m2 money velocity and inflation

The growth of M2, by over $6 trillion in two years, was the result of the monetization of roughly $6 trillion of Treasury debt issued to fund a tsunami of federal transfer payments in that same period. To further understand this relationship, lets take a look at how M2 money stock and the velocity of M2 money stock have played out since 1999. Inflation expectations today are consistent with inflation falling to the Fed's target of 2% within the next 9-12 months, as Chart #6 shows. The views expressed are those of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the Federal Reserve System, or the Board of Governors. I would just wait for the Fed to reverse course and start printing again, that would be a signal to buy equities again. The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. Predicting the bottom at this time would be foolhardy. By clicking submit, you agree that you have read and understand ourTerms of Service,SubscriptionAgreement, andPrivacy Policy, and hereby agree to be bound by them. Put it simply, every time you spend a dollar bill someone else receives it. This blog offers commentary, analysis and data from our economists and experts. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2V, The velocity of MZM helps determine how often financial assets are switching hands within the economy. Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. And why then would people suddenly decide to hoard money instead of spend it? In most recent history, M2 growth surpassed 10 percent in the crisis of 2001 and 2009, during which an expansionary monetary policy was deployed by the central bank, including large scale asset purchases. The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. Thus, it is precisely the sharp decline in velocity that has offset the sharp increase in money supply, leading to the almost no change in nominal GDP (either P or Q). Therefore, a huge increase in the denominator naturally results in a lower figure without the same corresponding increase in GDP. By clicking submit, you agree that you have read and understand ourTerms of Service,Subscription Agreement, andPrivacy Policy, and hereby agree to be bound by them. The velocity of money, namely the rate at which it changes hands, as a percentage of gross domestic product has been sliding since 1995, he observed. When it goes up, M2 will. The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. That peak you see in the middle of the chart shows, for example, that in 1997 every dollar of M2 cash was associated with 2.2 dollars of GDP (i.e., it turned twice in that year). This "everyone believes it, so it must true" thinking is commonly known as the argumentum ad populum fallacy. We explore the stock, flow and velocity of money, as well as signs of weakening aggregate demand, in this week's note. The personal saving rate can be calculated as the ratio of personal savings to disposable personal income. During the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), MV went from a high of 1.989 at the GFCs start in Q3 2007 to a low of 1.712 by end of the crisis in Q1 2009. This would shock the markets even more than what the market has gone through since October 2021. The velocity of money refers to the number of times consumers spend each dollar in a year. According to the Quantity Theory of Money, inflation depends on the money supply and its velocity. A possible answer lies in the combination of two issues: In this regard, the unconventional monetary policy has reinforced the recession by stimulating the private sectors money demand through pursuing an excessively low interest rate policy (i.e., the zero-interest rate policy).3. Sumner, Scott. Thousands of investors and financial journalists rely on Nick and Jessicas newsletter every day for their thought-provoking work on markets, data and disruption. There's a couple issues with simply believing M2 = inflation. See why for yourself by starting a 2-week FREE trial below. The press, the media, and many market pundits are now saying inflation is imminent. This could effectively pump the breaks on continued U.S. economic expansion and may even become a stronger headwind. That peak you see in the middle of the chart shows, for example, that in 1997 every dollar of M2 cash was associated with 2.2 dollars of GDP (i.e., it "turned" twice in that year). If the banks target aggregated M2 they either target the quantity relationships or inflationary factors that affect M2. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, It used to be aggregate M2 was a good measure of this. Comparing M2 vs M1 money supply Discussing massive increase in money supply in 2020-2021 First ever decline in money supply in 2022? It is closely watched by economists as an indicator of money supply and future inflation, and as a target of the Feds monetary policy. One of the ways the Fed achieves its goals is by manipulating M2 money stock. The Quantity Theory of Money A Restatement. In The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, published 1969. Powell went on to call inflation transitory for the majority of last year. The problem is that velocity of money is never constant. Do I qualify? How these graphs were created: Search for M2 velocity, then add CPI. Categories > Money, Banking, & Finance > Monetary Data > Money Velocity. M1 is the money supply of currency in circulation (notes and coins, traveler's checks [non-bank issuers], demand deposits, and checkable deposits). Inflation is typically described as a persistent increase in the general price level, such as in the consumer price index. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It has caused much public and political outrage. Series from Money Velocity. What you are seeing is a yuuge increase in the supply of money. It's a psychological, self-reinforcing process. The relationship between money supply and velocity has significant implications for security markets going forward, particularly as it relates to inflation. When consumers save more, the number of transactions in the economy declines rapidly while the velocity of money drops. 2015. Do we simply have special circumstances that have broken down this relationship? annualized growth rate of M2, which is now -3.4%, down sharply from a high of over 40% in August of 2020. Why, then, has inflation remained persistently low (below 2 percent) during this period? This dynamic can have a huge impact on inflation. Velocity of M2 Money Stock in the US is at a current level of 1.226, up from 1.191 last quarter and up from 1.142 one year ago. In my and my teams own research, as part of our investment committee decision-making discussions, we often like to seek out more obscure data. The Federal Reserve might describe it as the turnover rate of a dollar through the U.S. economy. GDP = M2 Money Stock * The Velocity of M2 Money Stock - (Eq. M2's huge growth from 2020 through 2021 provided the fuel for the inflation that has rocked the economy for the past year. Barnett, William A. The past three years have been by far the biggest roller-coaster ride in our monetary history. A few hours later your hairdresser uses the $30 to buy a bathroom scale from a nearby store. But by Spring of '21, life for many was slowly returning to normal, and people realized they had no reason to hold onto tons of money sitting in the bank earning little or no interest. The Quantity Theory of Money A Restatement. In. Essentially, this means that one USD cycled through the U.S. economy in Q4 2021 about. The velocity of money is a measurement of the rate at which money is exchanged in an economy. One logical answer is the rising level Chinese imports during this period. This indicates that 40% of the decrease in the velocity of money can be explained by the increase in the adjusted money supply. Think of this as if it were the percentage of your annual income, you would feel comfortable holding in cash and bank savings and deposit accounts. Referencing data on MV from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, you can see something noteworthy. I ran an exponentially weighted moving average on the variables, however, and got this (this the same procedure Lucas ran in his quantity theory paper. In the meantime, today's relatively high interest rates help offset the inflationary potential of the surplus M2 by increasing the incentive to hold on to money balances. CPI inflation peaked in 1980 at 14 percent and M2 velocity topped out shortly thereafter at 1.9x. This is clear as GDP since 1999 has been languishing and people have been saving like crazy. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing. M2 increase of 20% to GDP followed by 3 years of 5% inflation. At first this was fine, because the public was not willing or able to spend itthe demand for money was intense. One would say, who could have seen this? St. Louis, MO 63102, More Beginning May 2020, M2 consists of M1 plus (1) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits in amounts of less than $100,000) less IRA and Keogh balances at depository institutions; and (2) balances in retail MMFs less IRA and Keogh balances at MMFs. and (2) balances in retail Money Market Funds. issn: 00028282. A nice clean relationship. According to this view, inflation in the U.S. should have been about 31 percent per year between 2008 and 2013, when the money supply grew at an average pace of 33 percent per year and output grew at an average pace just below 2 percent. Yesterday the Fed released the all-important (but almost completely ignored) M2 money supply statistics for January '23, and they were good. But after a while, the public's demand for holding so much cash in the bank weakened; people began spending the cash and that drove nominal GDP higher by leaps and bounds, thus increasing the denominator. Theres a couple issues with simply believing M2 = inflation. Please update to a modern browser: a list is available here. , edited by Robert Cord and Daniel Hammond. 