my boyfriend cried when i gave him a gift

Thanks for listening to me, Im sorry its so long, I perhaps could have made it shorter but I thought everything in here helps paint the best picture of the evening and therefore helps anyone in giving me accurate advice. Generally speaking, they like gifts that add to their masculinity and their purpose in life, not gifts that make them feel cherished. Kinda funny. If youre sure he feels the same about you and is crushing on you too, then sure, get him a thoughtful birthday gift. Are you getting him the gift because you think you should? They would rather distract themselves, stay busy and pretend everything is fine. Usually I dont like cuddling when sleeping but that night i held him all night long. I want to stay by your side until we can't hold each other any longer. I just couldnt bring myself to let him out of my grip. Well said, my dude! Do enough to show you care, but dont try to prove yourself through gift giving. its a good thing. He was squeezing me so tight sometimes it wasnt easy to breathe. It will touch a more submissive man, or a man who is LOOKING out for a rich woman. Men love gifts that serve a purpose gifts that help them solve a problem or achieve an end. He's very vocal and open, while I'm very shy and closed off. When she had got her diagnosis she'd immediately called Philippe to let him know. Press J to jump to the feed. I am 21 F, Boyfriend 21 F, weve been dating for almost 1.5 years, I plan for his birthday for a long time for months altogether. Im dreading his mothers passing but Im hoping hell let me be there for him, even if it just a shoulder to cry on. And there's nothing wrong with being happy you can be there for them in their times of need. Especially with that sweet loving boyfriend by your side. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. She's also a relationship expert, Her focus is providing stories, reviews, ideas. You got this!! I just didnt expect him to cry like that but I know that he needed to and I love him for it. Seems very pure. I haven't been able to cry in front of others since that day. Even when he eventually stopped sobbing he continued to have his arms wrapped around me so tightly with his face buried in either my stomach or chest. If Robert admits that he wanted to get you something but he didnt know what would be right, next time you are out and about, help him out by pointing out things you really like.However, make sure they are not above his means. He turned around and looked at me for a few seconds and just went from a blank face to full on crying. No gift, and Id say DUMP HIM! Hello all. Some people were never taught good manners growing up, so they dont think to say thank you. I made $500 selling two pairs of earrings from my two ex-boyfriends on eBay. Men aren't reknown for showing their emotions by crying, and a lot of men find that they can't cry real tears and really let the floodgates open. If you want to get him any of these things, make sure that it has a context and that its not just an extra on top of all the other clothes or wallets he has just for the sake of acquiring things. Be someone he can trust. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They dont like the gifts that you give when youre giving them what YOU see value in. I love the showers together; I think couples should that! So Im glad youre there for your boyfriend <3 thanks for sharing. You deserve to date someone who treats you like royalty, period. But personally, I dont even do that with my male friends that I consider to be like a brother. On December 25, some of you either found out you nailed it, or your partner Hated it! (Feel free to tell us which camp you fell into in the comments section.) CLICK HERE to download this special report. More Spanish words for me. Start small, with a book, a CD, a small item. Remember, the point of gift giving is to add value to him. My own husband is the latter variety. Mine was years ago and I bet theyve changed things a little. What you say isn't as important as your willingness to simply "be there" for your boyfriend. Just dont go overboard and get some lavish gift, thats called chasing. Enter your email address and receive new posts by email. We know the question will come up every single holiday. You also dont want to risk looking low value by giving a gift before youre not even sure that he feels the same about you. We've joined the BHM Digital family of websites and have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. A man (and anyone, really) will remember the gifts you give that mean something to THEM. Her mindset is definitely the correct and true way to think of your partner crying in front of you. Personally, i think seeing my partner cry because of me would melt my heart so much. He cried for 20 minutes straight. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma not long after my 21st birthday not too long ago, and I know my girlfriend wasn't okay when she found out. First up, one of the most obvious signs he's hurting after the breakup, is if he can't stop talking to you. Coffee: It gives mere mortals a reason to get out of bed in the morning, including your boyfriend. They acknowledge our existence and worth, and they make us feel warm and happy. Are you getting it because you feel you must, otherwise he will think you dont love him? After all, he made the decision to end things. When a man allows you to take his penis into your mouth, he's giving you an immense amount of power. But then I felt and heard him cry. You have to go balls to the wall, so to speak. Yesterday we were taking a shower together and he started talking about his childhood trauma (his dad committed suicide when he was 8) and until a certain point in the conversation he was acting "normal". I felt so loved too. If he is using ongoing emotional abuse, then it may be supportive for you to take the list - and discuss what's happening to you - to a trusted friend or family member (possibly someone he has said he does not like or does not want you to see), or a counsellor. Not going to lie, if my wife washed my hair and massaged my scalp I would probably cry too and my mom isnt dying from any known diseases. CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! Now: if youre in an existing relationship or marriage and youre wondering should I buy him a birthday gift?. "Connection is why we're here. It might be a bit forward, but when you know V-Day/birthday/holidays are coming up, talk simply and plainly to him. I hope you kick cancer's ass harder than I did! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Earlier this week his family found out that his mother will be passing very soon. QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? For more information, please see our A woman that cant accept a man crying should be embarrassed. If the person in your long term relationship deeply is suffering, and they feel like they can finally open up to you, that is one of the biggest signs of trust anyone can ever give you. i dont think feeling like that is weird. I assume that if they cry they are overcome with joy. Eg: you dont want to start a relationship based on you trying hard to prove your worth. If he decides that he wants to write something, Ill read it, that I love him more than he can ever imagine. 7679 People love this GET IT HERE. How can they do that for me if they're going to break down too?". The only person he's ever confided in was his mother when he was a child/teen. But yeahmaybe I underestimated his feelings for me. Its like it has amplified my love for this man. August 11, 2009 12:23pm CST. She's just not like that. It seems bizarre to me, if anything I feel even more attracted to him then before. You are not perfect or faultless, you are not the best in the world and you never will be. my boyfriend (28) and I (25) have been together for almost a year, we live together and most of the time everything is wonderful and we're very happy. My boyfriend cried in front of me and it changed everything. ), QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? Most days, when I'm down, you're the person who's there to pick me up. That I wouldn't feel protected, that I would see him as a kid. The sentiment alone is enough to bring one to tears, and thats exactly what happened when Obinna opened his present, as Nia captured in the video below which has been shared more than 70,000 times on Twitter. Its also what every other girlfriend is giving her boyfriend, and it saves time and thought on your part. It completely shocked me because hes never cried around me before or even came close to crying and he was now bawling his eyes out on my lap. I was a bit shocked cause I thought it didn't hurt him as much(?). I know probably breaking up is it, but I am really in love, its my first relationship, crush, romance, everything so its difficult. Edit: Also, many of you need to change your perception of a relationship, telling someone to be happy in bare minimum because you dont get that isnt it. Firstly, its risky because its much smarter to show your feelings through playfulness. MadameNoire Copyright 2023 BossipMadameNoire, LLC All Rights Reserved | BHM Digital. I never want to let him go. And instead just make a nice card to wish him happy birthday or happy Christmas. Most men like things with a purpose (tools, etc), or things that are sentimental. I hope you find someone who actually sees you as a person, not a brick wall. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Dudes have feelings too. We gotta have a laugh about them sometimes! Why does my boyfriend cry when he sees me crying? How do you suggest I handle it? Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to that has gone through it! I put my foot down after the second time he got something from her. Perhaps he's even said about missing you or wanting to get back with you. It is a quality vacuum insulated stainless steel that can keep his coffee hot for a longer period. They make you feel bad about yourself. Their disdain is a mask for their inability to be vulnerable or hold space for vulnerability. You got this! Of course I do cry still but only in private and not as much though I'd attribute the latter to growing up. Give him that slow and soft kiss to remind him that he's not alone and that you're just there for him. 4. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You might at some point before your next big day ask him in conversation how he feels about gifting, in general. But if youre the one doing the providing, then you wont be able to feel as feminine and as cherished as you would like. Relationships are about mutual support, and being there for your partner when they need you is crucial for building trust and intimacy. I asked him if he wanted to talk, he started telling me about his ex, who broke up with him after she saw him crying. & her relationship advice site CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz! He was very close to this person, and the letter just really got to him. Well done dude. Ugh, its not sexy when a guy displays he has emotions! Most of you really need relationship advice and shouldnt be offering it to others, yall are very insensitive. CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our High Value Feminine Women Community. If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. We're not legally married, but we live together. I wish you luck in your recovery and I hope that this only bring the two of you closer together. Rule No.6 if he buys you something, make your reaction to the gift honest. Black women Lol. Once we were done we both sat there for a while on the bench under the water, not speaking just enjoying each others company. I joined him on the bench and slowly washed him everywhere,taking breaks to rest my head on his or whisper something to him. Give him the gifts that he wants to receive. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! When it comes to gifting, there are few things in life that are more stressful than finding the perfect gift for your perfect partner. I felt so bad for him I had some tears myself. Thank him, always thank him for giving you anything, but dont pretend its orgasmic if it makes you want to cry. Are you giving gifts to over-state your love and interest? 12 years ago. Ive read some women say that once theyve seen their man cry they loose attraction. If you find out that he really doesnt like to give or get gifts, you need to tell him that you do and that foryou, agift is a way to show affection, and it is important to you. Do you know what these signs are and how to avoid them like the plague? The more of something we get, the less valuable it becomes. CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz! (Works like magic in a high vale non-needy way!). He says he doesn't want "things.". My boyfriend(27M) isn't someone who shows his emotion very often. I never thought I could love him more, but I do. I (24F) am in a relationship with my boyfriend (28M) for 3 years. Depression. Earlier that week, he'd called me beautiful and told me he loved me. The value of vulnerability. I dimmed the bathroom lights & put some relaxing music we both enjoy on the speaker. And having someone like him is only going to help. Ive read some women say that once theyve seen their man cry they loose attraction. It was about the time and effort put into it. There was nothing sexual about the atmosphere, it was a whole different type of intense intimacy, Its difficult to describe. CLICK here for my article on the 6 behaviours you should never tolerate in a man. Maybe in his mind, six months doesnt mean its time to offer gifts. SarahElz. I hope our love lasts so I can experience this for the rest of my life. And this happens subconsciously. I'm a big "muscly" type, but I've always been emotional, ever since I was a little kid. I could tell he was really upset despite him trying to hide it. Youre a real one. In fact, where you can, spend less money, and create more meaning. Theyre stronger than you think, and remember, theyre men. Perhaps he'll continue to do it multiple times. Plus, youre not here to provide for the man. You, me and every other female on the planet has made them too. He could also be giving you a gift to prove himself and to paint a certain image for himself. After removing my thyroid and receiving radiation (I took it in a pill form and had to be in a blocked off hospital room. Its like taking care of someone you love? You may think buying and giving gifts nothing big, but, it does matter; especially when you are only dating and not sure if he is committed to you. He was really struggling but he managed to get a few words out in between tears and they meant everything to me. He has really fluffy hair so when I looked at him and saw it I immediately wanted to play with it, so I started running my hands through his hair and twirling it. Here are 3 Low Risk & High Value Ways to Tell Him You Like Him. Answer (1 of 15): I say it depends on why you're doing it. We will be having you in our thoughts! If youre not attuned, it is sometimes easy to offer a gift that expresses far too much interest than the actual stage of relationship youre in. But dont flaunt riches. I (24F) am in a relationship with my boyfriend (28M) for 3 years. He suddenly gave me a hug and I didn't think too much about it because despite him being private, he's affectionate and loving. Hey, sometimes buying gifts for someone else feels 100 times better than it does buying something for yourself. I completely agree with you. Otherwise, if a guy is just a friend, theres no problem with getting him a gift. Known as Pudge Princess on Twitter, Nia uploaded the video below of her boyfriendObinna Victor opening her gift to him: drawings she had commissioned by an artist to bring anime characters Obinna has been working on since the age of 15 to life. Now Im really worried since there are some holidays and special occasions coming up. I had/have thyroid cancer when I was 29. By the way, while youre at it, connect with me on social media. There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. Sometimes it is much better to give a simple gesture (like a nice card) or treating him to coffee than to try too hard getting something that may not be calibrated to the stage of that relationship. Your boyfriend is dealing with painful emotions and confusing thoughts about life after his mom or dad dies. Privacy Policy. We try and stay strong for our partners its our roles as men. Typically, for masculine men, they want to receive gifts that: They do not like gifts that increase their radiance. I cried. Wouldn't give a **** if I died either. To know that there's so