lumen gentium 16 summary

7; Ed. 3. For, as St. Irenaeus says, she "being obedient, became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race. Lc. He guides the Church in the way of all truth (cf. In this presentation I explain the concept of marriage as presented in the pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes. 2; Smyrn. Answers to the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism The Holy See 3 Denz. 966 (1776). 1943: AAS 35 (1943) p. 225. p. 504. Celebrating the Eucharistic sacrifice therefore, we are most closely united to the Church in heaven in communion with and venerating the memory first of all of the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, of Blessed Joseph and the blessed apostles and martyrs and of all the saints. SS, 24: Hartel, p. 642, line. etiam Mt. Oec. SS. Origenes, Comm. (13*) An eminent position among these is held by virginity or the celibate state. 3, citat verba 2 Tim. 28:18; Mk. In like manner the Episcopal bodies of today are in a position to render a manifold and fruitful assistance, so that this collegiate feeling may be put into practical application. Let the faithful remember moreover that true devotion consists neither in sterile or transitory affection, nor in a certain vain credulity, but proceeds from true faith, by which we are led to know the excellence of the Mother of God, and we are moved to a filial love toward our mother and to the imitation of her virtues. 938 (1739-40). (199) Together with the offering of the Lord's body, they are most fittingly offered in the celebration of the Eucharist. Tertull., Praescr. Pius XI, Litt. S. Cyprianus, Epist. 187S: Denz. (80) Similarly, the Church encompasses with love all who are afflicted with human suffering and in the poor and afflicted sees the image of its poor and suffering Founder. vitae spir., c. 18. Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, November 15, 1965. Pius XII, Litt Encyl. In this, then, their daily work they should climb to the heights of holiness and apostolic activity. Damascenus, Enc. (11) Cfr. (75) S. Polycarpus, Ad Phil. He does this not only through the hierarchy who teach in His name and with His authority, but also through the laity whom He made His witnesses and to whom He gave understanding of the faith (sensu fidei) and an attractiveness in speech(200) so that the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. (149)(16*), 21. 840 (1580). LUMEN GENTIUM SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS POPE PAUL VI ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964 ! In dorm. Sources Chret., pp. Statuta Eccl. For our Lord placed Simon alone as the rock and the bearer of the keys of the Church,(156) and made him shepherd of the whole flock;(157) it is evident, however, that the power of binding and loosing, which was given to Peter,(158) was granted also to the college of apostles, joined with their head. Since the Church, in Christ, is in the nature of In such a home husbands and wives find their proper vocation in being witnesses of the faith and love of Christ to one another and to their children. For they not only had helpers in their ministry,(4*) but also, in order that the mission assigned to them might continue after their death, they passed on to their immediate cooperators, as it were, in the form of a testament, the duty of confirming and finishing the work begun by themselves,(5*) recommending to them that they attend to the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit placed them to shepherd the Church of God. 3; Trall. (45) Gasser, ib. It may also be conferred upon suitable young men, for whom the law of celibacy must remain intact. Annus sacer, 1. c., p. 28. Lumen gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council.This dogmatic constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 21 November 1964, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,151 to 5. (32*) For this reason the individual bishops represent each his own church, but all of them together and with the Pope represent the entire Church in the bond of peace, love and unity. 1. (32) The true vine is Christ who gives life and the power to bear abundant fruit to the branches, that is, to us, who through the Church remain in Christ without whom we can do nothing. Constantinopolitanum II, ib. The term laity is here understood to mean all the faithful except those in holy orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Church. Vous nous avez, 22 sept. 1956: AAS 48 (1956) p. 714. The Church in this is mindful that she must bring together the nations for that king to whom they were given as an inheritance,(121) and to whose city they bring gifts and offerings. But, the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Mystical Body of Christ, are not to be considered as two realities, nor are the visible assembly and the spiritual community, nor the earthly Church and the Church enriched with heavenly things; rather they form one complex reality which coalesces from a divine and a human element. Wishing in His supreme goodness and wisdom to effect the redemption of the world, "when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son, born of a womanthat we might receive the adoption of sons". (4) Cfr., i. a., S. Augustinus, Enarr. Vat. In the first place among these ministers are deacons, who, in as much as they are dispensers of Christ's mysteries and servants of the Church,(9*) should keep themselves free from every vice and stand before men as personifications of goodness and friends of God. Chalcedonense, ib. Lumen Gentium 16 Anonymous Christians, Pelagianism, and Islam Early Modern Catholic Reform and the Synod of Pistoia Shaun London Blanchard Marquette University Lumen Gentium Presentation Notes: 1 of 3 The Holy See Catholic Church' Subsists in the 'Catholic Church' 21. Conc. (12) Cfr. It . question is Lumen gentium 16.4 There are two other Vatican II texts that deal with this question Jesus' teaching being followed in light of the impending judgment and separation of those who are on very different paths. The bishops are owed this respect because of their pastoral authority in their own churches and because of the need of unity and harmony in the apostolate.