salesforce flow pass variable to subflow

and regarding sub flow, you can get all the variables defined in a flow in a sub flow as it uses the context of the main flow it calls. This variable will receive the Opportunity record from the parent flow. This can be done using . Previously, the parent flow had to be other flow types such as scheduled flows. It sounds like a lot, but each has just a couple of steps. Constants are like variables, except theyre designed to simply hold a non-variable value that always stays the same. In this case, the variable must be named recordId (and case is important). Schedule-Triggered Flows. In this episode, hear about the best practices and words of []. Otherwise, the variable will be empty, signifying no permission set. Please support me on Patreon: thanks \u0026 praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! As an admin best practice, you should only have one process per object. Well include the three input variables and pass the following information to our subflow: This will tell the subflow that I want to remove the ABC permission set from the user record that triggered the process. You want to save the value in an output-allowed variable. Based on the criteria, the process will launch the flow. As we document the business process, for any new user or change to an existing user, we need to evaluate whether the new user is a Finance user or the existing users department was Finance and is now something else. Next, we need to determine whether the Get Records element found a permission set assignment record for that user and permission set, which is done using another Decision element. Salesforce includes a number of standard actions such as the Send Email action, and more actions can be developed or installed. Set Input Values If you have any allowed-for-input variables in the subflow, you can assign their value here. Each configuration can be set to either always run or have a set of pause conditions similar to a Decision element, and has a resume event that tells the flow when to resume. Venn's Resident Cookie Monster here. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions and then New Button or Link. This will store the value of Add or Remove passed from the record-triggered flow. Note that Subflow element is only available in a Screen flow or a Scheduled-Triggered flow. Thanks the info about subflow, There have been some scenarios that I have sent you, which I am unable to work with the subflow variables let alone pass variable from main flow to the subflow. Our process will be broken into two flows: a record-triggered flow and an autolaunched flow. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(8982807, '2e808a3b-017e-4e29-8386-63566ccf5294', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); When the Subflow element is used to call another flow, any variables within the Autolaunched flow marked as Available for input will appear in the Subflow element to accept input from values for the flow to use. Create a sample opportunity so that the flow has something to update. Create a record variable named varOriginalRecordData with a Data Type of Record and Object of Opportunity. Make sure its available for input. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Is it possible to pass sObject record variables from one flow to another? The referenced flow must be activated before you can find it here, so make sure you make the subflow first and the main flow afterwards. United Kingdom Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? You can also reach out on other platforms like Twitter, where the Salesforce community thrives. Note that unlike validation rules elsewhere in Salesforce, these validation formulas trigger the error when they evaluate to false rather than true. Do you have an interesting idea or useful tip that you want to share? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I started my career as a SharePoint developer but have since found myself intrigued by concepts such as workflows, automation, APIs and business processes. When we find records, well use a Get Records element to find information about the permission set. Pull ). The Action type is Flow, give the action a name (Kick off Flow), and then select the flow you created in Step 2. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(8982807, '2fc1576b-6755-4443-bdbb-a98fda574425', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); In the example below, the Email component can be marked as Required by setting the field to true or false, and a default value can be set in the Value field. Adam White However, the timing to use a Subflow is a more difficult question. Workflow Rules are an entirely different system altogether and also extremely slow in comparison with Flow. If the Debug action is called from the parent flow, it will also log through to the subflow. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Handle Errors. Required fields are marked *. Let's say you start an email with Hi, {!$User.FirstName}. A subflow element references another flow and calls that flow at runtime. Search for Flows in the Quick Search Box. The new Opportunitys name includes the text [Renewal] and a close date one year from now. In my example, I will update the Stage field value in the record. We get the ID by looking at the details of the permission set record. There can be at most one input parameter and its data type must be one of the following: A list of a primitive data type or a list of lists of a primitive data type - the generic Object type is not supported. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Now it's time to build your subflow! Book about a good dark lord, think "not Sauron". From this parent flow, I can branch off into different flows based off decisions. For this example, I am going to have a Decision element to filter which subflow to run based on record-type. The variable varUserId will hold the user ID. Conversely, you may want to pass back a variable to the parent flow. For our business requirements, when a new Finance user is added to Salesforce, the ABC permission set will be assigned. If the user has the permission set, the next step is to remove it (or delete the permission set assignment record). Again, similar to the process of assigning a permission set, we need to identify the permission set to get the permission set ID. Theres a big thought process that needs to happen before we build. Subflows are a great way to reuse flow functionality without having to create the same or very similar flows more than once across your Salesforce Org, which can save time creating the automation and makes it much easier to manage going forward. Cheers, Lastly, if the permission set assignment record is found, well create a new permission set assignment record for the user permission set combination with a Create Records element. Run the master flow from the flow URL appended with ?latestSub=true. If the permission set assignment record is found and the varPermissionSetAction is Add, then well create a new permission set assignment record for the user permission set combination with a Create Records element, where the AssigneeId field is set to the value in the variable varUserId and the PermissionSetId field is set to the value in the variable varPermissionSetId. The three categories of components are Input (which collect user input), Display (which organize and display values), and Custom (which can be developed and installed to do a variety of things). Our Permission Set ID Found outcome checks to see if varPermissionSetId has a value (that is, Is Null Falsetwo negatives equals a positive). Automation allows you to remove manual tasks, drive efficiency, and eliminate friction and redundancy. rev2023.3.1.43269. To define the new user outcome, we need the record to be new and the department to equal Finance.. By What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Select the data type of the variable (in my example, I have selected Text but if you wanted to pass the Record to the subflow, choose the Record data type). 1. Duplicate Opportunity Subflow will then modify the Name, Close Date, and Stage, and create a new duplicate record. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. In the Toolbox, switch to the Manager and create a new variable resource. Creating Flow through Point and Click; Creating the building blocks of Flow; Creating a variable; Creating a collection variable; Creating an SObject Variable Now that you're more familiar with the resources available in Flow Builder, let's put that into practice by creating a variable. In trying it out myself, this does seem to be the case -- the Sub flow can see all the variables I created in the Main flow. The default outcome is No Permission Set ID Found., To see if the user is assigned to the permission set, we need to query the Permission Set Assignment object with another Get Records element to find a record with the user and the permission set. Save your Create Renewal Opportunity process and Activate it. For the Existing User Previously Finance Department outcome, we need the user ($Record.Id) to be active, the users previous department ($Record_Prior> Department) was Finance, and the users current department ($Record>Department) is changed. Again, we need to put those safety verifications in place to prevent our flow from failing. This is especially true if youre just learning Flow or when working on a highly complex process. Review again on input/output-allowed variable! The sample opportunity is for a one-year service contract with Edge Communications, a Texas-based electronics company with $139,000,000 in annual revenue. Record (What is allowed-for-input variables? 3. Watch how I use the power of Flow to assign and remove a permission set from a user, and then read all the details in the post below. Official Salesforce Help Article On Subflow. Its Dreamforce week! I started out as a SharePoint developer but have since found myself intrigued by other aspects of Microsoft 365 including the Power Platform, Stream and Teams. Passing an output variable from apex action back into flow, Test if a Time field value changed in flow decision causing exception. They often have at least one variable that has been made available for Input and another that has been made available for Output. Now that we are in the flow designer, we can start adding the actions we need. The Permission Set object holds all the permission sets in your org. 2: Variables, Collections, and Formulas. Link all elements together, along with the Start. To determine whether the Get Records element found a permission set record, we need to make a decision. Choose Variable and give it an API Name of your choosing. Could I then receive that from my calling flow? We have a total of five variables that will hold important information well use to make informed decisions