jacinda ardern socialist youth speech

Jacinda is apparently known not just for her considerable intellect and political nous but also her hair - evidently Scoop thought so too, deeming it worthy of inclusion in this photo of recently confirmed Labour Rimutaka candidate, Chris Hipkins. Trump had by then called to offer his condolences, and asked what he could do to help. And so I see that there was a weight of expectation there. I will forgive lavishly, because this heart doesnt want any more life to be lost, he tells the crowd. Today, in the most appalling circumstances imaginable, she has the worlds ear. To understand the idealogical beliefs of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern we can look back to her time as president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, writes Steve Elers. Appointed as New Zealand's Prime Minister in 2017, Jacinda Ardern has been described as an iron fist in a velvet glove. Its nice that Labours not afraid of the word socialist anymore. Maybe with your sincerity, not your smile, suggested the photographer. A year earlier, she had become the first female prime minister to speak at the Waitangi pwhiri, a significant moment in the New Zealand calendar, and the youngest, at 37. I pointed this out when we met again in Auckland, and Ardern leaned back with a sigh, knowing where this was going. What words adequately express the pain and suffering of 50 men, women and children lost, and so many injured? ), (My greetings to the whole of Ngi Tahu.). I am here today to bring with me the grief of all New Zealand, she said. The strength of capitalism can be attributed to an incentive structure based upon the three Ps: (1) prices determined by market forces. I thought, yeah, that looks all right, thatll do.. And there is little sign that, beyond emergency measures necessitated by the pandemic, the party is planning to permanently re-expand the size and scope of government. Given we are facing what is likely to be many years of economic turmoil and hardship, the political ideology of our Government needs to be laid bare so we can gain insights into what a post-Covid-19 New Zealand economy might look like. It's intuitive, ll show you something, says Jacinda Ardern. I found this hard to believe. she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. Even in utero, Neve had made her presence known. This deluge of political confessions began with a sadly typically embarrassing exchange in Parliament, which saw an MP from the right-wing National Party, David Bennett, accuse Labour MP Kieran McAnulty of being a communist. Upon being forced to withdraw and apologize for the unparliamentary remark, one of Bennetts fellow National Party MPs instead accused McAnulty of being a socialist., Yes, I am a socialist, and Im proud of it, McAnulty shot back, in a reply that quickly went viral. I am a pragmatic idealist, she told me. Do you liken yourself to Jacinda Ardern? And my bet is that no one would. Looking for your kid's next great read? Richardsons budget radically overhauled housing policy, scrapping programs that supported homeownership, replacing income-based rents with market-based ones for state housing, and sold off the governments $2.4 billion worth of mortgages that had helped struggling families buy their first homes. These prosaic-seeming challenges will resurface. All this wasnt about the nuts and bolts of practical policy. Richardsons debt-and-surplus obsession lives on in this current government, which has consistently justified its resistance to more public investment by pointing to debt fears, and even took care to frame this budget as keeping a lid on debt and tracking a responsible return towards surplus through targeted investments. Labours continued refusal to get rid of benefit sanctions reflects a fundamental acceptance of Bolger and Richardsons moralistic distaste for welfare, as does its plan for a separate unemployment insurance scheme. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. There cannot be a case of all profit, no responsibility., This isnt a New Zealand issue, this is a global one, says Ardern today, carefully choosing her words. The Spinoffs political coverage is powered by the generous support of our members. Maybe with your sincerity, not your smile, suggested the photographer. The world has been stuck in a vicious cycle of extremism breeding extremism and it must end. She highlighted recent reforms to help disadvantaged Mori, to lift children out of poverty, most notably in the form of a families package that boosted assistance to low- and middle-income families. I just know we have a lot of work to do to make that universal.. And women and girls around the world will be the better for it., From a closer proximity, and speaking before the Christchurch attacks, Gayford told me that what he found most impressive was his partners grip on the minutiae. Later the same year she returned to New Zealand to campaign full-time during the 2008 election and became New Zealand's youngest MP. That position allowed her to travel to such places as China, Algeria, India, and Lebanon. Contact for complaints and communications under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015, Constructive Criticism and Team Work In Politics. The Union's focus was human rights and equal opportunities for the world's children. She was being a little bit vocal, Ardern said when we met later that day, at the hotel down the road. Shes changing the game. Someone is killing us. Arderns words and actions have been really important for our community, and for people who have lost loved ones, he says. The 50 names of the dead are read aloud, the only other sound the whirring of a police helicopter in the distance. Little wonder CPAG and other experts and anti-poverty campaigners have been bitterly underwhelmed by the governments announcement. But the answer to them lies in a simple concept that is not bound by domestic borders, that isnt based on ethnicity, power base or even forms of governance. But a closer look at the details shows how Labour plays a central role in that neoliberal order. We have consensus really built into our system. Trotsky basically designed the blueprint for all of the organised chaos that is occurring in most western societies today. he prime minister was deep in conversation with her press secretary when she arrived for the formal part of our interview at Waitangi in February. What would she like to see other nations, other leaders, draw from New Zealands experiences? At Waitangi in early February, I had asked Ardern about the international attention she had attracted for being young, for being a new mother. Sometimes I think we tend to think about our own actions in confined ways, and we underestimate the impact that we have. Read the story being discussed on Jesse Mulligans show on Radio New Zealand on 17 May 2018. At the UN in New York last September, Ardern made the case for action on climate change, and for kindness and empathy in politics a message amplified by the fact her partner and baby daughter were sitting next to her. Did they propose ideas that would stimulate the economy so businesses could thrive thereby creating job opportunities? Bring it on. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . We would be fools to believe political decisions are primarily evidence based. When the shooting began, he threw himself to the ground. For example, if Ardern and her comrades take away your income and wealth and give it to me, but through either hard work, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and luck you manage to have more income and wealth than I have in say a year from now, does that mean I get to have more of your income and wealth so we become equal again? I suppose that is exactly what Ardern and her comrades mean because they further stated: Todays dominating economical system of Western capitalism has contributed to the unequal distribution of wealth worldwide.. But we can strive to be true to the words embedded in our national anthem, .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}Men of every creed and race,Gather here before Thy face,Asking Thee to bless this placeGod defend our free land, From dissension, envy, hateAnd corruption, guard our stateMake our country good and greatGod defend New Zealand, Christchurch memorial: standing ovation for Ardern at New Zealand service, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Jacinda Ardern's full Christchurch speech: 'Let us be the nation we believe ourselves to be' video, Jacinda Ardern given standing ovation at New Zealand service. [Peters] said I think we need to be there, says Ardern. I just know we have a lot of work to do to make that universal.. Sometimes, what youre promoting isnt tangible. A fight was brewing over the possible introduction of a capital gains tax. Not today. She put it frankly to me: I didnt know if I was going to be able to have kids., Then it all happened at once. It had just gone 2pm, and a wall of the meeting room was lit in horizontal lines, stencilled through Venetian blinds. Discussions surrounding a potential delay in elections gripped many countries around the . And Im very proud to say to the good people of the Wairarapa that they elected a proud socialist as their MP.. Jacinda governs by dictate. The revival of socialism in mainstream politics has been one of the bigger developments of the last five years. I havent read it in full, but I saw enough of it to know part of what his aspirations were., Among the hideous novelties of the Christchurch attack is the fact that it was livestreamed, in bloody, dystopian detail, on Facebook, before metastasising across the internet, on sites where white supremacy festers, as well as on giant online platforms. Gayford is the primary caregiver and shuttles back and forth with Neve between their home in Auckland and Wellington. Asked whether she, too, was a socialist, Ardern once president of the International Union of Socialist Youth professed that Ive always described myself as a democratic socialist but that I have never found those terms particularly useful in New Zealand because we do not tend to talk in those terms here., Here it is more common to say progressive, or member of the Labour Party, she explained. She had just seen her partner return to his spot in the third row of plastic seating with Neve propped up on his knee, having just had a nappy change in the back seat of a car around the corner. Jacinda was more surprised than anyone when she was handed the leadership aft. Its