request a prophetic word

", "Much of what you said I feel confirmed and affirmed in my spirit. Thank you Jesus for Your love grace and mercy. Do you know of any other resources to request prophetic words? Join this feature for FREE. I want to say THANK YOU to our Lord Jesus Christ and also to you. In this short heart-to-heart talk, healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman unlocks the scriptures for us because the day of the Lord Jesus Christ is at hand. CAUTION !! Request a Prophecy online and Experience for Yourself the life changing True Word of The Lord and Prophetic Gifting of Steven Svec and be Encouraged in Christ. Purpose 1 You will find solutions to Psychics request prophetic word. We were buried with Christ and so were Resurrected with Christ! Here is just a sample of a REAL TESTIMONY from Steven's website of a woman who requested Steven's counsel and request prophetic word on Steven's request prophetic word page and received the True word of the Lord for her life as Steven Prophesied the Word of The Lord into and over this her life who was in distress because the family dog went missing and if you're an animal lover like most people are this can be a very stressful situation as the dog was part of the family for 15 years. The words you have shared have given me deep encouragement that I am on the right track as I seek His face and serve the Lord. "I was surprised by what you said. Now remember though that we all must walk by Faith and Steven's words from God are for direction and encouragement. I want you to know that you are NOT paying to receive a word. I am undone. Then this would be the Prophecy Option Request 4U. There is no defeat with GOD. Indeed, I do have some plans for this month and the coming months in regard to career and church/ministry. HOW TO GIVE YOUR LOVE GIFT OF $40.00 OR MORE FOR YOUR AUDIO PROPHETIC WORD: 1.) "you have no idea how much joy this brings me right now!" We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. I want to inspire millennials to retain their morality, hope, and faith as they transition into adulthood and full-fledged "adult. I have felt a little on the shelf lately. Your 1 Question will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY with divine Revelation and Prophetic Insights as the Spirit will Reveal 4U. I am so anticipating the Lords infilling of His joy and love! Peace, Love and Faith. We entrust our lives to you, Lord, as our faith looks up to you. Your impression was that C****s was at a house with a cul-de-sac style street & a white mailbox. I will send you the prophetic word and you forward it to your friend. I am still doing GODs work. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. Request a prophetic Word. NOTHING. I will send you the prophetic word and you forward it to your friend. He has used you to recognize an anointing in my life that others around me do not see. If you're looking for direction or confirmation of what is happening in your life right now, you need to get to Steven's website page request a prophetic word 4 your future and request the Specific Prophecy option that will answer your life's questions that will make your path clearer and not worry so much like I do sometimes that I can't even sleep at night. Wow! The Father Says Today: February 25th, 2023. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. I will pray and send you a prophetic word about what I feel Holy Spirit is saying to your friend/loved one (one person only). Because of the demographic of the Ministry Headquarters (United States) This Prophecy Option will be limited to that Nation only. My wind is blowing away the chaff and revealing to you, uncovering for you where your priorities should lie and just that very thing that My blessing is now bursting forth . Listen with hope, respond, and share with your friends. ", Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), If you feel like you have little strength right no, Happy New Year! I have GOOD NEWS dear people that are reading this blog post because there is a man of God that carry's the True word of the Lord for a request prophetic word with a 100% Guarantee that you will receive encouragement and real hope into your life through the Prophetic Gift of God within Steven Svec. The best thing you can do is to click the link below and navigate to a REAL Prophets website for a REAL request prophetic word for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U ( I wanted to say thank you for such a quick turn around and the Word was spot on! March 1, 2023. Request Your Prophetic Word online from Steven and be Amazed Today for Your Future Tomorrow. .He who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men." Trained members of the Awakening House of Prayer staff serve all those who sign up for prophetic ministry. I Am speeding up things for you, for the days of acceleration are upon you, says the Lord. The Lord was reminding her that HE hadn't forgotten about her 15-year-old Poodle C****S. Read below and be encouraged that God cares for every part of our lives and our 4-legged friends as well. We pray that all that the Lord has shown may come to pass. Explorar. Allow, This Option is if you are a SINGLE woman looking for that special man? and all of them have been incredibly life-giving, but there has still been a hunger in my heart for more. God bless you. I prophesied this to her September 24th, 2020, and I told her that I would also put her on my Prayer list and keep this before the Lord if any more information I would receive and relay it to her. What a delicious and encouraging Word I am FEASTING on it. Please allow up to, "YOU MUST BE SINGLE (NOT MARRIED) TO REQUEST THIS OPTION", This Option is for anything SPECIFIC that you would have me inquire of the Lord on your behalf. , Hey! 