or to take action within the flow. Automatically Assign and Remove a Permission Set. In our previous articles, we have covered the Assignment, Decision, and Data elements, talked about the flow resources inside of flow with Variables, Collections, and Formulas, and discussed the Loop, Collection Filter, and Collection Sort elements for working with large numbers of records. Jennifer is a Salesforce Senior Admin Evangelist at Salesforce and the host of our live streamed series Automate This! Select the variable {!varOriginalRecordData}. If youve created a new Record Type in Sandbox and push it to a new environment alongside the Flow, the Record Type Id will change when it is recreated in the new environment. Lastly, activate the flow. Because the flow gets all the fields on the Opportunity, even if we add or remove fields from the object, we dont have to modify our automation! Youve successfully created the flow, but its only accessible from Setup. I can can close the component screen, but when I save the Flow I get the following error message: An unexpected error occurred. We want to Get Records of the Opportunity object where the conditions are Id Equals {!recordId}. Two-Column Layout. Create a custom button to display on opportunities in Salesforce. This translates into a record-triggered flow. Flow is fast, but there are other tools like Apex that are much faster. This will store the assignee ID when we query the Permission Set Assignment object for the user and permission set and there is a value found. We dont have any entry conditions specified, as we want to check for new Finance users or users where the department was Finance but has changed. In fact, Flow Builder includes the Assignment element just for updating the values of variables. Due to this, you will need to pass in variables that you need to the subflow. I recommend going through and testing your full end-to-end process as well, even after your Flow has passed your initial debug tests. Melody, a 15 x Salesforce certified application architect who loves automation. Process Builder is significantly slower than Flow at processing a transaction. This will store the permission set ID when we query the Permission Set object using the value in the varPermissionSetName variable. Go to Process Builder in Setup. Perhaps you were given the wrong name. This will store the user ID passed from the record-triggered flow. This allows you to only show the fields that are relevant to your user and help to consolidate the number of flow elements used by allowing a single screen element to hold the input and display values for a number of situations. 2. Only flow administrators can run inactive flows. Many input components can also be marked as required, forcing the user to input a value in order to proceed in the flow. We are always on the hunt for writers that have something interesting to say about the Salesforce platform and ecosystem. How do I pass variables from a Process to a Flow? Browse other questions tagged. Creating the Subflow Let's start with creating our subflow. Now that we have established the data we want from our parent flow by establishing variables in our subflow, we can build our subflow as you would any other flow. What I want to do in the master is select the record and pass that off to the subflows which will alter the data and then pass it back out and set a "Data Changed" variable so the master know if it has to save the record. 1. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. Name the Criteria (Stage = Closed Won). Add a Get Records element with API name Get Opportunity. Learn in-demand skills that lead to top jobs with Trailhead. First, we need to understand the criteria to auto assign or remove a permission set from a user. Duplicate Opportunity will get all of the records fields and pass them to the subflow Duplicate Opportunity Subflow. I had the problem that manually assign variable was not present. This will store the permission set API or developer name passed from the record-triggered flow. There are times when building a Flow may not be the correct move. Now for the magic! What are we looking to do (in this caseassign or remove a permission set)? Add Criteria as defined in the requirements. Save this flow, naming it Duplicate Opportunity, and dont forget to Activate it. Home Article Duplicate a Record with Lightning Flow in Spring 20. In this flow, we will add all four types of Toast Notification ( Information, Success, Error, Warning & Also one which will show the link in the toast notification ) Follow the below steps to develop the flow. Since this is an after save flow (that is, a record-triggered flow that fires after a record is saved in Salesforce), we need a mechanism to indicate whether a record is new, as we cant go by the record ID is blank (which is a filter we can use in a before save flow, which fires before the record is saved in Salesforce). If a permission set assignment record is found, then well take the assignee ID and store it in the variable varUserHasPermissionSet. But there are times when building a flow skills that lead to top jobs with Trailhead,... The varPermissionSetName variable simply hold a non-variable value that always stays the same theres a thought. Am salesforce flow pass variable to subflow to have a decision element to find information about the community... 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salesforce flow pass variable to subflow