made a huge difference.. She is sharp mentally. Arderns Labour-led coalition government was under constant scrutiny: could she achieve the transformational reform shed promised, when every change in the law meant scratching the backs of her coalition partners? It does feel as if the passage of time has extended. When I ask her which day last week a particular foreign dignitary spoke to her, she says, Times a bit of a blur for me, with a sardonic laugh. Let our Puffin Ambassadors tell you why you should pick up Coastwatcher, a thrilling adventure novel for 9+ readers. But with that memory comes a responsibility. So, what progressive answers to the financial crisis did Ardern and her comrades come up with? From the thousands at vigils to the 95 year old man who took four buses to attend a rally because he couldnt sleep from the sadness of seeing the hurt and suffering of others. Instead, Ardern and her comrades stated: Redistribution will lead to more financial stability and justice. Or does it need to be closer, like 10 per cent? It also prompted Ardern herself to weigh in. And one of the first high-profile fights it picked with its newly gained political capital was with public-sector workers and the union that represents them, whom it tried to hit with a pay freeze. We each hold the power, in our words and in our actions, in our daily acts of kindness, she says. That doesnt necessarily apply to her. I occasionally go to events which may have quite a bit of profile and pressure around them. She used to kick me a lot, but I would especially notice when I came on to marae [a Mori meeting place], probably because of all the noise, the haka and performances. Not so much, Ardern says. Socialism is based on the theory that incentives don't matter! Its 10, 11 oclock each night, going through cabinet papers. Speaking at a Maori ceremony at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. They wanted to redefine the relationship between New Zealanders and their government. It continues to severely underinvest in areas like health care, infrastructure, and climate change out of debt concerns that put it out of step with even the worlds right-wing politicians and economists. It is just 10 days since. They werent alone: the head of BusinessNZ similarly suggested the government couldve been more generous with its benefit increases. This is at the Youth Socialist conference, she was the president in 2009, and she used the word comrade 15 times in eight minutes. It just wasnt something she thought about, she said, hardly at all. Its very genuine, and people warm to that. How finding your ikigai can give you a new perspective on stress. I didnt mean it that way. No friend of free speech, she had little regard for public opinion and no respect for those with a contrary view. It looks like a pout every time.. Its decision to stagger the boost means families in need will now be pointlessly deprived of much-needed funds until next year. I thought there were none. What would she like to see other nations, other leaders, draw from New Zealands experiences? So I actually think that, in New Zealand, we do things our own way.. Simple words, whispered by the injured from their hospital beds. It is just 10 days since a terrorist attack in Christchurch took the lives of 50 people at prayer. Ardern returned to New Zealand and entered the House of Representatives in 2008. And skyrocketing living costs, thanks especially to an out-of-control housing market, have made these numbers worth significantly less since WEAGs recommendations. And the budget further tilted economic policy in a trickle-up direction, with beneficiaries losing one-fifth of their income (or as high as one-third for single-parent beneficiaries), even as the rich prospered. Limited though this announcement is, not even Helen Clarks Labour government in the 2000s dared to try and wholly undo Richardsons welfare cuts, a sign that things really are slowly shifting. Haere atu r. Read this book, former Member of Parliament Marilyn Waring. READ MORE: * Iwi-run coronavirus checkpoints are a nonsense but police aren't stopping them * Prime minister needs to be held to account over coronavirus claims * Anti-virus measures are too late to stop needless sickness and economic pain. Wouldnt it be good if the president of the United States showed greater moral leadership? You may know her as the youngest and third female Prime Minister of New Zealand, the first head of government to take maternity leave and the powerfully empathetic responder in times of crisis. You know, the Muslim community was so obviously targeted, and they wear their faith so openly., There was no need to deliberate on her decision not to use the name of the terrorist, either: It just seemed obvious to me. She had received no report, no advice reflecting the wealth of research that urges political leaders and the media to deny terrorists the notoriety they crave. Simple, she says, nodding her head. Team play is more important than ever in politics. The sun was beating down and Neve, in a blue bonnet and spotted dress, clucked away happily. It is actually a Marxist term. I was born one and politics has not beaten it out of me yet. A week ago, I asked her if the Christchurch attack had affected this optimism. There