monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script

the doors surrounding them activate too. New makeup? Sulley tells him that Waternoose is gone now and he is in charge and that in exchange for his help, he will pardon all of the banished monsters when they get home. And just as he's about to, Simon shows up and sends everyone into a blind panic. He addresses a group of CDA agents.). Mike: Get out of here! Boo sees Randall and whimpers, Sulley gently shushes her. (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). He's about to jam his arm into the bowl when), (Sulley spins around to find Mary standing behind him. Later, Sulley jogs in place.). ), (The sun sets over Monsters, Inc. A bell rings as the factory winds down. The door lands in the station. This is Harry Hausens, a top Monstropolis eatery. Mary is waddling up to Mr. Waternoose. Mike, Sulley and Randall makes their way to Boo's new house, showing up in the middle of her seventh birthday party. We see the toys on the shelf. (Randall stands menacingly over Sulley, who holds onto the bottom of the door for dear life.). On the TV, a bank of lights illuminate and flare brightly.). The premise was rumoured to have found Mike and Sulley trapped in the human world and searching for Boo after discovering that her family had Randall: You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sullivan! Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) Mike: (sighs) You want me to prove everything's on the up and up? ), (Mr. Waternoose shoves Mike and Sulley through the door. Mike: (false modesty) Are they? (Sulley starts to walk out, but the kid whines anxiously. It slows to a stop. (Then, Sulley angrily closes the wooden door, and tries to prove that it's not "Boo"'s door.). (back to mushy) Oh, but I'm so glad you're safe. From behind the stall, toilet water splashes onto the floor. It swings open, exposing Sulley, Mike and Mary. ), (The floor is dark and empty as Sulley walks to Mike's desk.). Sulley: Mikey, there's a scream shortage. Mike: (stage whisper) Great. Sulley: (after hiding Mary behind his back again) Top of the morning, fellas. Great. (Mike jumps gracefully into the air and does a flip, landing crotch first on top of the metal door track. The three ride off across the vault. Yeti: Oh, no, no, no. (Boo waddles down a hall in her disguise, babbling and roaring happily. They look up to see a giant monster! Red alert! Mr. Waternoose: (to recruits) Pay attention, everyone. You can't make me! El Chupacabra is overjoyed and explains that to get home, they need to find Boo and go through her door to return to the monster world. He stands on one of the shelves throwing the canisters down at Mike and Sulley and on impact, the seals of the bottom of the cans crack, releasing highly pressurized laugh energy, shooting off like missiles and flickering all of the lights. Mike and Sulley panic. (Randall watches the trio cling to the door hanging overhead. Mike: Sulley, you're not supposed to name it. I know! Mike: Keep coming, keep coming, keep coming. They realize they need to remind Boo of their existence if they want to go home. Jim Hill Media's article on Circle Seven Animation's formation. Look over there! Suddenly, from the utility hallway, he hears a noise. ), Needleman: so then I said "if you talk to me like that again, we're through.". Randall: When the big hand is pointing up, Randall: and the little hand is pointing up, Randall: the kid's door will be in my station. The Circle 7 scripts for Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo 2 were kinda bad but this sounded like it would have been a fantastic follow up and much better than MU. Without warning, the kid bites him. Instinctively, Celia throws her arms around Flankbottom and everybody from both families remark just how great she is. Back when Monsters University was a Circle 7 Disney project, it was reportedly going to be a sequel titled "Monsters Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise". The lights in the room dim, and the animatronic kid resets. ), (Invisible Randall chokes Sulley, who gasps for air.). The story on that world is implied to be after the events of 2001 film, though this could be non-canon. Look, it loves it here! I like it. (Boo tugs on Mike's arm, and points at the invisible Randall. (The kid turns on a light, revealing Mike, sitting on a stool, microphone in hand.). (The geeks hear Sulley's voice and run up to him.). Celia isn't about to be left behind again. ), (The fabric of Sulley's chair has now been reconstructed into a makeshift monster costume.). He and Celia make their way to the door vault using a maintenance platform. (Mike leaps onto Sulley's back, sending both of them tumbling down the side of the snowy mountain. (Celia grabs Mike and pulls him away. CDA agents walk onto the stage and grab Waternoose.). The boy turns away in fear, but a second look reveals it to be just a shirt sleeve. The kid inside screams. Give us some sugar. (Sulley desperately runs his hands along the sides of the door, looking for anything that might activate it.). Guy takes five steps and he's there. (Sulley opens the closet. A microphone is thrust in his face.). No, no, no, no, it's okay. Now your time is up! The pardoned monsters also descend on him and Sulley knows what exactly the place in the human world he's sending him back to. You had a tuck? Coming through! ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. Sulley runs down the hall searching for Boo. Mike: Oh, now those were alphabetized!! Yes! Celia: Thanks. He tenses, then relaxes and hugs her back. The red light above the door glows. Come on, you could use the exercise. You know, there's more to life than scaring. Oh, no! (Boo squirms out of Sulley's arms and runs off under a desk. Not when we're so close to breaking the record. Mike's misfortunes continue as he gets attacked by toddlers and gets hit by a car. Who cares about the company? Ready for decontamination. Shut it off! In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. There was a lot of wood to go through. Randall: Say hello to the scream extractor. There's a human child! (Sulley closes the door and sits in front of the closet. Mike runs headlong into a pile of take-away boxes. We settle on Claws which causes the child to scream.). He is a comic book store owner who still believe that monsters are real. CDA agent #1: Move, move, move! Mike sees something that make his eye go wide. The lights surge. Because you're on your own. (whistles for help) Hey, we got a dead door over here! Mike and Sulley chase them up to the maintenance platform and quickly realize that they are too far away. (Meanwhile, Boo plays with some tools hanging on a work panel. Waternoose stands in the doorway, holding Boo. We're in a--, (Mike waves the kid away. Sulley is hit in the face with a snowball. Scaring isn't enough anymore! Mike: There it is! No one touches Little Mikey. Or was that the wind? He shuts the door and shimmies up toward Sulley), (Mike's hand slips from Sulley's grasp, but he grabs Mike's foot. Uhm, so to confirm, then, you did find the ah Fungus: Oh, huzzah! What about us?! Sulley: Wa, wa, wa, wa. As a result, Circle 7 Animation was shut down thus canceling the film and letting Pixar make a prequel (. It never would have gotten out, if you hadn't been cheating last night! ), (Sulley races down the mountainside on his makeshift sled. (Mike nervously chuckles as a microphone dangles from above him). Mike: Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes. Soft moonlight illuminates the room. Sulley breaks a pipe off the wall and slides it through the door handles just as Waternoose slams against the door. Red alert! ), (Sulley and Mike run out of the restaurant, leaving the MI gym bag behind. (to Sulley) All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. Mr. Waternoose: Oh, I never thought things would come to this. Uh, you know it's Sulley: It's just I forgot about some paperwork I was supposed to file. ), (Boo screams and braces herself in fear. On the sides of the trucks is printed: CDA - CHILD DETECTION AGENCY. ), Mike: What in heaven's name will become of us? ), Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) Do I look abominable to you? Celia: (calling) Michael!!!! The pals are at odds with one another on how to handle the situation. (George realizing he caused the alarms, and he tries frantically to remove the sock. Do you have one-nineteen? (to Sulley) It's your mom. Randall lands in the same French kid's room, then continues after Mike and Sulley. Mike: (pretending to act stubborn) I'll never talk. By Eric Eisenberg last updated 8 October 18. . John Goodman. Is that supposed to be funny?). (On the TV, a child is vacantly staring at a television set. Of course it's her door. Good. One, two (The posing couple sees Boo pop up over the photographer's shoulder. Do you hear me? ), (Chaos ensues. He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary [we'll interchange Mary and Boo throughout this page]. Mike stands atop the pile encouraging him.). A welcoming committee! Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of Boo's door is taped. He turns and pushes the toboggan out of the cave. The laughter subsides, and all is dark. (Sulley opens the closet, but with Roz inside it. Waternoose: I'll kidnap a THOUSAND children before I let this company die! You'll make him lose his focus. The singing stops. I got us a way out of this mess, but we gotta hurry. Behind him, a scream can rises into the air and hits him on the head. (fakes a cough). Surely she's gone down. Randall: Will you move it?! When new customers enter the restaurant, the waiters all yell. A little boy snuggles into bed as his parents' footsteps fade away from the hall. Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. Never go out in a blizzard. (Boo scampers up to Sulley. (he rewinds the tape and plays it.). Yeah, you know-- (another toy) Oh, that's cute. He jumps a second time but loses his grip, almost falling. Celia: Oh, Michael! Oh, Googly Bear! Mike notices a single piece of Boo's door on the floor. The script-writing program changed through the years, and we . Sulley frees Boo from the chair. Crystal has said that he and co-star John Goodman are having a blast together and describes the script as "really great" and "hilarious". CDA Agent: This is the CDA. ), (Mike pushes the dilapidated door over the side of the platform. Her face is uncomfortably scrunched. ), (A blizzard rages. Yeti: It won't be so hard for you guys, though, you know, I mean, how lucky can you get? Behind a control console sits an evaluator, the dragon-like Ms. Flint. You and me together, that's how it always should be. Due to their unique bond, Sulley was unable to let go of Boo so Mike set up a visit on Boo's birthday. It's still leaning to the left! (Randall sighs, frustrated. Her hood flops open, revealing her scared face.). Good morning, Monstropolis. Blaming Sulley for his missing horn, he grabs Sulley's horn and starts gnawing on them in retaliation, which catches the attention and laughter of a little girl. It's a work in progress, it's gonna get better. This story would've picked up 1 year after the events of Monsters Inc., and would've found Mike and Sulley going to surprise Boo for her birthday. (He grabs a different card key by mistake, and a different number comes up.). Sulley: Guys, I told you, call me Sulley. (snore! (They dump the box out into a chair, revealing Mike. Besides, Sullivan got what he deserved. A random assistant walks by.). I love working with that big guy. Roz: None of this ever happened, gentlemen. I need scarers like like James P. Sullivan! superimposed over it. (Sulley drags Mike away. (Mike leans in closer to the garbage cube.). (On the TV, a bored child watches as various monsters cycle past. Ready for decon. Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me , Sulley: (joining in.) Times have changed. (Behind Celia, Sulley presses his face up to the window. I'll call you! When he was banished, he fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy. Mike: Not bad, huh? Mike slips. Concept artwork for Circle 7's Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise. Mike: Uh, do I ever. You know, he's got them shifty eyes. Take your hands off me. Sulley: (muttering to himself) Did you see the way she looked at me? (to Mary, comforting) Hey, what's the matter? The film is a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2001 Disney/Pixar film, Monsters, Inc., and features the returning voices of Lara . Sulley tries to open the door with all his strength and he ended up forcing it open. (Mike, Sulley and Boo do a quick detour, avoiding the CDA.). We're still working on it. Sounds like fun in there. I was-- (suddenly stern) Don't you ever run away from me again, young lady. The trio shudders in the stall, awaiting their turn. CDA Agent: I'll get him. Monster Kid: Morning, Mike! ), (Boo gives Mike a big hug. Needleman: You know my mom. (George looks around, confused. (In the M.I. The walls lift up to reveal that this was a practice simulation for Mike who can't manage to say "I do" no matter what he does. ), (They speed through the vault as if on a roller coaster ride. You can always count on something new and exciting from Disney "), (Sulley stands waiting in front of a bathroom stall. Oh! Mike: (weakly) Well, somebody's certainly been a busy bee. (He rushes in as the water in the giant toilet swirls around. Do I see one-twenty? Yowch! I didn't mean for this to happen. He tosses the cube, which lands on Mike. I'm going to be doing some serious scaring, putting up some big numbers. Not to mention the angry mob that'll come after us when there's no more power. He comes to a stop in front of a portrait of Waternoose, and breathes a sigh of relief. Roz: Very good. Waternoose: Hmmm, must have missed the memo. Waternoose: Yes, yes, I'm coming. (Charlie, Waxford and Frank gather around Randall, congratulating him.). ), (Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now.). Which - as you might expect - would have caused considerable friction between these longtime friends. Sulley: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's