saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy

You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Goldberg, D. J. Any new piercing comes with a risk of infection. Here they are: 1. If you got your belly button pierced six weeks or more before learning you're expecting, you're considered healed, but it'd be wise to monitor any changes regardless. I want to get my bellybutton pierced again, but I really want to scar to be less noticeable. Expert Verified Branded Procedure Reviews. All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. A piercing on your belly button is more likely to get infected than other body parts because of its shape. More specifically, it means that you can change the size or shape of your navel to be more in line with what you want, aesthetically. In larger cities, like New York, the treatment comes at a hefty price. over a year ago. You may find that it just needs some time to spring back. "I always tell people, one, listen to your doctor, most importantly, and two, there's a higher chance of it staying open if you just take it out altogether early on in your pregnancy and putting it back in right after. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? It is important to note that the uterus can take about 6 weeks to contract to its prepregnancy size, and it can take several months for the body to shed the extra weight that it gained during pregnancy. What happens to belly button piercing after pregnancy? Should you be getting the piercing while you are still pregnant? Thats of course if you dont plan on having another child. Piercings cause scar tissue, which can stretch in all kinds of ways as your bump grows. And if tiny tears develop around your belly button, there is a slight risk of infection. If youre getting your belly button pierced or already have a piercing heres what to expect during pregnancy. Slightly bend your knees, and lean back about 45 degrees. Phone: (855) 885-1780 When the abdomen expands rapidly during pregnancy, it can leave loose skin or a stretched out appearance to the belly button. belly button piercing after pregnancy Belly button piercings are not just popular among young people. Meaning that it wont close up, no matter how long you dont wear it. Many pregnant women say their belly button feels weird or uncomfortable, though true belly button pain during pregnancy is unusual and could be a sign of an umbilical hernia. Cartilage piercings heal from the outside in, which means that they may look healed on the outside long before the process is truly done. How quickly the skin returns to normal after delivery can depend on many factors, including the womans weight, age, and genetics. However, the hole of the pregnancy belly button ring wont go back to the way it was. Learn more about exercising during pregnancy here. Normal is a funny word when it comes to pregnancy. Tips for keeping a belly button piercing while pregnant, Tips for taking out a belly button piercing while pregnant,,, Keloid on Belly Button Piercing: What to Do About It. It could also make a former "innie" into an "outie", and many women are seeking to get their pre-baby belly buttons back. An infected belly button piercing after pregnancy can happen. I'm 35 weeks pregnant right now. Collagen supplements appear to boost elasticity, hydration, and dermal collagen density, all of which may improve the appearance of loose skin. Drinking plenty of water may also improve the skins elasticity and appearance. A belly button piercing is similar to an ear-piercing. The moment you notice thickening or scarring of the skin, call your dermatologist. Instead, the stretched-out hole remains. This procedure will usually set you back between $2,500 and $5,000 and is not covered by insurance. ; 5 Does postpartum saggy belly go away? But just as no two pregnancies are alike, the degree of postpartum scarring depends on a multitude of factors, and there are steps those expecting who have navel piercings can take to reduce scarring. idk why, but it works. Your California Privacy Rights. That includes: Sometimes, the doctor will suggest you replace your current piercing with high-quality jewelry. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. If you have a belly button piercing and are pregnant, expect significant changes to your navel. 37F,5'2,125lbs. The first pregnancy I bounced back and it was a shallow innie and now it is a full on outie and I don't believe this will ever change. Current trends in intense pulsed light. That all means that there is a chance that your piercing might cause some pain, tenderness, and redness. It was originally used to treat umbilical hernias in infants. The procedure removes the skin over the belly button. I had my bellybutton pierced for only a month before I got pregnant, and my doctor told me I could leave it in unless it started to hurt. There will be enough time to let the piercing heal before I get pregnant with my second child. Belly button piercing and pregnancy is an important topic to talk about. If you keep your belly button piercing during pregnancy, know that you could experience some discomfort as your abdomen stretches to make room for your baby. But, dont dwell on it too much. That means you might have to get it re-pierced after pregnancy, if you want to. This motion will help to tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your belly button inward. If you keep the piercing, the unhealed hole in your skin can become bigger as your baby bump increases in size. Use a sterile saline solution to soak the area for 5 to 10 minutes daily. Loose skin is a normal experience after pregnancy. I took mine out before pregnancy for other reasons and now have a flab of skin next to piercing hole and got the white spiderweb stretch marks after 2nd child. Belly button piercings are a form of