much trust and love in the relationship is one of the greatest gifts. Theres a reason: its because in my body it doesnt feel authentic to do this; it just doesnt feel like Im being the real ME. Not necessarily. As a gruff old guy, I can tell you sometimes we want to be strong for you. Wellif you guys already have established a deep connection, you are married, have been together a long time, and youre sure he also loves you, this gift may be OK. That's because of a very intimate and close connection that we have. Some people refer to him as a robot. Were getting an exchange student from Brazil in two weeks! They will ruminate - endlessly going over every word and glance to see where it all went wrong. youre happy that you know that he knows he can go to you to show his true emotions. Whatever you choose to do, stay consistent, because if you accept gifts sometimes and not others, it may increase his persistence or addiction to trying to win you over romantically. And if you read through these 6 rules and realise youve made these mistakes, it is OK! Girls I know in real life has disputed this but I still carry around this fear, I guess Ive been told so since I was very young. The relationship wasn't about gifts. Seeing the guy you love like that, clinging onto you as though you were going to leave whilst he let it all out hurt my heart. I just laughed. Once I dried him and myself off, we got into bed and I stuck the tv on, I was half watching it and half playing with his hair. Offering a gift comes with many different meanings, from "thank you" to "I appreciate you" to "I love you.". As a man, you shouldnt be afraid to cry in front of your girlfriend or wife. Couldn't have said it better myself! We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. You're a wonderful girlfriend. I dont like celebrating birthdays and my reason is that its never been about me, its always about somebody else, they get me gifts they think i shouldve and many other things. Are you truly attracted to a man whom you need to buy things for and take care of? By letting him know you're there and by comforting him, you can help your boyfriend see how you make him so happy. Doing things this way also helps to set up the dynamic that he is the man in the relationship, and not you. Seeing the 520 gift my boyfriend gave me, I cried. Hed hardly said a word during all this and he looked like he could cry any min. peter___pumpkineater324 55m Question: Robert and I have been dating just about six months. Anyone who thinks a man crying is a bad thing I would think less of. I didnt expect any response from him on the topic tbh, later that evening though he handed me a small note before going into the other room to play his game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Well when he eventually came home he looked rough as anything. So my boyfriend apparently went thrifting for me and got me some clothes, i have never worn such clothes in my life, some ear rings, ive worn ear rings twice in two years & said i wanted to get so much more but i didnt have money and then started showing me things hed gotten for himself he got himself such nice t-shirts like 6 of them, some chains, accessories, and jeans. Some kind people commented other types of intimacy I could try instead of words. I could feel the years of bottled up emotions flowing out. I just needed to share it with at least one person and there is no way i would speak to anyone we know irl about my boyfriends vulnerability. Someone fd up and gave me a low dose, which is actually the dose they use these days. Together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 15 million women through their free articles and videos as well as 10s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform. Today his mom called me and she said that my boyfriend actually cried when he told her that I have cancer. I love this. psychocustard. Why your feminine presence is the most valuable gift you can give, The 6 rules of buying a man a gift (all with the purpose of answering the question: should I buy him a gift?), Finally, we will answer all the frequently asked questions on buying a man a gift. Rule No.1 Spending more doesnt make you more valuable as a woman. We are also required to tell you that we use provided samples & have cookies,. Take him to an appointment with your ENT so he can hear the plan for treatment and support you. Robert might also be one of those people for whom getting and giving gifts is just no big deal. You Win Your Power Back. Why. Perhaps the worst kind of giverthe one who really knows how to manipulate the symbolic . But he managed to get back with you attribute the latter to growing up, so to speak can to! 'M a big `` muscly '' type, but we live together him trying to it! Of earrings from my two ex-boyfriends on eBay I died either me and it saves time and effort put it. Themselves, stay busy and pretend everything is fine love him more he. You read through these 6 rules and realise youve made these mistakes, was. Legally married, but when you know what these signs are and how to manipulate the symbolic Ways tell! Can experience this for the rest of the keyboard shortcuts to do it multiple times things a little for years. Since there are 7 common signs a woman that cant accept a man crying should be embarrassed occasions coming.! Dont want to receive gifts that you give when youre giving them what you see value.... Be strong for you spend less money, and they make us feel and... 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my boyfriend cried when i gave him a gift