13 Finance Experts Recommend Tech Tools For Managing Business And Personal Finances, A Court Case With High Implications For The Tech Sector And Inflation Still Higher Than Expected - Forbes AI Newsletter February 25th, Why IPOs And ESPPs Are A Strong Combination, Expired TCJA Provisions Hurt Businesses Come Tax Time, Artificial Intelligence Applications In Investing, Dominos And Papa Johns Earning Reports Disappoint Investors. LIVE MARKETS Will money velocity be a bigger inflation factor in 2022? As we progress through this post, you will see how it impacts inflation and the GDP. They help increase inflation of financial assets but not higher consumer prices. However, it has also grown along with Federal Debt to GDP during wars and recessions. In the case of a downtrend, the climax is characterized by a sharp decline after the mature part of an extended downturn. Steve H. Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at the John Hopkins University, has been an outspoken critic of the Fed and its failure to foresee that the exploding M2 would cause inordinately high inflation. Not a huge surprise, that, given Fed bond buying and a sluggish post-Great Recession recovery. This week's stronger-than-expected February inflation data from France, Spain and Germany has led traders to price European Central Bank rates peaking near 4%, following similar moves in U.S . For higher inflation to kick in, Lavorgna reasoned, consumers need to be actively bidding up the prices of goods and services. When they feel that prices are about to raise, customers tend to advance their purchases. You may opt-out by. Please enter your email address or username below. M2 Velocity is a . The Fed's broadest measure of the money supply, called M2, is more than $21.6 trillion today, up from $15.5 trillion in February 2020. Over time, this dynamic translates into higher velocity of money and higher inflation due to rising aggregate demand. The opposite is also true: Money velocity decreases when fewer transactions are being made; therefore the economy is likely to shrink. The leftmost third of the chart shows the dramatic decline in M2 velocity since 2010. You will see that the velocity of M2 money stock has been steadily declining as M2 money stock has been exploding higher, implying an ever lower impact of money being printed. That is the mere weight of the crowd of people on its own can be more powerful than the actual merits of something. Now, if you look at the chart above, you will see that it has taken an ever-growing amount of money printing from the Fed to hold up the U.S. GDP. Please be sure to comment, debate and let me know where you think the dollar goes next. Figure 1: The exponential trend of M2 since the Volcker era relative to the current level is reasonably consistent with excess bank reserves and Fed reverse repo program (RRP) balances relative to estimates of the liquidity . Essentially, this means that one USD cycled through the U.S. economy in Q4 2021 about 1.123 times. They show the velocity of: We can average the number of times a single unit of money changes hands during a period of time by applying this equation. M2 provides important insights into the direction, efficacy, and extremity of the Feds policy. A decreasing velocity of M1 might indicate fewer short- term consumption transactions are taking place. A higher MV figure means a dollar is cycling through domestic transactions for goods and services more frequently. While M2 velocity is currently at historical lows, inflation is clearly not high. How this graph was created: Search FRED for "M2 Money Velocity" and choose the series "Velocity of M2 Money Stock", or M2V. CRN202504-2146319. The issue has to do with the velocity of money, which has never been constant, as can be seen in the figure below. Summing up: as we keep after the inflation topic and look at it from more perspectives, all roads lead to that rate of change point. Do we simply have special circumstances that have broken down this relationship? Household savings rates spiked during the past couple of years, which resulted in cash hoarding in checking and savings accounts. Start your 2-week FREE trial to see our thought-provoking daily work on markets, data & disruption! Then the owner of the store spends it to buy groceries. Lucas Jr, Robert E. Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money. The American Economic Review 70, no. Visit his blog: Calafia Beach Pundit (http://scottgrannis.blogspot.com/). Why was there only a handful of economists who commented on it, as I noted a year ago? As we saw above, this is the case of the money velocity. How could that not have resulted in higher prices? MacMillan and Company Limited. Let us look at the data: Eyeballing the graph, we see no clear relationship between these variables. After accounting for velocity [(M*V)/y=P], we see the relationship become unity. That's why there is now plenty of light at the end of the inflation tunnel. Time-series GDP deflator and money velocity, from Friedman's 2004 article, "The Fed's Thermostat." It isn't clear if velocity is a measure of GDP/M2 or GNP/M2, but anyway GDP should in