self-expression. Yet, their minimalistic design and muted colors are the go-to choices for many. New research highlights the lack of oversight and regulation regarding the production of tattoo ink in the US and suggests some ingredients may carry, After getting a new tattoo, the outer layer of skin will typically appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks. We can fix that. Treating the stretch marks takes more than just removing the pierced skin. Meaning you can trust them with ease. Just when you thought plastic surgery had covered just about every niche, along comes a new procedure that will make many people do a double take. If we don't change, we don't grow. Although theres no official recommendation on getting piercings while breastfeeding, most piercing shops will want you to wait, just to be on the safe side. Anyone who had a cesarean delivery or experienced complications with their delivery should ask a doctor when it is safe to start exercising again. It could be green or yellow in color and feature a thick consistency. The type you choose will depend on your unique situation. Although loose skin is not harmful, some women dislike how it looks. 1 Do belly piercings go back to normal after pregnancy? The holes from the belly button piercing pregnancy don't really heal. A scar revision could remove the loose redundant skin, but put a bigger scar above your naval than you already have. During that time, you're at risk for infection. However, the healing process can take upward of. i am glad i did because after i had my baby who is not 15 months i got it repierced and it didnt hurt because its pierced through scar tissue. . You can exercise after the initial few days is over, but be sensible about it, and avoid excessive friction. Is it safe to keep it in during your pregnancy? Your body after baby: The first 6 weeks. It looks bad. As your bump grows, your skin tightens around your belly button. ; 6 Does loose skin from pregnancy go away? So as your baby bump grows, your experience with a belly button piercing might differ from another persons experience. So avoid puncturing any part of your body at this time. Instead, they tend to become bigger and prone to infection. Many factors can influence the severity of loose skin, including age, weight, and dietary, lifestyle, and genetic factors. Dont wear clothes that trap bacteria or irritate the skin. How long after pregnancy can you get a belly piercing? A doctor may recommend options like microdermabrasion or laser treatment. It's easy for bacteria to hole up inside it. Other safe products include those made of niobium, titanium, and 14-karat+ gold.  The belly button has important aesthetic roles in abdominal contour. Raffy Karamanoukian MD FACS. I have the same problem and I'm looking for the same answer lol. Followed by nose piercing (19%), ear (13%), and nipple piercings (9%). We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Its always focused on fending off invading pathogens, germs, or fungi. Most bellies will go back to their pre-pregnancy positions after a couple of months, but some of them will look a little stretched for a while longer. Its important to focus on these misconceptions so that people will know what they are getting themselves into. These rings help prevent skin stretching and skin injury. What can I do about the small indent above my belly button? Then, one option is to redo your belly button ring after pregnancy but in a different position. But, when you get to 3 to 4 months. I think I'm allergic to metal for my belly piercing!! In recent years, it's become a popular cosmetic . ', Dangers and risks of belly button piercing, How to treat a belly button piercing infection, How to treat a infected belly button piercing, Pain and Swelling Just Above the Belly Button Is Usually Due to Umbilical Hernia, Sharp Pulling Pain In Belly Button (Umbilicus), Unhealthy Fashion Trends: When Fashion Is Bad For You, Babies Are Being Born With Organs Outside Their Bodies, And Scientists Don't Know Why. Belly buttons change in shape and size during and after pregnancy. And what about getting a new one? Women who keep their navel piercing when carrying tend to feel some discomfort as the belly stretches. Do belly buttons go back to normal after pregnancy? Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Your belly button will likely return to its original shape after you deliver, but it may look different. Washing 2 times a day with sterile saline solution or antibacterial soap. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Minor infections are usually managed with at-home treatment. To prepare for this possibility, some expecting mothers remove their belly button piercing before heading to the hospital, just in case. A question that often pops up is does an infected piercing hurt? For comfort, you can remove your current belly button jewelry and replace it with a maternity or pregnancy belly button ring. So, if youre feeling comfortable, you can safely enjoy your bejeweled bump. Skin Changes During Pregnancy. So if youre pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you might have a few questions. In this article, we look at what these individuals can do to improve the appearance of loose skin after pregnancy. It just doesn't make sense. People can use it to tighten the skin anywhere on the body. They may, however, temporarily improve the skins appearance by making it seem more plumped. If you are interested in restoring or reshaping your belly button, make sure to find a board-certified, trusted physician who can discuss your concerns and your options with you. As a result, the skin can crack open. As I lose weight it is getting saggy. In fact, TikTok videos featuring the belly ring racked up almost 50 million views. The belly button piercing is without a doubt one of the popular forms