soulmate pick a card tumblr

note: This particular reading does not focus on Karmic Connections, but on empowering connections with Sacred Soulmates and/or Divine Partners. There is a huge chance that your person did you very very wrong and now they are like I WISH I COULDVE TAKEN THAT SHIT BACK. There may be some cards mentioned in the reading that are not in the image, these are cards that fell out afterwards as I was shuffling, and therefore I have not included a picture of those, but if you want an image of a specific card, feel free to send me a message! Your person thinks that you are a soft and beautiful individual. I feel like it will be night and both of you will be tired and want to sleep and youll just go to sleep. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the others. You need to make more friends and gain support from them while you work hard on those dreams. Pick no more than 2 piles. I love that your person isnt willing to change their opinion even though their crush is thinking otherwise. Idk, you have a way with words. Go spend some time with your friends if you believe your parents arent a great source of support. They may have a certain accent which stands out, maybe this accent will help you recognize them. They will see you as this point of stability in their lives. For every soulmate reading, I pick 5 cards and in a "Cardinal" way, here how it works : Card 1 - The North who represents the body; Card 2 - The South who represents the intentions and motivations; Card 3 - The East who represents the model of thinking; Card 4 - The West who represents the emotions They are someone who had many choices romantically and also has been through many relationships before they met you most likely. I have set up 4 different piles of cards that you get to choose between in order to determine what your energy will be like for the month of October as well as this Full Moon in Aries. You guys were put to the ground many times in your life by toxic people and with each time you became more closed off and cold, being afraid to follow your dreams anymore. It seems like you may be the opposite, a little more scattered in your life, but they will be able to accept and really help with this. Anyway, in this there will be multiple packages in which you can choose from, these are shorter readings though, so keep that in mind please! Everything will turn out fine. I had time to develop myself spiritually. Heard of Linkin Park? Their feelings for you are very deep and very honest. I feel so strongly that this is going to be really amazing for you. Totally not your type. Theyre someone very soft at heart. They are very future-focused, but can also be a bit..scattered? They could be quite nostalgic, cynical and pessimists, they need someone who's going to cheer them up. STRIKE. I feel like you will be like imma come back after I recharge my social interaction batteries. Money are very important to you and you really fear that if youll follow your dream, youre not gonna be able to make enough money, but to me honest, total bs. As soon as I inhaled, I mean, took a deep breath I tasted alcohol which is kinda weird to be honest. This person may also be a teacher of some kind or religious leader (make sure that its appropriate if either of these are the case). EVERY relationship is karmic at first & karmic cycles exists in ALL relationships you experience. Some of you may think Oh, what an interesting birth mark!, Death, 2 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Swords, Ace of Wands, King of Wands, 6 of Wands. Here are the four piles you can chose from. . I dont see best friends energy, but I see quite some trust and some feelings of protectiveness over the other one. Their energy is so obsessive. You will probably be the one complaining about the fact that they are smoking but in some situations you might be the one smoking, either way, someone will complain about the smoke and about the health. You need to learn how to defend your own ass in the world. You need to focus all your attention on feeling good when you fail and be more confident. Damn pile 1, why are you so pessimistic? You might meet really fast and both of you wont even notice it(?). You dont need to plan so much, you dont need to calculate the odds. Its about telling the truth and talk in a clear way. If yes, you might meet them in faculty. Your dream can bring you money and can give you a stable/rich life. We had quite a bit of overlap, therefore a lot of these readings may have similar messages as they have similar cards. If you take anything back into the real world from this reading, I encourage you to expand your type and dont rule out anyone because they arent necessarily who you see yourself being with. Its referred to something thats going to happen pretty soon. SCREAM. If youre new, make sure to follow me and if you are interested in a personal reading you can find my form here. The amount of admiration and love in this reading is purely unbelievable. Magic and normally, the occult plays a big role here. Here I got quite a few messages. I feel like the most of you who picked this pile are tarot readers or are somehow involved with the occult and are dried because theyve made too many readings. Im sorry. The Death (XIII) : This cards about the natural end of a cycle, radical changes, moving on and ending in general. Are you experimenting repetitives situations in your life? If you want to feel free then leave the worries behind, this is what you have to do in order to feel free. I think its a mutual thing between you. This person will think youre someone very strong. Fire by BTS, alcohol, tequila, crying because of stress, disappointment, getting back together after 2-3 months of arguing, Maldives, microorganisms (? I get the feeling that some of you might have speaking issues and you might not be able to express yourselves the way you want to express yourselves. Look, the feelings are mutual and this can get very far and very beautiful, but I feel that, right now, its not the perfect time for it. Youll try to help this person. They are serious about their commitment. Your soulmate is waiting for you somewhere else but cannot come into your life if you are stuck with this maggot. "Please, pick one! This is the reading for you! (your current energy / near future): 12, Love predictions tarot reading (near future): 15, Career predictions tarot reading (near future): 15, 360 life predictions tarot reading (near future): 20, Personality analysis tarot reading: 19, Future spouse / Soul mate tarot reading: 19, What does this person thinks about me? tarot reading: 12, Life lessons tarot reading (how to unlock a situation): 19, Why did we met? You could speak your mind and open yourself up to them because they intend no harm towards you. I dont quite see that you will ask