general be transacted in US dollars. How limited supply of goods and services plays out over the next 12 months is the other question mark (see the must-read link below for a good example from NYC restaurants). Chart #4 compares the growth of M2 with the year-over-year change in the CPI, which is shifted one year to the left in order to show that money growth leads inflation by about one year. Navigating the Waves of Global Shipping: Drivers and Aggregate Implications, From Ye Olde Stagnation to Modern Growth in England, Shipping Prices and Import Price Inflation, Tornado Cash and Blockchain Privacy: A Primer for Economists and Policymakers, Welfare-enhancing inflation and liquidity premia. A small number in the context of $21,728 billion of M2, but still the first reduction in two years. When the velocity of money declines, it can even offset an increase in money supply and lead to deflation instead of inflation. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Related Categories . An increase in time deposits destroys money velocity. 2022 DataTrek Research, LLC provides a daily market insight newsletter, as well as other services, through its site at www.datatrekresearch.com. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Year-over-year M2 growth is -1.7%, and 6-mo annualized growth is -3.4%. While M2 velocity is currently at historical lows, inflation is clearly not high. See why for yourself by starting a 2-week FREE trial below. 1). It is quite common to see arguments that if M2 velocity (the nominal GDP/M2 ratio) is low, it must be that inflation is high. M2 Money Stock is a slightly broader measurement of money supply. U.S. corporations are now sitting atop the highest corporate debt mountain in U.S. history. This study models the velocity (V2) of broad money (M2) since 1929, covering swings in money [liquidity] demand from changes in uncertainty and risk premia spanning the two major financial . Maybe there is a technical problem with the data source. Categories; My Account; Sources; Releases; API; Help; St. Louis Fed Home; . Were not sure of the date of Arts anecdote, but here is a chart with M2 money velocity (in blue, left Y axis) and CPI inflation (red, right hand Y axis) back to January 1965. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System. But The middle part of the chart, from 1991 2000, shows a counter-intuitive separation of money velocity and inflation. MZM (money with zero maturity) is the broadest component and consists of the supply of financial assets redeemable at par on demand: notes and coins in circulation, traveler's checks (non-bank issuers), demand deposits, other checkable deposits, savings deposits, and all money market funds. From 1986 to 1989, he was Principal at Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, a financial services firm that specialized in sophisticated hedging strategies for institutional investors. This can not be undone. The formula can also be expressed as follows: The formula shows that expansionary monetary policies (increase of M) can actually cause lower velocity of money if the real economic output is constant. Amazon Return To Office Mandate, And Whats Happening With Amazon Stock? M2 is only one part of the monetary system, and not an especially important one. He was a member of Western's Investment Strategy Committee, was responsible for developing the firm's domestic and international outlook, and provided consultation and advice on investment and asset allocation strategies to CFOs, Treasurers, and pension fund managers. Reuters Summary Major U.S. indexes rise; FANGs, transports, chips outperform Cons disc leads S&P sector gainers; real. Money, no matter how much may be in the system, doesnt translate into inflation if it just sits in the bank collecting dust. The linked post was written on February 3, 2022, and unsurprisingly, the U.S. printed a negative 1.4% GDP read. One of the indicators I looked at was M2 Money Stock and Velocity of M2 and how expected Federal Reserve (Fed) monetary tightening was all but guaranteeing a recession in 2022. Everything's Endogenous., Barnett, William A. The velocity of M2 money is calculated by dividing the GDP (gross domestic product) for a given period by the average money supply for that period: Effect By monitoring the velocity of money we can gain insights into business and consumer confidence, which in turn affects economic growth. M2 increased by a very modest $32 billion from December, and it has shown no net gains since October '21. Money velocity (MV) isnt a complicated concept. As velocity dropped through the 1980s, so did inflation. Finally, the grocery storekeeper deposits the money into a bank account, and doesn't touch it for the rest of the year. Why? and in the process is giving huge amounts of free money to financial institutions. Since then, M2 growth has turned negative, and today M2 is only $3.4 trillion above where it might have been in the absence of the Fed's "helicopter drop." Afterall, the formula for MV is simple: GDP/money supply. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. M2*V=P*Y. Chart #5 shows the ratio of M2 to nominal GDP, a ratio I have called "money demand." The frequency of currency exchange can be used to determine the velocity of a given component of the money supply, providing some insight into whether consumers and businesses are saving or spending their money. Review historical increases in the money supply Money supply and inflation Fiscal stimulus like sending checks out vs the Fed monetary expansion What is the velocity of money? If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy. Market Implications Graph and download revisions to economic data for from Q1 1959 to Q4 2022 about velocity, M2, monetary aggregates, and USA. Money velocity is a gauge of the consumers willingness to spend money. We dont yet know if or how that will alter inflation trends. Instead of spending new money injected into the economic system over the past 13 years, consumers and businesses have been either hoarding, investing or paying down debt. That said, nothing goes down in a straight line, but intermittent rallies should be sold into. This happened because the nominal interest rate on short-term bonds has declined essentially to zero, and, in this case, the best form of risk-free liquid asset is no longer the short-term government bonds, but money. That is what happened in the 1990s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; A key indicator to track velocity of money is the personal saving rate. Graph and download economic data for Velocity of M2 Money Stock from Q1 1947 to Q1 2023 about velocity, M2, monetary aggregates, USA, headline figure, average, all items, urban, consumer, CPI, inflation, price index, price, and indexes. This means that every dollar in the monetary base was spent only 4.4 times in the economy during the past year, down from 17.2 just prior to the recession. While President Biden and many experts blamed it on technical factors, technical factors or not, a GDP contraction is nothing but a contraction, period. That's how much cash Americans had in their wallets, their checking accounts, and their short-term savings accounts. These expectations are important because they affect consumer's behavior. While Fed Chair Jerome Powell has repeatedly testified before congress that M2 has no implications on the economic outlook and that the connection between money and inflation ended about 40 years ago, Prof. Hanke has continued to highlight that is absolutely not true. Explore resources provided by the Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, According to Bannister and Forward (2002, page 28), Money supply growth and inflation are inexorably linked. R = -0.63 R^2 = 0.40. He relayed a story to us that earlier in his career US money supply data, released every Thursday afternoon, was sometimes a market moving event. Inflation (CPI) in the U.S. is at a four-decade high, coming in at 8.3% year-over-year. The Fed has seriously distorted money supply. Explore resources provided by the Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. But the actual velocity has gone down by 5.85 points, 69 times larger than predicted. Why even bother with it? Can site, link, or share provided podcast website listed and sourced. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation. Is that really a big deal given 2020 record 25% growth followed by 2021 12% growth? Money velocity rate has been falling for about twelve years before collapsing in April 2020. It is all hindsight. The charts below illustrate this point. One, M2 is partially endogenous to inflation (well, really NGDP. The Fed doesn't need to do more than they already have. What is the M2 money supply? Among other measures, such as increasing interest rates and quantitative tightening (reducing Feds balance sheet), the Fed will also have to bring down M2 money stock. This is how velocity of money reflects the overall strength of an economy. https://www.econlib.org/archives/2015/10/everythings_end.html. Velocity of M2 Money Stock [M2V], Not really, I had given a blanket sell call in late September 2021 and even did so again in January 2022. Historically, M2 has grown along with the economy (see in the chart below). This last chart shows the correlation of adjusted money supply and the velocity of money from 1991-2021. Monetarism is a school of thoughtwith Milton Friedman being one of its prominent members that underscores the importance of money supply. However, GDP growth may be hampered by intermediate-term higher inflation and the corresponding higher interest rates which could weigh on consumer spending. Then one day a savvy old trader told him to focus on velocity how often a dollar turns in the US economy if he wanted a real edge on inflation trends. Compared to historical rate levels, the personal saving rate has remained at strong levels since then. Now surprisingly, MV is 34.4% lower than where it was at coming out of the GFC. March 1, 2023. 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m2 money velocity and inflation