of self-expression. Options like a condom, contraceptive ring, or contraception pill work well. This makes it prone to injury or infection. ; 4 Will my belly button ever be the same after pregnancy? Learn more about treating loose skin here. Castillo recommends seeing a licenced piercer to remove navel jewelry, even if the hole is already healed, not only because the angles can be tricky, but also to ensure no bacteria buildup has occurred. The body is constantly focused on self-defense. Or should I just leave it alone and get laser surgery when I'm done having kids? The trade off would be a small scar just above your belly buttonassuming you heal well, this scar should fade to a white line and be less visible than your piercing is now. Body piercing. The most practical and successful method of preventing pregnancy is using contraceptives. As for when to have your navel piercing removed, it varies from person to person, according to Castillo. A scar revision could remove the loose redundant skin, but put a bigger scar above your naval than you already have. So, what happens to your belly button piercing after pregnancy? The symptoms of piercing migrations appear since the immune system considers the jewelry as a threatening invader. How do you fix a saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy? I want flat tommy, small innie belly button and get rid of stretched piercing above it. I wouldn't imagine any new scars should be visible when it's all done.Good Luck! They are packed with anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and fatty acids, research shows. Breastfeeding mothers tend to lose weight faster than mothers that do not breastfeed. why am I bleeding from the belly button? Wet surfaces are a breeding ground for bacteria. It's heartbreaking. Thats mainly due to the thick tissue, which gets left behind with the removal of the umbilical cord. The holes from the belly button piercing pregnancy dont really heal. That usually means it was done more than a month ago. Breastfeeding, eating a healthful diet, and gentle exercise can all aid postpartum weight loss. I do not want a full tummy tuck, so hoping umbilicoplasty might be an option? If I pull and hold the skin right above my belly button it looks perfect but how I do I get that permanent result? New moms seem to be especially interested in this procedure after recovering from a pregnancy. If you had your belly button pierced or plan on getting it done, this guide will show you what happens after the pregnancy. Your belly piercing after pregnancy might look a little different, too. To be clear, though, if your belly button piercing has completely healed, theres no special care required during pregnancy. is reader-supported. If you have more questions about a belly button piercing after pregnancy, check out the frequently asked questions below. This ornament requires proper aftercare. Does that make sense? I don't know. During pregnancy, your stomach has gained weight, and your belly button may protrude outward. Pregnancy involves changes to different parts of your body including your face, breasts, belly, and legs. 2023 Cond Nast. Learn about ways to prevent and tighten loose skin, Collagen supplements can help improve skin health. So, its not uncommon for the piercing to pull on the skin. However, they may not be suitable for severe cases of loose skin. ", While there is no medical reason to remove a completely healed navel piercing during pregnancy, according to the American Pregnancy Association, a piercing is stretched both up and down, as well as side to side, says Beverly Hills board-certified plastic surgeon Sheila Nazarian. But sometimes, you may find that this is just not that fun. After all, your belly grows pretty significantly when youre pregnant, so its only natural that youve got something to show for it. Getting a good range of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy will help support a growing fetus and keep energy levels up. Based on a 2021 study, the maternal immune system faces multiple challenges during pregnancy. The affected area can also develop redness. Will the procedure work for me? Your breasts will feel tender, sensitive, and sore while your belly enlarges to . Without allowing either of your legs to touch the ground, continue alternating this fluttering motion with your legs. Do you think if I repierce it, it will reshape the scar as it heals and make it look better? The belly button looks like a round circle, with a small flap of skin hanging over the top. "The piercing has to come out the minute you knows you're going to be pregnant," says Few. Emu products are considered popular and natural aftercare. You may want to consider re-piercing, to cover and camouflage the changes. We frequently provide this procedure alongside. "That movement, in combination with the natural expansion of the skin with pregnancy, causes a stretched-out look, and the only way to remove this appearance is to cut it out.". Allure may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with Laser Tattoo Removal Can Cause Blisters Here's Why and How to Treat Them. But I always tell people to keep an eye on their belly button and always keep in touch with their doctor. The shop you get the piercing must be sanitary and clean. How do you fix a saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy? According to Teitelbaum, it's a good option for those looking to tweak their postpartum navel piercing. If you become pregnant before your navel piercing completely heals, the recommendation is to remove the body piercing until after you have the baby. A third option, a tummy tuck, essentially removes all stretch marks and other skin irregularities. Santa Monica-based board-certified plastic surgeon and president of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, Steven Teitelbaum, has been performing "mommy makeovers," including belly button piercing procedures, for nearly 25 years, well before it was an established practice with an ill-advised moniker. Signs of an infection can include redness, skin thats warm to the touch, and drainage from the navel. MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? A larger hole combined with a slower healing time puts you at risk of an infection. Although most studies focus on facial wrinkles, the results of oral collagen supplementation are promising. The belly button piercing ripped pregnancy is a common concern. Our options include repair procedures and cosmetic enhancements. However, because the motivation behind an umbilicoplasty for an umbilical hernia goes beyond aesthetics, it is often covered by insurance. 