spo transportation officer duty description

Transportation Operations Officer Oct 2013 Mar 2014 US Army, 82nd Airborne Division Fort Bragg, NC Principle advisor to the Division Transportation Officer on unit movements via modes to include rail, air, sea, and commercial flights in order to globally deploy the 82nd Airborne Division's personnel and equipment. Preparing risk assessments and recommending risk-reduction control measures for all operations. Performing nuclear target analysis (corps and above). The G-5 (S-5) performs staff planning for and exercises staff supervision over-, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 (S-6), Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations. D-7. Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. Intelligence readiness includes-, D-51. Essential personnel services include-, D-46. AOC/BR - 19A00/AR . Directing the disposal of captured enemy supplies and equipment (after coordination with the G-2 [S-2]). A transportation officer is authorized at corps (CTO) and divisions (DTO). To establish uniform policies and procedures for the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance reports required from every unit in the 519 th CSSB. The G-2 (S-2) is responsible for intelligence readiness, intelligence tasks, intelligence synchronization, other intelligence support, counterintelligence, and support to security programs. Corps and divisions are authorized a finance officer. While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command . Consulting with the servicing SJA during all informal and formal investigations. Over the course of your training, you'll learn the skills, knowledge, and discipline needed to become a Soldier. Planning and supervising conferences chaired by the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, or the COS. 2.5Battalion S-4 Brigade S4 of a Corps Military Police Brigade that provides law enforcement and force protection support to III (US) Corps and Fort Hood and deploys worldwide on contingency operations. Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. An IG is authorized for general officers in command and selected installation commanders. Thats what the Soldiers care about. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the CSM. The problem determines the extent of research. Coordinating technical control and technical support for military intelligence assets and units. D-64. Providing information on the status of AMD systems, air and missile attack early warning radars, and ADA ammunition on hand. Providing the commander continuous, objective, and impartial assessments of the command's operational and administrative effectiveness. Staff members manage administrative activities within their own staff sections. Advising the commander and staff concerning, and supervising the management and administration of, the civilian employee personnel management program within the command. Operating the following command training programs: Participating in targeting meetings to advise on legal considerations to minimize unnecessary collateral damage or injury to the civilian population. They also recommend adjustments when circumstances require. Active-duty Soldiers and Officers also have ongoing training to keep their skills sharp, so they stay ready for anything. Advising the commander on the effect of civilian populations on military operations. Monitors tactical operations, publishes orders, and . The value of a close relationship between the commander and COS cannot be overstated. The COS or executive officer (XO) is the commander's principal assistant for directing, coordinating, supervising, and training the staff, except in areas the commander reserves. Staff coordination results in making certain that staff actions and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a unified effort. Supervisor is kept informed on matters of importance and consulted concerning unusual problems or matters affecting policy. Thanks so much! Casualty operations management involves-, D-45. An EWO is authorized at corps and divisions. Performing or providing religious rites, sacraments, ordinances, services, and pastoral care and counseling to nurture the living, care for casualties, and honor the dead. Preparing and organizing schedules, activities, and calendars. Develops and recommends to the SPO the establishment of local procedures to govern logistical operations and the management of resources. Here are the most common duties and responsibilities of the Support Operations Officer: Additionally, there is normally a Support Operations Officer at the Division Level. I hope someone finds this useful. Coordinating the selection of, and recommending to the G-3 (S-3), main supply routes (MSRs) and logistic support areas (with the ENCOORD). The commander establishes guidelines or gives guidance on when a personal staff officer informs or coordinates with the COS (XO) or other staff members. The BSB SPO manages munitions for the brigade, provides staff supervision to the distribution company's ATHP . Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. Records management, including finance, legal services, and command information. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to current operations include-, D-82. SummaryWhen this description was evaluated by the manager it was given a GS-0346-11. These are lessons I had to learn on my own, with the help of some honest and dependable people in my SPO shop. Preparing plans and policies to govern the assignment of replacement personnel. The SOO is responsible for providing space-related tactical support and coordination of space-based capabilities available to the command. D-48. Ensuring that special staff officers or sections have personnel, logistics, facilities, and proper support. Also insures convoys are built appropriately and pushed from Fort Irwin main post to the outlying appropriate FOBs in the Fort Irwin training area in direct support to rotational training units.Battalion and Rotational Training Unit Maintenance Readiness: Installation Repair and Return Program; Installation Modification Work Order (MWO) Program; Installation Equipment Life Cycle Management Program; Installation Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP) and Calibration Program reporting. Advising the commander on environmental issues, coordinating with other staff members to determine the impact of operations on the environment, and helping the commander integrate environmental considerations into decisionmaking. [email protected] | 602.622.6517. Incumbent is delegated authority to make decisions of a binding nature, based on a broad knowledge of regulating and statutory requirements. Ensuring all staff sections participate in and provide functional expertise to IPB, managed by the G-2 (S-2) in coordination with the G-3 (S-3). They analyze and clearly articulate information. Duties: Directly responsible for all activities and personnel engaged in field level maintenance which involves the repair of small arms, field artillery and armament weapon systems. Before you can become a Soldier, you'll first need to complete a form of Basic TrainingBasic Combat Training for enlisted Soldiers and the Basic Officer Leadership Course for Army Officers, as well as any additional training your job may require. Field Manual (FM) 4-90, Brigade Support Battalion, states that the S-3 officer: Is the operations, security, and training officer. The incumbent will be responsible for security and control of the assigned areas and the enforcement of the Authority's regulations. Directives and policy guidance from higher headquarters. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Coordinating with the G-7 and PSYOP officer on trends in public opinion. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the chaplain. Job Description Summary:As part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) provides leadership in transportation improvements and innovat. The assistant or deputy AVCOORD is a permanent position on the staff, representing the AVCOORD. Working closely with the G-5 and other agencies to integrate and unify efforts to communicate the Army's perspective and to support the mission's tactical and operational objectives. (See figure D-1.) The support operations officer or materiel officer provides technical supervision for the CSS mission of the support command and is the key interface between the supported unit and support command. Evaluating enemy PSYOP efforts and the effectiveness of friendly PSYOP on target groups (with the G-2 and G-5). Consulting with staff sections, as appropriate, to obtain items for the special attention of inspectors and to arrange for technical assistance. (See appendix E.), D-113. Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), -Brigade Combat Team (Infantry, Armor, Stryker, Fires), -Division Transportation Officer (DTO) (KD), -Battalion Support Ops Officer (SPO) (KD), -White House Transportation Agency (WHTA). Coordinating with the G-7, PAO, and PSYOP officer to ensure disseminated information is not contradictory. Identifying funding sources for operations; acquiring, reprogramming, controlling, and distributing funding authority to subordinate RMs and ordering officers. Planning and supervising Army aviation operations. The following is a general description of the division of duties among the Security Police Officer levels. Oversees a workforce comprised of military and contractor personnel performing various logistical functions which directly affect the logistics support mission to Fort Irwin installation and rotational training unit customers. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. Aide-de-camp responsibilities include-, D-130. Coordinating, planning, and directing all command IA activities. SGS responsibilities include-, D-91. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Within the Support Battalion, the Battalion XO manages the internal logistics to support the battalion (just like any other Battalion XO). The noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the 17th CSSB's Kandahar SPO transportation cell, who was the liaison and subject matter expert for the MCT and the RSY, was sent to the RSY to assess and . D-75. The TALO is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of airlift resources and coordinating their use. D-93. Managing veterinary equipment and facilities. D-74. Activities, and impacts upon the successful accomplishment of the commands mission. Preparing special studies and reports, based on assembled historical material. Coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) to obtain national medical intelligence reports and summaries. D-18. and does not typically include newspapers or other media or work subject to control by the organization are just some examples of Creative Professionals). I would highly recommend that you couple your efforts of writing a TACSOP with a few sit down meetings to discuss what the issues are, how you plan to solve them (via TACSOP) and what that new SOP is. Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to ensure the most cost-advantageous and effective methods of purchasing commercial products and services, within fiscal and regulatory constraints. Maintaining close contact and exchanging information with the corresponding staff at higher, subordinate, supporting, supported and adjacent commands, and other Services and agencies. Within their fields of interest, staff members fulfill the following specific IM tasks and activities: D-14. The action officer resolves any conflicts and presents a recommendation to the approving authority for decision. How does Army Pay compare to Civilian pay? Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. Staff members inform the COS of any recommendations or information they pass directly to the commander, and of instructions they receive directly from the commander. You will also be in charge of controlling and supervising a platoon of truck drivers and assisting the commander as the executive . Supervising the activities of the NETOPS officer, IA staff manager, IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer. Staff research involves collecting and evaluating facts to solve problems or provide information. Assisting the staff on budget methods and formats; techniques of preparation, resource synchronization, presentation, and analysis; and developing workload information, expense (cost) factors, cost capturing, and statistics. Providing integrated and independent progress and statistical reports and analyses of command programs. An opportunity to gain valuable experience in child welfare services and make a difference in the lives of children and youth in BC! Coordinating external support requirements for supported units. Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Terminal Battalion. Reporting incidents through channels to regional computer emergency response team and Army Computer Emergency Response team. (Separating "Support" Operations From Operations Causes More Harm Than Good) We're All Thinking It. Food service, quartering, medical support, field sanitation, and supplies for headquarters personnel. Writing the MD appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Assessing the information requirements and expectations of the Army and the public, monitoring media and public opinion, and evaluating the effectiveness of public affairs plans and operations. Incumbent uses judgment to locate and select from numerous available guides, which may or may not be directly applicable to the situations at hand. As a commitment to the well-being of every Soldier, the Army provides high-quality comprehensive health care coverage and life insurance. Headquarters Commandant. Ammunition basic loads and the controlled supply rate (CSR). Coordinating procurement, storage, issue, and distribution of section equipment. Assessment actions by staff members include-, MANAGING INFORMATION WITHIN FIELDS OF INTEREST. D-22. Helping the G-2 (S-2) arrange indirect weather support, such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, for subordinate units. Performing chief financial officer training and reviews, and audit compliance services. Supply management is a broad field that encompasses many different industries, job titles and job descriptions. Based on the units Ive served with, the SPO has a staff consisting of: Most Support Operations sections have somewhere between 10 and 15 Soldiers in them (at the brigade level). The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer, representing the ENCOORD. Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. Search 83 Part Time Registration Officer jobs now available in Langley, BC on Indeed.com, the world's largest job site. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. Effective procedures provide continuity for completed staff actions and allow staff members and staff sections to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. If you still have the checklist, I would like to see it. An EOD officer is authorized at corps and divisions, and normally serves as the EOD group, battalion, or company commander. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. D-80. A G-4 (S-4) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Preparing reports on command veterinary activities. Coordinating with interagency department engineers, such as the FBI engineer. Staffs prepare and issue plans and orders to execute their commanders' decisions, coordinating all necessary details. Force Development and Modernization. Mission:To perform waterborne transportation of personnel, cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift, water terminal, waterborne tactical and joint amphibious, riverine or Joints Logistics-Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) operations. Job Overview. Informing soldiers, family members, and DOD civilians of their rights under the Privacy Act, OPSEC responsibilities, and roles as implied representatives of the command when interacting with news media. Manage the SAMS-2 box and SARRS-2 STAMIS. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3) for CSS of tactical troop movements. The G-5 (S-5) advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO, relative to the complex relationship of these people with the terrain and institutions over time. The COS helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. D-92. Staffs assess by analyzing reports, messages, and reports of staff visits and inspections. Receiving and helping process complaints, to include-. Forwarding and coordinating EW support targets with the G-2. Coordinating all classes of supply except class VIII (which is coordinated through medical supply channels). Especially in the Reserve/Guard world, the next SPO will really appreciate that you have given them a starting place. If not, once they analyze the problem, they make a recommendation to the commander for decision. This is how we conduct operations in my BSB. Emergency food, shelter, clothing, and fuel for local civilians. Coordinating HN support or local civilian support with the G-5 (S-5). Coordinating with the assistant G-3 (PSYOP) and G-5 to ensure disseminated information is not contradictory. Job Summary/Duties: The Special Police Officer is responsible for performing police safety and security work. Surgeon. Following higher headquarters NETOPS policies and procedures for network interfaces. It helps to be humble! Conducting formal, on-site manpower and equipment surveys. Supporting the conduct of collection operations: Providing intelligence updates, other products, and additional support to ISR integration, the concept of operations, and mission accomplishment. Advising the commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of theater, strategic, national, and commercial space assets. Coordinating with the G-7 to integrate EW into IO. Staff members arrive at them through a logical thought process. I think that you can assume that the employee would need to analyze but it should be written out.b. Specifications are not intended to reflect all duties performed by Transportation Officers. Coordinating air defense sensor management. Or, c. Creative Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.209 ) (The primary duty requires invention and originality in a recognized artistic field (music, writing, etc.) Responsibility is the duty to safeguard government property within one's control. Monitoring aviation flying-hour, standardization, and safety programs. Monitoring administrative controls for accounting and reporting receipt and disbursement of public funds, including special contingency funds. Ultimately, your Soldiers (and you) have to know what is in the document and be trained on it. Combat health logistics, including blood management. Organizing and equipping units, to include estimating the numbers and types of units to organize and the priority for phasing in or replacing personnel and equipment. Estimating the effect of a unit's radiation exposure state on mission assignments. Coordinating special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation support requirements with other staff sections. . Coordinating with the G-4 (S-4) on logistics as it relates to chemical defense equipment and supplies, maintaining chemical equipment, and transporting chemical assets. Also renders advice and parts expedition for Rotational Training Unit maintenance managers. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Inspectors note positive and negative observations. Advising the commander on legal and moral obligations incurred from the long- and short-term effects (economic, environmental, and health) of military operations on civilian populations. A PM is authorized at corps and divisions. Conducting inspections, surveys, and assessments, as the commander requires, and monitoring corrective actions. By that means, I communicate with my CO thoroughly for his intention before writing an OPORD. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. They are also familiar with the responsibilities and duties of other staff members. Monitoring the sanitation of food storage facilities and equipment. Because of the wide variety of jobs in supply, there are a range of education requirements and salary offerings. Providing air and missile attack early warning. Coordinating the transportation, storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous material or hazardous waste. Providing technical supervision and training of legal personnel in the command and its subordinate units. The ISR plan produces an initial ISR order to answer initial CCIR, PIRs, and IRs. Food service, quartering, medical support, such as tactical unmanned vehicles... Of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience enemy supplies and equipment ( after coordination with the (. Forwarding and coordinating EW support targets with the supported Army command permanent on! 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spo transportation officer duty description