famous young republicans

--- Positive opinion among Millennials: 34% (49th most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 19% "I was barely getting my feet wet in politics. Enter Christian Walker, the 20-year-old son of Herschel Walker, the former NFL running back who spoke recently at the Republican National Convention. [Pictured: Mia Love attends The Common Good Forum & American Spirit Awards 2019 at The Roosevelt Hotel in New York on May 10, 2019. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 23% He famously criticized the popular Murphy Brown television show for lacking family values and misspelled "potato" as "potatoe" in an appearance at a school spelling bee. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (83rd most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 17% "He's a hero of mine, and I feel that conservative principles transcend party politics," she told Newsweek. Al Jolson Dec. at 64 (1886 --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (29th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Rep. Robin Kelly, D-Ill., and former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, are seen in Statuary Hall before President Donald Trump's State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in the House chamber on Jan. 30, 2018. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (28th most popular Republican) The first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate from Texas and the first Republican woman on the Senate Armed Services Committee, she is respected for her support of the military and her expertise in military affairs. The Young Republicans are fighting for the future of the Republican Party. Together, our mission is to recruit new Young Republicans and engage young voters with the Republican Party, train the future leaders of the United States, and elect Republican candidates from the top to the bottom of the ballot across the country! Newsletter Thank you! ], You may also like: The original Woodstock, by the numbers, - Positive opinion of this politician: 19% "One messaged me, 'We don't tolerate these views on our campus, so good luck'. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 24% (99th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (70th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 23% (76th most popular Republican) Bush. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% "The tradition is that A&M is for conservatives and farmers while the University of Texas is for enlightened liberals. Unlike most on this list, 20-year-old Doyle is a lonerunaffiliated with YAF, College Republicans, Prager Force or any other conservative youth organization. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (80th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 56% (90th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 31% (65th most popular Republican) WebJ. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 23% --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (39th most popular Republican) They're younger and far less known than, say, 28-year-old Tomi Lahren (followed by 1.6 million people on Twitter); 31-year-old Candace Owens (2.5 million Twitter followers); 33-year-old Steven Crowder (4.7 million YouTube subscribers); or 25-year-old Madison Cawthorn, the paralyzed congressional candidate in North Carolina who delivered an inspiring speech at the Republican National Convention, lifting himself with a walker from his wheelchair to exclaim, "Be a radical for our republic, for which I stand." [Pictured: U.S. House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) speaks during a weekly news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on May 28, 2020. WebMeet Tomi Lahren: a 24-year-old Republican provocateur, a photogenic rising media star, a high-energy mass of contradictions - and one of the most popular commentators on Facebook. "A girl messaged me just the other day saying she was always on the left, but watched my videos and is now a hard-core conservative battling her liberal friends in Los Angeles." - Negative opinion of this politician: 9% He rarely discusses politics in school, so two years ago he decided he "needed a place to vent" and made his first video and threw it up on his Instagram page, where it was well received. Bush had a penchant for malapropisms and mangling phrases that became known as Bushisms, and he was popular for his affable Texas style. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (79th most popular Republican) Those are the Latinos I know.". --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 23% (63rd most popular Republican) 518.210.3877. famous young republicansanthony ryan patterson wife Northern Cross Vineyard - Negative opinion of this politician: 21% As chairman of the Senates Small Business Committee, he has been active in designing coronavirus economic relief measures. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (75th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 22% Flyers hung throughout campusand featuring an image of the guest speaker with the text "Facts don't care about your feelings"were defaced en masse. Before he was vaulted into his senior advisor role in the White House, Kushner owned a New York City weekly newspaper and ran his familys real estate development company when his father was imprisoned for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering. "He speaks of being beaten by police for having long hair and listening to the Beatles, and how his mother had to burn furniture to boil potatoes," said Zegers. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (40th most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (57th most popular Republican) During his failed 2016 bid for the Republican presidential nomination, he started out as the frontrunner but was lambasted for his wooden delivery and lack of a clear campaign message. --- Positive opinion among women: 44% (18th most popular Republican) She is the co-host of Fox & Friends. - People who have heard of this politician: 59%. Her group generated more publicity when administrators wouldn't allow members to temporarily plant 2,977 mini-flags in the grass on school property for a 9/11 memorial, so they did it across the street instead. John Ashbrook, former US Congressman from Ohio's 17th; Steve Bartlett, former US Congressman from Texas; Aaron Bean, Florida State Trey Gowdy spent four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing South Carolina, starting in 2010. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 42% (6th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 52% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 39% (16th most popular Republican) I was 16, and they were accusing me of harassing students with my views." Senator Josh Hawley (Missouri): As both the youngest member of the Senate and one of its newest members after the 2018 elections, Josh Hawley is perhaps the best example of adding a truly fresh face to the lineup of the MAGA crowd in Congress. A longtime Washington insider, Dick Cheney was secretary of defense under President George H. W. Bush, overseeing Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East. Juana Salas-Garcia models a T-shirt for conservative women. --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (49th most popular Republican) Billy Graham in Charlotte, North Carolina, on March 2, 2018. We're the ones in the way. - People who have heard of this politician: 91%. He refused to allow a hearing for Obamas Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland on grounds that there was less than a year left in the presidents term in office. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 33% (52nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (86th most popular Republican) Now he is the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate, where he has sided with the Trump administration on issues such as tax reform, efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and two Supreme Court justice nominations. "I grew up liberal, but, over time, I started to see that the people standing up for liberal principles like free speech were conservatives," he told Newsweek. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (69th most popular Republican) Dan Quayle was little known nationally before the youthful U.S. senator from Indiana was selected in 1988 to be George H.W. --- Positive opinion among men: 63% (11th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 40% (12th most popular Republican) She said her Christian faith, and her attendance at a conference from conservative organization Turning Point USA, turned her away from her former liberalism. [Pictured: Former president Bill Clinton and former Florida governor Jeb Bush share a laugh at the University of New England on Sept. 27, 2019. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 29% (75th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 20% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 39% - People who have heard of this politician: 69%. - Negative opinion of this politician: 11% Chris Christie speaks onstage during the 2019 Concordia Annual Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on Sept. 23, 2019. - Negative opinion of this politician: 17% - People who have heard of this politician: 93%. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (40th most popular Republican) That's what gets me so excited. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (52nd most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 82%. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (89th most popular Republican) Witt told Newsweek that he was largely apolitical when he started at the University of Colorado Denver, "until I saw how terrible the left is to anyone with a different point of view. The former Texas governor ran for president in 2012 and again in 2015. Witt, who also speaks at colleges across the country, said he gets daily messages indicating he's having an impact. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 22% - Neutral opinion of this politician: 21% --- Positive opinion among women: 36% (98th most popular Republican) Brett Favre PRPhotos Among the less surprising Republicans is Brett Favre. Soon after, his parents took him on interviews and he was able to land 5. It was during his run for president in 1964 that the Republican party chose the highly conservative Goldwater as the nominee over the liberal-leaning Nelson Rockefeller. For many Republican leaders, this moment in historya devastating pandemic, an economy on life support, a violent insurrection at the Capitol, and a second presidential impeachmenthas called into In the private sector, he headed up Halliburton, a giant petroleum engineering company that specializes in fracking, the extraction method that uses high-pressure water and chemicals to tap into underground natural gas and oil reserves. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (53rd most popular Republican) "A guy who used to troll my account one day messaged me to say he actually started watching my videos and they make a ton of sense, so he's a conservative now," he said. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 25% (96th most popular Republican) When Sandmann was a 16-year-old student at Kentucky's Covington Catholic High School on a field trip to Washington, D.C., for an anti-abortion rally, he was maligned by the media for staring nervously at a Native American beating a drum in his face. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 36% He enjoyed the experience so much he dropped out of college, got a job at PragerU and has since made about 200 videos that have been viewed 350 million times. Historically, he gained a reputation for bipartisanship, built on his friendship with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy with whom he designed a health insurance plan. He has since distanced himself from the Republican Party and supported the effort to impeach Trump. But he famously lost reelection in 2000 to Gov. Scott Walker (WI-R) speaks to supporters at a last-minute get out the vote rally the night before the midterm elections at Weldall Mfg., Inc. on Nov. 5, 2018. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 40% (13th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 44% (15th most popular Republican) "They saw me for my ideas and who I am," she said. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% ", While a student at American University in the nation's capital and an advocate for military veterans (her dad served in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks), Zegers was recruited to run for the State Assembly in her hometown, New York. We welcome and center the voices that some may wish to specifically marginalize and target." - People who have heard of this politician: 60%, In Congress, Michele Bachmann set up the conservative House Tea Party Caucus and gave the tea partys response to Barack Obamas 2011 State of the Union address. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% The charismatic, Austrian-born star returned to Hollywood after leaving office in 2011, starring in Terminator: Dark Fate in 2019. - Negative opinion of this politician: 44% Now, he has 223,000 followers on TikTok, and some UCLA students are noticing. he asked. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 30% - Negative opinion of this politician: 35% - People who have heard of this politician: 47%. Upset that students weren't saying the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms, the future presidential confidante called into a radio show hosted by Larry Elder, a prominent Black conservative, to complain. - People who have heard of this politician: 42%. [Pictured: Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle attends a Veterans Day event at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Nov. 11, 2019. Members of the IOP staff reached out to her, and the IOP through the director issued a strong statement. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 38% (23rd most popular Republican) Most have made a bid for the White House at least once, propelling them to national stature. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 39% (18th most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% The same year, she made a presidential bid that ended when she placed sixth in the Iowa caucus. John Stossel is probably the most high-profile libertarian-conservative in media today. Web1. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 30% (67th most popular Republican) When her YAF chapter brought Ben Shapiro to speak on campus in her senior year, posters were defaced with an X through his face and the words "Get Security." --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (78th most popular Republican) Courtesy of the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee/Getty. "I get a lot of emails from young people who have been apolitical, and they say I do a good job of counteracting the indoctrination they received in the public school system, so I cement their belief system for them," Doyle told Newsweek. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (45th most popular Republican) As governor of Ohio, he signed more than 20 laws limiting abortion access, although he vetoed a bill that would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, saying it would not hold up in court. At the recent Republican National Convention, however, he outed himself as a conservative by delivering a speech excoriating cancel culture and a liberally biased media, emphasizing his newfound partisanship by putting on his MAGA hat before finishing his brief remarks. The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives as minority leader, Kevin McCarthy has a reputation for effective party networking and skilled fundraising. - People who have heard of this politician: 66%. She served as both a US Representative (1993 to 1997) and a US Senator (1999 to 2011). "We haven't yet taken a side," he said of his YAF chapter. Zupkus became interested in politics at age 11 during the 2008 presidential election, when John McCain and Sarah Palin lost to Barack Obama and Joe Biden, then she watched her older sister head to Capitol Hill to work for California congressman Tom McClintock the following year. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 25% (95th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 47%. But student government and administrators here are shifting far left. - People who have heard of this politician: 83%. They're younger and far less known than, say, 28-year-old Tomi Lahren (followed by 1.6 million people on Twitter); 31-year-old Candace Owens (2.5 million --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 26% (94th most popular Republican) Since his speech, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has hired Sandmann as a grass-roots director for his re-election campaign. We're the dissenting voice. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% Senator from Arizona, on the night of the New Hampshire primary, March 10, 1964. your CMS. Mouthwatering Street Foods Around the World. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 22% [Pictured: Former New Jersey Gov. Her group also brought in Steve Forbes to address students and has raised $6,000 for additional speakers. Graham first entered the national public eye with his scathing criticism of President Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings in 1999. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 31% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (35th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (30th most popular Republican) Her chapter was finally approved last year, and 150 students attended its inaugural meeting. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (33rd most popular Republican) Ryans poll ratings slipped in 2017 after the House, where he was speaker, failed to overturn the Affordable Care Act that had become President Barack Obamas legacy. --- Positive opinion among women: 47% (7th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 58% (64th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 82%. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (56th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 15% Nicholas Sandmann speaks during the Republican National Convention on August 25. --- Positive opinion among men: 64% (10th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Gov. - People who have heard of this politician: 48%. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (34th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Former U.S. Her group finds young people who escaped communism and socialism and makes short videos about their experience, one of which, featuring a Cuban refugee, has been viewed 13 million times thus far. [Pictured: Former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush. The list is ranked by Republicans that have the highest positive opinion among voters, with ties being broken by how famous the politician is today. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (46th most popular Republican) I felt so alone at the time. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 55% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (48th most popular Republican) It never even occurred to me. --- Positive opinion among men: 56% (87th most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 26% [Pictured: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) marches with a crowd singing Little Light of Mine in Washington D.C. on June 7, 2020. WebThe current president of the United States, Donald Trump, is also a member of the president of the Republican Party. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% delivers a farewell address in the Great Hall of the Library of Congress Jefferson Building on Capitol Hill Dec. 19, 2018. The legendary Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate to be elected to the Presidents office. --- Positive opinion among men: 59% (58th most popular Republican) [Pictured: President Donald Trump walks to the podium to deliver remarks during his visit to the Puritan Medical Products facility in Guilford, Maine, on June 5, 2020. Elizabeth Dole was transportation secretary under President Ronald Reagan and labor secretary under President George H.W. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 14% The former head of Godfather's Pizza and the National Restaurant Association, Herman Cain sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. - People who have heard of this politician: 72%. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (77th most popular Republican) Piers Morgan and Carol Vorderman are among the famous names to have hailed The Telegraphs Lockdown Files scoop since the first in a series of articles were published on Tuesday night. [Pictured: Alan Keyes, Chairman of the Conservative Majority PAC, speaks during a press conference by the Tea Party Express at the National Press Club in Washington DC. The Texas Republican has been the U.S. permanent representative to NATO since 2017. Alisa Giannelli founded a chapter of Young America's Foundation at her Illinois high school. (Verified on As sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio built a national reputation on his treatment of immigrants in detention, housing them outdoors in temperatures so high that inmates complained their shoes melted. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (19th most popular Republican) Web1 Arnold Schwarzenegger 97% 54% 2 Donald Trump 98% 44% 3 George W. Bush 96% 43% 4 Henry Kissinger 84% 39% 5 Bob Dole 87% 39% 6 Ben Carson 84% 38% 7 Sarah --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 39% (15th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 81%. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2018. Senator Rand Paul's Presidential campaign at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. share our stories with your audience. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (88th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 45%. as well as image rights, data visualizations, forward planning tools, Things were so bogged down that YAF attorneys had to file a Freedom of Information Act request to figure out what was going on, and that's when internal emails revealed that one teacher worried the group might promote "hate, racism, and homophobia," according to public documents. "Basically, I was called a 'white supremacist' or 'racist' on a weekly basis," she recalled. Presently, there is an effort to remove the Alabama Young Republicans from the state Republican Steering Committee for rescinding their endorsement of Moore. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (52nd most popular Republican) While president of the university's College Republicans in 2018 and hosting an event supporting Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, Rice-Cameron insisted that police issue a citation to a female student who "got in my face and proceeded to hit me in the chest area and push me back forcefully," according to the campus newspaper. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (71st most popular Republican) Considered smart and shrewd, Kissinger also was credited with helping achieve dtente between the United States and the Soviet Union, and with negotiating the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I). --- Positive opinion among women: 50% (2nd most popular Republican) Like some others on this list, Giannelli founded a chapter of Young America's Foundation, which, along with College Republicans, is one of the two largest organizations for conservative youth. ", Rice-Cameron was destined for notoriety ever since coming out as a pro-Trump conservative more than two years ago, given that his mother is Susan Rice, the former national security adviser for President Barack Obama who was on Joe Biden's short list for vice president before he settled on Kamala Harris. ], You may also like: Most dangerous countries for journalists, - Positive opinion of this politician: 23% - People who have heard of this politician: 77%. "That we couldn't remember such a tragic day in history on campus spoke volumes to us. While representing Utah in the U.S. House of Representatives, Jason Chaffetz promoted legislation to sell 3.3 million acres of public land in 10 Western states, saying it served no purpose to taxpayers. In the Trump administration, Rick Perry served as secretary of energy, heading a department that he had called for eliminating during his 2012 presidential campaign. - People who have heard of this politician: 67%. Longtime governor of Florida Jeb Bush is the younger brother of President George W. Bush. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 21% (97th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 30% (69th most popular Republican) Bavarian-born Henry Kissinger came to America when he was 15. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (48th most popular Republican) I'm free to think for myself," Walker told Newsweek. Style. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 23% Haley has been suggested as a potential presidential candidate in 2024. storytelling. He was the third child of Mario and Rose Baio, who had emigrated from Italy. Stacker compiled a list of the 50 most popular Republicans, based on data collected by YouGov from interviews between May 2019 and May 2020, with at least 7,000 people interviewed for each figure. --- Positive opinion among women: 42% (35th most popular Republican) Stossel is a former co-anchor of 20/20 and has his own self-titled show on Fox Business Network. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (22nd most popular Republican) [Pictured: U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) listens to testimony during the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions hearing on COVID-19 on May 12, 2020. - People who have heard of this politician: 65%. [Pictured: Texas Sen. Texas Ted Cruz questions former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein during a Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington D.C. on June 3, 2020. - Negative opinion of this politician: 36% - Negative opinion of this politician: 24% [Pictured: U.S. NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison reacts as she attends a session at the Fortune Global Forum event in Paris on Nov. 18, 2019. No one is. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (60th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Newt Gingrich and U.S. ambassador Callista Gingrich pose in front of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on Oct. 13, 2019. Arnold Schwarzenegger moved from being a world-class bodybuilder to a blockbuster action movie star to the governor of California. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (41st most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 16% [Pictured: Gov. Schwarzenegger clinched his celebrity status by joining the Kennedy clan with his marriage to Maria Shriver in 1986. He has been active in campaigns to fight climate change and drives an electric car. --- Positive opinion among men: 59% (55th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 35% (41st most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 97%. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% To that end, most Stacker stories are freely available to - Negative opinion of this politician: 11% - People who have heard of this politician: 84%. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (66th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 34% "We are a divided, hurt nation that needs --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 34% (48th most popular Republican) His administration passed landmark measures to fight global warming, but struggled when the state grappled with the recession in 2008. In 2013, the Kentucky senator delivered the tea partys response to President Barack Obamas State of the Union address. - People who have heard of this politician: 98%. Dao, 17, is a member of Prager Force, an organization of 10,000 students nationwide who promote talk-show host Dennis Prager's PragerU videos on YouTube. A libertarian, he has called for dramatic spending cuts in foreign aid and the federal domestic budget, and for downsizing the government, including shutting down the department of education and privatizing the Transportation Security Administration. "How could I possibly imagine that the simple act of putting on that red hat would unleash hate from the left?" - Negative opinion of this politician: 36% Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Cornell Daily Sun 23 April 1931 The Cornell Daily Sun", "No Country for Old Social Conservatives? ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 31% "They were basically scolding me. --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (46th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (87th most popular Republican) Adam Sandler has been Hollywoods premier But look at the values of Latinos: We love our families and my grandfather owns two AR rifles; we have a strong work ethic; and we try to stay away from social programs even if we have to work three jobs. WebYoung Republican Alumni. "Who does he think he is? He is now running to head the Republican Party of Texas. While at GWU, "we were vandalized 20 times and filed a dozen police reports," she said. 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