for a lot of help but you will still need people who you know you can count on. Thank you so much for letting me read for you! Youre gonna be someone very sneaky, with very smooth moves. Before I even shuffled the cards I heard You evil piece of shit. Something like that. You can both read someones story by just staring at them. They seem very selfless bruh, like, they really believe theyre made out of stone. Some of you might not be used to share stuff with other people so I think that those specific people dont have siblings and are their parents only child. ~ Pick-a-Card Reading, Your Love Life In October | Pick-a-Card Reading, What is changing in your life? They love to learn new stuff and they love to practice whatever interests them. A family member, a friend, etc). It reminds you that success is around the corner, your commitment will be repaid. Leo 8th house: fears related to self-expression in general, standing up for yourself, being extra, taking leadership, vanity, feeling confident, expressing yourself through art. met her in september and thought she was really familiar. met again Who has a crush on you? Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. PICK-A-CARD READING: blessings coming your way in 2022 [4 piles] [5 decks used] [13 cards for each pile] hello loves and welcome to a new pick-a-card reading. a reading on your crush? I get rebel teenager vibes from this pile. Im so glad for your guys. Hanged Man, QOC, KNOW, Magician, 9C, 3W, 2S. They have a strong sense of balance, otherwise they could be a bit detached from their emotions. They themselves have a very soft spot for animals. They can be an activist, fr. This is the reading for you! This person is strong enough to lift themselves up and youll know it too. This person will not think much about you tbh, theyll think youreok. It forces you to let go of something to make space for something better. Are you guys e-girls or trans? Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: by @sacerdotessa on tumblr | @sacerdotess4 on IGPick a couple picture! Ill talk about your ego, your personality, the way you express yourself, what do you need in a relationship, your sense of style, how other people perceive you, your emorional world, your energy, what do you need in your sex life and many other things! You dont need to get into pointless relationships out of boredom or loneliness, you dont need to force yourself to love someone you dont love, because this is only taking your energy away. This conflict will get solved by them actually. Before pulling the cards I tried to get as much information through my intuition as possible and I kept seeing the 3 of swords which is funny because the 3 of swords just explained the distance. Someone really needed to hear this. Are you wondering if your crush loves you back? Ive been yawning since I started doing this reading. You have me for example. You will think theyre some fucker full of hate and envy and will not want to talk to them. 10 of Pentacles, The Magician, 2 of Swords. Words->Rachmaninoff, confusion, what am I to you?, are you ready?, contemplating, analysis, not honest, depression, I cant sleep because of you, ink, writer, winter, should I leave?, no. , : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*Yes/no questions (with pendulum):One question: 53 questions: 10: *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*Astrology services:Sun + Moon + Ascendant analysis: 18, Love life analysis (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): 25, Career analysis (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): 25, Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: 25, Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : 29, Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): 30, : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*Tarot cards services:What are you attracting right now? Ill tell you everything you need to know about a relationship, the reason you have met this person and what do you need to learn together. Pluto in 7th house: establish healthy relationships with others, define healthy boundaries with others, open up, establish 50-50 relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. So now, how will you find this person? Cant explain it otherwise. You wouldnt expect this person to smile, Im telling you. They might have black curly hair, you might love it. They aint the one, so get lost. Like The High Priestess, it suggests that the cards are not able to answer your question. They fear change. Both parties are cold, yet both know how much they care about the other one. They will appreciate everything you do to keep everything in peace. if i will not be able to do it due to needing other work done i will be returning your 2$. They are someone very fair and very equal. As I said, its very casual and it wont drive anybody crazy mad. I see so many beautiful things in this pile, its strange. They seem to be someone whos emotionally closed and very logical, whos trying their best to seem outgoing and friendly. this person is financially abundant. special; for 2$ extra I offer 24 hour delivery only on these since these are shorter readings! Dont worry if nothing seems to be happening, it may take a while, but it will be worth the wait. You dont like conflict that much, but still youre not afraid to have a healthy argument from time to time. But with how deeply you will care about each other, I think you will realize that this is meant to be, and will overcome those fears. . Stop trying to fake your personality only to please your parents. You could read each others minds. Spirits can be quite scary if you let them cross a certain border, but overall if you stay with your guard up it's okay. You might be students who are facing bullying. The runner & chaser dynamic is very common yes, but remember thats what people normally EXPECT to happen. You tend to feel entitled to say whatever comes to your mind. This pile will not resonate for the most of you, but for the people who are in situations like this. hello, my angels! They now respect you a lot. Maybe your sun sign is a feminine one and youll seem more of a masculine one. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. Youll find them extremely annoying because you would rather get someone calm and soft. This pile seems to have a very beautiful marriage. Yeah, Im not planning on coming towards you so soon lol, stay mad. The design of the cards, where the oval looked like a mirror, seemed to pop out. They are actually someone very strong and very loyal who will want to help you a lot some time after you meet. For some of you, the future seems to hold a wedding. Theyre going to be quite private and introverted, they dont like to talk about themselves and overshare. They put a lot of energy into their career and their finances and might not even search for you at the moment theyll meet you. I tried to create an apposite blog for witchcraft/spiritual stuff but tumblr decided to be a bad bitch and marked my blog as a spammer, so I decided to post this guide here on my main blog. Find the podcasts on the tumblr below, and also here: We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. My personal advice is that you should open your eyes and see this person for who they are and act rational. As in a mirror. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. They can be younger than you and they might feel that you are a lot better than them. Take your time, meditate, and pick one of the following groups (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) using your intuition. Women tend to see the King of Cups as this man whos a good husband/father/boss. Really anxious. The Lovers (VI) : This cards all about duality, choices and relationships. Will be very confused about their own emotions. Now, if youre an adult who struggles financially, try to manage your money better or try an alternative way of making money. I hope you cant hear it. Look at the 4 piles in the image below and find the one you resonate with the most. The Sun (XIX) : Its a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. Pick-A-Card, How Do They FeelAbout You? Your person will see that. Some of yall could be stuck in toxic relationships and you dont know how to get out of them or youre afraid that something bad might happen if you do. For some of you, I feel like you might have kids with this person, but this is a very faint water drop of energy. I heard My beautiful woman while staring in your eyes specifically. 4 of Swords, The Hierophant, Knight of Swords, Justice, Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, EXACTLY HOW I SEEN IT LMAO. You guys might go through some sort of conflict at first. . You should be true to yourself and listen to your heart. This may be someone whos a writer, a poet, a lyricist, or a journalist. - Pick a Card Reading. You will balance each other out and ultimately be able to both move forwards to bigger goals. SoI want to have a family. aw hi and thank you!! This person is going to be patient, slow but determinate. Do you have any aqua/Aries placements in your chart by any chance? Then, you can scroll down to the correct pile 1-4. Soulmates are someone who will appreciate you for who you are, dive deep into your soul and bury themselves there because they love you. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. They are extremely picky about who they spend their time with and dont often put themselves out there. Your person will kiss your forehead and stay awake for a little while while you will go straight to sleep. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. I have no idea how youre gonna get the waters still, but Ive somehow knew from the beginning that time will pass and eventually you will forgive them without proving youre better (this is contradicting what Ive written up). Money are very important to this person, thats something very serious. Take a moment, flex your intuitive muscles when focusing on your Sacred Soulmate Or Divine Partner to learn more . They think youre someone more spiritually developed then them. They are very optimistic and they love to take care of living creatures. Put the phone down and take a nap. They are literally dreaming of marrying you. It seems like most of these cards are fixated on this past relationship though, so you may need to do more of this moving on before you will really be able to tell what direction to head in. Anyway, Im not gonna say anything besides kisses and see you later so byeeeee.. Its like, when they think about you, they think of some sort of CEO or boss. Now I would write a bit more onto this subject but the energy is just too heavy and too dark and I dont wanna have a bad headache tomorrow. You need to pour your soul out, on a piece of paper, perhaps, to feel more free. I heard Shes very quiet from your person. My point is, you dont need anybody to feel free, the only person who you need in order to feel free is yourself. I had to stop writing because of laughing. This is someone who you have met before. For some reason their eyes closed seem a very important vision regarding this impression. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. You will be in a learning place when youll meet them. Bruh the anxiety and disappointment here is just scary. I get huge lesbian/bisexual girl vibes from this pile Im sorry , if youre not lesbian/bisexual, then ignore this. I dont think I have to explain how much they will commit to you. I see someone tall, skinny, with a darkish energy which will intimidate you at first. Find them here (We Update Shop Links As New Releases Are Available):, Theyre going to move mountains juts to be helpful toward you, theyre going to be very giving. Anyways, you wont want to have anything to do with them but something will just pull you in. They are someone very sly and someone who is always striving for the best but have a tendency to manipulate excessively. I feel like your person tends to be onto the more protective side and they will try to mommy/daddy you and youre gonna be like Youre not my dad/mom. Click on your chosen image to0 enlarge it for a more easeful reading experience. This feels like one of those high school crushes teens carry, thinking it will last forever. Some of you are also pretty artsy and you might show them paintings or drawings you made from time to time. GAY VIBES. Youll think your person doesnt like taking your advice into count and youre gonna be annoyed. Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. Your energy is soft, cloud-like, puffy. they . Please choose the one that you feel most connected to right now, and scroll down to the correct pile! Do you have a low self esteem? For some of you, this could be a best friend or someone you feel very connected to. spiritual astrology & divination. From this pile I get fighter vibes fr. There seems to be something here about a house, not sure what, but anyway. Do you like classical music? Pluto in 2th house: find your comfort zone, guarantee yourself a stable lifestyle, develop resilience and try to set reachable goals for yourself, try to express yourself through art. Either way, they will end up paying. KNOC, Moon, 8W, High Priestess, Death, 5W, (Yalls guides really wanted me to use the normal Rider Waite Tarot Deck and this deck tends to sugarcoat stuff, so some of you might be in a not so fortunate situation). The Wheel of Fortune (X) : Its about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually its a positive card but its pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. 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soulmate pick a card tumblr