(8*). He sees Matthew as using antithetical parallelism contrasting the two gates, the two ways, sheep and 61, 3: ed. By. 61, 2: PL 35, 1800, et alibi saepe. Modus 84. (6) S. Irenaeus, Adv. Pius XII, Litt. Therefore, by their competence in secular training and by their activity, elevated from within by the grace of Christ, let them vigorously contribute their effort, so that created goods may be perfected by human labor, technical skill and civic culture for the benefit of all men according to the design of the Creator and the light of His Word. Conc. 1944: AAS 36 (1944) p. 137. Because of this gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. 7: Denz. 15:28). Au milieu des consolations, 23 dec. 1900: AAS 33 (1900-01) p. 361. Denz. They are, by reason of the knowledge, competence or outstanding ability which they may enjoy, permitted and sometimes even obliged to express their opinion on those things which concern the good of the Church (7*). 1826 (3059). S. Augustinus Retract. (227) But, God pours out his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us;(228) thus the first and most necessary gift is love, by which we love God above all things and our neighbor because of God. (185) All priests, both diocesan and religious, by reason of Orders and ministry, fit into this body of bishops and priests, and serve the good of the whole Church according to their vocation and the grace given to them. Though they differ from one another in essence and not only in degree, the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood are nonetheless interrelated: each of them in its own special way is a participation in the one priesthood of Christ. Christ is the Light of nations. (13) S. Clem. . He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the first place. She conceived, brought forth and nourished Christ. (13) Dieitur. (55) S. Leo M., Serm. Nicaenum, I can. : Ed. Pius XII Litt. Id., Epist. Deut. Vaticanum Const. (109) (7*) From the wedlock of Christians there comes the family, in which new citizens of human society are born, who by the grace of the Holy Spirit received in baptism are made children of God, thus perpetuating the people of God through the centuries. The bonds which bind men to the Church in a visible way are profession of faith, the sacraments, and ecclesiastical government and communion. Conc. Innocentius I, 1. c. S. Gregorius Naz., Apol. They lovingly believe in God the Father Almighty and in Christ, the Son of God and Saviour. Six ans se sont ecoules, 5 oct. l9S7: AAS 49 (19S7) p. 927. The laity have the right, as do all Christians, to receive in abundance from their spiritual shepherds the spiritual goods of the Church, especially the assistance of the word of God and of the sacraments (6*). 2, 1: PG 39 49 s. S. Thomas, In Col. 1, 18 cet. (16) Cfr. (12) Cfr. (13) De consiliis in genere, cfr. (34) Cfr. II, p. 69 Dionysius, apud Eusebium, ib. (4*) This consecration will be the more perfect, in as much as the indissoluble bond of the union of Christ and His bride, the Church, is represented by firm and more stable bonds. Funk, Didascalia, II, p. 103. Rev. 30. III, q. Cod. S. Irenaeus, Adv. (254) Since however we know not the day nor the hour, on Our Lord's advice we must be constantly vigilant so that, having finished the course of our earthly life,(255) we may merit to enter into the marriage feast with Him and to be numbered among the blessed(256) and that we may not be ordered to go into eternal fire(257) like the wicked and slothful servant,(258) into the exterior darkness where "there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth". Umbratilem, 8 iul. In our own time, however, it is most urgent that this distinction and also this harmony should shine forth more clearly than ever in the lives of the faithful, so that the mission of the Church may correspond more fully to the special conditions of the world today. And We by the apostolic power given Us by Christ together with the Venerable Fathers in the Holy Spirit, approve, decree and establish it and command that what has thus been decided in the Council be promulgated for the glory of God. This edifice has many names to describe it: the house of God (37) in which dwells His family; the household of God in the Spirit;(38) the dwelling place of God among men;(39) and, especially, the holy temple. Encycl. Not only, then, is the people of God made up of different peoples but in its inner structure also it is composed of various ranks. 6-9 (10-13); Symb. In the latter instance, without the action of the head, the bishops are not able to act as a College: this is clear from the concept of "College." 19, 1: PL 76, 1154 B. It is through the sacraments and the exercise of the virtues that the sacred nature and organic structure of the priestly community is brought into operation. 38, 25-26: PL 14, 105 1-52: CSEL 64, 203- 204. Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this salvific duty, but by her constant intercession continued to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. This perfect duty of pastoral charity (5*) is exercised in every form of episcopal care and service, prayer, sacrifice and preaching. Cfr. Abstract. 1926: AAS 18 (1926) p. 69. This hierarchical communion of all the bishops with the Supreme Pontiff is certainly firmly established in Tradition. Ps.-Petrus Dam. (54) Cfr. Pius XII, Alloc. 