2. By. The cost to fix the stretched belly button piercing can vary. Although bodies react to stressors differently, the scar tissue created by a piercing is not going to stretch uniformly, or even the same way your regular skin stretches, says New York City board-certified plastic surgeon Melissa Doft, which means that the belly button area is going to look visibly incongruent compared to the body's natural skin texture. Fast forward almost 20 years, and many of those teens with belly button piercings have become parents. To get rid of the webbing effect, a doctor "basically has to cut it out," says Few, but there are a few options to consider, depending on the severity of the distortion. Overall I have no stretch marks, pooch, etc that many people do after kids. Learn more about what to eat and avoid during pregnancy. how long does it take a tongue piercing to heal after removal? The body must establish and maintain adequate fetus tolerance. The answer is yes. Other belly button hole repair procedures follow a similar outline. There are a few differing factors when considering an umbilicoplasty. After 2 pregnancies and an old navel piercing, I am hopeful that belly button surgery might help the appearance of the hooded look of my navel and also possibly get rid of some of the stretch marks above the navel. Answer: Pregnancy and umbilical piercing Unfortunately there is no perfect answer. This is a practical tactic when the accessory irritates the skin. Both the belly button and the pierced hole change postpartum. I had my belly ring for 9 years before getting pregnant and kept it in until about the 8th month. Farley has an Associate of Science in mental health services from the Community College of the Air Force and is pursuing her B.A. A person undergoing treatment may need several sessions, and the results tend to appear gradually over several months following treatment. We also place sutures below the level of the skin to ensure that the outermost layer of skin is under minimal tension. You can spot the migration when the piercing has moved from its intended location. Breastfeeding mothers tend to lose weight faster than mothers that do not breastfeed. Pinterest. (or its affiliates) and/or licensed to it (or its affiliates) and are protectable by applicable copyrights and other intellectual property laws and international conventions. Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Gout: How metabolic syndrome may increase the risk, A new therapeutic target for the prevention of heart failure due to aortic stenosis, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system, a womans weight and age before pregnancy, how much weight they gained during pregnancy, exercise and nutrition during and after pregnancy. Everyones body is different. You should also take steps to minimize discomfort or pain from friction. saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy. Medical experts recommend breastfeeding for at least six months, which can also be beneficial to your health and your babys development. Hold your hands together directly in front of your chest, or hold a medicine ball with both hands . Local Communities: Belly buttons can go through a significant amount of strain over your lifetime. From birth onward, there are ample opportunities for it to become damaged or altered. These cells play a role in the production of collagen and elastin, both of which help firm and tighten the skin. Slightly bend your knees, and lean back about 45 degrees. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. If youre looking to get a piece of belly jewelry for the first time after pregnancy, its best to wait for about three months so that your body can heal. Those who have plenty of experience in the field use proper equipment and are less likely to spread blood-borne illnesses. This shows that they take great care in the services they provide, experts suggest. Before you get a belly button piercing, there are a few things you should know. Some women who had a navel piercing and had children might find the area around the piercing accumulating stretch marks. How to Reduce This Bloating? Place your legs together, and lift both legs five inches off the floor. Microblading While Pregnant: Is It Safe? Manufacturers claim that various home remedies and supplements improve the appearance of loose skin, but there is little evidence to support these products. Afterward, you can enjoy showing off your belly button with confidence! "When you've pierced that area, you've changed the local anatomy, and you've more or less predisposed that area to sagging.". belly button piercing after pregnancy How do you fix a saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy? So the skin around your piercing might be a little looser or scarred. But, there are a couple of things to consider before you start working on your weight loss journey. Naval piercing since 16 yrs old. (2012). While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. "You'd want to avoid most metal-based jewelry for sure, like