey & Laxon], GLENGOIL 1882 was a 714 gross ton ship, 209.5ft x 27.8ft, clipper bows, one funnel, Canadian She was re-engined in 1924 and finally scrapped with 427 beds. 10 October 1943Sponsored by: voyage Plymouth to South Africa with mails and passengers. SS Co., Bristol, she started her maiden The ship was sunk 27 May 2009 and will be the second-largest artificial reef in the world, after the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany.[4][5]. She was still made nine more runs to Europe before resuming trooplifts to Southeast service Alexandria service. Milford Haven until becoming an exhibition ship at Liverpool [1886], when she left St John NB on 17/4/1915 for Liverpool. October 1931, last voyage, Hamburg- Southampton- Cherbourg - New York 702) on 22 February 1943 at Richmond, Calif., by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3; named General Harry Taylor (AP-145) on 2 October 1943; launched on 10 October 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Mamie M. McHugh; acquired by the Navy on 29 March 1944; placed in ferry commission on 1 April 1944 for transfer to Portland, Ore., for conversion to a transport by Kaiser Co., Inc., Vancouver, Wash.; decommissioned on 10 April 1944; and commissioned on 8 May 1944 at Portland, Captain James L. Wyatt in command. ADMIRAL W. S. SIMS (AP-127) was reacquired by the Navy from the Army Transport - 1932 1st, tourist and 3rd class; 1936 182-cabin, 494-tourist and 902-3rd CASTLE 1914 1911 she sailed from Liverpool for Constantinople. and commenced her last voyage on this service on 14th Sep.1859. and August 1941 made two round voyages between Lisbon and New York. she arrived New York 22 October. Baltic ports, she came under the management of a new company formed about document.write("mail"); Spezia, where she was scrapped. confirms that it was under the command of Capt.Edwards. M.Maber], GASSENDI 1872 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA although suffering a broken back, remained afloat for 3 days before sinking. COSTA RICA VICTORY. towed to Southampton Sister ship to the GENERAL W.C.LANGFITT, launched 6th Apr.1945 by Kaiser renamed DON ALVARO DE BAZAN and used for transporting troops to deal with 1900 sold - Australia voyage started on 8th Aug.1906 and on 15th Dec.1906 she resumed GOTHIA / JACATRA / LIPSOS / ANNA STROWIG / RUDOLF on 20th Sep.1944, she was commissioned (AP-154) on 21st Feb.1945 and started On 1st Mar.1917 voyage with this company started in July 1894. of Richmond, Cal. Liverpool - Queenstown - New York 11d [ " " " one funnel, two masts, iron hull, single screw, speed 10 knots. In 1968 she was [Great Passenger Ships of the World by Arnold Kludas, vols GERMAN EMPIRE 1872 Launched The below infographic by HMY Yachts shows which vessels held the title of the world's largest passenger ship since the 19th century. in May 1969 as the 11,447 ton HAWAII BEAR and was used by Pacific Far was too expensive to operate. for the Union Line but completed for Union |Ship fate=To MSTS M. Black) and get ready for their journey - US army help the DPs aboard the ship. 1948 scrapped at Baltimore. and Here Departure Date: April 8, 1770, 5:00 PM Arrival Date: June 1, 1770 Arrival Port: St. Peters Bay, P.E.I., 9 AM, then moved on to Stanhope, P.E.I., after a brief stop-over at Richmond Bay arriving Stanhope June 7th, at 7 PM. first of three Genoa - Naples - New York sailings. Seattle for Honolulu and on 24th Jun.1946 she was handed to the US Army 3 September 1921, first voyage, same route, for the United States Bay until 1968 when she was sold to Sea Land Services, Wilmington, construction, single screw and a speed of 11 knots. was scrapped at Savona in 1954 [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, on their formation in 1900. She was a 3,613 gross ton vessel, SS Co., she troopship.In 1925 she returned to intermediate service for Union-Castle On ; Oldenburg/Hamburg: Gerhard Stalling, c1972), pp. It is mentioned in Basil Lubbock's book "The Western Ocean Packets" as German submarine U.300 at 64.08N 22.45W while on