rife machine testimonials

I am feeling great and continue to use the RIFE machine every other night now before I go to bed. He has Parkinson's Disease and his hands have been shaking all the time. Happy healing, Max W, Down Under in Australia, Motorcycle Accident, Wound, Pain, Circulation, Nerve Pain, Inflammation, My 24 year old son had a motorcycle accident. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? I had always kept one foot in the "alternative realm" and strived for health in my personal life. His doctor wanted to put him in the hospital for all these expensive treatments with no guaranteed results. Today pain is gone! Finally to top it all off, we have your super customer support. I've had really bad migraines for a long time, as I have two bulging discs, narrowing of the spinal cord (spinal stenosis) and degenerative disk disease. I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not as I am fairly healthy. We put him on the Rife 101 once so far for only about 10-12 minutes and it made a difference already - he was up and walking around. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. After about 4 uses the rash was gone! R. Mickey (NW, 2005). He lived in Australia and has been a professional artist for 20 years. I have my life back. Zimmerman JW, et al. Then the cells come back and my vision is restored. I'm not surprised. Light and love to you, Soozie, AUS (5/30/14), A friend let us borrow her Rife 101 unit for 2 weeks when we discovered our 11 year old cat was wasting away from cancer. And my 16 year old daughter sprained her ankle really bad and it swelled right up. Fungal Sinusitis, Bronchial Pneumonia, Lungs, Blood Clot, Swelling, Heart Problems, Back Subluxations, Broken Bone: I've had the Rife 101 for about 2 years now and it's a total miracle machine! (Rife 101 user since June 2012) - Toni, Secretary for D. Boyer, OH 10-6-16. I've never seen anything like it before. Ran it again in the morning. - J. Kolkey, CA 10-22-17, I have a lot of health problems, Lupus, Candida, Arthritis. Love my Rife 101! I had a sore bump on one of my fingers that had been there for months. True Rife products are not a substitue for medical treatment from a licensed physician. (Rife 101 user since 2011) - Tara D, (2/6/15). "Remarkable turnaround", the doctors said.none the wiser. Doctor Gregory Howard received a pharmacy degree before a medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. But, researchers recently started experimenting with radiofrequency EMFs to treat cancer. A man raised very expensive and fancy goldfish. A Rife machine produces low energy electromagnetic waves that are similar to radio waves. But, Cancer Research UK notes there have been accounts of shocks and skin rashes associated with Rife machines. In mid-October my knee started giving out on my going down stairs and/or downhill. I can tell you I didn't walk I shuffled my feet because of all the pain I was in. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/21678421.2013.850802?scroll=top&needAccess=true, https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/treatment/complementary-alternative-therapies/individual-therapies/rife-machine-and-cancer, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5119968/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3261663/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845545/, Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system. VT. Vince Tabacco. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your personal touch in doing business. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. Thanks for listening. I felt like getting up and running! Pain, fatigue, discomfort; you can't do things anymore. Digestive Problems, Toe Infection, Sore Shoulder: I have been using the Rife 101 for about 3 months now. Yes, we love our machine. Keep up the good work! Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. He has Diabetes type 2 and a tendency to hypertension and had without changes in his diet gained 22 lbs in weight since the appendicitis. After about maybe 6 months, he got a Cancer free diagnosis! The doctors wanted to remove them, of course. Well, those black spots? (They'll have to share!). I needed something more to help with these pains and tiredness. At the hospital, that day, they couldn't decide if the stroke was a bleeder or a blood clot. We consider its effectiveness direct gifts from the hand of Divinity. That's when I re-read the manual and realized that in my excitement at getting some positive results I had neglected to run the detox program. It's really a total miracle machine! He believed in them - to the end! One of his plumbing customers who I knew quite well, told him about the Rife 101 Machine and how it had placed his wife's cancer in remission, and offered to give this young plumber some treatments. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. At home, the pain only increased and I was getting weaker by the minute, so my husband called my chiropractor. When my lower back aches it is hard to enjoy dancing - which is my passion. This was a first. Pre-programmed for over 30 forms of primary top illness. Rife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. Three weeks later she is still with us and we are continuing these non-conventional treatments. She's still doing it about 3x/week continually with good results. As for my wife, she had two carcinoma cancer spots on her back. I have a family of 5 and someone is always using it! It was instrumental. - Pat W. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how I'm doing with the Rife Model 101 system. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. My hip and sciatica had gotten quite a bit worse this week. We LOVE our Rife machine because it lets us respond quickly to conditions as they come up. Proponents claim that using the device on the body can cure cancer and treat other conditions, such as HIV. I used 204 + Lyme program that Tina suggested and it cleared up with just a few treatments. Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more I learned of your Rife 101 machine from friends who were into herbs and natural healing. Thank you so much! When I am administering on our dogs, I will follow your protocol of placements, as I feel this is best. Neither did I see any immediate results after that process. I used the sticky pad electrodes. I appreciate your assistance. I loaned it to a friend for her husband and I had a terrible time getting it back, so I was without it for a while. Suddenly the open wounds were closing up. My citrobacter seems, after a second stool test, to have gone - hopefully forever. I used the Rife 101 every other day for 6 months doc couldn't believe it. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. I continued using the frequency machine until I went to see my urologist just before we left home for the summer and my PSA was down to 7.3. Not out of the woods entirely yet but the Dr. has no explanation for his results as we have not told him about the machine yet. I definitely have more energy and I think it's helping. The gum above that tooth has been sensitive ever since, so probably got infected during the repair. Her brother had cancer and does not have it anymore. Rife machines are expensive. It's very, very effective! I started him on the Rife Model 101 in January of 2007, and he started feeling better right away. A stool test one month later was negative. Eye Problems, Blurred Vision, Optic Nerve Damage, Cataract, Droozen (yellow spots on retina), Devic's Disease (Neuromyelitis Optica)-Autoimmune Disease of Optic Nerve, Scaling Skin (dry skin, scaly skin), Muscle Cramps: Hi to Tina Rappaport - I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System for about a week now. It was more sensitive before Rife treatment, almost continuously from when the pins were established for crown installation. It also helps my family with all sorts of things - pain, colds, headaches, asthma and more. I went to the doctor for the itching and he gave me a cream that did nothing for it. 269-382-5820. Best regards, Ray - Australia (10-18-04), My friend from Brazil was visiting and told me he had a cancerous mass in his liver and was to be operated on in one month. I had to get up several times a night to urinate. It was so aggressive, the doctors said they could not cure her, they could only prolong her life about 6-18 months. I never got colds or the flu in my entire life until my parents became ill five years ago and eventually died (terrible time for me). Program #279 (Hot Flashes). I have had significant trouble walking for quite a long time. I have a Rife story. I could literally feel my mood lifting during the first treatment. And it works very quickly. He gave me the same diagnosis I had previously received, and suggested that I try physical therapy. I tell everyone about it, and some people call it voodoo, but I know it works! Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. We really love it and have been showing to several of our friends already. - S. Fugler, LA (8-27-18). A new class of rife frequency device system with onboard computer, proprietary firmware and software is compatible with both MAC and PC computers. I postponed his taking action until I tried your Rife machine first. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. Thank you for all of your help. I must admit when I purchased it I was a little skeptical in doing so but I said, "It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee I could always send it back". Now, she additionally had developed a raging yeast infection with copious leucorrhoea, had severe mood and energy swings, and craved sweets. I use it all the time for Inflammation, you know it's at the root of so many things. When I took him back to the surgeon who operated on him, his doctor was absolutely amazed at how quickly he was heling up. These are not so bad though as I can tolerate them most of the time. His lymphedema responds well to the allergy and edema programs. - S. Vernon 11/15/17. WebBefore my visit I used the Rife Professional V3 Machine for 3 weeks, and when I went to my Specialist appointment their test showed all was normal. But this was done in a lab, and not on humans. His exact words to me, after looking at my CAT scan was were going to assume its cancer until proven otherwise. After his 1st treatment he got up from the chair and asked for peanut butter. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the Im a retired nurse and I have had numerous patients that had peritonitis. At the time, few people believed his claims. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine emits. I think it will be gone in another 3 weeks. Seems like one machine confirmed what the other did. Dental Foci, Dental Infection, Tooth Infection, Toothache: I just discovered that a recent crown installation on a tooth on right top side of my mouth, is infected. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Pulled Muscle, Bladder & Incontinence: I found the Rife unit helpful for my dog. I have partially torn ligaments or tendons in my right shoulder and the doctor wanted to do surgery. - Erlend H, AK, I started using my nephew's Rife 101 when I found out I had Lyme Disease. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. - Rose H, PA (12/20/14). After one treatment the itching and pain stopped shortly after the treatment was done. Thank you Dr. A few sessions and problems are gone. Her hands and feet were shaking and she couldn't move properly and she couldn't even get up and walk. - A. McKean, Australia 2/12/18, I use the Rife 101 to control my diabetes. They were visiting me (the Rife 101 owner) and my friend said, "if that machine is so great, put it on her and get rid of the herpes" so I did. The lady remarked that she had slept better, could smell her coffee for the first time in years (she was an allergy sufferer) and no longer liked the taste of her cigarettes - an added advantage? I'm sure happy to have this machine. - B. Bitters, CA 1/2/18, Good customer service is hard to come by these days, and great customer service is even more rare. The pneumonia doctor actually reviewed my records and was very surprised when he realized I'm not on medication and I'm doing so well. Brown, TX (6-2-19), Tina, Thanks again, it was a pleasure talking to you, rather than some order taker at other companies. She went into the hospital for 8 months reduced to 45kg (99 lbs), multiple abscesses in the abdomen, I snuck the machine into the hospital and hid it in her bed and put it on her. Yes, I am a happy user. The FDA has not approved the Rife machine for any use. Now his blood glucose has returned to normal. I feel more like I could be 62. The doctors say "don't use that machine". I went to my medical doctor thinking I was having a heart attack. There is no evidence that Rife machines can treat cancer or any other disease. The itching goes away immediately (even though after six months or so the itching returns). My problem was gone in 3 treatments plus the expensive monthly bills were history. The TrueRife machine has all the accessories you could want to treat both serious and mildly inconvenient ailments. Thanks! I feel very strongly that the little machine is in there doing its job and has kept me feeling good thru these treatments, with no ill effects. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. I'm still amazed at what it can do! My body now seems tuned to the machine and I am now treating every 2 days and drinking plenty of water. The only medication I'm on right now is for my blood pressure, and I am working to go off that medication, too. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. I shaved a little fur off in two places and gave Misty a treatment. Rheumatoid Arthritis. People who are interested in alternative treatment methods for cancer should speak with their doctor first to discuss their options. By the third visit the pain had stopped, by the fourth visit the discharges had ceased and the staph infection had also disappeared. - Mike, This machine really works! After a few minutes she started to purr. Some doctors have called this focal dystonia, brought about by overuse or injury to certain muscles, common to athletes, musicians, dancers, etc. It was a pleasure to meet you and get my Rife 101. Rife 101, I wish I could have found you a long time ago. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer. I made the decision to purchase the RIFE 101 machine. With large lesions in the mouth, I had to use self-hypnosis to consume food and fluids. Since getting our Rife 101 two years ago she's using NO DRUGS when at one time she had been prescribed up to 120 Mg of morphine to control the pain! It has relieved my friend's chronic back pain for the past two years. My hearing got so bad I could hardly hear - someone told me I might have water in my ears, but I used my Rife Model 101 for INFLAMMATION and it was gone after one treatment! We have tried, acupuncture, chiropractor, change of food and immune boosters and still the problems persists. I loaned "Albert" to a lady with breast cancer in June. Dear Tina, I am one of your eternal subjects! I had outbreaks all over my body that made me wonder if I was using the right machine. I attribute this positive increase to the Rife 101 so I am very grateful to have this frequency generator as a tool in my healing arsenal. Disclaimer: These are actual testimonials - your results may vary.Use at your own risk. Charlie used the Rife 101 machine on the Bone/Broken and Pain programs and in ten minutes - he couldn't believe it and said we wouldn't - but the pain was GONE. - C. Luciano, CA (7-27-20), I had a stroke in June (2014) and with all the prayers and the Rife 101 Energy System I'm doing REALLY well! Is best their doctor first to discuss their options what the other did and some people call it voodoo but... I think it will be gone in another 3 weeks additional 5 settings for you to enter own... 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Food and fluids doing with the Rife machine because it lets us respond quickly to conditions as they come.... Two years less and have been showing to several of rife machine testimonials friends already months could! Machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure headaches asthma!

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rife machine testimonials