steel, titanium, and gold, even. This procedure is known as abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck. With twins, the belly expands faster and gets bigger. Learn about recovering from a tummy tuck here. Piercing aftercare focuses on regular hygiene. Soon-to-be-parents who choose to keep their piercing intact for nine months may find their pre-pregnancy jewelry uncomfortable, especially if their belly button pops. Last medically reviewed on August 11, 2020, There are many causes of loose, sagging skin, including aging, rapid weight loss, and pregnancy. Talk through it with your doctor to see if its the right choice for you. Outie belly buttons can be something you are born with or could result from pregnancy or physical exertion. If you need help purchasing a product directly from Allure, go to our FAQ. How long should you wait? All right reserved. Also, some belly buttons "pop" during pregnancy (think: transform from a valley to a hill) and this could make things even more uncomfortable. This helps keep the hole open. If you choose to keep a belly button piercing during pregnancy, take steps to keep the surrounding skin as clean as possible. I decided to take it out at 3 months and it is still open. Excess skin around the belly is normal after pregnancy. Not only should you remove a recent belly button piercing after getting pregnant, you should hold off on getting any type of piercings during pregnancy. Can it be repaired to look round/oval again? "I think piercings on the body are still quite common, and corrective procedures are something that comes up in my practice quite often. Some people keep the belly button piercing in, others remove it during pregnancy. Place your hands on the floor next to your sides for additional support and balance. These conditions can cause placental abruption (when the placenta separates prematurely) which can result in significant bleeding. Please help me! Of all the 1934 piercings recorded, 33% were belly button piercings. Those who experience injury or tearing are prone to bacteria and infection. You could pierce the bottom instead of the top of your belly button, for example.,weight%20loss%20after%20giving%20birth. What Should I Know Before Getting a Belly Button Piercing? It wasn't there prior to my pregnancy. This domain name, website, its content and any intellectual property rights therein or related thereto are owned by PREJUVENATION, LLC. At Gabbay. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. In fact, belly button piercings during pregnancy could lead to complications such as infection and inflammation around your uterus. Laser skin tightening treatment also works by using heat to stimulate collagen and elastin. And youll be able to go home on the very same day. November 9, 2022 Ashley Farley has been a certified personal trainer since 2008. Here's how to avoid stretching and scarring if you have a piercing, according to plastic surgeons and piercers. How do you fix a saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy? These use your abdominal muscles to lift your midsection off the ground. Wondering the same thing. The infection is known for creating pus or fluid, which develops a bad smell. Google+. During your consultation, Dr. Gabbay will let you know what exactly to expect with your surgery. If you have tearing or injury to the belly button, theres the risk of developing an infection, if bacteria gets into the wound. Also, belly button piercings might get in the way of delivery particularly if you are having a c-section. For many patients who are already undergoing a tummy tuck, an umbilicoplasty is usually incorporated into the procedure and the combination of the two can restore the look of the entire midriff. Sit down and place your legs straight out in front of your body. I have a small umbilical hernia which will be repaired next month. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and I had a horrible looking scar at the top of my bellybutton, and tried all sorts of skin bleaching creams and as I lost baby weight it got smaller, but a year and a half later, the scar is still there. If you dont like how the stretched navel piercing looks like, then an umbilicoplasty might be an option. The recovery tends to be rather quick and requires minimal downtime for most patients. In recent years, it's become a popular cosmetic surgery. Sagging breasts after breastfeeding. The belly stretches a lot during pregnancy. The short answer is yes, it is safe to keep a fully healed belly button piercing while pregnant. If you choose to take your piercing out, for the time being, theres a chance the hole might close. Its worth pointing out, though, that surgery can come with some risks, such as infection and severe bleeding. From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals Sort by Recommended VOTED MOST HELPFUL February 22, 2015 Answer: Umbilicoplasty after umbilical piercing Having the piercing tract ("tunnel") removed surgically can be performed under local anesthesia and may improve your appearance. No special care required during pregnancy parts of your chest, or contraception pill well... We do n't change, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or hold a ball! There are ample opportunities for it come with some risks, such as infection and inflammation around piercing! The outermost layer of skin is under minimal tension both of which may improve the appearance! To soak the area for 5 to 10 minutes daily its worth pointing out for. Sit down and place your legs to touch the ground, continue this. And clean go away doctor to see if its the right choice for you condom, ring. Pierce the bottom instead of the skin to ensure that the outermost layer of hanging! 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saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy