period blood in spaghetti

Its September 2020 now and Im just having my period and Im 12. I immediately left after now Im home.. A couple days in a davvero I had some cramping and today I notice a lot of slightly reddish brown in my underwear that had been coming out of my vagina. -- WATCH OUT. But Im feeling guilty about what happened and wondering if I should confess. I also rarely experience cramps but this time they have been so bad that it hurts to move occasionally. Simply use the soaking water from your Mme L'Ovary panties or the blood collected by your menstrual cup. Is this normal? In the African-American hoodoo tradition, as well as in Sicilian folk-magic, menstrual blood served to a man in his coffee or tea is a sovereign recipe for capturing his sexual attention. So Lloyd recognized the menstrual period as qualitatively different from the rest of the woman's cycle, in terms of the performance of a spiritual sex act. I took a pregnancy test but said negative. I did get it, and it was quite mild. (this all happened because I was on strong antibiotics from a spider bite and so the antibiotics seemed to have screwed up my vagina). THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS WAS SO HELPFUL!!! I have cramps and jelly discharge with bloodish. I still have little bleeding now . However, it didnt. However, even in the most ascetic forms of karezza, intercourse during menstruation -- not involving blood per se, but taking advantage of the woman's typically increased level of desire at that point in her cycle -- is perceived as a "rite" in the mystical sense. I have been getting stomach cramps every so often but they arnt bad. Menstrual Blood in Spaghetti Fellas, ever wonder why your momma told you not to eat from just anybody? It could be some light spotting lasting only a day, or it can longer and slightly heavier. This month the color of my periods was total different from the usual one I normally get,the color was brown from the beginning of my periods till the end and was accompanied by a heavy pain for like 2 days. Read Less. and our They found it exhilarating in proportion to the degree to which they judged it to be daring, provocative, and naughty -- and their 20th and 21st century followers have continued in the same vein, especially as the possibility of blood-born and sexually-transmitted diseases has made working with these substances seem dangerous. If it continues I would see a doctor though. The are quite sizeable. They usually last from three to five days. Share. If you recently started your period I wouldnt be worried as it can take a while to become regular, and length varies from person to person, it could simply be a longer period than normal while your body gets used to it? Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic. The same thing happened to me actually, after about 4 periods it became more reddish for me. Garden of Joy Blues: former 80 acre hippie commune near Birch Tree in the Missouri Ozarks Liselotte Erlanger Glozer: illustrated articles on collectible vintage postcards Jackie Payne: Shades of Blues: a San Francisco Bay Area blues singer. I think I just had my first periods but Im not sure. 'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti: Dr. I should also add a quick comment on the term "chamber lye" for readers who are not native English speakers: Chamber: A chamber means a room, so in the old days a bedroom was called a bed chamber. I used the restroom a few hours later and there was a bright red flow but no tissue whatsoever. Is this normal? I have red spotting, small clots (barely noticeable), it drips sometimes but I see more blood when I wipe. Hey Tina, if youre worried about it please see a doctor if you can! Hi Aprileen, keep an eye on it! lol . I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. my period is between black and brown and its quite thick. If you want someone to love you, you can do a love spell, but you will want to do some mundane work to invoke love between you and your lover as well. Unfortunately I have yet to receive any actual advice. This is an open and closed case. I have really bad periods. The hormones that fluctuate during your menstrual cycle regulate the lining of your uterus (endometrium), and as these hormones change, the endometrium breaks down and separates itself from the walls of your uterus. Wearing it.). Maka why! Yes, it is normal for your period blood to change colour throughout your cycle; daily, month to month, or even throughout your lifetime. Voodoo spaghetti A New Orleans tradition! Or alternatively, some kind of offence under the Terrorism Act. Is the dark stringy blood is the sign of pregnancy?if it occur after sexual activity. Just want to know if its normal. Had a good friend in college that thought it would be a good idea to bust one, over a red female image candle. I know it's serious. In most states, this is Assault by Bodily Fluid. Lighter periods may also appear more pink than red. I think I just got my first period? Changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect your period. If a person got chew fixed so yo' ain't got no manhood wit churself, yo' jes' go an' make water into a red ant's nest. 20 Crazy Photos That Will Make You Say WTF?! However, you should talk to your healthcare provider if you get it with a greyish discharge color, as it can be a sign of an infection or something more serious. Minor changes in period color and texture dont necessarily suggest a health problem, and you know whats normal for your body. Normal period blood will differ from person to person, but you can typically expect a thicker consistency at the start of your period. But for some women, surreptitiously adding a dollop of period blood to their partners food is a serious act of revenge. Sounds like it might be a good time to check in with your doctor, especially if this is unusual for you. I am a very emotional being. I dont quite know but the months leading up to my first period I had brown streaks on my underwear. Fast forward to now, Im having my periods again and the bloods pink again. Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic. Stringy period blood, usually dark red to dark brown in color, means older blood. If you use a plastic surface just flake it up. 8 Countries and States Where Sex Toys Are Illegal or Restricted, this one lady claims that she is upfront about feeding her period blood to her other half. Sometimes, infected piercings are so bad you need to see them, Would you let some practise tattooing on you? [For more ants, see Nos. This classic love potion consists of a single drop of menstrual blood. Thanks for sharing! I usually have a really heavy flow. Because men are thought to be so susceptible to the magical deployment of women's menstrual blood, vaginal fluids, and urine, in some cultures they are taught to avoid eating anything served to them by an unmarried woman which might contain these bodily fluids. Occasional mild cramping. I have been bleeding very light in may and June for a few days it came with cramps and no period in July but I will say I have been stressed thinking what is going on now I am passing light blood stringy like only when I bathe I see it like 2 days now but I even took a home pregnancy test today and it came back negative . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cysts on your ovaries can often go unnoticed, but if youre worried or experiencing other symptoms, like pain during and after sex, or bloating of your abdomen, you should book in to see your doctor. About a month ago I had protected sex and I just started what I think is my period. For more information, please see our Cramps for the last 4 days. (That will keep her from running around with men? Your period is basically a free health check that your body provides you with on a monthly basis. I skipped my period last month and just started having light brownish bleeding that barely comes off on a pad this morning. Here you do want the shards, and the old routine i learned was to get one from each finger of both hands and one from each toe of both feet. directly above shot of blood amidst woman standing in bathtub - period blood stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Privacy Policy. "Period blood is made up of thickened endometrial cells that slough off if there isn't a pregnancy, actual blood from. However, the basis for the utilization of urine in women's sex-attracting spells makes ready sense to anyone who has ever raised goats -- because smelling and even tasting the urine of a doe goat is the prime way that a buck goat has for determining the female's readiness for mating. Flo users describe the color of their clots as everything from "brown in color" to "reddish black.". While bacteria can be healthy and helpful, it's also one of the main sources of unpleasant smells in the human body. Um hi, Im 11, and today I had a brownish reddish stringy discharge. Besides bleeding from the vagina, you may have: Abdominal or pelvic cramping pain Lower back pain Bloating and sore breasts Food cravings Mood swings and irritability Headache and fatigue Well, you can't stop her if she's already done it, but to take the mess off you have a couple of choices: I am often asked this question, especially by women who want to work with their period blood during particular magical phases of the moon or who have collected semen or urine from a lover and found that it dried up before they were able to work with it. 1st day was a light pinkish orange, 2nd day was a pinkish red, and 3rd day is a black red heavy blood all while this cycle is about a week early. Is it normal for a 6 year old girl do wear a training bra? Like this lady: He asked me to cook rice for him. Abnormal clotting can be a sign of fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, or a . The Four Menstrual Phases Explained I am having blood stains and few drops or more almost everyday from the last one month. its slightly older period blood that took a little longer to leave your uterus. Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And these clots can show up to . 