6: Denz. Israel according to the flesh, which wandered as an exile in the desert, was already called the Church of God. ib., III, 19, 26: col. 152; V, 18, 24: col. 189; In Io. (298) The maternal duty of Mary toward men in no wise obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows His power. S.Hieronymus, Adv. 26. For we must all "practice the truth in love, and so grow up in all things in Him who is head, Christ. All the laity as a community and each one according to his ability must nourish the world with spiritual fruits. PL 194, 1863 A. 12: PG 96, 1358 D. (5) Cfr. Mediator Dei, 20 nov. 1947: AAS 39 (1947) p. 555. 16:15; Lk. - S. Io. 61. For it must be admitted that the temporal sphere is governed by its own principles, since it is rightly concerned with the interests of this world. Opera, Quaracchi, t. 8, 1898, p. 245 a. 9:45): in view of the divine choice, they are . Since these duties, so very necessary to the life of the Church, can be fulfilled only with difficulty in many regions in accordance with the discipline of the Latin Church as it exists today, the diaconate can in the future be restored as a proper and permanent rank of the hierarchy. II-II, q. S. Augustinus, Bapt. 20:4. When we look at the lives of those who have faithfully followed Christ, we are inspired with a new reason for seeking the City that is to come (274) and at the same time we are shown a most safe path by which among the vicissitudes of this world, in keeping with the state in life and condition proper to each of us, we will be able to arrive at perfect union with Christ, that is, perfect holiness. 1839 (3074). 1 Cor. For all the salvific influence of the Blessed Virgin on men originates, not from some inner necessity, but from the divine pleasure. Idem, Epist. There are some who, in their freedom as sons of God, renounce their own wills and take upon themselves the state of poverty. These laymen spend themselves completely in apostolic labors, working the Lord's field with much success.(10*). The Church not only raises the religious profession to the dignity of a canonical state by her approval, but even manifests that this profession is a state consecrated to God by the liturgical setting of that profession. Satis cognitum, 1. c., p. 713. But for this power to be fully ready to act, there must be a further canonical or juridical determination through the hierarchical authority. II-II, q. Haer, 111 24, 1: PG 7, 966 B; Harvey 2, 13i, ed. S. Cyprianus, Epist. The individual bishops, who are placed in charge of particular churches, exercise their pastoral government over the portion of the People of God committed to their care, and not over other churches nor over the universal Church. They ought to fulfill this duty in such a way that it will be the principal means also of their own sanctification. Tridentinum, Sess. All men are called to be part of this catholic unity of the people of God which in promoting universal peace presages it. Encycl. passim. 23 mart. 1896; AAS 28 (1895-96) pp. (21) Cfr. Encycl. 4. Damascenus, Adv. Let them strive to reconcile the two, remembering that in every temporal affair they must be guided by a Christian conscience, since even in secular business there is no human activity which can be withdrawn from God's dominion. The counsels are a divine gift, which the Church received from its Lord and which it always safeguards with the help of His grace. (14) Cfr. summary. But often men, deceived by the Evil One, have become vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator. Lumen Gentium - Vatican II's Constitution on the Church. 3, 2: col. 1388 C. S. Andrcas Cret. (15*), Therefore, all the faithful of Christ are invited to strive for the holiness and perfection of their own proper state. Let them therefore teach the faithful that the authentic cult of the saints consists not so much in the multiplying of external acts, but rather in the greater intensity of our love, whereby, for our own greater good and that of the whole Church, we seek from the saints "example in their way of life, fellowship in their communion, and aid by their intercession. S. Andreas Cret., Hom. Cfr. The laity are gathered together in the People of God and make up the Body of Christ under one head. : Mansi 1215 CD, 1216-1217 A. Mc 16,15). This He does in such a way that His work could be compared by the holy Fathers with the function which the principle of life, that is, the soul, fulfills in the human body. The parallel between Peter and the rest of the Apostles on the one hand, and between the Supreme Pontiff and the bishops on the other hand, does not imply the transmission of the Apostles' extraordinary power to their successors; nor does it imply, as is obvious, equality between the head of the College and its members, but only a proportionality between the first relationship (Peter-Apostles) and the second (Pope-bishops). 290-292 et 372 ss. 16:15), it may bring to all men that light of Christ which shines out visibly from the Church. Religious should carefully keep before their minds the fact that the Church presents Christ to believers and non-believers alike in a striking manner daily through them. 3, 7: PL 2, 357 C, CSEL 47, 3 p. 386. (4) Cfr. Cf. Pius XII, Litt. (10*). 86, 4: PL 37, 1103. 66. (291) In the course of her Son's preaching she received the words whereby in extolling a kingdom beyond the calculations and bonds of flesh and blood, He declared blessed(292) those who heard and kept the word of God, as she was faithfully doing. DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH. Encycl. (208) Further, He has shared this power so that serving Christ in their fellow men they might by humility and patience lead their brethren to that King for whom to serve is to reign. (122) This characteristic of universality which adorns the people of God is a gift from the Lord Himself. This duty is to be undertaken to the extent of their capacities and in keeping with the proper type of their own vocation. Ii & # x27 ; s Constitution on the Church in the of... Eusebium, ib and 61, 2: col. 152 ; V, cet... ) this characteristic of universality which adorns the people of God and Saviour apostolic labors working! 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lumen gentium 16 summary