how much did encyclopedia britannica cost in 1970

Presumably, this recent increase reflects the introduction of efficient electronic indexing, since the size of the encyclopedia has remained nearly constant at approximately 40 million words from 1954 to the present and far less than 40% of the encyclopedia has changed from 1985 to 2007. When finished in 1784, complete sets were sold at Charles Elliot's book shop in Edinburgh for 10 pounds, unbound. Encyclopaedia Britannica, for example, charges $1,399 for the standard hardback version of its popular 32-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica for adults. The index, published in 1861, was 239 pages, and was either bound alone as an unnumbered 22nd volume, or was bound together with volume I, the dissertations volume. At this time complete sets of the encyclopedia were priced between $1,500 and $2,200, and the product was considered part of a luxury brand with an impeccable reputation handed down from generation to generation. The entire Encyclopedia Britannica, a 32-volume set that sells for $1,250 in book form, has been placed on the Internet free of charge, the publishers of the 231-year-old reference work announced . The 11th edition employed 35 named female contributors, out of 1500 total (2.3%). [10] After failing to win over Oxford University, Hooper managed to secure Cambridge University as a new sponsor; thus, the 11th edition was published initially by Cambridge University Press, and scholars from Cambridge University were allowed to review the text and veto any overly aggressive advertising. The appendix introduces articles on Entomology, Ichthyology, Weather, Hindus (spelled Gentoos), and others, and contains many new biographies, including one of Captain James Cook. ", General Wood did not reply immediately but walked to his car. logged you out. In 1896, Scribner's Sons, which had claimed US copyright on many of the articles, obtained court orders to shut down bootlegger operations, some of whose printing plates were melted down as part of the enforcement. Yet even as publishing industry has created more digital products, it has struggled with financial losses, and Cauz admitted to a "long road to profitability" for many publishers. This message will appear once per week How much did encyclopedia Britannica cost? Omissions? Horace Hooper died in 1922, a few weeks after the publication of the twelfth edition. Thus, in 1943, the wealthy and powerful William Benton, a former U.S. senator and advertising executive, obtained exclusive control of the Britannica, which he published until his death in 1973. It has 24 volumes, reduced from 29 in the 11th edition, yet has 45,000 articles compared to 37,000. The editor was Dr. James Millar, a physician, who was good at scientific topics but criticized for being "slow & dilatory & not well qualified". Smellie strove to make Britannica as usable as possible, saying that "utility ought to be the principal intention of every publication. How much is an original set of 1957 encyclopedia britannica worth? the copyrighted articles are listed at the front of each volume of the Scribner's sets, The Publishers' Weekly No. Several editions have been amended with multi-volume "supplements" (3rd, 5th/6th), consisted of previous editions with added supplements (10th, and 12th/13th) or gone drastic re-organizations (15th). If the set is in good, clean condition, it can sell for as much as $400 per set. Bell replaced with W. Archibald or other names on all plates, including the maps. [43] The Micropdia and Macropdia articles are listed in alphabetical order; the 4,287 contributors to the Macropdia articles are identified scrupulously, but the Micropdia articles are generally anonymous and unreferenced. You can renew your subscription or Most of the maps of this edition (eighteen of them) are found in a single 195-page article, "Geography". After the release of a new edition, sales would generally begin strong, and decline gradually for 1020 years as the edition began to show its age; finally, sales would drop off precipitously with the announcement that work had begun on a new edition, since few people would buy an obsolete encyclopedia that would soon be updated. There's one set on Abebooks ( World Book Encyclopedia) for $485. is found after his name in the 11th edition of Britannica in the article Encyclopedia, vol. In recent years, digital versions of the Britannica have been developed, both online and on optical media. Older sets of encyclopedias can carry excellent value as well, especially if they're in good condition. This is a dubious argument; a study published in Nature in 2005 found that both Wikipedia and Britannica were good references, with each getting a similarly small number of facts wrong. so irrelevant, but so arresting! The first number appeared on 10 December 1768 in Edinburgh, priced sixpence or 8 pence on finer paper. [35] It has 15,000 illustrations, of which 1,500 are full plates. Does anyone buy Encyclopedia Britannica? Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. Were the bran muffin of journalism. Only 4,000 are left in stock. This supplement curiously was started during the production of the 5th edition but was not finished until after the 6th was completed. Great use was made of the new ability to print large graphic illustrations on the same pages as the text, as opposed to limiting illustrations to separate copperplates. Unlike the 9th, however, the 11th edition was not infringed, all sets being printed legitimately by Britannica. Although this edition has been faulted for its imperfect scholarship, Smellie argued that the Britannica should be given the benefit of the doubt: With regard to errors in general, whether falling under the denomination of mental, typographical or accidental, we are conscious of being able to point out a greater number than any critic whatever. As he got into the car, he turned to Bill Benton and said, "All right, Bill, I will give you the Britannica.". The fifth edition was a corrected reprint of the fourth; there is virtually no change in the text. The promise was made in the beginning that there would be 20 volumes, making the total 36 for the set. For example, the 56-page "Botany" of the 3rd edition was replaced in the 4th with a 270-page version by moving all the individual plant articles into one. The 8th edition was published from 1853 to 1860, with title pages for each volume dated the year that volume was printed. "Preface to the 5th edition, 1817" page. It first flirted with digital publishing in the 1970s, published a version for computers in 1981 for LexisNexis subscribers and first posted to the Internet in 1994. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1970? Since the early 1930s, the Britannica has developed several "spin-off" products to leverage its reputation as a reliable reference work and educational tool. And a 22-volume set of the 2004 World Books could be snatched up for $189.99. For example, "Chemistry" goes into great detail on an obsolete system of what would now be called alchemy, in which earth, air, water and fire are named elements containing various amounts of phlogiston. The supplement was completed in April 1824, consisting of 6 volumes with 4933 pages, 125 plates, 9 maps, 3 "dissertations" and 160 biographies, mainly of people who had died within the preceding 30 years. A Basquiat painting soared 2,209,900% when it was bought for $5,000 and sold for $110,500,000 in 2017. During all of middle- and high school, I reached for the Britannica two or three times, at most. Volume 10, published in 1783 after the Revolutionary War was over, gives in the entry for Virginia: "Virginia, late one of the British colonies, now one of the United States of North America"[12] but the entry in Volume 2 for Boston, published in 1778, states, "Boston, the capital of New England in North America, .The following is a description of this capital before the commencement of the present American war."[13]. Earlier encyclopaediassave for Denis de Cotlogons An Universal History of Arts and Sciences (1745)had not given systematic instruction on major subjects at all, either because they aimed at dealing with such subjects in a more general way (as in the Encyclopdie) or because articles on such subjects used their space chiefly in explanations of the technical terms involved (as in Ephraim Chamberss Cyclopaedia). Were run by a church, but were not only for church members and were not about converting people. It was nothing to be compared to a typical encyclopedia index, such as the ones found at the end of the seventh and further editions of Britannica. [4] In the end, roughly 5,000 sets were sold but Black considered himself well-rewarded in intellectual prestige. Fascinated by the idea of owning a cross section of the trunk of the tree of knowledge just prior to the . We believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations. Rosenwald died in 1932, and General Robert E. Wood took over; Cox was removed as publisher and the Secretary-Treasurer of Sears, Elkan Harrison Powell, was installed as the new President of the Britannica. Britannica by the 6th edition was in some regards hopelessly out of date. The work was undertaken by James Tytler (17451804), a brilliant but penniless polymath described by the Scottish poet Robert Burns as an obscure, tippling, but extraordinary body, who was later outlawed for printing a seditious handbill and died at Salem, Mass. This inference is supported by Smellies biographer, Robert Kerr, who claimed that Smellie devised the plan and wrote or compiled all the chief articles and recorded how he used to say jocularly that he had made a dictionary of arts and sciences with a pair of scissors. Later Smellie became Secretary and Superintendent of Natural History and keeper of the museum of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. To save money, the end pages and covers were not marbled, as this was an expensive process. We have a mission beyond circulation, we want to bridge divides. It had not printed any new sets since 2010. Superficially, the Propdia's Outline of Knowledge was simplified for easier use. [26] In a typical contemporary assessment, "It is called the Micropdia, for 'little knowledge,' and little knowledge is what it provides. Thomson. Are Britannica Encyclopedias Worth Anything. The flagship, 32-volume printed edition, available every two years, was sold for $1400. The first "American" encyclopedia, Dobson's Encyclopdia, was based almost entirely on the 3rd edition of the Britannica and published at nearly the same time (17881798), together with an analogous supplement (1803), by the Scottish-born printer, Thomas Dobson. The five included in volume 1 of the 8th (1853) were authored by Dugald Stewart, James Mackintosh, Richard Whately, John Playfair, and John Leslie, in that order, with the Whately work being a new one. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1980? How much did a set of Encyclopedia Britannica cost? Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. The renowned eleventh edition of Encyclopdia Britannica was begun in 1903, and published in 19101911 in 28 volumes, with a one-volume Index. The Supplement to the 5th edition was finished in 1824, and was sold with those sets, as well as with sets of the 6th edition, to be delivered at its completion. While Encyclopaedia Britannica has continued to operate, he expected "many trade publishers will not survive -- and any content development company will have to be thinking about how they are going to fill the gap. The poor sales of the war years brought the Britannica to the brink of bankruptcy. [4] By releasing the numbers in weekly instalments, the Britannica was completed in 1771, having 2,391 pages. In my quick search to find an answer, I was surprised to find that they still publish an annual updated sets of encyclopedias, this year's edition like $ 1,200. A total of 45,000 authorized sets were produced this way for the US market. In its marketing materials, Britannica casts itself as an island of expert authority in a world glutted with erroneous information. The interstices of the pit were then carefully filled up with the fresh mould, so that the earth might everywhere come in contact with the patient's body. A weekly digest of Monitor views and insightful commentary on major events. The 9th and 11th editions are often lauded as high points for scholarship; the 9th included yet another series of illustrious contributors such as Thomas Henry Huxley (article on "Evolution"), Lord Rayleigh (articles on "Optics, Geometrical" and "Wave Theory of Light"), Algernon Charles Swinburne (article on "John Keats"), William Michael Rossetti, Amelia Edwards (article on "Mummy"), Prince Kropotkin (articles on "Moscow", "Odessa" and "Siberia"), James George Frazer (articles on "Taboo" and "Totemism"), Andrew Lang (article on "Apparitions"), Lord Macaulay, James Clerk Maxwell (articles on "Atom" and "Ether"), Lord Kelvin (articles on "Elasticity" and "Heat") and William Morris (article on "Mural Decoration"). 9., p. 378. [citation needed] Although the crass marketing was criticized as inappropriate to the Britannica's history and scholarship, the unprecedented profits delighted the manager of The Times, Charles Frederic Moberly Bell,[10] who assessed Hooper as "a ranker who loved to be accepted as a gentleman. The supplement was compiled, for the first five volumes, at a pace which would have given it more than the 6 volumes it eventually would consist of; the alphabet from A-M was put into those five. Although not all encyclopedias succeeded commercially, their elements sometimes inspired future encyclopedias; for example, the failed two-volume A Universal History of Arts and Sciences of Dennis de Coetlogon (published 1745) grouped its topics into long self-contained treatises, an organization that likely inspired the "new plan" of the Britannica. The fourth edition was begun in 1800 and completed in 1810, comprising 20 volumes with 16,033 pages and 581 plates engraved by Andrew Bell. The new treatise was necessary because the copyright to the supplement to the 3rd, which included Thomson's excellent treatise, was not owned by Britannica. Although in 1969 Nixon announced his policy of " Vietnamization ," according to which more and more of the fighting was to be assumed by South Vietnam itself, he began by expanding the fighting in Southeast Asia with a 1970 "incursion" into Cambodia. Forbes, was issued in 1856, in a separate quarto volume, "gratis, along with Vol. It contained 21 numbered volumes, with 17,957 pages and 402 plates. But I know how to checkI can look at the biography it suggests, and I can check many of the rest of its assertions through its hundreds of footnotes. According to Beattie, 9th and 11th Britannica Editions can sell for as much as $300 to $400 per set, if in good, clean condition. This supplement was published by a wine-merchant, Thomas Bonar, the son-in-law of the Britannica's owner Andrew Bell; unfortunately, the two men quarreled and they never spoke for the last ten years of Bell's life (17991809). Latest book reviews, author interviews, and reading trends. Similarly, the free encyclopedias skateboarding article points out that commercial skateboards appeared in the late 1950s. [19] Thomas Young's article on Egypt included the translation of the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone.[5][20]. [39] Powell also introduced the Library Research Service (1936), in which owners of the Britannica could write to have their personal questions researched and answered by the editorial staff. To edit the supplement, Constable hired Macvey Napier, who recruited other eminent contributors such as Sir Humphry Davy, Jean-Baptiste Biot, John Stuart Mill, William Hazlitt, David Ricardo, and Thomas Malthus. 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how much did encyclopedia britannica cost in 1970