4 Even though scientists haven't confirmed a direct correlation, some people have tried infusing their menstrual blood into face masks to see if it makes a difference. Hi Danielle, bright red and pink period blood is quite common at the start of your period when the flow is light (just before it gets heavy!). Could I be experiencing implantation bleeding so late after my period was supposed to start, or could it just be my period? Im 13 and I stared my period 3 months ago in March and I just started it 3 days ago and I have a really heavy flow but its all stringy and dark , I have change my pad 3 times in one day what should I do ! Looking back I am horrified that this happened and even more horrified that I allowed him to eat the food. After 2 days I started to feel sick to my stomach when moving around and a bit nauseous. Dat's true about dat. But at least shes not dipping her tampon in his drinks like a tea-bag behind his back, so more power to her and her gobbets of menstruum. You should follow proper cleaning practice i.e. A menstrual period is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining. My bleeding is black and if not very dark brown, its also stringy however not heavy what does this mean ?x, if you get it at the kinda end of ur period its normal i get the same thing. Well, here's a clue: in humans, there is a notable difference between the sexes in regard to the body parts they sniff to get a whiff of attractant pheromones. Women continue to have their period until their late 40s or early 50s. Eat This! Gray Period Blood. Liz also suggests "observing how you feel during each. Say you use that {her public hair} to stop her. I am having stringy blood for 5 days in a row.. and even 1/2 string per day I guess what should I do I am worries. Men can make use of their sexual fluids in love spells. I might be over thinking but I also feel like light pain around my lower abdomen. by SmashingBlumpkins December 29, 2017 Get the Voodoo spaghetti mug. The longer your period blood oxygenates, the darker it will be. At what point should I see someone about it? I know this is an old post, I started my Evra patch on the same day that my period began, I then after 3 days, took the patch off because it didnt suit me, but this was midway through a period, my period ended naturally, then I was just having brown streaks on and off for awhile, today I have began as if its a brand new period, but it only properly ended two days ago, my blood is red with stringy bits in, and its very heavy. For this purpose, the semen can be fresh or gathered from a discarded condom -- or even stored in the freezer until needed. This sounds about right because day 6 will be towards the end of your period! However, if you see a colour that isnt usually what youd expect, its always best to check in with your doctor, especially if youre experiencing other symptoms that are out of the ordinary for you. But the end of May my period was due and It was like brown spotting for 9 days then very light bleeding still now . During my last period, the first two days, my flow was a really bright red (and slick) that it almost looked like it was maybe a dark pink. My period also take forever to end. Stir in the tomatoes, tomato paste, water, sugar, Worcestershire sauce, oil and seasonings. The logical part of my brain knows that the profession of our relationship had nothing to do with what I did that night. Since fast food fries can be laden with carbs (another nutrient that can make your period more hellish), consider sizing down to a small or kid's size order. Two days is not unusual at all! You're most likely to see bright red blood at the start of your period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days. Postmenopausal Bleeding: What is it? The bleeding tends to be heaviest in the first 2 days. When you first start your period it can be much lighter than when your body gets into it normal menstrual rhythm youll have as an adult. A period is when blood comes out through a girl's vagina. Hi, I am Peri menopause stage. From there put it in an empty spice container like pepper or something and keep it in the kitchen cupboard. I wokeup with cramps like period ones, and i went to the restroom and had a slightly light, but really rusty red flow. 'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti: Dr. Regardless, squeeze the tampon out on either surface and let it dry. Im 12, on day two, and spotting. For those who feel this way, any contact with menstrual blood may result in bewitchment. But they look grainy and having small clots. Cookie Notice However, I used the bathroom about 2hours a go and when I wiped. I gave birth 10-11 weeks ago and have been on the pill since 8. He takes and give her his urine to drink unbeknownst to her, like in beer or wine, and she won't even look at another man, won't have any nature towards any other man. Ah heard dey said yo' could take yo' discharge an' put it in a rag an' put it where no air kin git to it, an' put it in yore pillah, an' he cain't do nuthin off nowheres else, an' he'll have tuh stay home. No matter what you call it, one of the oldest root work traditions is for a male gambler to have a female lover urinate on his mojo bag or lucky hand while he is at play. Bright red blood. I find that dried tampons work fine, though, if you swish them through coffee like a tea bag. First of all, congratulations! Ive read in a that women have used their menstrual blood in food and served it to men as a means of a love spell. Thus endeth the lesson on nail clippings. Sometimes magic can be gross and at the end of the day u do what u feel is right or wrong to you. hey i think i just got my period yesterday but i dont know if its just spotting or my actual period. Is this normal? i used to have really bright red, flowly blood on my periods and as of about three months ago i began getting like brown, mucusy period but its always when i stop my birth control. Menstrual blood has long been at the heart of mythology and magical beliefs, but it has also been the source of oppression and antagonism; the condemnation of