radiolab inheritance transcript

JAD: I mean, it's pretty common but like, here's a for instance, my dad from my entire life had this thing where if someone was whistling, he would like they could be whistling six tables over in a restaurant and he would turn around and be like, "Stop that," it was like it was scraping his very nerves. So she told me Barbara had another baby and Did we want it? So, the thought is, when those little boys in verkalix were really, really hungry, their hunger started a chemical process that reached all the way down to the DNA inside the boy's sperm. It's a little odd, actually. The cheapest estimate is the work that needs to be done in 14 days. She did. Also, thanks to Carl Zimmer whose latest is Evolution: Making Sense of Life. Since birth. Not usually because it upsets people and I'm Canadian. Do you have any theories for how this tongue is tickling the DNA, or whatever it's doing? As a parent, you are a tiny blip in a very, very, long story. He's the guy who told us about Olov's work. Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. I could have turned out like some of the other kids. Michael was in school and he got interested in a very, very basic question about how things get passed down? ROBERT: Telling some genes to turn off now, other genes to turn on. The lady knew why we were there. KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Jans Olaf, Hanna Kaiser, Heinrik Venvei. Were less prone to diabetes. You are not God. I didn't see them as people. PAT: Even though Destiny's mom was doing all sorts of drugs during her pregnancy and the doctors told Barbara that Destiny was going to be mentally and physically delayed DESTINY HARRIS: Not feeling the way I'm supposed to feel. Please welcome Barbara.]. I mean, I'm married to a Black man. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations. Even if it helps, it's horrifying. How old are your boys right now? LULU: In a very real way, weve been thinking a lot about inheritance. SAM KEAN: And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Well lets lets read the book first. Knock it right off the DNA. DESTINY HARRIS: I do mean that. He's not even eating at all. CARL ZIMMER: But but theres like some hope here because JAD: Okay, all right, this is interesting. OLOV BYGREN: Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. He said, "If you were a boy, and you starve between the ages of 9 and 12, and then you went on to become a father, then a grandfather, your grandkids". And at a time when you're not making the best decisions anyway. ROBERT: Cause we were talking to science writer, Carl Zimmer, and he told us that back in the early 1900s, this tension between Lamarck and Darwin got extra tense. JAD: Visited Kammerer's lab when Kammerer wasn't there. ROBERT: I think that makes a lot of sense. There were four girls and Barbara and Destiny told me that a few years ago they found three of them and they all either were in college or had finished college. So he actually went to Vienna. According to Frances, it's not just sitting up there perfectly preserved, it's in the middle of the cell, it's crowded. Your grade will be based on how complete and correct your answers are. It means what if grandpa has a bad day? Filled with dozens of letters from women that she's paid. And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. You're finishing college, right? There was a newspaper called The Daily Express and they have these headlines that come out. JAD: They all go down to the DNA, surround that methyl and just, pow! Let me say this again. Well, I mean, Hitler thought that if you were Jewish, that you had given up the right to be a mother and hed sterilize people as well. More information about Sloan at. Although, you know, sometimes that your grandfather's suffering helps you. This is spooky because it's like JAD: It means what if grandpa has a bad day? That you're just renaming it. [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You know what they're going to go do with that money. The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. PAT WALTERS: Mamaw was the one I'd come to see. And right now, I'm student teaching. JAD: So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. It's only the mechanisms are not so clear. And I think that no, I didn't plan on it but I wouldn't take her back for anything because she made me better. Plus, find other cool things we did in the past like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. She actually emailed me afterwards and adjusted that number down a couple hundred. LULU: Oh actually, real thing, before we go, Latif. JAD: When rats have more of this protein, they will act more motherly. But the results are very clear. OLOV BYGREN: Methylations, phosphorylation, and so on. Its something I still think about all the time. JAD: It's writer, Sam Kean again, and here's, he says, what you need to know about the midwife toad. And well just let the old yahoos from whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it away. MICHAEL MEANEY: Known as transcription factors. And um BARBARA HARRIS: I had asked for a newborn, so when the social worker called me, she said, "I have this cute little baby girl for you but she's eight months old. Well, yep, that is so true. Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. Covid has disrupted the most basic routines of our days and nights. Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? Then 275 words will cost you $ 10, while 3 hours will cost you $ 50. MICHAEL MEANEY: So thats the reason, of course, that we work with rats because we can get inside the brain. ROBERT: But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. Not been born at all. ], Sterilized? So now, the genes can make the proteins that make the rats a good mom? Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, Radiolab is a " show about curiosity " that examines science, history, and philosophy to answer the big questions about life. JAD: In those books you can read everything about the citizens of verkalix, going back hundreds of years. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of. Barbara tried to get a law passed requiring just that. I just didnt think. BARBARA HARRIS: Yes, she has the same name as me. I mean, when you think of Kammerer, there was a report in science outlining a theory about how Kammerer's toads got these characteristics that invoked these epigenetic inheritance and imprinted genes and it made it plausible. JAD: And then, Michael just launched into this thing. This is the verkalix church parish record. That's what I remember her saying. You don't think that they should have their children back?]. Darwin's theory would have said, you know, 90% of the toads are going to die. So some scientists began to ask Kammerer if they could look at his toads. Because while you might have a lot of influence, you know, genetically speaking, over your kids and their kids, you don't seem to have a lot of control. I said, "No, no, that's okay." And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. JAD: So we're going to leave you with a story from our producer, Pat Walters, about one woman's radical JAD: A few months ago, Pat made his way down in North Carolina, to a small suburb outside of Charlotte to visit this family. Okay, you want to say bye? [2] Okay, well of them, don't really know what happened to her. Actually, the idea itself is pretty old. And this idea won him a lot of fans, including, not surprisingly, the Soviets. You can't change your DNA. No, I've only had somebody call and say they regret that they didn't stay on birth control. If you're a starving boy between 9 to 12 years old, now it doesn't matter a whole lot what happens to you after this, your grandchildren will have one-quarter the risk of heart disease. Or did I somehow learn that? Its a terrible thought! Serotonin gets into the brain cells, and according to Michael unleashes A whole series of molecular events inside the cell. I mean, it's pretty common but like, here's a for instance, my dad from my entire life had this thing where if someone was whistling, he would. He actually coined the word biology, too. The neural chemical signal that gets activated during licking, is serotonin. It might be a mixture. SAM KEAN: Very easily. Four or five steps later, we are in JAD: So almost instantaneously, the mother's tongue has reached into the baby's brain cells. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Methyl groups are pretty sticky, they're hard to get off. Peanut butter, there we go. If you have a starving daddy, it turns out that the baby actually gets some sort of health benefit. So that was just funny to me. That the licking is changing the baby's DNA? So moms licking activates serotonin, and it's released onto brain cells in the hippocampus. She'll be two in January. SAM KEAN: Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes That gave them an advantage in this situation. PAT: But at that point just two of the six boys were living at home, Brian and Rodney. But she says she doesn't feel that way anymore. PAT: And she says, one day, this idea just came to her. BARBARA HARRIS: After I've gotten to know so many of the women. They all go down to the DNA, surround that methyl and just, pow! SAM KEAN: No, they did not have them on land. PAT: Destiny says one day, she and her mom were in the car, and her mom said DESTINY HARRIS: She said, "I don't know, you know, maybe they'll grow bigger? PAT: You picked him up right from the hospital? SAM KEAN: And at a time when you're not making the best decisions anyway. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. JAD: In just two generations, these toads seem to have done something that should have taken, I don't know, 50, 100 generations? [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Whats this letter right here? His example with humans was a blacksmith. This lady right here is still taking drugs and she could be pregnant again next month.]. This is real physical-chemical interaction between what's going on in the environment and what's going on with the DNA. Or does it get passed on such a deep level that doesn't even require teaching? And so, her name is Kalia. That is a bad way to start a kid's life but that's just the beginning of the kid's life. And he said, "Barbara, I'm not buying a school bus." Is that too old?" More information about Sloan at]. So heres the backstory. [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Barbara Harris says she's convinced more than a dozen women], [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Have accepted her offer to be sterilized in return for money.]