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 explains it this way: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. We can imagine that you are currently in a situation, in which you clearly like to receive Gods leadership, direction, encouragement and consolation. I have been blessed to minister in meetings in churches, tents, and fields. Personal, New Testament prophecy, is always conditional. Thank you prophetess Joann for deliver the word for me. They confirm many things in my life and my calling. It has also given me a some more clarity and understanding. Gods word by itself is free indeed but that bible costs print, cover, electricity, employees, and other expenses. I sense you are a person who serves other people without asking what, I saw a dark room with only a small light burning. I will pray for you and send you a prophetic word about what I feel Holy Spirit is saying to you for the month you specify. You cant request any for now. I will pray for you and send you a prophetic word about what the Holy Spirit is saying to you now. In 1 Corinthians 13:9 (NBG) we read: Cause knowing us is imperfect, imperfect is our prophesy. I am excited to position myself to pray and prophesy for you. I'm also a reader, writer, God-lover, introvert, and recovering perfectionist. I want to know: whats YOUR favori, Heres a sneak peek at my favorite songs of, My favorite scriptural declarations for times of w,, You Will Overcome By the Word of Your Testimony, How I Figured Out What to Do With My Life (My Experience with GPS Life Journey). To request a prophetic word for yourself or a loved one, fill out the form below. Im very thankful to God for you and your ministry and I look forward to supporting the work that you do! You have been trudging along at a snail's pace, and often at a standstill. But prophetic words are not directly intended to take important decisions. Our prophetic team will go to the Father on your behalf and send our response to the e-mail you provide. Brother Toni, Thank you for your word confirming something I did in the secretI didnt realize that God had heard me or recorded and taken it seriously. Even with fact that i was wondering how to begin a training in playing piano. I will be in prayer that Gods plan will come to pass and that I will take the steps needed. They offer prophetic words for free, but their ministry is funded by donations and I know the words I have received are well worth a financial contribution. Every request will be prayed over as the Holy Spirit directs by Sis Ty and the team at LostPennyFound. and God revealed it to you, thousands of miles away. Please have all your questions ready written down if need be, so you will be able to get as many answered as possible in the allotted Time Slot. The free-will offering of any amount you desire to sow (a fixed minimum) helps support my ministry, filters the number of people requesting this service, and covers the cost of the means I use to get to you. Example of a loaded bad question: Where is their accountability to the body of Christ? Types of prophecy. If it is ok to ask for money or not. If you need a quicker response please consider making a donation towards this ministry because those words are given priority (Because they help to cover the costs of the free words). Have you ever wondered or pondered the thought of what your future may hold in regard to your life in Christ Jesus? It was worth the wait. we will send the personal prophecy to the email you provide in this form. I am so grateful to God that He has brought such Generals of the faith into my life to learn from, and be blessed with! August is when I will begin acting on my plans, and its amazing that you brought up wings to take action! This Option is for you if are you still seeking and asking what kind of Ministry and Gifting's are within you from the Lord? I wanted to let you know that I work with abortion-wounded women, and so many need to know God as Father, as Abba Father, and this is so very encouraging to me and it blesses me in my ministry. This post isnt sponsored in any way and I dont know these people, but if you benefit from their ministry, I encourage you to give them a donation if you are able. Touch us by your mighty power, wrap your arms of love about us, and give us your grace and mercy. Let me bring this SPECIFIC question before the Creator of the Universe and bring Enlightenment and Hope into your Quest for meaning and fulfillment for your Passion to Provide for yourself and even your loved ones. CAUTION !! Blessings to you , My Heavenly Calendar-December 2022-Vivian, Healed Nations with Tony Francis , End of Days A Classic By Kathryn Kuhlman, Prophetic Word for Year 2023: Breaking the Neck of the Enemy [Audio], Prophetic Word for Year 2023: Breaking the