company play. CDA agent #3: This is a 23-19 in progress. (Randall and the other monsters follow suit. Let's see. (signing quickly) "From your scary friend Best wishes", (The geeks stop in front of a trash chute. He frantically removes the door that's currently in the station.). You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kid. They run to the edge of the platform. However, Boo has moved, which results in Mike and Sulley getting trapped in the human world, so Mike and Sulley go on a mission in the human world to search for Boo and find a way home in time for Mike and Celia's wedding. I'm wondering if that's a coincidence or if Pixar pulled from it when making their Halloween special. Aah! Put that thing back where it came from, or I'll poke myself in the eye! Sushi Chef: There's a kid here! Sulley tickles her chin. Lost Media Wiki's page for the Circle 7 sequels. ), (The door pitches and twists dangerously as it is switched from track to track, Boo enjoys the ride. Door! Look out! Mike: We're going! Look happy. You can take any video, trim the best part, combine with other videos, add soundtrack. A sign light above the Scare Floor changes from "STANDBY" to "SCARE", replacing the red monster to a green monster. The helicopters are getting closer. How could I be so stupid? As they turn to the camera, the Monsters, Inc. logo appears over Mike, blocking him entirely.). She whistles for her son as "If I Didn't Have You" starts up again. ), (Mike and Sulley are taking Mary to the scare floor. Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. Woody, Buzz, and new characters Hee-Hee, and Gladiola try to find out who stole the other toys in a whodunit-style mystery. Marlin then gets captured and sent to an aquarium named "PLANET BLUE," so now Nemo, Remy and Dory have to go save him. Celia: (o.s., over P.A. (Sulley pulls Mike up into the door with him just as Randall emerges from Hawaii. Sulley rounds the locker bank and disappears from view. He heads off towards Waxford.). Sulley peers out from under the desk. Mike: Hey, you hear that? The sequel I am referring to is Monsters Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. Boo climbs down from her bed. "We"? Mike sits in the evaluator's chair.). (This gets Randall's attention. (Mike prepares himself and walks towards Roz's station.). And who would we be scaring today? Mike: No, I'm not attacking you. gym bag to Waternoose.). Hey! After venturing out to give Boo a birthday present, the two discover she has moved houses. It is currently in development and has no release date yet. That should make it even more humiliating when we break the record first. Monsters Inc 2 is a direct sequel to Monsters Inc, It takes place right after the ending of Monsters Inc. Sulley: Three days?! ), (Randall hears the commotion and turns around. It'll bring down the house. Interviewee #1: I tried to run from it, but it picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a doll! The full summary goes as follows: The story begins at the wedding of Mike and Celia. (A little day care kid steps up to Mike. Completely demoralized, they walk along a city street until they come across a comic book shop. Well, listen, James, why don't you stop by the simulator after lunch today and give us the scare demonstration we talked about, huh? (Screen flashes to Mike and Sulley taking behind a menu). An oxygen-like mask inches towards Mike's face.). Sulley steps away from the door, examining it curiously. This has gone too far.). The Wikipedia page on Circle Seven Animation. Sulley slowly lifted his head. Mr. Waternoose: Aaah! Redneck boy: (o.s.) Situation is niner-niner-zero. Sulley clasps the small chip in his large hand. A sequel made by Pixar was confirmed in 2010. A single touch could kill you! Funny, she doesn't look dangerous. Through the snow, Sulley can barely make out a small Tibetan village. He's thinking of a place to hide. If-if-if you wanna go out there and freeze to death, you be my guest. ), (Mike dashes in with a take-away box, which he uses to delicately scoop her up. Is this one yours? ), (Relieved, Sulley turns and walks away. Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. (Boo is riding Randall, pulling his fronds! Randall: Cheating?! However, it was cancelled following the defunction of Circle 7, but eight years later, a prequel was released by Pixar. Anyone? (Mike backs into the room, leading Sulley along.). ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. ), (Sulley looks around frantically for the bag. Its ancient history is seen in the architecture. Let's go, everybody. That was weird. ), (Sulley reaches for Boo, trying to calm and reassure her. Sulley and Mike cover their ears. You're going to get your germs all over it. Keep it up! A world based on Monsters Inc appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3. ), (He falls, trips over a laundry basket, slips on a rug, and is ejected out of Boo's room. Things just got worse. Oh, I love kindergarten. ), (Sulley holds Boo as he and Mike run down the hallway.). (Mike opens his eye and spots Boo's door in a station.). Mike: No. Bring in reinforcements! Whoa, whoa, whoa. ), (Boo giggles wildly as Sulley deposits her in bed. Well done, James. Fungus: Aah! (Later in the bathroom, Sulley brushes his teeth, while Mike stands on his arm.). Mike: Sull, that's a cube of garbage. Mike gasps as a blinding flash emerges from under the metal device. I think there might be a way to save her, if we can just get down to that--. See? Come on. Oh, we were about to break the record, Sulley. (Roz and the CDA Agents exit. I don't think we even have a copy of that script, believe it or not. (The lead CDA agent shows the charred remains of the M.I. He surveys the fruit of his labors. Somebody else will find the kid. (The CDA are impressed, some of them laugh with Roz) Ha, ha, ha! You did it! Monsters Inc. - Hasbro PVC's 29 July, 2011 Leave a comment Needleman is shown wearing a red disposable glove over his head. Mike walks in.). In the end however, Pixar was able to come to a agreement with Disney, and Circle 7 was shut down. It swings shut again.). George Sanderson, please remain motionless. ), (Mike pulls Sulley through and shuts the door just moments before it smashes into tiny pieces on the floor, Randall jumps from door to door, holding Boo. As Randall exits the floor, Sulley watches as Boo's door disappears into the vault, and with it all hope of getting rid of Mary. (Mike and Sulley turn to see a line of monster children, led by the day care worker. It was gonna revolve around Mike and Sulley going to the human world to see Boo in time for her birthday. (He slams the door closed. ), Pupil 2: I won't go in a kid's room! But Sulley walks too far and falls over on the recliner he was standing on, making Mary giggle. Okay, rule number one out here: Alwaysno. Mike: Yes, I do. Because of his height, we only see Ted's massive legs.). I mean I no p-p-paperwork?! The window of innocence is shrinking. Mike: Whoo! It would have seen Mike and Sulley trapped in the human world, reuniting with Randall and meeting all sorts of new banished monsters, on a. Mike: We're gonna get our lives back. ), (Behind the fourth wall of the simulator, the tryout room is filled with yellow-suited CDA agents. Please! The portal to the monster world is closed. Sulley: Hey, morning, kids. But as it does, the letter begins to glow, he looks back down at the letter and the second half written in glow-in-the-dark ink reveals itself, showing Boo's new address. ), (Mike and Sulley pass Blobby who suddenly oozes through a grate and into the sewer below, leaving only eyes and teeth a top the grate. He's had enough, the argument quickly shifts to one between Mike and Sulley. ), (Randall, Fungus, and the off-screen crew members have a good laugh about that last camoflauge sequence.). (A large vacuum-like machine lowers from the ceiling.). Sulley: Yup. The front page reads: KID SIGHTING AT SUSHI RESTAURANT. No, no! (Mike slams his fits on the desk. He lets this information sink in.). ), Mike: (v.o.) Hum, baby. Let's go. They try another kid and another, but for some reason, none of the closet doors are working. Randall tells them that it doesn't matter if he knows them, as long as Boo doesn't, they are stuck. I needed some time to think, but you shouldn't have left me out there. More details are available in the progress report. (We cut to Mike and Ceila at a table on-stage. (Tony tosses Mike and Sulley two pieces of fruit. Ms. Flint: No, no, before that. I can be taller! Come back. The boy looks around the room, nervously, eyes growing wide. ), (Mike lifts up a copy of the magazine and holds it in front of him.). No spin-offs, no prequels, and no middle man. ), (With a massive effort, Sulley wrenches the machine from its moorings and throws it towards Randall, Waternoose and Fungus. Below is the wooden chip from her door. Text appears on the screen: "Simulation-Not Actual Child."). Never would have caused considerable friction between these longtime friends dump the box out into the scream extractor.... Remains of the door hanging overhead the dragon-like Ms. Flint kidnap a THOUSAND children I! Myself in the human world to see Boo in time monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script her birthday been a busy bee a of! 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monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script