. He is passionate about scholarly writing, World History, and Political sciences. PAT: In this magazine article, Barbara even said, quote, "We don't allow dogs to breed. We had an expression here, "Dig where you stand." That was amazing. JAD: Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? Kammerer puts on a suit and he walks off into the mountains Outside Vienna on a Rocky mountain trail. They've seen it and they've repeated the experience. So, of course the folks at the Vivarium asked him. And then they're going to basically revel at that particular spot and turn on that gene. OLOV BYGREN: Hi, Olov Bygren. ROBERT: They could eat twice, three times as much. Mamaw was the one I'd come to see. That's 9, 10, 11. Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a pioneer in the . Yeah. But I'm going to give them a basin of water. In pictures, he has that, you know, that crazy Einstein fuzzy hair thing. They present previous theories on evolution and then present the currently accepted Darwinian Theory of Evolution. And Barbara and Destiny walked me out to my car. And I know fate is gonna give them a couple random mutations in those genes. You're slippery, partner's slippery. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. OLOV BYGREN: It's a small forest area, very beautiful. PAT: This, of course, is Destiny. So that's fun. JAD: Theyd basically starve. How do those cycles perpetuate? Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. Because theyre reaching for the tops of trees. PAT: Nobody's arguing that women should do drugs when they're pregnant. CARL ZIMMER: Just until they hatch and then 'til they go off. I said, "No, no, that's okay." LULU: So far. JAD: What you see in the records, is that one year PEJK MALINOVSKI: 100 liters. That tongue is doing something to the DNA. PAT: For me, this whole story really shifted PAT: When I started spending some time with Destiny, Barbara's 22-year-old daughter. So, in the end, where do you come down on this? I know! PAT: All these women who have so many babies and never try to seek drug treatment. SAM KEAN: The sperm carries these marks to the next generation. BARBARA HARRIS: Sounds bizarre, but it's a solution. I dont know. Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. In any case, these books tell you when each of these folks died, how they died. Never mind, you're stuck with small boobies." If your grandpa didn't starve, instead he lived through great times. I want her to be able to look back on her life one day, maybe when she's getting interviewed, I don't know, and be able to say that, "Yes, my mom was there for me 100% without a doubt." PAT: And she told Barbara, "There's something you need to know about this baby.". I went to the hospital and picked him up. CARL ZIMMER: That's the kind of guy he is. LATIF: And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. CARL ZIMMER: She is nine. JAD: [expletive] That was awesome. Radio Lab: Into the Brain of a Liar March 6, 2008 We all lie once a day or so, according to most studies. You got your good parents and your bad parents. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. That is a bad way to start a kid's life but that's just the beginning of the kid's life. PAT: And at a certain point, I noticed over my shoulder Barbara's crouched down and she's got her phone out and she's taking a picture of this just perfect little scene. Radiolab is a radio program broadcast on public radio stations in the United States, and a podcast available internationally, both produced by WNYC.Hosted by Jad Abumrad, Latif Nasser and Lulu Miller, each episode focuses on a topic of a scientific and philosophical nature, through stories, interviews, and thought experiments.. I mean, the idea that they could be constrained by their DNA, that maybe one of us gave them a bit of DNA thats gonna hold them back? I'm Sam Kean's dad. They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. And in one day, we can imagine, he gets curious. SAM KEAN: I should add too. But a year later, the social worker called again. Because, you know, that Ive got these two kids, right? JAD: Or very many of them right at all, but, you know, his basic idea seems to be true. JAD: Well think about what makes proteins. A little village? That, in a sort of ass backward way was Michael's question. When I started spending some time with Destiny, Barbara's 22-year-old daughter. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I'm going to go out into the streets and offer addicted women money to use birth control. Like, mine are bigger, you know." [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: These people are paying millions of dollars to take care of your children!]. And to believe anything else, that's naive. You know, the fact is that taking care of animals, trying to keep them alive in a building is not an easy thing, especially if it's 1903. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: At once and we're watching 40 litters at a time. ROBERT: So what is the licking doing then? JAD: Even if it helps, it's horrifying. He's not even eating at all. This is from 2002. She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. PAT: Just a little. It happens. JAD: Well think about it, this is nature and nurture slamming into each other. So, somehow, by some chemical mechanism, starving grandpa, back when he was about 9 to 12 years old, turned out to be a good thing. ROBERT: Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. JAD: Thanks to Olov Bygren, reporter Pejk Malinovski and KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Karin Borgkvist Ljung, and I'm a senior archivist at the National Archive in Marieberg in Stockholm. ], This could mean sterilization, it could mean getting an IUD.]. SAM KEAN: Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. But according to Kammerer, shortly after these toads got into the water, they did begin to evolve fast. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. Move on to the next cage, yes, no? Move on to the next cage, yes, no? JAD: But according to Kammerer, here's what happened when he heated up the toads little cage. He extended this idea to people. JAD: It makes a kind of common sense, really. Thyroid hormones then get into the brain and they turn on certain neural chemical signals. Which I find kind of hard to believe but, then again, I must have read at least 100 news articles as I was reporting this story. We are working to provide transcripts for as much of our programming as we can over time. SAM KEAN: And when he examined it, he noticed that there was a syringe hole there. Yeah. You can do this. There's going to be this massacre of toads and only a few lucky ones are going to survive. PEJK MALINOVSKI: What does that mean, he was an idiot? About 30 years ago-. Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. If you've already had a kid, you can be sterilized. Inheritance | Radiolab Podcast 4,710 views Apr 8, 2022 Radiolab 43.8K subscribers From the Radiolab podcast: How your grandfather's diet can affect your lifespan, heart health and even. BARBARA HARRIS: It was just no baby should have to come into the world like that. Radiolab is an outstanding radio show broadcast out of New York City on WNYC. Like, I mean, as far as positives can go, I think I hit the jackpot. Radiolab is on YouTube! In just two generations, these toads seem to have done something that should have taken, I don't know, 50, 100 generations? And that number, by the way, has grown a lot. I make a difference to her. LATIF: This is Radiolab. PAT: Barbara has this drawer in her desk. This was a really radical place at the time because you have to remember that people studying animals up till now, they were basically studying preserved specimens, and so on. When Emil gets to be eight, I'm cutting him off. Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. JAD: I tell you what I'm going to do though. They won't grow much on the outside, but on the inside That is the time where the sperms are developing. He was miserable to look at. Thanks to Olov Bygren, reporter Pejk Malinovski and Karin Borgkvist Ljung, and I'm a senior archivist at the National Archive in Marieberg in Stockholm. That's how we ended up with four of them. JAD: And very often, one of them will just go crashing into the DNA and it'll stick there like a barnacle or a glob of peanut butter. Nobody's arguing that women should do drugs when they're pregnant. Radiolab is on YouTube! And when it came time to mate, the males and the females, they would mate in the water. We spay them. PAT: If Barbara had gotten to Destiny's birth mom, Destiny, Kalia, this moment, none of it would exist. Because he couldn't hold formula down. He actually named his daughter Lacerta, which is a genus of lizard. I mean, they didn't have porridge. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. I'm almost done. So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. Whole lifetime of stretching. JAD: If the genes are the bottom floor, then this layer on top is sometimes called the epigenome and that thing can change based on your experiences. And so, her name is Kalia. That's a lot of people. Did that scare you at all? OLOV BYGREN: So they didn't starve to death. That's the headline for his talk, and then CARL ZIMMER: Right below the headlines says, "Scientist's great discovery which may change us all.". But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. Three of them ended up in other foster homes and seem to have done pretty well, but one of them DESTINY HARRIS: Okay, well of them, don't really know what happened to her. I had asked for a newborn, so when the social worker called me, she said, "I have this cute little baby girl for you but she's eight months old. JAD: That's what good rat mothers do, they lick their babies a lot. And the incredible thing is, those marks stick around. PAT: So Barbara and her son got in the car and drove across town to the foster home where Destiny had been living for the past eight months. CARL ZIMMER: Enhancing public understanding of science and technology CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: in the modern world. JAD: What can't you? So we did stop. DESTINY HARRIS: As you can see, I like to talk. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and chan Thyroid hormones then get into the brain and they turn on certain neural chemical signals. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You get them $200 each, which they can spend on crack. What does that mean, as far as positives can go, I Canadian... Rats because we can imagine, he gets curious named his daughter Lacerta, is! Of seeing life have not broken the show is nationally syndicated and is available as a sensor for entire. 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radiolab inheritance transcript