Neck of the Enemy,,, My Cup Overflows Book - A Devotional, Prayers and Decrees for Your Increase,,, A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today eBook,, Blessed in Christ: How to Live Like a Christianaire eBook,, Prophetic Word for the month of Adar 5783 / March 2023,, Prophetic Word for the month of Shevat 5783 / February 2023,, Prophetic Word For Year 2023: Breaking the Neck of the Enemy,,, Prophetic Word for the month of Tevet 5783 / January 2023,,, Prophetic Word for the month of Kislev 5783 / December 2022,, Prophetic Word for the month of Heshvan 5783 /November 2022,, Prophetic Word for the month of OCTOBER/TISHREI 2022, If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Am I really hearing from God? You were sitting in a chair and starring at, I hear the Lord saying: He is in midst of tribulations, but he is still trusting Me. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Because of the huge amount of requests, choose ONLY ONE teammember who will minister to you! Thank you again for allowing the Spirit to flow through you & know that your words are assisting in building the Kingdom of God, the remnant. Due to personal reasons Thomas is currently not available to take new requests in. Others have looked away as though your efforts were of no consequence, but that is not My assessment, says the Father. Brother in Christ, As we pray for you here at this ministry, we are concerned about you and what you may be going through. And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a "light that shines in a dark place until the dawn and the morning star rises in your hearts", knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scriptures is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Steven has Spoken 10,000's Personal Prophetic Words and Prophesied into people's lives with Testimonials following the True Word of The Lord within Him for the past 8 Years through this online Platform with Specific Pinpoint Accuracy. If you need a quicker response please consider making a donation towards this ministry because those words are given priority (Because they help to cover the costs of the free words) I put in a request for a prophetic word from their ministryand then I waited a month for it to arrive. You will receive by mail the words that weve received for you. It is yesterday, 10-11-2022 at around 1 pm my time, when I walked into my bedroom, alone and quietly made a heartfelt dialogue with the Lord. Just Email the 1 Question on your Request when donating. I have been able, by the Spirit, to Help, Encourage and Speak the True Word of the Lord to all that are seeking Direction in their lives through the arena of Specific Personal Prophecy. Please be diligent. Just Email the 1 Question on your Request when donating. I do all the time and that's the question I am posing for this particular Blog Post 4 U today. The internet is loaded with FAKE ministries that give you FAKE request prophetic word but the money that they ask from you is Real! Please allow 10 full business days to receive this Prophecy Option. Request Your Personal Prophetic Word 12 Month Prophecy Forecast Today in Christ Jesus and be Amazed! [email protected]. Now, I know why the Lord didnt allow you to see my name prior. Tony mentors people in the prophetic and served as the prophetic leader of Patricia Kings ministries. There are many answers to these questions and I won't get into arguments. Please allow up to 21 days. "The message i receive is 100% true! I watched and prayed through the whole thing. First off I want to say you were 100% accurate in regards to the things you addressed in the prophetic now word ! "The words the Lord gave you are phenomenal and so right on!!!" This Option I will inquire before the Lord on your Behalf that will Reveal Past Present and or Future of what the Spirit desires to convey concerning your life as the Lord will allow. So, if you have enjoyed this little blog post and been encouraged by it, please send and share to as many people as you know that are looking for a True and Gifted man of God that can help and give direction and Prediction for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord. If you are gifting a friend, please mention it is a gift and your friends name. Read the Testimony below and be encouraged in Steven's REAL Gift from God verified. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Please note that it can take some time to get to your word. Praying for him to speak to you through dreams while you sleep! I have been blessed by God to be able to prophesy over thousands of people, teach people in how to move in the anointing and see thousands come to Jesus. That they ask from you is Real month and the coming months in regard to career and church/ministry:.... More for your AUDIO prophetic word and you forward it to you through dreams while sleep... Of request a prophetic word, choose only one teammember who will minister to you the shelf lately spot on! ''! Your impression was that C * * s was at a standstill have felt a little the... In Christ Jesus my assessment, says the Father anticipating the Lords infilling of joy! Jesus and be encouraged in Steven 's Real GIFT from God verified to questions... 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request a prophetic word