was a real sense of hope at the time Blair was elected, she continued, because people were ready for things to be done differently. Up on the ninth floor, the early morning sun scythes in through panoramic windows, the harbour just visible in the distance. This is a huge achievement. (I acknowledge amongst us today our distinguished leaders, speakers and those who bear authority. I was saying to someone the other day how long ago it feels since I was up north [at home]. It focused on her pledge to make 2019 a year of delivery, and some signs that the halo of the Jacindamania that brought her to office had begun to dim. The Guardians photographer asked Ardern to stand in the stripes, a film-noirish sort of pose. We cannot confront these issues alone, none of us can. Racism exists, but it is not welcome here. But, otherwise, I dont tend to draw parallels. She paused. The 2009 union meeting is relevant not just because Ardern was president, but because the official resolutions outlined progressive answers to the financial crisis aka the global financial crisis or GFC. In the past her invocations of kindness might have been dismissed as slogans. There is very little time to sit and think in those terms. And, lets be honest, in the lead up, too., Ardern sips from a mug of tea though she confesses that, years after quitting, shes also drinking coffee again. But he will, when I speak, be nameless.) There was none of the bellicose, war-footing political rhetoric that so often stalks terrorist attacks. E te whnau o APEC, ka mihi a Aotearoa Niu Tireni ki a koutou katoa. A handful of words have been highlighted in bright orange. If anyone out there has a better photo let us know! Richardson likewise complained about the excessive size of government spending, and she saw the cuts as a statement about the types of lives people should be encouraged to lead, she would later say: ones of independence and self-reliance. The fact that welfare rolls were only as full as they were because of the economic misery created by the preceding round of neoliberal reforms didnt seem to matter. Incoming prime minister Jacinda Ardern says capitalism has been a "blatant failure" in New Zealand when measured by child poverty.. Ardern is the former head of the International Union of Socialist Youth so it is no surprise that our new Prime Minister thinks capitalism is a blatant failure. Branko Marcetic is a Jacobin staff writer and the author of Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. Half a lifetime and seven weeks ago, I watched Ardern as she sat on the porch of Te Whare Rnanga, the Maori meeting house at Waitangi. As-salaam Alaikum. And we also ask that the condemnation of violence and terrorism turns now to a collective response. Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. My belief in the humanity of New Zealanders has strengthened. She was raised a Mormon, but quit the church in her early 20s, principally because of its stance on homosexuality. The very mention prompted a grimace: There are very few international political experiences quite like Brexit. But she wouldnt volunteer any advice for Theresa May, who at the time had narrowly survived a no-confidence motion. David Hills new picture book Taking the Lead: How Jacinda Ardern Wowed the World is a treat for both adults and children, exploring the life and career of one of the most popular world leaders with beautiful illustrations by Phoebe Morris. So I asked if she had something I could borrow, because for me it was just a mark of respect. And yet Arderns response, her choice of language, has mattered enormously. However, she just couldnt stop her desire to help others and ended up working at a New York soup kitchen, serving food to the poor and homeless people of the city. But rather than just throw people off welfare, Richardson replaced the very ideas that underpinned it. Nau mai, haere mai ki tnei hui. Jacinda started her political career in high school. Comrades means something. I was in a hotel room. Haere mai ttou me te aroha, me te rangimrie, ki te whnau nei, e ora mrire ai an rtau, e ora mrire ai an, ttou katoa. 17 April 2021 9:00 AM There she goes, New Zealand's Wonder Woman, striking a model's pose on the cover of yet another women's magazine, Thrive, dedicated to the wellness mantras Ardern herself spouts. Thenprime minister Jim Bolger aimed to arrest New Zealands drift from work to welfare, end what he believed was permanent dependency on the state, and achieve a permanent and substantial reduction in the financial and human cost of welfarism.. Must end a grimace: there are very few International political experiences quite like Brexit BusinessNZ suggested! R. read this book, former Member of Parliament Marilyn Waring of Parliament Marilyn Waring was more surprised than when! Those with a contrary view that we have May 2018 head of BusinessNZ similarly suggested government! Answers to the whole of Ngi Tahu. ) central role in that neoliberal order the governments announcement such! 10 per cent generous with its benefit increases she thought about, she told me by... The president of the bellicose, war-footing political rhetoric that so often stalks terrorist.... 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jacinda ardern socialist youth speech