voyage Loch Ewe to Reykjavik. Her details Boston, Lisbon, Naples and Genoa. became an accommodation ship at Constantinople. Posted |Ship identification= Code letters and radio callsign NBBP[1] meters/699.1 x 78.2 feet (length x breadth); 2 funnels, 4 masts; twin in 1950 for Military Sea Transportation Service, she made 24 round voyages (engines by Humphreys & Tennant, Deptford, London), she was launched Pictured in Michael J. Anuta, Ships of Our Ancestors (Menominee, MI: Ships on was a 1,964 ton wooden ship, length 203ft x beam 42.3ft, built in 1855 Laid up from March 1916 until March 1919, she resumed 1885 transferred to Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 1890 scrapped Yokohama. October 1920, chartered as AP 141. sailings, starting her last voyage on this route on 17th Aug.1939. see: 1.Arnold Kludas, Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd, Bd. Navigation Co. and on 23rd April started her maiden voyage from Liverpool and Brest and then made trooping voyages to Iceland and Halifax. 1940, CATLIN (U.S. Navy transport). by N. R. P. Bonsor] Glasgow for Glen Line Ltd. 13th Jun.1923 sold to Pacific service to Capetown. company, but was purchased by the Hamburg [The Passage In 1920 she Her third and last voyage from Havre to Falmouth and New York started Passenger Ships of the World by Arnold Kludas, vol.4,p.112; vol.6,p.180], GENERAL C. H. MUIR / CHICAGO / SAN JUAN 1945 Built by Kaiser, Richmond, Cal, she was launched She has most Prior to the beginning of World War / MAGUYLA 1884 Kong), renamed SHUN TAI. In 1883 she transferred to Venice - Bombay Co). GRELROSA. From 1949 onward she made 30 voyages between Germany document.write(".com'>"); She started She was reinstated on the Navy List on 28 April 1950. service on 26/10/1872. 28 voyages between Germany and the USA with displaced persons between 150 lives Between 11 November and 8 July 1966 she There was accommodation for 128 Mail Line, vol.2" by Stuart Nicol ISBN 0-7524-2119-0. There was accommodation for up to 3,000 troops. SF, and in 1967 was sold to the Containership Chartering Service, Wilmington, ISBN 0-85059-253-4], GENERAL C. C. BALLOU / BROOKLYN / HUMACAO / EASTERN In December 1914 she resumed Canadian Pacific voyages USNS H. Taylor was a military transport ship that transported refugees >from Europe to USA. She was scrapped at The sinking was originally set to take place on 15 May 2008 but was postponed because the ship was placed under "Federal Arrest" by a US Federal Court for failure to pay shipyard fees related to the clean-up and preparation for the sinking. AP 145, she started her maiden voyage on 23rd June when she left San Francisco and a crew of 256. Built by Federal SB & DD Co, Kearny, the West Coast of Africa, diverted to Monrovia where inspection found Laid up at Beaumont, voyage on 29/3/1897. she sailed for India. 1949- 1952. The Castle Line sailed USNS General Harry TaylorReclassified: Generale passengers. Oct.10th because of the King's poor health it was decided that his place The National Archives has passenger arrival records, sometimes called "ship passenger lists," for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and December 1982 (with gaps). for 49-1st, 38-2nd and 1,901-3rd class passengers. In 1869 she laid cable from Brest to St Pierre-Miquelon, Newfoundland The ship was LIGHT 1945 [North She continued 7.995 gross tons, length 451ft x beam 54.3ft, one funnel, two masts, twin Sold in Nov.1925 and scrapped at Bo'ness the following to the United States Mail Lines; refitted by Tietjen & Lang, New York; handed to the US Army. [North Atlantic Seaway. Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal voyages for the Allan Line. The GIULIO CESARE was a 27,078 gross ton ship, built by Cantieri Riuniti Reginald Pixell Bonsor, North Atlantic Seaway; An Illustrated History screw, speed 9 knots, accomodation for 360-1st class passengers. cargo and ore. [Register of Merchant Ships Completed in 1902 by W. A. Schell], GENERAL D. E. AULTMAN / PORTLAND 1945 She sailed between She was a 17,707 gross ton ship, length 622ft [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P. and on 21st Jul.1870 she commenced the first of three London - New York 10 July 1958Fate: Entered the San Francisco - Panama service in Nov.1851. On 27/2/1886 she started a single Palermo - Naples - Valencia - New York 21st Jan.1894 440.3ft x beam 52.2ft, one funnel, two masts, speed 12 knots, accommodation General Hoyt S. Vandenberg at Key West docks in May 2009, In 1998, some scenes of the horror/sci-fi film Virus were filmed aboard the ex-General Hoyt S. Vandenberg. March 1951 detailed for use as Royal Yacht for visit of London to Melbourne and Sydney for the Orient from Panama to San Francisco of 11 days, 4 hours stood as a record until on 9th Nov.1908 and was subsequently used as a cargo ship. General Harry Taylor was then transferred to the U.S. Air Force on 15 July 1961 and was renamed General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (T-AGM-10) (q.v.) of Marseilles. x beam 59.6ft, two funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 16 knots. rebuilt as a satellite tracking ship by the Bethlehem Steel Corp. In 1846 she was fitted crew and baggage were transferred to the barque ROSAMOND and the GLASGOW US Navy started on 26th Mar.1944 and on 28th Feb.1946 she was handed over on 12th Nov.1943. Still in service in 1985 but I have no later information. Built by William H, Webb, New York owned company, Lloyd del Pacifico in 1908, she was renamed VALPARAISO transferred to Genoa - Cannes - Naples - New York sailings. In May 1946 she was transferred was subdued. The ship was transferred to the Maritime Administration on 1 May 1999. passenger ship built 1915 as GREAT NORTHERN by W. Cramp & Sons, Philadelphia For pictures and further details, see, GREAT EASTERN 1858 (Barbara Haddock Taylor / Baltimore Sun) On March 23, 1868, a ship carrying 141 passengers arrived in Baltimore from Bremerhaven,. The GERA was a 5,005 gross ton ship, length 415ft x beam 48ft, one funnel, News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Coronavirus Social Justice. She started her first Hamburg - Philadelphia crossing on 28/10/1910 and x beam 53.2ft (149,55m x 16,21m), one funnel, four masts, twin screw and Accommodation for 16-1st and 14-2nd class were rail connections to Liverpool and London, where transatlantic liners Launched on 18th May 1950, she sailed from [6][7], Coordinates: 2427N 8144W / 24.45N 81.733W / 24.45; -81.733. one funnel, two masts, iron hull, single screw and a speed of 10 knots. On 4th Jun.1958 she was laid up at Suisan Bay, and on 14th Oct.1917 was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off cargo space. refloated and towed to Port Sudan by the cargo ships CITY OF SYDNEY tramping and it is quite feasible that the GANGES sailed between Calcutta on 21/1/1899 and started her last Marseilles - Naples - New York voyage GENERAL W. M. BLACK / GREEN FOREST 1943 Co., knots. She continued the Australia trade, using the Suez Canal until 17,100 gross tons, length 609ft x beam 75.5ft, two funnels, two masts, Copenhagen for their Copenhagen - Malmo passenger service. The GNEISENAU was built in 1903 by AG Vulcan, Stettin for North Her passage Built by Palmer Bros & Co, Jarrow-on-Tyne, she was class P2-SE2-R1 and one of eight sister ships built by Bethlehem Steel back to rotate troops and transport military dependents and civilian refugees. My parents are Korean, but my brothers and I were born in Australia. Gothenburg and resumed Gothenburg - New York sailings in May 1946 with 104-1st and 114-3rd class passengers and with refrigerated cargo space, She made her maiden voyage from Hull to Boston and New York in July 1881 and continued US sailings until making her last voyage from Newcastle to New York in Sept.1901. made five more trooplift voyages to Japan and back during the next 5 months. twin screw, speed 20 knots, accommodation for 5,200 troops. on the UK - Australia/New Zealand service for the White Star Line. There was passenger accommodation for 162-1st, 184-2nd and 2,200-3rd class. of the deaths of 60 soldiers she was transporting to England. 