period-havers is rampant throughout . Is that a left over from the infection or does that mean the infection is still persisting? Then its possible your bloody mucus discharge may be due to an infection. Are humans more like dogs (males using their urine to drive off rivals) or like goats (males tasting female urine to assess readiness to mate)? Men in these cultures are often warned not to accept brown or red drinks or foods with brown or red sauces from unmarried women because some menses-related witchcraft might be afoot. The CDC recommend. ive never had this before. I know its wrong but I dont think its poisonous. One study found that endometrial blood (a.k.a. In hoodoo, and in polite Southern speech generally, urine is often called "chamber lye" or "water." It is also jelly like texture and very heavy, Im hoping it is just my body resetting after the miscarriage? What should Im do, Im concerned. Hey, this migh be discharge if youre unsure we recommend you check with your doctor! Less likely, brown period blood could also be spotting from egg implantation light bleeding that can occur in the very early stages of pregnancy. Common clothing stains fall under 3 main categories: oil-based, water-based and protein-based. If you are still feeling worried ask your doctor for advice! Any significant changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect the length of a menstrual cylce. A Reddit community for Conjure, Rootwork, and Hoodoo. She can't sew and hates housework. My mother wasnt there to tell me what to do, and my dad was the one who took me to the doctor. If you get pink vaginal discharge when youre not on your period or outside of whats typical of your body, it could be a sign of cervical cancer and you should get it checked out by your healthcare provider. Yes, many people use a tampon (kinda like a tea bag) and cook it with, for instance, a pot of beans, then pull it out. My period isnt due until 5days. Set aside. Was it actually my period or not? And while most said they would never do it again, a significant minority said they would do it more often if they could get away with it. Not taking away their will, the magical equivalent of dressing nice and being pleasant on a date. Is it normal to feel like you have to puke on your period, today is the 3rd day and I get bad cramps, just wondering:) and I am 16 if that can affect it at all. I had a pregnancy scare (was super stressed) and my period was late by a day, but then I started spotting. In a Dutch oven. TLDR: I put something in my boyfriends food a year ago in some dumb attempt to make him love me. So did I get my period??? These often change on different days of your period e.g. well im only 12 and im new to this and my blood flow is heavy i wanna know how to slow it down. Hi Ella, the length of your very first period can vary! One story is that if a guy consumes your menstrual fluid, hell be super devoted to you forever. , I just got done with an Antibiotic cream for bacterial vaginosis and my period started and I am having very strange black clots that feel like wet tissue papers. Menstrual blood is known to be a very good fertilizer since red gold contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Conversely, chamber lye has its strengths -- a man can use his own urination to cure a case of impotence that was put on him through magic. Cum on their cinnamon roll? However, due to taboos surrounding menstrual blood, semen, and urine in some urban cultures, the use of these particular body fluids in spell-casting can be problematic for those unfamiliar with the larger history of folk magic. hi, I have a very consistent period cycle which lasts up to 3 days and right now im having blood clotting and continuous light very pink and light spotting, what can this mean? Stay at Home Mum is the ultimate guide for real mums, the perfect, the imperfect, the facts and just a little cheeky! On lighter days, it may be pink or brown. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with. I am often asked what a person can use for this type of rootwork if bodily fluids cannot be gotten. Keep reading to discover what your period says about your health and become your own period whisperer. 2 A more recent number of publications have investigated the role of menstrual blood, including most notably Jack Lennon's article (2010) who subjected this topic to an anthropological enquiry supported by Mary Douglas' (1966) key concepts. However, passing large blood clots may be a sign that something's wrong. Do you know what might have caused this? Have been bleeding for more than six days now and it still heavy and slippery +stick before my period lasted four to five days. This is because ~ 95% of all people who menstruate . Irrespective of what d man has done. What's shed is blood with a pink hue. Ever heard of underwear water? Ive had my period for a full week and Im still heavy bleeding with clots. You can also use a person's bath or drinking water to water a plant in which you have "planted" a honey-apple spell. Hi Warona, have you experienced any significant lifestyle changes recently? All rights reserved. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with and this can be a reddish brown colour. I have had my period for 15 days now. Or, serve as an aphrodisiac. It's highly possible you'll notice jelly-like blood clots during the period from then on. Is this normal? I reached out to a lawyer friend who refused to click on any of the links posted above, probably wisely, and asked what the legal status of this would be. As far as I know, theres no male version of this Consequently, I dont eat anyones spaghetti other than my own. What is HAPPENING! There are a variety of reasons why this might have happened. It turns out that there are people out there who enjoy cooking with it. Its completely normal to have to change your pad three, four or even five times a day when your flow is heavy. (Prior to that wed always gone out to eat and he generally insisted on paying, so I figured hed appreciate the gesture. If its the only blood you see over multiple periods, its a possible sign that your estrogen levels are low. How do I know how long my first period will last? Hi I went to the toilet and Ive got my period and there is strings blood and I dont know what that means at all. Shortly after that, we became exclusive. They rarely have good results. With no indoor plumbing, you went outdoors to pee in an outhouse, but the first pee of the morning, before dressing or washing up, most folks didn't want to go out, so they peed in a covered container called a chamber pot, which was carried out later. I dont know if this relates but my last period was very watery, little to no clot and extremely heavy. Can someone tell me if this is my period or spotting? (I am impermeable to peer pressure when it comes to menstrual baking, my friend said, after being accused of wowserism). The cause of period smell is either bacteria mixing with old blood or bacteria in the vaginal canal that is coming . I broke my tail bone a while back after wards sex hurts a week later and all muscles in the vagina is spasms.what can I do? So I be worried? (Btw, my mother has thalassemia type A, but I also have slight anemia, but sometimes it becomes serious). Someone suggested my post might be more appropriate here. Is this a normal period? During sex. Hi Ive just started my first period and the blood is really bright red. We hope this helps! Since I was 19 to now l Im now 27 still having these problems pelvic pain. "Washing your own vagina, messes with the vaginal microbiome, and can cause infection if one is not already present," says Dr. Gersh. This is my first period in 3 years. Im not sure what it is. ), IF A MAN GIVES HIS URINE TO A WOMAN IN A DRINK SHE WON'T HAVE ANY NATURE FOR ANY OTHER MAN. Period blood. Im 29 years old. Changes in your period blood color are normal. Hey, stringy blood can be completely normal but if youre worried we recommend speaking with a doctor! Old blood that has been in your uterus for longer will have a darker color, like brown or black. This the 1st time this is happening Im so confused. Keep an eye on the bleeding, it can last longer sometimes, and if youre feeling worried do ask for advice from a health professional. Period blood is very different from blood that moves continuously through the veins. Ive started my first period 3 months ago and Ive been bleeding for over 14 days! There is nothing wrong or unnatural with menstrual blood smell and the likelihood of anyone smelling it is highly unlikely. Soaking the cloth or string in liquid will re-activate the fluid. blood, spaghetti sauce, blueberries, etc.) My flow is sometimes very little and sometimes more heavy. If you notice both, we recommend you see your doctor. It started off as spotting and a brownish color, and now its red, heavy ish flow with clotting, is this for sure my period and not implantation? (Lodestones are also "fed" in hoodoo -- with magnetic sand.) I think she means end of her period of that month. Hi! A man can use his semen in the same way, hiding it in food or drink. Use good common sense when handling liquid bodily concerns or you will make a stinking mess of things. Almost 6 years of using pills..and last two months my blood is dark and this normal. I dont want to get too graphic so Ill spare you the details of how I went about it. You may also like I have started bleeding very like pink now then bright/ dark red still light and back pink its not full enough to fill a pad all day. To get them under your feet, so you can walk all over them. Love is creative, expansive and even primordial energy, but its not oppressive. Whats wrong? yesterday it was dark brown and light but it had red in it. Bright red period As your uterus actively contracts, it sheds blood quickly. cook the beef, sausage, onions and garlic over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. [] Different Colors of Period Blood Explained. Two months my blood flow is sometimes very little and sometimes more heavy,... It occur after sexual activity is this normal said, after about 4 periods it became reddish. Last month and just started my first period and the blood is very from! Gone out period blood in spaghetti eat the food above shot of blood amidst woman standing in bathtub - period oxygenates!, fatigue or shortness of breath Crazy Photos that will make you Say WTF? x27 ; s vagina gross! On either surface and let it dry chamber lye '' or `` water. red. Older blood string in liquid will re-activate the fluid stress levels, today. Continue to have their period until their late 40s or early 50s my dad was the who. Sodium and potassium light brownish bleeding that barely comes off on a pad this.! 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period blood in spaghetti