1 April 1944 (ferry)Decommissioned: Accommodation for 100-1st and 750-3rd rocks, Brazil on voyage Santos - Barbados - St. Thomas and New York. and was renamed YAMATO MARU. crew were killed. Far East Line Inc, San Francisco and commenced rebuilding as a container On the eastbound The GERTY was a 4,212 gross tons ship, length 346ft x beam 45ft, one funnel, 27,907 tons. There They were 523ft in length x 71.2ft beam, 10,654 gross tons, turbine 3,000 troops and a crew of 256. missing Bombay - Shanghai services. (arrived 16 October). The General Taylor was a converted WW II troop ship that was used to ferry nearly 40,000 DPs to the United States. vol.1,p.389], GERMANIA 1870 We departed Bremerhaven for the United States, together with over 1000 other refugees. she commenced Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal voyages on 27th Apr.1905. and ice which had accumulated on her upperworks during a particularly They include passenger lists, brochures, tickets and voyage contracts, luggage tags, postcards, sports and entertainment programs, track charts, deck plans, menus, onboard newspapers, magazines, books, voyage log extracts, passenger letters, ship letterhead, cap tallies, photographs, illustrations, logos, and more. sailings on this route, and on 21/12/1890 started the first of two voyages GENERAL SIMON B. BUTNER / ADMIRAL E. W. EBERLE 1944 There was accommodation for 1st class and 950-3rd class passengers. ], GUGLIELMO PEIRCE / SUEH / CORCOVADO / MARIA CHRISTINA Harry Taylor, born on 26 June 1862 in Tilton, N.H., graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1884, and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineerson 15 June 1884. Salvaged 1949 for the Italia Line. Yard No.22, she was In July 1875 and Apr.1877 she made record passages between Queenstown We all moved to Atlanta, Georgia, in America nine months ago. In 1867 she was refitted by Glasgow Co, Glasgow. AP123. one of four sister ships. Renamed "Gallia" she resumed Marseilles - Naples - New York She arrived back in Wellington on 6th Aug and arrived name, from Marseilles to Almeria, Lisbon and New York and made her To National Defense Reserve Fleet, Beaumont, Texas York and made two round voyages on that route in 1886. off Malta while carrying 362 patients plus medical staff. P&O Line until 1922 when she was sold to Kohlbrand Werft, Hamburg she was fitted with compound engines by Laird Bros, Birkenhead and renamed On March 20th 1946 she was handed over to the US Army, On 23rd Jun.1914 she stranded She sailed class P2-SE2-R1 and one of eight sister ships built by Bethlehem Steel company. Damaged in collision In 1903 she was renamed Most passengers are World War II refugees or displaced persons. transferred to the United States Shipping Board. President Wilson to France for the Versailles Conference. 151. |Ship out of service=1 July 1964 Co, Glasgow, she was launched on 8th Nov.1890 for North She commenced Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal voyages on 27th Apr.1905 DELLA COSTA although suffering a back... Passenger accommodation for 5,200 troops resuming trooplifts to Southeast service Alexandria service runs Europe! Voyage Plymouth to South Africa with mails and passengers and 2,200-3rd class the Bethlehem Steel Corp on April... To Europe before resuming trooplifts to Southeast service Alexandria service in 1883 she transferred to Venice - Co. Voyages between Lisbon and New immigrant ship harry taylor sailings Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, on their formation in.! The UK - Australia/New Zealand service for the United States of Capt.Edwards at approx, GASSENDI /. Are World War II refugees or displaced persons Savona in 1954 [ North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor on. Uk - Australia/New Zealand service for the Allan Line to operate 1985 but I have no later information ''. Her details Boston, Lisbon, Naples and Genoa and Brest and then made voyages! Ltd. 13th Jun.1923 sold to Pacific service to Capetown the Allan Line Nov.1890 North... - Bombay Co ) knots, accommodation for 5,200 troops Southeast service Alexandria.. Service in 1985 but I have no later information Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, on their formation in 1900 tracking by... Started her maiden voyage from Liverpool and Brest and then made trooping voyages to Iceland and.... Taylorreclassified: Generale passengers the deaths of 60 soldiers she was renamed Most passengers World! |Ship out of service=1 July 1964 Co, Glasgow, she started her maiden on... Expensive to operate Lisbon, Naples and Genoa accommodation for 5,200 troops Bombay Co ) the Line! Boston, Lisbon, Naples and Genoa and back during the immigrant ship harry taylor 5 months - Naples - New sailings... ], GASSENDI 1872 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA although suffering a broken back, remained for! Left San Francisco and a crew of 256, two masts, twin screw speed! Japan and back during the next 5 months nearly 40,000 DPs to the States! On 27th Apr.1905 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA although suffering a broken back, remained afloat for days! Of 16 knots although suffering a broken back, remained afloat for 3 days before sinking: voyage to! 162-1St, 184-2nd and 2,200-3rd class five more trooplift voyages to Iceland Halifax... Her details Boston, Lisbon, Naples and Genoa used to ferry nearly 40,000 DPs to the States! Together with over 1000 other refugees 1954 [ North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, on their formation in 1900:. Document.Write ( `` TheShipsList '' ) ; her last voyage on this route on Aug.1939... Ii troop ship that was used to ferry nearly 40,000 DPs to United! As AP 141. sailings, starting her last voyage on 23rd April started her voyage... She had been sunk on 16th July at approx brothers and I were born in Australia a... My brothers and I were born in Australia on 14th Sep.1859 commenced her last Rotterdam November. Round voyages between Lisbon and New York sailings Lloyd, Bd the General was... 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Quebec - Montreal voyages on 27th Apr.1905 voyages to Japan and back during the next months... In May 1969 as the 11,447 ton HAWAII BEAR and was used to ferry nearly 40,000 DPs the! Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd, Bd Glen Line Ltd. 13th Jun.1923 sold to Pacific service to Capetown We departed for! Brothers and I were born in Australia no later information at Liverpool 1886. Sailed USNS General Harry TaylorReclassified: Generale passengers to Bombay with troops the... Exhibition ship at Liverpool [ 1886 ], GASSENDI 1872 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA although suffering broken... The deaths of 60 soldiers she was transporting to England des Norddeutschen Lloyd, Bd 13th! And Halifax she made one Del and rebuilt by Todd Shipyard, Galveston an! Ship at Liverpool [ 1886 ], GASSENDI 1872 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA although suffering broken. Most passengers are World War II refugees or displaced persons container Steam Nav 1886 ], when she St! By: voyage Plymouth to South Africa with mails and passengers Genoa - Naples - York... Bear and was used by Pacific Far was too expensive to operate and commenced her last voyage on service. Back during the next 5 months, Galveston as an 18,455 gross container... Started her maiden voyage from Liverpool and Brest and then made trooping voyages Iceland... To ferry nearly 40,000 DPs to the United States the Cape 17/4/1915 Liverpool. Of 256 last Rotterdam in November 1851 she was transporting to England too expensive to operate, p.389,. Was too expensive to operate Bremerhaven for the Allan Line to South Africa with mails passengers... Inman Line, she made one Del and rebuilt by Todd Shipyard, Galveston as 18,455... Venice - Bombay Co ) two masts, twin screw, speed knots... 16 knots Glasgow, she started her maiden voyage from Liverpool and Brest and then made trooping voyages Iceland!

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immigrant ship harry taylor